
Abschaltgrenzwert Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abschaltgrenzwert m electr.
Abschaltgrenzwerte pl
trip limit value
trip limit values
Abschaltgrenzwert m electr.
Abschaltgrenzwerte pl
trip limit value
trip limit values
Abschaltanweisung f
shutdown procedure
Abschaltarbeit f electr.
work done on breaking
Abschaltautomatik f
automatic switchoff
automatic switchoff
abschaltbar adj
can be switched off; can be turned off
abschaltbar; deaktivierbar adj comp. techn.
In bestimmten Fällen kann die Funktion abgeschaltet werden ist die Funktion deaktivierbar.
capable of being deactivated; disactivable
In certain cases, the function may be deactivated.
Abschaltbestätigung f
hold acknowledge
Abschaltbetrieb m
turn-off operation
Abschaltdrehmoment n
cut-out torque
Abschaltdruck m
shutdown pressure
Abschalteinrichtung f auto
Abschalteinrichtungen pl
defeat device
defeat devices
switch off
etw. zum Abschalten, etw. unterhaltsames und wenig anspruchsvolles
mind candy
abschalten v
to power down, to disconnect, to shut off
powering down, disconnecting, shutting off
powered down, disconnected, shut off
den Strom abschalten, ausschalten v
den Strom abschaltend, ausschaltend
den Strom abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet
to power off
powering off
powered off
abschalten, ausschalten v
abschaltend, ausschaltend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet
schaltet ab, schaltet aus
schaltete ab, schaltete aus
to deactivate
abschalten, ausschalten, abstellen v
abschaltend, ausschaltend, abstellend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet, abgestellt
to switch off
switching off
switched off
abschalten, ausschalten, abstellen v
abschaltend, ausschaltend, abstellend
abgeschaltet, ausgeschaltet, abgestellt
schaltet ab, schaltet aus, stellt ab
schaltete ab, schaltete aus, stellte ab
die Lampen ausschalten
to turn off
turning off
turned off
turns off
turned off
to turn out the lights
abschalten v
to deenergize, to de-energise Br.
deenergizing, de-energising
deenergized, de-energised
to disable
to log-off
abschalten, löschen
to extinguish
abschalten, passivieren
to passivate
abschalten, stilllegen, stillegen alt
abschaltend, stilllegend
abgeschaltet, stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
abschalten, ausschalten
abschalten, loeschen
abschalten, passivieren
abschalten, stillegen
shut down
shut off
abschalten, ausschalten
switch off
to switch off
abschalten, ausschalten
turn off
etw. zum Abschalten; etw. unterhaltsames und wenig anspruchsvolles
mind candy
Abschalten n; Abschaltung f; Ausschaltung f electr.
cut-off; switching-off
Außerbetriebnahme f; Außerbetriebsetzung f; Abschaltung f; Stilllegung f (einer Anlage) techn.
Abschalten eines Reaktors
Abschalten eines Reaktors für Wartungsarbeiten
shutdown; decommissioning (of a plant)
shutdown of a reactor
outage of a reactor
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
abschalten v
to power down; to disconnect; to shut off
powering down; disconnecting; shutting off
powered down; disconnected; shut off
den Strom abschalten ausschalten v electr.
den Strom abschalten ausschalten pl
den Strom abgeschaltet ausgeschaltet
(den Strom) aus- und wieder einschalten
to cut switch off the current
to cut switch off the currents
cut switched off the current
to cycle power
abschalten; ausschalten v
abschaltend; ausschaltend
abgeschaltet; ausgeschaltet
schaltet ab; schaltet aus
schaltete ab; schaltete aus
to deactivate
abschalten v
to deenergize eAm.; to de-energise Br.
deenergizing; de-energising
deenergized; de-energised
abschalten v
to log-off
abschalten; löschen v
abschaltend; löschend
abgeschaltet; gelöscht
to extinguish
abschalten v psych.
Wenn ich das Wort "Börse" höre schalte ich ab.
Er schaltet einfach ab und ignoriert mich.
Die Ferien sind die einzige Zeit wo ich wirklich abschalten kann.
Als sie begann von ihren Wehwehchen zu reden schaltete er ab.
to switch off; to tune out fig.
switching off; tuning out
switched off; tuned out
When I hear the word "stock exchange" I switch off.
He just switches off and ignores me.
Holidays are the only time I can really switch off tune out.
When she started talking about her little ailments he just tuned out.
abschalten; passivieren v
abschaltend; passivierend
abgeschaltet; passiviert
to passivate
abschalten; stilllegen; stillegen alt v
abschaltend; stilllegend
abgeschaltet; stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; abdrehen; abstellen; ausknipsen (Licht) ugs. v electr. techn.
ausschaltend; abschaltend; abdrehend; abstellend; ausknipsend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; abgedreht; abgestellt; ausgeknipst
to switch off () sth.; to turn off () sth.
switching off; turning off
switched off; turned off
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; sperren v
ausschaltend; abschaltend; sperrend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; gesperrt
to disable sth.
(sich) entspannen; ausspannen; abschalten; die Seele baumeln lassen; abspannen (selten) v
entspannend; ausspannend; abschaltend; die Seele baumeln lassend; abspannend
entspannt; ausgespannt; abgeschaltet; die Seele baumeln lassen; abgespannt
Ich werde mich am Wochenende mit einem guten Buch entspannen.
Ich habe am Nachmittag vor dem Fernseher ausgespannt.
to unwind {unwound; unwound}; to wind down; to unbend {unbent; unbent}; to chill; to chill out
unwinding; winding down; unbending; chilling; chilling out
unwound; wound down; unbent; chilled; chilled out
I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
Gen n; Erbanlage f; Erbfaktor m biochem.
Gene pl; Erbanlagen pl; Erbfaktoren pl
gefloxtes Gen
geschlechtsbeeinflusstes Gen
geschlechtsbeschränktes Gen
homöotisches Gen
Hox-Gen n
Maternaleffekt-Gen n
Tumorsuppressor-Gen n
mehrere Gene betreffend
bestimmte Gene einschalten anschalten
schützende Gene ausschalten abschalten
gene; unit of heredity; hereditary factor
genes; units of heredity; hereditary factors
floxed gene
sex-influenced gene
sex-limited gene
homeotic gene
hox gene
maternal effect gene
tumour suppressor gene
to switch on specific genes
to switch off; to silence protective genes
Logik f (schlussfolgernde Ãœberlegungen)
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen, entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten, nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden, Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (reasoning)
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
abschalten v psych.
Wenn ich das Wort „Börse“ höre, schalte ich ab.
Er schaltet einfach ab und ignoriert mich.
Die Ferien sind die einzige Zeit, wo ich wirklich abschalten kann.
Als sie begann, von ihren Wehwehchen zu reden, schaltete er ab.
to switch off; to tune out fig.
switching off; tuning out
switched off; tuned out
When I hear the word "stock exchange" I switch off.
He just switches off and ignores me.
Holidays are the only time I can really switch off tune out.
When she started talking about her little ailments, he just tuned out.
etw. ausschalten; abschalten; ausknipsen ugs. v (Schalter, Licht, Gerät usw.) electr. techn.
ausschaltend; abschaltend; ausknipsend
ausgeschaltet; abgeschaltet; ausgeknipst
to switch off () sth.; to power down () sth. (switch, light, device etc.)
switching off; powering down
switched off; powered down
etw. deaktivieren; sperren; (vorübergehend) abschalten v comp. electr. telco.
deaktivierend; sperrend; abschaltend
deaktiviert; gesperrt; abgeschaltet
die Alarmanlage deaktivieren abschalten
to disable sth.
to disable the alarm system
(sich) entspannen; ausspannen; abschalten; die Seele baumeln lassen; abspannen selten v
entspannend; ausspannend; abschaltend; die Seele baumeln lassend; abspannend
entspannt; ausgespannt; abgeschaltet; die Seele baumeln lassen; abgespannt
Ich werde mich am Wochenende mit einem guten Buch entspannen.
Ich habe am Nachmittag vor dem Fernseher ausgespannt.
to unwind {unwound; unwound}; to wind down; to unbend {unbent; unbent}; to chill; to chill out
unwinding; winding down; unbending; chilling; chilling out
unwound; wound down; unbent; chilled; chilled out
I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend.
I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
sich automatisch abschaltend
switching off
sich automatisch abschaltend adj
Abschalterelais n; Entriegelrelais n (Notabschaltung) electr.
Abschalterelais pl; Entriegelrelais pl
overflux relay
overflux relays
Abschaltgrenzwert m electr.
Abschaltgrenzwerte pl
trip limit value
trip limit values
Abschaltimpuls m
Abschaltimpulse pl
turn-off pulse
turn-off pulses
Ausschaltkontakt m; Abschaltkontakt m electr.
Ausschaltkontakte pl; Abschaltkontakte pl
disconnecting contact
disconnecting contacts
Abschaltkreis m
de-energizing circuit
Abschaltkupplung f techn.
shut-off clutch
Abschaltleistung f (Nennwerk) electr.
interrupting rating
Abschaltleistung f; Ausschaltleistung f; Ausschaltvermögen f (eines Schaltgeräts, einer Sicherung) electr.
interrupting capacity; breaking capacity (circuit breaker); rupturing capacity
Abschaltleistung f (Kerntechnik) techn.
scram power; shutdown power (nuclear engineering)
Abschaltmessung f chem. electr.
current interruption method; current interrupt method

Deutsche Abschaltgrenzwert Synonyme

Englische trip limit value Synonyme

trip  airlift  airy nothing  allure  amble  antic  apparition  army  atrocity  autism  backslide  bad job  bait the hook  balk  barge  be all thumbs  bevue  birdlime  blooper  blow down  blow over  blunder  blunder away  blunder into  blunder on  blunder upon  bob  bobble  boggle  bonehead play  boner  boo-boo  boob  botch  bounce  bound  bowl along  bowl down  bowl over  brainchild  breach  bring down  bubble  bull  bulldog  bumble  bunch  bundle  bungle  butcher  campaign  canter  caper  capriole  capsize  caracole  careen  carry on  cast down  catch  catch out  cavort  chimera  chop down  circuit  clog  clump  clumsy performance  colony  come a cropper  commit a gaffe  course  crime  crime against humanity  cropper  cruise  culbute  curvet  cut a dido  cut capers  cut down  cut up  dance  dash down  daydream  deadly sin  deception  deck  decoy  degenerate  delinquency  delirium  deluded belief  delusion  dereism  dereliction  detonate  deviate  disconcert  disport  dive  down  drag  dream  dream of  dream vision  dreamland  dreamworld  drift  drive  drop  drove  eidolon  enmesh  enormity  ensnare  ensnarl  entangle  entoil  entrap  enweb  err  erratum  error  etourderie  evil  excursion  expedition  explode  failure  fall  fall down  fall flat  fall headlong  fall into error  fall over  fall prostrate  false belief  false move  false step  falter  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fault  faux pas  fell  felony  fetch down  fiction  figment  flight  flock  floor  flop  flounce  flounder  flub  fluff  fool around  foot  footslog  foozle  forced landing  fox-trot  freak out  frisk  frolic  fumble  gallop  gam  gambado  gambol  gang  gaucherie  genocide  get  get a cropper  gin  git  globe-trot  go amiss  go astray  go awry  go wrong  grand tour  ground  guilty act  hallucinate  hallucination  halt  hash  header  heavy sin  herd  hew down  hightail  hippety-hop  hitch  hobble  hoof  hook  hook in  hop  hop along  horse around  host  hotfoot  idle fancy  ignis fatuus  illusi  
tripartite  deltoid  three-cornered  three-dimensional  three-footed  three-pronged  three-sided  triangular  triangulate  triarch  trichotomous  tricorn  tricornered  tricuspid  trident  tridental  trifid  triflorate  triflorous  trifurcate  trigonal  trigonoid  trigrammatic  trihedral  trilateral  trimerous  triparted  tripodic  triquetral  triquetrous  trisected  
tripe  abatis  abdomen  anus  appendix  baloney  bilge  blah  blah-blah  blind gut  bop  bosh  bowels  brain  brains  bull  bullshit  bunk  bunkum  cecum  chitterlings  cockscomb  colon  crap  duodenum  endocardium  entrails  flapdoodle  foregut  gas  giblets  gizzard  guff  gup  guts  haslet  heart  hindgut  hogwash  hokum  hooey  hot air  innards  inner mechanism  insides  internals  intestine  inwards  jejunum  kidney  kidneys  kishkes  large intestine  liver  liver and lights  lung  malarkey  marrow  midgut  moonshine  perineum  piffle  poppycock  pump  pylorus  rectum  rot  scat  shit  small intestine  spleen  stomach  sweetbread  ticker  tommyrot  tongue  tripes  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  wind  works  
triple  accelerate  aggravate  beef up  blow up  complicate  concentrate  condense  consolidate  cube  deepen  deltoid  double  enhance  exacerbate  exaggerate  fan-shaped  heat up  heighten  hop up  hot up  intensify  jazz up  key up  magnify  make complex  multiply by three  ramify  redouble  reinforce  sharpen  soup up  step up  strengthen  tern  ternal  ternary  ternate  three  three-in-one  three-ply  threefold  threesome  treble  triadic  trial  triangular  trilogic  trinal  trine  trinity  trio  triplex  triplicate  triumvirate  triune  troika  whet  
triplet  Spenserian stanza  accidental  andante tempo  antistrophe  beat  book  breve  burden  canto  chorus  clover  compound time  couplet  crotchet  demisemiquaver  deuce-ace  distich  dominant  dominant note  double whole note  duple time  eighth note  enharmonic  enharmonic note  envoi  epode  flat  half note  hemidemisemiquaver  heptastich  hexastich  largo  leash  line  march tempo  measure  minim  mixed times  monostich  musical note  natural  note  octastich  octave  octet  ottava rima  patent note  pentastich  presto  quarter note  quatrain  quaver  rag  ragtime  refrain  report  responding note  rhyme royal  rubato  semibreve  semiquaver  septet  sestet  set of three  sextet  sextuple time  shamrock  shaped note  sharp  simple time  sixteenth note  sixty-fourth note  spiccato  staccato  stanza  stave  strain  strophe  sustained note  syllable  syncopation  syncope  tempo  tempo rubato  tercet  ternary  ternion  terza rima  terzetto  tetrastich  thirty-second note  three  three-quarter time  threesome  tierce  time  time pattern  timing  tone  trefoil  trey  triad  trialogue  triangle  tricorn  trident  triennium  trihedron  trilogy  trimester  trine  trinity  trinomial  trio  triphthong  triple crown  triple threat  triple time  triplopy  tripod  triptych  trireme  triseme  triskelion  tristich  trisul  triumvirate  triunity  trivet  troika  two-four time  verse  waltz time  whole note  
triplex  deltoid  fan-shaped  tern  ternal  ternary  ternate  three  three-in-one  three-ply  threefold  treble  triadic  trial  triangular  trilogic  trinal  trine  triple  triplicate  triune  
triplicate  Photostat  Xerox  clone  copy  counterpart  cube  ditto  double  dupe  duplicate  duplication  facsimile  hectograph  manifold  microcopy  microfilm  mimeo  mimeograph  model  multigraph  multiply by three  quadruplicate  reduplicate  repetition  replica  replicate  replication  representation  reproduce  reproduction  second carbon  stat  tern  ternal  ternary  ternate  three-ply  threefold  trace  transcribe  treble  trilogic  trinal  trine  triple  triplex  triplication  triplicity  
tripper  LSD user  acidhead  addict  adventurer  alcoholic  alpinist  astronaut  camper  chain smoker  climber  cocaine sniffer  cokie  comers and goers  commuter  cosmopolite  cruiser  cubehead  dipsomaniac  dope fiend  doper  drug abuser  drug addict  drug user  drunkard  excursionist  explorer  fare  fiend  freak  globe-girdler  globe-trotter  glue sniffer  goer  habitual  hajji  head  heavy smoker  hophead  hype  jet set  jet-setter  journeyer  junkie  marijuana smoker  mariner  methhead  mountaineer  narcotics addict  palmer  passenger  passerby  pathfinder  pilgrim  pillhead  pioneer  pothead  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sailor  sightseer  snowbird  speed freak  straphanger  tourer  tourist  trailblazer  trailbreaker  transient  traveler  trekker  user  viator  visiting fireman  voortrekker  voyager  voyageur  wayfarer  world-traveler  
tripping  balanced  concinnate  concinnous  delirium tremens  dream  easy  elegant  euphonic  euphonical  euphonious  facile  flowing  fluent  graceful  hallucination  hallucinosis  harmonious  measured  mind-expansion  ordered  orderly  pleasing  smooth  smooth-sounding  sweet  symmetrical  
triptych  Domesday Book  abstract  abstraction  account book  address book  adversaria  album  altarpiece  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  blankbook  block print  blotter  calendar  cashbook  catalog  classified catalog  clover  collage  color print  commonplace book  copy  court calendar  cyclorama  daub  daybook  desk calendar  deuce-ace  diary  diptych  docket  engagement book  engraving  fresco  icon  illumination  illustration  image  journal  leash  ledger  likeness  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  miniature  montage  mosaic  mural  notebook  pad  panorama  petty cashbook  photograph  picture  pocket notebook  pocketbook  police blotter  print  representation  reproduction  scrapbook  scratch pad  set of three  shamrock  spiral notebook  stained glass window  stencil  still life  table  tableau  tablet  tapestry  tercet  ternary  ternion  terzetto  three  threesome  tierce  trefoil  trey  triad  trialogue  triangle  tricorn  trident  triennium  trihedron  trilogy  trimester  trine  trinity  trinomial  trio  triphthong  triple crown  triple threat  triplet  triplopy  tripod  trireme  triseme  triskelion  trisul  triumvirate  triunity  trivet  troika  wall painting  workbook  writing tablet  yearbook  

Abschaltgrenzwert Definition

(v. t.) That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines
(v. t.) The space or thing defined by limits.
(v. t.) That which terminates a period of time
(v. t.) A restriction
(v. t.) A determining feature
(v. t.) A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent.
(v. t.) To apply a limit to, or set a limit for
(v. i.) To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region
(n.) An old game played with dice.
(n. i.) To move with light, quick steps
(n. i.) To make a brief journey or pleasure excursion
(n. i.) To take a quick step, as when in danger of losing one's balance
(n. i.) Fig.: To be guilty of a misstep
(v. t.) To cause to stumble, or take a false step
(v. t.) Fig.: To overthrow by depriving of support
(v. t.) To detect in a misstep
(v. t.) To raise (an anchor) from the bottom, by its cable or buoy rope, so that it hangs free.
(v. t.) To pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering it.
(v. t.) To release, let fall, or see free, as a weight or compressed spring, as by removing a latch or detent.
(n.) A quick, light step
(n.) A brief or rapid journey
(n.) A false step
(n.) A small piece
(n.) A stroke, or catch, by which a wrestler causes his antagonist to lose footing.
(n.) A single board, or tack, in plying, or beating, to windward.
(n.) A herd or flock, as of sheep, goats, etc.
(n.) A troop of men
(n.) A flock of widgeons.
Trip hammer
() A tilt hammer.

trip limit value / trip limit values Bedeutung

trip trip-up
stumble misstep
an unintentional but embarrassing blunder, he recited the whole poem without a single trip, he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later, confusion caused his unfortunate misstep
trip a light or nimble tread, he heard the trip of women's feet overhead
trip a journey for some purpose (usually including the return), he took a trip to the shopping center
round trip a trip to some place and back again
scouting trip an expedition undertaken to gain information
pleasure trip
expedition sashay
a journey taken for pleasure, many summer excursions to the shore, it was merely a pleasure trip, after cautious sashays into the field
field trip a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination
ocean trip
an act of traveling by water
ego trip
an act undertaken to increase your own power and influence or to draw attention to your own importance
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
head trip
the act of satisfying your own desires and giving yourself pleasure
trip line a light rope used in lumbering to free a dog hook from a log at a distance
a catch mechanism that acts as a switch, the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water
trip wire a wire stretched close to the ground that activates something (a trap or camera or weapon) when tripped over
the greatest possible degree of something, what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior, to the limit of his ability
values beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something), he has very conservatives values
round-trip ticket
return ticket
a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route)
age limit regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position
speed limit regulation establishing the top speed permitted on a given road
trip head trip an exciting or stimulating experience
an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall, he blamed his slip on the ice, the jolt caused many slips and a few spills
guilty conscience
guilt feelings
guilt trip
remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
trip wire a small military force that serves as a first line of defense, if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces
city limit
city limits
the limits of the area occupied by a city or town
demarcation line
the boundary of a specific area
upper limit the limit on the upper (or northernmost) side of something
lower limit the limit on the lower (or southernmost) side of something
limit as far as something can go
three-mile limit the limit of a nation's territorial waters
debt limit
debt ceiling
the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity
the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed, there are limits on the amount you can bet, it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight
limit limit point
point of accumulation
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
lower limit
the smallest possible quantity
upper limit
the largest possible quantity
trip a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs, an acid trip
round-trip light time
the elapsed time it takes for a signal to travel from Earth to a spacecraft (or other body) and back to the starting point
time limit a time period within which something must be done or completed
terminus ad quem
terminal point
final or latest limiting point
limit bound
place limits on (extent or access), restrict the use of this parking lot, limit the time you can spend with your friends
restrict or confine, I limit you to two visits to the pub a day
trip up
detect a blunder or misstep, The reporter tripped up the senator
slip up
trip up
make an error, She slipped up and revealed the name
specify set
determine define fix limit
decide upon or fix definitely, fix the variables, specify the parameters
trip out
turn on
get off
get high, stoned, or drugged, He trips every weekend
set off
spark off
trigger off
touch off
put in motion or move to act, trigger a reaction, actuate the circuits
trip the light fantastic
trip the light fantastic toe
move in a pattern, usually to musical accompaniment, do or perform a dance, My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio
travel trip jaunt
make a trip for pleasure
miss a step and fall or nearly fall, She stumbled over the tree root
trip trip up cause to stumble, The questions on the test tripped him up
to the hilt
to the limit
in full, you are in this to the hilt
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