
Abschnittsnummer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abschnittsnummer f
segment number
Abschnittsnummer f
segment number
Abschnitt, Bereich, Sektor, Zweig, Branche
Abteilung, Abschnitt, Schnitt
im Scheckheft verbleibender Abschnitt
Paragraf, Abschnitt, Absatz
Segment, Abschnitt, Kreisabschnitt
Absatz m, Abschnitt m
AbsÀtze pl, Abschnitte pl
neuer Absatz
paragraph, subsection
paragraphs, subsections
new paragraph
Abschnitt m, StĂŒck n
Abschnitte pl, StĂŒcke pl
Abschnitt m, Folge f, Fortsetzung f
Abschnitte pl, Folgen pl, Fortsetzungen pl
Abschnitt m
Abschnitte pl
Abschnitt m, Anteil m, TeilstĂŒck n
Abschnitte pl, Anteile pl, TeilstĂŒcke pl
Abschnitt m, Kreisabschnitt m
Abschnitte pl, Kreisabschnitte pl
Abschnitt m einer MĂŒnze
Abschnitt m, Etappe f, Teilstrecke f
Abschnitte pl, Etappen pl, Teilstrecken pl
etappenweise adv
in stages, by stages
Beleg m, Abschnitt m, Zettel m
Belege pl, Abschnitte pl, Zettel pl
Etappe, Abschnitt, Teilstrecke m sport.
Etappe, Abschnitt, Teilstrecken pl
Phase f, Zustand m, Stadium n, Abschnitt m
Phasen pl, ZustÀnde pl, Stadien pl, Abschnitte pl
in Phasen
flĂŒssiger Zustand, flĂŒssige Phase
mobile Phase
sensitive Phase biol.
liquid phase
mobile phase
sensitive period
Strecke f, StĂŒck n, Abschnitt m, Ausdehnung f
Strecken pl, StĂŒcke pl, Abschnitte pl, Ausdehnungen pl
Streifen m (Abschnitt)
Streifen pl
Teil m, Abschnitt m, Anteil m
Teile pl, Abschnitte pl, Anteile pl
Vorderdarm m, vorderer Abschnitt des DĂŒnndarms anat.
Abschnitt der LaufflÀche
tread section
Abschn. : Abschnitt
Abschn. : Abschnitt
ch. : chapter
Abschnitt, durchschneiden
Abschnitt, Kreisabschnitt
Absatz m Abs. ; Abschnitt m ling. jur.
AbsÀtze pl; Abschnitte pl
neuer Absatz
außer in den FĂ€llen gemĂ€ĂŸ den AbsĂ€tzen 4 und 5
Der ganze Satzteil wird zu einem neuen Absatz. (VertragsÀnderung)
paragraph par. ; subsection
paragraphs; subsections
new paragraph
except in the cases referred to in the paragraphs 4 and 5
Convert the whole of the clause into a separate paragraph. (contract amendment)
Abschnitt m; StĂŒck n
Abschnitte pl; StĂŒcke pl
Abschnitt m Abschn.
Abschnitte pl
Abschnitt m; Anteil m; TeilstĂŒck n
Abschnitte pl; Anteile pl; TeilstĂŒcke pl
Abschnitt m; Kreisabschnitt m
Abschnitte pl; Kreisabschnitte pl
Abschnitt m; Etappe f; Teilstrecke f
Abschnitte pl; Etappen pl; Teilstrecken pl
etappenweise adv
in stages; by stages
Akt m; Aufzug m (Abschnitt eines BĂŒhnenstĂŒck) art
Akte pl; AufzĂŒge pl
act (division of a work for the stage)
Anhang m Anh. (vom Haupttext getrennter Abschnitt am Ende eines Druckwerks) print
AnhÀnge pl
als Anhang zu einer Publikation
appendix app. (section at the end of a printed publication separated from the main text)
appendices; appendixes
in an appendix to a publication
Beleg m; Abschnitt m; Zettel m
Belege pl; Abschnitte pl; Zettel pl
Blocksystem n; Block m
Blocksystem mit Signalverschluss
Blocksystem mit Zugeinwirkung
Blocksystem mit einem Zug im Abschnitt
Blocksystem mit mehreren ZĂŒgen im Abschnitt
unbedingtes absolutes Blocksystem mit Nachfahrmöglichkeit
bedingter Block
(Bahn) block system; block; space system (railway)
interlocked block
lock and block
absolute block system
permissive block system
absolute permissive block APB
permissive block
Kapitel n; Abschnitt m Abschn.
Kapitel pl
chapter ch.
LaufflÀche f techn.
LaufflÀchen pl
LaufflÀche eines Schuhs
LaufflÀche eines Reifen
LaufflÀche einer Schiene
LaufflÀche eines Rads
gewebeverstÀrkte LaufflÀche
GewebeverstÀrkung in der LaufflÀche
gewickelte LaufflÀche
Abschnitt der LaufflÀche
Einschnitt in der LaufflÀche f
ungleichmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung der LaufflĂ€che
tread of a shoe
cap cover of a tyre tire
upper surface of a rail
tread of a wheel
fabric reinforced tread
tread ply
strip winding
tread section
tread cutting
uneven tread wear
Passus m; Absatz m; Abschnitt m (in einem Text)
Periode f; Abschnitt m meteo.
Perioden pl; Abschnitte pl
Schlechtwetterperiode f
Hitzeperiode f
spell of bad weather
hot spell; warm spell
Phase f; Zustand m; Stadium n; Abschnitt m
Phasen pl; ZustÀnde pl; Stadien pl; Abschnitte pl
in dieser Phase
in Phasen
flĂŒssiger Zustand; flĂŒssige Phase
mobile Phase
sensitive Phase biol.
noch im Versuchsstadium in der Erprobungsphase sein
Sie macht gerade eine schwierige Phase durch.
Wir treten in den internationalen Beziehungen in ein neue Phase ein.
Als HalbwĂŒchsige hatte sie eine Phase wo sie immer nur schwarz trug.
Er ist jetzt in der Endphase der Behandlung.
in during this phase
liquid phase
mobile phase
sensitive period
to be still in the experimental phase
She's going through a difficult phase.
We're entering a new phase in international relations.
When she was in her teens she went through a phase of only ever wearing black.
He's in the final phase of treatment now.
Satz m (Abschnitt eines mehrteiligen MusikstĂŒcks) mus.
SĂ€tze pl
im Eingangssatz
im Schlusssatz
movement (section of a multipart piece of music)
in the initial movement
in the final movement
Strecke f; StĂŒck n; Abschnitt m; Ausdehnung f; Verlauf m
Strecken pl; StĂŒcke pl; Abschnitte pl; Ausdehnungen pl
in diesem Abschnitt
ĂŒber weite Strecken (hin)
at that stretch (of road path water canal etc.)
for long stretches
Szene f; Abschnitt m art
Szenen pl; Abschnitte pl
in der zweiten Szene des dritten Akts (Theater)
Szenen aus dem Leben eines Genies
In the second scene of act three (theatre)
scenes from the life of a genius
Teil m; Abschnitt m; Anteil m
Teile pl; Abschnitte pl; Anteile pl
Vorderdarm m; vorderer Abschnitt des DĂŒnndarms anat.
abschnittsweise; abschnittweise; Abschnitt fĂŒr Abschnitt adv
section by section
LĂ€nge f; (langatmiger Abschnitt) (meist i.d. Mehrzahl)
Trotz einiger seiner LĂ€ngen ist es ein eindrucksvoller Erstroman.
longueur (usually in plural)
Despite some its longueurs this is an impressive first novel.
Abschnitt m geol.
intercept (of crystals)
Abrissabschnitt m; Abriss m; abtrennbarer Abschnitt m; Abschnitt m zum Abtrennen; Abrisscoupon m Dt. Schw.; Coupon m Dt. Schw.; Abrisskupon m Ös.; Kupon m Ös.; Talon m Schw.; Abrisszettel m ugs.
Abrissabschnitte pl; Abrisse pl; abtrennbare Abschnitte pl; Abschnitte pl zum Abtrennen; Abrisscoupons pl; Coupons pl; Abrisskupons pl; Kupons pl; Talons pl; Abrisszettel pl
coupon; couterfoil Br.; stub Am.; tear-off slip; detachable portion
coupons; couterfoils; stubs; tear-off slips; detachable portions
Abschnitt m Abschn.
Abschnitte pl
Akt m; Aufzug m (Abschnitt eines BĂŒhnenstĂŒck) art
Akte pl; AufzĂŒge pl
Opernakte pl
Einakter m
act (division of a work for the stage)
acts of an opera
one-act play
Anhang m Anh. (vom Haupttext getrennter Abschnitt am Ende eines Druckwerks) print
AnhÀnge pl
als Anhang zu einer Publikation
appendix app. ; annex Br.; annexure rare South Africa (section at the end of a printed publication, separated from the main text)
appendices; appendixes
in an appendix to a publication
Auszug m; Ausschnitt m; Abschnitt m; Exzerpt n geh. (aus einer Schrift, Sendung, einem Film, MusikstĂŒck)
AuszĂŒge pl; Ausschnitte pl; Abschnitte pl; Exzerpte pl
Auszug aus einem Buch; Ausschnitt aus einem Buch
extract; excerpt (passage taken from a writing, broadcast, film or piece of music)
extracts; excerpts
extract from a book
DNS-Abschnitt m; Genabschnitt m biochem.
gene segment; DNA segment
Kapitel n; Abschnitt m Abschn.
Kapitel pl
chapter ch.
LĂ€nge f (langatmiger Abschnitt) (meist in der Mehrzahl)
Trotz einiger seiner LĂ€ngen ist es ein eindrucksvoller Erstroman.
longueur (usually in plural)
Despite some its longueurs, this is an impressive first novel.
LaufflÀche f techn.
LaufflÀchen pl
LaufflÀche eines Schuhs
LaufflÀche eines Reifens
LaufflÀche einer Schiene
LaufflÀche eines Rads
gewebeverstÀrkte LaufflÀche
GewebeverstÀrkung in der LaufflÀche
gewickelte LaufflÀche
Abschnitt der LaufflÀche
Einschnitt in der LaufflÀche f
ungleichmĂ€ĂŸige Abnutzung der LaufflĂ€che
tread of a shoe
cap cover of a tyre tire
upper surface of a rail
tread of a wheel
fabric reinforced tread
tread ply
strip winding
tread section
tread cutting
uneven tread wear
Phase f; Zustand m; Stadium n; Abschnitt m
Phasen pl; ZustÀnde pl; Stadien pl; Abschnitte pl
in dieser Phase
in Phasen
flĂŒssiger Zustand; flĂŒssige Phase
mobile Phase
sensitive Phase biol.
noch im Versuchsstadium in der Erprobungsphase sein
Sie macht gerade eine schwierige Phase durch.
Wir treten in den internationalen Beziehungen in ein neue Phase ein.
Als HalbwĂŒchsige hatte sie eine Phase, wo sie immer nur schwarz trug.
Er ist jetzt in der Endphase der Behandlung.
in during this phase
liquid phase
mobile phase
sensitive period
to be still in the experimental phase
She's going through a difficult phase.
We're entering a new phase in international relations.
When she was in her teens she went through a phase of only ever wearing black.
He's in the final phase of treatment now.
Protokolldatei f; Logdatei f comp.
Protokolldateien pl; Logdateien pl
letzter Abschnitt m einer Protokolldatei; neuester Teil m einer Protokolldatei
log file; logging file; logfile
log files; logging files; logfiles
log tail; tail of the log
Strang m (lĂ€ngerer Abschnitt) ĂŒbtr.
StrÀnge pl
mehrere HandlungsstrÀnge; mehrere ErzÀhlsstrÀnge lit.
strand fig.
several plot strands; several narrative strands; several strands of narrative
Strecke f; Abschnitt m auf einer Geraden math.
Strecken pl; Abschnitte pl auf einer Geraden
eine Strecke abtragen
straight-line segment; line segment; segment of a line; section of a line
straight-line segments; line segments; segments of a line; sections of a line
to mark off a line segment
Streckenblocksystem n; Blocksystem n (Bahn)
Blocksystem mit Signalverschluss; ZugrĂŒckmeldung mit Blockverschluss
Blocksystem mit Zugeinwirkung
Blocksystem mit einem Zug im Abschnitt; unbedingtes Blocksystem; absolutes Blocksystem
Blocksystem mit mehreren ZĂŒgen im Abschnitt; permissives Blocksystem
unbedingtes absolutes Blocksystem mit Nachfahrmöglichkeit
Blocksystem mit AchszÀhlern
automatisches Blocksystem; Selbstblockung
Selbstblocksystem mit begrenzter Nachfahrmöglichkeit; begrenzt permissives Blocksystem; permissives Selbstblocksystem
block system (railway)
interlocked block system; interlocking block system
lock and block
absolute block system
permissive block system
absolute permissive block APB
axle counter block system
automatic block system
partly permissive automatic block system

Deutsche Abschnittsnummer Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Abschnittsnummer Synonym nachschlagen

Englische segment number Synonyme

segment  adjunct  affiliation  air line  allotment  allowance  analyze  anatomize  apportion  assay  axis  beeline  big end  bigger half  bit  bite  body  branch  break down  break up  budget  categorize  chord  chunk  church  cleave  commission  communion  community  component  contingent  cross section  cut  cut up  deal  denomination  destiny  detachment  detail  diagonal  diameter  direct line  directrix  dissect  district  divide  divide up  dividend  division  divvy  divvy up  dole  edge  element  end  equal share  faction  fate  fellowship  fraction  fragment  great-circle course  group  half  halver  helping  installment  interest  isolate  item  joint  length  lot  measure  meed  member  mess  modicum  moiety  normal  offshoot  order  organization  parcel  parcel out  part  particular  partition  party  percentage  perpendicular  persuasion  piece  portion  proportion  quadrant  quantum  quarter  quota  radius  radius vector  rake-off  random sample  ration  reduce  reduce to elements  religious order  remainder  resolve  right line  sample  sampling  schism  school  secant  seclude  sect  sectarism  section  sector  separate  set off  share  shortcut  side  slice  small share  society  split  split up  stake  stock  straight  straight course  straight line  straight stretch  straightaway  streamline  subdivide  subdivision  subgroup  subspecies  tangent  transversal  variety  vector  version  wedge  zone  
segmentation  abstraction  alienation  analysis  analyzation  anatomizing  anatomy  assay  assaying  breakdown  breaking down  breaking up  breakup  detachment  disarticulation  disassociation  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  disengagement  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  dissection  disunion  division  divorce  divorcement  docimasy  gravimetric analysis  incoherence  isolation  luxation  parting  partition  proximate analysis  quantitative analysis  reduction to elements  removal  resolution  semimicroanalysis  separation  separatism  subdivision  subtraction  withdrawal  zoning  

Abschnittsnummer Definition

(n.) That which admits of being counted or reckoned
(n.) A collection of many individuals
(n.) A numeral
(n.) Numerousness
(n.) The state or quality of being numerable or countable.
(n.) Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things.
(n.) That which is regulated by count
(n.) The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word
(n.) The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind
(n.) To count
(n.) To reckon as one of a collection or multitude.
(n.) To give or apply a number or numbers to
(n.) To amount
(n.) One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided
(n.) A part cut off from a figure by a line or plane
(n.) A piece in the form of the sector of a circle, or part of a ring
(n.) A segment gear.
(n.) One of the cells or division formed by segmentation, as in egg cleavage or in fissiparous cell formation.
(n.) One of the divisions, rings, or joints into which many animal bodies are divided
(v. i.) To divide or separate into parts in growth

segment number Bedeutung

number crunching performing complex and lengthy numerical calculations
number one wood
a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
number an item of merchandise offered for sale, she preferred the black nylon number, this sweater is an all-wool number
number cruncher a computer capable of performing a large number of mathematical operations per second
one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object, a section of a fishing rod, metal sections were used below ground, finished the final segment of the road
number a clothing measurement, a number shoe
the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals, he had a number of chores to do, the number of parameters is small, the figure was about a thousand
opposite number
a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another
folio page number
the system of numbering pages
number the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural), in English the subject and the verb must agree in number
number identification number a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification, she refused to give them her Social Security number
bank identification number
ABA transit number
an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations, the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself
license number
registration number
the number on the license plate that identifies the car that bears it
Social Security number the number of a particular individual's Social Security account
phone number
telephone number
the number is used in calling a particular telephone, he has an unlisted number
random number generator a routine designed to yield a random number
one of a series published periodically, she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
a symbol used to represent a number, he learned to write the numerals before he went to school
numeration system
number system
number representation system
system of numeration
any notation for the representation of numbers
binary numeration system
pure binary numeration system
binary number system
binary system
a positional system of numeration that uses binary digits and a radix of two
octal numeration system
octal number system
a positional system of numeration that uses octal digits and a radix of eight
decimal numeration system
decimal number system
decimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base of ten
duodecimal number system
duodecimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses duodecimal digits and a radix of twelve
hexadecimal number system
sexadecimal number system
hexadecimal system
a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
personal identification number
PIN number
a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
act routine number turn
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program, he did his act three times every evening, she had a catchy little routine, it was one of the best numbers he ever did
number a select company of people, I hope to become one of their number before I die
box number a mailing address to which answers to a newspaper ad can be sent
post-office box number
PO box number
PO Box No
box number
the number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collected
segment one of the parts into which something naturally divides, a segment of an orange
number one a reference to yourself or myself etc., `take care of number one' means to put your own interests first
number cruncher someone able to perform complex and lengthy calculations
someone who is no longer popular
number theorist a mathematician specializing in number theory
octane number
octane rating
a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline
number a concept of quantity involving zero and units, every number has a unique position in the sequence
Avogadro's number
Avogadro number
the number of molecules in a mole of a substance (approximately ,,,,,,,)
oxidation number
oxidation state
the degree of oxidation of an atom or ion or molecule, for simple atoms or ions the oxidation number is equal to the ionic charge, the oxidation number of hydrogen isand of oxygen is -
Fibonacci number a number in the Fibonacci sequence
prime number an integer that has no integral factors but itself and
composite number an integer that is divisible without remainder by at least one positive integer other than itself and one
compound number a quantity expressed in two different units, one hour and ten minutes
ordinal number
the number designating place in an ordered sequence
number one
the first element in a countable series, the first of the month
cardinal number
the number of elements in a mathematical set, denotes a quantity but not the order
floating-point number a number represented in floating-point notation
fixed-point number a number represented in fixed-point notation
atomic number the order of an element in Mendeleyev's table of the elements, equal to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in the neutral state of an atom of an element
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