
Atlantisralle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Atlantisralle f ornith.
Inaccessible Island Rail
Atlantisralle f ornith.
Inaccessible Island Rail
Atlantis n
atlantisch adj geogr.
Atlantischer Delfin m zool.
Atlantische Delfine pl
Atlantic Humpback Dolphin, Cameroon Dolphin
Atlantic Humpback Dolphins, Cameroon Dolphins
Atlantischer Flugfisch, Meerschwalbe f zool.
Atlantische Flugfische, Meerschwalben pl
Flying fish
Flying fishes
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin m zool.
Atlantische Weißseitendelfine pl
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin, Jumper, Springer
Atlantic White-sided Dolphins, Jumpers, Springers
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch zool.
Atlantische Wrackbarsche pl
Wreckfish, Stone Bass
Wreckfishes, Stone Basses
Atlantischer Delfin m zool.
Atlantische Delfine pl
Atlantic Humpback Dolphin; Cameroon Dolphin
Atlantic Humpback Dolphins; Cameroon Dolphins
Atlantischer Flugfisch; Meerschwalbe f zool.
Atlantische Flugfische; Meerschwalben pl
Flying fish
Flying fishes
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin m zool.
Atlantische Weißseitendelfine pl
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin; Jumper; Springer
Atlantic White-sided Dolphins; Jumpers; Springers
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch zool.
Atlantische Wrackbarsche pl
Wreckfish; Stone Bass
Wreckfishes; Stone Basses
Pistazienbäume pl; Pistaziensträucher pl; Pistazien pl (Pistacia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echter Pistazienbaum m; Echte Pistazie f (Pistacia vera)
Wilder Pistazienbaum m; Wilde Pistazie f; Mastixpistazie f; Mastixbaum m; Mastixstrauch m; Lentiske f (Pistacia lentiscus)
Atlantischer Pistazienbaum m; Atlantische Pistazie f (Pistacia atlantica)
pistachio trees; pistachio shrubs (botanical genus)
true pistachio tree; true pistachio
mastic tree; mastic shrub; Mediterranean mastic; lentisk
Atlantic pistachio tree; Atlas pistachio; Atlantic mastic tree; (Mt.) Atlas mastic tree
Atlantischer Delfin m, Kamerun-Delfin m, Kamerun-Flussdelfin m zool.
Atlantic humpback dolphin, Atlantic humpbacked dolphin, Cameroon dolphin (Sousa teuszii)
Atlantischer Fleckendelfin m, Atlantischer gefleckter Delfin m, Zügeldelfin m zool.
spotted dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Gulf Stream spotted dolphin, spotter, spotted porpoise, bridled dolphin, long-snouted dolphin (Stenella frontalis)
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin m, Nordischer Delfin m, Springer zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin, jumper, springer, lag, North Atlantic dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Atlantik m, Atlantischer Ozean geogr.
Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean
atlantischer Ozean, Atlantik
Atlantic Ocean
Atlantischer Menhaden m; Bunker m (Brevoortia tyrannus) zool.
Atlantic menhaden; mossbunker; bunker
Hering m zool.
Heringe pl
Atlantischer Hering m (Clupea harengus)
Atlantic herring
Makrelenhechte pl; Trughechte pl (Scomberesocidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
atlantischer Makrelenhecht; Echsenhecht; Skipper (Scomberesox saurus saurus)
südpazifischer Makrelenhecht (Scomberesox saurus scombroides)
pazifischer Makrelenhecht; Kurzschnabelmakrelenhecht (Cololabis saira)
Zwerg-Makrelenhecht m (Scomberesox simulans)
sauries (zoological family)
Atlantic saury
South Pacific saury; king gar
mackerel pike Br.; skipper Br.; Pacific saury Am.
dwarf saury
Atlantischer Delfin m; Kamerun-Delfin m; Kamerun-Flussdelfin m (Sousa teuszii) zool.
Atlantic humpback dolphin; Atlantic humpbacked dolphin; Cameroon dolphin
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin m; Nordischer Delfin m; Springer (Lagenorhynchus acutus) zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin; jumper; springer; lag; North Atlantic dolphin
Fleckendelfine pl (Stenella) (zoologische Gattung) zool
pantropischer Fleckendelfin Schlankdelfin (Stenella attenuata)
atlantischer Fleckendelfin; Zügeldelfin (Stenella frontalis)
ostpazifischer Delfin; Spinnerdelfin (Stenella longirostris)
Clymene-Delfin (Stenella clymene)
blauweißer Delfin; Streifendelfin (Stenella coeruleoalba)
spotted dolphins; bridled dolphins; spotted porpoises; spotters (zoological genus)
pantropical spotted dolphin; white-spotted dolphin; slender-beaked dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphin; Gulf Stream spotted dolphin; long-snouted dolphin
spinner dolphin
clymene dolphin short-snouted spinner dolphin
striped Dolphin
Atlantik m; Atlantischer Ozean geogr.
Nordatlantik m
Ostatlantik m
Südatlantik m
Westatlantik m
Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (Ocean)
East Atlantic (Ocean)
South Atlantic (Ocean)
West Atlantic (Ocean)
Atlantik m; Atlantischer Ozean m geogr.
Nordatlantik m
Nnordwestatlantik m
Ostatlantik m
Südatlantik m
Westatlantik m
Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (Ocean)
Northwest Atlantic (Ocean)
East Atlantic (Ocean)
South Atlantic (Ocean)
West Atlantic (Ocean)
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin m; Nordischer Delfin m; Springer m (Lagenorhynchus acutus) zool.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin; jumper; springer; lag; North Atlantic dolphin
Fleckendelfine pl; Fleckendelphine pl (Stenella) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
pantropischer Fleckendelfin, Schlankdelfin (Stenella attenuata)
atlantischer Fleckendelfin; Zügeldelfin (Stenella frontalis)
Kurzschnauzen-Spinner-Delfin; Kurzschnauzen-Spinner-Delphin; Kurzschnauzenspinner; Klymene-Delfin; Clymene-Delphin (Stenella clymene)
Ostpazifischer Delfin; Langschnauzen-Spinnerdelfin; Langschnauzenspinner; Spinnerdelfin (Stenella longirostris)
Streifendelfin; Blauweißer Delfin (Stenella coeruleoalba)
spotted dolphins; bridled dolphins; spotted porpoises; spotters (zoological genus)
pantropical spotted dolphin; white-spotted dolphin; slender-beaked dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphin; Gulf Stream spotted dolphin; long-snouted dolphin
short-snouted spinner dolphin; Senegal dolphin; helmet dolphin; clymene dolphin
long-snouted spinner dolphin; spinner dolphin; longsnout; long-beaked dolphin; rollover
striped dolphin; whitebelly dolphin; blue-white dolphin; Euphrosyne dolphin; Meyen's dolphin; Gray's dolphin; streaker porpoise
Gadus-Dorsche pl (Gadus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Atlantischer Kabeljau m; Dorsch m ugs. (Gadus morhua)
Pazifischer Kabeljau (Gadus macrocephalus)
Grönland-Kabeljau (Gadus ogac)
Pazifischer Pollack; Alaska-Pollack; Alaska-Seelachs (irreführender Handelsname) (Gadus chalcogrammus)
gadus codfish; gadus cods (zoological genus)
Atlantic cod; codling coll.
Pacific cod; grey cod; greyfish Br.; grayfish Am.
Greenland cod; ogac
walleye pollock; Alaska pollock
Polyprion-Wrackbarsche pl (Polyprion) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch m (Polyprion americanus)
polyprion wreckfishes (zoological genus)
Atlantic wreckfish; stone bass
atlantisches Klima
Atlantic climate
Hasenglöckchen pl (Hyacinthoides) (botanische Gattung) bot.
atlantisches englisches Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
spanisches Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
hyacinthoides (botanical genus)
common bluebell
Spanish bluebell
Hasenglöckchen pl (Hyacinthoides) (botanische Gattung) bot.
atlantisches englisches Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
Italienisches Hasenglöckchen; Riviera-Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides italica)
spanisches Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
hyacinthoides (botanical genus)
common bluebell
Italian bluebell; Italian squill
Spanish bluebell
Nordatlantikvertrag m; Nordatlantikpakt m; atlantisches Bündnis n mil. pol.
North Atlantic Treaty; North Atlantic Alliance
Atlantisralle f ornith.
Inaccessible Island Rail

Atlantisralle Definition

(n.) Peninsula.
(a.) Not accessible
(n.) A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent. Cf. Continent.
(n.) Anything regarded as resembling an island
(n.) See Isle, n., 2.
(v. t.) To cause to become or to resemble an island
(v. t.) To furnish with an island or with islands
(n.) An outer cloak or covering
(v. i.) To flow forth
(n.) A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to another, as in fences, balustrades, staircases, etc.
(n.) A horizontal piece in a frame or paneling. See Illust. of Style.
(n.) A bar of steel or iron, forming part of the track on which the wheels roll. It is usually shaped with reference to vertical strength, and is held in place by chairs, splices, etc.
(n.) The stout, narrow plank that forms the top of the bulwarks.
(n.) The light, fencelike structures of wood or metal at the break of the deck, and elsewhere where such protection is needed.
(v. t.) To inclose with rails or a railing.
(v. t.) To range in a line.
(v.) Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds of the family Rallidae, especially those of the genus Rallus, and of closely allied genera. They are prized as game birds.
(v. i.) To use insolent and reproachful language
(v. t.) To rail at.
(v. t.) To move or influence by railing.
(a.) Of or pertaining to certain islands along the coast of South Carolina and Georgia
T rail
() See under T.
Water rail
() Any one of numerous species of rails of the genus Rallus, as the common European species (Rallus aquaticus). See Illust. of Rail.

Inaccessible Island Rail Bedeutung

rail technology
the activity of designing and constructing and operating railroads
Leyte Island
Leyte invasion
a battle in World War II, the return of United States troops to the Philippines began with landings on Leyte Island in October , the battle marked first use of kamikaze aircraft by the Japanese
Battle of Wake
Battle of Wake Island
in December the island was captured by the Japanese after a gallant last-ditch stand by a few hundred United States marines
Rhode Island red American breed of heavy-bodied brownished general-purpose chicken
rail any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
fife rail the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
gas pump
gasoline pump
petrol pump
island dispenser
a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks
island a zone or area resembling an island
kitchen island an unattached counter in a kitchen that permits access from all sides
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
picture rail rail fixed to a wall for hanging pictures
plate rail rail or narrow shelf fixed to a wall to display plates
rail a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal)
rail short for railway, he traveled by rail, he was concerned with rail safety
rail fence a fence (usually made of split logs laid across each other at an angle)
a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports
safety rail
a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety
split rail
fence rail
a rail that is split from a log
third rail a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive
towel rail
towel bar
a horizontal bar a few inches from a wall for holding towels
track rail rails
a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
traffic island
safety island
safety isle
safety zone
a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded, provides safe area for pedestrians
Thousand Island dressing mayonnaise with chili sauce or catsup and minced olives and peppers and hardooked egg
Bouvet Island an island belonging to Norway in the South Atlantic near the Antarctic Circle
Sao Tiago Island largest of the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean
Guadalupe Island a Mexican island in the Pacific to the west of Baja California
Caribbean Island an island in the Caribbean Sea
Aegean island an island in the Aegean Sea
Baffin Island the th largest island and the largest island of Arctic Canada, lies between Greenland and Hudson Bay
Vancouver Island an island off southwestern Canada (off the southwestern coast of British Columbia), the largest island off the west coast of North America
Cape Breton Island an island that forms the northeastern part of Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island an island in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the smallest province of Canada
Norfolk Island an island territory of Australia in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern coast of Australia, formerly a British penal colony
Wake Island
an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
Nauru Nauru Island
Pleasant Island
a small island in the central Pacific Ocean , miles to the southwest of Hawaii, in Micronesia to the west of the Gilbert Islands
Bahrain Bahrain Island
Bahrein Bahrein Island
an island in the Persian Gulf
Channel Island any of a group of British islands in the English Channel off the northern coast of France
Jersey island of Jersey the largest of the Channel Islands
island of Guernsey
a Channel Island to the northwest of Jersey
Anglesey Island
Anglesea Island
an island to the northwest of Wales
North Island the smaller but more populous of two main islands of New Zealand, separated from South Island by Cook Strait
South Island the larger but less populous of two main islands of New Zealand, separated from North Island by Cook Strait
Singapore Singapore Island an island to the south of the Malay Peninsula
Admiralty Island an Alaskan island in the Alexander Archipelago near Juneau
Santa Catalina
Catalina Island
an island resort in the Pacific off the southwestern coast of California
Hawaii Hawaii Island the largest and southernmost of the Hawaii islands, has several volcanic peaks
Kahoolawe Island
an island of southentral Hawaii
Kauai Island
an island of Hawaii to the northwest of Oahu
Lanai Island
an island of central Hawaii, a pineapple-growing area
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