
Aufwendungsart Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aufwendungsart f; Aufwandsart f econ.
Aufwendungsarten pl; Aufwandsarten pl
type of expense; type of expenditure
types of expense; types of expenditure
Aufwendungsart f; Aufwandsart f econ.
Aufwendungsarten pl; Aufwandsarten pl
type of expense; type of expenditure
types of expense; types of expenditure
Aufwendung f
Aufwendungen pl
besondere Aufwendung f
notwendige Aufwendung f
extraordinary expenditure
unavoidable expenditure
Aufwendung f
einmalig adj
einmalige Aufwendung
one-off Br.
one-of expense
Aufwendung f
Aufwendungen pl
außerordentliche Aufwendung
besondere Aufwendung
notwendige Aufwendungen
below the line expenditure
extraordinary expenditure
unavoidable expenditures; necessary expenditures
Auslage f; Aufwendung f fin.
Auslagen pl; Aufwendungen pl
abzĂŒglich Aufwendungen
Barauslagen pl; Kassenauszahlungen pl
Auslagebeleg m
Auslagenaufstellung f
seine Auslagen rĂŒckerstattet bekommen
less disbursements
cash disbursements; cash payments
disbursement voucher
specification of disbursements
to recover one's disbursements
einmalig adj; Einmal...
Einmaleffekt m
Einmalkosten pl
einmalige Aufwendung f
non-recurring; one-off Br.; one-shot Am.
one-off effect; non-recurring effect
one-off costs
one-off expense
Aufwendungen pl; Aufwand m (an etw.) (betriebliche Ausgaben Kosten) econ.
außerordentliche Aufwendung
besondere Aufwendung
obligatorische Ausgaben
nicht zwingende Ausgaben
nichtobligatorische Ausgaben
nominale Ausgaben
zwingende Ausgaben
Betriebsausgaben pl; betriebliche Aufwendungen; Betriebsaufwendungen pl
Istaufwand m
betriebliche Aufwendungen; erfolgswirksame Aufwendungen; erfolgswirksamer Aufwand
notwendige Aufwendungen
ReprĂ€sentationsaufwendungen pl; ReprĂ€sentationsausgaben pl; Bewirtungs- und Unterhaltungskosten pl fĂŒr GeschĂ€ftspartner
Werbeausgaben pl
Zusatzaufwand m
expenditure; expenditures (of sth.) (business expenses costs)
below the line expenditure
extraordinary expenditure
obligatory expenditure
non-compulsory expenditure
non-obligatory expenditure
nominal expenditure
compulsory expenditure
business expenses; business expenditures; operational expenditure; operating expenses
actual expenditure
business expenditures; operational expenditure OPEX ; current expenditure; revenue expenditure
unavoidable expenditures; necessary expenditures
(business) entertainment expenses
advertising expenditure
additional cost; additional expense; additional expenditure
Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten m; Rechnungsabgrenzungsposition f RAP (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten pl; Rechnungsabgrenzungspositionen pl
aktiver Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten; antizipativer Posten; Antizipativum (vorweggenommener spÀterer Zahlungsvorgang)
antizipativer Aktivposten; antizipiertes Aktivum; aktives Antizipativum (vorweggenommener Ertrag)
antizipativer Passivposten; antizipatives Passivum; passives Antizipativum (vorweggenommene Aufwendung)
passiver Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten; transitorischer Posten (zurĂŒckgestellte Verbuchung eines Zahlungsvorgangs)
transitorischer Aktivposten; transitorisches Aktivum (aufgeschobene Verbuchung eines Ertrags)
transitorischer Passivposten; transitorisches Passivum (aufgeschobene Verbuchung einer Aufwendung)
Auflösung von Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten
non-operational item; non-cash item; accrual or deferral item (accounting)
non-operational items; non-cash items; accrual or deferral items
accrued item; accrual
accrued asset; accrued income; accrued revenue
accrued charge; accrued expense; accrued liability
deferred item; deferral
deferred credit; deferred income; deferred revenue
deferred charge; deferred expense; deferred liability
amortization of accruals and deferrals
einmalig adj; Einmal

einmalige Erhöhung
Einmaleffekt m
Einmalkosten pl
einmalige Aufwendung f
non-recurring; one-off Br.; one-shot Am.
one-off increase; one-shot increase
one-off effect; non-recurring effect
one-off costs
non-recurring expenditure; one-off expense
abzĂŒglich Aufwendungen
less disbursements
außergewöhnliche Aufwendungen
extraordinary expenditure
außergewöhnliche Aufwendungen
extraordinary expenses
die abgezogenen Aufwendungen
the embursements deducted
notwendige Aufwendungen
notwendige Aufwendungen
necessary expenditures
Aufwand m, Kostenaufwand m, Kosten pl
anfÀngliche Aufwendungen
die Auslagen hereinwirtschaften
initial outlay
to recoup one's outlay
Kosten pl, Ausgabe f, Aufwand m, Spesen pl, Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl, Ausgaben pl, Aufwendungen pl, Auslagen pl
allgemeine Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten, laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfÀhige Ausgaben, Spesen
rasant steigende Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusÀtzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
Kosten senken
Kosten umlegen
sich in Unkosten stĂŒrzen ugs.
sich in große Unkosten stĂŒrzen ugs.
Kosten sparend, kostensparend alt
die Kosten ĂŒbernehmen, die Kosten tragen (fĂŒr)
expense, cost
overhead charges
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses, running costs
allowable expenses
soaring costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
to reduce costs
to split costs
to go to expense
to incur heavy expenses
cost-saving, at low cost
to bear the expense, bear the costs, to accept the costs (of)
Aufwand m; Kostenaufwand m; Kosten pl
anfÀngliche Aufwendungen
die Auslagen hereinwirtschaften
initial outlay
to recoup one's outlay
periodenmĂ€ĂŸige Verbuchung f von ErtrĂ€gen und Aufwendungen (unabhĂ€ngig vom tatsĂ€chlichen Zahlungszeitpunkt) econ. adm.
accrual accounting method
Grundsatz m der periodenmĂ€ĂŸigen Erfassung von ErtrĂ€gen und Aufwendungen econ. adm.
accrual principle
Kosten pl; Ausgabe f; Aufwand m; Spesen pl; Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl; Ausgaben pl; Aufwendungen pl; Auslagen pl
alle Kosten; jegliche Kosten
allgemeine Kosten
horrende Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten; laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfÀhige Ausgaben; Spesen
durchschnittliche Kosten; StĂŒckkosten pl
erhöhte Kosten
rasant steigende Kosten
variable Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusÀtzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
alle weiteren Kosten
Kosten senken
die Kosten auf jdn. (anteilsmĂ€ĂŸig) aufteilen
bei etw. Kosten senken
sich in (große) Unkosten stĂŒrzen ugs.
kostensparend; Kosten sparend
die Kosten ĂŒbernehmen; die Kosten tragen (fĂŒr)
der eingeklagte Betrag samt aufgelaufenen Kosten samt Anhang Ös. s.A.
alle Kosten die der geschÀdigten Partei entstanden sind
alle zusÀtzlichen Kosten tragen
Unkosten von der Steuer absetzen
expense; cost
any costs; the full cost
overhead charges
fiendish costs
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses; running costs
allowable expenses
average costs
increased costs
soaring costs
variable costs; running costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
any other expenses
to reduce costs
to split apportion the costs among between sb.
to cut costs of sth.
to go to (great) expense
cost-saving; at low cost
to bear the expense; to bear the costs; to accept the costs (of)
the sum claimed plus accrued costs
any expenses whatsoever incurred by the aggrieved party
to bear any additional costs
to set costs off against tax
antizipative Passiva pl (Aufwendungen bei denen erst im folgenden GeschÀftsjahr die Ausgaben erfolgen) econ. adm.
accrued charges; accrued expense Am.; accruals
Aufwand m; Aufwendungen pl; Kostenaufwand m; Kosten pl
Investitionsaufwand m; Investitionsausgaben pl
anfÀngliche Aufwendungen
die Auslagen hereinwirtschaften
capital outlay
initial outlay
to recoup one's outlay
Aufwendungen pl fĂŒr die LebensfĂŒhrung; Lebenshaltungskosten pl (Steuerrecht)
non-business expenses; family expenses; personal expenses; cost-of-living expenditure (fiscal law)
EntschÀdigung f fin.
EntschÀdigungen pl
KriegsentschÀdigung f (Völkerrecht)
VerzugsentschÀdigung f
EntschĂ€digung fĂŒr einen Verlust finanziellen Schaden
angemessene EntschÀdigung f
EntschĂ€digung fĂŒr Aufwendungen aus dem Treuhandvermögen
EntschÀdigung von enteigneten Grundbesitzern
als EntschĂ€digung fĂŒr
EntschĂ€digung fĂŒr Verlust oder BeschĂ€digung
compensation; indemnity; indemnification
compensations; indemnities; indemnifications
war indemnity (international law)
compensation for delay
indemnity for a loss
adequate compensation
trustee's indemnity
compensation of expropriated landowners
as compensation for; by way of compensation for
compensation for loss or damage
Haftungsfreistellungsanspruch m; EntschĂ€digungsanspruch m fĂŒr Aufwendungen jur.
right of indemnity; right of indemnification
aktivierungspflichtige Aufwendungen pl (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
capital additions; capital expenditure (fiscal law)
antizipative Passiva pl (Aufwendungen, bei denen erst im folgenden GeschÀftsjahr die Ausgaben erfolgen) econ. adm.
accrued charges; accrued expense Am.; accruals
Aufwendungsart f; Aufwandsart f econ.
Aufwendungsarten pl; Aufwandsarten pl
type of expense; type of expenditure
types of expense; types of expenditure
Aufwendungsposten m; Aufwandsposten m (Buchhaltung) econ.
Aufwendungsposten pl; Aufwandsposten pl
item of expense; expense item; item of expenditure (accounting)
items of expense; expense items; items of expenditure

Deutsche Aufwendungsart Synonyme

Englische type of expense; type of expenditure Synonyme

type  Platonic form  Platonic idea  adumbration  aesthetic form  affinity  alien  allegory  alphabetize  analyze  animus  antetype  antitype  aptitude  archetype  area  arrange  art form  ascender  assort  augury  auspice  back  bag  barometer  bastard type  beard  belly  bent  betokening  betokenment  bevel  bias  biotype  black letter  blazon  blood  body  body-build  brand  break down  breed  build  canon  cap  capital  case  case in point  cast  catalog  categorize  category  character  characteristic  characteristics  charactery  check  chosen kind  cipher  clan  class  classic example  classification  classify  codify  color  complexion  composition  configuration  conformation  constituents  constitution  conventional symbol  copy  copy out  counter  crackpot  crank  crasis  criterion  cross section  cup of tea  cut  degree  demonstration  denomination  descender  description  designation  dharma  diathesis  digest  disposition  divide  draft  draw up  druthers  eccentric  eccentricity  edit  em  emblem  embodiment  en  enface  engross  epitome  ethos  example  exemplar  exemplification  explanation  exponent  face  fanatic  fancy  fashion  fat-faced type  favor  feather  feet  fiber  field  figuration  figure  file  font  foreshadow  foreshadowing  foreshowing  foretoken  foretokening  form  format  formation  forte  fount  frame  fugleman  fugler  gauge  genius  genotype  genre  genus  glosseme  grade  graduated scale  grain  groove  group  habit  hermit  hobo  hue  humor  humors  icon  iconology  ideogram  idiosyncrasy  ilk  illustration  imitatee  impression  inclination  index  indicant  indication  individualism  inner form  inscribe  instance  italic  keyboard  kidney  kin  kind  kook  label  layout  lead  leaning  letter  lexeme  lexical form  ligature  line  list  logogram  logotype  lone wolf  loner  long suit  lot  love knot  lower case  main interest  majuscule  make  make a recension  make out  makeup  manner  mark  matrix  maverick  measure  men  
typeface  ascender  back  bastard type  beard  belly  bevel  black letter  body  cap  capital  case  counter  descender  em  en  face  fat-faced type  feet  font  groove  italic  letter  ligature  logotype  lower case  majuscule  minuscule  nick  pi  pica  point  print  roman  sans serif  script  shank  shoulder  small cap  small capital  stamp  stem  type  type body  type class  type lice  typecase  typefounders  typefoundry  upper case  
typescript  article  autograph  brainchild  composed matter  composition  computer printout  copy  dead matter  document  draft  edited version  engrossment  essay  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  holograph  letter  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  live matter  lucubration  manuscript  matter  nonfiction  opus  original  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  printed matter  printout  production  reading matter  recension  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  standing matter  the written word  transcript  transcription  version  work  writing  
typesetting machine  Composaline  Diatype  Elrod  Fotomatic  Fotosetter  Fototronic  Intertype  Linotype  Monotype  Photon  Zip  cold-type typesetting  composing  composing stick  composition  computerized typesetting  dummy  furniture  galley chase  hot-metal typesetting  imposition  justification  layout  line of type  photocomposition  photosetting  phototypesetter  phototypesetting machine  quoin  setting  slug  typesetting  

Aufwendungsart Definition

(n.) The act of expending
(n.) That which is expended or paid out
(n.) A spending or consuming
(n.) That which is expended, laid out, or consumed
(n.) Loss.
(n.) A combining form signifying impressed form
(n.) The mark or impression of something
(n.) Form or character impressed
(n.) A figure or representation of something to come
(n.) That which possesses or exemplifies characteristic qualities
(n.) A general form or structure common to a number of individuals
(n.) The original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy
(n.) A simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, and from which they may be actually or theoretically derived.
(n.) A raised letter, figure, accent, or other character, cast in metal or cut in wood, used in printing.
(n.) Such letters or characters, in general, or the whole quantity of them used in printing, spoken of collectively
(v. t.) To represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand
(v. t.) To furnish an expression or copy of
(n.) A process in photographic printing, in which a relief pattern in gelatin, which has been hardened after certain operations, is pressed upon a plate of lead or other soft metal. An intaglio impression in thus produced, from which pictures may be directly printed, but by a slower process than in common printing.
(n.) A print from such a plate.

type of expense; type of expenditure / types of expense; types of expenditure Bedeutung

using up
the act of consuming something
the act of spending money for goods or services
n-type semiconductor a semiconductor in which electrical conduction is due chiefly to the movement of electrons
p-type semiconductor a semiconductor in which electrical conduction is due chiefly to the movement of positive holes
pump-type pliers a type of pliers
type a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end, produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper, he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up
type slug
a strip of type metal used for spacing
body type
a category of physique
asthenic type
slender, weak, and lightweight
pyknic type
round, fat, and heavy
athletic type
muscular and big-boned
blood group
blood type
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
type A
group A
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
type B
group B
the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen
type AB
group AB
the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
type O
group O
the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens, people with type O blood are universal donors
Rh-positive blood type
Rh positive
the blood group (approximately % of people) whose red cells have the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
Rh-negative blood type
Rh-negative blood
Rh negative
the blood group whose red cells lack the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
type a subdivision of a particular kind of thing, what type of sculpture do you prefer?
architectural style
style of architecture
type of architecture
architecture as a kind of art form
type specimen
the original specimen from which the description of a new species is made
type all of the tokens of the same symbol, the word `element' contains five different types of character
type printed characters, small type is hard to read
type family a complete set of type suitable for printing text
roman roman type
roman letters
roman print
a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
expense a detriment or sacrifice, at the expense of
type genus (biology) genus from which the name of a family or subfamily is formed, it is not necessarily the most representative genus but often the largest or best known or earliest described
type (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
type species (biology) the species that best exemplifies the essential characteristics of the genus to which it belongs
Alpine glacier
Alpine type of glacier
a glacier that moves down from a high valley
Piedmont glacier
Piedmont type of glacier
a type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska, large valley glaciers meet to form an almost stagnant sheet of ice
eccentric type
a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities), a real character, a strange character, a friendly eccentric, the capable type, a mental case
money paid out, an amount spent
amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures)
business expense
trade expense
ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in a taxpayer's business or trade
interest expense interest paid on loans
lobbying expense expenses incurred in promoting or evaluating legislation, many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer
medical expense amount spent for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of medical problems
nonash expense an expense (such as depreciation) that is not paid for in cash
moving expense the cost of moving your residence from one location to another
operating expense
operating cost
budget items
the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance), it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
organization expense the cost (over a period of five years) of organizing a new corporation or partnership
personal expense the cost of personal or family living, some personal expenses are tax deductible
promotional expense the cost of promoting a product
expense money spent to perform work and usually reimbursed by an employer, he kept a careful record of his expenses at the meeting
capital expenditure the cost of long-term improvements
incidental expense
minor expense
(frequently plural) an expense not budgeted or not specified, he requested reimbursement of $ for incidental expenses
travel expense (frequently plural) expenses incurred by an employee in the performance of the job and usually reimbursed by the employer
expense record a written record of money spent
expense account
travel and entertainment account
an account to which salespersons or executives can charge travel and entertainment expenses
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