
Ar Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Arvandrud m; Shatt al-Arab m (Fluss) geogr.
Arvand Rud; Shatt al-Arab (river)
Sahib m (arab. häufig als Anrede)
Araber m, Araberin f
Araber pl, Araberinnen pl
Araber m, Araberin f geogr.
Saudi-Araber m, Saudi-Araberin f geogr.
Araber, arabisch
Araber m; Araberin f soc.
Araber pl; Araberinnen pl
Saudi-Araber m; Saudi-Araberin f soc.
etw. (Angelerntes) revidieren; ablegen; aus dem Kopf bekommen; sich etw. wieder abgewöhnen v
revidierend; ablegend; aus dem Kopf bekommend; sich wieder abgewöhnend
revidiert; abgelegt; aus dem Kopf bekommen; sich wieder abgegewöhnt
eine schlechte Gewohnheit ablegen
Die Medien werden dazu beitragen, die negativen Klischeevorstellungen von muslimischen Arabern zu revidieren.
Dieser Irrglaube muss raus aus den Köpfen.
Seit ich Stunden nehme, muss ich mir mein bisheriges Gitarrespiel abgewöhnen.
to unlearn sth. (you have learned)
to unlearn a bad habit
Media will help to unlearn the negative stereotypes about Muslim Arabs.
This mistaken belief must be unlearned.
I've had to unlearn the way I played guitar since I started taking lessons.
Araberspecht m ornith.
Arabian Woodpecker
Arabertrappe f ornith.
Arabian Bustard
Arabeske f (Ornament)
arabesque (ornament)
Kaffeepflanzen pl (Coffea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Arabica-Kaffee m; Bergkaffee m (Coffea arabica)
Liberica-Kaffee m (Coffea liberica)
Robusta-Kaffee m; Tiefland-Kaffee m (Coffea canephora)
Stenophylla-Kaffee m (Coffea stenophylla)
coffee plants (botanical genus)
arabica coffee; mountain coffee
Liberian coffee
Robusta coffee
Stenophylla coffee
Saudi Arabien geogr.
Saudi Arabia (sa)
Arabien n, Arabische Halbinsel f geogr.
Arabia, Arabian Peninsula
Ar-Riyad, Rijad (Hauptstadt von Saudi-Arabien)
Ar-Riyad, Riyad (capital of Saudi Arabia)
Jiddah (Stadt in Saudi-Arabien)
Jiddah (city in Saudi-Arabien)
Saudi Arabien n SA geogr.
Saudi Arabia
Arabien n; Arabische Halbinsel f geogr.
Arabia; Arabian Peninsula
Ar-Riyad; Rijad (Hauptstadt von Saudi-Arabien) geogr.
Ar-Riyad; Riyad (capital of Saudi Arabia)
Jiddah (Stadt in Saudi-Arabien) geogr.
Jiddah (city in Saudi-Arabien)
Berg Arafat; Berg der Vergebung; Berg der Gnade (Station der islam. Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka Saudi Arabien) geogr.
Mount Arafat; Mount of Mercy (stop on the pilgrimage to Mecca Saudi Arabia)
Saudi-Rial m; Rial m (Währung in Saudi-Arabien) fin.
riyal; Saudi riyal (currency of Saudi Arabia)
Saudi-Arabien n SA geogr.
Saudi Arabia
Jiddah (Stadt in Saudi-Arabien) geogr.
Jiddah (city in Saudi Arabia)
Gänsekressen pl (Arabis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rockcresses (botanical genus)
arabisch adj geogr.
arabische Welt
Arab, Arabic, Arabian
Arab world
saudi-arabisch adj geogr.
Arabisch; arabisch
arabisch adj geogr.
arabische Welt
Arab; Arabic; Arabian
Arab world
Suk m arabisch; Basar m
Schrift f, Schriftsystem n, Skript n
Schriften pl
arabische Schrift f
Arabic script
Zahlzeichen n, Ziffer f
Zahlzeichen pl, Ziffern pl
arabische Ziffern, arabische Zahlen
römische Ziffern, römische Zahlen
Arabic numerals
Roman numerals
arabische Zeichen
Arabic character
Syrische Arabische Republik geogr.
Syrian Arab Republic
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate geogr.
United Arab Emirates (ae)
arabische Ziffern, arabische Zahlen
arabic numerals
Dschinn m; Dämon m; böser Geist m (arabische Mythologie)
djinn; jinn (Arabian mythology)
Schriftsystem n; Schrift f ling.
Buchstabenschrift f; Alphabetschrift f; Segmentalschrift f
Silbenschrift f; Syllabographie f
Wortschrift f; Logographie f
Bildschrift f
Gebärdenschrift f
Keilschrift f hist.
Runenschrift f hist.
Ogamschrift f; Oghamschrift f; Ogam Ogham hist.
Magnetschrift f comp.
arabische Schrift
griechische Schrift
kyrillische Schrift; Kyrilliza; Asbuka
chinesische Schrift
writing system; writing; script
alphabetic script
syllabic script
logographic script
pictographic writing system
wedge-writing; cuneiform writing script
runic writing script
ogham ogam writing script; ogham ogam
magnetic writing
Arabic script
Greek script
Cyrillic script; azbuka
Chinese script
Zahlzeichen n; Ziffer f
Zahlzeichen pl; Ziffern pl
arabische Ziffern; arabische Zahlen
römische Ziffern; römische Zahlen
Arabic numerals
Roman numerals
arabische Revolution f; arabischer Frühling m pol.
Jasmine revolution
arabische Zeichen pl
Arabic characters
dienstbarer Geist m (arabische Mythologie)
genie (spirit granting wishes when summoned) (Arabian mythology)
Libyen n (Libysch-arabische Dschamahirija) LY (Kfz: LAR ) geogr.
Libya (Lybian-Arab Jamahiriya)
Syrien n (Syrische Arabische Republik) SY (Kfz: SYR ) geogr.
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate pl AE (Kfz: UAE ) geogr.
United Arab Emirates
Gazella-Gazellen pl (Gazella) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Arabische Küstengazelle f (Gazella erlangeri)
Cuviergazelle f (Gazella cuvieri)
Dorkasgazelle f (Gazella dorcas)
Dünengazelle f (Gazella leptoceros)
Edmigazelle f (Gazella gazella)
Indische Gazelle; Chinkara (Gazella bennettii)
Kropfgazelle f (Gazella subgutturosa)
Spekegazelle f (Gazelle spekei)
gazella gazelles (zoological genus)
Neumann's gazelle; Erlanger's gazelle
Cuvier's gazelle
dorcas gazelle; ariel gazelle
rhim gazelle; sand gazelle; slender-horned gazelle; Loder's gazelle
mountain gazelle
Indian gazelle; chinkara
goitered gazelle; black-tailed gazelle
Speke's gazelle
Sahib (arabische Anrede)
Schriftsystem n; Schrift f ling.
Buchstabenschrift f; Alphabetschrift f; Segmentalschrift f
Bildschrift f
Gebärdenschrift f
Keilschrift f hist.
Magnetschrift f comp.
Ogamschrift f; Oghamschrift f; Ogam Ogham hist.
Runenschrift f hist.
Silbenschrift f; Syllabographie f
Wortschrift f; Logographie f
arabische Schrift
chinesische Schrift
glagolitische Schrift; Glagoliza
griechische Schrift
kyrillische Schrift; Kyrilliza; Asbuka
lateinische Schrift; Lateinschrift
taktile Schrift; Profilschrift (für Sehbehinderte)
in Lateinschrift geschrieben
writing system; writing; script
alphabetic script
pictographic writing system
wedge-writing; cuneiform writing script
magnetic writing
ogham ogam writing script; ogham ogam
runic writing script
syllabic script
logographic script
Arabic script
Chinese script
Glagolitic writing; Glagolithic script; Glagolica
Greek script
Cyrillic script; azbuka
Roman script
tactile writing system; raised lettering; embossed lettering (for the visually impaired)
written in Roman script; written in the Roman alphabet; written in Roman letters
Zahlzeichen n; Ziffer f
Zahlzeichen pl; Ziffern pl
arabische Ziffern; arabische Zahlen
oktales Zahlzeichen; oktale Ziffer; Oktalziffer f
römische Ziffern; römische Zahlen
Arabic numerals
octal number; octal digit
Roman numerals
dienstbar (zu Diensten seiend) adj
dienstbarer Geist (Bibel)
dienstbarer Geist m (arabische Mythologie)
dienstbarer Geist; Faktotum humor. übtr.
ministering spirit; ministering angel (Bible)
genie (spirit granting wishes when summoned) (Arabian mythology)
ministering angel; domestic; factotum
Libyen n (Libysch-arabische Dschamahirija) LY (Kfz: LAR ) geogr.
Libya (Lybian-Arab Jamahiriya)
Syrien n (Syrische Arabische Republik) SY (Kfz: SYR ) geogr.
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate pl AE (Kfz: UAE ) geogr.
United Arab Emirates
Dirham m; Dirhem m (arabische Währungseinheit) fin.
dirham; dirhem (unit of currency in some Arab states)
Cama n (Kreuzung zwischen Arabischem Kamel und Lama) agr.
cama (cross-breed of an Arabian camel and a lama)
Abu Dhabi (Hauptstadt Vereinigte Arabischen Emirate)
Abu Dhabi (capital of United Arab Emirates)
jdn. etw. ausnehmen (von etw.); ausschließen (von etw.); außen vor lassen (bei etw.); nicht miteinbeziehen (bei etw.) v
ausnehmend; ausschließend; außen vor lassend; nicht miteinbeziehend
ausgenommen; ausgeschlossen; außen vor gelassen; nicht miteinbezogen
In manchen arabischen Ländern sind Frauen immer noch vom Wahlrecht ausgeschlossen.
Versuche Salzgebäck aus deiner Ernährung zu streichen.
Lass doch deine Schwester mitspielen.
Gewisse Wörter sollten aus höflichen Gesprächen verbannt werden.
to exclude sb. sth. (from sth.)
In some Arab countries women are still excluded from the right to vote.
Try excluding savoury biscuits from your diet.
Don't exclude your sister from the game.
Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation.
Abu Dhabi (Hauptstadt Vereinigte Arabischen Emirate) geogr.
Abu Dhabi (capital of United Arab Emirates)
Dubai (Stadt in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten)
Dubai (Emirat der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate)
Dubai (city in the United Arab Emirates)
Dubai (an emirate of the United Arab Emirates)
jdn. etw. ausnehmen (von etw.); ausschließen (von etw.); außen vor lassen Norddt. (bei etw.); nicht miteinbeziehen (bei etw.) v
ausnehmend; ausschließend; außen vor lassend; nicht miteinbeziehend
ausgenommen; ausgeschlossen; außen vor gelassen; nicht miteinbezogen
In manchen arabischen Ländern sind Frauen immer noch vom Wahlrecht ausgeschlossen.
Versuche, Salzgebäck aus deiner Ernährung zu streichen.
Lass doch deine Schwester mitspielen.
Gewisse Wörter sollten aus höflichen Gesprächen verbannt werden.
to exclude sb. sth. (from sth.)
In some Arab countries women are still excluded from the right to vote.
Try excluding savoury biscuits from your diet.
Don't exclude your sister from the game.
Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation.

Deutsche Ar Synonyme

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Englische Arvand Rud; Shatt al-Arab Synonyme

Ar Definition

(n.) One of a swarthy race occupying Arabia, and numerous in Syria, Northern Africa, etc.
(n.) One who rives or splits.
(n.) A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream
(n.) Fig.: A large stream
(v. i.) To hawk by the side of a river

Arvand Rud; Shatt al-Arab (river) Bedeutung

Battle of the Marne
Belleau Wood
Marne River
a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in
Battle of Granicus River
the battle in which Alexander won his first major victory against the Persians ( BC)
Metaurus River a battle during the second Punic War ( BC), Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy
Meuse River
Argonne Forest
Meuse-Argonne operation
an American operation in World War I (), American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November
Somme Somme River Battle of the Somme battle in World War I ()
Somme Somme River Battle of the Somme battle of World War II ()
Yalu River a battle in the Korean War (November ), when UN troops advanced north to the Yalu River , Chinese troops crossed the river and drove them back
Arab-Israeli War
Six-Day War
Six Day War
tension between Arabs and Israeli erupted into a brief war in June , Israel emerged as a major power in the Middle East
Arab-Israeli War Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October (on Yom Kippur), Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt
river cooter
Pseudemys concinna
large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico
river limpet
freshwater limpet
Ancylus fluviatilis
minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants
longlawed prawn
river prawn
Palaemon australis
large (a foot or more) edible freshwater prawn common in Australian rivers
river dolphin any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia
river horse
Hippopotamus amphibius
massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa
river otter
Lutra canadensis
sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
river shad
Alosa chrysocloris
shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage, very similar to Alosa sapidissima
Australian arowana
Dawson River salmon
spotted barramundi
spotted bonytongue
Scleropages leichardti
a species of large fish found in Australian rivers
New River Gorge Bridge a steel arch bridge across New River at Fayetteville, West Virginia
river boat a boat used on rivers or to ply a river
anchovy pear
river pear
West Indian fruit resembling the mango, often pickled
river prawn large Australian prawn
Fatah Revolutionary Council
Abu Nidal Organization
Arab Revolutionary Brigades
Black September
Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims
a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in , has conducted terrorist attacks incountries, in the s the Fatah-RC was considered the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group
Arab League an international organization of independent Arab states formed in to promote cultural and economic and military and political and social cooperation
Hudson River school
romantic realism
the first coherent school of American art, active from to , painted wilderness landscapes of the Hudson River valley and surrounding New England
an ethnic minority descended from Berbers and Arabs and living in northern Africa
river basin
watershed drainage basin catchment area
catchment basin
drainage area
the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries, an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet, flood control in the Missouri basin
Arab Republic of Egypt
United Arab Republic
a republic in northeastern Africa known as the United Arab Republic until , site of an ancient civilization that flourished from toBC
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
a military dictatorship in northern Africa on the Mediterranean, consists almost entirely of desert, a major exporter of petroleum
Syrian Arab Republic
an Asian republic in the Middle East at the east end of the Mediterranean, site of some of the world's most ancient centers of civilization
United Arab Emirates a federation of seven Arab emirates on the eastern Arabian peninsula, achieved independence from the United Kingdom in , rich in oil reserves
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates's capital
a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates
East River a tidal strait separating Manhattan and the Bronx from Queens and Brooklyn
Harlem River a channel separating Manhattan from the Bronx
Aare River
a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine
River Acheron
(Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon
River Adige
a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea, Verona is on the Adige
River Aire
Aire River
a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire
Alabama River
a river in Alabama formed by the confluence of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers near Montgomery, flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River
Allegheny River
a river that rises in Pennsylvania and flows north into New York and then back south through Pennsylvania again to join the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh which is the beginning of the Ohio River
Amazon River
a major South American river, arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic, the world's nd longest river ( miles)
Amur River
Heilong Jiang
an Asian river between China and Russia, flows into the Sea of Okhotsk
Angara River
Upper Tunguska
a river in southeastern Siberia that flows northwest from Lake Baikal to become a tributary of the Yenisei River
Apalachicola River
a river in northwestern Florida formed by the confluence of the Chattahoochee River and the Flint River at the Florida border
Araguaia River
Araguaya River
a river in central Brazil that flows generally northward (with many falls) to join the Tocantins River
Argun River
Ergun He
a river in eastern Asia that arises in China and flows northeast along the border between China and Russia to become a tributary of the Amur River
Arkansas River
a river that rises in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and flows southeast through Kansas and Oklahoma and through Arkansas to become a tributary of the Mississippi River
Arno River
River Arno
a river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea
River Avon
Upper Avon
Upper Avon River
a river in central England that flows through Stratford-on-Avon and empties into the Severn
Avon River Avon a river in southwestern England rising in Gloucestershire and flowing through Bristol to empty into the estuary of the Severn
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