
Anschlussobjekt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Anschlussobjekt n
Anschlussobjekte pl
connection object
connection objects
Anschlussobjekt n
Anschlussobjekte pl
connection object
connection objects
Anschluss m (Telefon)
Anschluss m
Anschluss m
mit zwei Anschlüssen
Anschluss m, Stecker m, Buchse f
Anschluss m, Verbindung f
Anschlüsse pl, Verbindungen pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
Anschluss zum Ventilator
electrical connections
connection to ventilator
im Anschluss an
subsequent to
End..., Anschluss..., Abschluss...
Kabelende n, Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m, Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss m
point-to-point connection
Schaltung f, Anschluss m
anschließend adj, im Anschluss an
following, followed by
Ich habe den Anschluss verpasst.
I missed the connection.
Anschluss, Verbindung
Anschluss, Stecker, Buchse
Ich habe den Anschluß verpaßt
i missed the connection
Knotenpunkt, Anschluss
Punkt zu Punkt Anschluss
Anschluss (Tel.), Beendigung
Anschluss m; Port m (Ein- und Ausgabekanal für Netzwerkverbindungen) comp.
Anschlüsse pl; Ports pl
port (software)
im Anschluss an; im Nachgang zu
subsequent to
Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f telco.
Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line
subscriber lines
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
End...; Anschluss...; Abschluss...
Kabelende n; Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m; Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schaltung f; Anschluss m
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
electrical connections
physical connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
rückseitig adj; Rück...
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
back; rear
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
langweilig ruhiger rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder...
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
vorderseitig verspiegelt adj techn.
front connection
front-fed antenna
first-surface mirrored
Agape f (Imbiss im Anschluss an eine kirchliche Feier) relig.
agape (light meal after a church celebration)
Anbindung f; Anschluss m (eines Gebiets an ein Versorgungsnetz Verkehrsnetz) transp.
Verkehrsanbindung f
linkage; connection (of an area to utility grid transport system)
traffic linkage
Anschluss m an Straßenverkehrsmittel; Anschluss m zwischen Reisezug und U-Bahn Bus (Bahn) transp.
connection with road transport services; inter-modal transport interchange (railway)
Anschluss m für Lochkartenstanzer comp. hist.
Anschluss für Lochung 1; Anschluss für die erste Lochung
Anschluss für Lochung 2; Anschluss für die zweite Lochung
card punch attachment
first punch attachment
second punch attachment
(vorübergehende) Anschlussstelle f; Anschluss m (Wasser, Strom)
Anschlussstellen pl; Anschlüsse pl
Abwasseranschluss m
hook-up; hookup (for temporary water or electricity supply)
hook-ups; hookups
sewage hook-up
Geldautomatenhacken n; Bankomathacken n (Manipulation von Geldautomaten durch Anschluss an ein externes Steuergerät)
ATM black box attack; blackboxing (fraud); jackpotting (fraud) (tampering with cash dispensers by attaching them to an external control device)
Laufwerk n comp.
Laufwerke pl
aktives Laufwerk
Flashspeicherlaufwerk n; Flash-Laufwerk n
Netzlaufwerk n
optisches Laufwerk
physisches Laufwerk (oft fälschlich: physikalisches Laufwerk)
Plattenlaufwerk n
USB-Laufwerk; Laufwerk am USB-Anschluss
Ziellaufwerk n
Laufwerk nicht betriebsbereit. (Fehlermeldung)
active drive
flash memory drive; flash drive
network drive
optical disc drive ODD
physical drive
disc drive Br.; disk drive Am.
USB drive; drive connected to the USB port
destination drive
Drive not ready. (error message)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss, der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schluss…; Anschluss… adj electr.
Szenenanschluss m; Anschluss m (Film, TV)
scene-to-scene continuity; interscene continuity; continuity (film, TV)
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f; Teilnehmeranschluss m; Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Ortsanschlussleitung f; Amtsleitung f veraltend (logische Verbindungsleitung) telco.
Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl; Teilnehmeranschlüsse pl; Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Ortsanschlussleitungen pl; Amtsleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line; subscriber loop; exchange line; exchange loop; access line; local line; local loop
subscriber lines; subscriber loops; exchange lines; exchange loops; access lines; local lines; local loops
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
Direktverbindung f; Direktanschluss m
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
leitende Verbindung electr.
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
physical connection
point-to-point connection
electrical connections
conductive connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
hinter e s; rückseitig adj; Rück…
Schalter an der Rückseite
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
die hinteren Sitze im Auto
back; rear
rear switch
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
the back seats; the rear seats in a car
langweilig ruhiger, rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder…
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
front connection
front-fed antenna
Anschlussarmaturen pl techn.
connection armatures
Anschlussart f electr.
contact termination
Anschlussauftrag m
Anschlussaufträge pl
add-on sale
add-on sales
follow-up order
add on sale
Anschlussbaugruppe f
Anschlussbaugruppen pl
adapter board
adapter boards
adapter board
Anschlussbedingung f
Anschlussbedingungen pl
connecting condition
connecting conditions
Anschlussbelegung f
terminal assignment
terminal assignment
Anschlussbelegung f; Pinbelegung f electr. comp.
pin-out; pinout
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
line occupancy
Anschlussbelegung f; Stiftbelegung f; Pin-Belegung f comp. electr.
pin assignment (pin-out)
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
Speicherbelegung f comp.
line occupancy
storage occupancy; assignment of memory space
Anschlussbereich m; Versorgungsbereich m (eines Telekom-Anbieters) telco. econ.
Anschlussbereiche pl; Versorgungsbereiche pl
service area (of a telecom provider)
service areas
Anschlussbewehrung f constr.
starter bars {pl}
Anschlussblech n
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate, joining plate
joint plates, joining plates
Anschlussblech n techn.
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate; joining plate
joint plates; joining plates

Deutsche Anschlussobjekt Synonyme

Englische connection object Synonyme

connection  ESP  Indian file  abutment  abuttal  access  accord  accounting for  acquaintance  act of love  addition  adjacency  adjoiningness  adjunct  adultery  affairs  affiliation  affinity  agent  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregation  agnation  aisle  alley  alliance  ally  ambulatory  ancestry  ankle  answer  answerability  aperture  aphrodisia  applicability  application  appointment  appositeness  apposition  appropriateness  approximation  appulse  arbitrator  arcade  array  arrogation  artery  articulation  ascription  ass  assemblage  assignation  assignment  association  attachment  attribution  avenue  balling  bank  bearing  berth  billet  blame  blood  blood relationship  bond  boundary  bracketing  broker  brotherhood  brothership  butt  buzz  carnal knowledge  catena  catenation  cervix  chain  chain reaction  chaining  channel  charge  church  climax  clinch  cloister  closeness  closure  clustering  cognation  cohabitation  coherence  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  colonnade  combination  commerce  common ancestry  common descent  communication  communion  concatenation  concern  concernment  concourse  concurrence  conduit  confluence  congeries  conglomeration  congress  conjugation  conjunction  connectedness  connecting  connecting link  connecting rod  connection with  connections  consanguinity  consecution  consecutiveness  consistency  contact  conterminousness  contiguity  continuity  continuum  contrariety  convergence  conversation  converse  copula  copulation  correlation  correspondence  corridor  coterminousness  coupling  course  cousinhood  cousinship  covered way  credit  creed  cult  cycle  dealing  dealings  deduction  defile  denomination  deputy  derivation from  descent  diddling  disjunction  distributor  dovetail  drag  drone  elbow  embrace  enation  endless belt  endless round  etiology  exchange  exit  faith  family  family connection  fatherhood  ferry  file  filiation  ford  fornication  fraternity  friend  
connections  Byzantine intrigues  agnate  ancestry  backstairs influence  blood  blood relation  blood relative  clansman  cognate  collateral  collateral relative  consanguinean  deals  distaff side  distant relation  enate  family  flesh  flesh and blood  folks  games  german  influence peddling  intrigues  kin  kindred  kinfolk  kinnery  kinsfolk  kinsman  kinsmen  kinswoman  kith and kin  lobbying  lobbyism  near relation  next of kin  people  ploys  posterity  relations  relatives  ropes  schemes  sib  sibling  spear kin  spear side  spindle kin  spindle side  strings  sword side  tribesman  uterine kin  wire-pulling  wires  

Anschlussobjekt Definition

(n.) The act of connecting, or the state of being connected
(n.) That which connects or joins together
(n.) A relation
(n.) The persons or things that are connected
(v. t.) To set before or against
(v. t.) To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach
(v. i.) To make opposition in words or argument
(v. t.) That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses
(v. t.) That which is set, or which may be regarded as set, before the mind so as to be apprehended or known
(v. t.) That by which the mind, or any of its activities, is directed
(v. t.) Sight
(v. t.) A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed
(a.) Opposed

connection object / connection objects Bedeutung

physical object
a tangible and visible entity, an entity that can cast a shadow, it was full of rackets, balls and other objects
natural object an object occurring naturally, not made by man
the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication), the joining of hands around the table, there was a connection via the internet
connection connexion shifting from one form of transportation to another, the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta
object-oriented programming
object-oriented programing
creating a program that can use and support objects
an instrumentality that connects, he soldered the connection, he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers
object ball the billiard ball that is intended to be the first ball struck by the cue ball
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
objet d'art
art object
a work of art of some artistic value, this store sells only objets d'art, it is not known who created this piece
siamese connection
an inlet with two or more couplings to which a hose can be attached so that fire engines can pump water into the sprinkler system of a building
depicted object
something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation, a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
object recognition the visual perception of familiar objects
the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination, conditioning is a form of learning by association
cognitive content
mental object
the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
object the focus of cognitions or feelings, objects of thought, the object of my affection
unidentified flying object
flying saucer
an (apparently) flying object whose nature is unknown, especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins
aim object
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable), the sole object of her trip was to see her children
object (computing) a discrete item that provides a description of virtually anything known to a computer, in object-oriented programming, objects include data and define its status, its methods of operation and how it interacts with other objects
object language target language the language into which a text written in another language is to be translated
object (grammar) a constituent that is acted upon, the object of the verb
prepositional object
object of a preposition
the object governed by a preposition
direct object
object of the verb
the object that receives the direct action of the verb
indirect object the object that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb
retained object an object in a passive construction
object code the machine-language output of a compiler that is ready for execution on a particular computer
object program
target program
a fully compiled or assembled program ready to be loaded into the computer
object-oriented database management system a database management system designed to manage an object-oriented database
object-oriented database a database in which the operations carried out on information items (data objects) are considered part of their definition
deterrent example
object lesson
punishment intended as a warning to others, they decided to make an example of him
object language target language a computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated
object-oriented programming language
object-oriented programing language
(computer science) a programming language that enables the programmer to associate a set of procedures with each type of data structure, C is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C
extraterrestrial object
estraterrestrial body
a natural object existing outside the earth and outside the earth's atmosphere
Kuiper belt object
any of many minor planets in the Kuiper belt outside the orbit of Neptune at the edge of the solar system
connection a supplier (especially of narcotics)
connection (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship), he has powerful connections
sex object any person regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification
a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it), there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare
a connecting shape
the state of being connected, the connection between church and state is inescapable
object express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent, She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with, When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license
object be averse to or express disapproval of, My wife objects to modern furniture
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