
Akkreditierungsstelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Akkreditierungsstelle f adm.
Akkreditierungsstellen pl
accreditation body; accreditation agency
accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies
Akkreditierungsstelle f adm.
Akkreditierungsstellen pl
accreditation body; accreditation agency
accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies
akkreditiere, akkreditieren, beglaubigen
akkreditieren, beglaubigen, bestätigen, bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend, beglaubigend, bestätigend, bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert, beglaubigt, bestätigt, bevollmächtigt
to accredit
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen v
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
zugelassen, bevollmächtigt, anerkannt, akkreditiert adj
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited investor
accredited dealer
beglaubigt; bevollmächtigt; akkreditiert pol.; zugelassen adj (Person)
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited (person)
accredited investor
accredited dealer
unbeglaubigt; nicht anerkannt; nicht akkreditiert adj
Akkreditierung f (eines Botschafters)
accreditation (of an ambassador)
Akkreditierung f, Beglaubigung f
accreditation, accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
accreditation; accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
Sicherheitsakkreditierung f
accreditation; accrediting
security accreditation
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Mindestnormen pl
Norm für die Akkreditierung von Prüflaboratorien
Angleichung von Normen
britische Norm; Norm des britischen Normungsinstituts
common standards
international standards
minimum standards
test laboratories accreditation standard
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS ; standard of the British Standards Institution
Akkreditierungsrat m
accreditation council
Akkreditierungsstelle f adm.
Akkreditierungsstellen pl
accreditation body; accreditation agency
accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies
credit terms
Aufträge zur Akkreditiv-Eröffnung
instructions for the issuance of credits
bestätigtes Akkreditiv
confirmed letter of credit
der Akkreditiv-Auftraggeber
the applicant for the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the conditions of the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the stipulations of the credit
ein Akkreditiv eröffnen
open a letter of credit
gleiches Akkreditiv
similar credit
im Akkreditiv aufgenommen ist
is included in the credit
im Akkreditiv-Geschäft
in credit operations
Kreditbrief, Akkreditiv
letter of credit
sofern das Akkreditiv nicht zulässt
unless the credit allows
unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
unconfirmed letter of credit
wenn das Akkreditiv Akzeptierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for acceptance
wenn das Akkreditiv Negoziierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for negotiation
wenn das Akkreditiv vorsieht
if the credits provides for
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n, Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
letter of credit
deferred payment
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n
C, LOC : letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n; Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
letter of credit L C; LOC
deferred payment
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
widerruflich adj
widerrufliches Akkreditiv fin.
revocable letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n fin.
Kreditbriefe pl; Akkreditive pl
bestätigter unbestätigter Kreditbrief; bestätigtes unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
bestätigter unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief
sich (automatisch) erneuernder Kreditbrief
teilbarer Kreditbrief; teilbares Akkreditiv
übertragbarer Kreditbrief; übertragbares Akkreditiv
widerruflicher unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief; widerrufliches unwiderruflches Akkreditiv
Akkreditiv mit aufgeschobenem Zahlungsziel; Nach-Sicht-Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Auftraggeber eines Akkreditivs
Inhaber eines Akkreditivs
Laufzeit eines Akkreditivs
Anzeige eines Kreditbriefs
Eröffnung eines Akkreditivs
Verlängerung eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
einen Kreditbrief annullieren
einen Kreditbrief anzeigen avisieren
einen Kreditbrief bestätigen
einen Kreditbrief erstellen eröffnen (zugunsten von jdm.)
einen Kreditbrief widerrufen
Der Kreditbrief ist bis … gültig.
Das Akkreditiv läuft ab.
letter of credit L C LOC ; credit
letters of credit LOC ; credits
confirmed unconfirmed letter of credit
confirmed irrevocable credit
revolving letter of credit
divisible letter of credit
transferable letter of credit
revocable irrevocable letter of credit
standby letter of credit
back-to-back letter of credit; back-to-back credit
commercial letter of credit CLC
documentary letter of credit; documentary credit
deferred-payment credit
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
account party; applicant for a letter of credit
holder of a letter of credit
life of a letter of credit
notification of a letter of credit; notification of a credit
opening of a letter of credit
extension of the validity of a (letter of) credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
to cancel a letter of credit; to cancel a credit
to advise a letter of credit; to advise a credit
to confirm a letter of credit; to confirm a credit
to issue establish open a credit (in favour of sb.)
to revoke a letter of credit; to revoke a credit
The credit is valid until …
The letter of credit expires.; The credit becomes invalid.
etw. avalieren v; für etw. bürgen v fin.
avaliert durch eine Bank
avaliertes Akkreditiv
avalierter Betrag
avalierter Wechsel
to guarantee payment of sth.; to add your name to a bill of exchange a promissory note
guaranteed by a bank
guaranteed letter of credit
guaranteed amount
guaranteed bill of exchange; backed bill of exchange
Kreditbriefabteilung f; Akkreditivabteilung f (in einer Bank) fin.
letter of credit department (at a bank)
Kreditbriefabwicklung f; Akkreditivabwicklung f fin.
handling of a letter of credit; processing a letter of credit
Kreditbriefänderung f; Akkreditivänderung f fin.
amendment to a letter of credit; amendment of credit
Kreditbriefansprüche pl; Akkreditivansprüche pl fin.
claims under a letter of credit
application for a letter of credit
Akkreditivanzeige f; Akkreditivavisierung f fin.
notification of credit
Akkreditivauftrag m fin.
instructions to open a letter of credit; application for a credit; credit application
Kreditbriefauftraggeber m; Akkreditivauftraggeber m fin.
Kreditbriefauftraggeber pl; Akkreditivauftraggeber pl
applicant for a letter of credit; applicant for a credit; credit applicant
applicants for a letter of credit; applicants for a credit; credit applicants
Kreditbriefbegleichung f; Akkreditivauskehrung f fin.
payment of the credit
akkreditiveröffnende Bank f; Akkreditivbank f; Akkreditivinstitut fin.
bank issuing a letter of credit; bank opening a letter of credit
Kreditbriefbedingungen pl; Akkreditivbedingungen pl fin.
terms and conditions of a the letter of credit, terms of a the letter of credit; credit terms
Akkreditivbegünstigter pl fin.
beneficiary under a the letter of credit
Kreditbriefbestätigung f; Akkreditivbestätigung f fin.
confirmation of a the letter of credit; credit confirmation
Akkreditivbetrag m fin.
amount of a the credit
Kreditbriefbevorschussung f; Akkreditivbevorschussung f fin.
advance against a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckung f fin.
cover for a letter of credit; credit cover
Akkreditivdeckungsguthaben n fin.
credit balance held as cover for a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckungskonto n fin.
credit cover account
Akkreditivunterlagen pl; Akkreditivdokumente pl fin.
documents required for a letter of credit; credit documents
Akkreditive sind getrennte Geschäfte
credits are separate transactions
Anzeige der Akkreditive
notification of credits
deferred payment credit
Formen der Akkreditive
forms of credit
Kreditbriefeinlösungsverpflichtung f; Akkreditiveinlösungsverpflichtung f fin.
obligation to honour a the letter of credit
Akkreditiverlös m fin.
credit proceeds
Akkreditivermächtigung f fin.
letter of authority
Akkreditiveröffnung f; Akkreditivstellung f; Akkreditivhinauslegung f fin.
issuance opening of a the letter of credit; letter of credit opening
akkreditivgemäß adv fin.
in accordance with the terms of the credit
das Akkreditivgeschäft; der Akkreditivverkehr fin.
letter of credit operations; documentary credit operations

Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Synonyme

Englische accreditation body; accreditation agency Synonyme

Akkreditierungsstelle Definition

(n.) The act of accrediting
(pl. ) of Agency
(n.) The faculty of acting or of exerting power
(n.) The office of an agent, or factor
(n.) The place of business of am agent.
(pl. ) of Body
(n.) The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished from the spirit, or vital principle
(n.) The trunk, or main part, of a person or animal, as distinguished from the limbs and head
(n.) The real, as opposed to the symbolical
(n.) A person
(n.) A number of individuals spoken of collectively, usually as united by some common tie, or as organized for some purpose
(n.) A number of things or particulars embodied in a system
(n.) Any mass or portion of matter
(n.) Amount
(n.) That part of a garment covering the body, as distinguished from the parts covering the limbs.
(n.) The bed or box of a vehicle, on or in which the load is placed
(n.) The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated)
(n.) A figure that has length, breadth, and thickness
(n.) Consistency
(v. t.) To furnish with, or as with, a body

accreditation body; accreditation agency / accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies Bedeutung

causal agent
causal agency
any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
how a result is obtained or an end is achieved, a means of control, an example is the best agency of instruction, the true way to success
body English a motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
worship of heavenly bodies
the worship of planets or stars
accreditation the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards), a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools
body louse
Pediculus corporis
a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings
body the external structure of a vehicle, the body of the car was badly rusted
body armor
body armour
suit of armor
suit of armour
coat of mail
armor that protects the wearer's whole body
body bag
personnel pouch
human remains pouch
a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed
body lotion lotion applied to the body after bathing
body stocking a one-piece tight-fitting undergarment for women that covers the torso (and may have sleeves and legs)
body plethysmograph plethysmograph consisting of a chamber surrounding the entire body, used in studies of respiration
body pad a pad worn by hockey goalkeeper
body suit
cat suit
a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles), worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance
narrowbody aircraft
narrow-body aircraft
a commercial airliner with a single aisle
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
soundbox body a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
widebody aircraft
wide-body aircraft
twin-aisle airplane
a commercial airliner with two aisles
the property of holding together and retaining its shape, wool has more body than rayon, when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake
body odor
body odour
malodorousness resulting from a failure to bathe
constitution of the human body
body type
a category of physique
basal body temperature
basal temperature
body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
body temperature
blood heat
temperature of the body, normally . F or C in humans, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
body the main mass of a thing
body weight the weight of a person's body
organic structure
physical structure
the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being), he felt as if his whole body were on fire
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
body dead body a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person, they found the body in the lake
live body the body of a living animal or person
juvenile body the body of a young person
child's body the body of a human child
adult body the body of an adult human being
male body the body of a male human being
female body the body of a female human being
adult female body
woman's body
the body of an adult woman
adult male body
man's body
the body of an adult man
body part any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
external body part any body part visible externally
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
mamillary body
mammillary body
corpus mamillare
one of two small round structures on the undersurface of the brain that form the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix
body covering any covering for the body or a body part
malpighian body
malpighian corpuscle
renal corpuscle
the capsule that contains Bowman's capsule and a glomerulus at the expanded end of a nephron
body hair short hair growing over a person's body
body substance the substance of the body
solid body substance the solid parts of the body
ciliary body the part of the tunic of the eye between the choroid coat and the iris, the ciliary body produces aqueous humor
vitreous humor
vitreous humour
vitreous body
the clear colorless transparent jelly that fills the posterior chamber of the eyeball
carotid body a chemoreceptor located near the bifurcations of the carotid arteries, monitors oxygen content of the blood and helps control respiration
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