
Abschalteinrichtung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abschalteinrichtung f auto
Abschalteinrichtungen pl
defeat device
defeat devices
Abschalteinrichtung f auto
Abschalteinrichtungen pl
defeat device
defeat devices
Abschaltanweisung f
shutdown procedure
Abschaltarbeit f electr.
work done on breaking
Abschaltautomatik f
automatic switchoff
automatic switchoff
abschaltbar adj
can be switched off; can be turned off
abschaltbar; deaktivierbar adj comp. techn.
In bestimmten Fällen kann die Funktion abgeschaltet werden ist die Funktion deaktivierbar.
capable of being deactivated; disactivable
In certain cases, the function may be deactivated.
Abschaltbestätigung f
hold acknowledge
Abschaltbetrieb m
turn-off operation
Abschaltdrehmoment n
cut-out torque
Abschaltdruck m
shutdown pressure
Abschalteinrichtung f auto
Abschalteinrichtungen pl
defeat device
defeat devices
switch off
etw. zum Abschalten, etw. unterhaltsames und wenig anspruchsvolles
mind candy
abschalten v
to power down, to disconnect, to shut off
powering down, disconnecting, shutting off
powered down, disconnected, shut off
den Strom abschalten, ausschalten v
den Strom abschaltend, ausschaltend
den Strom abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet
to power off
powering off
powered off
abschalten, ausschalten v
abschaltend, ausschaltend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet
schaltet ab, schaltet aus
schaltete ab, schaltete aus
to deactivate
abschalten, ausschalten, abstellen v
abschaltend, ausschaltend, abstellend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet, abgestellt
to switch off
switching off
switched off
abschalten, ausschalten, abstellen v
abschaltend, ausschaltend, abstellend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet, abgestellt
schaltet ab, schaltet aus, stellt ab
schaltete ab, schaltete aus, stellte ab
die Lampen ausschalten
to turn off
turning off
turned off
turns off
turned off
to turn out the lights
abschalten v
to deenergize, to de-energise Br.
deenergizing, de-energising
deenergized, de-energised
to disable
to log-off
abschalten, löschen
to extinguish
abschalten, passivieren
to passivate
abschalten, stilllegen, stillegen alt
abschaltend, stilllegend
abgeschaltet, stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
abschalten, ausschalten
abschalten, loeschen
abschalten, passivieren
abschalten, stillegen
shut down
shut off
abschalten, ausschalten
switch off
to switch off
abschalten, ausschalten
turn off
etw. zum Abschalten; etw. unterhaltsames und wenig anspruchsvolles
mind candy
Abschalten n; Abschaltung f; Ausschaltung f electr.
cut-off; switching-off
Außerbetriebnahme f; Außerbetriebsetzung f; Abschaltung f; Stilllegung f (einer Anlage) techn.
Abschalten eines Reaktors
Abschalten eines Reaktors für Wartungsarbeiten
shutdown; decommissioning (of a plant)
shutdown of a reactor
outage of a reactor
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
abschalten v
to power down; to disconnect; to shut off
powering down; disconnecting; shutting off
powered down; disconnected; shut off
den Strom abschalten ausschalten v electr.
den Strom abschalten ausschalten pl
den Strom abgeschaltet ausgeschaltet
(den Strom) aus- und wieder einschalten
to cut switch off the current
to cut switch off the currents
cut switched off the current
to cycle power
abschalten; ausschalten v
abschaltend; ausschaltend
abgeschaltet; ausgeschaltet
schaltet ab; schaltet aus
schaltete ab; schaltete aus
to deactivate
abschalten v
to deenergize eAm.; to de-energise Br.
deenergizing; de-energising
deenergized; de-energised
abschalten v
to log-off
abschalten; löschen v
abschaltend; löschend
abgeschaltet; gelöscht
to extinguish
abschalten v psych.
Wenn ich das Wort "Börse" höre schalte ich ab.
Er schaltet einfach ab und ignoriert mich.
Die Ferien sind die einzige Zeit wo ich wirklich abschalten kann.
Als sie begann von ihren Wehwehchen zu reden schaltete er ab.
to switch off; to tune out fig.
switching off; tuning out
switched off; tuned out
When I hear the word "stock exchange" I switch off.
He just switches off and ignores me.
Holidays are the only time I can really switch off tune out.
When she started talking about her little ailments he just tuned out.
abschalten; passivieren v
abschaltend; passivierend
abgeschaltet; passiviert
to passivate
abschalten; stilllegen; stillegen alt v
abschaltend; stilllegend
abgeschaltet; stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; abdrehen; abstellen; ausknipsen (Licht) ugs. v electr. techn.
ausschaltend; abschaltend; abdrehend; abstellend; ausknipsend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; abgedreht; abgestellt; ausgeknipst
to switch off () sth.; to turn off () sth.
switching off; turning off
switched off; turned off
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; sperren v
ausschaltend; abschaltend; sperrend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; gesperrt
to disable sth.
(sich) entspannen; ausspannen; abschalten; die Seele baumeln lassen; abspannen (selten) v
entspannend; ausspannend; abschaltend; die Seele baumeln lassend; abspannend
entspannt; ausgespannt; abgeschaltet; die Seele baumeln lassen; abgespannt
Ich werde mich am Wochenende mit einem guten Buch entspannen.
Ich habe am Nachmittag vor dem Fernseher ausgespannt.
to unwind {unwound; unwound}; to wind down; to unbend {unbent; unbent}; to chill; to chill out
unwinding; winding down; unbending; chilling; chilling out
unwound; wound down; unbent; chilled; chilled out
I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
Gen n; Erbanlage f; Erbfaktor m biochem.
Gene pl; Erbanlagen pl; Erbfaktoren pl
gefloxtes Gen
geschlechtsbeeinflusstes Gen
geschlechtsbeschränktes Gen
homöotisches Gen
Hox-Gen n
Maternaleffekt-Gen n
Tumorsuppressor-Gen n
mehrere Gene betreffend
bestimmte Gene einschalten anschalten
schützende Gene ausschalten abschalten
gene; unit of heredity; hereditary factor
genes; units of heredity; hereditary factors
floxed gene
sex-influenced gene
sex-limited gene
homeotic gene
hox gene
maternal effect gene
tumour suppressor gene
to switch on specific genes
to switch off; to silence protective genes
Logik f (schlussfolgernde Ãœberlegungen)
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen, entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten, nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden, Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (reasoning)
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
abschalten v psych.
Wenn ich das Wort „Börse“ höre, schalte ich ab.
Er schaltet einfach ab und ignoriert mich.
Die Ferien sind die einzige Zeit, wo ich wirklich abschalten kann.
Als sie begann, von ihren Wehwehchen zu reden, schaltete er ab.
to switch off; to tune out fig.
switching off; tuning out
switched off; tuned out
When I hear the word "stock exchange" I switch off.
He just switches off and ignores me.
Holidays are the only time I can really switch off tune out.
When she started talking about her little ailments, he just tuned out.
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; ausknipsen ugs. v (Schalter, Licht, Gerät usw.) electr. techn.
ausschaltend; abschaltend; ausknipsend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; ausgeknipst
to switch off () sth.; to power down () sth. (switch, light, device etc.)
switching off; powering down
switched off; powered down
etw. deaktivieren; sperren; (vorübergehend) abschalten v comp. electr. telco.
deaktivierend; sperrend; abschaltend
deaktiviert; gesperrt; abgeschaltet
die Alarmanlage deaktivieren abschalten
to disable sth.
to disable the alarm system
(sich) entspannen; ausspannen; abschalten; die Seele baumeln lassen; abspannen selten v
entspannend; ausspannend; abschaltend; die Seele baumeln lassend; abspannend
entspannt; ausgespannt; abgeschaltet; die Seele baumeln lassen; abgespannt
Ich werde mich am Wochenende mit einem guten Buch entspannen.
Ich habe am Nachmittag vor dem Fernseher ausgespannt.
to unwind {unwound; unwound}; to wind down; to unbend {unbent; unbent}; to chill; to chill out
unwinding; winding down; unbending; chilling; chilling out
unwound; wound down; unbent; chilled; chilled out
I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
sich automatisch abschaltend
switching off
sich automatisch abschaltend adj
Abschalterelais n; Entriegelrelais n (Notabschaltung) electr.
Abschalterelais pl; Entriegelrelais pl
overflux relay
overflux relays
Abschaltgrenzwert m electr.
Abschaltgrenzwerte pl
trip limit value
trip limit values
Abschaltimpuls m
Abschaltimpulse pl
turn-off pulse
turn-off pulses
Ausschaltkontakt m; Abschaltkontakt m electr.
Ausschaltkontakte pl; Abschaltkontakte pl
disconnecting contact
disconnecting contacts
Abschaltkreis m
de-energizing circuit
Abschaltkupplung f techn.
shut-off clutch
Abschaltleistung f (Nennwerk) electr.
interrupting rating
Abschaltleistung f; Ausschaltleistung f; Ausschaltvermögen f (eines Schaltgeräts, einer Sicherung) electr.
interrupting capacity; breaking capacity (circuit breaker); rupturing capacity
Abschaltleistung f (Kerntechnik) techn.
scram power; shutdown power (nuclear engineering)
Abschaltmessung f chem. electr.
current interruption method; current interrupt method

Deutsche Abschalteinrichtung Synonyme

Englische defeat device Synonyme

defeat  KO  Waterloo  answer  answer conclusively  argue down  baffle  bafflement  balk  balking  bankruptcy  bar  bear down  bear the palm  beat  beat all hollow  beat down  beat hollow  beating  best  betrayed hope  bilk  blast  blasted expectation  blighted hope  block  blow  brave  bring down  buffet  cast down  challenge  check  checkmate  circumvent  cleaning  cleanup  clobber  clobbering  comedown  confound  confounding  confront  confute  conquer  conquest  contradict  contravene  controvert  cook  counter  counteract  countermand  counterwork  cross  cruel disappointment  crush  dash  dashed hope  debacle  defeasance  defeat expectation  defy  demolish  deny  destroy  disappoint  disappointment  discomfit  discomfiture  disconcert  disconcertion  discountenance  dish  disillusion  disillusionment  dismiss  dispose of  disrupt  dissatisfaction  dissatisfy  do for  do in  downcast  downthrow  drub  drubbing  dusting  elude  end  failure  fallen countenance  fiasco  finish  fix  fizzle  floor  flummox  foil  foiling  forlorn hope  frustrate  frustration  futility  hide  hinder  hope deferred  hors de combat  ill success  impede  knock out  knock the chocks  lambaste  lambasting  lather  let down  letdown  lick  licking  losing game  mirage  miscarriage  no go  nonaccomplishment  nonplus  nonsuccess  obstruct  outclass  outdo  outfight  outgeneral  outmaneuver  outpoint  outrun  outsail  outshine  overcome  overpower  overthrow  overturn  overwhelm  parry  perplex  prevail over  put  put to silence  rebuff  rebut  reduce  reduce to silence  refute  repress  repulse  reversal  reverse  rise above  rout  ruin  sabotage  scotch  scuttle  setback  settle  shellacking  shoot down  shut up  silence  sink  skin  skin alive  smash all opposition  sore disappointment  spike  spoil  squash  squelch  stonewall  stop  stump  subdue  subjugate  subvert  successlessness  suppress  surmount  take the cake  tantalization  tantalize  tease  terminate  thrash  thrashing  thwart  
defeated  all up with  baffled  balked  beat  beaten  bested  betrayed  bilked  blasted  blighted  chapfallen  confounded  crestfallen  crossed  crushed  dashed  disappointed  discomfited  dished  disillusioned  dissatisfied  done for  done in  down  fallen  fixed  floored  foiled  frustrated  hors de combat  ill done-by  ill-served  lambasted  lathered  let down  licked  on the skids  out of countenance  outdone  overborne  overcome  overmastered  overmatched  overpowered  overridden  overthrown  overturned  overwhelmed  panicked  put to rout  regretful  routed  ruined  scattered  settled  silenced  skinned  skinned alive  sorely disappointed  soured  stampeded  thwarted  trimmed  trounced  undone  upset  whelmed  whipped  worsted  
defeating  ascendant  baffling  confounding  conquering  disconcerting  dominant  flushed with success  frustrating  in ascendancy  in the ascendant  overcoming  prevailing  successful  triumphal  triumphant  vanquishing  victorious  winning  
defeatist  Cassandra  Cassandra-like  Cassandran  Cassandrian  Eeyore  calamity howler  cynic  cynical  dismal  downbeat  gloomy  killjoy  malist  negative  negativist  negativistic  nihilist  nihilistic  pessimist  pessimistic  prophet of doom  retreatist  seek-sorrow  uncheerful  worrywart  

Abschalteinrichtung Definition

(v. t.) To undo
(v. t.) To render null and void, as a title
(v. t.) To overcome or vanquish, as an army
(v. t.) To resist with success
(v.) An undoing or annulling
(v.) Frustration by rendering null and void, or by prevention of success
(v.) An overthrow, as of an army in battle
(n.) That which is devised, or formed by design
(n.) Power of devising
(n.) An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote the historical situation, the ambition, or the desire of the person adopting it. See Cognizance.
(n.) Improperly, an heraldic bearing.
(n.) Anything fancifully conceived.
(n.) A spectacle or show.
(n.) Opinion
(a.) Alt. of Point-devise
(adv.) Alt. of Point-devise

defeat device / defeat devices Bedeutung

any clever maneuver, he would stoop to any device to win a point, it was a great sales gimmick, a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen
projective test
projective device
projective technique
any personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations
acoustic device a device for amplifying or transmitting sound
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
breathing device
breathing apparatus
breathing machine
a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure
cleaning implement
cleaning device
cleaning equipment
any of a large class of implements used for cleaning
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
preventive preventative contraceptive device
prophylactic device
birth control device
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
data input device
input device
a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device
detonating device
a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive, can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive
device an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose, the device is small enough to wear on your wrist, a device intended to conserve water
device an emblematic design (especially in heraldry), he was recognized by the device on his shield
device any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)
elastic device any flexible device that will return to its original shape when stretched
electrical device a device that produces or is powered by electricity
electromechanical device a mechanical device that is operated by electricity
electronic device a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically
exercise device a device designed to provide exercise for the user
explosive device device that bursts with sudden violence from internal energy
safety device
a device designed to prevent injury or accidents
guidance system
guidance device
a system of equipment for automatically guiding the path of a vehicle (especially a missile)
holding device a device for holding something
homing device the mechanism in a guided missile that guides it toward its objective
improvised explosive device
an explosive device that is improvised
intrauterine device
contraceptive device consisting of a piece of bent plastic or metal that is inserted through the vagina into the uterus
life preserver
flotation device
rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning
lifting device a device for lifting heavy loads
measuring instrument
measuring system
measuring device
instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something
mechanical device mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles
memory device
storage device
a device that preserves information for retrieval
monitor monitoring device display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor
optical device a device for producing or controlling light
output device electronic or electromechanical equipment connected to a computer and used to transfer data out of the computer in the form of text, images, sounds, or other media
computer peripheral
peripheral device
(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer, disk drives and printers are important peripherals
prosthetic device
corrective consisting of a replacement for a part of the body
semiconductor device
semiconductor unit
a conductor made with semiconducting material
signaling device a device used to send signals
characteristic device characteristic any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions
devices an inclination or desire, used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices', eventually the family left the house to the devices of this malevolent force, the children were left to their own devices
device driver
(computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device
device something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect
rhetorical device a use of language that creates a literary effect (but often without regard for literal significance)
an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest, it was a narrow defeat, the army's only defeat, they suffered a convincing licking
the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals
get the better of
overcome defeat
win a victory over, You must overcome all difficulties, defeat your enemies, He overcame his shyness, He overcame his infirmity, Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
kill shoot down
vote down
vote out
thwart the passage of, kill a motion, he shot down the student's proposal
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