
Akkreditivbetrag Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Akkreditivbetrag m fin.
amount of a the credit
Akkreditivbetrag m fin.
amount of a the credit
akkreditiere, akkreditieren, beglaubigen
akkreditieren, beglaubigen, bestätigen, bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend, beglaubigend, bestätigend, bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert, beglaubigt, bestätigt, bevollmächtigt
to accredit
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen v
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
zugelassen, bevollmächtigt, anerkannt, akkreditiert adj
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited investor
accredited dealer
beglaubigt; bevollmächtigt; akkreditiert pol.; zugelassen adj (Person)
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited (person)
accredited investor
accredited dealer
unbeglaubigt; nicht anerkannt; nicht akkreditiert adj
Akkreditierung f (eines Botschafters)
accreditation (of an ambassador)
Akkreditierung f, Beglaubigung f
accreditation, accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
accreditation; accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
Sicherheitsakkreditierung f
accreditation; accrediting
security accreditation
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Mindestnormen pl
Norm für die Akkreditierung von Prüflaboratorien
Angleichung von Normen
britische Norm; Norm des britischen Normungsinstituts
common standards
international standards
minimum standards
test laboratories accreditation standard
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS ; standard of the British Standards Institution
Akkreditierungsrat m
accreditation council
Akkreditierungsstelle f adm.
Akkreditierungsstellen pl
accreditation body; accreditation agency
accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies
credit terms
Aufträge zur Akkreditiv-Eröffnung
instructions for the issuance of credits
bestätigtes Akkreditiv
confirmed letter of credit
der Akkreditiv-Auftraggeber
the applicant for the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the conditions of the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the stipulations of the credit
ein Akkreditiv eröffnen
open a letter of credit
gleiches Akkreditiv
similar credit
im Akkreditiv aufgenommen ist
is included in the credit
im Akkreditiv-Geschäft
in credit operations
Kreditbrief, Akkreditiv
letter of credit
sofern das Akkreditiv nicht zulässt
unless the credit allows
unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
unconfirmed letter of credit
wenn das Akkreditiv Akzeptierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for acceptance
wenn das Akkreditiv Negoziierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for negotiation
wenn das Akkreditiv vorsieht
if the credits provides for
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n, Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
letter of credit
deferred payment
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n
C, LOC : letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n; Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
letter of credit L C; LOC
deferred payment
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
widerruflich adj
widerrufliches Akkreditiv fin.
revocable letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n fin.
Kreditbriefe pl; Akkreditive pl
bestätigter unbestätigter Kreditbrief; bestätigtes unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
bestätigter unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief
sich (automatisch) erneuernder Kreditbrief
teilbarer Kreditbrief; teilbares Akkreditiv
übertragbarer Kreditbrief; übertragbares Akkreditiv
widerruflicher unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief; widerrufliches unwiderruflches Akkreditiv
Akkreditiv mit aufgeschobenem Zahlungsziel; Nach-Sicht-Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Auftraggeber eines Akkreditivs
Inhaber eines Akkreditivs
Laufzeit eines Akkreditivs
Anzeige eines Kreditbriefs
Eröffnung eines Akkreditivs
Verlängerung eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
einen Kreditbrief annullieren
einen Kreditbrief anzeigen avisieren
einen Kreditbrief bestätigen
einen Kreditbrief erstellen eröffnen (zugunsten von jdm.)
einen Kreditbrief widerrufen
Der Kreditbrief ist bis … gültig.
Das Akkreditiv läuft ab.
letter of credit L C LOC ; credit
letters of credit LOC ; credits
confirmed unconfirmed letter of credit
confirmed irrevocable credit
revolving letter of credit
divisible letter of credit
transferable letter of credit
revocable irrevocable letter of credit
standby letter of credit
back-to-back letter of credit; back-to-back credit
commercial letter of credit CLC
documentary letter of credit; documentary credit
deferred-payment credit
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
account party; applicant for a letter of credit
holder of a letter of credit
life of a letter of credit
notification of a letter of credit; notification of a credit
opening of a letter of credit
extension of the validity of a (letter of) credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
to cancel a letter of credit; to cancel a credit
to advise a letter of credit; to advise a credit
to confirm a letter of credit; to confirm a credit
to issue establish open a credit (in favour of sb.)
to revoke a letter of credit; to revoke a credit
The credit is valid until …
The letter of credit expires.; The credit becomes invalid.
etw. avalieren v; für etw. bürgen v fin.
avaliert durch eine Bank
avaliertes Akkreditiv
avalierter Betrag
avalierter Wechsel
to guarantee payment of sth.; to add your name to a bill of exchange a promissory note
guaranteed by a bank
guaranteed letter of credit
guaranteed amount
guaranteed bill of exchange; backed bill of exchange
Kreditbriefabteilung f; Akkreditivabteilung f (in einer Bank) fin.
letter of credit department (at a bank)
Kreditbriefabwicklung f; Akkreditivabwicklung f fin.
handling of a letter of credit; processing a letter of credit
Kreditbriefänderung f; Akkreditivänderung f fin.
amendment to a letter of credit; amendment of credit
Kreditbriefansprüche pl; Akkreditivansprüche pl fin.
claims under a letter of credit
application for a letter of credit
Akkreditivanzeige f; Akkreditivavisierung f fin.
notification of credit
Akkreditivauftrag m fin.
instructions to open a letter of credit; application for a credit; credit application
Kreditbriefauftraggeber m; Akkreditivauftraggeber m fin.
Kreditbriefauftraggeber pl; Akkreditivauftraggeber pl
applicant for a letter of credit; applicant for a credit; credit applicant
applicants for a letter of credit; applicants for a credit; credit applicants
Kreditbriefbegleichung f; Akkreditivauskehrung f fin.
payment of the credit
akkreditiveröffnende Bank f; Akkreditivbank f; Akkreditivinstitut fin.
bank issuing a letter of credit; bank opening a letter of credit
Kreditbriefbedingungen pl; Akkreditivbedingungen pl fin.
terms and conditions of a the letter of credit, terms of a the letter of credit; credit terms
Akkreditivbegünstigter pl fin.
beneficiary under a the letter of credit
Kreditbriefbestätigung f; Akkreditivbestätigung f fin.
confirmation of a the letter of credit; credit confirmation
Akkreditivbetrag m fin.
amount of a the credit
Kreditbriefbevorschussung f; Akkreditivbevorschussung f fin.
advance against a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckung f fin.
cover for a letter of credit; credit cover
Akkreditivdeckungsguthaben n fin.
credit balance held as cover for a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckungskonto n fin.
credit cover account
Akkreditivunterlagen pl; Akkreditivdokumente pl fin.
documents required for a letter of credit; credit documents
Akkreditive sind getrennte Geschäfte
credits are separate transactions
Anzeige der Akkreditive
notification of credits
deferred payment credit
Formen der Akkreditive
forms of credit
Kreditbriefeinlösungsverpflichtung f; Akkreditiveinlösungsverpflichtung f fin.
obligation to honour a the letter of credit
Akkreditiverlös m fin.
credit proceeds
Akkreditivermächtigung f fin.
letter of authority
Akkreditiveröffnung f; Akkreditivstellung f; Akkreditivhinauslegung f fin.
issuance opening of a the letter of credit; letter of credit opening
akkreditivgemäß adv fin.
in accordance with the terms of the credit
das Akkreditivgeschäft; der Akkreditivverkehr fin.
letter of credit operations; documentary credit operations

Deutsche Akkreditivbetrag Synonyme

Englische amount of a the credit Synonyme

amount  account  add up  add up to  aggregate  amount to  amplitude  approach  batch  become  body  box score  budget  bulk  bunch  burden  caliber  cast  charge  chunk  clutch  come  come up to  compass  comprehend  comprise  core  correspond to  cost  count  cut  damage  deal  degree  difference  dose  embody  entirety  equal  expanse  expenditure  expense  extent  figure  force  gob  grade  grand total  gross amount  group  heap  height  hint  hunk  imply  include  incorporate  interval  intimate  large amount  leap  level  lot  magnitude  mark  mass  match  matter  measure  measurement  mess  notch  nuance  number  numbers  pack  parcel  part  partake of  pas  peg  period  pitch  plane  plateau  point  portion  price  price tag  product  proportion  purport  quantity  quantum  range  rate  ratio  ration  reach  reckoning  remove  rival  round  run into  rung  scale  scope  score  sense  shade  shadow  short  small amount  space  stair  standard  step  stint  strength  substance  subsume  suggest  sum  sum and substance  sum total  summation  supply  tab  tale  tally  the amount  the bottom line  the story  the whole story  thrust  total  touch  tread  upshot  volume  whole  whole amount  x number  
amount to  add up to  afford  aggregate  aggregate to  balance  break even  bring  bring in  come to  come up to  comprise  contain  correspond  cost  ditto  draw  equal  even  even off  fetch  keep pace with  knot  match  match up with  measure up to  mount up to  number  parallel  reach  reckon up to  rival  run abreast  run into  run to  sell for  set one back  stack up with  tie  tot up to  total  total up to  tote up to  touch  unitize  

Akkreditivbetrag Definition

(n.) To go up
(n.) To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities
(n.) To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence
(v. t.) To signify
(n.) The sum total of two or more sums or quantities
(n.) The effect, substance, value, significance, or result
(n.) Reliance on the truth of something said or done
(n.) Reputation derived from the confidence of others
(n.) A ground of, or title to, belief or confidence
(n.) That which tends to procure, or add to, reputation or esteem
(n.) Influence derived from the good opinion, confidence, or favor of others
(n.) Trust given or received
(n.) The time given for payment for lands or goods sold on trust
(n.) The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the category named at the head of the account
(v. t.) To confide in the truth of
(v. t.) To bring honor or repute upon
(v. t.) To enter upon the credit side of an account
Credit foncier
() A company licensed for the purpose of carrying out improvements, by means of loans and advances upon real securities.
Credit mobilier
() A joint stock company, formed for general banking business, or for the construction of public works, by means of loans on personal estate, after the manner of the credit foncier on real estate. In practice, however, this distinction has not been strictly observed.

amount of a the credit Bedeutung

how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
credit used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise, she already had several performances to her credit
course credit
recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed, typically measured in semester hours
semester hour
credit hour
a unit of academic credit, one hour a week for an academic semester
amount the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion, an adequate amount of food for four people
credit rating
an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
sum amount
a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
credit system a system for allowing people to purchase things on credit
credit an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work, the credits were given at the end of the film
credit line
a line giving the name of the writer of a story or article
credit application an application for a line of credit
credit order
bill-me order
an order that is received without payment, requires billing at a later date
full faith and credit a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt, usually issued by the United States Treasury
approval, give her recognition for trying, he was given credit for his work, give her credit for trying
citation cite
acknowledgment credit reference mention quotation
a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage, the student's essay failed to list several important citations, the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book, the article includes mention of similar clinical cases
photo credit a note acknowledging the source of a published photograph
face-amount certificate company a regulated investment company that pays a stated amount to certificate holders on a stated maturity date
credit union a cooperative depository financial institution whose members can obtain loans from their combined savings
credit bureau a private firm that maintains consumer credit data files and provides credit information to authorized users for a fee
commercial finance company
commercial credit company
a finance company that makes loans to manufacturers and wholesalers
Farm Credit System
a cooperative nationwide system of banks and associations providing credit to farmers and related businesses, originally capitalized by the federal government but now owned by its members and borrowers
credit analyst an analyst who studies the financial statements and financial history of applicants for credit in order to evaluate their creditworthiness
sum of money
amount of money
a quantity of money, he borrowed a large sum, the amount he had in cash was insufficient
deferred payment
arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
consumer credit a line of credit extended for personal or household use
home loan
home equity credit
home equity loan
equity credit line
a loan secured by equity value in the borrower's home
installment credit
installment loan
a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
credit card
charge card
charge plate
a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered, do you take plastic?
credit money available for a client to borrow
tax credit a direct reduction in tax liability (not dependent on the taxpayer's tax bracket)
export credit a credit opened by an importer with a bank in an exporter's country to finance an export operation
import credit credit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw
credit line
line of credit
bank line
personal credit line
personal line of credit
the maximum credit that a customer is allowed
commercial credit credit granted by a bank to a business concern for commercial purposes
letter of credit a document issued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft, substitutes the bank's credit for the customer's credit
commercial letter of credit a letter of credit given to a business concern for commercial purposes
traveler's letter of credit
traveller's letter of credit
a letter of credit given to a traveler
overdraft credit
check overdraft credit
credit provided by a bank in honoring a customer's overdrafts
credit credit entry an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
credit side account of payments received, usually the right side of a financial statement
large indefinite quantity
large indefinite amount
an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
small indefinite quantity
small indefinite amount
an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
credit crunch
liquidity crisis
a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high
credit have trust in, trust in the truth or veracity of
credit give someone credit for something, We credited her for saving our jobs
credit c
ascribe an achievement to, She was not properly credited in the program
credit accounting: enter as credit, We credit your account with $
come b add up amount develop into, This idea will never amount to anything, nothing came of his grandiose plans
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