
Arzneimittelkategorie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Arzneimittelkategorie f pharm.
Arzneimittelkategorien pl
class of medicines
classes of medicines
Arzneimittelkategorie f pharm.
Arzneimittelkategorien pl
class of medicines
classes of medicines
verfälschte Arzneimittel oder Drogen
adulterated drugs
Arznei f, Arzneimittel n, Medizin f ugs.
medicine, medicines
Arzneimittel n pharm. med.
Arzneimittel pl
Arzneimittel pl für seltene Leiden
Abgabe f von Arzneimitteln
drug, medication
drugs, medications
orphan drugs
drug dispensing
Arzneimittel-Nahrungs-Wechselwirkung f pharm. med.
drug-food interaction
Pharmakon n, Arzneimittel n
Pharmaka pl, Arzneimittel pl
Rezeptur f (Arzneimittel)
Tierarzneimittel n, tierärztliches Arzneimittel
Tierarzneimittel pl, tierärztliche Arzneimittel
veterinary drug
veterinary drugs
abgeben v (Arzneimittel)
to dispense
Arznei f; Arzneimittel n; Medizin f ugs.
medicine; medicines
Arzneimittel n adm.; Medikament n; Medizin f ugs. pharm. med.
Arzneimittel pl; Medikamente pl
Arzneimittel Medikament der Wahl
Arzneimittel pl für seltene Leiden
apothekenfreie Medikamente
ohne Medikamente
Medikamente gegen Bluthochdruck nehmen (verabreicht) bekommen
ein Medikament nehmen
ein Medikament ausschleichen (die Dosierung allmählich reduzieren) med.
mit Medikamenten handeln
Arnzeimittel ausgeben abgeben
freiverkäufliche Medikamente
Abgabe f von Arzneimitteln
einen Patienten auf ein Medikament eine Dosierung einstellen
Nehmen Sie (irgendwelche) Medikamente?
Nehmen Sie noch andere Medikamente?
(medicinal) drug; medication; medicine; medicament (formal)
drugs; medications
drug of choice
orphan drugs
OTC drugs
to be on medication for high blood pressure
to take a medication
to taper a drug (gradually reduce the dosage)
to deal in drugs
to dispense medication
over the counter medicines
drug dispensing
to stabilize a patient on a drug dosage
Are you taking any medicine?
Are you taking any other medications?
Krankenhauskosten pl; Spitalskosten pl Ös. Schw.
Arzt- Arzneimittel- und Krankenhauskosten
hospital costs; hospital expense
medical fees and prescription as well as hospital charges
Opiat n; opiumhaltiges Arzneimittel pharm.
Opiate pl
Pharmakon n; Arzneimittel n
Pharmaka pl; Arzneimittel pl
Pharmazeutika pl; Arzneimittel pl pharm.
pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical products
Präparat n (Arzneimittel)
Präparate pl
Tierarzneimittel n; tierärztliches Arzneimittel
Tierarzneimittel pl; tierärztliche Arzneimittel
veterinary drug
veterinary drugs
etw. vertragen v
ein Arzneimittel vertragen
to tolerate sth.
to tolerate a drug
Antihypertonikum n; Antihypertensivum n; Hypotensivum n; blutdrucksenkendes Arzneimittel n; Blutdrucksenker pl; Heilmittel n gegen erhöhten Blutdruck med. pharm.
Antihypertonika pl; Antihypertensiva pl; Hypotensiva pl; blutdrucksenkende Arzneimittel pl; Heilmittel pl gegen erhöhten Blutdruck
antihypertensive agent; antihypertensive; hypotensor; high blood pressure drug
antihypertensive agents; antihypertensives; hypotensors; high blood pressure drugs
Arzneimittel n adm.; Arznei f geh.; Medikament n; Medizin f ugs. pharm. med.
Arzneimittel pl; Arzneien pl; Medikamente pl
Humanarzneimittel pl
kühlkettenpflichtiges Arzneimittel; kühlpflichtiges Medikament
Medikament zur äußeren äußerlichen Anwendung
Medikament zur inneren innerlichen Anwendung
Medikament zur topischen Anwendung
Arzneimittel Medikament der Wahl
Arzneimittel pl für seltene Leiden
tierärztliches Arzneimittel; Tierarzneimittel n
ohne Medikamente
Medikamente gegen Bluthochdruck nehmen (verabreicht) bekommen
ein Medikament einnehmen; nehmen; schlucken ugs.
ein Medikament ausschleichen (die Dosierung allmählich reduzieren) med.
das Medikament absetzen
(die) Medikamente absetzen
mit der Einnahme von Medikamenten der Medikamente beginnen
mit Medikamenten handeln
Arnzeimittel ausgeben abgeben
Abgabe f von Arzneimitteln
einen Patienten auf ein Medikament eine Dosierung einstellen
Nehmen Sie (irgendwelche) Medikamente?
Nehmen Sie noch andere Medikamente?
(medicinal) drug; medication; medicine; medicament formal
drugs; medications; medicines
human medicines
cold-chain drug; fridge-line medication
drug for external use
drug for internal use
drug for topical use
drug of choice
orphan drugs
veterinary drug
to be on medication for high blood pressure
to take a medication
to taper a drug (gradually reduce the dosage)
to stop taking the medicine medication
to discontinue medication
to initiate medication
to deal in drugs
to dispense medication
drug dispensing
to stabilize a patient on a drug dosage
Are you taking any medicine?
Are you taking any other medications?
Arzneimittel n; Pharmakon n geh.; Pharmazeutikum n geh. pharm.
Arzneimittel pl; Pharmaka pl; Pharmazeutika pl
pharmaceutical product; pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical products; pharmaceuticals
Krankenhauskosten pl; Spitalskosten pl Ös. Schw.
Arzt-, Arzneimittel- und Krankenhauskosten
hospital costs; hospital expense
medical fees and prescription as well as hospital charges
Mangel m (an etw.); Knappheit f
Medikamentenknappheit f; Arzneimittel-Engpass m
Materialmangel m; Materialknappheit f
der Lehrermangel
fehlendes Gewicht; Mindergewicht n
ein akuter Mangel an qualifizierten Arbeitskräften
An Kaufinteressenten herrscht kein Mangel.
shortage (of sth.)
shortage of drugs; shortage of medicine; paucity of drugs
shortage of material
the shortage of teachers
shortage in weight
an acute shortage of skilled labour
There is no shortage of prospective buyers.
Rezeptur f (Arzneimittel) pharm.
etw. erproben; ausprobieren ugs.; prüfen; untersuchen; testen (an jdm. auf etw. hin) v
erprobend; ausprobierend; prüfend; untersuchend; testend
erprobt; ausprobiert; geprüft; untersucht; getestet
erprobt; probiert aus; prüft; untersucht; testet
erprobte; probierte aus; prüfte; untersuchte; testete
Arzneimittel müssen von Gesetzes wegen an Tieren getestet werden.
Gasgeräte werden regelmäßig auf undichte Stellen hin getestet.
to test sth. (on sb. for sth.)
Pharmaceuticals are required by law to be tested on animals.
Gas devices are tested for leaks at regular intervals.
parasitenabtötendes Arzneimittel n; parasitenabtötendes Mittel n pharm.
etw. (Eingenommenes) vertragen v med.
ein Arzneimittel vertragen
to tolerate sth.
to tolerate a drug
verschreibungspflichtiges Arzneimittel Medikament n
rezeptpflichtiges Arzneimittel Medikament n
prescription drug
prescription drug
Arzneimittelabhängige m f; Arzneimittelabhängiger m; Medikamentenabhängige m f; Medikamentenabhängiger m med.
Arzneimittelabhängigen pl; Arzneimittelabhängige pl; Medikamentenabhängigen pl; Medikamentenabhängige pl
drug addict
drug addicts
Arzneimittelabhängige m,f; Arzneimittelabhängiger m; Medikamentenabhängige m,f; Medikamentenabhängiger m med.
Arzneimittelabhängigen pl; Arzneimittelabhängige pl; Medikamentenabhängigen pl; Medikamentenabhängige pl
drug addict
drug addicts
Arzneimittelabhängigkeit f; Medikamentenabhängigkeit f; Arzneimittelgewöhnung f; Medikamentensucht f med.
drug addiction; drug dependence; drug habit
Arzneimittelallergie f; Medikamentenüberempfindlichkeit f med.
drug allergy; drug hypersensitivity
Allergie f (gegen etw.); immunologische Ãœberempfindlichkeit f med.
Allergien pl
akute Allergie
Arzneimittelallergie f
Bäckerallergie f
Bakterienallergie f
Hausstauballergie f
Infektionsallergie f; Infektallergie f
Katzenhaarallergie f; Katzenallergie f
Kreuzallergie f; Kreuzreaktion f (mit etw.)
Kuhmilchallergie f
Lebensmittelallergie f; Nahrungsmittelallergie f
Pollenallergie f
provozierte Allergie
spontane Allergie
verzögerte Allergie
zellvermittelte Allergie; zellübertragene Allergie
Haben Sie Allergien – speziell eine Medikamentenallergie?
allergy (to sth.); hypersensitivity; hypersensitiveness
immediate allergy; immediate hypersensitivity (reaction)
drug allergy
flour allergy
bacterial allergy
house-dust allergy
allergy of infection
cat hair allergy; cat dander allergy
cross sensitivity; cross allergenicity; cross reactivity (with sth.)
cow's milk allergy
food allergy; alimentary allergy; nutritional allergy
allergy to pollen; pollen allergy
induced allergy; induced hypersensitivity
spontaneous allergy
delayed allergy
cell-mediated allergy; cell-mediated hypersensitivity
Do you have any allergies – particularly a drug allergy?
medikamentöse Behandlung f; Medikamententherapie f; Arzneimittelanwendung f; Medikation f med.
Fehler bei der Verabreichung von Arnzeimitteln
medication-related errors; errors involving medication
Arzneimittelanwendung f; Medikamentenanwendung f; Medikation f med.
gut eingestellte Medikation
kritiklose Medikamentenanwendung
Depotmedikation f
Fehler bei der Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln
administration of a drug of drugs; drug regimen; medication
carefully regulated drug regimen
polypharmacy; polypragmasy
depot medication
medication-related errors; errors involving medication
äußerliche Arzneimittelanwendung f; Arzneimittelapplikation f; Medikamentenapplikation f
application of a medicament medicines
Arzneimittelausschlag m; Arzneimittelexanthem n med.
drug rash; drug eruption
Hautausschlag m; Ausschlag m; Eruption f; Exanthem n med.
akneartiges Arzneimittelexanthem
flüchtiger Hautausschlag m; Vorexanthem n; Rash m
Arzneimittelausschlag m; Arzneimittelexanthem n
Pustelausschlag m
einen Ausschlag bekommen
cutaneous eruption; eruption exanthema
acneform drug eruption
drug eruption; drug rash
pustular eruption
to erupt
Arzneimittelbestellung f; Medikamentenbestellung f; Apothekenbestellung f
Arzneimittelbestellungen pl; Medikamentenbestellungen pl; Apothekenbestellungen pl
medication order
medication orders
Arzneimittelentwicklung f pharm.
development of medicaments
unerwünschtes Arzneimittelereignis n; unerwünschtes Ereignis n UE pharm.
unerwünschte Arzneimittelereignisse pl; unerwünschte Ereignisse pl
schwerwiegendes unerwünschtes Ereignis SUE ; Arzneimittelschaden m
adverse drug event; adverse event AE
adverse drug events; adverse events
serious adverse drug event; serious adverse event SAE
Arzneimittelfieber n med.
drug fever
Arzneimittelgesetz n AMG
Pharmaceutical Act
Arzneimittelgesetz n AMG
Pharmaceutical Act
Arzneimittelgiftigkeit f; Medikamententoxizität f pharm.
drug toxicity
Arzneimittelhersteller m pharm. econ.
Arzneimittelhersteller pl
pharmaceutical manufacturer
pharmaceutical manufacturers
Arzneimittelikterus m; Medikamentenikterus m; Drogenikterus m med.
drug-induced jaundice; drug jaundice
Pharmaindustrie f; pharmazeutische Industrie f; Arzneimittelindustrie f
pharmaceutical industry
arzneimittelinduziert adj med.
medikamentös herbeigeführt; arzneimittelinduziert adj med. pharm.
Arzneimittelkandidat m pharm.
Arzneimittelkandidaten pl
candidate drug compound
candidate drug compounds
Arzneimittelkategorie f pharm.
Arzneimittelkategorien pl
class of medicines
classes of medicines
Medikamenteneinlauf m; Arzneimittelklistier n med.
drug enema
Einlauf m; Klistier n; Klysma n med.
Medikamenteneinlauf m; Arzneimittelklistier n
Retentionseinlauf m
Schwenkeinlauf m; Hebereinlauf m; Hebe-Senk-Einlauf m
jdm. einen Einlauf machen; jdm. ein Klistier geben
rectal injection; enema; enteroclysis; clysma; clyster archaic
drug enema
retention enema
return-flow enema; Harris flush
to give sb. an enema
amtliche Arzneimitteluntersuchungsstelle f Dt.; behördliches Arzneimittelkontrolllabor n Ös.; pharmazeutisches Kontrolllabor n Schw. adm.
official medicines control laboratory OMCL
Arzneimittelkriminalität f
pharmaceutical crime; crime involving medicines
Kriminalität f
Alterskriminalität f
Artenschutzkriminalität f
Arzneimittelkriminalität f
Begleitkriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f (für Drogenkonsum)
Computerkriminalität f
Drogenkriminalität f; Rauschgiftkriminalität f; Suchtmittelkriminalität f; Suchtgiftkriminalität f Ös.
Eigentumskriminalität f
Gesamtkriminalität f
Gewaltkriminalität f
Hasskriminalität f; Vorurteilskriminalität f
Internetkriminalität f
Jugendkriminalität f
Kleinkriminalität f
Schleuserkriminalität f; Schlepperkriminalität f Ös.; Schlepperunwesen n
Straßenkriminalität f
Umweltkriminalität f
Vermögenskriminalität f
Wirtschaftskriminalität f
allgemeine Kriminalität
organisierte Kriminalität f OK ; organisiertes Verbrechen n
elderly crime
wildlife crime
pharmaceutical crime; pharmacrime; crime involving medicines
accompanying crime
acquisitive crime
crime as a means of supporting your drug habits
computer crime
drug crime; drug-related crime; narcotics crime
crime against tangible property
overall crime; overall crime levels; overall crime numbers
violent crime
hate crime; bias-motivated crime
cyber-crime; cybercrime
juvenile crime; youth crime; juvenile delinquency
petty crime
organised immigration crime
street crime
environmental crime
crime against property
economic crime; white-collar crime; corporate crime
general crime; common crime
organized crime OC
Pharmakologie f, Arzneimittelkunde f
Pharmazie f, Pharmazeutik f, Arzneimittelkunde f pharm.
Pharmakologie f; Arzneimittelkunde f; Arzneimittellehre f
Pharmazie f; Pharmazeutik f; Arzneimittelkunde f; Arzneikunde f pharm.
Arzneimittelkunde f; Arzneimittellehre f; Pharmakologie f pharm.
Lösung f chem.
Anfärbelösung f
Arzneimittellösung f
Ätzlösung f
Chlorkalklösung f
Elektrolytlösung f
Kaliumpolyiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung f; Iod-Iod-Kaliumlösung f
Prüflösung f; Analysenlösung f
Zuckerlösung f
äquimolare Lösung
ideale Lösung
Lösung im Gleichgewicht
solution soltn
staining solution
drug solution
etching solution
solution of chlorinated lime
solution of electrolytes
solution of iodine and potassium iodide
test solution; analytical solution
sugar solution
equimolecular solution
ideal solution
balanced solution
Arzneimittelmissbrauch m; Medikamentenmissbrauch m med.
medical drug abuse; medication abuse; abuse of medicines (intentionally); misuse of medicines (out of ignorance)
Zubereitung f von Arzneimitteln pharm.
Rezeptur von Arzneimitteln
Zubereitung auf Vorrat; Vorratszubereitung; Defektur von Arzneimitteln
Zubereitung für Rezeptur und Defektur
preparation of medicines; compounding of medicines
extemporaneous preparation, extemporaneous compounding of medicines
batch preparation; stock preparation; bulk compounding of medicines
extemporaneous and stock preparation
Arzneimittelnebenwirkung f; unerwünschte Arzeimittelwirkung f pharm.
Arzneimittelnebenwirkungen pl; unerwünschte Arzeimittelwirkungen pl
schwerwiegende Nebenwirkung; schwerwiegende unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung
advserse drug reaction; adverse drug effect; adverse effect
advserse drug reactions; adverse drug effects; adverse effects
serious adverse drug reaction SADR ; serious adverse reaction SAR
Arzneimittelpflaster n; Medikamentenpflaster n; Pflaster n pharm.
Arzneimittelpflaster pl; Medikamentenpflaster pl; Pflaster pl
Nikotinpflaster n
transdermales Skopolaminpflaster
drug patch; patch
drug patches; patches
nicotine patch
transdermal scopolamine patch
Arzneimittelpsychose f med.
drug psychosis; pharmacopsychosis
Arzneimittelreaktion f; Medikamentenreaktion f med.
drug action
medikamentenresistent; arzneimittelresistent adj med.
multiresistent adj
drug-resistant {adj}
multi-drug resistant; multidrug-resistant; multidrug resistant {adj}

Deutsche Arzneimittelkategorie Synonyme

Englische class of medicines Synonyme

class  account  adherents  advantageousness  agreeableness  allot  alphabetize  analyze  animal kingdom  antonomasia  appraise  appreciate  arrange  ashram  assembly  assess  assign  assort  auspiciousness  bearing  beneficialness  benevolence  benignity  binomial nomenclature  biosystematics  biosystematy  biotype  birth  blood  body  bracket  branch  brand  break down  breed  breeding  brethren  brood  caliber  call  caste  catalog  categorize  category  church  churchgoers  clan  classification  classify  codify  cogency  colony  color  commonwealth  commune  communion  community  condition  confession  congregation  consider  deme  denomination  descent  description  desert  digest  discernment  disciples  distinction  divide  division  domain  echelon  economic class  elegance  endogamous group  estate  estimate  evaluate  excellence  expedience  extended family  extraction  factor  fairness  faith  family  favorableness  feather  figure  file  fineness  first-rateness  flock  fold  folk  followers  footing  form  form an estimate  gauge  genotype  genre  gens  genus  give an appreciation  glossology  goodliness  goodness  grace  grade  grain  group  grouping  guess  head  heading  healthiness  helpfulness  hierarchy  hold  house  identify  ilk  importance  index  ism  judge  kidney  kin  kind  kindness  kingdom  kinship group  label  laity  laymen  league  level  line  lineage  list  make an estimation  mark  matriclan  measure  merit  minyan  moiety  nation  nature  niceness  nomenclature  nonclerics  nonordained persons  nuclear family  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  parish  parishioners  part  patriclan  pedigree  people  persuasion  phratria  phratry  phyle  phylum  pigeonhole  place  place-names  place-naming  plant kingdom  pleasantness  polyonymy  position  power structure  precedence  predicament  presence  prestige  prize  profitableness  quality  race  range  rank  rate  rating  realm  reckon  refinement  regard  rewardingness  rubric  s  
classic  French literature  Renaissance literature  ageless  ancient literature  archetypal  archetype  art object  belles lettres  best seller  book  bound book  brainchild  bric-a-brac  capital  champion  classical  classical music  classics  coloring book  composition  concert music  concertino  concerto  concerto grosso  contemporary literature  creation  deathless  definitive  definitive work  design  enduring  epitome  erotic literature  erotica  excellent  exemplar  exemplary  famous  fine  first-rate  folio  folk literature  great work  grotesque  hardback  humane letters  ideal  immortal  juvenile  juvenile book  kitsch  leading  legendary  letters  limp-cover book  literature  longhair music  magnum opus  master  masterpiece  masterwork  medieval literature  mirror  mobile  model  museum piece  national literature  nonbook  notable  notebook  noteworthy  novel  nude  obscene literature  old master  opus  opuscule  opusculum  outstanding  paperback  paradigm  paradigmatic  paragon  pasticcio  pastiche  pattern of perfection  picture book  piece  piece of virtu  playbook  pocket book  polite literature  pop literature  popular literature  pornographic literature  pornography  prayer book  prime  production  prototypal  prototype  prototypical  psalmbook  psalter  pseudonymous literature  publication  quintessence  quintessential  representative  republic of letters  rhapsody  scatological literature  semiclassical music  serial  serious literature  sinfonietta  sketchbook  soft-cover  songbook  stabile  standard  standard work  statue  still life  storybook  study  superior  symphonia  symphonic music  symphonic ode  symphony  time-honored  timeless  title  tome  tone poem  top  top-notch  tour de force  trade book  travel literature  underground literature  undying  venerable  very model  virtu  volume  wisdom literature  work  work of art  writing  
classical  Attic  Ciceronian  Gothic  Greek  Latin  Roman  Victorian  absolute  aesthetic  antediluvian  antiquated  antique  archaic  archetypical  arrant  artistic  authoritative  belletristic  capital  champion  chaste  choice  classic  clear  common  commonplace  complete  consummate  crass  decided  definitive  developed  direct  downright  easy  egregious  elegant  established  everyday  excellent  exemplary  expert  famous  fine  finished  flagrant  fossil  fossilized  fully developed  garden  garden-variety  glaring  graceful  gracile  gross  grown old  homely  homespun  household  ideal  in good taste  influential  intolerable  limpid  literary  lucid  masterful  masterly  matter-of-fact  mature  matured  medieval  mid-Victorian  model  natural  neat  nondescript  of choice  of other times  of quality  old-world  ordinary  out-and-out  outright  paradigmatic  pellucid  perfect  perfected  perspicuous  petrified  plain  pleasing  polished  positive  precedential  precious  prime  proficient  profound  pronounced  proper  prosaic  prosy  prototypal  pure  pure and simple  quiet  quintessential  rank  refined  regular  representative  restrained  ripe  ripened  round  serious  shattering  shocking  simple  standard  stark  stark-staring  straightforward  subdued  superannuated  superior  superlative  surpassing  tasteful  terse  the veriest  thorough  thoroughgoing  top  top-notch  total  traditional  trim  typical  unaffected  unbearable  unconscionable  undeniable  understated  unequivocal  unlabored  unmitigated  unobtrusive  unqualified  unrelieved  unspoiled  utter  weighty  well-chosen  workaday  workday  
classicist  Jonathan Oldbuck  Miniver Cheevy  Pre-Raphaelite  academician  antiquarian  antiquary  antique collector  antique dealer  antique-car collector  archaeologist  archaist  bookman  clerk  colossus of knowledge  dryasdust  genius  giant of learning  humanist  laudator temporis acti  learned clerk  learned man  literary man  litterateur  lover of learning  man of learning  man of letters  mastermind  medievalist  mine of information  philologist  philologue  philomath  philosophe  philosopher  plain stylist  polyhistor  polymath  pundit  purist  savant  scholar  scholastic  schoolman  student  walking encyclopedia  
classification  antonomasia  appraisal  assessment  binomial nomenclature  biosystematics  biosystematy  categorization  class  evaluation  factoring  family  gauging  genus  glossology  grouping  identification  kingdom  nomenclature  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  phylum  place-names  place-naming  polyonymy  sifting  sifting out  sorting  sorting out  species  systematics  taxonomy  terminology  toponymy  trinomialism  weighing  winnowing  
classified  aligned  arcane  arranged  arrayed  assorted  cabalistic  cataloged  categorized  censored  close  closed  composed  concealed  constituted  cryptic  dark  disposed  enigmatic  esoteric  filed  fixed  graded  grouped  harmonized  hermetic  hidden  hierarchic  hush-hush  indexed  latent  marshaled  methodized  mysterious  normalized  occult  on file  ordered  orderly  organized  pigeonholed  placed  pyramidal  ranged  ranked  rated  regularized  regulated  restricted  routinized  secret  smothered  sorted  standardized  stifled  stratified  suppressed  synchronized  systematized  tabular  top secret  ulterior  unbreatheable  under security  under wraps  undisclosable  undisclosed  undivulgable  undivulged  unrevealable  unrevealed  unspoken  untellable  untold  unutterable  unuttered  unwhisperable  
classify  alphabetize  analyze  appraise  arrange  assess  assort  bolt  bosom  break down  catalog  categorize  class  codify  collate  conceal  digest  divide  evaluate  factor  file  file and forget  gauge  gradate  grade  group  hold out on  identify  in petto  index  keep  keep back  keep between us  keep buttoned up  keep close  keep dark  keep from  keep in ignorance  keep mum  keep secret  keep snug  keep under wraps  list  make no sign  never let on  not give away  not tell  order  pigeonhole  place  play dumb  range  rank  rate  riddle  screen  secrete  separate  sieve  sift  size  sort  sort out  subdivide  subordinate  tabulate  thrash out  type  veil  weigh  winnow  withhold  
classmate  ace  amigo  associate  bedfellow  bedmate  birthmate  bosom buddy  buddy  bunkie  bunkmate  butty  camarade  chamberfellow  chum  clubmate  colleague  comate  companion  company  compeer  comrade  confrere  consociate  consort  copartner  copemate  copesmate  couchmate  cradlemate  crony  cupmate  fellow  fellow student  general partner  girl friend  gossip  grade schooler  high schooler  infant  intermediate schooler  jailmate  kindergartner  mate  messmate  nursery school child  old crony  pal  pard  pardner  partner  pewmate  playfellow  playmate  prep schooler  preschool child  preschooler  primary schooler  roommate  school child  school kid  school lad  schoolboy  schoolfellow  schoolgirl  schoolmate  secondary schooler  secret partner  shelfmate  shipmate  shopmate  side partner  sidekick  sidekicker  silent partner  sleeping partner  special partner  tablemate  teammate  tentmate  watchmate  waymate  workfellow  yokefellow  yokemate  
classy  ambitious  braw  chic  clothes-conscious  cosmopolitan  dapper  dashing  dressed to advantage  dressed to kill  elegant  exquisite  fancy  fashionable  flossy  genteel  high-flown  high-flying  high-toned  highfalutin  highfaluting  in  jaunty  lofty  modish  natty  neat  nifty  nobby  ostentatious  posh  pretentious  recherche  ritzy  sharp  sleek  smart  smug  snazzy  soigne  soignee  sophisticated  spiffy  spruce  style-conscious  swank  swanky  swell  swish  tony  tricksy  trig  trim  vaunting  well-dressed  well-groomed  

Arzneimittelkategorie Definition

(n.) A group of individuals ranked together as possessing common characteristics
(n.) A number of students in a school or college, of the same standing, or pursuing the same studies.
(n.) A comprehensive division of animate or inanimate objects, grouped together on account of their common characteristics, in any classification in natural science, and subdivided into orders, families, tribes, genera, etc.
(n.) A set
(n.) One of the sections into which a church or congregation is divided, and which is under the supervision of a class leader.
(n.) To arrange in classes
(n.) To divide into classes, as students
(v. i.) To grouped or classed.
(pl. ) of Classis
(a.) Of the best class
(a.) Of the rank or degree below the best highest

class of medicines / classes of medicines Bedeutung

course course of study
course of instruction
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings, he took a course in basket weaving, flirting is not unknown in college classes
art class a class in which you learn to draw or paint
childbirth-preparation class a course that teaches pregnant women to use breathing and concentration and exercise techniques to use during labor
life class an art class using a live human model
shop class
a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity), I built a birdhouse in shop
class struggle
class war
class warfare
conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes)
class action
class-action suit
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
course session
class period
a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
class Schizomycetes
a former classification
class Cyanobacteria
class Cyanophyceae
photosynthetic bacteria found in fresh and salt water, having chlorophyll a and phycobilins, once thought to be algae: blue-green algae
class Sarcodina
characterized by the formation of pseudopods for locomotion and taking food: Actinopoda, Rhizopoda
class Ciliata
class Ciliophora
class of protozoa having cilia or hairlike appendages on part or all of the surface during some part of the life cycle
class Chrysophyceae
class Heterokontae
all the yellow-green algae having flagella of unequal length
class Xanthophyceae
yellow-green algae
class Bacillariophyceae
class Diatomophyceae
marine and freshwater eukaryotic algae: diatoms
class Phaeophyceae
brown algae, mostly marine and littoral eukaryotic algae
class Cyclosporeae
in more recent classifications superseded by the order Fucales
class Euglenophyceae
coextensive with the division Euglenophyta
class Chlorophyceae
algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color, their chlorophyll being masked little if at all by other pigments
class Ulvophyceae
alternative name for the class Chlorophyceae in some classifications
class Charophyceae
in some classifications: contains only the order Charales
class Rhodophyceae
coextensive with the Rhodophyta: red algae
class Mastigophora
class Flagellata
protozoa having flagella
class Cryptophyceae
motile usually brownish-green protozoa-like algae
class Sporozoa
strictly parasitic protozoans that are usually immobile, includes plasmodia and coccidia and piroplasms and malaria parasites
class Ascidiaceae
sometimes classified as an order: sea squirts
class Thaliacea
small class of free-swimming tunicates, sometimes classified as an order
class Larvacea
small free-swimming tunicates, sometimes classified as an order
class Placodermi
extinct group of bony-plated fishes with primitive jaws
class Chondrichthyes
cartilaginous fishes
class Aves
(ornithology) the class of birds
class Amphibia
the class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water, frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, caecilians
class Reptilia
class of cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrates with completely ossified skeleton and a body usually covered with scales or horny plates, once the dominant land animals
class Arachnida
a large class of arthropods including spiders and ticks and scorpions and daddy longlegs, have four pairs of walking legs and no wings
class Pauropoda
an obscure class of minute arthropods with branched antennae and topairs of legs
class Symphyla
small class of minute arthropods, unimportant except for the garden centipede
class Tardigrada
in some classifications considered a separate phylum: microscopic arachnid-like invertebrates living in water or damp moss having pairs of legs and instead of a mouth a pair of stylets or needlelike piercing organs connected with the pharynx
class Chilopoda
arthropods having the trunk composed of numerous somites each bearing one pair of legs: centipedes
class Diplopoda
class Myriapoda
arthropods having the body composed of numerous double somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes
class Merostomata
used in some classifications, includes the orders Xiphosura and Eurypterida
class Mammalia
warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female
class Hyalospongiae
sponges with siliceous spicules that have six rays, choanocytes are restricted to finger-shaped chambers
class Scyphozoa
coelenterates in which the polyp stage is absent or at least inconspicuous: jellyfishes
class Hydrozoa
coelenterates typically having alternation of generations, hydroid phase is usually colonial giving rise to the medusoid phase by budding: hydras and jellyfishes
class Anthozoa
class Actinozoa
a large class of sedentary marine coelenterates that includes sea anemones and corals, the medusoid phase is entirely suppressed
class Nuda
ctenophores lacking tentacles, comprises one genus: beroe
class Tentaculata
ctenophores have retractile tentacles
class Turbellaria
free-living flatworms
class Trematoda
parasitic flatworms (including flukes)
class Cestoda
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