
Ansteckungsquelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ansteckungsquelle f (Infektionsquelle bei Ãœbertragung von Mensch zu Mensch) med.
Ansteckungsquellen pl
source of contagion
sources of contagion
Ansteckungsquelle f (Infektionsquelle bei Ãœbertragung von Mensch zu Mensch) med.
Ansteckungsquellen pl
source of contagion
sources of contagion
Ansteckung f
Ansteckungen pl
Infektion f, Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl, Ansteckungen pl
Kontamination f, Ansteckung f
Mysophobie f, Angst vor Schmutz oder Ansteckung
Virulenz f (Fähigkeit zur Ansteckung)
soziale Ansteckung f; Sozialansteckung f soc.
social contagion
Infektion f; Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl; Ansteckungen pl
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
bacterial infection
multiple infection; mixed infection
Mysophobie f; Angst vor Schmutz oder Ansteckung
Ansteckung f; Infektion f (Vorgang) med.
Ansteckungen pl; Infektionen pl
virale Infektion; Virusinfektion f
Ansteckung im Krankenhaus; nosokomiale Infektion
Ansteckung über die Luft; aerogene Ansteckung
Ansteckung über die Hände
Ansteckung durch einen Überträger
Ansteckung durch Keimzellen
Ansteckung durch Staub
Ansteckung über das Trinkwasser
aufsteigende Infektion; retrograde Infektion
äußere Infektion
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
Bissinfektion f
direkte Infektion
Doppelinfektion f; Koinfektion f
erneute Ansteckung
Kontaktansteckung f; Kontaktinfektion f
lokale Infektion; Lokalinfektion f
milde Infektion
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
schleichende Infektion
Schmierinfektion f
stille Ansteckung; subklinische Infektion
Tröpfcheninfektion f
unterschwellige Infektion; subakute Infektion
verborgene Ansteckung
zusätzliche Infektion; sekundäre Infektion
Allgemeininfektion f; systemische Infektion; Infektion des gesamten Körpers
infection (process)
viral infection; virus infection
nosocomial infection
airborne infection
hand-borne infection
vector-borne infection
germinal infection; heredo-infection
dust-borne infection
water-borne infection
ascending infection; retrograde infection
external infection; hetero-infection
bacterial infection
bite infection
direct infection; contact infection
contact infection; contagion
local infection
mild infection; subinfection
multiple infection; mixed infection
slow infection
smear infection
silent infection; subclinical infection
droplet infection
inapparent infection; low-grade infection; subacute infection
hidden infection; cryptoinfection
consecutive infection; secondary infection
general infection; systemic infection
Ansteckung f übtr.
Ansteckungen pl
Gefühlsansteckung f
soziale Ansteckung f; Sozialansteckung f
contagion fig.
emotional contagion; emotional transference
social contagion
(mögliche tatsächliche) Übertragungszeit f; Serienintervall f frühere Bezeichnung (bei einer Ansteckung)
period of communicability; communicability period; serial interval former name (of an infection)
Widerstandskraft f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f geh.
Widerstandkraft gegen Ansteckung; Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Infektionen; Infektionsresistenz f med.
power of resistance; resisting power; resisting force; resistance; resistibility rare
resistance against infections; resistibility to infections
krankheitserregend; ansteckungsfähig; ansteckend; virulent adj (Krankheitserreger) med.
(zunehmend) virulent werden
virulent; vrious; virose (of a pathogen)
to become increasingly virulent; to fester
Ansteckungsfähigkeit f; Infektiosität f (einer Krankheit) med.
contagiousness; contagiosity; communicability (of a disease)
Ansteckungsfähigkeit f; Infektionstüchtigkeit f; Infektiosität f; infektiöse Potenz f (eines Patienten Krankheitserregers) biol. med.
infectiousness; infectivity (of a patient or pathogen)
Periode f der Ansteckungsfähigkeit (eines Infektionserregers) med.
period of infectiousness; period of infectibility (of an infectious agent)
ansteckungsfrei adj med.
free from infection
Infektionsgefahr f, Ansteckungsgefahr f med.
risk of infection
Infektionsgefahr f; Ansteckungsgefahr f med.
Infektionsgefahren pl; Ansteckungsgefahren pl
risk of infection
risks of infection
Ansteckungsherd m; Infektionsherd m med.
Ansteckungsherde pl; Infektionsherde pl
focus of infection; locus of infection; source of infection; seat of the infection; focal infection; infective locus; locus; nidus
foci of infection; loci of infection; sources of infection; seats of the infection; focal infections; infective locuses; locuses; niduses
Krankheitserreger m; Erreger m; Krankheitskeim m; krankheitsrerregender Keim m; pathogener Keim m; Keim m (gesundheitsschädlicher Mikroorganismus) med.
Krankheitserreger pl; Erreger pl; Krankheitskeime pl; krankheisrerregende Keime pl; pathogene Keime pl; Keime pl
aerogener Keim
Ansteckungskeim m; Infektionskeim m
auslösender Erreger; auslösender Keim
durch Luft übertragener Keim
Hautkeim m
hochpathogener Erreger; hochpathogener Keim
Krankenhauskeim m
persistierender Keim
ständige Hautkeime
Umweltkeim m
disease-causing agent; disease-producing agent; disease agent; pathogenic agent; infectious agent; agent; disease-producing germ; pathogenic germ; infectious germ; germ; disease-producing organism; pathogenic organism (health-damaging microorganism)
disease-causing agents; disease-producing agents; disease agents; pathogenic agents; infectious agents; agents; disease-producing germs; pathogenic germs; infectious germs; germs; disease-producing organisms; pathogenic organisms
aerogenic germ
infective agent; infectious agent
causative agent; causative germ
airborne germ
skin germ
high-consequence pathogenic agent; high-consequence pathogen
hospital germ
resident flora of the skin
environmental germ
Ansteckungskette f; Infektionskette f; Infektkette f med.
Ansteckungsketten pl; Infektionsketten pl; Infektketten pl
homogene heterogene Ansteckungskette
die Ansteckungskette unterbrechen
die Infektionskette nachverfolgen
chain of infection; infection chain
chains of infection; infection chains
homogenous heterogenous chain of infection
to break disrupt the chain of infection
to track the infeciton chain
Ansteckungskraft f; Kontagiosität f (eines Infektionserregers Infizierten) med.
contagiousness; contagiosity (of an infectious agent infected person)
mutmaßlich; vermutet; angenommen adj adm. jur.
der mutmaßliche Vater
der mutmaßliche Eigentümer
der vermutete Ansteckungsort
der angenommene Tod des Vermissten
die mutmaßliche vermutete Zustimmung zur Organspende
vermisst und für tot gehalten
presumed formal
the presumed father
the presumed owner
the presumed location of infection acquisition
the presumed death of the missing person
the presumed consent to organ donation
missing and presumed dead
Ansteckungsquelle f (Infektionsquelle bei Ãœbertragung von Mensch zu Mensch) med.
Ansteckungsquellen pl
source of contagion
sources of contagion
Ansteckungsrate f; Infektionsrate f med.
Ansteckungsraten pl; Infektionsraten pl
infection rate
infection rates
Ansteckungsreservoir n; Infektionsreservoir n med.
Ansteckungsreservoirs pl; Infektionsreservoirs pl
reservoir of infection
reservoirs of infection
Ansteckungsrisiko n; Infektionsrisiko n med.
Ansteckungsrisiken pl; Infektionsrisiken pl
risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk
risks of infection; risks for infection; infection risks; infectious risks
Ansteckungsstadium n; Infektionsstadium n med.
Ansteckungsstadien pl; Infektionsstadien pl
stage of infection
stages of infection
Miasma n; Krankheitsstoff m; Ansteckungsstoff m med. hist.
Verdacht m (gegen jdn.)
Anfangsverdacht m jur.
Ansteckungsverdacht m med.
Dopingverdacht m
Sabotageverdacht m
über jeden Verdacht erhaben
unter dem Verdacht +Gen.
unter Verdacht stehen
haltlose Verdächtigung f
Verdacht schöpfen
Verdacht erregen
beim geringsten Verdacht(smoment)
den Verdacht nahelegen, dass …
sollte sich der Verdacht bestätigen
Es verstärkt sich der Verdacht, dass …
Es besteht der dringende Verdacht, dass …
Besteht ein hinreichender Verdacht auf eine Straftat …
Wenn ein hinreichender Verdacht vorliegt, dass …
suspicion (about sb.)
initial suspicion
suspicion of being infected
suspicion of having taken drugs
suspicion of sabotage
above suspicion
on (the) suspicion of
to be under suspicion
groundless suspicion
to become suspicious
to arouse suspicion
on the slightest suspicion
to give rise to the suspicion that…; to suggest that …
should this suspicion be confirmed prove correct
There is a growing suspicion that …
It is strongly suspected that …
If there is reasonable suspicion of a criminal offence …
If there is a reasonable ground to suspect that …
Ansteckungsweg m; Infektionsweg m med.
Ansteckungswege pl; Infektionswege pl
route of infection
routes of infection
Ansteckungszeitpunkt m; Infektionszeitpunkt m med.
time of infection
Ansteckungszyklus m; Infektionszyklus m (eines Krankheitserregers) med.
Ansteckungszyklen pl; Infektionszyklen pl
cycle of infection; infective cycle (of a pathogenic organism)
cycles of infection; infective cycles

Deutsche Ansteckungsquelle Synonyme

Englische source of contagion Synonyme

source  adviser  ambition  announcer  annunciator  antecedent  aspiration  author  authority  authorship  basis  begetter  beginning  birthplace  bonanza  calling  cause  channel  commencement  communicant  communicator  conception  consideration  cornucopia  creator  dawn  dawning  derivation  determinant  documentation  enlightener  expert witness  font  fount  fountain  fountainhead  genesis  goal  gold mine  gossipmonger  grapevine  grass roots  ground  guiding light  guiding star  head  headstream  headwater  headwaters  ideal  inception  informant  information center  information medium  informer  inspiration  intention  interviewee  lode  lodestar  mainspring  matter  mine  monitor  mother  motive  mouthpiece  newsmonger  notifier  onset  opening  origin  original  origination  originator  outset  parent  paternity  press  principle  provenance  provenience  public relations officer  publisher  quarry  radical  radio  radix  reason  reporter  resource  rise  rising  riverhead  root  roots  rootstock  sake  score  source of supply  spokesman  spring  staple  start  starting  stem  stock  taproot  television  teller  tipster  tout  ulterior motive  vein  vocation  well  wellhead  wellspring  whence  witness  
source book  atlas  calendar  casebook  catalog  catalogue raisonne  city directory  classified catalog  concordance  cyclopedia  diatesseron  dictionary catalog  directory  encyclopedia  gazetteer  harmony  index  phone book  polyglot  record book  reference book  studbook  telephone book  telephone directory  work of reference  

Ansteckungsquelle Definition

(n.) The transmission of a disease from one person to another, by direct or indirect contact.
(n.) That which serves as a medium or agency to transmit disease
(n.) The act or means of communicating any influence to the mind or heart
(n.) Venom
(n.) The act of rising
(n.) The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like
(n.) That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin

source of contagion / sources of contagion Bedeutung

light source
any device serving as a source of illumination, he stopped the car and turned off the lights
source a facility where something is available
source of illumination any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation
ultraviolet lamp
ultraviolet source
any source of illumination that emits ultraviolet radiation
anything that provides inspiration for later work
the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people, a contagion of mirth, the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry
source language a language that is to be translated into another language
source code program instructions written as an ASCII text file, must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
source book a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
source program a program written in a language from which statements are translated into machine language
source a document (or organization) from which information is obtained, the reporter had two sources for the story
source materials publications from which information is obtained
reference source a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to, he carried an armful of references back to his desk, he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation
an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
the place where something begins, where it springs into being, the Italian beginning of the Renaissance, Jupiter was the origin of the radiation, Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River, communism's Russian root
point source a concentrated source (especially of radiation or pollution) that is spatially constricted
quasi-stellar radio source
a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy, many have large red shifts
radio source an object that radiates radio waves
anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies, an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival
someone who originates or causes or initiates something, he was the generator of several complaints
a person who supplies information
passive source an informant who is not assigned to obtain specific intelligence but who routinely passes on whatever information he or she has
source (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system, a heat source, a source of carbon dioxide
contagious disease
any disease easily transmitted by contact
source specify the origin of, The writer carefully sourced her report
source get (a product) from another country or business, She sourced a supply of carpet, They are sourcing from smaller companies
open-source of or relating to or being computer software for which the source code is freely available
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