
Arbeitskapital Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Arbeitskapital, Betriebsvermögen
working capital
Arbeitskapital, Betriebsvermögen
working capital
Arbeitskabine f
Arbeitskabinen pl
carrel, booth
carrels, booths
Arbeitskabine f; Lesekabine f; Carrel n
Arbeitskabinen pl; Lesekabinen pl; Carrel pl
carrel; booth; carrel desk
carrels; booths; carrel desks
team mate
Arbeitskollege m, Arbeitskollegin f, Arbeitskamerad m, Kumpel m
teammate, team mate, mate
Arbeitskollege m; Arbeitskollegin f; Arbeitskamerad m; Kumpel m
Arbeitskollegen pl; Arbeitskolleginnen pl; Arbeitskameraden pl; Kumpel pl
teammate; team mate; work mate; mate
teammates; team mates; work mates; mates
Arbeitskampf m
industrial action
Arbeitskampf m
labor dispute Am., labour dispute Br.
Arbeitskampf m
labour dispute Br.; labor dispute Am.
Aussperrung f (durch den Arbeitgeber in einem Arbeitskampf) soc.
Aussperrungen pl
gewerkschaftliche kollektive Kampfmaßnahmen pl; Arbeitskampf m soc.
industrial action Br.; labor action Am.
die Belegschaft aussperren v (in einem Arbeitskampf) soc.
to lock out workers
Aussperrung f (durch den Arbeitgeber in einem Arbeitskampf) soc.
Aussperrungen pl
Abwehraussperrung f
Angriffsaussperrung f
defensive lockout
offensive lockout
Arbeitskampfmaßnahme f
form of industrial action
unlautere Arbeitskampfmethoden
unfair labour practices
Arbeitskapital, Betriebsvermögen
working capital
Kittel m, Arbeitskittel m
Kittel pl
overall, smock, dust coat
Kittel m; Arbeitskittel m
Kittel pl
overall; smock; dust coat
Arbeitskittel m; Kittel m textil.
Arbeitskittel pl; Kittel pl
dust coat; smock; overall Br.
dust coats; smocks; overalls
working clothes
Arbeitskleidung f
work clothes
work clothes
Arbeitskleidung f; Arbeitsbekleidung f; Berufskleidung f; Berufsbekleidung f; Dienstkleidung f adm. textil.
workwear; work clothing; work clothes; working clothes
Anlegen n steriler Arbeitskleidung (Labor, Krankenhaus)
gowning (laboratory, hospital)
Betriebsklima n, Arbeitsklima n, ArbeitsatmosphÀre f
work climate, working atmosphere
Betriebsklima n; Arbeitsklima n; ArbeitsatmosphÀre f
work climate; working atmosphere
Arbeitsknecht m
grunt boy
Arbeitsknecht m
Arbeitsknechte pl
grunt boy
grunt boys
Arbeitskollege, Berufskollege, Mitarbeiter
Kollege, Arbeitskollege, Berufskollege
Amtsbruder m; Arbeitskollege m adm.
Arbeitskollege m; Arbeitskollegin f; Kollege m; Kollegin f
Arbeitskollegen pl; Arbeitskolleginnen pl; Kollegen pl; Kolleginnen pl
colleague; co-worker; workmate Br.
colleagues; co-workers; workmates
jdn. herumkommandieren; schurigeln; drangsalieren; schikanieren; tyrannisieren; mobben ugs. v
herumkommandierend; schurigelnd; drangsalierend; schikanierend; tyrannisierend; mobbend
herumkommandiert; geschurigelt; drangsaliert; schikaniert; tyrannisiert; gemobbt
einen Arbeitskollegen schikanieren
jdn. zu etw. drÀngen treiben
to bully sb.; to bully sb. around; to bulldoze sb.
bullying; bullying around; bulldozing
bullied; bullied around; bulldozed
to bully a colleague
to bulldoze sb. into (doing) sth.
jdn. herumkommandieren; drangsalieren; schikanieren; traktieren; tyrannisieren; mobben ugs.; schurigeln Norddt. ugs. v
herumkommandierend; drangsalierend; schikanierend; tyrannisierend; mobbend; schurigelnd
herumkommandiert; drangsaliert; schikaniert; tyrannisiert; gemobbt; geschurigelt
einen Arbeitskollegen schikanieren
jdn. zu etw. drÀngen treiben
eine dragonerhafte Art haben
Lass dir nichts gefallen!
to bully sb.; to bully sb. around; to push sb. around; to push sb. about Br.; to bulldoze sb.; to hector sb. formal
bullying; bullying around; pushing around; pushing about; bulldozing; hectoring
bullied; bullied around; pushed around; pushed about; bulldozed; hectored
to bully a colleague
to bulldoze sb. into (doing) sth.
to have a hectoring manner
Don't let them bully you!; Don't let them push you around!
jdn. ansprechen; abfangen; angehen v; sich jdn. angeln; sich jdn. schnappen (und ein Anliegen vorbringen) v
ansprechend; abfangend; angehend; sich angelnd; sich schnappend
angesprochen; abgefangen; angegangen; sich geangelt; sich geschnappt
Reporter sprachen den Minister wegen des Koalitionsstreits an, als er aus der Besprechung kam.
Gerade als ich nach Hause gehen wollte, hat mich eine Arbeitskollegin abgefangen und beschwatzt.
Sie hat mich im Einkaufszentrum abgefangen und mir lang und breit von ihrem Freund erzÀhlt.
In der FußgĂ€ngerzone stand ein junger Mann, der die Leute wegen einer Unterschrift anging.
Ich habe mir den GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer geangelt geschnappt und mich beschwert.
to buttonhole sb.
Reporters buttonholed the minister about the coalition dispute when he came out of the meeting.
A co-worker buttonholed me just as I was going home.
She buttonholed me in the shopping centre and gave me the story of her boyfriend.
In the pedestrian zone stood a young man buttonholing people to get signatures on a petition.
I buttonholed the manager and complained.
Arbeitsgruppe, Arbeitskolonne, Trupp, Bande
Arbeitstrupp m; Trupp m; Arbeitsrotte f; Rotte f (Arbeitskolonne im Straßen- und Gleisbau)
Arbeitstrupps pl; Trupps pl; Arbeitsrotten pl; Rotten pl
Bahnbautrupp m; Bahninstandhaltungsrotte f; Bahnunterhaltungsrotte f; Bahndienstrotte f Schw.
Gleisbaurotte f
works gang; gang (for road and track works)
works gangs; gangs
track maintenance gang; permanent-way gang
railway gang Br.; railroad gang Am.
Arbeitsstreitigkeit, Arbeitskonflikt
industrial dispute
Arbeitsstreitigkeit, Arbeitskonflikt
labour dispute
front contact
Konzept n; Konzeption f; Plan m; Entwurf m
Konzepte pl; Konzeptionen pl; PlĂ€ne pl; EntwĂŒrfe pl
Konzepte pl
Arbeitskonzept n; Werkkonzept n
Förderkonzept n fin.
Neukonzeption f
Konzept zur Überdruckdifferenz
ein Konzept fĂŒr die KontaminationsĂŒberwachung
ein Konzept erstellen; erarbeiten; ausarbeiten; entwickeln
work concept
funding concept
new concept
high pressure differential concept
a contamination control concept
to draw up; to work out; to frame; to formulate; to develop a concept
Tageskopie f; Arbeitskopie f (Filmmaterial)
rushes Br.; dailies Am. (footage)
Arbeitskopie f
Arbeitskopien pl
working copy
working copies
labour costs
direkte Arbeitskosten
direct labour costs
variable Arbeitskosten
variable labour costs
Arbeitskosten pl
cost of labour Br., labor costs Am.
Arbeitskosten pl
direkte Arbeitskosten
cost of labour Br.; labor costs Am.
direct labor costs
Abwanderung der ArbeitskrÀfte
movement of labour
Abwanderung hochqualifizierter ArbeitskrÀfte
brain drain
work force
ArbeitskrÀfte im besten Alter
prime-age workers
ArbeitskrÀfte mit lÀngerer Zugehörigkeit
senior employees
ArbeitskrÀfte mit lÀngerer Zugehörigkeit
senior workers
ArbeitskrÀfte ohne Arbeitsgenehmigung
illicit labour
ArbeitskrÀfte, Erwerbspersonen
Arbeitsreserven, potentielle ArbeitskrÀfte
human resources
Ausbeutung der ArbeitskrÀfte
exploitation of labour
auslÀndische ArbeitskrÀfte
foreign labour
Beweglichkeit der ArbeitskrÀfte
mobility of labour
Einstellung ĂŒberflĂŒssiger ArbeitskrĂ€fte
Einstellung ĂŒberflĂŒssiger ArbeitskrĂ€fte
Entwicklung der menschlichen ArbeitskrÀfte
human resource development
Erwerbsbevölkerung, ArbeitskrÀfte
work force
fest angestellte ArbeitskrÀfte
permanent workers
freigesetzte ArbeitskrÀfte
displaced labour
freigesetzte ArbeitskrÀfte
displaced workers
freigesetzte ArbeitskrÀfte
redundant labour

Deutsche Arbeitskapital Synonyme

Englische working capital Synonyme

working  accomplishment  acetification  acidification  acidulation  act  acting  action  active  activism  activity  agency  alive  alkalization  answer  ascertainment  at it  at work  banausic  barmy  behavior  behavioral  breadwinning  businesslike  busy  carbonation  catalysis  chemicalization  clearing up  commercial  conduct  contour plowing  cracking  cultivating  cultivation  culture  decipherment  decoding  denouement  determination  diastatic  direction  disentanglement  doing  dressing  driving  drudging  dynamic  electrolysis  employed  employment  end  end result  engaged  enzymic  execution  exercise  explanation  exploitation  fallowing  ferment  fermentation  fermenting  finding  finding-out  full of business  function  functional  functioning  furrowing  going  going on  grinding  grubbing  handling  hard at it  hard at work  hardworking  harrowing  hoeing  hydrogenation  in exercise  in force  in hand  in harness  in operation  in play  in practice  in process  in the works  inaction  interpretation  isomerism  issue  laboring  leavening  listing  live  management  manipulation  materialistic  metamerism  metamerization  moneymaking  movements  nitration  occupation  occupied  on duty  on foot  on the fire  on the go  on the hop  on the job  on the jump  on the move  on the run  ongoing  operancy  operating  operation  operational  operations  operative  outcome  oxidation  oxidization  pegging  performance  performing  phosphatization  play  plodding  plowing  plugging  polymerism  polymerization  position isomerism  practical  practice  practicing  praxis  prosaic  pruning  raising  realistic  reason  reduction  resolution  resolving  responsibility  result  riddling  running  saturization  serving  slaving  slogging  solution  solving  sorting out  steering  straining  striving  struggling  sweating  swing  thinning  tied up  tilling  toiling  unraveling  unriddling  unscrambling  unspinning  untangling  untwisting  unweaving  upshot  using  util  
working class  bourgeois  bourgeoisie  common people  common run  common sort  commonage  commonality  commonalty  commoners  commons  laborers  linendrapers  lower classes  lower middle class  lower orders  lumpen proletariat  middle class  middle orders  middle-class  ordinary people  peasantry  plain folks  plain people  proletarian  proletariat  rank and file  shopkeepers  small tradesmen  the lower cut  the other half  the third estate  toilers  toiling class  upper middle class  vulgus  working people  
workingman  blue-collar worker  breadwinner  casual  casual laborer  common laborer  day laborer  employee  factory worker  flunky  free lance  free-lancer  full-time worker  hand  industrial worker  jobber  jobholder  laborer  laboring man  menial  migrant  moiler  navvy  office temporary  operative  proletarian  roustabout  salaried worker  self-employed person  servant  stiff  temporary  toiler  wage earner  wage slave  wageworker  worker  workgirl  workhand  working girl  workingwoman  workman  
workings  abysm  abyss  act  acting  action  activism  activity  agency  bank  behavior  chasm  clockworks  coal mine  colliery  conduct  dig  diggings  direction  doing  drive train  driving  employment  excavation  execution  exercise  function  functioning  gear  gold mine  gulf  handling  innards  machinery  management  manipulation  mechanism  mine  motion  movement  movements  occupation  open cut  opencast  operancy  operation  operations  performance  performing  pit  play  power train  practice  praxis  quarry  responsibility  running  servomechanism  shaft  steering  swing  watchworks  well  wheels  wheels within wheels  work  working  works  

Arbeitskapital Definition

(n.) Of or pertaining to the head.
(n.) Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life
(n.) First in importance
(n.) Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation
(n.) Of first rate quality
(n.) The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column.
(n.) The seat of government
(n.) Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.
(a.) That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production.
(a.) Anything which can be used to increase one's power or influence.
(a.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts.
(a.) A chapter, or section, of a book.
(a.) See Capital letter, under Capital, a.
(a.) Doing wonders or surprising things.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Work
() a & n. from Work.
(a.) Pertaining to, or characteristic of, working days, or workdays

working capital Bedeutung

working out
developing in intricate and painstaking detail
capital offense a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate
capital punishment
death penalty
putting a condemned person to death
working dog any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs
the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
capital ship a warship of the first rank in size and armament
a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked
working memory memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
working papers
work papers
work permit
a legal document giving information required for employment of certain people in certain countries
working papers records kept of activities involved in carrying out a project, the auditor was required to produce his working papers
working agreement an informal agreement to work together
capital letter
upperase letter
one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis, printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases, capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upperase letters
small capital
small cap
a character having the form of an upperase letter but the same height as lowerase letters
block letter
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
Das Kapital
a book written by Karl Marx () describing his economic theories
working class
a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages, there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field
the federal government of the United States
working group
working party
a group of people working together temporarily until some goal is achieved, the working group was supposed to report back in two weeks
capital a seat of government
capital a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product, the crime capital of Italy, the drug capital of Columbia
national capital the capital city of a nation
provincial capital the capital city of a province
state capital the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
capital of Afghanistan
the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in eastern Afghanistan
Albanian capital
the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country
Algerian capital
an ancient port on the Mediterranean, the capital and largest city of Algeria
Angolan capital
port city on Atlantic coast, the capital and largest city of Angola
St. John's Saint John's capital of Antigua and Barbuda the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda, located on the island of Antigua
Buenos Aires
capital of Argentina
capital and largest city of Argentina, located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay, Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
Bulgarian capital
capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria
capital of Burundi
the capital and largest city of Burundi, Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in
Phnom Penh
Pnom Penh
Cambodian capital
the capital and largest city of Kampuchea
capital of Cameroon
the capital of Cameroon
Cidade de Praia
capital of Cape Verde
the capital of Cape Verde on Sao Tiago Island
capital of Central Africa
the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
capital of Sri Lanka
the capital and largest city of Sri Lanka, has one of the largest harbors in the world, is located on the western coast of the island of Ceylon
capital of Chad
the capital and largest city of Chad, located in the southwestern on the Shari river
Gran Santiago
Santiago de Chile
capital of Chile
the capital and largest city of Chile, located in central Chile, one of the largest cities in South America
capital of Red China
capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China, nd largest Chinese city
capital of Taiwan
the capital of Nationalist China, located in northern Taiwan
capital of Colombia
capital and largest city of Colombia, located in central Colombia on a high fertile plain
San Jose
capital of Costa Rica
the capital and largest city of Costa Rica
Guatemala City
capital of Guatemala
the capital and largest city of Guatemala
Honduran capital
the capital and largest city of Honduras
San Salvador
Salvadoran capital
the capital and largest city of El Salvador, has suffered from recurrent earthquakes
capital of Nicaragua
Nicaraguan capital
the capital and largest city of Nicaragua
Panama City
capital of Panama
Panamanian capital
the capital and largest city of Panama
Mexico City
Ciudad de Mexico
Mexican capital
capital of Mexico
the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center, one of the world's largest cities
capital of Cuba
Cuban capital
the capital and largest city of Cuba, located in western Cuba, one of the oldest cities in the Americas
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