
Anleihenschuld Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

bond debt
bond debt
Zinssatz für kurzfristige Anleihen
short-term interest rate
Aktie f
Aktien pl
eigene Aktien, Vorratsaktien pl
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien umsetzen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien aufteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoßen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
share Br., stock Am.
shares, stocks
own shares Br., treasury stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to trade stocks
to stop a stock
to split stocks, to split shares
stopped stock
to unload stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan stock
yo-yo stock
voting stock
unissued stock Am., unissued shares 1
smokestack stocks
Anleihe f, Obligation f, Bond m, Schuldverschreibung f
Anleihen pl, Obligationen pl, Bonds pl, Schuldverschreibungen pl
Staatsanleihe f
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
bond, bond issue
government bond
deferred bonds
Anleihen pl, Kreditbeanspruchung f
Null-Coupon-Anleihen pl fin.
zero bonds
Anleihen, Kreditbeanspruchung
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoßen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebüßte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stock; stocks Am.
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stock in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stock
to hold shares stock
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stock
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stock
to subscribe to shares stock
to allot shares stock
stopped share stock
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan share stock
yo-yo stock
forfeited shares stock
run on shares stock
voting share stock
unissued shares stock
smokestack shares stock
electronics shares stock
rubber shares stock
engineering shares stock
foods shares stock
shipbuilding shares stock
debenture stock stock
insurance shares stock
mangement stock
management shares
Anleihe f fin.
Anleihen pl
Ausgabe einer Anleihe
nachrangige Anleihe
eine Anleihe tilgen
eine Anleihe zeichnen
loan; public loan
loans; public loans
issue of a loan
secondary loan
to redeem a loan
to subscribe for a loan
Anleihen pl; Kreditbeanspruchung f
Bezugsrechtsschein m; Berechtigungsschein m; Optionsschein m (Börse) fin.
Bezugsrechtsscheine pl; Berechtigungsscheine pl; Optionsscheine pl
Optionsschein ohne Optionsanleihe
Optionsschein bei dem die Ausübung des Rechts an die vorzeitige Kündigung der Originalanleihe seitens des Emittenten geknüpft ist
Tilgungsoptionsschein der an den Emittenten zu einem Fixpreis zurückgegeben werden kann
(auf den Inhaber lautender) Aktienbezugsrechtsschein; Aktienzertifikat
Anleiheoptionsschein; Optionsschein für Anleihen desselben Emittenten
Bezugsberechtigungsschein m
Dividendenanteilschein m
Inhaberoptionsschein m
Zinsberechtigungsschein m
inklusive Bezugsrechte
ohne ausschließlich Bezugsrechte
stock purchase warrant; warrant (stock exchange)
stock purchase warrants; warrants
nacked warrant
harmless warrant
redemption warrant
share warrant Br.; stock warrant Am. (to bearer)
bond warrant
subscription warrant
dividend warrant
bearer warrant
interest warrant
with warrants ww
without warrants
Laufzeit f jur. fin.
durchschnittliche Laufzeit
Laufzeit eines Abkommens
Laufzeit eines Darlehens Kredits
Laufzeit einer Frist
Laufzeit einer Hypothek
Laufzeit eines Mietvertrags
Laufzeit eines Patents
Laufzeit eines Vertrags
Laufzeit eines Wechsels
Laufzeit der Zinsen
Abkommen mit unbegrenzter Laufzeit
Anleihen mit einer Laufzeit bis 5 jahre
Wechsel mit einer Laufzeit von maximal 6 Monaten
während der Laufzeit des Vertrags
Das Abkommen hat eine Laufzeit von 15 Jahren.
Die Laufzeit des europäischen Patents beträgt 20 Jahre ab Anmeldedatum.
term; duration; currency; life; maturity fin.
average maturity
duration currency of an agreement
term maturity of a loan
running of a period (of time)
mortgage time
duration currency life of a lease
life lifetime of a patent
term duration of a contract
term currency life tenor of a bill of exchange
running of the interest
agreement for an indeterminate period
bonds with maturities of up to 5 years
bills having maturity dates not exceeding 6 months
for the duration of the contract
The agreement is for 15 years.
The term of the European patent shall be 20 years from the date of filing of the application.
Nullcoupon-Anleihe f fin.
Nullcoupon-Anleihen pl
synthetische Nullcoupon-Anleihe
zero bond; zero
zero bonds; zeros
synthetic zero bond
Zinssatz m fin.
Zinssätze pl
Senkung des Zinssatzes
einheitlicher Zinssatz
variabler Zinssatz
Zinssatz für kurzfristige Anleihen
zum gesetzlichen Zinssatz
üblicher Zinssatz
den Zinssatz herabsetzen
interest rate; rate of interest; rate
interest rates; rates of interest; rates
interest-rate cut
flat rate of interest
variable interest rate
short-term interest rate
at legal interest
conventional interest
to lower the interest rate
börsennotiert; börsenotiert Ös. börsenkotiert Schw. adj fin
börsennotierte Anleihen
börsennotierte Unternehmen
quoted; listed (on the stock exchange)
quoted listed bonds; bonds listed on the stock exchange
quoted listed companies; companies quoted on the stock exchanged
sichern; verbriefen v fin.
sichernd; verbriefend
gesichert; verbrieft
verbriefte Anleihen
to securitize; to securitise Br.
securitizing; securitising
securitized; securitised
securitized loans
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
Bergwerksaktie f
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl; Aktien in Eigenbesitz
hochspekulative Aktien
hochspekulative Aktien mit niedrigem Kurs
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoßen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebüßte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
Das Unternehmen hat alle zurück gekauften Aktien eingezogen.
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stocks Am.
mining share; mining stock
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
fancy shares stocks dated
penny stocks Am.
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stocks in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stocks
to hold shares stocks
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stocks; to retire shares Am.
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stocks
to subscribe to shares stocks
to allot shares stocks
stopped shares stocks
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan shares stocks
yo-yo stocks
forfeited shares stocks
run on shares stocks
voting share stock
unissued shares stocks
smokestack shares stocks
electronics shares stocks
rubber shares stocks
engineering shares stocks
foods shares stocks
shipbuilding shares stocks
debenture shares stocks
insurance shares stocks
management stocks
management shares
The company retired all of their treasury shares.
Anleihe f fin.
Anleihen pl
Kriegsanleihe f
Ausgabe einer Anleihe
nachrangige Anleihe
eine Anleihe tilgen
eine Anleihe zeichnen
loan; public loan
loans; public loans
war loan
issue of a loan
secondary loan
to redeem a loan
to subscribe for a loan
Bezugsrechtsschein m; Berechtigungsschein m; Optionsschein m (Börse) fin.
Bezugsrechtsscheine pl; Berechtigungsscheine pl; Optionsscheine pl
Optionsschein ohne Optionsanleihe
Optionsschein, bei dem die Ausübung des Rechts an die vorzeitige Kündigung der Originalanleihe seitens des Emittenten geknüpft ist
Tilgungsoptionsschein, der an den Emittenten zu einem Fixpreis zurückgegeben werden kann
(auf den Inhaber lautender) Aktienbezugsrechtsschein; Aktienzertifikat
Anleiheoptionsschein; Optionsschein für Anleihen desselben Emittenten
Bezugsberechtigungsschein m
Dividendenanteilschein m
Inhaberoptionsschein m
Zinsberechtigungsschein m
inklusive Bezugsrechte
ohne ausschließlich Bezugsrechte
stock purchase warrant; warrant (stock exchange)
stock purchase warrants; warrants
nacked warrant
harmless warrant
redemption warrant
share warrant Br.; stock warrant Am. (to bearer)
bond warrant
subscription warrant
dividend warrant
bearer warrant
interest warrant
with warrants ww
without warrants
börsennotiert; börsenotiert Ös., börsenkotiert Schw.; börsengehandelt adj fin.
börsennotierter Fondswert
börsennotierte Anleihen
börsennotiertes Unternehmen; borsengehandeltes Unternehmen; Börsenunternehmen
quoted on the stock exchange; publicly quoted; quoted; listed on the stock exchange; publicly listed; listed; traded on the stock exchange; publicly traded
quoted unit Br.
quoted listed bonds; bonds listed on the stock exchange
publicly quoted enterprise; publicly listed enterprise; publicly traded company; publicly traded corporation Am.
bond issue
bond market
bei jdm. energisch nachdrücklich auf etw. drängen; von jdm. energisch nachdrücklich etw. (ein)fordern v pol.
bei jdm. energisch auf Abschluss der Vereinbarung drängen
den Anleihenmarkt mit aller Macht davon überzeugen wollen, dass …
to jawbone sb. about sth. into doing sth. Am.
to jawbone sb. into accepting the deal
to jawbone the bond market into believing that …
Portefeuille n; Portfolio n econ.
Anleihenportfolio n; Obligationen-Portfolio n fin
Gesamtportfolio n
Leistungsportfolio n
Marktportfolio n
Produktportfolio n
bond portfolio
total portfolio; entire portfolio
service portfolio
market portfolio
product portfolio
bond debt

Deutsche Anleihenschuld Synonyme

Englische bond debt Synonyme

bond  Fannie Mae  Federal Agency bond  Ginnie Mae  Oregon boat  Series E bond  Series H bond  accident insurance  accord  accouple  accumulate  actuary  addition  adherence  adhesion  adhesive  adjunct  adjustment bond  affairs  affiliation  affinity  affixation  agglomeration  agglutinate  agglutination  aggregation  agreement  allegiance  alliance  amass  annexation  annuity  annuity bond  appreciation bond  approximation  arrangement  articulate  articulation  assemblage  assemble  assented bond  associate  association  assumed bond  assurance  assure  attachment  attest  aviation insurance  baby bond  back  bail  bail bond  band  bargain  be sponsor for  bearer bond  bearer certificate  bilbo  bind  binding  binding agreement  bona fides  bond anticipation note  bonds  bonne foi  bottomry  bracket  bracketing  bridge  bridge over  bridle  business life insurance  callable bond  camisole  cartel  casualty insurance  cement  certificate of insurance  certify  chain  chains  checks  clap together  clasping  cling  clinging  closeness  clustering  cohere  coherence  cohesion  collar  collateral trust bond  collect  collective agreement  combination  combine  communication  compact  comprise  concatenate  concatenation  concourse  concurrence  confirm  confluence  congeries  conglobulate  conglomeration  conjoin  conjugate  conjugation  conjunction  connect  connectedness  connection  connective  consolidated annuities  consolidated stock  consols  consortium  constancy  constraints  contiguity  contract  contract by deed  contract of record  contract quasi  contrariety  controls  convention  convergence  convertible bond  convertible debenture  copulate  copulation  cords  corporate bond  corporation stock  countersecure  couple  coupling  coupon bond  coupon rate  court bond  covenant  covenant of indemnity  covenant of salt  cover  credit insurance  credit life insurance  cuffs  current income bond  current yield  deal  dealings  debenture  debenture bond  deducti  
bondage  absolutism  bond service  captivity  control  debt slavery  deprivation of freedom  disenfranchisement  disfranchisement  domination  enslavement  enthrallment  feudalism  feudality  helotism  helotry  indentureship  peonage  restraint  serfdom  serfhood  servility  servitude  slavery  subjection  subjugation  thrall  thralldom  tyranny  vassalage  villenage  yoke  
bondsman  bailsman  bondmaid  bondman  bondslave  bondswoman  captive  chattel  chattel slave  churl  concubine  debt slave  galley slave  godfather  godparent  guarantee  guarantor  guaranty  helot  homager  insurer  liege  liege man  liege subject  mainpernor  mortgagor  odalisque  peon  serf  servant  slave  sponsor  subject  surety  theow  thrall  underwriter  vassal  villein  warrantor  

Anleihenschuld Definition

Bail bond
() A bond or obligation given by a prisoner and his surety, to insure the prisoner's appearance in court, at the return of the writ.
Bail bond
() Special bail in court to abide the judgment.
(n.) That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.
(n.) The state of being bound
(n.) A binding force or influence
(n.) Moral or political duty or obligation.
(n.) A writing under seal, by which a person binds himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to pay a certain sum on or before a future day appointed. This is a single bond. But usually a condition is added, that, if the obligor shall do a certain act, appear at a certain place, conform to certain rules, faithfully perform certain duties, or pay a certain sum of money, on or before a time specified, the obligation shall be void
(n.) An instrument (of the nature of the ordinary legal bond) made by a government or a corporation for purpose of borrowing money
(n.) The state of goods placed in a bonded warehouse till the duties are paid
(n.) The union or tie of the several stones or bricks forming a wall. The bricks may be arranged for this purpose in several different ways, as in English or block bond (Fig. 1), where one course consists of bricks with their ends toward the face of the wall, called headers, and the next course of bricks with their lengths parallel to the face of the wall, called stretchers
(n.) A unit of chemical attraction
(v. t.) To place under the conditions of a bond
(v. t.) To dispose in building, as the materials of a wall, so as to secure solidity.
(n.) A vassal or serf
(a.) In a state of servitude or slavery
Bond servant
() A slave
Bond service
() The condition of a bond servant
(n.) That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods, or services
(n.) A duty neglected or violated
(n.) An action at law to recover a certain specified sum of money alleged to be due.
Post-obit bond
() A bond in which the obligor, in consideration of having received a certain sum of money, binds himself to pay a larger sum, on unusual interest, on the death of some specified individual from whom he has expectations.

bond debt Bedeutung

bond trading
bond-trading activity
trading in bonds (usually by a broker on the floor of an exchange)
attachment bond a connection that fastens things together
hamper trammel
a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)
the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition, the mutual adhesiveness of cells, a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion
bond rating an evaluation by a rating company of the probability that a particular bond issue will default, the bonds of highest quality are said to have bond ratings of AAA
debt an obligation to pay or do something
Bond James Bond British secret operative in novels by Ian Fleming
bond servant someone bound to labor without wages
Julian Bond
United States civil rights leader who was elected to the legislature in Georgia but was barred from taking his seat because he opposed the Vietnam War (born )
chemical bond
an electrical force linking atoms
covalent bond a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule
hydrogen bond a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond
ionic bond
electrovalent bond
electrostatic bond
a chemical bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion
double bond a covalent bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms
coordinate bond
dative bond
a covalent bond in which both electrons are provided by one of the atoms
metallic bond a chemical bond in which electrons are shared over many nuclei and electronic conduction occurs
peptide bond
peptide linkage
the primary linkage of all protein structures, the chemical bond between the carboxyl groups and amino groups that unites a peptide
bond issue bonds sold by a corporation or government agency at a particular time and identifiable by date of maturity
convertible bond a bond that can be converted to other securities under certain conditions
corporate bond a bond issued by a corporation, carries no claim to ownership and pays no dividends but payments to bondholders have priority over payments to stockholders, a corporate bond is a safer investment than common stock in the same company
coupon bond
bearer bond
a bond issued with detachable coupons that must be presented to the issuer for interest payments
government bond a bond that is an IOU of the United States Treasury, considered the safest security in the investment world
junk bond
high-yield bond
a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower, issued for leveraged buyouts and other takeovers by companies with questionable credit
municipal bond a bond issued by a state or local government
noncallable bond a bond containing a provision that the holder cannot redeem the security before a specific date (usually at maturity)
performance bond
surety bond
a bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled, a surety company assumes liability for nonperformance
post-obit bond a bond made by a reversioner to secure a loan, payable out of his reversion
registered bond a bond whose owner is recorded on the books of the issuer, can be transferred to another owner only when endorsed by the registered owner
revenue bond a bond issued by an agency that is commissioned to finance public works, revenue from the public property is used to pay off the bond
secured bond a bond that is back by collateral
unsecured bond
debenture bond
the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
savings bond non-negotiable government bond, cannot be bought and sold once the original purchase is made
utility bond
utility revenue bond
a bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services
zero coupon bond
zerooupon bond
a bond that is issued at a deep discount from its value at maturity and pays no interest during the life of the bond, the commonest form of zerooupon security
bail bond
(criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial, the judge set bail at $,, a $, bond was furnished by an alderman
Treasury bond a debt instrument with maturities ofyears or longer
debt money or goods or services owed by one person to another
national debt the debt of the national government (as distinguished from the debts of individuals and businesses and political subdivisions)
public debt the total of the nation's debts: debts of local and state and national governments, an indicator of how much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation
debt limit
debt ceiling
the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity
national debt ceiling a limit set by Congress beyond which the national debt cannot rise, periodically raised by Congress
debt instrument
certificate of indebtedness
a written promise to repay a debt
bad debt a debt that is unlikely to be repaid
installment debt debt to be paid by installments
bond bond certificate a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money, the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal
Premium Bond a government bond that bears no interest or capital gains but enters the holder into lotteries
letter bond a bond that has not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and cannot be sold to the general public
a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest, the shifting alliances within a large family, their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them
oxygen debt a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise, the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
debt the state of owing something (especially money), he is badly in debt
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