
(lange) Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

a long time
for a long time
so lange
such a long time
zu lange
too long
lange Hose
schon lange
long ago
lang, lange
so lange wie
as long as
Wie lange …?
How long …?
lange leidend
lange erprobt
auf lange Sicht
at long sight
auf lange Sicht
in the long term
Es dauert lange
the train will be long in coming
lange Unterhosen
sich lange halten
to have a long shelf life
lange vor dem Krieg
long before the war
lange Wanderung f
lange Erfahrungen in
a long experience in
lange Terminsicherung
long hedge
Lange nicht gesehen.
Long time no see.
lange nicht gut genug
not good enough by half
spät aufbleiben
stay up late
sich lange halten v
to have a long shelf life
(lange) Geschichte f
lange Zeit, lange Sicht
long run
Wechsel auf lange Sicht
long-dated bill
ohne lange nachzudenken
OTTOMH : off the top of my head
überlang; zu lange adj
extra long; overlength
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn!
The longer the speech the less thought.
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn!
The longer the speech, the less thought.
Das dauert genauso lange.
That takes just as long.
lange wortreiche Rede f
Es dauerte nicht lange ...
It was not long before ...
lange, wortreiche Rede f
lange adv
lange vorher
long before
Er hat eine lange Leitung.
He's slow to catch on.
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been established
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been in business
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been in existence
wie lange besteht die Firma
how long has the firm been known to exist
wie lange wird es dauern um
how long will it take to
auf lange Sicht, langfristig
long range
langfristig, auf lange Sicht
in the long run
Wie lange dauert die Reise?
How long does the journey take?
schon lange; schon lange her
long ago; a long time ago
schon lange, schon lange her
long ago, a long time ago
Es wird nicht lange anhalten.
It won't last.
lange und ernsthaft nachdenken
think long and hard about
Darauf kannst du lange warten!
Not on your nelly! Br. coll.
Wartezeit f
lange Wartezeit
waiting time; waiting period; wait
long wait
großer Zwischenraum, lange Pause
wide interval
Roman m, lange Abhandlung f
Wartezeit f
lange Wartezeit
waiting time, waiting period, wait
long wait
Es wird nicht lange so bleiben.
It won't last.
Zwar ist es schon lange her ...
It is a long time ago, to be sure ...
eine lange Zeit schoenen Wetters
a long spell of fine weather
wie lange werden Sie brauchen um
how much time would you require to
etwas auf die lange Bank schieben
shelve sth.
lange nicht gesehen (geschrieben)
long time no see (type) LTNS LTNT
lange; länger; längere Zeit adv
lange nicht gesehen (geschrieben)
long time, no see (type) LTNS, LTNT
lange nicht gesehen (geschrieben)
LTNS, LTNT : long time, no see (type)
der lange Arm des Gesetzes übtr.
the long strong arm of the law fig.
Es dauert lange bis der Zug kommt.
The train will be long in coming.
Es dauert lange, bis der Zug kommt.
The train will be long in coming.
zu lange bleibender Gast; Hocker m
zu lange bleibender Gast, Hocker m
(lange vorher) angekündigtes Produkt
siech; lange krank; gebrechlich adj
ailing; infirm
siech, lange krank, gebrechlich adj
ailing, infirm
etw. auf die lange Bank schieben übtr.
to put sth. into cold storage; to put sth. off
(lange vorher) angekündigtes Produkt n
so; solch; derartig adv
so lange her
such a long time ago
etw. auf die lange Bank schieben übtr.
to put sth. into cold storage, to put sth. off
quasi-unendlich lange Leitung f telco.
semi-infinite line
lange adv
lange vorher
Wie lange noch?
long before
How much longer?
etw. auf die lange Bank schieben v übtr.
to put sth. into cold storage; to put sth. off
Abseilpartie f
eine 30 m lange Abseilpartie
abseil Br.; rappel Am. (descent made by abseiling)
a 100 ft abseil; a 100 ft rappel
noch lange laufen; noch lange fortgesetzt werden
to run and run
noch lange laufen, noch lange fortgesetzt werden
to run and run
Unterhose f; Unterhosen pl
lange Unterhosen
pants Br.; underpants Am.
schwer von Begriff sein; eine lange Leitung haben
to be slow on the uptake
Unterhose f, Unterhosen pl
lange Unterhosen
jockey shorts Am., pants, underpants Br.
schwer von Begriff sein, eine lange Leitung haben
to be slow on the uptake
so; solch; derartig adv
so lange her
so etwas
such a long time ago
such a thing; sth. of the kind
Ich hoffe dass du uns noch lange erhalten bleibst.
I hope you'll be with us for a long time yet.
so, solch, derartig adv
so lange her
so etwas
such a long time ago
such a thing, sth. of the kind
Ich hoffe, dass du uns noch lange erhalten bleibst.
I hope you'll be with us for a long time yet.
noch lange laufen; noch lange fortgesetzt werden v
to run and run
Haarnadel f
Haarnadeln pl
lange Haarnadel f
etw. ablängen v (in gleich lange Teile zerschneiden)
to cut sth. into lengths sections
es nicht mehr lange machen v (bald sterben) (Person)
not to be long for this world (about to die soon) (of a person)
Bloomer-Kostüm n; weites kurzes Kleid und lange Hosen
Bloomer-Kostüm n; weites, kurzes Kleid und lange Hosen
Warten n
Drei Jahre sind eine lange Zeit zum Warten.
Three years is a long time to wait.
Bloomer-Kostüm n, weites, kurzes Kleid und lange Hosen
Nachkömmling m (lange nach Geschwistern geborenes Kind)
afterthougt (humorously)
lange adv
lange nicht gut genug
lange vor dem Krieg
for a long time
not good enough by half
long before the war
Menorrhagie f; lange heftige Menstruationsblutung med.
ein langer Katalog von etw.; eine lange Aufzählung von etw.
a litany of sth. fig.
Menorrhagie f; lange, heftige Menstruationsblutung med.
zu lange adv
zu lange dauern
Das dauert mir zu lange.
too long; overlong
to take too long
That's too long for me.
Menorrhagie f, lange, heftige Menstruationsblutung med.
Du weißt dass du zu lange am Computer gehackt hast wenn...
you know you've been hacking too long when... YKYBHTLW
Du weißt, dass du zu lange am Computer gehackt hast, wenn...
you know you've been hacking too long when... YKYBHTLW
Du weißt, dass du zu lange am Computer gehackt hast, wenn...
YKYBHTLW : you know you've been hacking too long when...
schon lange; schon lange her
Zwar ist es schon lange her ...
long ago; a long time ago
It is a long time ago to be sure ...
lange, lange Zeit
so lange, so lange Zeit
seit langer Zeit
a long time
such a long time
since a long time, for a long time, in a long time
aufbleiben v
lange aufbleiben
to stay up
staying up
stayed up
to keep late hours
Stirnfransen pl; (lange) Stirnhaare pl; Stirnhaar n geh.
lange Leiter f (für die Größenordnung von Maßeinheiten) math.
long scale
Der Gast ist wie der Fisch er bleibt nicht lange frisch. Sprw.
Fresh fish and strangers stink in three days. prov.
Telethon n (meist lange Fernsehsendung zum Sammeln von Spenden)
Der Gast ist wie der Fisch, er bleibt nicht lange frisch. Sprw.
Fresh fish and strangers stink in three days. prov.
schlank adj
am schlanksten
lange schlanke Beine
more slender
most slender
long slender legs
(großer) Schritt m
große Schritte machen; lange Schritte machen
to take long strides
(großer) Schritt m
große Schritte machen, lange Schritte machen
to take long strides
Toreck n; Eck n (Ballsport) sport
ins kurze lange Eck zielen
goal post (ball sports)
to aim for the near far post
Roman m; lange Abhandlung f; lange (schriftliche) Ausführung f
Toreck n; Eck n (Ballsport) sport
ins kurze lange Eck zielen
corner of a the goal (ball sports)
to take aim for the near far corner
unverschämt; verboten adv humor.
unverschämt lange
verboten naiv
unconscionably humor.
unconscionably long
unconscionably naive
(lange) Reithose f; Reithosen pl; Jodhpurhose f; Jodhpurreithose f
lange wirkend adj; mit langanhaltender Wirkung (nachgestellt); Langzeit…
Vorrede f; einleitende Worte
sich nicht lange bei der Vorrede aufhalten
introductory words
not to take long over the introductions
Hose f
Hosen pl
eine Hose
lange Hosen
die Hosen anhaben übtr.
a pair of trousers
to wear the trousers fig.
Vorrede f, einleitende Worte
sich nicht lange bei der Vorrede aufhalten
introductory words
not to take long over the introductions
feuerfest; feuersicher; brandfest Schw. adj (lange Zeit widerstandfähig)
fire-proof; fireproof
(lange) Ansprache f
eine Ansprache halten; predigen
hält eine Ansprache
to harangue
Entstehungsgeschichte f (von etw.)
eine lange Entstehungsgeschichte haben
evolutionary history (of sth.)
to have a long evolutionary history
(lange) Ansprache f
eine Ansprache halten, predigen
hält eine Ansprache
to harangue
jdn. hinhalten v
jdn. so lange hinhalten bis …
to put off () sb.; to stall sb.
putting off; stalling
put off; stalled
to put sb. off until …
Wiederaufsteiger m (Motorradfahrer, der lange nicht gefahren ist) ugs. auto
born-again rider (motorcycle) coll.
Rochade f (Schach)
kleine Rochade; kurze Rochade
große Rochade; lange Rochade
castling; castle (chess)
castling king's side; castling kingside
castling queen's side; castling queenside
Rochade f (Schach)
kleine Rochade, kurze Rochade
große Rochade, lange Rochade
castling, castle (chess)
castling king's side, castling kingside
castling queen's side, castling queenside
etw. lange im Mund kauen (und nicht schlucken) (Kautabak etc.) v
to chaw sth.
etw. lange im Mund kauen (und nicht schlucken) (Kautabak usw.) v
to chaw sth.
(lange) nachdenken; überlegen (über)
nachdenkend; überlegend
nachgedacht; überlegt
to reflect (on)
(lange) nachdenken, überlegen (über)
nachdenkend, überlegend
nachgedacht, überlegt
to reflect (on)
nachhaltig, lange Zeit
nachhaltig wirken
nachhaltig wirken
nachhaltig beeinflussen
for a long time
to make itself felt for a long time
to have a lasting effect, to have a long-term effect
to have a lasting effect on
Um es kurz zu machen ...; Lange Rede kurzer Sinn ...; Der langen Rede kurzer Sinn ...
To cut a long story short ...
unzumutbar groß lange usw.; unerhört groß lange usw. adj
unzumutbar lange Verspätungen
unconscionable delays
(lange) nachdenken; überlegen v (über)
nachdenkend; überlegend
nachgedacht; überlegt
to reflect (on)
entfremden v
Die lange Trennung hat sie einander entfremdet.
to estrange
The long separation has estranged them from each other.
Schnittführung f med.
lange Schnittführung
Schnittführung neben der Körpermittellinie
type of incision
long incision
paramedian incision
anstrengend; äußerst strapaziös; mörderisch ugs. adv
Die lange Reise war äußerst strapaziös.
gruellingly Br.; gruelingly Am.
It was a gruellingly long journey.
Geviertstrich m; langer Gedankenstrich m print
Geviertstriche pl; lange Gedankenstriche pl
em dash; em rule Br.; spaced en dash
em dashes; em rules; spaced en dashes
unnötigerweise; unnötig (weil vermeidbar) adv
unnötig lange
Die Patienten leiden unnötigerweise.
needlessly; unnecessarily
nedlessly long
Patients are suffering unnecessarily.
nachhaltig; andauernd adj; lange Zeit
nachhaltig wirken
nachhaltig wirken
nachhaltig beeinflussen
lasting; for a long time
to make itself felt for a long time
to have a lasting effect; to have a long-term effect
to have a lasting effect on

Deutsche (lange) Synonyme

lange  Âlange  Zeit  Ânachhaltig  Âstark  Âtief  
lange  Âlängst  Âschon  lange  Âseit  langem  
auf  lange  Sicht  Âlangfristig  Ânachhaltig  
lange,  heftige  Menstruationsblutung  ÂMenorrhagie  (fachsprachlich)  
verpennen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverschlafen  Âzu  lange  schlafen  
eine  lange  Leitung  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschwer  von  Begriff  sein  (umgangssprachlich)  
große  Schritte  machen  Âlange  Schritte  machen  Âschreiten  
auf lange Sicht  langfristig  nachhaltig  
eine lange Leitung haben (umgangssprachlich)  schwer von Begriff sein (umgangssprachlich)  
lange, heftige Menstruationsblutung  Menorrhagie (fachsprachlich)  
lange  lange Zeit  nachhaltig  stark  tief  
lange  längst  schon lange  seit langem  
Weitere Ergebnisse für (lange) Synonym nachschlagen

Englische a long time Synonyme

a cappella  abbandono  accrescendo  affettuoso  agilmente  agitato  amabile  amoroso  appassionatamente  appassionato  brillante  capriccioso  con affetto  con agilita  con agitazione  con amore  crescendo  decrescendo  diminuendo  dolce  forte  fortissimo  lamentabile  leggiero  morendo  parlando  pianissimo  piano  pizzicato  scherzando  scherzoso  sordo  sotto voce  spiccato  staccato  stretto  tremolando  tremoloso  trillando  
a la mode  advanced  avant-garde  chic  contemporary  dashing  exclusive  far out  fashionable  fashionably  forward-looking  in  in the mode  mod  modern  modernistic  modernized  modish  modishly  newfashioned  now  present-day  present-time  progressive  soigne  soignee  streamlined  stylish  stylishly  tony  trendy  twentieth-century  ultra-ultra  ultramodern  up-to-date  up-to-datish  up-to-the-minute  vogue  voguish  way out  
a priori  a fortiori  a posteriori  analytic  back  backward  categorical  conditional  deducible  deductive  derivable  dialectic  discursive  dogmatic  early  enthymematic  epagogic  ex post facto  hypothetical  inductive  inferential  into the past  maieutic  reasoned  retroactive  retrospective  soritical  syllogistic  synthetic  
A-bomb  H-bomb  atomic bomb  atomic warhead  clean bomb  cobalt bomb  dirty bomb  fusion bomb  hell bomb  hydrogen bomb  limited nuclear weapons  nuclear artillery  nuclear explosive  nuclear warhead  plutonium bomb  superbomb  tactical nuclear weapons  thermonuclear bomb  thermonuclear warhead  
ab ovo  ab initio  aborigine  afresh  again  anew  as new  at first  at the start  basal  basic  before everything  chiefly  constituent  constitutive  de novo  elemental  elementary  essential  first  first and foremost  first thing  firstly  freshly  from scratch  from the beginning  fundamental  gut  in the beginning  initially  mainly  material  new  newly  of the essence  once more  original  originally  primal  primarily  primary  primitive  primo  principally  radical  substantial  substantive  underlying  
Abaddon  Aeshma  Angra Mainyu  Apollyon  Azazel  Beelzebub  Belial  Eblis  Gehenna  Hades  Lilith  Mephisto  Mephistopheles  Naraka  Pandemonium  Putana  Sammael  Shaitan  Sheol  Tophet  avichi  hell  infernal regions  inferno  jahannan  limbo  lower world  nether world  perdition  place of torment  purgatory  shades below  the abyss  the bottomless pit  the grave  the pit  underworld  
abandon  abandonment  abjection  abjure  abort  abscond  acknowledge defeat  ardency  ardor  back out  beat a retreat  beg a truce  beg off  belay  boundlessness  bow out  break the habit  brush aside  brush off  cancel  capitulate  careless abandon  carelessness  cast  cast aside  cast away  cast off  casualness  cease  cede  chuck  come to terms  commitment  committedness  corruptedness  corruption  corruptness  craze  cry off  cry pax  cry quits  cursoriness  cut  cut it out  debasement  decadence  decadency  dedication  deep-six  degeneracy  degenerateness  degeneration  degradation  delirium  demoralization  depart from  depravation  depravedness  depravity  desert  desist  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  disappear  discard  discontinue  disgorge  dismiss  dispense with  dispose of  disregardfulness  dissoluteness  disuse  ditch  do without  drop  drop it  drop out  drop the subject  dump  earnestness  ease  easiness  ecstasy  egregiousness  eighty-six  eliminate  end  enormousness  evacuate  exaggeration  excess  excessiveness  exorbitance  exorbitancy  extravagance  extravagancy  extreme  extremes  extremism  extremity  exuberance  fabulousness  faith  faithfulness  fervency  fervidness  fervor  fidelity  fire  fire and fury  forget  forget about it  forget it  forgetfulness  forgo  forsake  forswear  freedom  frenzy  fun  furor  furore  fury  games  get along without  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  giantism  gigantism  give away  give over  give up  gluttony  go back on  goldbrick  goof off  halt  hand over  hastiness  have done with  heartiness  heat  heatedness  heedlessness  hold  hyperbole  hypertrophy  hysteria  immoderacy  immoderateness  immoderation  impassionedness  implore mercy  impulsiveness  inconsiderateness  inconsideration  incontinence  indifference  indiscipline  inordinacy  inordinance  inordinateness  insouciance  intemperance  intemperateness  intensity  intentness  intoxication  irrepressibility  jettison  jilt  jump  junk  ki  
abandoned  a bit much  abjured  afire  amok  antiquated  antique  archaic  ardent  available  bellowing  berserk  boundless  burning  carried away  cast-off  castaway  ceded  committed  contaminated  corrupt  corrupted  debased  debauched  decadent  dedicated  defenseless  degenerate  degraded  delirious  demoniac  depraved  derelict  deserted  desolate  devoted  devout  discarded  discontinued  disowned  dispensed with  disposed of  disregarded  dissipated  dissolute  distracted  disused  done with  earnest  ecstatic  egregious  enormous  enraptured  exaggerated  excessive  exorbitant  extravagant  extreme  fabulous  faithful  fancy  fast  fatherless  feral  ferocious  fervent  fervid  fierce  fiery  flaming  forgone  forlorn  forsaken  forsworn  frantic  free  frenzied  friendless  fulminating  furious  gallant  gay  gigantic  gluttonous  go-go  godforsaken  haggard  half-done  hearty  heated  helpless  high  hog-wild  homeless  hot  hot-blooded  howling  hyperbolic  hypertrophied  hysterical  ignored  immoderate  impassioned  in a transport  in earnest  in hysterics  incontinent  incorrigible  indulgent  inordinate  intemperate  intense  intent  intent on  intoxicated  irrepressible  jettisoned  kithless  laid aside  lascivious  lax  lecherous  left  left undone  lewd  licentious  loose  lost to shame  loyal  mad  madding  maniac  marooned  missed  monstrous  morally polluted  motherless  neglected  nonrestrictive  not worth saving  obsolescent  obsolete  old  old-fashioned  omitted  on fire  on the shelf  open  orgasmic  orgiastic  out  out of bounds  out of control  out of hand  out of sight  out of use  out-of-date  outcast  outdated  outmoded  outrageous  outside the gates  outside the pale  outworn  overbig  overdeveloped  overgreat  overgrown  overlarge  overlooked  overmuch  overweening  passed by  passed over  passed up  passionate  past use  pensioned off  perfervid  permissive  perverted  pigeonholed  polluted  possessed  profligate  put aside  rabid  r  
abase  abash  bring down  bring low  bump  bust  cast down  cower  cringe  crush  debase  degrade  demean  demote  deplume  diminish  disgrade  displume  downgrade  dump  dump on  fawn  grovel  humble  humiliate  lower  put down  reduce  set down  sink  strip of rank  take down  toady  trip up  truckle  
abasement  bump  bust  casting down  comedown  debasement  deflation  degradation  degrading  demotion  depluming  descent  disgrace  disgrading  displuming  downgrading  dump  embarrassment  hangdog look  humbled pride  humbling  humiliation  letdown  mortification  put-down  reduction  self-abasement  self-abnegation  self-diminishment  setdown  shame  shamefacedness  shamefastness  stripping of rank  
abash  abase  appall  astound  bewilder  bother  bring down  bring low  cast down  chagrin  confound  confuse  crush  debase  degrade  demean  diminish  discomfit  discompose  disconcert  discountenance  dismay  disturb  dump  dump on  embarrass  faze  flummox  humble  humiliate  lower  moider  mortify  perturb  pother  put down  put out  rattle  reduce  set down  take aback  take down  throw into confusion  trip up  upset  
abashed  abroad  adrift  afflicted  agitated  ashamed  astray  at sea  beset  bewildered  blushing  bothered  cast down  chagrined  chapfallen  clueless  confused  crestfallen  crushed  discomfited  discomforted  discomposed  disconcerted  dismayed  disoriented  disquieted  distracted  distraught  distressed  disturbed  embarrassed  guessing  hangdog  humbled  humiliated  hung up  ill at ease  in a fix  in a maze  in a pickle  in a scrape  in a stew  lost  mazed  mortified  off the track  out of countenance  perturbed  put-out  put-upon  red-faced  shamed  shamefaced  shamefast  troubled  turned around  uncomfortable  uneasy  upset  without a clue  
abate  ablate  abolish  abrade  abrogate  abstract  adjust to  allay  alleviate  allow  alter  anesthetize  annihilate  annul  appease  assuage  attemper  attenuate  bank the fire  bate  be eaten away  benumb  blot out  blunt  box in  charge off  chasten  circumscribe  close  condition  constrain  consume  consume away  control  corrode  cramp  cripple  crumble  curtail  cushion  cut  damp  dampen  de-emphasize  deaden  deaden the pain  debilitate  decline  decrease  deduct  deliquesce  depreciate  derogate  detract  devitalize  die away  die down  dilute  diminish  discount  disparage  dive  downplay  drain  drop  drop off  dull  dwindle  ease  ease matters  ease off  ease up  eat away  ebb  enervate  enfeeble  eradicate  erode  eviscerate  exhaust  extenuate  exterminate  extinguish  extirpate  extract  fall  fall away  fall off  file away  foment  give relief  gruel  hedge  hedge about  impair  invalidate  keep within bounds  kick back  languish  lay  lay low  leach  leaven  lenify  lessen  let down  let up  lighten  limit  loose  loosen  lull  make allowance  melt away  mitigate  moderate  modify  modulate  mollify  narrow  negate  nullify  numb  obtund  pad  palliate  play down  plummet  plunge  poultice  pour balm into  pour oil on  purify  qualify  quash  rattle  rebate  recede  reduce  reduce the temperature  refine  refund  regulate by  relax  relent  relieve  remit  remove  restrain  restrict  retrench  root out  rub away  run its course  run low  sag  salve  sap  season  set conditions  set limits  shake  shake up  shorten  shrink  sink  slack  slack off  slack up  slacken  slake  slow down  smother  sober  sober down  soften  soften up  soothe  stifle  stupe  subduct  subdue  subside  subtract  suppress  tail off  take a premium  take away  take from  take off  tame  taper  taper off  temper  thin  thin out  tone down  tune down  unbend  unbrace  undermine  underplay  undo  unman  unnerve  unstrain  unstrengthen  unstring  vitiate  wane  waste  waste awa  
abatement  abridgment  agio  allayment  alleviation  allowance  analgesia  anesthesia  anesthetizing  appeasement  assuagement  attenuation  attrition  bank discount  blunting  breakage  calming  cash discount  chain discount  charge-off  concession  contraction  cut  dampening  damping  deadening  debilitation  decrease  decrement  decrescence  deduction  deflation  demulsion  depreciation  depression  devitalization  dilution  diminishment  diminution  discount  drawback  dulcification  dulling  dying  dying off  ease  easement  easing  effemination  enervation  enfeeblement  evisceration  exhaustion  extenuation  fade-out  falling-off  fatigue  hushing  inanition  kickback  languishment  leniency  lessening  letdown  letup  lightening  loosening  lowering  lulling  miniaturization  mitigation  modulation  mollification  numbing  pacification  palliation  penalty  penalty clause  percentage  premium  price reduction  price-cut  quietening  quieting  rebate  rebatement  reduction  refund  relaxation  relief  remedy  remission  rollback  sagging  salvage  salving  scaling down  setoff  simplicity  slackening  softening  soothing  subduement  subtraction  tare  tempering  thinning  time discount  trade discount  tranquilization  tret  underselling  weakening  write-off  
abatis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bastion  battlement  breastwork  bulwark  casemate  cheval-de-frise  circumvallation  contravallation  counterscarp  curtain  demibastion  dike  drawbridge  earthwork  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  fence  fieldwork  fortalice  fortification  glacis  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  merlon  mound  outwork  palisade  parados  parapet  portcullis  postern gate  rampart  ravelin  redan  redoubt  sally port  scarp  sconce  stockade  tenaille  vallation  vallum  work  
abbe  DD  Doctor of Divinity  Holy Joe  chaplain  churchman  clergyman  cleric  clerical  clerk  curate  cure  divine  ecclesiastic  man of God  military chaplain  minister  padre  parson  pastor  rector  reverend  servant of God  shepherd  sky pilot  supply clergy  supply minister  the Reverend  the very Reverend  tonsured cleric  
abbess  canoness  chatelaine  clergywoman  conventual  dame  dowager  first lady  goodwife  governess  great lady  homemaker  housewife  lady superior  madam  matriarch  matron  mistress  mother superior  novice  nun  postulant  prioress  religieuse  secular canoness  sister  superioress  the reverend mother  
abbot  abbacomes  ascetic  beadsman  brother  caloyer  celibate  cenobite  conventual  conventual prior  friar  grand prior  hermit  hieromonach  lay abbot  lay brother  mendicant  monastic  monk  palmer  pilgrim  pillar saint  pillarist  prior  religieux  religious  stylite  
abbreviate  abridge  abstract  attenuate  be telegraphic  blot out  blue-pencil  bob  boil down  bowdlerize  cancel  capsulize  censor  circumscribe  clip  coarct  compact  compress  concentrate  condense  consolidate  constrict  constringe  contract  cramp  crop  cross out  curtail  cut  cut back  cut down  cut off short  cut short  decrease  delete  dock  draw  draw in  draw together  edit  edit out  elide  epitomize  erase  expunge  expurgate  extenuate  foreshorten  kill  knit  mow  narrow  nip  omit  poll  pollard  prune  pucker  pucker up  purse  reap  recap  recapitulate  reduce  rescind  retrench  rub out  shave  shear  shorten  slash  snub  solidify  strangle  strangulate  strike  strike off  strike out  stunt  sum up  summarize  synopsize  take in  telescope  trim  truncate  void  waste no words  wrinkle  
abbreviated  Spartan  abridged  abstracted  aposiopestic  bobbed  brief  brusque  capsule  capsulized  clipped  close  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  contracted  crisp  cropped  curt  curtailed  cut  cut short  digested  docked  elided  elliptic  epigrammatic  gnomic  laconic  mowed  mown  nipped  pithy  pointed  pollard  polled  pruned  reaped  reserved  sententious  shaved  sheared  short  short and sweet  short-cut  shortened  snub  snubbed  succinct  summary  synopsized  taciturn  terse  tight  to the point  trimmed  truncated  

(lange) Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(superl.) Drawn out in a line, or in the direction of length
(superl.) Drawn out or extended in time
(superl.) Slow in passing
(superl.) Occurring or coming after an extended interval
(superl.) Extended to any specified measure
(superl.) Far-reaching
(superl.) Prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance
(n.) A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve.
(n.) A long sound, syllable, or vowel.
(n.) The longest dimension
(adv.) To a great extent in apace
(adv.) To a great extent in time
(adv.) At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior
(adv.) Through the whole extent or duration.
(adv.) Through an extent of time, more or less
(prep.) By means of
(a.) To feel a strong or morbid desire or craving
(a.) To belong
(a.) Having long arms
(a.) Having the power of retaining the breath for a long time
(a.) Extended to a great length.
(a.) Having a long horn or horns
(a.) Having a long life
Long primer
() A kind of type, in size between small pica and bourgeois.
(n.) Long-sightedness.
(a.) Able to see objects at a great distance
(a.) Able to see objects distinctly at a distance, but not close at hand
(n.) The state or condition of being long-sighted
(n.) See Hypermetropia.
(n.) One who is set to stop balls which pass the wicket keeper.
(n.) Forbearance to punish or resent.
(n.) Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time
(n.) Long patience of offense.
(n.) The wryneck.
(a.) Having a long tongue.
(a.) Talkative
(a.) Having a long waist
(a.) Long from the part about the neck or shoulder, or from the armpits, to the bottom of the weist, or to the skirt
(a.) Long-breathed
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
(n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition
(n.) The present life
(n.) Tense.
(n.) The measured duration of sounds

a long time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
long haul a journey over a long distance, it's a long haul from New York to Los Angeles
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
long fly a gymnastic exercise involving a long leap from a vaulting horse
broad jump
long jump
the act of jumping as far as possible from a running start
long whist
short whist
a card game for four players who form two partnerships, a pack of cards is dealt and each side scores one point for each trick it takes in excess of six
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
long shot a venture that involves great risk but promises great rewards
long division the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
long-billed marsh wren
Cistothorus palustris
American wren that inhabits tall reed beds
long-eared owl
Asio otus
slender European owl of coniferous forests with long ear tufts
soft-shell clam
steamer clam
long-neck clam
Mya arenaria
an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
stilt stiltbird longlegs
stilt plover
Himantopus stilt
long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons
long-eared bat any of various Old or New World bats having very long ears
long-horned beetle
longicorn beetle
long-bodied beetle having very long antennae
long-horned grasshopper
grasshoppers with long threadlike antennae and well-developed stridulating organs on the forewings of the male
long-tailed porcupine
Trichys lipura
porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail
longtail weasel
long-tailed weasel
Mustela frenata
the common American weasel distinguished by large size and black-tipped tail
long-fin tunny
Thunnus alalunga
large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna, reaches pounds and has long pectoral fins, found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters
a stoneware drinking jug with a long neck, decorated with a caricature of Cardinal Bellarmine (th century)
long pillow
a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
ditch spade
long-handled spade
a spade with a long handle for digging narrow ditches
jointer plane
jointing plane
long plane
a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
long iron an iron with a long shaft and a steep face, for hitting long low shots
long johns warm underwear with long legs
long sleeve a sleeve extending from shoulder to wrist
long tom a long swivel cannon formerly used by the navy
long trousers
long pants
trousers reaching to the foot
long underwear
union suit
an undergarment with shirt and drawers in one piece
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
vaulting horse
long horse
a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated, used lengthwise for vaulting
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
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