
Abschlussvermittler Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abschlussvermittler m (Versicherungswesen)
Abschlussvermittler pl
acquisition agent (insurance business)
acquisition agents
Abschlussvermittler m (Versicherungswesen)
Abschlussvermittler pl
acquisition agent (insurance business)
acquisition agents
Abschluß der Bücher
closing of accounts
Abschluß der Bücher
closing of books
Abschluss einer Vereinbarung
conclusion of an agreement
Abschluss eines Geschäfts
conclusion of a deal
Abschluß eines Vertrags, Vertragsabschluß
conclusion of a contract
Abschluß von Deckungsgeschäften
bei Abschluß des Kaufvertrags
at the time of the contract of sale
die Bücher zum Abschluss bringen
make up one's accounts
Geschäft, Abschluss
Saldierung, Abschluß
Vervollständigung, Abschluss
Abschluss m, Abschluß m alt
Abschluss m
Abschlüsse pl
Abschluss m (von Geschäften), Trade
Abschluss m
Abschluss m, Abschließung f math.
zum Abschluss
zum Abschluss bringen, perfekt machen
to clinch
Abschluss auf rein geschäftlicher Grundlage
arm's length transaction
Abschluss m (eines Vertrages)
Datum des Vertragsabschlusses
completion (of a contract)
completion date
feierlicher Abschluss (im Seniorjahr der High School)
prom night
Beendigung f, Beendung f, Abschluss m, Erledigung f
nach Abschluss des Kurses
on completion of the course
Beendigung f, Fertigstellung f, Abschluss m
finalization, finalisation
Bescheinigung f, Beurkundung f, Schein m, Abschluss m
Bescheinigungen pl, Beurkundungen pl, Scheine pl, Abschlüsse pl
certification, certificate
End..., Anschluss..., Abschluss...
Ende n, Abschluss m
Ergebnis n, Ausgang m, Abschluss m, Schluss m
endgültige Festlegung f, endgültiger Abschluss
Grundstudium n
Abschluss des Grundstudiums
foundation course, stage studies, basic study
completion of basic studies
Kompetenz f
Kompetenz zum Abschluss von Verträgen
competence, competency
treaty-making power
Schluss m, Abschluss m
Unterzeichnung f
Unterzeichnung des Vertrags, Abschluss m eines Vertrages
signing of the agreement, execution of the contract
(Geschäft) abschließen, zum Abschluss bringen
to put through
geprüft, testiert adj
testierter Abschluss
ungeprüft, nicht testiert
audited accounts
testierter Abschluss
audited accounts
Ende, beenden, erledigen, fertigstellen, Abschluss
bei Abschluss der Konten
on balancing our accounts
beim Abschluss unserer Bücher
on closing our books
beim Abschluss unserer Bücher entdeckten wir
on closing our books we discovered
Abschluss im Fernstudium
distance degree
Abschluss machen
Ablauf m; Ende n; Erlöschen n (von etw.) jur.
Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft
Erlöschen eines Rechts
Außerkrafttreten eines Staatsvertrags
etw. zum Abschluss bringen; beendigen
termination (the end of sth.)
termination of membership
termination of a right
termination of a treaty
to bring sth. to a termination; to put (a) termination to sth.
Abschluss m; Abschluß m alt
Abschluss m; Ausgang m; Abschlussglied n (eines Wellenleiters) telco.
Abschluss m (von Geschäften); Trade
Abschluss m
Abschluss einer Vereinbarung
Abschluss eines Geschäfts
conclusion of an agreement
conclusion of a deal
Abschluss m; Abschließung f math.
zum Abschluss bringen; perfekt machen
to clinch
Abschluss m (Ballsport) sport
schwacher Abschluss
finishing (ball sports)
poor finishing
Beendigung f; Beendung f; Abschluss m; Erledigung f
nach Abschluss des Kurses
on completion of the course
Beendigung f; Fertigstellung f; Abschluss m
finalization eAm.; finalisation Br.
Befähigung f; Eignung f
Befähigungen pl; Eignungen pl
berufsqualifizierender Abschluss
Anerkennung von Berufsqualifikationen
seine Befähigung nachweisen
qualification to enter a profession
recognition of professional qualifications
to establish prove one's qualification
Bilanz f; Bilanzaufstellung f; Abschluss m; Rechnungslegung f fin übtr.
Bilanzen pl; Bilanzaufstellungen pl; Abschlüsse pl; Rechnungslegungen pl
Bilanz ziehen übtr.
balance; balance sheet; financial statement Am.; asset and liability statement Am.
balances; balance sheets; financial statements; asset and liability statements
to make up a balance
End...; Anschluss...; Abschluss...
Ende n; Abschluss m
am Ende; zum Schluss; zum Abschluss; zuletzt adv
eine lange aber am Ende erfolgreiche Kampagne
Zum Schluss wußte ich schon nicht mehr was ich glauben sollte.
Am Ende zuletzt hat sie dann doch nachgegeben.
Zuletzt war sie Vorstandsmitglied.
Zuletzt hatte er sich aber zu viel zugemutet.
in the end; ultimately; finally; eventually
a long but ultimately successful campaign
In the end I just didn't know what to think.
In the end eventually she did give in.
At the end of her career she was a board director.
However towards the end of his life he was over-taxing his strength.
am (anderen) Ende anlangen; seinen Abschluss finden
Das Jahrhundert hatte noch nicht seinen Abschluss gefunden.
to come turn go full circle fig.
The century had not yet come full circle.
Ergebnis n; Ausgang m; Abschluss m
etw. zu einem erfolgreichen Abschluss bringen
issue (outcome)
to carry sth. to a successful issue
endgültige Festlegung f; endgültiger Abschluss
finalization eAm.; finalisation Br.
Geschäftsabschluss m; Abschluss m; Tag m des Abschlusses econ.
closing date Am.
Gestimmtheit f; Unterton m; Beiklang m
bei jdm. den richtigen Nerv treffen
der falsche Weg sein; in die falsche Richtung gehen
vor etw. warnen
einen schönen bitteren Abschluss finden
Um noch etwas anderes anzusprechen: ...
Jetzt einmal im Ernst: ...; Nun aber ernsthaft: ...
... und damit komme ich auch schon zum Ende.
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich der Konferenz viel Erfolg.
Ich möchte mit einem optimistischen Ausblick schließen.
Erlauben Sie mir zum Abschluss noch eine persönliche Bemerkung:
Das Schützenfest hat gestern einen schönen Ausklang gefunden.
note fig.
to hit strike just the right note with sb. fig.
to hit strike the wrong note
to sound a cautionary note about sth.
to end on a high sour note
On a (slightly) different note ...
On a more serious note ...
...and I will finish on this note.
On that note I wish the conference every success.
I would like to close end on an optimistic note.
If I may end on a personal note ...
The markmen's fun fair ended on a high note yesterday.
Grundstudium n stud.
Abschluss des Grundstudiums
foundation course; stage studies; basic study; basic studies
completion of basic studies
Kompetenz f
Kompetenzen pl
Kompetenz zum Abschluss von Verträgen
competence; competency
competences; competencies
treaty-making power
Pflichtschule f; Schulobligatorium n Schw. school
nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule
Personen deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist
die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen
Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können.
compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education
after completing leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education
people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling
to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates
All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.
Schluss m; Schluß m alt; Abschluss m; Abschluß m alt
Abschluss der Bücher fin.
closing of accounts; closing of books
Schlusspunkt m (Abschluss)
conclusion; finale

Abschlussvermittler Definition

(n.) The act or process of acquiring.
(n.) The thing acquired or gained
(a.) Acting
(n.) One who exerts power, or has the power to act
(n.) One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him
(n.) An active power or cause
(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(n.) The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event
(n.) The premium paid for insuring property or life.
(n.) The sum for which life or property is insured.
(n.) A guaranty, security, or pledge

acquisition agent (insurance business) / acquisition agents Bedeutung

causal agent
causal agency
any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
acquisition the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something, the acquisition of wealth, the acquisition of one company by another
business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
insurance claim demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy
social insurance government provision for unemployed, injured, or aged people, financed by contributions from employers and employees as well as by government revenue
national insurance social insurance program in Britain, based on contributions from employers and employees, provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services
old-age insurance insurance paid to the elderly
survivors insurance insurance paid to surviving spouses
disability insurance social insurance for the disabled
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
alkylating agent an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
alpha blocker
alpha-adrenergic blocker
alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors, used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia, relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder
anesthetic agent
anaesthetic agent
a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
antifungal agent
antimycotic agent
any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi
antispasmodic agent
a drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the smooth muscles)
antiviral agent
antiviral drug
any drug that destroys viruses
beta blocker
beta-blocking agent
beta-adrenergic blocker
beta-adrenergic blocking agent
any of various drugs used in treating hypertension or arrhythmia, decreases force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the autonomic nervous system
blocking agent
a class of drugs that inhibit (block) some biological process
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
cleansing agent
a preparation used in cleaning something
immunizing agent
any substance or organism that provokes an immune response (produces immunity) when introduced into the body
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
major tranquilizer
major tranquillizer
major tranquilliser
antipsychotic drug
antipsychotic agent
neuroleptic drug
neuroleptic agent
tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
psychotropic agent a chemical substance that can influence human consciousness
target acquisition system a shipboard system for the detection and identification and location of a target with enough detail to permit effective weapon employment
thrombolytic agent
clot buster
a kind of pharmaceutical that can break up clots blocking the flow of blood to the heart muscle
antianxiety agent
ataractic drug
ataractic agent
a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity
skill accomplishment
an ability that has been acquired by training
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge, the child's acquisition of language
audio lingual acquisition system of language acquisition focusing intensively on listening and speaking
business a rightful concern or responsibility, it's none of your business, mind your own business
business an immediate objective, gossip was the main business of the evening
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