
Anpassungsentwicklung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Anpassungsentwicklung f techn.
adjustment development
Anpassungsentwicklung f techn.
adjustment development
Anpassung der Arbeitsbedingungen
human engineering
Anpassung der Preise, Anpassung der Kurse
adjustment of prices
Anpassung, Schadensregulierung
Einstellung, Nachstellung, Anpassung
saisonbedingte Anpassung
seasonal adjustment
schlechte Anordnung, schlechte Anpassung
soziale Anpassung
social adjustment
Theorie der Anpassung
theory of adjustment
wirtschaftliche Anpassung
economic adjustment
Adaptation f, Anpassung f med.
Akkommodation f, Anpassung f med.
Anpassung f
Anpassungen pl
Anpassung f, Adaption f, Adaptierung f
Anpassung f, Bearbeitung f
Anpassungen pl, Bearbeitungen pl
Anpassung f
neue Anpassung f
Anpassung f, Angleichung f (an)
conformation (to)
Anpassung f
Anpassung f (an)
conformity (with)
Anpassung f
Anpassung f
Anpassung (kundenspezifisch) f, Zuschnitt m
customization, customizing
Anpassung f, Einstellung f, Regulierung f
Einstellung f, Einstellen n, Einregulierung f, Regelung f, Anpassung f, Adaptierung f, Justierung f
Einstellen der Uhrzeit
Einstellen von Ventilatoren während des Betriebes
clock time adjustment
in-flight adjustment of fans
Gewöhnung f, Anpassung f (an)
adjustment (to)
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Anpassung von Normen
common standards
international standards
harmonization of standards
Regulation f, Anpassung an die Umwelt f med.
Anpassung, Adaptierung
Einstellung, Anpassung, Adaptierung, Justierung
Konditionen Anpassung
adjustment of terms
Anpassung, Einstellung, Regulierung
Adaptation f; Anpassung f med.
Akkommodation f; Anpassung f med.
Angleichung f (an); Anpassung f (an); Ausrichtung (nach) f
die Ausrichtung der Steuern am Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß von Kfzs
alignment (with)
the alignment of taxes with car Co2 emissions
Anpassung f; Adaption f; Adaptierung f
Anpassung f (an etw.)
die Anpassung von Wüstentieren an die heißen Temperaturen
eine rasche Anpassung an veränderte Gegebenheiten
adaptation; accommodation (to sth.)
the adaptation of desert animals to the hot temperatures
a rapid adaptation to changed circumstances
Anpassung f; Angleichung f (an)
conformation (to)
Anpassung (kundenspezifisch) f; Zuschnitt m
customization; customizing eAm.; customisation; customising Br.
Anpassung f; Einstellung f; Regulierung f
Einstellung f; Einstellen n; Einregulierung f; Regelung f; Anpassung f; Adaptierung f; Justierung f; Justieren n
Einstellen der Uhrzeit
Einstellen von Ventilatoren während des Betriebes
clock time adjustment
in-flight adjustment of fans
Gewöhnung f; Anpassung f (an)
adjustment (to)
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Anpassung von Normen
britische Norm
common standards
international standards
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS
Portierung f (Anpassung an eine andere Softwareumgebung) comp.
port; porting (adaptation to a different software environment)
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
empfohlener Preis
halber Preis; zum halben Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Abnahme der Preise
Anpassung der Preise
Anstieg der Preise
Anziehen der Preise
starkes Anziehen der Preise
Entwicklung der Preise
Festigung der Preise
Sinken der Preise
Spaltung der Preise
Stabilisierung der Preise
Struktur der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Verzerrung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
recommended price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to push up prices; to force up prices
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decrease of prices
adjustment of prices
increase of prices; price increase
hardening of prices
strong rise of prices
development of prices
consolidation of prices
decline in prices
discrimination in price
stabilization of prices eAm.; stabilisation of prices Br.
pattern of prices
movement of prices
distortion of prices
law of one price
Regulation f; Anpassung an die Umwelt f med.
Synanthropie f (Anpassung an den menschlichen Kulturraum) bot. zool.
Anpassung f comp.
Optimierung f
Anpassung f
Anpassung nach dem Verfahren der kleinsten Quadratsumme
least square fit
Akkulturation f; Kulturanpassung f; kulturelle Anpassung f soc.
Angleichung f (an); Anpassung f (an); Ausrichtung f (nach)
die Ausrichtung der Steuern am Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß von Kfzs
alignment (with)
the alignment of taxes with car CO2 emissions
Anpassung f (an etw.)
die Anpassung von Wüstentieren an die heißen Temperaturen
eine rasche Anpassung an veränderte Gegebenheiten
die notwendigen Anpassungen vornehmen adm.
adaptation; accommodation (to sth.)
the adaptation of desert animals to the hot temperatures
a rapid adaptation to changed circumstances
to make the necessary adaptations
kulturelle Anpassung f; Assimilierung f; Assimilation f geh. soc.
neuerliche Anpassung
cultural assimilation
soziale Anpassung f; Sozialisierung f; Sozialisation f soc.
frühkindliche Sozialisierung
social adaptation; social adjustment; socialization; socialisation Br.
infant socialization
Anpassung f comp. electr. telco.
Impedanzanpassung f
impedance matching
Anpassung f (kundenspezifisch); Zuschnitt m
customization; customizing eAm.; customisation; customising Br.
etw. in Anpassung an etw. tun v geh.
Die Beihilfe wird in Anpassung an die Inflation erhöht.
to do sth. to take account of sth.
The allowance is increased to take account of inflation.
Anpassung f (an etw. bei etw. wegen etw.)
Anpassung an eine neue Umgebung
Anpassung der Gehälter zur Inflationsabgeltung
Anpassung der Preise; Preisanpassung f
eine Anpassung vornehmen
adjustment (to sth. in of sth. for sth.)
adjustment to a new environment
adjustment in of salaries (to allow) for inflation
adjustment of prices; price adjustment
to make an adjustment
Ausgleichungsrechnung f; Ausgleichsrechnung f; Ausgleichung f; Anpassung f; Regression f math.
Anpassung mittels Fehlerquadratmethode
curve fitting; data fitting
least square fitting
Kontaktlinse f; Haftschale f veraltend
Kontaktlinsen pl; Haftschalen pl
harte Kontaktlinsen
weiche Kontaktlinsen
Anpassung von Kontaktlinsen
flach sitzende Linsen
steil sitzende Linsen
contact lens
contact lenses; contacts coll.
rigid contact lenses
soft contact lenses
fitting of contact lenses
flat-fitting lenses
steep-fitting lenses
Parameter m; (veränderliche) Größe f comp. sci. techn.
Parameter pl; veränderliche Größen pl
Kenngröße f; Kennwert m
aktueller Parameter; Aktualparameter m comp.
additiver Parameter phys.
Ausgangsparameter m techn.
Auswahlparameter m
Beatmungsparameter m med.
Eingangsparameter m techn.
Einstellparameter m techn.
Einzelparameter m techn.
freier Parameter techn.
Rauschkennwert m electr.
störender Parameter statist.
Stromkreisparameter m; Schaltungsparameter m; Schaltungsgröße f
Verteilungsparameter m statist.
Anpassung f von Parametern
characteristic parameter
actual parameter, actual argument
extensive parameter
output parameter
selection parameter
ventilation parameter
input parameter
adjustable parameter
single parameter
arbitrary parameter
characteristic noise parameter
deranging parameter; nuisance parameter
circuit parameter
distribution parameter
parameter adjustment
entwicklungsgeschichtliche Auffächerung f (einer Abstammungslinie) biol.
Auffächerung einer Art zur Anpassung an veränderte Umweltbedingungen
evolutionary radiation (of a lineage)
adaptive radiation of a species

Deutsche Anpassungsentwicklung Synonyme

Englische adjustment development Synonyme

adjustment  abatement of differences  about-face  acclimation  acclimatization  accommodation  accord  accordance  accustoming  acquiescence  adaptation  adaption  adjusting  adjustive reaction  agreement  alignment  alteration  altering  amelioration  apostasy  arrangement  assimilation  attunement  bad condition  balance  bargain  bearings  betterment  break  breaking  breaking-in  calibrating  calibration  case hardening  change  change of heart  changeableness  charting  closing  coaptation  codification  compliance  composition  composition of differences  compromise  concession  conclusion  conditioning  conformance  conformation other-direction  conformity  congruity  consistency  constructive change  continuity  conventionality  conversion  coordination  cop-out  correcting  correction  correspondence  deal  defection  degeneration  degenerative change  desertion of principle  deterioration  deviation  difference  discontinuity  disorientation  divergence  diversification  diversion  diversity  domestication  enablement  equalization  equalizing  equating  equation  equilibration  equipment  evasion of responsibility  evening  evening up  familiarization  fettle  fit  fitting  flexibility  flip-flop  form  fulfillment  furnishing  give-and-take  giving way  good condition  gradual change  habituation  hardening  harmonization  harmony  housebreaking  improvement  integrated personality  integration  inurement  keeping  line  malleability  melioration  methodization  mitigation  modification  modulation  mutual concession  naturalization  normalization  obedience  observance  order  ordination  organization  orientation  orthodoxy  overthrow  planning  pliancy  psychosynthesis  qualification  radical change  rationalization  re-creation  readjustment  realignment  reconcilement  reconciliation  redesign  reform  reformation  regularization  regulating  regulation  rehabilitation  remaking  renewal  repair  reshaping  resolution  restructuring  reversal  reviv  

Anpassungsentwicklung Definition

(n.) The act of adjusting, or condition of being adjusted
(n.) Settlement of claims
(n.) The operation of bringing all the parts of an instrument, as a microscope or telescope, into their proper relative position for use
(n.) The act of developing or disclosing that which is unknown
(n.) The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization.
(n.) The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another of equivalent value or meaning.
(n.) The equivalent expression into which another has been developed.
(n.) The elaboration of a theme or subject

adjustment development Bedeutung

alteration modification
the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
development act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining, he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency, they funded research and development
product development improving an existing product or developing new kinds of products
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was created in
the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful, the development of Alaskan resources, the exploitation of copper deposits
land development making an area of land more useful
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
adjustment registration readjustment the act of adjusting something to match a standard
ribbon development building complex in a continuous row along a road
development (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated
making or becoming suitable, adjusting to circumstances
development a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation, recent developments in Iraq, what a revolting development!
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Housing and Urban Development
the United States federal department that administers federal programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal, created in
Social Development Commission the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with social development
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
World Bank
a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
International Development Association
an agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank
Advanced Research and Development Activity
an agency of the Intelligence Community that conducts advanced research and development related to information technology
development a district that has been developed to serve some purpose, such land is practical for small park developments
housing development a residential area of similar dwellings built by property developers and usually under a single management, they live in the new housing development
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was Robert C. Weaver who was appointed by Johnson
allowance adjustment an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances, an allowance for profit
seasonal adjustment a statistical adjustment made to accommodate predictable fluctuations as a function of the season of the year, seasonal adjustments for housing starts must be made in mid-winter
the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible, the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours
development evolution a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage), the development of his ideas took many years, the evolution of Greek civilization, the slow development of her skill as a writer
development ontogeny
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically, a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level, he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children
psychomotor development progressive acquisition of skills involving both mental and motor activities
psychosexual development (psychoanalysis) the process during which personality and sexual behavior mature through a series of stages: first oral stage and then anal stage and then phallic stage and then latency stage and finally genital stage
development a state in which things are improving, the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess), after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter, in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen
arrested development
infantile fixation
an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely
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Anpassungsentwicklung bedeutet, dass Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstandorte eines Unternehmens keine neuen Produkte entwickeln, sondern bestehende Produkte für ihren lokalen Markt anpassen. Sie liefern unter Umständen Unterstützung für lokale Produktionseinheiten und stellen eine Serviceabteilung für weitere Unternehmensbereiche vor Ort dar. Meist sind sie personell nicht umfangreich besetzt, vorwiegend arbeiten Techniker und Ingenieure für sie. In der Regel werden sie regional gesteuert. Sie befassen sich ausschließlich mit Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung.