
Abstrakte Fabrik Entwurfsmuster Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abstrakte-Fabrik-Entwurfsmuster n
abstract factory pattern
ab Fabrik (INCOTERM)
ex factory
automatische Fabrik
push button factory
Fabrik, Fabrikanlage, Betrieb
Inhaber einer Fabrik, Eigentümer einer Fabrik
owner of a factory
Maschinenausstattung einer Fabrik
equipment of a plant
Mühle, Fabrik, Walzwerk
Pflanze, Fabrik (US)
Abstrakte n
Arbeitsleistung f (einer Fabrik)
Fabrik f
Fabriken pl
gläserne Fabrik
transparent factory
Fabrik f, Werk n, Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl, Werke pl, Werksanlagen pl
Fabrikationsnummer f, Fabrik-Nummer f
serial number
Fabrik-Schild n
manufacturer's plate
Kunst f
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellende Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst
angewandte Kunst, die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst
die Kunst der Gegenwart
the fine arts
the visual arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art
applied art, applied arts
degenerate art, degenerated art
contemporary art
Mühle f, Fabrik f
Mühlen pl, Fabriken pl
Struktur f, Aufbau m, Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
abstrakte Struktur
abstract structure
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
administered price theory
Werk n, Fabrik f
ab Werk, ab Fabrik
ex works, ex factory
abschalten, stilllegen, stillegen alt
abschaltend, stilllegend
abgeschaltet, stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
abstrakte Zahl
abstract number
Fabrik, Muehle
Pflanze, Fabrik, errichten, gruenden
eine Fabrik stillegen
to shut down a factory
Werk, Betrieb, Fabrik
Abstrakte-Fabrik-Entwurfsmuster n
abstract factory pattern
Algebra f math.
abstrakte Algebra
Boolesche Algebra f
abstract algebra
algebra of logic; Boolean algebra
Betriebsräume pl; Betriebsstätten pl (einer Fabrik)
shops and offices (of a factory)
Dunstkreis m (nähere Umgebung) (selten)
im Dunstkreis einer petrochemischen Fabrik
neighbourhood Br.; neighborhood Am.
in the neighbourhood of a petrochemical plant
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines Stückes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
door-to-door time
Entwurfsmuster n; Singleton n comp.
singleton; singleton pattern
Fabrik f; Werk n; Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl; Werke pl; Werksanlagen pl
Fabrikationsnummer f; Fabrik-Nummer f
serial number
Fertigungsmenge f; Produktion f; Ausstoß m (einer Fabrik)
amount produced; output (of a factory)
jds. Hände pl (Verfügungsgewalt) übtr.
das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände nehmen
etw. ergattern; einer Sache habhaft werden geh.
die Macht in die Hände von jdm. legen in jds. Hände legen
jdm. noch mehr Macht verleihen geben
den kaiserlichen Truppen in die Hände fallen
Die Sache liegt in den Händen der Staatsanwaltschaft.; Der Fall liegt bei der Staatsanwaltschaft.
Die Fabrik bleibt in privaten Händen in privater Hand.
Die Patienten sind in diesem Krankenhaus in guten Händen.
Wir müssen vermeiden dass diese Bilder in falsche Hände geraten.
sb.'s hands (power of disposal) fig.
to take the law into your own hands
to get lay your hands on sth.
to put the power into the hands of sb.
to put even more power into the hands of sb.
to fall into the hands of the Emperor's troops
The matter is in the hands of the public prosecution service.
The factory remains in private hands.
Patients are in good hands at this hospital.
We need to avoid that these pictures fall into the wrong hands.
Kunst f
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellende Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst
angewandte Kunst; die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst (Nazi-Begriff) hist.
die Kunst der Gegenwart
the fine arts
the visual arts; the plastic arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art
applied art; applied arts
degenerate art; degenerated art (Nazi term)
contemporary art
Malerei f art
abstrakte Malerei
painting; art of painting
abstract painting
Mühle f; Fabrik f
Mühlen pl; Fabriken pl
Struktur f; Aufbau m; Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
abstrakte Struktur
Aufbau zum Schutz gegen herabfallende Gegenstände
abstract structure
fallilng-object protective structure
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
eine Theorie untermauern
eine Theorie bestätigen
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
to prove a theory; to support a theory
to vindicate a theory
administered price theory
Werk n; Fabrik f
ab Werk; ab Fabrik
ex works; ex factory
Zellstoff-Fabrik f
Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works
wood pulp workses
abschalten; stilllegen; stillegen alt v
abschaltend; stilllegend
abgeschaltet; stillgelegt
eine Fabrik stilllegen
to shut down
shutting down
shut down
to shut down a factory
shutting down
abstrakt adj
abstrakter Begriff m
abstrakte Klasse f
abstrakte Methode f
abstrakte Zahl f
abstract term
abstract class
abstract method
abstract number
ausgehend von; Ex-... econ. jur.
ab Fabrik Lagerhaus
geliefert ab Kai (verzollt)
geliefert ab Schiff
nach billigem Ermessen jur.
von maßgeblicher Seite
aus eigenem Antrieb von Amts wegen
für die Zukunft
von Amts wegen; Amts-...
Mitglied kraft Amtes
ex factory warehouse
delivered ex quay DEQ delivered ex dock Am. (duty paid)
delivered ex ship DES
ex aequo et bono
ex cathedra
ex mero motu; ex proprio motu
ex nunc
ex officio
ex-officio member
schlechter werden; auf dem absteigenden Ast sein v
Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich.
Mit den Verkaufszahlen geht es bergab.
Mit der Stadt ging es bergab nachdem die Fabrik zugesperrt wurde.
to be on the decline; to fall into decline; to be on the downgrade Am.
His health is on the decline.
Sales are on the decline.
The town fell went into decline after the factory closed down.
das Abstrakte n phil.
the abstract
Ästhetik f; Theorie der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung art phil.
abstrakte Ästhetik
aesthetics Br.; esthetics Am.
abstract aesthetics
Algebra f math.
abstrakte Algebra
Boole'sche Algebra
homologische Algebra; Homologiealgebra f
Matrizenalgebra f
Mengenalgebra f
Lie-Algebra f
abstract algebra
algebra of logic; Boolean algebra
homological algebra
algebra of matrices
algebra of sets
Lie algebra
Dunstkreis m (nähere Umgebung) selten
im Dunstkreis einer petrochemischen Fabrik
neighbourhood Br.; neighborhood Am.
in the neighbourhood of a petrochemical plant
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines Stückes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Laufzeiten pl
door-to-door time
door-to-door times
Durchsatzmenge f; Durchleistung f; Durchsatz m (einer Fabrik Förderanlage Rohrleitung usw.)
Gesamtdurchsatz m
process throughput; throughput (of a factory conveyor pipeline etc.)
overall throughput
Erkenntnis f; Erkennen n; Kognition f phil.
abstrakte Erkenntnis
diskursive Erkenntnis
empirische Erkenntnis
evidente Erkenntnis
intuitive Erkenntnis
objektive Erkenntnis
prima facie Erkenntnis
rationale Erkenntnis; Vernunfterkenntnis
spekulative Erkenntnis
Erkenntnis aus Prinzipien (Kant)
Erkenntnis durch Connaturalitas (Thomas von Aquin)
Anfangsgrund der Erkenntnis (Kant)
Mittel der Erkenntnis
der Weg zur wahren Erkenntnis
der Baum der Erkenntnis (Bibel)
cognition; knowledge
abstractive knowledge; abstract knowledge
discursive cognition; discursive knowledge
empirical cognition; empirical knowledge
self-evident knowledge; evident knowledge
intuitive knowledge
objective knowledge
prima facie knowledge
rational knowledge
speculative knowledge
knowledge from principles (Kant)
knowledge by co-naturality; knowledge by connateness (Thomas Aquinas)
antecedent ground of knowledge; starting-point of knowledge (Kant)
means of cognition
the path road to true knowledge
the tree of knowledge (Bible)
Fabrik f
Fabriken pl
digitale Fabrik
gläserne Fabrik
Schuhfabrik f
digital factory
transparent factory
shoe factory
Fertigungsmenge f; Produktionsmenge f; Produktionsvolumen n; Fertigungsleistung f; Produktionsleistung f; Produktion f; Ausstoß m (eines Wirtschaftssektors Betriebs) econ.
die Jahresproduktion eines Betriebs
die weltweite Fertigungsmenge
Gesamtproduktion f
Geamtproduktion der Landwirtschaft
Fertigungsleistung pro Arbeitsstunde
volkswirtschaftliche Produktionsleistung
die Tagesleistung; die Tagesproduktion der Fabrik
Industrieproduktion f
amount produced; volume of production; production volume; production; output; turnout; out-turn (of an economic sector business)
the annual output; the annual turnout of a business
automobile output; automobile production
the world output
total output; total production
agricultural output
output per man-hour
the country's output
the daily output; the daily production; the daily turnout of the factory
industrial output; industrial production
jds. Hände pl (Verfügungsgewalt) übtr.
das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände nehmen
etw. ergattern; einer Sache habhaft werden geh.
die Macht in die Hände von jdm. legen in jds. Hände legen
jdm. noch mehr Macht verleihen geben
den kaiserlichen Truppen in die Hände fallen
Die Sache liegt in den Händen der Staatsanwaltschaft.; Der Fall liegt bei der Staatsanwaltschaft.
Die Fabrik bleibt in privaten Händen in privater Hand.
Die Patienten sind in diesem Krankenhaus in guten Händen.
Wir müssen vermeiden, dass diese Bilder in falsche Hände geraten.
sb.'s hands (power of disposal) fig.
to take the law into your own hands
to get lay your hands on sth.
to put the power into the hands of sb.
to put even more power into the hands of sb.
to fall into the hands of the Emperor's troops
The matter is in the hands of the public prosecution service.
The factory remains in private hands.
Patients are in good hands at this hospital.
We need to avoid that these pictures fall into the wrong hands.
Kunst f art
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellenden Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst; gegenstandslose Kunst; gegenstandsfreie Kunst
gegenständliche Kunst
Aktionskunst f
angewandte Kunst; die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst (Nazi-Begriff) hist.
Konzeptkunst f
die Kunst der Gegenwart; die Gegenwartskunst
Volkskunst f
the fine arts
the visual arts; the plastic arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art; non-representational art; non-figurative art
representational art; figurative art
performance art
applied art; applied arts
degenerate art; degenerated art (Nazi term)
conceptual art; concept art
contemporary art
folk art; popular art
Malerei f art
abstrakte Malerei
Freskomalerei f; Frischmalerei f
Geschichtsmalerei f
painting; art of painting
abstract painting
fresco painting
history painting
Mühle f; Fabrik f
Mühlen pl; Fabriken pl
Walkmühle f textil.
fulling mill
Munitionsfabrik f
Munitionsfabriken pl
Fabrik für Gewehrmunition
ammunition factory
ammunition factories
rifle ammunition factory
Signalhorn n; Sirene f (Schiff, Fabrik)
Signalhörner pl; Sirenen pl
alarm horn; hooter Br. (rather dated); siren (ship, factory)
alarm horns; hooters; sirens
Struktur f; Aufbau m; Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
Funktionsgefüge n
abstrakte Struktur
Aufbau zum Schutz gegen herabfallende Gegenstände
functional structure
abstract structure
falling-object protective structure
Werk n (Produktionsstätte)
ab Werk; ab Fabrik
Er hat in einem Zementwerk Arbeit gefunden.
plant; works Br.
ex works; ex factory
He got a job at a cement works.
Wiesengelände n; Wiesenfläche f außerhalb des Siedlungsgebiets im Außenbereich Dt. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
auf der grünen Wiese
Fabrik auf der grünen Wiese
greenfield site Br. (patial planning)
on a greenfield site
greenfield factory
Zellstoffwerk n; Zellstoff-Fabrik f (für die Papierherstellung)
Zellstoffwerke pl; Zellstoff-Fabriken pl
wood pulp works (for papermaking)
wood pulp works
Zug m; Abstrakte f (Orgel) mus.
Züge pl; Abstrakten pl
tracker (organ)
abstrakte Negation f phil.
abstract negation
abstraktes Gebilde n; abstrakte Idee f phil.
abstrakte Gebilde pl; abstrakte Ideen pl
ausgehend von; Ex-… econ. jur.
ab Fabrik Lagerhaus
geliefert ab Kai (verzollt)
geliefert ab Schiff
nach billigem Ermessen jur.
ex cathedra relig.
aus eigenem Antrieb, von Amts wegen
für die Zukunft
von Amts wegen; Amts-…
Mitglied kraft Amtes
ex factory warehouse
delivered ex quay DEQ , delivered ex dock Am. (duty paid)
delivered ex ship DES
ex aequo et bono
ex cathedra
ex mero motu; ex proprio motu
ex nunc
ex officio
ex-officio member
schlechter werden; auf dem absteigenden Ast sein v
Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich.
Mit den Verkaufszahlen geht es bergab.
Mit der Stadt ging es bergab, nachdem die Fabrik zugesperrt wurde.
to be on the decline; to fall into decline; to be on the downgrade Am.
His health is on the decline.
Sales are on the decline.
The town fell went into decline after the factory closed down.

Deutsche Abstrakte Fabrik Entwurfsmuster Synonyme

Fabrik  ÂFertigungsanlage  ÂWerk  
Fabrik  Fertigungsanlage  Werk  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Abstrakte Synonym nachschlagen

Englische abstract factory pattern Synonyme

abstract  abate  abbreviate  abbreviation  abbreviature  abrade  abrege  abridge  abridgment  abstract idea  abstraction  abstruse  academic  altarpiece  and  annex  apocope  appropriate  arcane  armchair  bag  bate  bland  block print  bob  boil down  boost  borrow  breviary  brief  broad  capsule  capsulize  cast off  cast out  chuck  clear  clear away  clear out  clear the decks  clip  collage  collective  color print  colorless  compend  compress  compression  conceptual  condensation  condense  condensed version  conjectural  conspectus  contract  cop  copy  crib  crop  curtail  curtailment  cut  cut back  cut down  cut off short  cut out  cut short  cyclorama  daub  decrease  deduct  deep  defraud  deport  depreciate  derogate  detached  detract  digest  diminish  diptych  disconnect  disengage  disinterested  disparage  dispassionate  dispose of  dissociate  divide  dock  draft  drain  eat away  eject  elide  eliminate  elision  ellipsis  embezzle  engraving  epitome  epitomize  eradicate  erode  esoteric  essence  exile  expatriate  expel  extort  extract  featureless  filch  file away  foreshorten  foreshortening  fresco  general  generalized  generic  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  head  hidden  hook  hypothetic  hypothetical  icon  ideal  ideational  illumination  illustration  image  impair  impersonal  impractical  indefinite  indeterminate  intellectual  leach  lessen  lift  likeness  liquidate  make off with  metaphysical  miniature  montage  moot  mosaic  mow  mural  nebulous  neutral  nip  nonspecific  notional  occult  outlaw  outline  overview  palm  pandect  panorama  part  photograph  pick out  picture  pilfer  pinch  poach  poker-faced  poll  pollard  postulatory  precis  print  profound  prune  purge  purify  purloin  reap  recap  recapitulate  recapitulation  recondite  reduce  reduction  refine  remove  representation  reproduction  resume  retrench  retrenchment  review  root out  root up  rub away  rubric  run away with  rustle  scr  
abstracted  abbreviated  abridged  absent  absentminded  absorbed  bemused  bobbed  buried in thought  capsule  capsulized  castle-building  clipped  compressed  condensed  cropped  curtailed  cut short  daydreaming  daydreamy  digested  distrait  docked  dreaming  dreamy  drowsing  ecstatic  elided  elliptic  elsewhere  engaged in thought  engrossed  engrossed in thought  faraway  half-awake  heedless  immersed in thought  in a reverie  in the clouds  inattentive  intent  introspective  lost  lost in thought  meditative  mooning  moonraking  mowed  mown  museful  musing  napping  nipped  nodding  oblivious  occupied  pensive  pipe-dreaming  pollard  polled  preoccupied  pruned  rapt  reaped  shaved  sheared  short-cut  shortened  snub  snubbed  somewhere else  stargazing  taken up  transported  trimmed  unconscious  unmindful  woolgathering  wrapped in thought  
abstraction  Walter Mitty  ablation  abrasion  absence of mind  absentmindedness  absorption  abstract  abstract idea  abstractedness  abulia  alienation  altarpiece  analysis  annexation  anxiety  anxiety equivalent  anxiety state  apathy  appropriation  bemusement  block print  boosting  bromide  brown study  castle-building  catatonic stupor  cliche  close study  collage  color print  commonplace  compulsion  concentration  contemplativeness  conversion  conveyance  copy  cyclorama  daub  daydream  daydreamer  daydreaming  deduction  deep thought  dejection  depression  depth of thought  detachment  diptych  disarticulation  disassociation  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  disengagement  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  disunion  division  divorce  divorcement  doctrinairism  doctrinality  doctrinarity  dream  dreaming  elation  embezzlement  emotionalism  engraving  engrossment  erosion  euphoria  explanation  fantasy  fantasying  filching  fit of abstraction  folie du doute  fraud  fresco  general idea  generalization  generalized proposition  glittering generality  graft  hackneyed expression  hypochondria  hysteria  hysterics  icon  illumination  illustration  image  incoherence  indifference  insensibility  isolation  lethargy  liberation  lieu commun  lifting  likeness  locus communis  luxation  mania  melancholia  melancholy  mental distress  mere theory  miniature  montage  mooning  moonraking  mosaic  mural  muse  musefulness  musing  muted ecstasy  obsession  panorama  parting  partition  pathological indecisiveness  pensiveness  photograph  picture  pilferage  pilfering  pinching  pipe dream  pipe-dreaming  platitude  poaching  preoccupation  print  profound thought  psychalgia  psychomotor disturbance  purification  refinement  reflectiveness  removal  representation  reproduction  reverie  scrounging  segmentation  separation  separatism  shoplifting  snatching  sneak thievery  snitching  speculation  speculativeness  stained gla  

Abstrakte Fabrik Entwurfsmuster Definition

(a.) Withdraw
(a.) Considered apart from any application to a particular object
(a.) Expressing a particular property of an object viewed apart from the other properties which constitute it
(a.) Resulting from the mental faculty of abstraction
(a.) Abstracted
(a.) To withdraw
(a.) To draw off in respect to interest or attention
(a.) To separate, as ideas, by the operation of the mind
(a.) To epitomize
(a.) To take secretly or dishonestly
(a.) To separate, as the more volatile or soluble parts of a substance, by distillation or other chemical processes. In this sense extract is now more generally used.
(v. t.) To perform the process of abstraction.
(a.) That which comprises or concentrates in itself the essential qualities of a larger thing or of several things. Specifically: A summary or an epitome, as of a treatise or book, or of a statement
(a.) A state of separation from other things
(a.) An abstract term.
(a.) A powdered solid extract of a vegetable substance mixed with sugar of milk in such proportion that one part of the abstract represents two parts of the original substance.
(n.) A house or place where factors, or commercial agents, reside, to transact business for their employers.
(n.) The body of factors in any place
(n.) A building, or collection of buildings, appropriated to the manufacture of goods
(n.) Anything proposed for imitation
(n.) A part showing the figure or quality of the whole
(n.) Stuff sufficient for a garment
(n.) Figure or style of decoration
(n.) Something made after a model
(n.) Anything cut or formed to serve as a guide to cutting or forming objects
(n.) A full-sized model around which a mold of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mold without injuring it.
(v. t.) To make or design (anything) by, from, or after, something that serves as a pattern
(v. t.) To serve as an example for

abstract factory pattern Bedeutung

abstract entity
a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples
a customary way of operation or behavior, it is their practice to give annual raises, they changed their dietary pattern
agriculture factory farm
a large-scale farming enterprise
Abstract Expressionism
action painting
a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions, the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
abstract art
an abstract genre of art, artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation
automobile factory
auto factory
car factory
a factory where automobiles are manufactured
a decorative or artistic work, the coach had a design on the doors
mill manufacturing plant
a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
factory ship a whaling ship equipped to process whale products at sea
factory whistle a whistle at a factory that is sounded to announce times for starting or stopping work
fret Greek fret
Greek key
key pattern
an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief), there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
herringbone herringbone pattern a pattern of columns of short parallel lines with all the lines in one column sloping one way and lines in adjacent columns sloping the other way, it is used in weaving, masonry, parquetry, embroidery
steel mill
steel plant
steel factory
a factory where steel is made
chinaware decorated with a blue Chinese design on a white background depicting a willow tree and often a river
inheritance hereditary pattern (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
pattern rule formula
something regarded as a normative example, the convention of not naming the main character, violence is the rule not the exception, his formula for impressing visitors
tonal pattern
the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes
logical thinking
abstract thought
thinking that is coherent and logical
a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance, he loved her only in the abstract--not in person
design pattern
something intended as a guide for making something else, a blueprint for a house, a pattern for a skirt
a perceptual structure, the composition presents problems for students of musical form, a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them
pattern a model considered worthy of imitation, the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics
a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
radiation pattern
radiation diagram
graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
intonation pattern intonations characteristic of questions and requests and statements
poetic rhythm
rhythmic pattern
(prosody) a system of versification
accent speech pattern distinctive manner of oral expression, he couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent, she had a very clear speech pattern
think tank
think factory
a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications
traffic pattern
approach pattern
the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport, the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded, they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted
holding pattern the flight path (usually circular) maintained by an aircraft that is awaiting permission to land
abstract artist
a painter of abstract pictures
factory worker
a workman in a mill or factory
factory price price charged for goods picked up at the factory
holding pattern a state of inaction with no progress and no change, you should go into a holding pattern until he gets over his disappointment
male-patterned baldness
male pattern baldness
loss of hair on the crown of the head
abstract consider a concept without thinking of a specific example, consider abstractly or theoretically
abstract consider apart from a particular case or instance, Let's abstract away from this particular example
abstract give an abstract (of)
pattern-bomb bomb in certain patterns
model pattern plan or create according to a model or models
c pilfer
make off with belongings of others
pattern form a pattern, These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before
abstract existing only in the mind, separated from embodiment, abstract words like `truth' and `justice'
factory-made produced in quantity at a factory
abstract dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention, abstract reasoning, abstract science
not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature, a large abstract painting
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127 Bewertungen 3


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Abstrakten übertragen beim Orgelspiel bei mechanischer Traktur den Tastendruck zu den Ventilen der einzelnen Pfeifen. Das dünne, aus Holz oder Metall gefertigte Stück wird durch das Drücken der Tasten bewegt und bringt so die Kraft des Fingers über Winkel vom Spieltisch zum Ventil in der Tonkanzelle. Dieses Ventil öffnet sich spürbar und der Ton erklingt.

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