
Artilleriekartusche Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Artilleriekartusche f; Granatkartusche f; Kartusche f mil.
Artilleriekartuschen pl; Granatkartuschen pl; Kartuschen pl
loaded artillery shell case; loaded shell case
loaded artillery shell cases; loaded shell cases
Artilleriekartusche f; Granatkartusche f; Kartusche f mil.
Artilleriekartuschen pl; Granatkartuschen pl; Kartuschen pl
loaded artillery shell case; loaded shell case
loaded artillery shell cases; loaded shell cases
Artillerie f mil.
Artillerie f, GeschĂĽtze pl mil.
schwere GeschĂĽtze
heavy ordnance
Artillerie f mil.
schwere Artillerie
Atomartillerie f
heavy artillery
atomic artillery
Artilleriewaffen pl; GeschĂĽtze pl mil.
schwere GeschĂĽtze
heavy ordnance
Flugabwehr...; Fliegerabwehr... Ă–s. Schw.; Fla...; Luftabwehr... mil.
Flugabwehrfeuer n; Fla-Feuer n
Flugabwehrartillerie f; Fla-Artillerie f
anti-aircraft; ack-ack AA
anti-aircraft fire; ack-ack fire
anti-aircraft artillery AAA
Ziel n mil.
Ziele pl
Flächenziel n
Gelegenheitsziel n
Punktziel n
bewegliches Ziel; sich bewegendes Ziel
geortetes Ziel
lebende Ziele pl
unbewegliches Ziel; stehendes Ziel
ungeschĂĽtztes Ziel mil.
im Ziel; erfasst; getroffen
danebengegangen; nicht getroffen
zum Ziel setzen; zum Ziel stellen
ins Ziel treffen
ein Ziel (mit Artillerie) beschieĂźen
ein Ziel finden; auf ein Ziel zusteuern
einen SprĂĽhangriff auf ein Ziel unternehmen
Ziel suchend
area target
opportunity target
point target
moving target
localized target
living targets
stationary target
soft target
on target
off target
to target
to hit the target
to shell a target
to home in on a target
to spray a target
target seeking
Artillerie f mil.
schwere Artillerie
Atomartillerie f
Feldartillerie f
Panzerartillerie f
heavy artillery
atomic artillery
field artillery; foot artillery
self-propelled artillery; locomotive artillery; mobile artillery
Flugabwehr…; Fliegerabwehr… Ös. Schw.; Fla…; Luftabwehr… mil.
Flugabwehrfeuer n; Fla-Feuer n
Flugabwehrartillerie f; Fla-Artillerie f
anti-aircraft; ack-ack AA
anti-aircraft fire; ack-ack fire
anti-aircraft artillery AAA
Weitschuss m (Artillerie) mil.
overhit (artillery)
Ziel n mil.
Ziele pl
Flächenziel n
Gelegenheitsziel n
Punktziel n
bewegliches Ziel; sich bewegendes Ziel
geortetes Ziel
lebende Ziele pl
unbewegliches Ziel; stehendes Ziel
ungeschĂĽtztes Ziel mil.
im Ziel; erfasst; getroffen
danebengegangen; nicht getroffen
zum Ziel setzen; zum Ziel stellen
ins Ziel treffen
ein Ziel (mit Artillerie) beschieĂźen
ein Ziel finden; auf ein Ziel zusteuern
einen SprĂĽhangriff auf ein Ziel unternehmen
Ziel suchend
ein Ziel eingabeln (davor und dahinter schieĂźen)
Die Rakete verfehlte ihr Ziel.
area target
opportunity target
point target
moving target
localized target
living targets
stationary target
soft target
on target
off target
to target
to hit the target
to shell a target
to home in on a target
to spray a target
target seeking
to bracket a target (fire shots short of it and beyond it)
The missile fell short of its target.
jdn. etw. ausschalten; auslöschen; ausradieren; eliminieren v
ausschaltend; auslöschend; ausradierend; eliminierend
ausgeschaltet; ausgelöscht; ausradiert; eliminiert
die Artillerie des Feindes ausschalten vernichten
die Konkurrenz mit einem neuen Produkt ausschalten ausstechen
einen Tumor mit Hochvoltbestrahlung eliminieren
eine tödliche Krankheit auslöschen
alles Leben im Fluss fĂĽr Generationen ausradieren
jdn. etw. auf allen offiziellen Internetseiten entfernen eliminieren löschen
to kill off; to zap sb. sth. coll.
killing off; zaping
killed off; zapped
to kill off to zap the enemy's artillery
to kill off to zap the competition with a new product
to kill off to zap a tumor with high-voltage radiation
to zap a killer disease
to kill off all river life for generations
to zap sb. sth. from all official websites
militärische Aufklärung f; Aufklärung f mil.
Allwetteraufklärung f
Artillerieaufklärung f
Fächeraufklärung f
Fernaufklärung f
Gasaufklärung f
Gefechtsaufklärung f
Gefechtsfeldaufklärung f
Gegenaufklärung f
Infrarotaufklärung f
Jagdaufklärung f
Kampfaufklärung f
Kontaktaufklärung f
Küstenaufklärung f
Luftaufklärung f
Marschaufklärung f
Nahaufklärung f
Panzeraufklärung f
Pionieraufklärung f
Satellitenaufklärung f
Seeaufklärung f
bewaffnete Aufklärung
elektronische Aufklärung
Aufklärung bei Tageslicht; Tagaufklärung f
Aufklärung bei Nacht; Nachtaufklärung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting (rare)
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
militärische Aufklärung f; Aufklärung f mil.
Allwetteraufklärung f
Artillerieaufklärung f
Fächeraufklärung f
Fernaufklärung f
Gasaufklärung f
Gefechtsaufklärung f
Gefechtsfeldaufklärung f
Gegenaufklärung f
Infrarotaufklärung f
Jagdaufklärung f
Kampfaufklärung f
Kontaktaufklärung f
Küstenaufklärung f
Luftaufklärung f
Marschaufklärung f
Nahaufklärung f
Panzeraufklärung f
Pionieraufklärung f
Satellitenaufklärung f
Seeaufklärung f
bewaffnete Aufklärung
elektronische Aufklärung
Aufklärung bei Tageslicht; Tagaufklärung f
Aufklärung bei Nacht; Nachtaufklärung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting rare
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
Artilleriebekämpfung f mil.
counterbattery fire
Artilleriefeuer n mil.
artillery barrage
Artilleriefeuer n mil.
artillery fire
Artilleriefeuerplan m mil.
artillery fire plan table
Artilleriegeschoss n; Artilleriegranate f; Granate f mil.
Artilleriegeschosse pl; Artilleriegranaten pl; Granaten pl
Bazooka-Granate f
Bleimantelgranate f; Bleihemdgranate f
Kartäschengranate f; Granatkartätsche f; Schrapnellgranate f
Mörsergranate f; Mörserpatrone f mil.
Sprenggranate f; Brisanzgranate f
Granate mit ZeitzĂĽnder
artillery shell; shell; bombshell dated
artillery shells; shells; bombshells
bazooka shell
lead-coated shell; lead-covered shell rare
Shrapnel shell; schrapnell
mortar shell; mortar bomb
bursting shell
Kartätsche f (Artilleriegeschoss) mil. hist.
Kartätschen pl
canister shot; case shot; case (artillery shell)
canister shots; case shots; cases
Kurzschuss m (mit einem Artilleriegeschoss) mil.
short hit (with an artillery shell)
abgefeuert werden v (Schusswaffe GeschĂĽtz) mil.
Ich hörte, wie Maschinengewehre abgefeuert wurden.
Die ArtilleriegeschĂĽtze wurden alle gleichzeitig abgefeuert.
to fire (gun being discharged)
I heard machine guns firing.
The artillery guns all fired simultaneously.
Granate f mil.
Granaten pl
Artilleriegranate f
Bazooka-Granate f
Sprenggranate f; Brisanzgranate f
Granate mit ZeitzĂĽnder
shell; grenade
shells; grenades
artillery shell; bombshell (old-fashioned)
bazooka shell
bursting shell
Artilleriekartusche f; Granatkartusche f; Kartusche f mil.
Artilleriekartuschen pl; Granatkartuschen pl; Kartuschen pl
loaded artillery shell case; loaded shell case
loaded artillery shell cases; loaded shell cases
Munitionsladung f; Ladung f; Schuss m
ca. 1.000 Schuss StĂĽck Munition
abgegebener Schuss; Munition fĂĽr einen Schuss
Schuss Artilleriemunition
eine Ladung Munition abfeuern
Die Waffe hat eine Feuergeschwindigkeit von 6.000 Schuss pro Minute.
Der Polizeibeamte gab sechs SchĂĽsse ab.
round; round of ammunition
around 1 000 rounds of ammunition
artillery round of fire; artillery round
to fire a round
The gun is capable of firing 6 000 rounds per minute.
The police officer fired six rounds.
Munitionsladung f; Ladung f; Schuss m mil.
Mörserschuss m
ca. 1.000 Schuss StĂĽck Munition
abgegebener Schuss; Munition fĂĽr einen Schuss
Schuss Artilleriemunition
eine Ladung Munition verschieĂźen
Die Waffe hat eine Feuergeschwindigkeit von 6.000 Schuss pro Minute.
Der Polizeibeamte gab sechs SchĂĽsse ab.
round of fire; round of ammunition; round
mortar round of fire; mortar round
around 1,000 rounds of ammunition
artillery round of fire; artillery round
to fire a round
The gun is capable of firing 6,000 rounds per minute.
The police officer fired six rounds.
Kanonierblumen pl; Schleuderblumen pl; Artilleriepflanzen pl (Pilea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gunpowder plants; artillery plants (botanical genus)
Artillerietrommelfeuer n; Trommelfeuer n; Artilleriesperrfeuer n; Sperrfeuer n mil.
barrage fire; artillery barrage; barrage; curtain fire Br.; curtain of fire Am.
Artillerietrommelfeuer n; Trommelfeuer n; Artilleriesperrfeuer n; Sperrfeuer n mil.
Feuerwalze f
barrage fire; artillery barrage; barrage; curtain fire Br.; curtain of fire Am.
creeping barrage
Artillerietruppe f mil.
Artillerist m mil.
Artilleristen pl

Deutsche Artilleriekartusche Synonyme

Englische loaded artillery shell case; loaded shell case Synonyme

loaded  abounding in riches  afflicted  affluent  all ready  all set  armed  armed and ready  bent  big-rich  boiled  bombed  booted and spurred  boozy  briefed  brimful  brimming  burdened  canned  charged  chock-full  climacteric  coached  cocked  cockeyed  cockeyed drunk  comfortable  crammed  critical  crocked  crocko  crowded  crucial  cumbered  decisive  devious  disguised  disgustingly rich  drunk  elevated  emergent  encumbered  equipped  exigent  familiarized  fat  flush  fraught  freighted  fried  frightfully rich  fuddled  full-charged  full-fraught  good and ready  groomed  half-seas over  hampered  heavy-laden  high  illuminated  in arms  in battle array  in funds  in readiness  in the money  in the saddle  independent  independently rich  independently wealthy  inebriated  informed  insidious  jam-packed  jammed  kairotic  laden  lit  lit up  loaded for bear  lubricated  lushy  luxurious  made of money  manipulative  mature  mobilized  moneyed  muddled  muzzy  oiled  on the mark  oofy  oppressed  opulent  organized  overburdened  overcharged  overfraught  overfreighted  overladen  overloaded  overtaxed  overweighted  overwhelmed  packed  pickled  pie-eyed  pissed  pissy-eyed  pivotal  pixilated  planned  plastered  polluted  potted  prearranged  pregnant  prejudiced  prejudicial  prepared  prepared and ready  prepped  primed  prosperous  provided  provided for  psyched up  raddled  ready  ready for anything  rich  rich as Croesus  ripe  rolling in money  saddled  set  shellacked  skunk-drunk  smashed  soaked  soused  squiffy  stewed  stinko  stuffed  supercharged  swacked  tanked  taxed  tight  trap  tricky  up in arms  vigilant  wallowing in wealth  warm  wealthy  weighted  weighted down  well provided for  well-fixed  well-heeled  well-off  well-prepared  well-to-do  

Artilleriekartusche Definition

(n.) One of the sessile cirripeds
Argus shell
() A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock's tail.
Ark shell
() A marine bivalve shell belonging to the genus Arca and its allies.
(n.) Munitions of war
(n.) Cannon
(n.) The men and officers of that branch of the army to which the care and management of artillery are confided.
(n.) The science of artillery or gunnery.
Boat shell
() A marine gastropod of the genus Crepidula. The species are numerous. It is so named from its form and interior deck.
Boat shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Cymba.
Bubble shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
(n.) A box, sheath, or covering
(n.) A box and its contents
(n.) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(n.) An inclosing frame
(n.) A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
(v. t.) To cover or protect with, or as with, a case
(v. t.) To strip the skin from
(n.) Chance
(n.) That which befalls, comes, or happens
(n.) A patient under treatment
(n.) The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law
(n.) One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension
(v. i.) To propose hypothetical cases.
(n.) The space between two principals or girders
(n.) One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
Case knife
() A knife carried in a sheath or case.
Case knife
() A large table knife
Case shot
() A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
(n.) A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis
(n.) A marine univalve shell of the genus Pyrula, or Ficula, resembling a fig in form.
(n.) The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
Goroon shell
() A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale).
(a.) Unyielding
Ioqua shell
() The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.
(imp. & p. p.) of Load
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case
Maara shell
() A large, pearly, spiral, marine shell (Turbo margaritaceus), from the Pacific Islands. It is used as an ornament.
(n.) A chiton.
Mask shell
() Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.
(n.) A small British and American pond snail (Bulinus hypnorum).
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small white polished marine shells of the genus Olivella.
(n.) A hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal.
(n.) The covering, or outside part, of a nut
(n.) A pod.
(n.) The hard covering of an egg.
(n.) The hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. In some mollusks, as the cuttlefishes, it is internal, or concealed by the mantle. Also, the hard covering of some vertebrates, as the armadillo, the tortoise, and the like.
(n.) Hence, by extension, any mollusks having such a covering.
(n.) A hollow projectile, of various shapes, adapted for a mortar or a cannon, and containing an explosive substance, ignited with a fuse or by percussion, by means of which the projectile is burst and its fragments scattered. See Bomb.
(n.) The case which holds the powder, or charge of powder and shot, used with breechloading small arms.
(n.) Any slight hollow structure

loaded artillery shell case; loaded shell case / loaded artillery shell cases; loaded shell cases Bedeutung

case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
case study a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
trespass on the case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss, a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case
shell game
a swindling sleight-of-hand game, victim guesses which of three things a pellet is under
artillery fire
cannon fire
fire delivered by artillery
shell collecting
the collection and study of mollusc shells
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
antitrust case a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place
custody case a legal action to determine custody (usually of children following a divorce)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
grass parakeet
lovebird shell parakeet
Melopsittacus undulatus
small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
shell cuticle
shield a
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
shell the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod
scallop shell a shell of a scallop
oyster shell a shell of an oyster
tooth shell
tusk shell
any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing
any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior
scorpion shell any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer lip of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines
moon shell
marine gastropods having smooth rounded shells that form short spires
bubble shell marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
coat-of-mail shell
sea cradle
primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
soft-shell clam
steamer clam
long-neck clam
Mya arenaria
an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
hard-shell clam
hard clam
round clam
Venus mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
an edible American clam, the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians
ark shell marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface
hard-shell crab edible crab that has not recently molted and so has a hard shell
soft-shell crab
soft-shelled crab
edible crab that has recently molted and not yet formed its new shell
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
lamp shell
marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food, found worldwide
heavy weapon
gun ordnance
large but transportable armament
artillery shell a shell fired by artillery
attache case
a shallow and rectangular briefcase
dummy blank shell
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
case a portable container for carrying several objects, the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
case display case
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
case pillowcase
slip pillow slip
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow, the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase
case compositor's case
typesetter's case
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers, for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters
case knife sheath knife a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath
case knife a metal blade with a handle, used as cutlery
case shot
canister canister shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening, the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced
cigarette case a small flat case for holding cigarettes, can be carried in a purse or a pocket
dispatch case
dispatch box
case consisting of an oblong container (usually having a lock) for carrying dispatches or other valuables
dressing case a small piece of luggage for carrying brushes and bottles and toilet articles while traveling
field artillery
field gun
movable artillery (other than antiaircraft) used by armies in the field (especially for direct support of front-line troops)
gas shell (military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes
gear box
gear case
the shell (metal casing) in which a train of gears is sealed
glasses case a case for carrying spectacles
gun case a case for storing a gun
letter case case for carrying letters
mess jacket
monkey jacket
shell jacket
waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back, worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
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