
Abnutzung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

wear and tear
Abnutzung f
Abnutzung f
übliche Abnutzung
fair wear and tear
abnutzen, Abnutzung
Abnutzung, Verbrauch
Abnutzung, Verschleiß
wear and tear
Abnutzung einer Münze
abrasion of coin
Zeichen der Abnutzung
signs of wear
Abnutzung f geol.
wear; abrasion
Abnutzung, Verschleiss
Abnutzung f, Verbrauch m
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m
Abnutzung f, Verschleiß m
unverwüstlich; widerstandsfähig (gegen Abnutzung) adj
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m; Schwund m; Verbrauch m
Abrieb m; Reibverschleiß (Abnutzung durch Reibung) techn.
attrition; abrasion; frictional wear; fretting
Abrieb m; Reibverschleiß; (Abnutzung durch Reibung) techn.
attrition; abrasion; frictional wear; fretting
Abnutzung f; Abnützung f; Abreibung f; Abschaben n; Abschleifung f
Abnutzung f, Abnützung f, Abreibung f, Abschaben n, Abschleifung f
Münze f
Münzen pl
abgegriffene Münze
Abnutzung einer Münze
eine Münze rändeln
EUR2 coins
worn coin
abrasion of coin
to reed a coin
natürliche Abnutzungserscheinungen Abnützungserscheinungen Süddt. Ös. Schw. pl; natürliche Abnutzung Abnützung Süddt. Ös. Schw. f
(normal) wear and tear
Abnutzung f
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmäßige Abnutzung
regelmäßige Abnutzung
sägezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung (Lauffläche)
wellenförmige Abnutzung
wear, wear and tear, wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear, smooth wear, uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear, tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
uneven tread wear
wave-like wear
Geldstück n; Münze f fin.
Geldstücke pl; Münzen pl
Euromünze f
1-Euro-Geldstück n; 1-Euro-Münze f
2-Euro-Geldstück n; 2-Euro-Münze f
10-Cent-Geldstück n; 10-Cent-Münze f
US-10-Cent-Münze f
abgegriffene Münze
Abnutzung einer Münze
eine Münze rändeln
euro coin
1 euro coin; EUR1 coin
2 euro coin; EUR2 coin
10 cent coin
US 10 cent coin; USD 10 cent coin
worn coin
abrasion of coin
to reed a coin
Lauffläche f techn.
Laufflächen pl
Lauffläche eines Schuhs
Lauffläche eines Reifen
Lauffläche einer Schiene
Lauffläche eines Rads
gewebeverstärkte Lauffläche
Gewebeverstärkung in der Lauffläche
gewickelte Lauffläche
Abschnitt der Lauffläche
Einschnitt in der Lauffläche f
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung der Lauffläche
tread of a shoe
cap cover of a tyre tire
upper surface of a rail
tread of a wheel
fabric reinforced tread
tread ply
strip winding
tread section
tread cutting
uneven tread wear
Lauffläche f techn.
Laufflächen pl
Lauffläche eines Schuhs
Lauffläche eines Reifens
Lauffläche einer Schiene
Lauffläche eines Rads
gewebeverstärkte Lauffläche
Gewebeverstärkung in der Lauffläche
gewickelte Lauffläche
Abschnitt der Lauffläche
Einschnitt in der Lauffläche f
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung der Lauffläche
tread of a shoe
cap cover of a tyre tire
upper surface of a rail
tread of a wheel
fabric reinforced tread
tread ply
strip winding
tread section
tread cutting
uneven tread wear
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m
Verschleiß am Wulst
Verschleiß an der Spanfläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß an der Freifläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß durch Eingriffstörungen (Zahnrad)
Verschleiß durch Reibung
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmäßige Abnutzung
regelmäßige Abnutzung
sägezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung
wellenförmige Abnutzung
wear; wearing; wear-out
chafing on the bead
face wear (turning chisel)
flank wear (turning chisel)
interference wear (gearwheel)
wear due to rubbing; frictional wear; scuffing wear; wearout; wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear; smooth wear; uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear; tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
wave-like wear
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m
Verschleiß am Wulst
Verschleiß an der Spanfläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß an der Freifläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß durch Eingriffstörungen (Zahnrad)
Verschleiß durch Reibung
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmäßige Abnutzung
regelmäßige Abnutzung
sägezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung
wellenförmige Abnutzung
einem erhöhten geringen Verschleiß unterliegen
wear; wearing; wear-out; wear and tear; attrition
chafing on the bead
face wear (turning chisel)
flank wear (turning chisel)
interference wear (gearwheel)
wear due to rubbing; frictional wear; scuffing wear; wearout; wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear; smooth wear; uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear; tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
wave-like wear
to be likely unlikely to wear out quickly
Gleisbett n; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett n; Schotterbettung f; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Schotteroberbau m
Sandbettung f; Sandbett n
Schlackenbett n; Schlackenbettung f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
(steuerliche) Abschreibung f; (jährliche) Steuerabschreibung f (der Wertminderung von Anlagevermögen); Anlageabschreibung f; Absetzung f Dt. econ. fin.
Abschreibungen pl; Steuerabschreibungen pl; Anlageabschreibungen pl; Absetzungen pl
Abschreibung von Anlagewerten; Investitionsabschreibung f
Abschreibung auf Gebäude
Abschreibung wegen Abnutzung; Absetzung für Abnutzungen AfA Dt.
außerplanmäßige Vollabschreibung
Sonderabschreibung f
Teilabschreibung f
Teilwertabschreibung f
degressive Abschreibung; Abschreibung mit fallenden Jahresraten; Absetzung für Abnutzung in fallenden Jahresraten Dt.
lineare Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in gleichen Jahresraten Dt.
progressive Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in steigenden Jahresraten Dt.
vorgezogene Abschreibung
vorzeitige Abschreibung
Absetzung für Substanzverringerung AfS Dt.
Absetzung vom Wiederbeschaffungswert Dt.
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung gegen vorhandene Rücklagen
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung über die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung von Kreditforderungen
allowance for depreciation; depreciation allowance; depreciation deduction; depreciation (tangible fixed assets); amortization; amortisation Br. (intangible fixed assets)
allowances for depreciation; depreciation allowances; depreciation deductions; depreciations; amortizations; amortisations
capital allowance; investment allowance
depreciation on buildings
depreciation for wear and tear
non-scheduled depreciation; write-off; writeoff
additional capital allowance (tangible assets); special amortization; special amortisation Br. (intangible assets)
write-down; writedown
write-down to the going-concern value; write-down to the going concern going; partial write-down
degressive depreciation; declining-balance depreciation; depreciation on the basis of decreasing annual rates
straight-line depreciation; depreciation on basis of equal annual rates
progressive depreciation; rising-balance depreciation; depreciation on a rising scale; depreciation on basis of rising annual rates
anticipated depreciation
accelerated depreciation
allowance for depletion; depletion allowance; deduction for depletion; depletion deduction; depreciation on wasting assets
depreciation on replacement value
write-off against available reserves
write-off through profit and loss
write-off (charge-off) of loan assets

Deutsche Abnutzung Synonyme

Abnutzung  ÂVerbrauch  ÂVerschleiß  
Abnutzung  ÂArthrose  (fachsprachlich)  ÂGelenksabnutzung  ÂGelenksverschleiß  
Abnutzung  Arthrose (fachsprachlich)  Gelenksabnutzung  Gelenksverschleiß  
Abnutzung  Verbrauch  Verschleiß  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Abnutzung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische wear and tear Synonyme

wear  abate  abide  ablate  ablation  about ship  abrade  abrase  abrasion  abrasive  act a part  affect  apparel  array  assume  atomization  attire  attrition  back and fill  bark  bate  be dressed in  be eaten away  be infinitely repetitive  be tedious  bear away  bear off  bear to starboard  beat  beat about  bedizenment  bide  box off  break  breakup  bring about  bring round  buffing  burn out  burnishing  cant  cant round  carry on  cast  cast about  chafe  chafing  change course  change the heading  clothes  clothing  come about  consume  consume away  continue  continue to be  corrode  corrosion  costume  counterfeit  crumble  crumbling  debilitate  decay  decline  decomposition  decrease  defeat time  defy time  degradation  deliquesce  deplete  depreciate  detrition  die away  dilapidation  diminish  disintegration  disjunction  disorganization  dissipate  dissolution  dive  do a bit  do in  do up  double a point  drag on  drain  dramatize  drapery  dress  dressing  dribble away  drop  drop off  duds  dwell  dwindle  ebb  endure  enervate  erase  erasure  erode  erosion  exhaust  exist  extend  fag  fag out  fake  fall  fall away  fall off  fashion  fatigue  fatigues  feathers  feign  fetch about  fig  file  filing  flag  fray  frazzle  fret  fretting  gall  galling  garb  garments  gear  glut  gnaw  gnaw away  go about  go on  go on forever  grate  graze  grazing  grind  grinding  guise  gybe  habiliment  habit  harass  have on  heave round  histrionize  hold  hold on  hold out  incoherence  investiture  investment  irk  jade  jibe  jibe all standing  keep  keep on  knock out  knock up  languish  last  last long  last out  lessen  let up  limation  linen  live  live on  live through  maintain  make out like  melt away  miss stays  overact  overfatigue  overstrain  overtire  overweary  pall  perdure  perennate  persist  play  play a part  play a scene  playact  plummet  plunge  ply  polishing  poop  poop out  pretend  prevail  prostrate  put about  put ba  
wear and tear  ablation  atomization  attrition  breakup  consumption  corrosion  crumbling  decay  decomposition  decrement  degradation  deliquescence  depletion  dilapidation  disintegration  disjunction  disorganization  dissipation  dissolution  erosion  exhaustion  incoherence  loss  ravages of time  resolution  shrinkage  use  waste  wear  weathering  
wear away  abate  ablate  abrade  abrase  absorb  abstract  assimilate  atomize  bark  bate  be all over  be consumed  be eaten away  be gone  be no more  become extinct  become void  bite  bleed white  blow over  break  break up  burn up  cave in  cease  cease to be  cease to exist  chafe  collapse  come apart  come unstuck  conk out  consume  consume away  corrode  crack up  crumble  crumble into dust  curtail  decay  decline  decompose  decrease  deduct  deliquesce  dematerialize  depart  deplete  depreciate  derogate  detract  die  die away  die out  digest  diminish  disappear  disintegrate  disjoin  disorganize  disparage  dispel  disperse  dissipate  dissolve  dive  do a fade-out  drain  drain of resources  dribble away  droop  drop  drop off  dwindle  eat  eat away  eat up  ebb  erase  erode  evanesce  evaporate  exhaust  exit  expend  expire  extract  fade  fade away  fade out  fail  faint  fall  fall away  fall off  fall to pieces  file  file away  finish  finish off  fission  fizzle out  flag  flee  fly  fray  frazzle  fret  gall  give out  give way  gnaw  gnaw away  go  go away  go downhill  go out  go soft  go to pieces  gobble  gobble up  grate  graze  grind  have it  have its time  hide  hit the skids  impair  impoverish  ingest  languish  lapse  leach  leave no trace  leave the scene  lessen  let up  melt  melt away  molder  pass  pass away  pass out  peg out  perish  peter out  pine  plummet  plunge  poop out  purify  rasp  raze  reduce  refine  remove  retire from sight  retrench  rub away  rub off  rub out  run its course  run low  run out  sag  scour  scrape  scrub  scuff  shorten  shrink  sink  sink away  skin  spend  split  squander  subduct  subside  subtract  suck dry  suffer an eclipse  swallow  swallow up  tail off  take away  take from  tatter  thin  thin out  use up  vanish  vanish from sight  wane  waste  waste away  weaken  wear  wear down  wear off  wear out  wear ragged  wear thin  weather  weed  wilt  withdraw  yield  
wear down  ablate  abrade  affect  argue into  beat  bend  bias  bring over  bring round  bring to reason  burn out  captivate  charm  color  con  convince  debilitate  dispose  do in  do up  drain  draw over  enervate  erode  exhaust  fag  fag out  fatigue  flag  fray  frazzle  fret  gain  gain over  harass  hook  hook in  incline  induce  influence  jade  knock out  knock up  lead  move  outtalk  overfatigue  overstrain  overtire  overweary  persuade  poop  poop out  predispose  prevail on  prevail upon  prevail with  prompt  prostrate  rub off  sell  sell one on  soften up  sway  talk into  talk over  tatter  tinge  tire  tire out  tire to death  tone  tucker  use up  wangle  wangle into  weaken  wear  wear away  wear off  wear on  wear out  wear ragged  weary  weather  weigh with  wilt  win  win over  wind  work  
wear off  ablate  abrade  be all over  be no more  become extinct  become void  blow over  die  die away  erode  expire  fray  frazzle  fret  go out  have it  have its time  lapse  pass  pass away  rub off  run its course  run out  tatter  wear  wear away  wear down  wear out  wear ragged  weather  
wear on  be infinitely repetitive  be tedious  beat  burn out  crawl  creep  debilitate  do in  do up  drag  drag along  drag on  enervate  exhaust  fag  fag out  fatigue  flag  frazzle  glut  go on  go on forever  harass  irk  jade  knock out  knock up  linger  linger on  overfatigue  overstrain  overtire  overweary  pall  poop  poop out  prostrate  satiate  tarry  tire  tire out  tire to death  tucker  use up  weaken  wear  wear down  wear out  weary  wilt  wind  
wear out  ablate  abrade  beat  bugger  burden  burn out  crush one  debilitate  do in  do up  enervate  erode  exhaust  fag  fag out  fatigue  flag  flog  fray  frazzle  fret  harass  haunt  haunt the memory  hide  jade  knock out  knock up  larrup  lash  obsess  oppress  outwear  overfatigue  overstrain  overtire  overweary  poop  poop out  prey on  prostrate  rub off  scourge  stripe  tatter  thrash  tire  tire out  tire to death  tucker  use up  weaken  wear  wear away  wear down  wear off  wear on  wear ragged  wear upon one  weary  weather  weigh upon  weight down  whale  wilt  wind  
wear thin  bomb  break  cave in  collapse  come apart  come unstuck  conk out  crumble  decline  disintegrate  droop  drop  fade  fail  faint  fall flat  fizzle out  flag  give out  give way  go downhill  go soft  go to pieces  hit the skids  languish  peg out  peter out  pine  poop out  sink  weaken  wear away  wilt  yield  
wear well  abide  bide  bloom  burst with health  carry on  continue  continue to be  defeat time  defy time  dwell  endure  enjoy good health  exist  extend  feel fine  feel good  flourish  glow  go on  hold  hold on  hold out  keep  keep fit  keep on  last  last long  last out  live  live on  live through  maintain  never feel better  perdure  perennate  persist  prevail  remain  run  run on  stand  stay  stay in shape  stay on  stay young  subsist  survive  sustain  tarry  tide over  wear  
weariness  acedia  adynamia  anemia  apathy  atony  blah feeling  bloodlessness  boredness  boredom  brain fag  bromidic  cachexia  cachexy  cowardice  debilitation  debility  dispiritedness  drowsiness  dry  dryasdust  dull  dullness  dusty  enervation  enfeeblement  ennui  etiolation  exhaustion  eyestrain  faintness  fatigue  fed-upness  feebleness  flabbiness  flaccidity  goneness  heart strain  heaviness  hebetude  impotence  inanimation  indifference  insipid  jadedness  lackadaisicalness  languidness  languishment  languor  languorousness  lassitude  lenitude  lentor  lethargy  life-weariness  lifelessness  listlessness  melancholy  mental fatigue  mental strain  oscitancy  overstrain  overtiredness  passivity  phlegm  prostration  satedness  satiation  satiety  sleepiness  sloth  slothfulness  slowness  sluggishness  softness  somnolence  spleen  stance fatigue  strain  strengthlessness  stupefaction  stupor  supineness  taedium vitae  tedious  tiredness  torpidity  torpidness  torpitude  torpor  uninteresting  weakliness  weakness  weariful  wearifulness  world-weariness  
wearing apparel  apparel  array  attire  bedizenment  clothes  clothing  costume  drapery  dress  dressing  duds  fashion  fatigues  feathers  fig  garb  garments  gear  guise  habiliment  habit  investiture  investment  linen  rags  raiment  robes  sportswear  style  threads  togs  toilette  trim  vestment  vesture  wear  
wearisome  Herculean  aggravating  annoying  arduous  backbreaking  black  bleak  boresome  boring  bothering  bothersome  burdensome  crushing  dark  dismal  disturbing  draining  drear  drearisome  dreary  effortful  exasperating  exhausting  fatiguesome  fatiguing  forced  funebrial  funereal  galling  gloomy  grave  gray  grim  grueling  harassing  hard-earned  hard-fought  heavy  hefty  importunate  importune  irking  irksome  irritating  killing  labored  laborious  onerous  operose  oppressive  painful  pesky  pestering  pestiferous  pestilent  pestilential  plaguesome  plaguey  plaguing  provoking  punishing  saturnine  solemn  somber  sombrous  strained  straining  strenuous  stressful  stupefyingly boring  stuporific  teasing  tiresome  tiring  toilsome  tormenting  tough  triste  troublesome  troubling  trying  uphill  vexatious  vexing  weariful  wearing  weary  wearying  worrisome  worrying  yawny  
weary  apathetic  be infinitely repetitive  be tedious  beat  benumbed  black  blase  bleak  blow  bored  break down  burden  burn out  collapse  crack up  crush one  dark  dead  debilitate  debilitated  disgusted  dismal  dispirited  do in  do up  dopey  dormant  drag on  drear  drearisome  dreary  droop  drooping  droopy  drop  drugged  dull  enervate  enervated  enfeebled  exanimate  exhaust  fag  fag out  fagged  faint  fainting  fatigue  fatigued  fed-up  feeling faint  flag  flagging  footsore  frazzle  frazzled  funebrial  funereal  gasp  get tired  give out  gloomy  glut  go on forever  good and tired  grave  gray  grim  grow weary  harass  haunt  haunt the memory  heavy  hebetudinous  inanimate  inert  irk  irked  jade  jaded  knock out  knock up  lackadaisical  languid  languorous  leaden  lethargic  life-weary  lifeless  listless  lumpish  melancholic  melancholy  moribund  numb  obsess  oppress  overfatigue  overstrain  overtire  overweary  pall  pant  peter out  phlegmatic  play out  poop  poop out  pooped  prey on  prostrate  puff  puff and blow  ready to drop  run down  run out  run ragged  run-down  sagging  sated  satiate  satiated  saturnine  seedy  sick  sick of  sink  sleepy  slow  sluggish  solemn  somber  sombrous  somnolent  splenetic  stagnant  stagnating  stultified  succumb  supine  tire  tire out  tire to death  tired  tired of  tired of living  tired to death  tired-winged  toilworn  torpid  triste  tucker  unrefreshed  unrestored  use up  vegetable  vegetative  wan  way-weary  wayworn  weak  weaken  weakened  wear  wear down  wear on  wear out  wear upon one  wearied  weariful  wearisome  weary unto death  weary-footed  weary-laden  weary-winged  weary-worn  weigh upon  weight down  wheeze  wilt  wilting  wind  world-weary  worn  worn down  worn-down  
wearying  boresome  boring  burdensome  draining  exhausting  fatiguesome  fatiguing  grinding  grueling  harsh  heavy  irksome  killing  onerous  oppressive  overburdensome  punishing  straining  stressful  stupefyingly boring  stuporific  tiresome  tiring  toilsome  trying  tyrannous  weariful  wearing  wearisome  weighty  yawny  

Abnutzung Definition

(n.) A drop of the limpid, saline fluid secreted, normally in small amount, by the lachrymal gland, and diffused between the eye and the eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion. Ordinarily the secretion passes through the lachrymal duct into the nose, but when it is increased by emotion or other causes, it overflows the lids.
(n.) Something in the form of a transparent drop of fluid matter
(n.) That which causes or accompanies tears
(v. t.) To separate by violence
(v. t.) Hence, to divide by violent measures
(v. t.) To rend away
(v. t.) To pull with violence
(v. t.) To move violently
(v. i.) To divide or separate on being pulled
(v. i.) To move and act with turbulent violence
(n.) The act of tearing, or the state of being torn
(a.) Shedding tears
(n.) A name given to several species of plants of the genus Polygonum, having angular stems beset with minute reflexed prickles.
(n.) Same as Weir.
(v. t.) To cause to go about, as a vessel, by putting the helm up, instead of alee as in tacking, so that the vessel's bow is turned away from, and her stern is presented to, the wind, and, as she turns still farther, her sails fill on the other side
(v. t.) To carry or bear upon the person
(v. t.) To have or exhibit an appearance of, as an aspect or manner
(v. t.) To use up by carrying or having upon one's self
(v. t.) To impair, waste, or diminish, by continual attrition, scraping, percussion, on the like
(v. t.) To cause or make by friction or wasting
(v. t.) To form or shape by, or as by, attrition.
(v. i.) To endure or suffer use
(v. i.) To be wasted, consumed, or diminished, by being used
(n.) The act of wearing, or the state of being worn
(n.) The thing worn
(n.) A dam in a river to stop and raise the water, for the purpose of conducting it to a mill, forming a fish pond, or the like.
(n.) A fence of stakes, brushwood, or the like, set in a stream, tideway, or inlet of the sea, for taking fish.
(n.) A long notch with a horizontal edge, as in the top of a vertical plate or plank, through which water flows, -- used in measuring the quantity of flowing water.

wear and tear Bedeutung

tear the act of tearing, he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear
tear binge
an occasion for excessive eating or drinking, they went on a bust that lasted three days
the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment, she bought it for everyday wear
article of clothing
a covering designed to be worn on a person's body
hand wear
clothing for the hands
leisure wear informal clothing designed to be worn when you are relaxing
ready-to-wear ready-made clothing, she couldn't find anything in ready-to-wear that she liked
athletic wear
attire worn for sport or for casual wear
wash-and-wear a fabric treated to be easily washable and to require no ironing
lacrimal gland
lachrymal gland
tear gland
any of the glands in the eyes that secrete tears
lacrimal duct
lachrymal duct
tear duct
any of several small ducts that carry tears from the lacrimal glands
lacrimal sac
tear sac
either of the two dilated ends of the lacrimal ducts at the nasal ends of the eyes that fill with tears secreted by the lacrimal glands
tear teardrop a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands, his story brought tears to her eyes
tear sheet a sheet that can be easily torn out of a publication
an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart, there was a rip in his pants, she had snags in her stockings
wear and tear
decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use
wear impairment resulting from long use, the tires showed uneven wear
tear gas
a gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them, used in dispersing crowds
wear have or show an appearance of, wear one's hair in a certain way
wear bear have on one's person, He wore a red ribbon, bear a scar
wear put on
get into
put clothing on one's body, What should I wear today?, He put on his best suit for the wedding, The princess donned a long blue dress, The queen assumed the stately robes, He got into his jeans
have on
be dressed in, She was wearing yellow that day
tear fill with tears or shed tears, Her eyes were tearing
c tire wear upon
tire out
wear weary
jade wear out
wear down
fag out
exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress, We wore ourselves out on this hike
tear away
tear off
rip off violently and forcefully, The passing bus tore off her side mirror
erode gnaw
gnaw at
eat at
wear away
become ground down or deteriorate, Her confidence eroded
wear on pass slowly (of time), The day wore on
wear off
wear out
wear down
wear thin
deteriorate through use or stress, The constant friction wore out the cloth
tear apart
express a totally negative opinion of, The critics panned the performance
lam into
tear into
lace into
pitch into
lay into
hit violently, as in an attack
wear away
wear off
diminish, as by friction, Erosion wore away the surface
wear out
fall apart
go to pieces, The lawn mower finally broke, The gears wore out, The old chair finally fell apart completely
pluck pull tear deplume
strip of feathers, pull a chicken, pluck the capon
whittle away
whittle down
wear away
cut away in small pieces
tear to separate or be separated by force, planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars
snap bust
separate or cause to separate abruptly, The rope snapped, tear the paper
tear up
rip up
tear into shreds
dismantle tear down
take down
pull down
tear down so as to make flat with the ground, The building was levelled
wear round
turn into the wind, The sailors decided to tack the boat, The boat tacked
wear ship turn away from the wind, The sailors decided it was time to wear ship
shoot shoot down charge
move quickly and violently, The car tore down the street, He came charging into my office
call the shots
call the tune
wear the trousers
exercise authority or be in charge, Who is calling the shots in this house?
hold out endure
last and be usable, This dress wore well for almost ten years
wear have in one's aspect, wear an expression of one's attitude or personality, He always wears a smile
(especially of clothing) made in standard sizes and available from merchandise in stock, a ready-made jacket, ready-to-wear clothes
treated so as to be easily or quickly washed and dried and requiring little or no ironing, a wash-and-wear shirt
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