
Arbeitsentgeltpflicht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

duty to pay remuneration
duty to pay remuneration
Arbeitsebene f
Arbeitsebenen pl
working plane
working planes
Arbeitseifer m
Arbeitseifer m
Arbeitseifer m
work enthusiasm
enthusiasm for one's work
Fleiß m; Strebsamkeit f; Arbeitseifer m; Arbeitsfreude f; Schaffigkeit f BW Schw.; Arbeitsamkeit f veraltend; Emsigkeit f altertümlich
Ohne Fleiß kein Preis.; Vor den Erfolg haben die Götter den Schweiß gesetzt. Sprw..
industriousness; industry
No sweet without sweat.; No cross, no crown. prov.
Arbeitseingriffslinie f (Zahnrad)
path of working contact (gearwheel)
Arbeitseinheit f
Arbeitseinheit f
operation unit
work unit
earned income
Arbeitseinsatz m
Arbeitseinsätze pl
voluntary labour stint
voluntary labour stints
Arbeitseinsatz, Arbeitskräfteeinsatz
employment of labour
Arbeitseinsatz m, Einsatz m
work assignment, assignment
Arbeitseinsatz m; Einsatz m
work assignment; assignment
persönlicher Arbeitseinsatz m; Muskelkapital n
Sie haben ungezählte Arbeitsstunden in das alte Haus gesteckt.
sweat equity Am.
They put countless hours of sweat equity into that old house. Am.
Maßnahmen zur Arbeitseinsparung
industrial engineering
economies of labour
work stoppage
Arbeitseinstellung, Arbeitsunterbrechung
stoppage of work
Arbeitseinstellung, Berufseinstellung
work habits
Arbeitseinstellung f
cessation of work, attitude to work
Streik m, Ausstand m, Arbeitseinstellung f
Streiks pl
cessation of work
Arbeitseinstellung f
cessation of work; attitude to work
Arbeitseinstellung f; Arbeitsniederlegung f
work stoppage
Funktions...; Betriebs...; Arbeits ... techn.
Arbeitselektrode f
operational electrode
Funktions…; Betriebs…; Arbeits … techn.
Arbeitselektrode f
operational electrode
Arbeitselement, Arbeitsteil
work element
beeinflussbares Arbeitselement
unrestricted element
einzuschiebendes Arbeitselement
intermittent element
externes Arbeitselement
external element of an activity
gelegentlich auftretendes Arbeitselement
incidental element
gelegentliches zusätzliches Arbeitselement
occasional element
internes Arbeitselement
internal element of an activity
nicht beeinflussbares Arbeitselement
restricted element
sich wiederholendes Arbeitselement
repetitive element
zusätzliches Arbeitselement
noncyclic element
Zerlegung einer Tätigkeit in Arbeitselemente
job breakdown
das Arbeitsende registrieren
clock out
Arbeitsende n
work finish
Arbeitsentgelt, Lohn, Vergütung, Entlohnung
Lohn, Arbeitsentgelt
Lohn m, Arbeitsentgelt n
Löhne pl
gerechter Lohn
angemessene Löhne
wage, pay
fair wages
decent wages
Bezahlung f (einer Arbeitsleistung); Arbeitsentgelt n; Lohn m; Gehalt n; Sold m mil.; Heuer f naut.
Stundenlohn m
in jds. Sold stehen
pay by the hour
to be in sb.'s pay
Entlohnung f; Vergütung f; Arbeitsentgelt n; Entgelt n
angemessene Entlohnung
übliche Vergütung
eine feste Entlohnung vereinbaren
die vereinbarte Vergütung verlangen
eine Vergütung verlangen die der Arbeitsleistung entspricht
remuneration; compensation
adequate appropriate equitable remunderation; quantum meruit
normal usual compensation
to agree on a fixed remuneration
to demand (payment of ) the agreed remuneration
to claim fair payment for work done services rendered; to claim on a quantum meruit
Bezahlung f (einer Arbeitsleistung); Arbeitsentgelt n; Lohn m; Gehalt n; Sold m mil.; Heuer f naut.
Mannschaftsheuer f
Stundenlohn m
in jds. Sold stehen
crew's pay; crew's wages
pay by the hour
to be in sb.'s pay
Entlohnung f; Vergütung f; Arbeitsentgelt n; Entgelt n; Entschädigung f; Remuneration f
Mindestvergütung f
angemessene Entlohnung
übliche Vergütung
eine feste Entlohnung vereinbaren
die vereinbarte Vergütung verlangen
eine Vergütung verlangen, die der Arbeitsleistung entspricht
remuneration; compensation; recompense
minimum remuneration; minimum compensation
adequate appropriat equitable remunderation; quantum meruit
normal usual compensation
to agree on a fixed remuneration
to demand (payment of) the agreed remuneration
to claim fair payment for work done services rendered; to claim on a quantum meruit
duty to pay remuneration
work experience
Berufserfahrung f, Arbeitserfahrung f
work experience
Berufserfahrung f; Arbeitserfahrung f
work experience
Berufserfahrung f; Arbeitserfahrung f
Berufserfahrungen pl; Arbeitserfahrungen pl
work experience; professional experience; occupational experience
work experiences; professional experiences; occupational experiences
Arbeitsergebnis n, Ergebnis n
Arbeitsergebnisse pl, Ergebnisse pl
Ausnutzung f; Ausnützung f Ös.
Ausnutzung fremder Arbeitsergebnisse
missbräuchliche Ausnutzung einer beherrschenden Stellung
exploitation; taking advantage of
appropriation of another person's work product
improper exploitation abuse of a dominant position
Ausnutzung f; Ausnützung f Süddt. Ös. Schw.
Ausnutzung fremder Arbeitsergebnisse
missbräuchliche Ausnutzung einer beherrschenden Stellung
exploitation; taking advantage of
appropriation of another person's work product
improper exploitation abuse of a dominant position
employment permit
work permit
Verlängerung einer Arbeitserlaubnis
extension of a labour permit
Verlängerung einer Arbeitserlaubnis
extension of a permit to stay
Arbeitserlaubnis f, Arbeitsbewilligung f, Arbeitsgenehmigung f
work permit, working permission
Ausländer m, Ausländerin f
Ausländer pl, Ausländerinnen pl
(unerwünschter) Ausländer m
illegale Ausländer (ohne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Arbeitserlaubnis etc.)
foreigner, alien
foreigners, aliens
illegal aliens
Arbeitserlaubnis f; Arbeitsbewilligung f; Arbeitsgenehmigung f
work permit; working permission
Arbeitsausweis m (Arbeitserlaubnis)
Arbeitsausweise pl
working card; working paper; working papers Am.
working cards; working papers
Das bedeutet eine große Arbeitserleichterung.
That makes the work much easier.
Arbeitserleichterung f
zur Arbeitserleichterung
Das bedeutet für uns eine große Arbeitserleichterung.
saving of labour
to make work easier
That makes the work much easier for us.
Arbeitserleichterung f
zur Arbeitserleichterung
Das bedeutet für uns eine große Arbeitserleichterung.
saving of labour
to make work easier
It means great saving of labour.; It saves us much time and labour.; It saves us much time in labour.; It saves us a lot of labour time.; It makes work much easier for us.
Aufgabenerweiterung, Arbeitserweiterung
job enlargement
Arbeitsessen n
working lunch
Ethik f (sittliche Maximen, die eine bestimmte Gruppe, einen Bereich oder ein Verhalten betreffen) phil.
Ethik des Dienens
Gesinnungsethik f; Intentionalismus m
Hackerethik f comp.
geschlechtsspezifische Ethik
Gesundheitsethik f
konsequenzialistische Ethik
Medizinethik f; medizinische Ethik
protestantische Arbeitsethik
Sexualethik f
Ethik der Technik
Ethik der Verantwortung; Verantwortungsethik f
Wertethik f; axiologische Ethik
Ethik des Wir
Eine Gesinnungsethik handelt ohne Rücksicht auf Konsequenzen.
ethic (moral principles relating to a specified group, field, or conduct)
ethic of serving
ethic of conviction; ethic of attitude; intentionalism
hacker ethic
gender-specific ethics
ethic of health; health ethic
consequentialist ethics
medical ethics
Protestant work ethic
sexual ethic
engineering ethics; ethics of technology
ethics of responsiblity
ethics of values; axiological ethics
ethics of the We
An ethic of conviction acts without concern for consequences.
Arbeitsethos n
work ethic
Ethos n; ethisches Bewusstsein n; ethische Gesinnung f
Arbeitsethos n
Berufsethos n
Führungsethos n
calvinistisches Ethos
work ethos
professional ethos; ethos of a the profession
leadership ethos
Calvinist ethos

Deutsche Arbeitsentgeltpflicht Synonyme

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Englische duty to pay remuneration Synonyme

duty  Mass  VAT  accountability  active service  ad valorem duty  admiration  adoration  alcohol tax  allegiance  amenability  amusement tax  answerability  apotheosis  appreciation  approbation  approval  assessment  assessment on default  assignment  awe  bedtime prayer  bit  blackmail  breathless adoration  burden  business  busywork  call  call for  calling  camp meeting  capacity  capital gains tax  capitation  capitation tax  cargo  ceremonial  ceremony  cess  character  chare  charge  chore  church  church service  claim  commission  commitment  committal  compline  conscience money  consideration  contribution  corporation tax  courtesy  customs  customs duty  deadweight  death duty  death tax  deference  deification  demand  demand for  devoir  devotions  direct tax  divine service  doomage  draft  drain  end use  errand  estate duty  estate tax  esteem  estimation  evening devotions  evensong  exaction  exaggerated respect  excess profits tax  excise  excise tax  exercise  exercises  export tax  extortion  extortionate demand  faithfulness  favor  fealty  federal tax  fidelity  fish to fry  form  form of worship  formality  formula  formulary  freight  function  gabelle  gift tax  goal  graduated taxation  great respect  head tax  heavy demand  hero worship  high regard  holy rite  homage  homework  honor  idolatry  idolization  immediate purpose  import tax  imposition  impost  income tax  indent  indirect tax  inheritance tax  insistent demand  institution  internal revenue tax  job  job of work  joint return  labor  land tax  lauds  levy  liability  liquor tax  liturgy  load  local tax  loyalty  luxury tax  make-work  mark  matins  matters in hand  meeting  millstone  mission  mode of worship  morning devotions  must  mystery  national service  need  night song  none  nones  nonnegotiable demand  notice  novena  nuisance tax  object  objective  obligation  observance  occupation  odd job  office  onus  operation  operational purpose  order  order of wor  

Arbeitsentgeltpflicht Definition

(n.) That which is due
(n.) That which a person is bound by moral obligation to do, or refrain from doing
(n.) Hence, any assigned service or business
(n.) Specifically, obedience or submission due to parents and superiors.
(n.) Respect
(n.) The efficiency of an engine, especially a steam pumping engine, as measured by work done by a certain quantity of fuel
(n.) Tax, toll, impost, or customs
(n.) The act of remunerating.
(n.) That which is given to remunerate

duty to pay remuneration Bedeutung

breach of duty a breach of due care
duty work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons, the duties of the job
duty assignment
a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces), hazardous duty
guard duty
guard sentry duty
sentry go
the duty of serving as a sentry, he was on guard that night
fatigue duty
labor of a nonmilitary kind done by soldiers (cleaning or digging or draining or so on), the soldiers were put on fatigue to teach them a lesson, they were assigned to kitchen fatigues
service abroad
shipboard duty
naval service aboard a ship at sea
shore duty naval service at land bases
neglect of duty (law) breach of a duty
point duty the control of traffic by a policeman stationed at an intersection
remuneration the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses, adequate remuneration for his work
the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force, we must instill a sense of duty in our children, every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity, an obligation, every possession, a duty- John D.Rockefeller Jr
civic duty
civic responsibility
the responsibilities of a citizen
jury duty the civic duty to serve on a jury
filial duty duty of a child to its parents
legal duty acts which the law requires be done or forborne
fiduciary duty the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary
line of duty all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
sense of shame
sense of duty
a motivating awareness of ethical responsibility
pay earnings
something that remunerates, wages were paid by check, he wasted his pay on drink, they saved a quarter of all their earnings
inheritance tax
estate tax
death tax
death duty
a tax on the estate of the deceased person
stamp tax
stamp duty
a tax collected by requiring a stamp to be purchased and attached (usually on documents or publications)
a government tax on imports or exports, they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries
customs duty
money collected under a tariff
tonnage duty
a tax imposed on ships that enter the US, based on the tonnage of the ship
anti-dumping duty a tariff imposed to prevent dumping
import duty a duty imposed on imports
export duty a duty imposed on exports
countervailing duty a duty imposed to offset subsidies by foreign governments
work shift
duty period
the time period during which you are at work
term of enlistment
tour of duty
duty tour
a period of time spent in military service
light-duty not designed for heavy work, a light-duty detergent
heavy-duty designed for heavy work, a heavy-duty detergent, heavy-duty gloves
under a moral obligation to do something
duty-free exempt from duty, duty-free liquor
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