
Ablehnungsbereich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ablehnungsbereich m; kritischer Bereich m statist.
Ablehnungsbereiche pl; kritische Bereiche pl
rejection region; critical region
rejection regions; critical regions
Ablehnungsbereich m; kritischer Bereich m statist.
Ablehnungsbereiche pl; kritische Bereiche pl
rejection region; critical region
rejection regions; critical regions
Ablehnung, abschlägige Antwort
negative answer
Ablehnung f
Ablehnung f, Absage f, Weigerung f
Ablehnungen pl, Absagen pl, Weigerungen pl
höfliche Absage einer Einladung
refusal, declination
refusals, declinations
polite refusal of an invitation
Ablehnung f, Zurückweisung f, Rückweisung f, Verneinung f
Ablehnungen pl, Zurückweisungen pl, Rückweisungen pl, Verneinungen pl
Ablehnungen pl
eine glatte Ablehnung erfahren
to meet with a square refusal
Ablehnung f
Ablehnung f, Abwehr f
Ablehnung f, Zurückweisung f
Atheismus m, Ablehnung eines Gottesglaubens
Verweigerung f, Ablehnung f
Verweigerungen pl, Ablehnungen pl
eine glatte Ablehnung
meet with a square refusal
Ablehnung, Absage, Weigerung
eine glatte Ablehnung erfahren
to meet with a square refusal
Ablehnung f; Abweisung f; Weigerung f; Absage f; Refüsierung f Schw.
Ablehnungen pl; Abweisungen pl; Weigerungen pl; Absagen pl; Refüsierungen pl
höfliche Absage einer Einladung
sich eine Absage einhandeln; abberichtet werden Schw.
refusal; declination
refusals; declinations
polite refusal of an invitation
to meet with a refusal
Ablehnung f; Zurückweisung f; Rückweisung f; Verwerfung f; Verneinung f
Ablehnungen pl; Zurückweisungen pl; Rückweisungen pl; Verwerfungen pl; Verneinungen pl
Ablehnungen pl
eine glatte Ablehnung erfahren
to meet with a square refusal
Ablehnung f; Absage f
eine Absage auf eine Bewerbung
eine Absage an etw.
rejection; rejectance
a rejection to a job application
a rejection of sth.
Ablehnung f; Abwehr f
Ablehnung f; Zurückweisung f
Abweisung f; Einstellung f; Ablehnung f; Verwerfung f
Anfechtung f (einer Sache); Ablehnung f (einer Person) jur.
Anfechtungen pl; Ablehnungen pl
Anfechtung eines Beschlusses vor dem Höchstgericht
Einwendungen gegen die Echtheit bzw. Erheblichkeit eines Beweismittels machen
Ablehnung sämtlicher Geschworenen
Ablehnung (von Geschworenen) ohne Angabe von Gründen
challenge of sb. sth.
challenge of a decision before in the Supreme Court
to file challenges Am.
challenge to the panel array Am.
peremptory challenge; challenge without (showing) cause
Atheismus m; Ablehnung eines Gottesglaubens
Verweigerung f; Ablehnung f
Verweigerungen pl; Ablehnungen pl
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
ausdrücklich; nachdrücklich; entschieden; energisch adj
eine entschiedene energische Ablehnung
an emphatic denial rejection
gemeinsame Grundlage Basis Position f; gemeinsamer Nenner (für etw.)
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
Es ist Gemeingut dass ... geh.
Jäger und Umweltschützer haben in ihrer Ablehnung des neuen Gesetzes zu einer gemeinsamen Position gefunden.
common ground (on which to base sth.)
to find some common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
It is common ground that ...
Hunters and environmentalists found common ground in their opposition to the new law.
grundsätzlich adj (Sache)
die grundsätzliche Ablehnung einer Sache
principled (matter)
a principled opposition to sth.
etw. signalisieren; etw. zu verstehen geben v (Person)
signalisierend; zu verstehen gebend
signalisiert; zu verstehen gegeben
Zustimmung Ablehnung signalisieren
to signify sth. (person)
to signify one's agreement opposition
heftige Ablehnung f; großer Unmut f; Unwille m; Groll m; Zorn m
der Unmut in der Öffentlichkeit
sich den Groll von jdm. zuziehen
the public popular odium
to incur the odium of sb.
Ablehnung f; Missbilligung f (einer Sache)
disapproval; disapprobation; deprecation formal (of sth.)
(öffentliche) Ablehnung f +Gen. pol.
breite Ablehnung der Regierungspolitik
(public) repudiation (of sb. sth.) formal
widespread repudiation of the government's policy
Anfechtung f (einer Sache); Ablehnung f (einer Person) jur.
Anfechtungen pl; Ablehnungen pl
Patentanfechtung f
Anfechtung eines Beschlusses vor dem Höchstgericht
Einwendungen gegen die Echtheit bzw. Erheblichkeit eines Beweismittels machen
Ablehnung sämtlicher Geschworenen
Ablehnung (von Geschworenen) ohne Angabe von Gründen
challenge of sb. sth.
patent challenge
challenge of a decision before in the Supreme Court
to file challenges Am.
challenge to the panel array Am.
peremptory challenge; challenge without (showing) cause
Verweigerung f; Nichtanerkennung f geh.; Ablehnung f (einer Verpflichtung) +Gen.
Ablehnung der Vertragserfüllung; Erfüllungsverweigerung
Haftungsablehnung f (Versicherung)
Nichtanerkennung der Ausgaben
repudiation (of an obligation)
repudiation of a contract
repudiation of liability
repudiation of the expenditure
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist, dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
(moralische) Zurückweisung f; Ablehnung f; Reprobation f veraltet
entschieden; kategorisch; eisern adj
eine kategorische Ablehnung
ein eiserner Verfechter von etw. sein
unbeirrt hartnäckig dabei bleiben, dass …; sich nicht davon abbringen lassen, dass …
adamant fig.
an adamant refusal
to be an adamant defender of sth.
to be adamant that …
gemeinsame Grundlage Basis Position f; gemeinsamer Nenner (für etw.)
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
Es ist Gemeingut, dass … geh.
Jäger und Umweltschützer haben in ihrer Ablehnung des neuen Gesetzes zu einer gemeinsamen Position gefunden.
common ground (on which to base sth.)
to find some common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
It is common ground that …
Hunters and environmentalists found common ground in their opposition to the new law.
grundsätzlich adj (Sache)
die grundsätzliche Ablehnung einer Sache
principled (of a thing)
a principled opposition to sth.
seit wann conj (Einleitung einer ironischen Frage, die Ablehnung ausdrückt)
„Ich bin Vegetarier.“ „Seit wann denn das?“
Seit wann muss man Professor sein, um eine Meinung zu haben?
since when (introducing an ironical question expressing rejection)
'I'm a vegetarian.' 'Since when?'
Since when do you have to be a professor to have an opinion?
Ablehnungsbereich m; kritischer Bereich m statist.
Ablehnungsbereiche pl; kritische Bereiche pl
rejection region; critical region
rejection regions; critical regions
Ablehnungsbescheid m
Ablehnungsbescheide pl
notification of rejection
notifications of rejection
Alpha-Fehler m; Fehler erster Art; Ablehnungsfehler m; Rückweisefehler m statist.
alpha error; type 1 error; error of first kind; rejection error
Ablehnungsgrenze f; Ablehnungsschwelle f; Signifikanzschwelle f; kritischer Wert m statist.
Ablehnungsgrenzen pl; Ablehnungsschwellen pl; Signifikanzschwellen pl; kritische Werte pl
rejection limit; significance point; critical value
rejection limits; significance points; critical values
Ablehnungshinweis m
Ablehnungslinie f; Rückweisungslinie f statist.
rejection line
letter of regret
Ablehnungsschreiben n
letter of regret
Ablehnungsschreiben n
Ablehnungsschreiben pl
letter of regret
letters of regret
Ablehnungszahl f statist.
rejection number

Deutsche Ablehnungsbereich Synonyme

Englische rejection region; critical region Synonyme

rejection  Eighteenth Amendment  Prohibition Party  Volstead Act  abnegation  agnosticism  agreement to disagree  alienation  apostasy  atheism  ban  bar  barring  blackball  blackballing  blockade  booting out  boycott  bucking  castaway  castoff  challenge  circumscription  cold shoulder  complaint  contention  contraband  contradiction  contraposition  contravention  contraversion  counter-culture  counteraction  counterworking  crosscurrent  crossing  debarment  debarring  declension  declination  declinature  declining  deep six  defenestration  demarcation  denial  deprivation  detrusion  difference  dim view  disaccord  disagreement  disallowance  disappointment  disapprobation  disapproval  disbelief  discard  discarding  discharge  disclaimer  disclamation  discontent  discontentedness  discontentment  discredit  disenchantment  disesteem  disfavor  disgruntlement  disillusion  disillusionment  dismissal  disobedience  disparity  displeasure  disposal  disrespect  dissatisfaction  dissension  dissent  dissentience  dissidence  distaste  diversity  dropping out  dumping  ejection  ejectment  elimination  embargo  exception  exclusion  expulsion  extrusion  forbiddance  forbidden fruit  forbidding  head wind  heresy  holding back  impugnation  impugnment  inability to believe  inadmissibility  incredulity  index  index expurgatorius  index librorum prohibitorum  indignation  infidelity  inhibition  injunction  interdict  interdiction  interdictum  jettison  junking  kicking downstairs  law  lockout  low estimation  low opinion  minimifidianism  minority opinion  misbelief  narrowing  nay  negation  negative  negative answer  nix  no  no-no  nonacceptance  nonadmission  nonagreement  nonassent  nonbelief  noncompliance  nonconcurrence  nonconformity  nonconsent  nonobservance  nullifidianism  objection  obtrusion  omission  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnation  ostracism  ouster  ousting  preclusion  prevention  prohibition  prohibitory injunction  pros  

Ablehnungsbereich Definition

(n.) Qualified to criticise, or pass judgment upon, literary or artistic productions.
(n.) Pertaining to criticism or the critic's art
(n.) Inclined to make nice distinctions, or to exercise careful judgment and selection
(n.) Inclined to criticise or find fault
(n.) Characterized by thoroughness and a reference to principles, as becomes a critic
(n.) Pertaining to, or indicating, a crisis, turning point, or specially important juncture
(n.) One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided
(n.) Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything
(n.) The upper air
(n.) The inhabitants of a district.
(n.) Place
(n.) Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.

rejection region; critical region / rejection regions; critical regions Bedeutung

rejection the act of rejecting something, his proposals were met with rejection
critical mass the minimum mass of fissionable material that can sustain a chain reaction
critical mass the minimum amount (of something) required to start or maintain a venture, the battle for the computer market has now reached critical mass, there is now a critical mass of successful women to take the lead, they sold the business because it lacked critical mass
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve, in the abdominal region
cortical area
cortical region
any of various regions of the cerebral cortex
motor area
motor region
motor cortex
Rolando's area
excitable area
the cortical area that influences motor movements
sensorimotor area
sensorimotor region
an area of the cortex including the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus and combining sensory and motor functions
pubic region
the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
Hell Hades
infernal region netherworld
(religion) the world of the dead, No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth-Theognis
Inferno infernal region
nether region
(Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil, where sinners suffer eternal punishment, Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell- John Milton, a demon from the depths of the pit, Hell is paved with good intentions-Dr. Johnson
red region
a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
mental rejection
doubt about the truth of something
critical appraisal
critical analysis
an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about, it was a limited realm of discourse, here we enter the region of opinion, the realm of the occult
review critique
critical review
review article
an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)
rejection the speech act of rejecting
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
geographical area
geographic area
geographical region
geographic region
a demarcated area of the Earth
biogeographical region an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna
D region
the lowest region of the ionosphere ( tomiles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves
Appleton layer
F layer
F region
the highest region of the ionosphere (fromto miles up) which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for longange radio transmission
Heaviside layer
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
E layer
E region
a region of the ionosphere (fromtomiles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length
the extended spatial location of something, the farming regions of France, religions in all parts of the world, regions of outer space
region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth, penguins inhabit the polar regions
unknown region
terra incognita
an unknown and unexplored region, they came like angels out the unknown
Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
an autonomous province in far northwestern China on the border with Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the largest province in the People's Republic of China and the homeland of the Uighur people
Italian region Italy is divided intoregions for administrative purposes
Lothian Region a district in southeast central Scotland (south side of the Firth of Forth) and the location of Edinburgh
French region a geographical subdivision of France
Tidewater region
the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
rejection (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign, rejection of the transplanted liver
the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of'), it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job, the price is in the neighborhood of $
critical angle the smallest angle of incidence for which light is totally reflected
rejection the state of being rejected
critical point
a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made, at that juncture he had no idea what to do, he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point
critical marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws, a critical attitude
critical characterized by careful evaluation and judgment, a critical reading, a critical dissertation, a critical analysis of Melville's writings
critical being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency, a critical shortage of food, a critical illness, an illness at the critical stage
critical at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction, a critical temperature of water idegrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure, critical mass, go critical
forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis, a critical point in the campaign, the critical test
urgently needed, absolutely necessary, a critical element of the plan, critical medical supplies, vital for a healthy society, of vital interest
critical of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism, critical acclaim
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