
Administrativverfahren Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Administrativverfahren n; Sachverfahren n
Administrativverfahren pl; Sachverfahren pl
administrative procedure
administrative procedures
Administrativverfahren n; Sachverfahren n
Administrativverfahren pl; Sachverfahren pl
administrative procedure
administrative procedures
Administrationsbefehl m
administration command
administration command
Administrationsbefehl m
Administrationsbefehle pl
administration command
administration commands
Administrationsprogramm n
administrative program
administrative program
Administrationsprogramm n
Administrationsprogramme pl
administrative program
administrative programs
Administrationssoftware comp. techn.
administration software
administrativ adj
Anwesenheitskontrolle und administrative Angelegenheiten (mit dem Klassenlehrer Klassenvorstand Ös.) school.
registration; advisory; planning period; homeroom Am.
Anwesenheitskontrolle und administrative Angelegenheiten (mit dem Klassenlehrer Klassenvorstand Ös.) school
registration; advisory; planning period; homeroom Am.
(einmaliger) Fehler m; Fehlleistung f
Fehler pl
Ausdrucksfehler m ling.
Bearbeitungsfehler m; Ãœbertragungsfehler m; Ausstellungsfehler m; administrative Panne f
Bedeutungsfehler m; semantischer Fehler ling.
Flüchtigkeitsfehler m; Schlampigkeitsfehler m
Grammatikfehler m; grammatikalischer Fehler ling.
Rechtschreibfehler m; Schreibfehler m; Orthografiefehler m; Orthographiefehler m ling.
Satzzeichenfehler m ling.
Schreibfehler m
Stilfehler m; stilistischer Fehler m ling.
Fehler, den Anfänger machen
Fehler über Fehler
ein Fehler in unseren Berechnungen
einen Fehler begehen machen
Fehler über Fehler machen
aus seinen Fehlern lernen
einen Fehler korrigieren
mit Fehlern gespickt
irrtümlich versehentlich etwas tun
absoluter Fehler
additiver Fehler
behebbarer Fehler
nicht zu behebender Fehler
absoluter Fehler math.
mitlaufender Fehler m comp.
relativer Fehler math.
sprachlicher Fehler
systematischer Fehler
vorübergehender Fehler
zufälliger Fehler; unvorhersehbarer Fehler
Tut mir leid, mein Fehler.
Es ist deine Entscheidung, aber ich sage dir, du machst einen schweren Fehler.
Ich habe den Fehler gemacht, ihm meine Telefonnummer zu geben.
Der Unfall wurde durch menschliches Versagen verursacht.
mistake; error
mistakes; errors
wording error
clerical mistake; clerical error
semantic error
careless mistake; careless error
grammar error; grammatical error; error mistake in (your) grammar
spelling error; spelling mistake
punctuation error; punctuation mistake
mistake in writing; scribal error
stylistic error; stylistic mistake
beginner's mistake
error again and again
a mistake an error in our calculations
to commit make a mistake; to commit make an error
to make mistake after mistake
to learn from one's mistakes
to fix (up) an error
peppered with mistakes
to do something in error
absolute error
accumulated error
correctable error
unrecoverable error
absolute error
propagated error
relative error
language mistake
systematic error
transient error
random error
I'm sorry, my mistake.
It's your decision, but I warn you, you're making a big mistake.
I made the mistake of giving him my phone number.
The accident was caused by human error.
Klassenzimmer für die Anwesenheitskontrolle und administrativen Angelegenheiten (mit dem Klassenlehrer Klassenvorstand Ös.) school.
homeroom Am.
eine Aufgabe wahrnehmen; erfüllen v; einer Aufgabe nachkommen v adm.
eine Aufgabe wahrnehmend; erfüllend; einer Aufgabe nachkommend
eine Aufgabe wahrgenommen; erfüllt; einer Aufgabe nachgekommen
die Aufgaben seines Amtes wahrnehmen erfüllen
seine administrativen Funktionen in der Firma wahrnehmen
seine Sorgfaltspflicht erfüllen indem man etw. tut
einer Verpflichtung nachkommen
seiner Verantwortung den Kindern gegenüber nachkommen
to discharge a duty
discharging a duty
discharged a duty
to discharge the duties of your office
to discharge your administrative functions in the company
to discharge your duty of care by doing sth.
to discharge an obligation
to discharge your responsiblity to the children
Klassenzimmer n für die Anwesenheitskontrolle und administrativen Angelegenheiten (mit dem Klassenlehrer Klassenvorstand Ös.) school
homeroom Am.
eine Aufgabe wahrnehmen; erfüllen v; einer Aufgabe nachkommen v adm.
eine Aufgabe wahrnehmend; erfüllend; einer Aufgabe nachkommend
eine Aufgabe wahrgenommen; erfüllt; einer Aufgabe nachgekommen
die Aufgaben seines Amtes wahrnehmen erfüllen
seine administrativen Funktionen in der Firma wahrnehmen
seine Sorgfaltspflicht erfüllen, indem man etw. tut
einer Verpflichtung nachkommen
seiner Verantwortung den Kindern gegenüber nachkommen
to discharge a duty
discharging a duty
discharged a duty
to discharge the duties of your office
to discharge your administrative functions in the company
to discharge your duty of care by doing sth.
to discharge an obligation
to discharge your responsibility to the children
administrativer Klassenverband m school
tutor group Br.; home group Am.
Verwaltungspersonal n; administratives Personal n; Verwaltungskräfte pl; Mitarbeiter pl (in) der Verwaltung adm.
Stelle als Verwaltungskraft; Posten in der Verwaltung
administrative staff; admin staff coll.
admin staff job
Administrativverfahren n; Sachverfahren n
Administrativverfahren pl; Sachverfahren pl
administrative procedure
administrative procedures
Administrator m
Webmaster m, Administrator eines WWW-Servers comp.
Administrator m; Administratorin f
Administratoren pl; Administratorinnen pl
Webmaster m; Administrator eines WWW-Servers comp.
Webmaster m; Administrator eines Webservers comp.
Administratorenrechte pl comp.
sich mit Administratorenrechten anmelden
administrator privileges
to log in with administrator privileges
auf einem Smartphone Computer mit Administratorrechten arbeiten (Linux-ähnliche Betriebssysteme) v comp.
to root a smartphone computer (Linux-like operating systems)
verwalten, administrieren, führen
verwaltend, administrierend, führend
verwaltet, administriert, geführt
sie verwaltet
sie verwaltete
sie hat
hatte verwaltet
to administer, to administrate
administering, administrating
administered, administrated
she administers, he
she administrates
she administered, I
she administrated
she has
had administered, he
she has
had administrated
verwalte, verwalten, administrieren
etw. verwalten; führen; administrieren geh.; managen ugs. v
verwaltend; führend; administrierend; managend
verwaltet; geführt; administriert; gemanagt
er sie verwaltet
ich er sie verwaltete
er sie hat hatte verwaltet
to manage; to administer; to administrate sth.
managing; administering; administrating
managed; administered; administrated
I he she manages; he she administers; he she administrates
I he she managed; I he she administered; I he she administrated
he she has had managed; he she has had administered; he she has had administrated
administriert adj
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
administered price theory
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
eine Theorie untermauern
eine Theorie bestätigen
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
to prove a theory; to support a theory
to vindicate a theory
administered price theory
administrierter Preis
administered price

Deutsche Administrativverfahren Synonyme

Englische administrative procedure Synonyme

Administrativverfahren Definition

(a.) Pertaining to administration
(n.) The act or manner of proceeding or moving forward
(n.) A step taken
(n.) That which results

administrative procedure / administrative procedures Bedeutung

check checkout
check-out procedure
the act of inspecting or verifying, they made a check of their equipment, the pilot ran through the check-out procedure
diagnostic procedure
diagnostic technique
a procedure followed in making a medical diagnosis
emergency procedure (medicine) a procedure adopted to meet an emergency (especially a medical emergency)
experimental procedure the specific techniques used in conducting a particular experiment
double-blind procedure
double-blind experiment
double-blind study
an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment, a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
Gram's method
Gram method
Gram's procedure
Gram's stain
Gram stain
a staining technique used to classify bacteria, bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution, after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative
operation procedure a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work, the operations in building a house, certain machine tool operations
surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
desensitization technique
desensitisation technique
desensitization procedure
desensitisation procedure
systematic desensitization
systematic desensitisation
a technique used in behavior therapy to treat phobias and other behavior problems involving anxiety, client is exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety reaction is extinguished
procedure a mode of conducting legal and parliamentary proceedings
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result, the procedure of obtaining a driver's license, it was a process of trial and error
medical procedure a procedure employed by medical or dental practitioners
dental procedure a procedure employed by a dentist
operating procedure a procedure for operating something or for dealing with a given situation
standing operating procedure
standard operating procedure
standard procedure
a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely, rote memorization has been the educator's standard operating procedure for centuries
bureaucratic procedure
red tape
needlessly timeonsuming procedure
administrative hearing a hearing that takes place outside the judicial process before hearing examiners who have been granted judicial authority specifically for the purpose of conducting such hearings
cloze procedure
cloze test
a test for diagnosing reading ability, words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
statistical method
statistical procedure
a method of analyzing or representing statistical data, a procedure for calculating a statistic
a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
cataloged procedure a set of control statements that have been placed in a library and can be retrieved by name
contingency procedure an alternative to the normal procedure, triggered if an unusual but anticipated situation arises
order rules of order
parliamentary law
parliamentary procedure
a body of rules followed by an assembly
administrative unit
administrative body
a unit with administrative responsibilities
administrative law the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of government
administrative district
administrative division
territorial division
a district defined for administrative purposes
administrative official
an official of a bureaucracy
administrative data processing
business data processing
data processing in accounting or business management
administrative of or relating to or responsible for administration
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