
Ausdehnungsphase Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausdehnungsphase f; Expansionsphase f
Ausdehnungsphasen pl; Expansionsphasen pl
expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage
expansion phases; phases of expansion; expansion stages
Ausdehnungsphase f; Expansionsphase f
Ausdehnungsphasen pl; Expansionsphasen pl
expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage
expansion phases; phases of expansion; expansion stages
Ausdehnung des Handels, Zunahme des Handels
growth of trade
Ausdehnung, Entfaltung
Ausdehnung, Umfang, Weite
Ausdehnung, Verlängerung
Format, Dimension, Ausdehnung
Ausdehnung f
Ausdehnung f, Weite f
Ausdehnungen pl
Ausdehnung f, Erweiterung f, Dehnung f
Ausdehnungen pl
dilatation, expansion, extension
Ausdehnung f, Verformung f
Ausdehnung f
Ausdehnungen pl
Ausmaß n, Größe f, Länge f, Ausdehnung f, Umfang m
das ganze Ausmaß von etw. übersehen können, etw. in vollem Umfang übersehen können
in welchem Ausmaß?, in welchem Umfang?
to be able to see the full extent of sth.
to which extent?
Dehnung f, Ausdehnung f, Verlängerung f
Dehnung bei Höchstkraft
percentage elongation
Erweiterung f, Ausdehnung f
Erweiterungen pl, Ausdehnungen pl
Expansion f, Ausdehnung f, Ausweitung f, Erweiterung f
Extension f, Ausdehnung f med.
Extensionen pl, Ausdehnungen pl
Strecke f, Stück n, Abschnitt m, Ausdehnung f
Strecken pl, Stücke pl, Abschnitte pl, Ausdehnungen pl
Ausdehnung, Erweiterung
Ausdehnung, Erweiterung
Ausdehnung, Erweiterung
Ausmaß, Größe, Ausdehnung
Ausdehnung, Verbreitung, Umfang
Ausdehnung f; Weite f
Ausdehnungen pl
Ausdehnung f; Verformung f
Ausdehnungen pl; Verformungen pl
Ausmaß n; Umfang m; Ausdehnung f
das ganze Ausmaß von etw. übersehen können; etw. in vollem Umfang übersehen können
bis zur Größe von 1.000 Megawatt
In welchem Ausmaß?; In welchem Umfang?
to be able to see the full extent of sth.
intended for 1 000 megawatt
To which extent?
Ausdehnung f; Dehnung f med.
distension; distention Am.
Dehnung f; Ausdehnung f; Verlängerung f
Dehnung bei Höchstkraft
percentage elongation
Erweiterung f; Ausdehnung f
Erweiterungen pl; Ausdehnungen pl
und im weiteren Sinn (auch); und damit (auch)
die Ausdehnung der Gesetze zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums auf Online-Inhalte
Sie versuchen diese Wahlen und damit den Demokratisierungsprozess zu sabotieren.
and by extension
the extension of intellectual property laws to cover online materials
They are trying to sabotage this election and by extension the democratic process.
Expansion f; Ausdehnung f; Ausweitung f; Erweiterung f
Extension f; Ausdehnung f med.
Extensionen pl; Ausdehnungen pl
Fischereigrenze f
Fischereigrenzen pl
staatliche Fischereigrenzen
die Ausdehnung der Fischereigrenzen von 30 auf 50 Seemeilen
fishing limit
fishing limits
national fishing fishery limits
the extension of fishing limits from 30 to 50 nautical miles
Raumzeit f phys.
asymptotisch einfache Raumzeit
dehnbare Raumzeit
Einstein'sche Raumzeit
kompaktifizierte Raumzeit
konische Raumzeit
gekrümmte Raumzeit
Raumzeit aus idealer Flüssigkeit
Ausdehnung einer Raumzeit
Maximalausdehnung einer Raumzeit
asymptotically simple space-time
extendible space-time
Einstein's space-time
equilibrium space-time
compactified space-time
conical space-time
curved space-time
perfect fluid space-time
Robertson-Walker space-time
extension of a space-time
maximum extension of a space-time
Strecke f; Stück n; Abschnitt m; Ausdehnung f; Verlauf m
Strecken pl; Stücke pl; Abschnitte pl; Ausdehnungen pl
in diesem Abschnitt
über weite Strecken (hin)
at that stretch (of road path water canal etc.)
for long stretches
Vergrößerung f; Ausdehnung f; Erweiterung f (um etw.)
Vergrößerungen pl; Ausdehnungen pl; Erweiterungen pl
die Vergrößerung der Leber med.
die Erweiterung des Herzens med.
die Schwellung der Lymphknoten med.
die Vergrößerung des Hotels
die Erweiterung der EU um zwei neue Mitglieder
enlargement (by sth.)
the enlargement of the liver
the enlargement of the heart
the enlargement of the lymph nodes.
the enlargement of the hotel
the enlargement of the EU by two new members
Volumenvergrößerung f; Volumenausdehnung f; Ausdehnung f; Dehnung f; Dilatation phys.
dilatation; dilation
Ausdehnung f
Ausdehnung f
Umfang m
Ausdehnung f
Ausdehnung einer Gaskappe
horizontale Ausdehnung
seitliche Ausdehnung
vertikale Ausdehnung
expansion; extension; extent; dilatation
expansion of a gas cap
horizontal extent
lateral extent
vertical extent
Ausmaß n; Umfang m; Ausdehnung f
in solchem Ausmaße
das ganze Ausmaß von etw. übersehen können; etw. in vollem Umfang übersehen können
bis zur Größe von 1.000 Megawatt
In welchem Ausmaß?; In welchem Umfang?
to such an extent
to be able to see the full extent of sth.
intended for 1,000 megawatt
To which extent?
Erweiterung f; Ausdehnung f
Erweiterungen pl; Ausdehnungen pl
die zukünftige Erweiterung der Schaltanlage um zusätzliche Funktionsgruppen
und im weiteren Sinn (auch); und damit (auch)
die Ausdehnung der Gesetze zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums auf Online-Inhalte
Sie versuchen, diese Wahlen und damit den Demokratisierungsprozess zu sabotieren.
the future extension of the switchgear with additional functional groups
and, by extension
the extension of intellectual property laws to cover online materials
They are trying to sabotage this election and, by extension, the democratic process.
Expansion f; Ausdehnung f; Ausweitung f; Erweiterung f
Stadterweiterung f
town expansion
jedes Vorstellungsvermögen übersteigen; jenseits aller Vorstellung sein; unvorstellbar sein v (Sache)
Die Ausdehnung des Weltalls übersteigt jedes Vorstellungsvermögen.
„Sie sagt, sie ist mit ihren Katzen verheiratet.“ „Das ist ja haarsträubend!“
Man kann sich kaum vorstellen, was sie alles geleistet haben. Es ist unvorstellbar, was sie alles geleistet haben.
to boggle the mind; to boggle the imagination (matter)
The vastness of space really boggles the mind imagination.
'She says she's married to her cats!' 'The mind boggles!'
Their accomplishments boggle my mind.; The mind boggles at what they have accomplished.; When I think of what they have accomplished, my mind boggles.; It boggles the mind to think of what they have accomplished.
Vergrößerung f; Erweiterung f; Ausdehnung f
Ausdehnungsbehälter m
Ausdehnungsbehälter pl
expansion tank
expansion tanks
Ausdehnungsfähigkeit f
Ausdehnungsgefäß n, Entspannungsgefäß n
Ausdehnungsgefäße pl, Entspannungsgefäße pl
expansion tank, expansion vessel
expansion tanks, expansion vessels
Ausdehnungsgefäß n; Entspannungsgefäß n
Ausdehnungsgefäße pl; Entspannungsgefäße pl
expansion tank; expansion vessel
expansion tanks; expansion vessels
Ausdehnungsgefäß n; Entspannungsgefäß n; Expansionsgefäß n; Expansionstank m
Ausdehnungsgefäße pl; Entspannungsgefäße pl; Expansionsgefäße pl; Expansionstanks pl
expansion tank; expansion vessel
expansion tanks; expansion vessels
Viertaktmotor m; Viertakter m ugs. auto
Viertaktmotoren pl
Ansaugtakt m
Verdichtungstakt m; Kompressionstakt m
Arbeitshub m; Arbeitstakt m; Ausdehnungshub m; Expansionstakt m (Kolbenmotor)
Ausstoßtakt m
four-stroke engine Br.; four-cycle engine Am.; four-stroker Br. coll.
four-stroke engines; four cycle engines
intake stroke; suction stroke; induction stroke; intake period
compression stroke
working stroke; power stroke; firing stroke; expansion stroke (piston engine)
exhaust stroke
Ausdehnungskoeffizient m
Ausdehnungskoeffizienten pl
coefficient of expansion, expansivity
coefficients of expansion
Ausdehnungskoeffizient m
Ausdehnungskoeffizienten pl
coefficient of expansion; expansion coefficient; expansivity
coefficients of expansion; expansion coefficients
Ausdehnungslegierungen pl chem. techn.
expansion alloys
Ausdehnungsphase f; Expansionsphase f
Ausdehnungsphasen pl; Expansionsphasen pl
expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage
expansion phases; phases of expansion; expansion stages
Leerraum m (in einem Vorratsbehälter)
Ausdehnungsraum m (im Tank) (Raumfahrt)
ullage (empty space in a storage container)
ullage (in the tank) (astronautics)
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
ruhende statische Dichtung
dynamische Dichtung
berührungsfreie Dichtung
Dichtung für Ausdehnungsrohrverbindungen
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch leitfähige Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
gaskets and washers
static seal gasket
dynamic seal packing
noncontact seal; controlled clearance seal; clearance seal
loose gland
panel seal
electric conductive gasket
hermetic seal
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
Abstreifdichtung f
ruhende statische Dichtung
dynamische Dichtung
berührungsfreie Dichtung
Dichtung für Ausdehnungsrohrverbindungen
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch leitfähige Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
gaskets and washers
wiping seal
static seal, gasket
dynamic seal, packing
noncontact seal; controlled clearance seal; clearance seal
loose gland
panel seal
electric conductive gasket
hermetic seal
Ausdehnungsvermögen n
Ausdehnungsvermögen n; Schwellvermögen n

Deutsche Ausdehnungsphase Synonyme

Englische expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage Synonyme

expansion  access  accession  accomplishment  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  acreage  addition  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  amplification  amplitude  appreciation  area  ascent  attenuation  augmentation  ballooning  ballyhoo  big talk  bigness  bloating  blossoming  blowing up  body  boom  boost  bottoming out  breadth  broadcast  broadcasting  broadening  buildup  bulk  burgeoning  burlesque  business cycle  business fluctuations  bust  caliber  caricature  circumfusion  continuum  cooling off  coverage  crescendo  crisis  depression  depth  development  developmental change  diameter  diffraction  diffusion  dilatation  dilation  dilution  dimension  dimensions  dispensation  dispersal  dispersion  dissemination  dissipation  distance  distension  distention  distribution  divergence  downturn  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  edema  elaboration  elevation  emptiness  empty space  enhancement  enlargement  evaporation  evolution  evolutionary change  evolvement  evolving  exaggerating  exaggeration  excess  exorbitance  expanding economy  expanse  expatiation  explication  extension  extent  extravagance  extreme  field  flood  flourishing  flowering  fragmentation  furtherance  gain  galactic space  gauge  girth  gradual change  grandiloquence  greatening  greatness  growth  gush  height  heightening  high growth rate  hike  huckstering  hyperbole  hyperbolism  increase  increment  infinite space  inflation  inordinacy  interstellar space  jump  largeness  leap  length  low  magnification  magnitude  market expansion  mass  maturation  measure  measurement  mounting  multiplication  natural development  natural growth  nonviolent change  nothingness  outer space  overemphasis  overestimation  overkill  overstatement  peak  peaking  peppering  prodigality  productiveness  profuseness  progress  progression  proliferation  propagation  proportion  proportions  prosperity  publication  puffery  puffing up  radiation  rad  

Ausdehnungsphase Definition

(n.) The act of expanding or spreading out
(n.) That which is expanded
(n.) Space through which anything is expanded
(n.) Enlargement or extension of business transactions
(n.) The developed result of an indicated operation
(n.) The operation of steam in a cylinder after its communication with the boiler has been cut off, by which it continues to exert pressure upon the moving piston.
(n.) The enlargement of the ship mathematically from a model or drawing to the full or building size, in the process of construction.
(pl. ) of Phase
(n.) That which is exhibited to the eye
(n.) Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view
(n.) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of enlightened disk
(n.) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration
(pl. ) of Phasis
(n.) A floor or story of a house.
(n.) An elevated platform on which an orator may speak, a play be performed, an exhibition be presented, or the like.
(n.) A floor elevated for the convenience of mechanical work, or the like
(n.) A platform, often floating, serving as a kind of wharf.
(n.) The floor for scenic performances
(n.) A place where anything is publicly exhibited
(n.) The platform of a microscope, upon which an object is placed to be viewed. See Illust. of Microscope.
(n.) A place of rest on a regularly traveled road
(n.) A degree of advancement in a journey
(n.) A degree of advancement in any pursuit, or of progress toward an end or result.
(n.) A large vehicle running from station to station for the accomodation of the public
(n.) One of several marked phases or periods in the development and growth of many animals and plants
(v. t.) To exhibit upon a stage, or as upon a stage
(a.) Fascinated by the stage

expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage / expansion phases; phases of expansion; expansion stages Bedeutung

phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
a section or portion of a journey or course, then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise
fare-stage a section along the route of a bus for which the fare is the same
the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
expansion expanding upon adding information or detail
stage dancing
a show involving artistic dancing
business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
phase-out the act or instance of a planned discontinuation
outdoor stage
a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
expansion bit
expansive bit
a bit with a cutting blade that can be adjusted to different sizes
expansion bolt a bolt that has an attachment that expands as the bolt is driven into a surface
landing stage platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded
mise en scene
stage setting
arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted
slot expansion slot (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board, the PC had three slots for additional memory
stage a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience, he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box
stage microscope stage a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns, we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles
stage door an entrance to the backstage area of theater, used by performers and other theater personnel
stage set
representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production, the sets were meticulously authentic
theater stage
theatre stage
a stage in a theater on which actors can perform
thrust stage a theater stage that extends out into the audience's part of a theater and has seats on three sides
phase (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun), the full phase of the moon
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
phase modulation
modulation of the phase of the carrier wave
stage name the pseudonym of an actor
stage direction an instruction written as part of the script of a play
stage the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'), an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage
stage whisper a loud whisper that can be overheard, on the stage it is heard by the audience but it supposed to be inaudible to the rest of the cast
a discussion that provides additional information
final stage
the concluding parts of an event or occurrence, the end was exciting, I had to miss the last of the movie
stage fright fear that affects a person about to face an audience
stage crew crew of workers who move scenery or handle properties in a theatrical production
center stage
centre stage
the central area on a theater stage
stage right
right stage
the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience
stage left
left stage
the part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audience
stage any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something, All the world's a stage--Shakespeare, it set the stage for peaceful negotiations
stage director someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
stage technician
an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
stage manager
someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed
phase change
phase transition
state change
physical change
a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
phase of cell division a stage in meiosis or mitosis
coefficient of expansion
the fractional change in length or area or volume per unit change in temperature at a given constant pressure
expansion a function expressed as a sum or product of terms, the expansion of (ab)^ is a^abb^
degree level
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process, a remarkable degree of frankness, at what stage are the social sciences?
center stage
centre stage
a position of prominence or importance
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