
(Land )Karte Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

an Land
an Land
on shore
über Land
Land n
Land n
auf dem Land
in the country
ein Stück Land
piece of land
für jedes Land
for each country
im ganzen Land
in the whole country
pflügbares Land
arable land
Land- Strasse
aufs Land ziehen
move to the country
betroffenes Land
the country concerned
Land, Landschaft
über Land reiten
to hack
assoziiertes Land
associated country
im Land der Zahlung
in the country of payment
Boden, Land, landen
auf dem Land wohnen
live in the country
das angrenzende Land
the adjoining country
im Land herumziehen
to dash around the country
asylgewährendes Land
country granting asylum
fließt durch das Land
flows through the land
gültig im ganzen Land
valid for whole country
über Land reiten v
to hack
durch ein drittes Land
through another country
unterentwickeltes Land
underdeveloped country
an der Küste, an Land
on shore, inshore
deutschsprachiges Land
German-speaking country
das unbekannteste Land
the most remote area
(Land-)Karte, Stadtplan
im Land der Akzeptierung
in the country of acceptance
Land- und Fortwirtschaft
agriculture and forestry
im Land herumziehen v
to dash around the country
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to recover land from the sea
Boden…; Land…; Grundstücks…
Glück ab, gut Land! aviat.
Happy landings!
ein Stück Land urbar machen
to cultivate a piece of land
bedeutet das Land von welchem
means the country from which
der beste Blick über das Land
the best panorama of the area
Flurstück n; Stück Land n
Kosten der Verbringung an Land
wharfage charges
über das ganze Land verbreitet
das im Vertrag vereinbarte Land
the country named in the contract
landen, ausladen, löschen, Land
(Land) urbar machen v agr.
to subdue (land)
an der Küste (liegend); an Land
on shore; inshore
C & F landed (an Land verbracht)
C & F landed
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
lowlands, champaign
Boden...; Land...; Grundstücks...
etw. an Land ziehen ugs. übtr.
to pull sth. off coll.
an Land; zu Land; auf dem Festland
onshore; ashore {adv}
an Land, zu Land, auf dem Festland
onshore, ashore
meine Pflicht gegenüber meinem Land
my duty to my country
Ausweisung f (aus einem Land) adm.
expulsion (from a country)
Einkommen aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft
income from agriculture and forestry
Versendung von Waren in ein anderes Land
sending goods to another country
Ware in einem Land auf den Markt bringen
to introduce goods in a country
Land erreichen (mit Flugzeug oder Schiff)
to make landfall
Kronland n (Land, das dem König gehört)
crown land (land that belongs to the crown)
Ein Prophet gilt nichts im eigenen Land.
A prophet has no honor in his own country.
Ein Prophet gilt nichts im eigenen Land.
A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.
Kronland n (Land das dem König gehört)
crown land (land that belongs to the crown)
herrenlos adj jur.
herrenloses Land
ownerless; unowned; unappropriated
ownerless unowned land
geltendes Recht n (in einem Land) jur.
law of the land
das flache platte Dt. Land im Norden n
upstate Am.
Asylgewährung f durch ein neutrales Land
neutral asylum
Franz-Josef-Land n (Inselgruppe) geogr.
Franz Josef Land (archipelago)
ein Gebiet Land betreuen (zuständig sein)
to cover an area country (be responsible)
'Das wüste Land' (von Eliot Werktitel) lit.
'The waste Land' (by Eliot work title)
Währungsumstellung f (in einem Land) pol.
currency conversion (in a country)
ein Gebiet Land betreuen v (zuständig sein)
to cover an area country (be responsible)
Euro-Land n; Land n in der Eurozone pol.
euro country; country in the euro zone
Ebene f; flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Bleibe im Land und nähre dich redlich. Sprw.
Dwell in the land an you shall be fed. prov.
'Das wüste Land' (von Eliot Werktitel) lit.
'The waste Land' (by Eliot work title)
etw. befrieden v pol.
ein Land befrieden
to pacify sth.
to pacify a country
natürlich entstandenes Land n geogr. geol.
naturally formed area of land
'Das weite Land' (von Schnitzler Werktitel) lit.
'The vast Domain'; 'Undiscovered Country' (by Schnitzler work title)
unfruchtbar; ertragsarm adj
unfruchtbares Land
unproductive land
auf dem flachen platten Dt. Land im Norden adv
upstate Am.
Land n, Gegend f
Länder pl
auf dem Land
in the country
(aus dem Land) ausreisen
to leave (the country) {left, left}
Flachland n; flaches Land n; Ebene f geogr.
lowlands; champaign (archaic)
'Das Land des Lächelns' (von Lehár Werktitel) mus.
'The Land of Smiles' (by Lehár work title)
'Das weite Land' (von Schnitzler Werktitel) lit.
'The vast Domain', 'Undiscovered Country' (by Schnitzler work title)
'Das Land der Sehnsucht' (von Yeats Werktitel) lit.
'The Land of Heart's Desire' (by Yeats work title)
(Land) zerstückeln v
to parcel out
parceling out
parceled out
verflucht; verwünscht adj
Dieses verfluchte Land!
accursed poet.; accurst archaic; maledicted rare
This accursed country!
wiedergewonnenes Land n; Neuland n agr. envir.
reclaimed land
'Das Land des Lächelns' (von Lehár Werktitel) mus.
'The Land of Smiles' (by Lehár work title)
'Das Land der Sehnsucht' (von Yeats Werktitel) lit.
'The Land of Heart's Desire' (by Yeats work title)
Aufruhr m; Unruhe f soc.
Unruhen im Land pol.
commotion; tumult
civil commotion
Alija (Rückkehr der Juden in das Gelobte Land) relig.
Aliyah (return of Jews to the Promised land)
'In einem anderen Land' (von Hemingway Werktitel) lit.
'A Farewell to Arms' (by Hemingway work title)
Land der Zulassung Eintragung; Zulassungsland n adm.
country of registration; country of registry aviat. naut.
Stadt-Land; Stadt-Land-Fluss; Geografiespiel n Schw.
Categories (game)
einen Fuß auf britischen Boden setzen (das Land betreten)
to set foot on British soil
Zuzug m (nach einem anderen Ort im eigenen Land) soc.
in-migration (to a different place within your own country)
'In einem anderen Land' (von Hemingway Werktitel) lit.
'A Farewell to Arms' (by Hemingway work title)
Land brachliegen lassen
brachliegend adj
to lie fallow
to leave land fallow
Protektorat n; Schutzherrschaft f (über ein Land) pol.
protectorate (over a country)
Land-Wasser-Luft-Systeme pl; LANWALUFT-Systeme pl mil.
land-water-air systems; LANWAIR systems
Kanus bzw. deren Ladung über Land transportieren v naut.
to portage canoes or their cargo (transport overland)
Wohnortaufgabe f; Aufgabe f des Wohnortes (in einem Land)
abandonment of domicile (in a country)
regieren v pol.
ein Land regieren
to rule; tu reign
ruling; reigning
ruled; reigned
to rule govern a country
importorientiert adj econ.
stark importorientiertes Land
heavily import-oriented country
Monokultur f agr.
Monokulturen pl
Land mit Monokultur
monoculture; pure plantation; one-crop economy
monocultures; pure plantations
one-crop country
Ebene f; flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Flussebene f
river plain
brachliegen v
Land brachliegen lassen
brachliegend adj
to lie fallow
to leave land fallow
Sewernaja Semlja-Inseln pl; Nikolaus II-Land pl alt geogr.
Severnaya Zemlya Islands; Nicholas II Land (old name)
Aufruhr m; Tumulte pl soc.
Das ganze Land ist in Aufruhr.
turmoil; tumult (formal)
The whole country is in turmoil tumult.
Aufruhr m; Tumulte pl soc.
Das ganze Land ist in Aufruhr.
turmoil; tumult formal
The whole country is in turmoil tumult.
schwemmen v
etw. an Land schwemmen
to wash
to wash sth. ashore
Petrodollar pl (US-Dollar die ein Land durch Erdölverkauf erlangt)
petrodollars (USD earned by a country through the sale of petroleum)
Petrodollar pl (US-Dollar, die ein Land durch Erdölverkauf erlangt)
petrodollars (USD earned by a country through the sale of petroleum)
Flachland n; flaches Land n; ebenes Land n; das Flache geogr.
flat country; flat land; flat ground; flats; level country
Urbarmachen n; Urbarmachung (von Land) envir.
Landgewinnung f
reclamation (of land)
land reclamation
neutral; blockfrei; nicht paktgebunden adj pol.
blockfreies Land
neutral; non-aligned
non-aligned country
bewirtschaftetes Land n; bebautes Land n; bestelltes Land n agr.
cultivated land; tillage; tilth Am.
exportorientiert adj econ.
exportorientiertes Land; Exportland n
export-oriented country
Auswanderungsstrom m (aus einem Land) pol.
Auswanderungsströme pl
flow of emigration (out of from a country)
flows of emigration
aus einem Land ausreisen
nach Mexiko ausreisen
to exit a country; to leave {left; left} a country; to depart a country Am.
exiting; leaving; departing
exited; left; departed
to leave (the country) for Mexico; to depart (the country) for Mexiko Am.
Land n; Staat m
Länder pl; Lande pl poet.
außer Landes gehen
to leave the country
Ausweisung f (aus einem Land) adm.
Ausweisung aus politischen Gründen
expulsion (from a country)
expatriation rare
jdn. ein Land regieren v pol.
schlecht regieren
to rule; to reign; to govern sb. a country
ruling; reigning; governing
ruled; reigned; governed
to misgovern; to misrule
an Land gehen v (an einem Ort) naut.
an Land gehend
an Land gegangen
to go ashore (in a place)
going ashore
gone ashore
ländlich adj; Land… geogr. soc.
ländliche Gegenden; der ländliche Raum
countryside areas
aus einem Land ausreisen v
nach Mexiko ausreisen
to exit a country; to leave {left; left} a country; to depart a country Am.
exiting; leaving; departing
exited; left; departed
to leave (the country) for Mexico; to depart (the country) for Mexiko Am.
Urbarmachen n von Land; Urbarmachung f von Land; Landgewinnung f envir.
reclamation of land; land reclamation
regieren; herrschen v (über)
über ein Land herrschen
to reign (over)
to reign over a country
idyllische Landschaft f; Land n
die Landschaft um Chemnitz
auf dem Lande
the countryside around Chemnitz
in the countryside
ländlich adj; Land... geogr. soc.
ländliche Gegenden; der ländliche Raum
countryside areas
Sewernaja Semlja-Inseln pl; Nikolaus II-Land pl frühere Bezeichnung geogr.
Severnaya Zemlya Islands; Nicholas II Land former name
weltweit führendes Land Unternehmen usw.
Diese Firma ist weltweit führend in …
global leader
This company is a global leader in …
(unverheiratetes) Mädchen n, Mädel n, Dirndl n Süddt.
Mädchen vom Land
lass, lassie
country lass
Flüchtlingsstrom m (aus einem Land in ein Land) pol.
Flüchtlingsströme pl
flow of refugees (out of from a country into a country)
flows of refugees
Haltepfahl m; Poller m an Land naut.
Haltepfähle pl; Poller pl an Land
snubbing post
snubbing posts
von jdm. stammen
von jdm. stammend
von jdm. gestammt
aus einem Land stammen
to originate from sb.
originating from sb.
originated from sb.
to originate from a country
weltweit führendes Land Unternehmen etc.
Diese Firma ist weltweit führend in ...
global leader
This company is a global leader in ...
Anlagerung f; Aufschüttung f; Anwachsen n (von Land durch Sedimente) geol.
kriegsgebeutelt; vom Krieg gebeutelt erschüttert adj
ein kriegsgebeuteltes Land
a war-torn country
Flüchtlingsstrom m (aus einem Land in ein Land) pol.
Flüchtlingsströme pl
flow of refugees (out of from a country into a country)
flows of refugees
gefeit adj
vor etw. gefeit sein
Das Land ist nicht vor Zwischenfällen gefeit.
to be immune to sth.
The country is not immune to accidents.

Deutsche (Land )Karte Synonyme

Bundesland  ÂLand  
Debitkarte  Âec-Card  Âec-Karte  ÂScheckkarte  
durchziehen  (Karte)  Âeingeben  Âeinlesen  
Boden  ÂGrund  ÂLand  
Festland  ÂGegend  ÂLand  
Generalstabskarte  ÂMesstischblatt  ÂTK25  Âtopografische  Karte  
Amphibienfahrzeug  ÂLand-Wasser-Fahrzeug  
Land  ÂNation  ÂNationalstaat  ÂStaat  
Karte  ÂLandkarte  ÂPlan  ÂStadtplan  ÂStraßenkarte  ÂWegeverzeichnis  
Ansichtskarte  ÂBriefkarte  ÂGrußkarte  ÂKarte  ÂKorrespondenzkarte  ÂPostkarte  
Dritte-Welt-Land  ÂDrittweltland  ÂEntwicklungsgesellschaft  ÂEntwicklungsland  
Japan  ÂLand  der  aufgehenden  Sonne  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂNippon  
Billett  (schweiz.)  ÂEintrittskarte  ÂFahrausweis  ÂFahrkarte  ÂFahrschein  ÂKarte  ÂTicket  ÂVoucher  
(Zeit)  verfließen  Âablaufen  Âins  Land  gehen  Âvergehen  Âverlaufen  Âverstreichen  Âvorbeigehen  
auf  die  falsche  Karte  setzen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaufs  falsche  Pferd  setzen  (umgangssprachlich)  
Dritte-Welt-Land  Drittweltland  Entwicklungsgesellschaft  Entwicklungsland  
Karte  Landkarte  Plan  Stadtplan  Straßenkarte  Wegeverzeichnis  
Land  Nation  Nationalstaat  Staat  
auf die falsche Karte setzen (umgangssprachlich)  aufs falsche Pferd setzen (umgangssprachlich)  
durchziehen (Karte)  eingeben  einlesen  
dry land  acres  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  clay  clod  crust  dirt  dust  
fat of the land  Easy Street  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  avalanche  bed of roses  bonanza  
land on  ambush  assail  assault  attack  blitz  bushwhack  come at  come down on  crack down on  
land  acquire  acreage  acres  airspace  alight  ally  archduchy  archdukedom  area  
Never-Never land  Agapemone  Arcadia  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  Eldorado  Erewhon  
parcel of land  block  clearing  clos  close  corn field  croft  cultivated land  enclave  field  
promised land  Agapemone  Arcadia  Beulah  Beulah Land  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  
Weitere Ergebnisse für (Land Synonym nachschlagen

Englische country Synonyme

country  Arcadian  acres  agrarian  agrestic  agricultural  airspace  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  area  belt  blue-ribbon jury  boondocks  bucolic  campestral  clay  clod  confines  continental shelf  corridor  countrified  countryside  crust  department  dirt  district  division  dry land  dust  earth  environs  farm  fatherland  freehold  glebe  grand jury  grassland  ground  heartland  hinterland  home  homeland  hung jury  inquest  jury  jury list  jury of inquest  jury of matrons  jury panel  land  landholdings  lithosphere  lowland  marginal land  marl  milieu  mold  mother country  motherland  mountains  nation  native land  neighborhood  offshore rights  outback  outland  panel  part  parts  pastoral  petit jury  place  police jury  power  precincts  premises  provinces  provincial  purlieus  quarter  real estate  real property  realm  region  regolith  rural  rustic  salient  section  sessions  sod  soil  space  special jury  state  sticks  subaerial deposit  subsoil  terra  terra firma  terrain  territory  the country  three-mile limit  topsoil  trial jury  twelve-mile limit  upland  venire  vicinage  vicinity  wilderness  woodland  woods  zone  
country cousin  aunt  auntie  blood brother  brethren  brother  bub  bubba  bud  buddy  cousin  cousin once removed  cousin twice removed  daughter  father  first cousin  foster brother  frater  grandnephew  grandniece  granduncle  great-aunt  great-uncle  half brother  kid brother  mother  nephew  niece  nuncle  nunks  nunky  second cousin  sis  sissy  sister  sister-german  sistern  son  stepbrother  stepsister  unc  uncle  uncs  uterine brother  
country gentleman  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  householder  laird  landlady  landlord  lord  master  mesne  mesne lord  mistress  owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  rentier  squire  titleholder  
countryman  backwoodsman  bumpkin  clodhopper  clown  compatriot  congener  countrywoman  fellah  fellow citizen  fellow countryman  fellow townsman  hayseed  hick  hillbilly  hind  home towner  landsman  muzhik  paesano  paisano  peasant  peon  provincial  
countryside  agricultural region  arable land  black belt  citrus belt  corn belt  cotton belt  dust bowl  farm belt  farm country  farmland  fruit belt  grass roots  grassland  grazing region  highlands  lowlands  meadows and pastures  moors  plains  prairies  province  provinces  rural district  rustic region  steppes  the country  the soil  the sticks  tobacco belt  uplands  veld  wheat belt  wide-open spaces  woodland  woods and fields  yokeldom  

(Land )Karte Definition

(adv.) A tract of land
(adv.) Rural regions, as opposed to a city or town.
(adv.) The inhabitants or people of a state or a region
(adv.) A jury, as representing the citizens of a country.
(adv.) The inhabitants of the district from which a jury is drawn.
(adv.) The rock through which a vein runs.
(a.) Pertaining to the regions remote from a city
(a.) Destitute of refinement
(a.) Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country.
(n.) Same as Prison base.
(n.) See Contradance.
Country seat
() A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city.

country Bedeutung

country dancing
contra danse
a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
country house a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the country
country store
general store
trading post
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region, usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
country music
country and western
C and W
a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States, usually played on stringed instruments
cross country a long race run over open country
country people
people raised in or living in a rural environment, rustics
country people countryfolk people living in the same country, compatriots
nation land country the people who live in a nation or country, a statement that sums up the nation's mood, the news was announced to the nation, the whole country worshipped him
commonwealth country any of the countries in the British Commonwealth
developing country a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically
foreign country any state of which one is not a citizen, working in a foreign country takes a bit of getting used to
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
country club a suburban club for recreation and socializing
area country a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography), it was a mountainous area, Bible country
high country an area lying above the piedmont but below the timberline
back country
a remote and undeveloped area
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
buffer state
buffer country
a small neutral state between two rival powers
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
old country the country of origin of an immigrant
country rural area an area outside of cities and towns, his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country
European country
European nation
any one of the countries occupying the European continent
Scandinavian country
Scandinavian nation
any one of the countries occupying Scandinavia
Balkan country
Balkan nation
Balkan state
any one of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula
African country
African nation
any one of the countries occupying the African continent
Asian country
Asian nation
any one of the nations occupying the Asian continent
South American country
South American nation
any one of the countries occupying the South American continent
North American country
North American nation
any country on the North American continent
Central American country
Central American nation
any one of the countries occupying Central America, these countries (except for Belize and Costa Rica) are characterized by low per capita income and unstable governments
West Country the southwestern part of England (including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset)
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
country doctor a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital, do country doctors still make house calls?
country borage
Coleus aromaticus
Coleus amboinicus
Plectranthus amboinicus
an aromatic fleshy herb of India and Ceylon to South Africa, sometimes placed in genus Plectranthus
contra danse
perform a contradance
country-bred rough and uncouth, a country boy
country-style typical of the country, country-style sausage, country music
cross-country across the countryside, the river runs cross-country, the road runs cross-country
cross-country not following tracks or roads, they liked to race cross-country
across the nation
across the country
extending throughout an entire nation, nationally advertised, it was broadcast nationwide
up-country to or in the interior of a country or region, they live upcountry
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