
Ausgangspreis Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausgangspreis m
Ausgangspreise pl
initial price
initial prices
Ausgangspreis m
Ausgangspreise pl
initial price
initial prices
ausgehend; Ausgangs… adj adm. telco.
ausgehende Bestellungen
ausgehende Nachrichten
ausgehende Post
outgoing orders
outgoing messages
outgoing mail
Ausgangsadresse f, Sprungadresse f
home address
Ausgangsadresse, Srungadresse
home adress
Ausgangsadresse f; Sprungadresse f comp.
Ausgangsadressen pl; Sprungadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Artbildung f; Artentstehung f; Speziation f selten (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
sympatrische Artbildung (im selben Gebiet wie die Ausgangsart)
speciation (evolutionary biology)
sympatric speciation
Ausgangsauffächerung f; Ausgangslastfaktor m comp. electr.
starting basis
Ausgangsbasis f
starting point
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m fig.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m übtr.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
starting condition
starting conditions
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen schaffen
starting condition
starting conditions
to level the playing field fig.
Ausgangsbeschränkungen pl pol. mil.
movement restrictions; restrictions on movement
Betrag m; Summe f (von + Zahlenangabe) fin.
Ausgangsbetrag m
Nettobetrag m; Nettosumme f
ausgewiesener Betrag
ausgezahlter Betrag; Auszahlungsbetrag m
ausstehender Betrag
überfälliger Betrag
zu viel bezahlter Betrag; Differenzbetrag m
eine ansehnliche Summe
ein angemessener Geldbetrag; eine angemessene Geldsumme
in der Höhe von (nach Zahlenangaben)
ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Betrag
zu viel berechneter Betrag; überhöhter Betrag; übersetzter Betrag Schw.
ein Honorar in der Höhe von 100 Euro; ein Honorar von 100 Euro
Man einigte sich schließlich auf einen Betrag.
Ich musste die Summe von 500 Dollar zahlen.
amount; sum (of + numerical figure)
starting amount; initial amount
net amount; net total
amount stated
amount paid out
amount outstanding
amount overdue
excess amount
a substantial amount
a fair amount of money; a fair sum of money
in the amount of; to the amount of (used after numerical figures)
a considerable amount
a fee in to the amount of 100 euros; a fee of 100 euros
An amount was finally agreed upon.
I had to pay the sum of 500 dollars.
Ausgangsdaten pl, Urdaten pl
raw data
Ausgangsdaten, Urdaten
raw data
Ausgangsdaten pl; Urdaten pl
raw data
clearance outwards
Ausgangsdeklaration f
clearance outwards
Schriftstück n; Dokument n adm.
Schriftstücke pl; Dokumente pl
ausgehende Dokumente
echtes Dokument; authentisches Dokument
abhandengekommene Unterlagen
Arbeitsdokument n
(einzelstaatliche) Ausgangsdokumente für die Ausstellung von EU-Pässen
Originaldokument n
piece of writing; writing; document
pieces of writing; writings; documents
inquiry documents
authentic document
lost documents
working document; working paper
(national) breeder documents for the issuing of EU passports
original document; source document
Ausgangsdruck m phys. techn.
outlet pressure
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
Bezugsebene f; Ausgangsebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
datum plane; initial plane; basis
in-plane; level (with)
Ausgangsflur m
Ausgangsflure pl
exit corridor
exit corridors
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsformen pl
freight outward
Ausgangsfracht f
freight outward
Ausgangsgeschwindigkeit f
initial speed
Ausgangsgestein n geol.
source rock; parent rock
Ausgangsgestein n; Muttergestein n geol.
parent rock; parent material
Ausgangsgröße f
Ausgangsgrößen pl
output parameter
output parameters
Ausgangshafen m transp. naut.
Ausgangshäfen pl
port of exit
ports of exit
Ausgangskontrolle f
Ausgangskontrollen pl
check point
check points
Ausgangssituation f, Ausgangslage f
starting situation, initial situation
Ausgangsstellung f, Ausgangslage f, Ausgangszustand m
original position, initial position
löschen, zurücksetzen, in die Ausgangslage zurückführen v
löschend, zurücksetzend, in die Ausgangslage zurückführend
gelöscht, zurückgesetzt, in die Ausgangslage zurückgeführt
to reset {reset, reset}
Ausgangssituation f; Ausgangslage f
Ausgangssituationen pl; Ausgangslagen pl
starting situation; initial situation
starting situations; initial situations
Ausgangsstellung f; Ausgangslage f; Ausgangszustand m
Ausgangsstellungen pl; Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangszustände pl
original position; initial position
original positions; initial positions
etw. zurücksetzen; etw. in die Ausgangslage zurückführen; etw. auf null stellen; etw. in Grundstellung bringen v
eine Uhr neu stellen
einen Computer neu starten
den Kilometerzähler im Auto zurückstellen zurücksetzen
to reset sth. {reset; reset}
to reset a clock
to reset a computer
to reset a car
Ausgangslage f; Ausgangssituation f pol. soc.
Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangssituationen pl
baseline situation; initial situation
baseline situations; initial situations
Ausgangslastfaktor m
Ausgangsleistung f
power output, output power
Ausgangsleistung f techn.
output rating
power output
Ausgangsleistung f
power output; output power
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte nein Tausende von ...
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of ...
They came by the hundreds.
Wirkleistungsabgabe f; Leistungsabgabe f; (abgegebene) Leistung f; Ausgangsleistung f electr.
hohe Leistung
normale Leistung
sehr hohe Leistung
Entladeleistung einer Batterie
power output; output power; output
high output HO
normal output NO
very high output VHO
output of a battery
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte, nein Tausende von …
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of …
They came by the hundreds.
Ausgangslinie f
Ausgangslinien pl
Ausgangslinie f für Murmelwerfen
taw (line from which marbles are shot)
Abluft f; Fortluft f; Ausgangsluft f techn.
outgoing air; exhaust air; extracted air
Ausgangsmaterial n
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
starting material
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n techn.
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohstoff m; Edukt n chem.
Ausgangsmaterialien pl; Rohstoffe pl; Edukte pl
starting material
starting materials
Grundstoff m; Grundmaterial n; Ausgangsmaterial n
basic material
Ausgangsmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n; industrielles Rohmaterial n; Rohstoff m (für industrielle Anlagen) chem. techn.
biogene Rohstoffe; Biomasse-Rohstoffe
chemische Rohstoffe; Chemierohstoffe
biomass feedstock
chemical feedstock
energy feedstock
Ausgangsmaterialien pl techn.
raw materials
etw. veraschen v chem.
Ausgangsmenge der Veraschung
to incinerate; to ash sth.; to reduce sth. to ashes
incinerating; ashing; reducing to ashes
incinerated; ashed; reduced to ashes
mass of material to be ashed or dried
base level
Grundniveau n; Ausgangsniveau n
Grundniveaus pl; Ausgangsniveaus pl
basal level
basal levels
Ausgangspunkt m; Ausgangsort m
Ausgangspunkte pl; Ausgangsorte pl
point of departure; place of departure; starting place
points of departure; places of departure; starting places
Ausgangsort m fin.
Parameter m; (veränderliche) Größe f comp. sci. techn.
Parameter pl; veränderliche Größen pl
Kenngröße f; Kennwert m
aktueller Parameter; Aktualparameter m comp.
additiver Parameter phys.
Ausgangsparameter m techn.
Auswahlparameter m
Beatmungsparameter m med.
Eingangsparameter m techn.
Einstellparameter m techn.
Einzelparameter m techn.
freier Parameter techn.
Rauschkennwert m electr.
störender Parameter statist.
Stromkreisparameter m; Schaltungsparameter m; Schaltungsgröße f
Verteilungsparameter m statist.
Anpassung f von Parametern
characteristic parameter
actual parameter, actual argument
extensive parameter
output parameter
selection parameter
ventilation parameter
input parameter
adjustable parameter
single parameter
arbitrary parameter
characteristic noise parameter
deranging parameter; nuisance parameter
circuit parameter
distribution parameter
parameter adjustment
base period
die ganze Ausgangsport
all outgoing mail

Deutsche Ausgangspreis Synonyme

Englische initial price Synonyme

initial  OK  abecedarian  aboriginal  accept  accredit  affirm  alpha  alphabet  alphabetize  amen  antecedent  antenatal  approve  authenticate  authorize  autochthonous  autograph  basic  beginning  breaking-in  budding  capitalize  certify  character  commencing  confirm  cosign  countersign  creative  earliest  early  elemental  elementary  embryonic  endorse  fetal  first  first blush  first glance  first impression  first inning  first lap  first move  first round  first sight  first stage  first step  foremost  formative  foundational  fundamental  gambit  germinal  gestatory  give permission  give the go-ahead  give the imprimatur  give thumbs up  headmost  in embryo  in its infancy  in the bud  inaugural  inceptive  inchoate  inchoative  incipient  incunabular  infant  infantile  initiative  initiatory  inscribe  introductory  inventive  le premier pas  leading  letter  maiden  mark  monogram  nascent  natal  notarize  opening  opening move  original  parturient  pass  pass on  pass upon  permit  pioneer  postnatal  pregnant  prenatal  primal  primary  prime  primeval  primitive  primitiveness  primitivity  primogenial  procreative  ratify  rubber stamp  rudimental  rudimentary  sanction  say amen to  seal  second  sign  sign and seal  subscribe to  support  swear and affirm  swear to  transcribe  transliterate  undersign  underwrite  ur  validate  visa  vise  warming-up  warrant  
initially  ab initio  ab ovo  aborigine  at first  at the start  before everything  chiefly  first  first and foremost  first thing  firstly  from the beginning  in the beginning  mainly  originally  primarily  primitively  primo  principally  
initials  ID card  John Hancock  X  autograph  badge  calligram  calling card  card  christcross  cipher  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  credentials  cross  device  dog tag  endorsement  hand  identification  identification badge  identification tag  letter of introduction  mark  mark of signature  monogram  press card  seal  serial number  sigil  sign manual  signature  signet  subscription  tessera  visa  vise  visiting card  

Ausgangspreis Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the beginning
(a.) Placed at the beginning
(n.) The first letter of a word or a name.
(v. t.) To put an initial to
(n. & v.) The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his goods in market
(n. & v.) Value
(n. & v.) Reward
(v. t.) To pay the price of.
(v. t.) To set a price on
(v. t.) To ask the price of

initial price / initial prices Bedeutung

price cutting
price cut
cutting the price of merchandise to one lower than the usual or advertised price
price reduction
the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise
price freeze a freeze of prices at a given level
price-fixing control (by agreement among producers or by government) of the price of a commodity in interstate commerce
initial public offering
initial offering
a corporation's first offer to sell stock to the public
price increase increase in price
price the high value or worth of something, her price is far above rubies
monetary value
the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold), the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver, he puts a high price on his services, he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection
bargain rate
cut rate
cut price
a price below the standard price
price cost toll value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something, the cost in human life was enormous, the price of success is hard work, what price glory?
price gouging pricing above the market price when no alternative retailer is available
price list a listing of prices for different goods or services
price index
price level
an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
retail price index an index of changes in retail prices
producer price index
wholesale price index
an index of changes in wholesale prices
consumer price index
cost-of-living index
an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
price control restriction on maximum prices that is established and maintained by the government (as during periods of war or inflation)
price floor floor below which prices are not allowed to fall, the government used price supports to maintain the price floor
initial the first letter of a word (especially a person's name), he refused to put the initials FRS after his name
initial rhyme
beginning rhyme
head rhyme
use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse, around the rock the ragged rascal ran
price a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal, the cattle thief has a price on his head
price tag a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to
price bracket a category of merchandise based on their price
Post Emily Post
Emily Price Post
United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (-)
Leontyne Price
Mary Leontyne Price
United States operatic soprano (born )
Wood Mrs. Henry Wood
Ellen Price Wood
English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (-)
bride price money or property given (in some societies) by the bridegroom to the family of his bride
price support a government subsidy used to maintain prices at a certain level
the amount of money needed to purchase something, the price of gasoline, he got his new car on excellent terms, how much is the damage?
price cost of bribing someone, they say that every politician has a price
asking price
selling price
the price at which something is offered for sale
bid price (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
closing price (stock market) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading session
offer price (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to sell a certain security
upset price (auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids
factory price price charged for goods picked up at the factory
list price the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list, often subject to discounts, I got it at % off the list price
purchase price the price at which something is actually purchased
spot price
cash price
the current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market
entrance fee
admission charge
admission fee
admission price
price of admission
entrance money
the fee charged for admission
market value
market price
the price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace
rising prices
a general and progressive increase in prices, in inflation everything gets more valuable except money
price-to-earnings ratio
(stock market) the price of a stock divided by its earnings
price war
price competition
intense competition in which competitors cut retail prices to gain business
price ascertain or learn the price of, Have you priced personal computers lately?
initial mark with one's initials
price determine the price of, The grocer priced his wares high
price-controlled having the price regulated or controlled by government
cut-rate cut-price
costing less than standard price, buying bargain-priced clothes for the children, cut-rate goods
initial occurring at the beginning, took the initial step toward reconciliation
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