
Atomwaffenproduktion Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Atomwaffenproduktion f; Atomwaffenherstellung f
production of nuclear weapons; nuclear weaponry production
Atomwaffenproduktion f; Atomwaffenherstellung f
production of nuclear weapons; nuclear weaponry production
Kernwaffe f, Atomwaffe f, Nuklearwaffe f, Atomsprengkörper m mil.
Kernwaffen pl, Atomwaffen pl, Nuklearwaffen pl, Atomsprengkörper pl
nuclear weapon
nuclear weapons
nuclear weapon
Atomwaffe f; A-Waffe f; Atomsprengkörper m; Kernwaffe f; Nuklearwaffe f mil.
Atomwaffen pl; A-Waffen pl; Atomsprengkörper pl; Kernwaffen pl; Nuklearwaffen pl
atomare nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke coll.
atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes
battlefield nuclear weapons
Atomwaffe f; A-Waffe f; Atomsprengkörper m; Kernwaffe f; Nuklearwaffe f mil.
Atomwaffen pl; A-Waffen pl; Atomsprengkörper pl; Kernwaffen pl; Nuklearwaffen pl
atomare Implosionswaffe
atomare nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
einsatzbereite Atomwaffen
Miniatomsprengkörper m
saubere Atomwaffen
strategische Atomwaffen
taktische Atomwaffe; taktischer Atomsprengkörper; taktische Kernwaffe
Staaten ohne Atomwaffen
atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke coll.
atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes
nuclear implosion weapon
battlefield nuclear weapons
operational nuclear weapons
clean nuclear weapons
strategic nuclear weapons
tactical nuclear weapon; theatre nuclear weapon
non-nuclear weapon states
Detonationswert m einer Atomwaffe mil.
vorgesehener Gesamtdetonationswert
Atomtest mit hohem Detonationswert
explosive yield of a nuclear weapon
planned aggregate yield
high-yield nuclear test
im Subkilotonnenbereich (nachgestellt) mil.
Atomwaffe im Subkilotonnenbereich
sub-kiloton nuclear weapon
Explosionsort von Atomwaffen mil.
ground zero
Nichtweitergabe f von Atomwaffen
Nichtweitergabe von Atomwaffen
Begrenzung f; (quantitative) Beschränkung f; Limitierung f geh. (von etw. auf etw.)
Begrenzungen pl; Beschränkungen pl; Limitierungen pl
die vereinbarte Begrenzung von Atomwaffen
limitation; limitations (on sth. to sth.)
agreed limitations on nuclear arms
Ersteinsatz m
Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen
auf den Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen verzichten
first use
first use of nuclear weapons
to renounce the first use of nuclear weapons
Atomwaffenstaat m; Staat m mit Atomwaffen; Nuklearwaffenstaat m pol. mil.
Atomwaffenstaaten pl; Staaten pl mit Atomwaffen; Nuklearwaffenstaaten pl
nuclear-wepon state NWS ; nuclear state; nuclear country
nuclear-wepon states; nuclear states; nuclear countries
quantitative Gleichheit; Gleichstellung f; Gleichrangigkeit f; Parität f geh. (zwischen zwei Gruppen) pol. soc.
Paritäten pl
gerade Parität f
ungerade Parität
feste Parität
Gleichstand zwischen den Supermächten bei den Atomwaffen
gleiche Bezahlung für militärische und zivile Mitarbeiter
Weine, die den gleichen Rang wie die französischen erreicht haben
In der Regierung sitzen gleich viele Männer wie Frauen.
parity (between two groups)
even parity
odd parity
fixed parity
nuclear parity between the superpowers
pay parity between military and civilian employees
wines that have reached parity with France
The government has reached parity between the sexes.
Meeresbodenvertrag m; Vertrag über das Verbot der Aufstellung von Atomwaffen und anderen Massenvernichtungswaffen auf dem Meeresboden und im Meeresuntergrund pol.
Sea-Bed Treaty SBT ; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil
Nichtverbreitung f (von Waffen) pol.
Nichtverbreitung von Atomwaffen
Kernwaffensperrvertrag m; Atomwaffensperrvertrag m
non-proliferation (of weapons)
nuclear non-proliferation
Nuclear non-proliferation treaty; Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons NPT
Nichtverbreitung f von Atomwaffen; Verzicht m auf die Weitergabe von Atomwaffen pol. mil.
non-dissemination of nuclear weapons
Unfall m
Unfälle pl
Bagatellunfall m
Brandunfall m
Haushaltsunfall m; Unfall im Haushalt; Hausunfall m
Jagdunfall m
Stromunfall m
Unfall mit Atomwaffen
ein tödlicher Unfall
ungemilderter schwerer Unfall
einen Unfall verursachen
gegen Unfall versichert sein
trivial accident
fire accident
home accident; accident in the home; domestic accident
hunting accident
electrical accident
nuclear-weapon accident
a fatal accident
unmitigated severe accident
to cause an accident
to be insured against accidents
Weitergabe f; Verbreitung f (von Waffen) pol.
horizontale Verbreitung
vertikale Verbreitung
Verbreitung von Atomwaffen
proliferation (of weapons)
horizontal proliferation
vertical proliferation
proliferation of nuclear weapons; nuclear proliferation
ein Gebiet Schiff usw. denuklearisieren; die dortigen Atomwaffen abbauen v mil.
to denuclearize a region vessel; to remove the nuclear wepons from there
etw. mit Atomwaffen angreifen v
to nuke sth. coll.
etw. atomar vernichten; etw. mit Atomwaffen vernichten v mil.
to nuke sth. coll.
Kernwaffenarsenal n, Atomwaffenarsenal n
arsenal of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons stockpile, arsenal of nuclear weaponry
Waffenarsenal n; Waffenbestände pl; Rüstungsbestände pl mil.
Waffenarsenale pl; Waffenbestände pl; Rüstungsbestände pl
Atomwaffenarsenal n; Kernwaffenarsenal n; Atomwaffenbestände pl
Bestände an konventionellen Waffen
arms arsenal; arsenal of weapons; weaponry; armoury Br.; armory Am.
arms arsenals; arsenals of weapons; weaponries; armouries; armories
arsenal of nuclear weapons; nuclear weapons stockpile; nuclear weaponry; nuclear panoply
conventional arsenal
Abschreckungswaffen pl; Waffenarsenal n zur Abschreckung mil.
unabhängiges Arsenal an Abschreckungswaffen
Atomwaffenarsenal als Mittel der Abschreckung
deterrent weapons; deterrent force; deterrent
independent deterrent (force)
nuclear deterrent
Waffenarsenal n; Waffenbestände pl; Rüstungsbestände pl mil.
Waffenarsenale pl; Waffenbestände pl; Rüstungsbestände pl
Atomwaffenarsenal n; Kernwaffenarsenal n; Atomwaffenbestände pl
Bestände an konventionellen Waffen
arms arsenal; arsenal of weapons; weaponry; armoury Br.; armory Am.
arms arsenals; arsenals of weapons; weaponries; armouries; armories
arsenal of nuclear weapons; nuclear weapons stockpile; nuclear arsenal; nuclear weaponry; nuclear panoply
conventional arsenal
Zeit f im Ziel (Atomwaffeneinsatz) mil.
time on target TOT (use of a nuclear weapon)
strategisches Atomwaffeneinsatzsystem n mil.
strategic nuclear-weapon delivery system
atomwaffenfrei adj pol.
atomwaffenfrei; kernwaffenfrei adj mil.
atomwaffenfreie Zone
nuclear-weapon-free; nuclear-free; denuclearized; denuclearised Br.
nuclear-free zone; (militarily) denuclearized zone
Denuklearisierung f (eines Gebiets); Umwandlung (eines Gebiets) in eine atomwaffenfreie Zone mil.
denuclearization (of an area)
Kernwaffengegner m, Atomwaffengegner m
Kernwaffengegner pl, Atomwaffengegner pl
anti-nuclear protester
anti-nuclear protesters
Kernwaffengegner m; Atomwaffengegner m
Kernwaffengegner pl; Atomwaffengegner pl
anti-nuclear protester
anti-nuclear protesters
Atomwaffenproduktion f; Atomwaffenherstellung f
production of nuclear weapons; nuclear weaponry production
Macht f (in Zusammensetzungen) (einflussreicher Staat) pol.
Atomwaffenmacht f; Atommacht f
Hegemonialmacht f
Supermacht f
power (in compounds) (influential country)
nuclear-weapon power; nuclear power
hegemonial power
Kernwaffensperrvertrag m, Atomwaffensperrvertrag m pol.
Nuclear nonproliferation treaty, Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Nichtverbreitung f (von Waffen) pol.
Kernwaffensperrvertrag m; Atomwaffensperrvertrag m
non-proliferation (of weapons)
Nuclear non-proliferation treaty; Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons NPT
Waffensystem n mil.
Waffensysteme pl
nichtzentrale Waffensysteme
strategisches Atomwaffensystem
vorgeschobene Waffensysteme
Boden-Luft-Waffensystem mittlerer Reichweite
weapons system; arms system
weapons systems; arms systems
non-central arms systems
strategic nuclear weapon system
forward-based arms systems FBS
medium range surface-to-air arms system
Kernwaffensysteme pl; Atomwaffensysteme pl mil.
offensive strategische Kernwaffensysteme
defensive strategische Kernwaffensysteme
nuclear-weapon systems
offensive strategic nuclear-weapon systems
defensive strategic nuclear-weapon systems
Atomwaffentechnik f; Kernwaffentechnik f mil.
technology for nuclear weapons
Atomwaffentest m; Kernwaffentest mil.
Atomwaffentests pl; Kernwaffentest
Verbot von Atomwaffentests
nuclear weapon test; nuclear weapons test
nuclear weapon tests; nuclear weapons tests
nuclear weapons test ban; ban on nuclear weapons tests
Atomwaffentest m; Kernwaffentest mil.
Atomwaffentests pl; Kernwaffentest
Einstellung von Kernwaffentests
Verbot von Atomwaffentests; Atomteststopp m
nuclear weapon test; nuclear weapons test
nuclear weapon tests; nuclear weapons tests
discontinuance of nuclear weapons tests
ban on nuclear weapons tests; nuclear weapons test ban; nuclear test ban
Vertrag m über die Begrenzung unterirdischer Atomwaffentests pol.
Threshold Test Ban Treaty TTBT ; Treaty on the limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests
Waffenträger m; Trägerwaffe f mil.
Waffenträger pl; Trägerwaffen pl
Atomwaffenträger m
strategischer Waffenträger
delivery vehicle
delivery vehicles
nuclear delivery vehicle NDV
strategic delivery vehicle
Verbot n; Untersagung f (einer Sache) jur.
Verbote pl; Untersagungen pl
Abtretungsverbot n
Atomwaffenverbot n; Kernwaffenverbot n pol.
prohibition; proscription formal; interdiction Am.; forbiddance obs. (against on sth.)
prohibitions; proscriptions; interdictions
prohibition on assignment
prohibition of nuclear weapons atomic weapons
atmosphärisch adj (die Erdatmophäre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der Erdatmosphäre
Atomwaffenversuche in der Erdatmosphäre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
atmosphärisch adj (die Erdatmosphäre betreffend) meteo. phys.
Meteoren-Explosionen in der Erdatmosphäre
Atomwaffenversuche in der Erdatmosphäre
atmospheric; atmospherical
atmospheric meteor explosions
atmopheric nuclear weapon testing
Versuchsgelände n
Atomwaffenversuchsgelände n
testing ground; test ground; test site
nuclear weapon test site
Atomwaffenverzicht m pol.
relinquishment of nuclear weapons

Deutsche Atomwaffenproduktion Synonyme

Englische production of nuclear weapons; nuclear weaponry production Synonyme

production  Nachtmusik  absolute music  accomplished fact  accomplishment  achievement  act  acta  action  adaptation  adventure  aftermath  air varie  aleatory  aleatory music  anatomy  architectonics  architecture  arrangement  article  artifact  assembly  attainment  autograph  bearing  benefit  best seller  bill  blow  book  bound book  brainchild  build  building  bumper crop  carrying out  casting  chamber music  chamber orchestra  child  classic  coinage  coloring book  composition  computer printout  concoction  conformation  constitution  construction  consummation  copy  coup  creation  creature  crop  crowning achievement  dealings  debut  deed  definitive work  demonstration  descant  development  direction  discharge  dispatch  display  distillation  document  doing  doings  draft  drama  dress rehearsal  edited version  effect  effectuation  effort  electronic music  elongation  enactment  end product  end result  endeavor  engrossment  enterprise  entertainment  essay  essence  etude  execution  exercise  exhibit  exhibition  exploit  exposition  exposure  extension  extract  fabric  fabrication  fair copy  fait accompli  farewell performance  fashion  fashioning  feat  fiction  film  final draft  finished version  first draft  flesh show  flimsy  folio  forging  form  format  formation  forming  frame  fructification  fruit  fruition  fulfillment  gest  getup  go  great work  hand  handiwork  hardback  harmonization  harvest  holograph  implementation  incidental music  instrumental music  invention  issue  job  juvenile  juvenile book  lengthening  letter  limp-cover book  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  magnum opus  make  makeup  making  maneuver  manufacture  manufacturing  manuscript  masterpiece  masterwork  matter  measure  mintage  mise-en-scene  mission accomplished  mold  molding  motion picture  mounting  move  movie  moving picture  multiplication  new mintage  nocturne  nonbook  nonfictio  
production line  armory  arsenal  assemblage  assembly  assembly line  assembly plant  assembly-line production  atomic energy plant  bindery  boatyard  boilery  bookbindery  brewery  brickyard  cannery  creamery  dairy  defense plant  distillery  division of labor  dockyard  factory  factory belt  factory district  feeder plant  flour mill  industrial park  industrial zone  industrialization  main plant  manufactory  manufacturing plant  manufacturing quarter  mass production  mill  mint  modular production  munitions plant  oil refinery  packing house  plant  pottery  power plant  push-button plant  refinery  sawmill  shipyard  standardization  subassembly plant  sugar refinery  tannery  volume production  winery  yard  yards  

Atomwaffenproduktion Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to a nucleus
(n.) The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view
(n.) That which is produced, yielded, or made, whether naturally, or by the application of intelligence and labor
(n.) The act of lengthening out or prolonging.
(n.) Weapons, collectively

production of nuclear weapons; nuclear weaponry production Bedeutung

dramatic production
dramatic performance
the act of performing a drama, the group joined together in a dramatic production
production (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law, the appellate court demanded the production of all documents
somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
nuclear terrorism the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials, assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
production the act or process of producing something, Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous, the production of white blood cells
production the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services
production (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale, he introduced more efficient methods of production
mass production the production of large quantities of a standardized article (often using assembly line techniques)
oil production
the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum
artistic creation
artistic production
the creation of beautiful or significant things, art does not need to be innovative to be good, I was never any good at art, he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully
nuclear deterrence the military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence, when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction
atomic warhead
nuclear warhead
thermonuclear warhead
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
gun emplacement
weapons emplacement
an emplacement for a gun
nuclear submarine
nuclear-powered submarine
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
naval weaponry weaponry for warships
nuclear-powered ship ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
nuclear reactor
(physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
nuclear rocket a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
nuclear weapon
atomic weapon
a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives from a nuclear reaction
platform weapons platform any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons
an artifact that has been created by someone or some process, they improve their product every year, they export most of their agricultural production
production line
assembly line
mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
implements of war
weapons system
weapons considered collectively
weapons carrier military vehicle that is a light truck designed to carry mortars or machine guns and their crews
nuclear medicine the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells
nuclear chemistry
the chemistry of radioactive substances
nuclear physics
atomic physics
the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei
nuclear engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors
production order an order that initiates the manufacturing process
Chemical Weapons Convention a global treaty banning the production or acquisition or stockpiling or transfer or use of chemical weapons
production a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television, have you seen the new production of Hamlet?
theatrical production
the production of a drama on the stage
speaking speech production the utterance of intelligible speech
production a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated, she tends to make a big production out of nothing
nuclear explosion
atomic explosion
the explosion of an atomic bomb
nuclear club the nations possessing nuclear weapons
nuclear family
conjugal family
a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
an independent federal agency created in to license and regulate nuclear power plants
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
international organization for chemical disarmament, administers the Chemical Weapons Convention
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
the principal agency of the United States Navy for research and development for air warfare and missile weapon systems
SWAT team
SWAT squad
Special Weapons and Tactics team
Special Weapons and Tactics squad
a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with violent and dangerous situations
nuclear chemist
a chemist who specializes in nuclear chemistry
nuclear physicist a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics
atomic energy
nuclear energy
the energy released by a nuclear reaction
atomic power
nuclear power
nuclear energy regarded as a source of electricity for the power grid (for civilian use)
nuclear winter a long period of darkness and extreme cold that scientists predict would follow a full-scale nuclear war, a layer of dust and smoke in the atmosphere would cover the earth and block the rays of the sun, most living organisms would perish
nuclear resonance the resonance absorption of a gamma ray by a nucleus identical to the nucleus that emitted the gamma ray
nuclear magnetic resonance
proton magnetic resonance
resonance of protons to radiation in a magnetic field
nuclear propulsion the use of a nuclear reactor either to produce electricity to power an engine (as in a nuclear submarine) or to directly heat a propellant (as in nuclear rockets)
production cost combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods
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