
Abstandsst�ck Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abstandsarm m (beim Solarzellenausleger) electr.
Abstandsarme pl
yoke (of the solar paddel)
Abstandsblech n techn.
Abstandsblech n; Futterblech n (zum Unterlegen); Unterlegplatte f; Unterlage f aus Blech techn.
Abstandsbleche pl; Futterbleche pl; Unterlegplatten pl; Unterlagen pl aus Blech
Abstandsbolzen m techn.
Abstandsbolzen pl
distance bolt, spacing bolt
distance bolts, spacing bolts
Abstandsbolzen m techn.
Abstandsbolzen pl
distance bolt; spacing bolt
distance bolts; spacing bolts
Abstandsbolzen m; Distanzbolzen m techn.
Abstandsbolzen pl; Distanzbolzen pl
standoff bolt; standoff
standoff bolts; standoffs
Abstandsfläche f
distance space, clearance
Abstandsfläche f
distance space; clearance
Abstandsfläche f zwischen (gegenüberliegenden) Gebäuden arch. adm.
building setbacks
Abstandsflugkörper m, Standoff-Flugkörper m mil.
Abstandsflugkörper pl, Standoff-Flugkörper pl
stand-off missile
stand-off missiles
Abstandsflugkörper m; Standoff-Flugkörper m mil.
Abstandsflugkörper pl; Standoff-Flugkörper pl
stand-off missile
stand-off missiles
Abstandszahlung f; Abstandssumme f; Abstandsgeld n; Abfindung f; Abfertigung f Ös. fin.
Abstandszahlungen pl; Abstandssummen pl; Abstandsgelder pl; Abfindungen pl; Abfertigungen pl
financial settlement; lump-sum settlement
financial settlements; lump-sum settlements
Abstandsgestell n; Sicherheitsbehälter m (Kerntechnik)
spent fuel rack; birdcage (nuclear engineering)
abstandsgleich adj
Aufenthalt m; Halt m (Fahrtunterbrechung) transp.
Abstandshalt m; Halt wegen Zugfolge (öffentliche Verkehrsmittel)
Betriebshalt m; Halt für dienstliche Zwecke (öffentliche Verkehrsmittel)
vorgeschriebener Halt (öffentliche Verkehrsmittel)
Zwischenhalt m; Unterwegshalt m Dt.
Dieser Aufenthalt war nicht eingeplant.
stop; stopover; layover Am.
stop to maintain block distance (public transport)
stop to comply with operating requirements (public transport)
compulsory stop (public transport)
intermediate stop; intermediate stopover
This stop wasn't scheduled.
Distanzhalter m, Abstandshalter m techn.
Zugstangen und Abstandshalter pl techn.
tie rods and spacers
Distanzhalter m; Abstandshalter m techn.
Distanzhalter pl; Abstandshalter pl
Abstandsstück n; Abstandshülse f techn.
Abstandsstücke pl; Abstandshülsen pl
spacer; distance spacer
spacers; distance spacers
Abstandshülse f techn.
Abstandshülsen pl
distance tube; spacer tube
distance tubes; spacer tubes
Stangenanker m; Stangenband n; Zuganker m constr.
Stangenanker pl; Stangenbänder pl; Zuganker pl
Abstandshülse des Stangenankers
tie rod; tension rod; truss rod
tie rods; tension rods; truss rods
tie rod spacer; tension rod spacer
lückenlos, abstandslos adj
lückenlos; abstandslos adj
Abstandsmaß n
statistische Variable f; Maßzahl f; Statistik f statist.
abgeleitete statistische Variable
bedingte statistische Variable; bedingte Statistik
Hilfsmaßzahl f; anzilläre statistische Variable
Klassierungsmaßzahl f; Zuordnungsmaßzahl f
g-Maßzahl f
D²-Abstandsmaßzahl f; verallgemeinerter Abstand nach Mahalanobis
Chi-Quadrat-Statistk f
Ordnungsstatistik f
Stichproben-Statistik f
derived statistic
conditional statistic
ancillary statistic
classification statistic
D²-statistic; Mahalanobis' generalized distance
chi-squared statistic
order statistic
sample statistic
statistische Variable f; Maßzahl f; Statistik f statist.
abgeleitete statistische Variable
aggregierende Variable; aggregierende Maßzahl
bedingte statistische Variable; bedingte Statistik
Hilfsmaßzahl f; anzilläre statistische Variable
Klassierungsmaßzahl f; Zuordnungsmaßzahl f
g-Maßzahl f
D²-Abstandsmaßzahl f; verallgemeinerter Abstand nach Mahalanobis
Chi-Quadrat-Statistk f
Ordnungsstatistik f
Stichproben-Statistik f
derived statistic
summary statistic
conditional statistic
ancillary statistic
classification statistic
D²-statistic; Mahalanobis' generalized distance
chi-squared statistic
order statistic
sample statistic
Abstandsmessmessgerät n; Abstandsmesser m constr.
Abstandsmessmessgeräte pl; Abstandsmesser pl
Laserabstandsmesser m
distance meter
distance meters
laser distance meter
Abstandsmessung f techn.
distance measurement
Abstandsmessung f constr.
distance measurement
Radar m,n
Flugzeugträger-Anflugradarsystem n; Flugzeugträger-Anflugradar m,n
Höhenmessradar m,n
monotonfrequenzmodulierter Radar
Nahbereichsradar m,n
Navigationsradar m,n
Ortungs- und Verfolgungsradar n,m
Präzisionsanflugradar m,n
Sekundärradar m,n; Aktivradar m,n; aktive Ortung und Abstandsmessung
Wetterbeobachtungsradar m,n
Zielerfassungsradar großer Reichweite; PAR-Radar
Zielverfolgungsradar m,n; Verfolgungsradar n; Feuerleitradar m,n FLR
radar; radio detection and ranging
carrier-controlled approach radar; CCA radar; radar for a carrier-controlled approach system
height-finder radar
chirp radar
short-range radar
navigation radar
acquisition and tracking radar
precision approach radar
secondary radar
weather observation radar
perimeter acquisition radar PAR
target tracking radar; targeting radar; tracking radar; missile tracking radar MTR ; fire-control radar FCR
Abstandsregelautomat m techn.
vehicle distance speed regulator
Abstandsregelautomat m auto
vehicle distance speed regulator
Abstandsregelung f für Gebäude; Abstandsvorschrift f für Gebäude arch. adm.
building setback regulation
Abstandsring m, Abstandring f techn.
Abstandsringe pl, Abstandringe pl
spacer ring
spacer rings
Abstandsring m; Abstandring f techn.
Abstandsringe pl; Abstandringe pl
spacer ring
spacer rings
Abstandsring m; Abstandring m techn.
Abstandsringe pl; Abstandringe pl
spacer ring
spacer rings
Abstandsrohr n techn.
spreader tube
Abstandsrolle f
Abstandsrollen pl
distance roll
distance rolls
Abstandsscheibe f techn.
Abstandsscheiben pl
Scheibe f (mit mittiger Bohrung); Ring m (in Zusammensetzungen) techn.
Scheiben pl; Ringe pl
Abstandsscheibe f; Ausgleichsscheibe f; Beilegscheibe f; Beilagscheibe f; Beilage f; Unterlegscheibe f
Einstellscheibe f
Hartgummischeibe f
gerändelte Unterlegscheibe
washer; shim (in compounds)
washers; shims
distance washer; distance shim
adjusting shim
hard rubber washer; ebonite washer
knurled washer
Abstandssensor m
Abstandssensoren pl
mikrooptischer Abstandssensor
kapazitiver Abstandssensor
distance sensor
distance sensors
micro-optical distance sensor
capacitive distance sensor
Abstandsstück n
Abstandsstücke pl
spacer, distance spacer
spacers, distance spacers
Abstandsstück n techn.
Abstandsstücke pl
distance spacer; spacer
distance spacers; spacers
Abstandsteil n
Abstandsteile pl
spacer, washer
spacers, washers
Abstandsteil n
Abstandsteile pl
spacer; washer
spacers; washers
statistischer Test m statist.
Ad hoc-Test
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschterTest
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest; Randomisationstest
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest; Mauchly-Test
T-Test; Student-Test
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
trennschärfster Rangtest
Varianzverhältnistest; F-Test
Vorzeichenrangtest; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerfull rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-test; Student's test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschter Test
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest m; Mauchly-Test m
Stabilitätsprüfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschärfster Rangtest
UN²-Test m
Varianzverhältnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf Normalität m
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverhältnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f für Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher Kollinearitätstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test
Projektion f math.
abstandstreue Projektion
flächentreue Projektion
gnomonische Projektion
stereographische Projektion
winkeltreue Projektion
equidistant projection
equiareal projection; equal area projection; equivalent projection
gnomonic projection
stereographic projection
conformal projection
Projektion f (Geometrie) math.
Projektionen pl
abstandstreue Projektion
Eintafelprojektion f
flächentreue Projektion
gnomonische Projektion
Parallelprojektion f
stereographische Projektion
winkeltreue Projektion
projection (geometrics)
equidistant projection
one-plane projection
equiareal projection; equal area projection; equivalent projection
gnomonic projection
parallel projection
stereographic projection
conformal projection
Abstandsunterscheidung f; Entfernungsauflösungsvermögen f; Entfernungsauflösung f (Radar)
range discrimination Br.; range resolution Am. (radar)
Ablöse f Abl. ; Abstandszahlung f (Mietobjekt)
Ungesetzliche Ablösen können auf dem Klageweg zurückgefordert werden.
key money Br.; premium (on a lease)
Unlawful premiums may be recovered by action.
Ablöse f Abl. ; Abstandszahlung f (Mietobjekt)
Ungesetzliche Ablösen können auf dem Klageweg zurückgefordert werden.
key money Br.; premium (on a lease)
Unlawful premiums may be recovered by action.
Abstandszünder m; Annäherungszünder m; Näherungszünder m mil.
Abstandszünder pl; Annäherungszünder pl; Näherungszünder pl
proximity fuse; radio-proximity fuse
proximity fuses; radio-proximity fuses
Zünder m mil.
Zünder pl
Abstandszünder m; Annäherungszünder m; Näherungszünder m
elektrischer Zünder
Zünder einer Sprengkapsel
fuse; fuze Am. (explosive)
fuses; fuzes
proximity fuse; radio-proximity fuse
electric igniter fuse
fuse head

Deutsche Abstandsst�ck Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Abstandsst�ck Synonym nachschlagen

Englische yoke Synonyme

yoke  Oregon boat  accouple  accumulate  agglutinate  amass  articulate  assemble  associate  back band  backstrap  band  bearing rein  bed  bed down  bellyband  bilbo  bit  blinders  blinds  bond  bonds  both  brace  bracket  break  breeching  bridge  bridge over  bridle  brush  camisole  caparison  cavesson  cement  chain  chains  checkrein  cheekpiece  chinband  cinch  clap together  collar  collect  combine  comprise  concatenate  conglobulate  conjoin  conjugate  connect  copulate  couple  couple up  couplet  cover  crownband  crupper  cuffs  curb  curry  currycomb  distich  double harness  double-harness  double-team  doublet  drench  duad  duet  duo  dyad  embrace  encompass  enslavement  feed  fetter  fodder  gag  gag swivel  gather  gentle  girth  glue  groom  gyves  hackamore  halter  hames  hametugs  hamper  handcuffs  handle  harness  headgear  headstall  helotry  hip straps  hitch  hitch up  hobbles  hook up  hopples  include  irons  jaquima  jerk line  join  knot  lay together  leading strings  league  leash  ligament  ligature  lines  link  litter  lump together  manacle  manage  marry  marshal  martingale  mass  match  mate  mates  merge  milk  mobilize  muzzle  nexus  noseband  pair  pair off  peonage  piece together  pillory  pole strap  put together  reins  restraint  restraints  ribbons  roll into one  rub down  saddle  serfdom  servility  servitude  set of two  shackle  shaft tug  side check  slavery  snaffle  solder  span  splice  stick together  stocks  straightjacket  strait-waistcoat  straitjacket  stranglehold  surcingle  tack  tackle  take in  tame  tape  team  team up  tend  tether  the two  thralldom  tie  train  trammel  trammels  trappings  tug  twain  two  twosome  unify  unite  vinculum  water  wed  weld  winker braces  
yoked  affiliate  affiliated  allied  assembled  associate  associated  banded together  biconjugate  bigeminate  bijugate  bound  bracketed  collateral  collected  conjoined  conjugate  conjugated  connected  copulate  correlated  coupled  gathered  hand-in-glove  hand-in-hand  implicated  incorporated  integrated  interlinked  interlocked  interrelated  intimate  involved  joined  knotted  leagued  linked  matched  mated  merged  of that ilk  of that kind  paired  parallel  related  spliced  tied  twinned  undivided  united  unseparated  wed  wedded  
yokel  Babbitt  Philistine  arriviste  babe  backwoodsman  blockhead  blunderer  blunderhead  boor  boorish  botcher  bounder  bourgeois  bucolic  bumbler  bumpkin  bungler  cad  child  child of nature  churl  churlish  clod  cloddish  clodhopper  clodhopping  clodknocker  clot  clown  clownish  countrified  country bumpkin  country-born  country-bred  dolt  dove  dupe  epicier  farmer  farmerish  from the sticks  fumbler  gawk  gawky  gowk  groundling  guttersnipe  hayseed  hick  hicky  hillbilly  hobnailed  hooligan  ill-bred fellow  infant  ingenue  innocent  inurbane  klutz  lamb  looby  lout  loutish  low fellow  lubber  lummox  lumpen  lumpish  mere child  mucker  noble savage  nouveau riche  oaf  ox  parvenu  peasant  ribald  rough  roughneck  rowdy  rube  ruffian  rustic  simple soul  slouch  slubberer  uncouth  uncultivated  uncultured  unpolished  unrefined  unsophisticate  up-country  upstart  vulgarian  vulgarist  yokelish  

Abstandsst�ck Definition

(a.) A loft or upper chamber
(a.) Of or pertaining to the sun
(a.) Born under the predominant influence of the sun.
(a.) Measured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the ecliptic
(a.) Produced by the action of the sun, or peculiarly affected by its influence.
(n.) A bar or frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together.
(n.) A frame or piece resembling a yoke, as in use or shape.
(n.) A frame of wood fitted to a person's shoulders for carrying pails, etc., suspended on each side
(n.) A frame worn on the neck of an animal, as a cow, a pig, a goose, to prevent passage through a fence.
(n.) A frame or convex piece by which a bell is hung for ringing it. See Illust. of Bell.
(n.) A crosspiece upon the head of a boat's rudder. To its ends lines are attached which lead forward so that the boat can be steered from amidships.
(n.) A bent crosspiece connecting two other parts.
(n.) A tie securing two timbers together, not used for part of a regular truss, but serving a temporary purpose, as to provide against unusual strain.
(n.) A band shaped to fit the shoulders or the hips, and joined to the upper full edge of the waist or the skirt.
(n.) Fig.: That which connects or binds
(n.) A mark of servitude
(n.) Two animals yoked together
(n.) The quantity of land plowed in a day by a yoke of oxen.
(n.) A portion of the working day
(v. t.) To put a yoke on
(v. t.) To couple
(v. t.) To enslave
(v. i.) To be joined or associated
(a.) Having two toes in front and two behind, as the trogons and woodpeckers.

yoke (of the solar paddel) / yokes Bedeutung

solar array
solar battery
solar panel
electrical device consisting of a large array of connected solar cells
solar cell
photovoltaic cell
a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy
solar dish
solar collector
solar furnace
a concave mirror that concentrates the rays of the sun, can produce high temperatures
solar heater a heater that makes direct use of solar energy
solar house a house designed to use solar radiation for heating, usually has large areas of glass in front of heat-absorbing materials
solar telescope a telescope designed to make observations of the sun
solar thermal system a system that converts sunlight into heat
solar trap
a terrace or garden oriented to take advantage of the sun while protected from cold winds
yoke stable gear that joins two draft animals at the neck so they can work together as a team
yoke fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
yoke coupling a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
yoke support consisting of a wooden frame across the shoulders that enables a person to carry buckets hanging from each end
solar plexus
coeliac plexus
plexus celiacus
abdominal nerve plexus
a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
solar physics the branch of astronomy that deals with the sun
solar eclipse the moon interrupts light from the sun
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by a yoke, pulled by a yoke of oxen
apex solar apex
apex of the sun's way
the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars
solar system the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field
solar gravity the gravity of the sun, solar gravity creates extreme pressures and temperatures
solar magnetic field the magnetic field of the sun
solar halo
parhelic circle
parhelic ring
a luminous halo parallel to the horizon at the altitude of the sun, caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere
solar energy
solar power
energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy, the amount of energy falling on the earth is given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar energy
solar radiation radiation from the sun
solar flare
a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface, associated with sunspots and radio interference
solar prominence large eruptions of luminous hydrogen gas that rise thousands of kilometers above the chromosphere
solar wind a stream of protons moving radially from the sun
solar parallax the angle subtended by the mean equatorial radius of the Earth at a distance of one astronomical unit
d couple
span yoke
two items of the same kind
yoke an oppressive power, under the yoke of a tyrant, they threw off the yoke of domination
twenty-four hours
twenty-four hour period
-hour interval
solar day
mean solar day
time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis, two days later they left, they put on two performances every day, there are , passengers per day
mean time
mean solar time
(astronomy) time based on the motion of the mean sun (an imaginary sun moving uniformly along the celestial equator)
solar calendar a calendar based on solar cycles
solar year
tropical year
astronomical year
equinoctial year
the time for the earth to make one revolution around the sun, measured between two vernal equinoxes
solar month one-twelfth of a solar or tropical year
solar constant the rate at which radiant solar energy is received at the outer layer of the earth's atmosphere
yoke put a yoke on or join with a yoke, Yoke the draft horses together
yoke link link with or as with a yoke, yoke the oxen together
yoke become joined or linked together
solar relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun, solar eclipse, solar energy
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