
Ausgangskontrolle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausgangskontrolle f
Ausgangskontrollen pl
check point
check points
Ausgangskontrolle f
Ausgangskontrollen pl
check point
check points
ausgehend; Ausgangs… adj adm. telco.
ausgehende Bestellungen
ausgehende Nachrichten
ausgehende Post
outgoing orders
outgoing messages
outgoing mail
Ausgangsadresse f, Sprungadresse f
home address
Ausgangsadresse, Srungadresse
home adress
Ausgangsadresse f; Sprungadresse f comp.
Ausgangsadressen pl; Sprungadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Artbildung f; Artentstehung f; Speziation f selten (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
sympatrische Artbildung (im selben Gebiet wie die Ausgangsart)
speciation (evolutionary biology)
sympatric speciation
Ausgangsauffächerung f; Ausgangslastfaktor m comp. electr.
starting basis
Ausgangsbasis f
starting point
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m fig.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m übtr.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
starting condition
starting conditions
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen schaffen
starting condition
starting conditions
to level the playing field fig.
Ausgangsbeschränkungen pl pol. mil.
movement restrictions; restrictions on movement
Betrag m; Summe f (von + Zahlenangabe) fin.
Ausgangsbetrag m
Nettobetrag m; Nettosumme f
ausgewiesener Betrag
ausgezahlter Betrag; Auszahlungsbetrag m
ausstehender Betrag
überfälliger Betrag
zu viel bezahlter Betrag; Differenzbetrag m
eine ansehnliche Summe
ein angemessener Geldbetrag; eine angemessene Geldsumme
in der Höhe von (nach Zahlenangaben)
ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Betrag
zu viel berechneter Betrag; überhöhter Betrag; übersetzter Betrag Schw.
ein Honorar in der Höhe von 100 Euro; ein Honorar von 100 Euro
Man einigte sich schließlich auf einen Betrag.
Ich musste die Summe von 500 Dollar zahlen.
amount; sum (of + numerical figure)
starting amount; initial amount
net amount; net total
amount stated
amount paid out
amount outstanding
amount overdue
excess amount
a substantial amount
a fair amount of money; a fair sum of money
in the amount of; to the amount of (used after numerical figures)
a considerable amount
a fee in to the amount of 100 euros; a fee of 100 euros
An amount was finally agreed upon.
I had to pay the sum of 500 dollars.
Ausgangsdaten pl, Urdaten pl
raw data
Ausgangsdaten, Urdaten
raw data
Ausgangsdaten pl; Urdaten pl
raw data
clearance outwards
Ausgangsdeklaration f
clearance outwards
Schriftstück n; Dokument n adm.
Schriftstücke pl; Dokumente pl
ausgehende Dokumente
echtes Dokument; authentisches Dokument
abhandengekommene Unterlagen
Arbeitsdokument n
(einzelstaatliche) Ausgangsdokumente für die Ausstellung von EU-Pässen
Originaldokument n
piece of writing; writing; document
pieces of writing; writings; documents
inquiry documents
authentic document
lost documents
working document; working paper
(national) breeder documents for the issuing of EU passports
original document; source document
Ausgangsdruck m phys. techn.
outlet pressure
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
Bezugsebene f; Ausgangsebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
datum plane; initial plane; basis
in-plane; level (with)
Ausgangsflur m
Ausgangsflure pl
exit corridor
exit corridors
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsformen pl
freight outward
Ausgangsfracht f
freight outward
Ausgangsgeschwindigkeit f
initial speed
Ausgangsgestein n geol.
source rock; parent rock
Ausgangsgestein n; Muttergestein n geol.
parent rock; parent material
Ausgangsgröße f
Ausgangsgrößen pl
output parameter
output parameters
Ausgangshafen m transp. naut.
Ausgangshäfen pl
port of exit
ports of exit
Ausgangskontrolle f
Ausgangskontrollen pl
check point
check points
Ausgangssituation f, Ausgangslage f
starting situation, initial situation
Ausgangsstellung f, Ausgangslage f, Ausgangszustand m
original position, initial position
löschen, zurücksetzen, in die Ausgangslage zurückführen v
löschend, zurücksetzend, in die Ausgangslage zurückführend
gelöscht, zurückgesetzt, in die Ausgangslage zurückgeführt
to reset {reset, reset}
Ausgangssituation f; Ausgangslage f
Ausgangssituationen pl; Ausgangslagen pl
starting situation; initial situation
starting situations; initial situations
Ausgangsstellung f; Ausgangslage f; Ausgangszustand m
Ausgangsstellungen pl; Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangszustände pl
original position; initial position
original positions; initial positions
etw. zurücksetzen; etw. in die Ausgangslage zurückführen; etw. auf null stellen; etw. in Grundstellung bringen v
eine Uhr neu stellen
einen Computer neu starten
den Kilometerzähler im Auto zurückstellen zurücksetzen
to reset sth. {reset; reset}
to reset a clock
to reset a computer
to reset a car
Ausgangslage f; Ausgangssituation f pol. soc.
Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangssituationen pl
baseline situation; initial situation
baseline situations; initial situations
Ausgangslastfaktor m
Ausgangsleistung f
power output, output power
Ausgangsleistung f techn.
output rating
power output
Ausgangsleistung f
power output; output power
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte nein Tausende von ...
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of ...
They came by the hundreds.
Wirkleistungsabgabe f; Leistungsabgabe f; (abgegebene) Leistung f; Ausgangsleistung f electr.
hohe Leistung
normale Leistung
sehr hohe Leistung
Entladeleistung einer Batterie
power output; output power; output
high output HO
normal output NO
very high output VHO
output of a battery
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte, nein Tausende von …
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of …
They came by the hundreds.
Ausgangslinie f
Ausgangslinien pl
Ausgangslinie f für Murmelwerfen
taw (line from which marbles are shot)
Abluft f; Fortluft f; Ausgangsluft f techn.
outgoing air; exhaust air; extracted air
Ausgangsmaterial n
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
starting material
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n techn.
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohstoff m; Edukt n chem.
Ausgangsmaterialien pl; Rohstoffe pl; Edukte pl
starting material
starting materials
Grundstoff m; Grundmaterial n; Ausgangsmaterial n
basic material
Ausgangsmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n; industrielles Rohmaterial n; Rohstoff m (für industrielle Anlagen) chem. techn.
biogene Rohstoffe; Biomasse-Rohstoffe
chemische Rohstoffe; Chemierohstoffe
biomass feedstock
chemical feedstock
energy feedstock
Ausgangsmaterialien pl techn.
raw materials
etw. veraschen v chem.
Ausgangsmenge der Veraschung
to incinerate; to ash sth.; to reduce sth. to ashes
incinerating; ashing; reducing to ashes
incinerated; ashed; reduced to ashes
mass of material to be ashed or dried
base level
Grundniveau n; Ausgangsniveau n
Grundniveaus pl; Ausgangsniveaus pl
basal level
basal levels
Ausgangspunkt m; Ausgangsort m
Ausgangspunkte pl; Ausgangsorte pl
point of departure; place of departure; starting place
points of departure; places of departure; starting places
Ausgangsort m fin.
Parameter m; (veränderliche) Größe f comp. sci. techn.
Parameter pl; veränderliche Größen pl
Kenngröße f; Kennwert m
aktueller Parameter; Aktualparameter m comp.
additiver Parameter phys.
Ausgangsparameter m techn.
Auswahlparameter m
Beatmungsparameter m med.
Eingangsparameter m techn.
Einstellparameter m techn.
Einzelparameter m techn.
freier Parameter techn.
Rauschkennwert m electr.
störender Parameter statist.
Stromkreisparameter m; Schaltungsparameter m; Schaltungsgröße f
Verteilungsparameter m statist.
Anpassung f von Parametern
characteristic parameter
actual parameter, actual argument
extensive parameter
output parameter
selection parameter
ventilation parameter
input parameter
adjustable parameter
single parameter
arbitrary parameter
characteristic noise parameter
deranging parameter; nuisance parameter
circuit parameter
distribution parameter
parameter adjustment
base period
die ganze Ausgangsport
all outgoing mail

Deutsche Ausgangskontrolle Synonyme

Englische check point Synonyme

check  CD  IOU  MO  X  a reckoning of  abrade  abrasion  abysm  abyss  acceptance  acceptance bill  accord  account  account of  agree  allophone  alveolar  answer to  aperture  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  arrest  arrestation  arrestment  arrive  arroyo  articulation  ascertainment  aspiration  assent  assimilation  assort with  assurance  audit  authenticate  authentication  autopsy  backpedal  backset  backwater  baffle  bafflement  baggage check  balance  balance the books  balk  balking  band  bank acceptance  bank check  bar  bark  barometer  be consistent  be of one  be uniform with  bearing rein  beat off  bell  bespangle  bespeckle  bespot  bilabial  bill  bill of account  bill of draft  bill of exchange  bill of lading  billhead  birthmark  bit  blackhead  blank check  blaze  blaze a trail  bleb  blemish  blister  block  blockage  blocking  bloody  blotch  book stamp  bookplate  bottle up  box canyon  box up  brake  brand  breach  break  bridle  bring to  bring up short  broaching  broad arrow  bulla  burn  burst  bust  cachet  cacuminal  cage  caging  canon  canvass  canyon  caste mark  cavity  cease  cerebral  certificate  certificate of deposit  certification  certified check  cessation  chafe  chain  chalk  chalk up  chap  charges  chasm  check  check and doublecheck  check in  check of  check off  check out  check over  check up on  checkbook  checker  checkerboard  checkerwork  checking  checkmark  checkmate  checkrein  checkup  cheque  chessboard  chime  chimney  chink  chip  chit  chock  cicatrix  cicatrize  circumvent  claw  clearing  cleave  cleft  cleuch  clip the wings  clog  clogging  cloister  closing up  closure  clough  cohere  coincide  col  collate  collation  colophon  colors in patches  comedo  comedown  commercial paper  comparative scrutiny  compare  concur  concussion  confine  confinement  confirm  confirmation  conform  conform with  confounding  confusion  consist with  consonant  constrain  constraint  constriction  contain  con  
check in  accomplish  achieve  approach  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  attain  attain to  be received  blow in  bob up  book  buy it  calendar  carve  cash in  catalog  chalk  chalk up  check out  chronicle  clock in  come  come in  come to  come to hand  croak  cut  docket  drop off  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  fetch  fetch up at  file  fill out  find  gain  get in  get there  get to  go west  grave  have it  hit  hit town  impanel  incise  index  inscribe  insert  jot down  kick in  kick off  kick the bucket  knock off  list  log  make  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make it  make out  mark down  matriculate  minute  note  note down  pass out  peg out  pipe off  place upon record  poll  pop off  pop up  post  post up  pull in  punch in  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  reach  record  reduce to writing  register  ring in  roll in  set down  shove off  show up  sign in  step off  tabulate  take down  tape  tape-record  time in  turn up  videotape  write  write down  write in  write out  write up  
check out  audit  autopsy  balance  balance the books  buy it  canvass  cash in  check  check and doublecheck  check in  check over  check up on  clock out  collate  confirm  conform  conk  correspond  croak  cross-check  demonstrate  die  double-check  dovetail  drop  drop off  examine  fit in  gee  give an examination  go over  go west  harmonize  have it  have the qualifications  inspect  inventory  jibe  kick in  kick off  kick the bucket  knock off  look at  look over  measure up  monitor  observe  overhaul  overlook  pass  pass away  pass out  pass over  pass under review  peer at  peg out  peruse  pipe off  pop off  pore over  postmortem  prove  punch out  qualify  recheck  review  ring out  run over  scan  scrutinize  set an examination  shove off  sign out  size  size up  square  step off  study  survey  take stock  take stock of  take the measure  tally  test  triple-check  validate  verify  
checkbook  CD  IOU  MO  acceptance  acceptance bill  bank acceptance  bank check  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  blank check  certificate  certificate of deposit  certified check  check  cheque  commercial paper  debenture  demand bill  demand draft  draft  due bill  exchequer bill  letter of credit  money order  negotiable instrument  note  note of hand  paper  postal order  promissory note  sight bill  sight draft  time bill  time draft  trade acceptance  treasury bill  voucher  warrant  
checker  alter  ameliorate  band  bar  be changed  be converted into  be renewed  bespangle  bespeckle  bespot  blotch  bottom out  break  change  check  chop  chop and change  come about  come around  come round  dapple  degenerate  deteriorate  deviate  diverge  diversify  dot  flake  fleck  flop  freckle  harlequin  haul around  improve  iris  jibe  maculate  marble  marbleize  meliorate  mitigate  modulate  motley  mottle  mutate  pepper  polychrome  polychromize  rainbow  revive  shift  spangle  speck  speckle  splotch  spot  sprinkle  stigmatize  stipple  streak  striate  stripe  stud  swerve  tack  take a turn  tattoo  tessellate  turn  turn aside  turn into  turn the corner  undergo a change  variegate  vary  veer  vein  warp  worsen  
checkerboard  agate  ball  baseball bat  bat  battledore  bauble  blocks  check  checker  checkerwork  chessboard  club  cockhorse  colors in patches  crazy-work  cricket bat  cue  doll  doll carriage  gewgaw  gimcrack  golf club  harlequin  hobbyhorse  jack-in-the-box  jacks  jackstones  jackstraws  kickshaw  knickknack  marble  marionette  marquetry  mig  mosaic  paper doll  parquet  parquetry  patchwork  pick-up sticks  pinwheel  plaid  plaything  puppet  racket  rag doll  rocking horse  sport  steelie  tartan  taw  teetotum  tessellation  tesserae  top  toy  toy soldier  trinket  variegated pattern  whim-wham  
checkered  able to adapt  adaptable  adjustable  alterable  alterative  changeable  check  checked  ever-changing  flexible  fluid  impermanent  kaleidoscopic  malleable  many-sided  metamorphic  mobile  modifiable  mosaic  movable  mutable  nonuniform  permutable  plaid  plastic  protean  proteiform  resilient  rubbery  supple  tessellate  tessellated  transient  transitory  variable  
checkers  Monopoly  Ping-Pong  Rugby  Scrabble  archery  association football  backgammon  badminton  bagatelle  ball  bandy  baseball  basketball  battledore and shuttlecock  beano  billiards  bingo  bowling  bowls  boxing  cat  catch  charades  chess  climbing  crambo  cricket  croquet  curling  discus  dominoes  draughts  fencing  fishing  fives  football  ghost  gliding  go  golf  handball  hide-and-seek  hiking  hockey  hopscotch  horseshoes  hunting  hurdling  ice hockey  jacks  jackstones  jackstraws  keno  lacrosse  lawn tennis  leapfrog  lotto  luging  marbles  merels  motorcycling  mountaineering  mumble-the-peg  ninepins  pall-mall  pallone  pelota  polo  pool  post office  pushball  pyramids  quintain  quoits  racquets  riding  roller skating  rounders  rowing  sailing  sailplaning  sculling  shinny  shooting  shot-put  shuffleboard  skating  skeet  skeet shooting  ski-jumping  skiing  skin-diving  skittles  sledding  snooker  snorkel diving  snowmobiling  soccer  softball  sports  squash  stickball  surfing  table tennis  tennis  tenpins  tent pegging  tetherball  ticktacktoe  tiddlywinks  tilting  tipcat  tivoli  tobogganing  trapshooting  tug of war  volleyball  water polo  waterskiing  wrestling  
checking account  Swiss bank account  account  assets  balance  bank account  bank balance  bottom dollar  budget  cash reserves  charge account  command of money  credit account  exchequer  expense account  finances  fund  funds  kitty  life savings  means  moneys  nest egg  pecuniary resources  pocket  pool  purse  reserves  resources  savings  savings account  substance  treasure  unregistered bank account  wherewithal  
checklist  Baedeker  Yellow Pages  active list  agenda  beadroll  bibliography  blacklist  business directory  cadastre  calendar  catalog  census  census report  checkroll  city directory  civil list  classified directory  directory  docket  dramatis personae  enumeration  finding list  guidebook  handbook  handlist  head count  honor roll  index  inventory  itemization  items  itinerary  jury list  jury panel  lineup  list  muster  muster roll  nose count  order of business  phone book  poll  program  property roll  questionnaire  reference book  register  registry  repertory  retired list  returns  road map  roadbook  roll  roll call  roster  rota  schedule  scroll  sick list  tally  tally sheet  tax roll  telephone book  telephone directory  
checkmate  arrest  baffle  bafflement  balk  balking  bell  blast  block  brake  brave  bring to  bring up short  challenge  check  circumvent  confound  confounding  confront  confusion  contravene  counter  counteract  countermand  counterwork  cross  cut short  cutoff  dam  dash  dead stop  deadlock  defeat  defy  destroy  discomfit  discomfiture  disconcert  disconcertion  discountenance  dish  disrupt  draw rein  elude  end  endgame  ending  final whistle  flummox  foil  foiling  freeze  frustrate  frustration  full stop  grinding halt  gun  halt  knock the chocks  lockout  nonplus  perplex  pull up  put paid to  rebuff  repulse  reversal  reverse  rout  ruin  sabotage  scotch  setback  sit-down strike  spike  spoil  stalemate  stall  stand  standoff  standstill  stay  stem  stem the tide  stonewall  stop  stop cold  stop dead  stop short  stoppage  strike  stump  thwart  thwarting  upset  walkout  work stoppage  

Ausgangskontrolle Definition

(n.) A word of warning denoting that the king is in danger
(n.) A condition of interrupted or impeded progress
(n.) Whatever arrests progress, or limits action
(n.) A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified
(n.) A written order directing a bank or banker to pay money as therein stated. See Bank check, below.
(n.) A woven or painted design in squares resembling the patten of a checkerboard
(n.) The forsaking by a hawk of its proper game to follow other birds.
(n.) Small chick or crack.
(v. t.) To make a move which puts an adversary's piece, esp. his king, in check
(v. t.) To put a sudden restraint upon
(v. t.) To verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check
(v. t.) To chide, rebuke, or reprove.
(v. t.) To slack or ease off, as a brace which is too stiffly extended.
(v. t.) To make checks or chinks in
(v. i.) To make a stop
(v. i.) To clash or interfere.
(v. i.) To act as a curb or restraint.
(v. i.) To crack or gape open, as wood in drying
(v. i.) To turn, when in pursuit of proper game, and fly after other birds.
(a.) Checkered
(n.) The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports "point."
(n.) The temperature at which dew begins to form. It varies with the humidity and temperature of the atmosphere.
(n.) An old rural game.
Libration point
(n.) any one of five points in the plane of a system of two large astronomical bodies orbiting each other, as the Earth-moon system, where the gravitational pull of the two bodies on an object are approximately equal, and in opposite directions. A solid object moving in the same velocity and direction as such a libration point will remain in gravitational equilibrium with the two bodies of the system and not fall toward either body.
(v. t. & i.) To appoint.
(n.) That which pricks or pierces
(n.) An instrument which pricks or pierces, as a sort of needle used by engravers, etchers, lace workers, and others
(n.) Anything which tapers to a sharp, well-defined termination. Specifically: A small promontory or cape
(n.) The mark made by the end of a sharp, piercing instrument, as a needle
(n.) An indefinitely small space
(n.) An indivisible portion of time
(n.) A mark of punctuation
(n.) Whatever serves to mark progress, rank, or relative position, or to indicate a transition from one state or position to another, degree
(n.) That which arrests attention, or indicates qualities or character
(n.) Hence, the most prominent or important feature, as of an argument, discourse, etc.
(n.) A small matter
(n.) A dot or mark used to designate certain tones or time
(n.) A dot or mark distinguishing or characterizing certain tones or styles
(n.) A dot placed at the right hand of a note, to raise its value, or prolong its time, by one half, as to make a whole note equal to three half notes, a half note equal to three quarter notes.
(n.) A fixed conventional place for reference, or zero of reckoning, in the heavens, usually the intersection of two or more great circles of the sphere, and named specifically in each case according to the position intended
(n.) One of the several different parts of the escutcheon. See Escutcheon.
(n.) One of the points of the compass (see Points of the compass, below)
(n.) A short piece of cordage used in reefing sails. See Reef point, under Reef.
(n.) A a string or lace used to tie together certain parts of the dress.
(n.) Lace wrought the needle
(n.) A switch.
(n.) An item of private information
(n.) A fielder who is stationed on the off side, about twelve or fifteen yards from, and a little in advance of, the batsman.
(n.) The attitude assumed by a pointer dog when he finds game
(n.) A standard unit of measure for the size of type bodies, being one twelfth of the thickness of pica type. See Point system of type, under Type.

check point / check points Bedeutung

check-in the act of reporting your presence (as at an airport or a hotel)
check checkout
check-out procedure
the act of inspecting or verifying, they made a check of their equipment, the pilot ran through the check-out procedure
spot check a check on work performance or product quality made at random times without warning, spot checks ensure a high level of performance by employees
medical checkup
medical examination
medical exam
health check
a thorough physical examination, includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person
check (chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king
discovered check a check on the opponent's king that is delivered by moving a piece out of the line of attack by a queen or rook or bishop
point after
point after touchdown
extra point
in American football a point awarded for a successful place kick following a touchdown
jumping-off point
point of departure
a beginning from which an enterprise is launched, he uses other people's ideas as a springboard for his own, reality provides the jumping-off point for his illusions, the point of departure of international comparison cannot be an institution but must be the function it carries out
three-point landing a landing in which all three wheels of the aircraft touch the ground at the same time
check obstructing an opponent in ice hockey
poke check knocking the puck away by jabbing at it with the hockey stick
attendance check a call of students' names in a classroom
point duty the control of traffic by a policeman stationed at an intersection
check curb
the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess, his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper
three-point turn the act of turning a vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward arcs
blue point
small edible oyster typically from the southern shore of Long Island
blue point Siamese Siamese cat having a bluish creamolored body and dark grey points
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
check a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard), she wore a skirt with checks
street corner
turning point
the intersection of two streets, standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
diamond point a very hard small point made from a diamond
distributor point
breaker point
a contact in the distributor, as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs
dry point a steel needle for engraving without acid on a bare copper plate
dry point a print produced by dry point engraving
gros point needlepoint embroidery done with large stitches
gros point a needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads
houndstooth check
hound's-tooth check
dogstooth check
dogs-tooth check
dog's-tooth check
textile with a pattern of small broken or jagged checks
petit point needlepoint done with small stitches
petit point tent stitch a small diagonal needlepoint stitch
point sharp end, he stuck the point of the knife into a tree, he broke the point of his pencil
point power point a wall socket
point gunpoint the gun muzzle's direction, he held me up at the point of a gun
point-and-shoot camera a lightweight photographic camera with an autofocus
point lace
lace worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern
the head and sharpened point of a spear
three-way switch
three-point switch
an electric switch that has three terminals, used to control a circuit from two different locations
well point
a perforated tube driven into the ground to collect water from the surrounding area
boiling point being highly angry or excited, ready to boil over, after an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point
vanishing point the appearance of a point on the horizon at which parallel lines converge
a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something
point spot an outstanding characteristic, his acting was one of the high points of the movie
point a distinguishing or individuating characteristic, he knows my bad points as well as my good points
selling point a characteristic of something that is up for sale that makes it attractive to potential customers
Curie temperature
Curie point
the temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses its ferromagnetism and becomes paramagnetic
dew point the temperature at which the water vapor in the air becomes saturated and condensation begins
flash point
the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be ignited in air
freezing point
melting point
the temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid
boiling point boil the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level, they brought the water to a boil
the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip
point of view the spatial property of the position from which something is observed
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