
Ausbildungsort Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

training place
training place
Ausbildung abschließen
finish one's training
Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
in-service training
Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
on-the-job training
Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
training within industry
Ausbildung für den Vertrieb
marketing training
Ausbildung während der Dienstzeit
in-service education
Ausbildung, Schulunterricht
außerschulische Ausbildung
out-of-school education
berufliche Ausbildung
job training
berufliche Ausbildung, Berufsausbildung
vocational training
Berufsausbildung, berufliche Ausbildung
vocational education
betriebliche Ausbildung
in-firm training
betriebliche Ausbildung
in-plant training
betriebliche Ausbildung
in-service education
betriebliche Ausbildung
industrial training
Förderungszentrum für praktische Ausbildung
skill centre
gewerbliche Ausbildung
industrial training
gewerbliche Ausbildung, Betriebsausbildung
industrial education
in der Ausbildung
innerbetriebliche Ausbildung
employee training
innerbetriebliche Ausbildung
in-firm training
praktische Ausbildung, berufliche Ausbildung
Reform der beruflichen Ausbildung
vocational training reform
Schulausbildung, schulische Ausbildung
Weisung, Ausbildung, Unterweisung
Arzt m, Ärztin f, Mediziner m, Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl, Ärztinnen, Mediziner pl, Medizinerinnen pl
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP), Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt, behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
doctor, physician, medical doctor (M.D.)
doctors, physicians
to go to the doctor, to go to the doctor's
intern, first year resident Am., junior houseofficer Br.
doctor in charge, physician in charge
resident Am., senior house officer (SHO) Br.
fellow Am., registrar Br.
We sent for the doctor.
Ausbildung f, Schulung f
Ausbildungen pl, Schulungen pl
Ausbildung f
Ausbildungen pl
betriebliche Ausbildung, Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
Ausbildung, die nicht direkt an Berufsarbeit gebunden ist
praktische Ausbildung f
on-the-job training
off the job training
practical training, in-job training
Ausbildung f von Bibliothekaren
education of librarians
zur Ausbildung gehörend
Berufsausbildung f, berufliche ausbildung f
vocational training, vocational education
Bibliotheksschulen-Ausbildung f
library school education
Drill m, strenge Ausbildung f, Exerzieren n
Gestaltung f, Formgestaltung f, Ausbildung f
Grundlehrgang m (Ausbildung)
basic training course
Unterricht m, Ausbildung f
Unterricht, Ausbildung
Anleitung, Ausbildung
Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
on the job training
Training, Ausbildung
berufliche Ausbildung
vocational training
Arzt m; Ärztin f; Mediziner m; Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl; Ärztinnen; Mediziner pl; Medizinerinnen pl
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt; niedergelassene Ärztin
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.; Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
doctor; physician; medical doctor M.D. ; medic coll.
doctors; physicians; medics
the attending physician; the attending doctor
registered doctor (with his her own practice)
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
intern; first year resident Am.; junior house officer Br.; Foundation House Officer FHO Br.; pre-registration house officer Br.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Ausbildung f; Schulung f
Ausbildungen pl; Schulungen pl
(fach- oder berufsbezogene) Ausbildung f; Schulung f
Ausbildungen pl; Schulungen pl
Aus- und Fortbildung f
betriebliche Ausbildung; Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
Ausbildung die nicht direkt an Berufsarbeit gebunden ist
praktische Ausbildung f
die nötige Ausbildung erhalten haben
education and training; education and further education
on-the-job training
off the job training
practical training; in-job training
to have received the necessary training
Ausbildung f; Schulbildung f (Rubrik in einem Lebenslauf) school. stud.
education (rubric in a curriculum vitae)
Ausbildung f von Bibliothekaren Bibliothekarinnen
education of librarians
Auszubildende m f; Auszubildender; Azubi m; in Ausbildung stehende Person adm.; Lehrling m
Auszubildenden pl
Berufsausbildung f; berufliche Ausbildung f; berufliche Fortbildung f
Zusatzausbildung f
vocational training; vocational education
additional vocational education
Drill m; strenge Ausbildung f; Ãœbung f; Exerzieren n
Dies ist keine Ãœbung.
This is not a drill.
Erfahrung f; Vorkenntnisse pl
Erfahrung in etw. haben; eine Ausbildung in etw. haben
jds. Vorbildung
musikalisch vorbelastet sein
Welche Ausbildung haben Sie?
Vorkenntnisse in technischer Informatik haben
Bewerber mit Vorkenntnissen in Sozialpsychologie
Bewerber mit Erfahrung in Altenpflege
to have a background in sth.
sb.'s educational background
to have a musical background
What's your educational background?
to have a background in computer engineering
candidates with a background in social psychology
candidates with a background in geriatric nursing
Gestaltung f; Formgestaltung f; Ausbildung f
Lehrkraft f
Lehrkraft in der Ausbildung
preservice teacher
Mitspracherecht n (bei etw.); Einfluss m (auf etw.)
einen Einfluss auf die Verhandlungen haben
Die Studenten möchten mehr Mitsprache bei Entscheidungen die ihre Ausbildung betreffen.
Die letzte Entscheidung in dieser Angelegenheit liegt beim Richter.
say (in on over sth.)
to have no say over the negotiations
The students want a greater say in decisions that affect their education.
The judge will have the final say on the matter.
Pflichtschule f; Schulobligatorium n Schw. school
nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule
Personen deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist
die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen
Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können.
compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education
after completing leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education
people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling
to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates
All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.
Universitätslehrgang m für Bibliothekswissenschaft stud.
Ausbildung in Bibliothekswissenschaft
graduate school of library science Am.; library school Am.
library school education
im Zuge; im Zug +Gen.
im Zuge des allgemeinen Trends
Im Zuge des Umbaus wurde ein drittes Stockwerk aufgesetzt.
Im Zuge meiner Ausbildung verbrachte ich ein Jahr im Ausland.
Im Zuge der Ereignisse wurde mir klar dass ...
Im Zuge der Debatte werden sich die Bürger ihre eigene Meinung bilden.
during; in the course of; as part of; as sth. is was going on
as part of the general trend
During the rebuilding a third storey Br. story Am. was added.
As part of my training I spent a year abroad.
As events unfolded I realised that ...
As the debate unfolds citizens will make up their own minds.
praktisch; praxisnah adj
praktische Ausbildung f
hands-on training
unvollständig; nur in Ansätzen ansatzweise vorhanden; rudimentär geh. adj
die einfachsten Lebensformen
Grundkenntnisse von etw. haben
nur eine rudimentäre Ausbildung erhalten
im Anfangsstadium sein; am Anfang stehen (Sache)
the most rudimentary forms of life
to have a rudimentary knowledge of sth.
to receive only a rudimentary education
to be in its rudimentary stage(s) (matter)
Ähnlichkeitstäuschung f (evolutionäre Ausbildung von Merkmalen fremder Arten, um Fressfeinde, Beutetiere usw. zu täuschen) biol.
Ähnlichkeitstäuschung bei Tieren
Ähnlichkeitstäuschung bei Pflanzen
aggressive Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Merkmalsausbildung anderer Arten, um Tiere anzulocken)
defensive Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Merkmalsausbildung anderer Arten, um Fressfeinde abzuhalten)
molekulare Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Merkmalsausbildung körpereigener Moleküle bei Krankheitserregern)
Bates'sche Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Ausbildung von Merkmalen wehrhafter Arten bei nicht wehrhaften Arten)
Mertens'sche Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Merkmalsausbildung mäßig gefährlicher Arten bei gefährlichen und ungefährlichen Arten)
Müller'sche Ähnlichkeitstäuschung (Ausbildung gleicher Merkmale bei zwei oder mehreren wehrhaften Arten)
mimicry (evolutionary development of features shared by different species to deceive predators preys etc.)
animal mimicry
plant mimicry
aggressive mimicry; Peckhamian mimicry rare
defensive mimicry; protective mimicry
molecular mimicry
Batesian mimicry; development of pseudoaposematic signals
Mertensian mimikry
Mullerian mimicry
Arzt m; Doktor m ugs.
Ärzte pl; Doktoren pl
Ärztin f; Frau Doktor
Bahnarzt m
Lagerarzt m
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.
Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr Ös.
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
medical doctor M.D. ; doctor; medic coll.; physician
medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians
female doctor; lady doctor rare
railway doctor; railway medical officer Br.; railroad doctor Am.
camp doctor; camp medical officer Br.
the attending physician; the attending doctor
physician in private practice; registered doctor with his her own practice
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
foundation house officer FHO Br.; house officer Br.; houseman Br.; resident physician Am.; resident Am.
pre-registration house officer Br.; intern Am.; first-year resident Am.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
(fach- oder berufsbezogene) Ausbildung f; Schulung f
Ausbildungen pl; Schulungen pl
Aus- und Fortbildung f
betriebliche Ausbildung; Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
Ausbildung, die nicht direkt an Berufsarbeit gebunden ist
praktische Ausbildung f
die nötige Ausbildung erhalten haben
eine bestimmte Ausbildung absolvieren müssen
eine Tanzausbildung haben
education and training; education and further education
on-the-job training
off the job training
practical training; in-job training
to have received the necessary training
to need to receive specific training
to be certified in dance training
Ausbildung f; Schulbildung f (Rubrik in einem Lebenslauf) school stud.
fundierte Ausbildung
education (rubric in a curriculum vitae)
sound education; profound education
praktische Ausbildung f
Zusatzausbildung f
vocational training; vocational education
additional vocational education
Ausbildung f von Bibliothekaren Bibliothekarinnen
education of librarians
zur Ausbildung gehörend
educational {adj}
Ausbildung f menschlichen Lebens; Hominisation f; Anthropogenese f; Anthropogenie f selten (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
development of human life; hominization; hominisation Br.; anthropogenesis; anthropogeny rare (evolutionary biology)
Ausbildung f des Charakters; Charakterbildung f psych.
character formation

Deutsche Ausbildungsort Synonyme

Englische training place Synonyme

training  acclimation  acclimatization  accommodation  accustoming  adaption  adjustment  apprenticeship  arrangement  basic training  breaking  breaking-in  breeding  briefing  case hardening  clearing the decks  conditioning  cultivation  development  discipline  domestication  drill  drilling  equipment  exercise  familiarization  fetching-up  fixing  fostering  foundation  grooming  groundwork  habituation  hardening  housebreaking  improvement  in-service training  instruction  inurement  makeready  making ready  manual training  manufacture  military training  mobilization  naturalization  nurture  nurturing  on-the-job training  orientation  planning  practice  prearrangement  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  prep  preparation  preparatory study  preparing  prepping  prerequisite  pretreatment  processing  propaedeutic  provision  raising  readying  rearing  rehearsal  schooling  seasoning  sloyd  spadework  taming  teaching  treatment  trial  tryout  tuition  tutelage  upbringing  vocational education  vocational training  warm-up  
training school  POW camp  bastille  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  borstal school  bridewell  brig  cell  concentration camp  condemned cell  death cell  death house  death row  detention camp  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  guardhouse  house of correction  house of detention  industrial school  internment camp  jail  jailhouse  keep  labor camp  lockup  maximum-security prison  minimum-security prison  oubliette  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  reform school  reformatory  remand school  sponging house  state prison  stockade  the hole  tollbooth  

Ausbildungsort Definition

Burying place
() The ground or place for burying the dead
(n.) A retired or private place.
(n.) Any portion of space regarded as measured off or distinct from all other space, or appropriated to some definite object or use
(n.) A broad way in a city
(n.) A position which is occupied and held
(n.) Rank
(n.) Vacated or relinquished space
(n.) A definite position or passage of a document.
(n.) Ordinal relation
(n.) Reception
(n.) Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body
(n.) To assign a place to
(n.) To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position
(n.) To put out at interest
(n.) To set
(n.) To attribute
(a.) Proud of rank or office.
Quenouille training
() A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Train
(n.) The act of one who trains

training place Bedeutung

place kick
(sports) a kick in which the ball is placed on the ground before kicking
place bet a bet that a horse will finish a race no worse than second
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
assertiveness training a method of psychotherapy that reinforces you for stating negative and positive feelings directly
autogenic therapy
autogenic training
training patients in self-induced relaxation
position place lieu
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another, can you go in my stead?, took his place, in lieu of
athletic training the course of practice and exercise and diet undertaken by an athlete
activity leading to skilled behavior
military training training soldiers in military procedures
basic training the initial period of training for new military personnel, involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline
toilet training training a young child to use the toilet
the worship of places
market place
the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold, without competition there would be no market, they were driven from the marketplace
a farm together with its buildings
assembly meeting place
a public facility to meet for open discussion
landing place
structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods
market place
an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up
place mat a mat serving as table linen for an individual place setting
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
place of worship
house of prayer
house of God
house of worship
any building where congregations gather for prayer
place setting
a table service for one person, a place setting of sterling flatware
reform school
training school
correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders
eating house
eating place
a building where people go to eat
school ship
training ship
a ship used to train students as sailors
education training
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior), a woman of breeding and refinement
place an abstract mental location, he has a special place in my thoughts, a place in my heart, a political system with no place for the less prominent groups
imaginary place
mythical place
fictitious place
a place that exists only in imagination, a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings
transfer transfer of training
application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
vocational training
vocational education
training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade
training program a program designed for training in specific skills
preemployment training program a training program to prepare you for employment
place name
the name by which a geographical place is known
space blank space
a blank area, write your name in the space provided
place the passage that is being read, he lost his place on the page
place position an item on a list or in a sequence, in the second place, moved from third to fifth position
second-place finish
runner-up finish
a finish in second place (as in a race)
third-place finish a finish in third place (as in a race)
first-place finish a finish in first place (as in a race)
training table planned meals for athletes in training (usually served in a mess hall)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
a center in the Department of that trains law enforcement professionals for more than seventy federal agencies
Reserve Officers Training Corps
a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers
training college a school providing training for a special field or profession
training school a school providing practical vocational and technical training
jumping-off place
point of departure
a place from which an enterprise or expedition is launched, one day when I was at a suitable jumping-off place I decided to see if I could find him, my point of departure was San Francisco
place of birth
the place where someone was born
birthplace cradle
place of origin
where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence, the birthplace of civilization
place property any area set aside for a particular purpose, who owns this place?, the president was concerned about the property across from the White House
polling place
polling station
a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election
home place where you live at a particular time, deliver the package to my home, he doesn't have a home to go to, your place or mine?
gathering place a favorite haunt where people gather
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