
Ausgleichtiefofen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausgleichtiefofen m; Tiefofen m; Ausgleichgrube f; Durchweichgrube f (Metallurgie) techn.
Großraumtiefofen m
pit furnace; soaking pit (metallurgy)
large-space soaking pit
Ausgleichtiefofen m; Tiefofen m; Ausgleichgrube f; Durchweichgrube f (Metallurgie) techn.
Großraumtiefofen m
pit furnace; soaking pit (metallurgy)
large-space soaking pit
angemessener Ausgleich
fair compensation
angemessener Ausgleich
reasonable compensation
Ausgleich der Bewegungen
balance of motions
Ausgleich einer Differenz
adjustment of a difference
Ausgleich einer Rechnung
settlement of an account
Ausgleich, Ausgeglichenheit, Gleichgewicht
Ausgleich, Liquidation, Abrechnung, Zahlung
Gleichstellung, Ausgleich
Kompensation, Entschädigung, Ausgleich
Ausgleich m
angemessener Ausgleich
fair compensation
Ausgleich m, Gleichstellung f
Ausgleichungen pl, Gleichstellungen pl
equalization, equalisation
equalizations, equalisations
Ausgleich m
Ausgleich m (für)
zum Ausgleich unseres Kontos
balance (to)
in order to balance our account
Ausgleich m, Ersatz m
Ausgleich m
zum Ausgleich, als Ausgleich (für)
as an offset (to)
Ausgleich m sport
tie, draw
Ausgleich m
vollständiger Ausgleich
Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
full settlement
Bank for International Settlements
Ausgleichstreffer m, Ausgleichstor n, Ausgleich m sport
Ausgleichstreffer pl, Ausgleichstore pl
equalizer, equaliser, equalizing goal
equalizers, equalisers, equalizing goals
Gleichung, Ausgleich
Ausgleich, Ableger, Adressabstand, abzweigen
Ausgleich, ausgleichen
zum Ausgleich unseres Kontos
in order to balance our account
Ausgleich m; Ersatz m
angemessener Ausgleich
als Ersatz für
fair compensation
as compensation for; by way of compensation for
Ausgleich m; Gleichstellung f; Ausgleichung f
Ausgleichungen pl; Gleichstellungen pl; Ausgleichungen pl
equalization eAm.; equalisation Br.
equalizations; equalisations
Ausgleich m; Ersatz m
Ausgleich m
zum Ausgleich; als Ausgleich (für)
as an offset (to)
Ausgleich m sport
tie; draw
Ausgleichsmaßnahme f; Ausgleich m; Gegengewicht n (zu etw.)
Ausgleichsmaßnahmen pl; Ausgleiche pl; Gegengewichte pl
counterbalance; equipoise (to sth.); compensation measure
counterbalances; equipoises; compensation measures
Ausgleichstreffer m; Ausgleichstor n; Ausgleich m (Ballsport) sport
Ausgleichstreffer pl; Ausgleichstore pl; Ausgleiche pl
gegen Argentinien den Ausgleich erzielen
equalizing goal; equalizer; equaliser Br. (ball sports)
equalizing goals; equalizers; equalisers
to score the equalizer against Argentina
Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich m TOA ; außergerichtlicher Tatausgleich Ös. jur.
restorative justice
Wiedergutmachung f; Ausgleich m
etw. anstreben v; sich um etw. bemühen v; etw. betreiben v
sich bemühen etw. zu tun
auf Rache sinnen
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
Schadensersatz fordern
Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien strebt eine Wiederwahl an.
Ich habe meine derzeitige Stellung nicht angestrebt.
Diese Kontroverse geht nicht von mir aus.
Die Dissidenten suchten in der Botschaft Schutz vor Verfolgung.
Sie betreiben ganz offen seinen Rausschmiss.
Wasser strebt immer nach Ausgleich.
Sie bemühten sich die Öffentlichkeit zu beruhigen.
Die Schulen bemühen sich die Abbruchrate zu verringern.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (try to obtain or achieve)
to seek to do sth.
to seek revenge
to seek sb.'s life
to seek damages
The governor of California seeks re-election.
My present position is not of my seeking.
This controversy is not of my seeking.
The dissidents were seeking refuge from persecution in the embassy.
They are openly seeking his being sacked.
Water seeks its own level.
They sought to reassure the public.
Schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
etw. wettmachen; ausgleichen; einen Ausgleich für etw. schaffen v
wettmachend; ausgleichend; einen Ausgleich schaffend
wettgemacht; ausgeglichen; einen Ausgleich geschaffen
macht wett; gleicht aus
machte wett; glich aus
etw. mehr als wettmachen
den Verlust ausgleichen
den Zeitverlust wieder wettmachen; die verlorene Zeit wieder aufholen
Der sonnige September war der Ausgleich für den nassen August.
Was dem Film an Handlung fehlt gleicht er durch Spezialeffekte wieder aus.
to make up for sth.
making up
made up
makes up
made up for
to more than make up for sth.
to make up for losses
to make up for lost time
A sunny September made up for a wet August.
What the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects.
Tiebreak m; Ausgleich m sport
tiebreaker; tie breaker
Ausgleich m (zwischen A und B)
trade-off (between A and B)
Ausgleich m
isostatischer Ausgleich
isostatic adjustment
Ausgleich m; Ersatz m
angemessener Ausgleich
als Ersatz für
Ersatz für etw. leisten
fair compensation
as compensation for; by way of compensation for
to make compensation for sth.
Ausgleichstätigkeit f; Ausgleich m
ein Ausgleich zum beruflichen Stress
a counterbalance to stress in the workplace
(bei einem Spiel Wettkampf) den Gleichstand herstellen; gleichziehen; den Ausgleich erzielen (Ballsport) v sport
den Gleichstand herstellend; gleichziehend; den Ausgleich erzielend
den Gleichstand hergestellt; gleichgezogen; den Ausgleich erzielt
ein unentschiedenes Spiel
to square a game match
squaring a game match
squared a game match
a squared game
Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich m TOA ; außergerichtlicher Tatausgleich Ös. jur.
restorative justice
etw. anstreben v; sich um etw. bemühen v; etw. betreiben v
sich bemühen, etw. zu tun
auf Rache sinnen
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
Schadensersatz fordern
Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien strebt eine Wiederwahl an.
Ich habe meine derzeitige Stellung nicht angestrebt.
Diese Kontroverse geht nicht von mir aus.
Die Dissidenten suchten in der Botschaft Schutz vor Verfolgung.
Sie betreiben ganz offen seinen Rausschmiss.
Wasser strebt immer nach Ausgleich.
Sie bemühten sich, die Öffentlichkeit zu beruhigen.
Die Schulen bemühen sich, die Abbruchrate zu verringern.
Die vorliegende Studie will einen umfassenden Vergleich der Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Nachwirkungen der vergangenen Hochwasserereignisse anstellen.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (try to obtain or achieve)
to seek to do sth.
to seek revenge
to seek sb.'s life
to seek damages
The governor of California seeks re-election.
My present position is not of my seeking.
This controversy is not of my seeking.
The dissidents were seeking refuge from persecution in the embassy.
They are openly seeking his being sacked.
Water seeks its own level.
They sought to reassure the public.
Schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
The present review seeks to provide a comprehensive comparison of the causes, effects and aftermaths of past flooding events.
ausgeglichenes Verhältnis n; ausgewogenes Verhältnis n; Ausgleich m (zwischen zwei Sachen)
ausgeglichenes Kräfteverhältnis; Gleichgewicht der Kräfte pol.
ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis einen Ausgleich zwischen den Bedürfnissen des Einzelnen und denen der Gemeinschaft finden
(fair) balance (between two things)
balance of power
to strike a fair balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the community
einen Negativsaldo ausgleichen; glattstellen v fin.
einen Negativsaldo ausgleichend; glattstellend
einen Negativsaldo ausgeglichen; glattgestellt
ein Konto ausgleichen; saldieren
die Bücher abschließen; die Bilanz aufstellen
den Staatshaushalt ausgleichen
das Hauptbuch saldieren
zum Ausgleich unseres Kontos
to balance sth.
to balance an account
to balance the books
to balance the national budget
to balance the ledger
to balance our account
schlichtend eingreifen; vermittelnd eingreifen; vermitteln, als Vermittler fungieren v (zwischen jdm. bei einem Konflikt)
schlichtend eingreifend; vermittelnd eingreifend; vermittelnd; als Vermittler fungierend
schlichtend eingegriffen; vermittelnd eingegriffen; vermittelt; als Vermittler fungiert
einen Ausgleich zwischen verschiedenen Interessen herbeiführen
zwischen den Interessensgruppen vermitteln
Er wurde gebeten, zwischen den gegnerischen Parteien zu vermitteln.
to arbitrate (between among sb. in a conflict)
to arbitrate between different interests
to arbitrate among the interest groups
He has been asked to arbitrate between the opposing sides.
etw. wettmachen; ausgleichen; einen Ausgleich für etw. schaffen v
wettmachend; ausgleichend; einen Ausgleich schaffend
wettgemacht; ausgeglichen; einen Ausgleich geschaffen
macht wett; gleicht aus
machte wett; glich aus
etw. mehr als wettmachen
den Verlust ausgleichen
den Zeitverlust wieder wettmachen; die verlorene Zeit wieder aufholen
Der sonnige September war der Ausgleich für den nassen August.
Was dem Film an Handlung fehlt, gleicht er durch Spezialeffekte wieder aus.
to make up for sth.
making up
made up
makes up
made up for
to more than make up for sth.
to make up for losses
to make up for lost time
A sunny September made up for a wet August.
What the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects.
ausgleichbar adj
Dekompensation f, nicht mehr ausgleichbare Organstörung med.
Dekompensation f; nicht mehr ausgleichbare Organstörung med.
Ausgleichsbecken n; Ausgleichbecken n
Ausgleichsbecken pl; Ausgleichbecken pl
compensating reservoir; equalizing reservoir
compensating reservoirs; equalizing reservoirs
Ausgleichsbecken n; Ausgleichbecken n; Pufferbecken n (Wasserbau)
Ausgleichsbecken pl; Ausgleichbecken pl; Pufferbecken pl
compensating reservoir; equalizing reservoir (water engineering)
compensating reservoirs; equalizing reservoirs
Saldo m, Kontostand m
Salden pl, Ausgleiche pl
per Saldo
Saldo zu Ihren Lasten
balance, balance of account
on balance
debit balance
Salden, ausgleiche
Saldo m; Kontostand m
Salden pl; Ausgleiche pl
per Saldo
Saldo zu Ihren Lasten; Sollsaldo n
negativer Saldo
balance; balance of account
on balance
debit balance
deficit balance
Ausgleicheinrichtung f; Ausgleichseinrichtung f techn.
Ausgleicheinrichtungen pl; Ausgleichseinrichtungen pl
compensating device
compensating devices
ansiedeln, beruhigen, ausgleichen, festlegen
ausgleichen, ersetzen
make up for
ausgleichen, gleichmachen
ausgleichen, saldieren
den Verlust ausgleichen
make up for losses
ein Konto ausgleichen, eine Rechnung bezahlen
settle an account
einen Saldo ausgleichen
settle a balance
Verlust ausgleichen
set off a loss
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
halber Preis, zum halben Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu jeweiligen Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis, Taxe f
Preis, alles inbegriffen, Gesamtpreis m
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis nennen
Preise angeben
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at current prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
all in price
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to quote prices
to adjust prices
to push up prices, to force up prices
at any price
not at any price, not for anything
abgleichen, ausgleichen, gleichziehen v
abgleichend, ausgleichend, gleichziehend
abgeglichen, ausgeglichen, gleichgezogen
to square
angleichen, ausgleichen v
angleichend, ausgleichend
angeglichen, ausgeglichen
to adjust
aufwiegen, ausgleichen
aufwiegend, ausgleichend
aufgewogen, ausgeglichen
to balance out
balancing out
balanced out

Deutsche Ausgleichtiefofen Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Ausgleichtiefofen Synonym nachschlagen

Englische pit furnace; soaking pit Synonyme

pit  American Stock Exchange  Amex  L  R  Wall Street  abysm  abyss  acorn  acting area  agora  alveolation  alveolus  amphitheater  antrum  apron  apron stage  arena  armpit  athletic field  audience  auditorium  auditory  background  backstage  balcony  band shell  bandstand  bank  barrow  basin  bear garden  beehive tomb  berry  bird seed  birthmark  blackhead  bleb  blemish  blister  board  bone house  bourse  bowl  box  box grave  box seat  boxing ring  bridge  bull ring  bulla  burial  burial chamber  burial mound  campus  canvas  catacombs  cavity  cenotaph  charnel house  chasm  check  cicatrix  circus  cist  cist grave  coal mine  cockpit  coliseum  colliery  colosseum  comedo  commodity exchange  concave  concavity  congregation  corn pit  coulisse  counter  course  crack  crater  craze  crevasse  cromlech  crypt  cup  curb  curb exchange  curb market  deep  deep six  defacement  defect  deformation  deformity  dent  depress  depression  depth  dig  diggings  dimple  dint  dip  disfiguration  disfigurement  distortion  dock  dokhma  dolmen  dress circle  dressing room  engrave  excavation  exchange  exchange floor  fault  fauteuil  feel  field  finish  flaw  flaxseed  flies  floor  fly floor  fly gallery  fold  follicle  forestage  forum  freckle  fruit  funnel chest  furrow  gallery  gold mine  gouge  grain  granular texture  grave  greenroom  grid  gridiron  ground  groundling  gulf  gym  gymnasium  hall  hayseed  hemangioma  hickey  hippodrome  hole  hollow  hollow shell  honeycomb  house  house of death  impress  impression  imprint  indent  indentation  indention  indenture  keloid  kernel  kink  knub  lacuna  last home  lentigo  lightboard  linseed  lists  locale  loge  long home  low green tent  low house  marketplace  mastaba  mat  match  mausoleum  milieu  milium  mine  mole  monstrance  mummy chamber  nap  narrow house  needle scar  nevus  nigger heaven  notch  nub  nut  open cut  open forum  opencast  orchestra  orchestra circle  orchestra pit    
pit against  aggravate  alienate  bump heads  come between  confront  contend  contrapose  contraposit  contrast  counteract  disaffect  disunite  divide  estrange  face  fan the flame  front  irritate  lie opposite  light the fuse  make trouble  match  meet head-on  oppose  polarize  pose against  provoke  put in opposition  separate  set against  set at odds  set at variance  set on  set over against  sic on  sow dissension  stand opposed  stand opposite  stir up trouble  subtend  
pitapat  arrhythmia  barrage  beat  beating  bump  chink  click  clink  clop  clump  clunk  crump  dance  didder  disquiet  disquietude  dithers  drum  drum music  drumbeat  drumfire  drumming  dull thud  fidgetiness  fidgets  flap  flick  flicker  flit  flitter  flop  flump  flutter  heartbeat  heartthrob  heaving  inquietude  pad  palpitant  palpitation  panting  paradiddle  pat  patter  pitter-patter  plump  plunk  pop  pound  pounding  pulsatile  pulsating  pulsation  pulsative  pulsatory  pulse  pulsing  quaking  quaver  quavering  quiver  quivering  rap  rat-a-tat  rat-tat  rat-tat-tat  rataplan  rattattoo  restlessness  rhythm  rhythmic  roll  rub-a-dub  ruff  ruffle  shake  shakes  shaking  shiver  shivers  shudder  spatter  splutter  sputter  staccato  tap  tat-tat  tattoo  tempo  throb  throbbing  thrum  thud  thump  thumping  tick  tinkle  tom-tom  tremble  trembling  tremor  trepidation  trepidity  tunk  twitter  unrest  waver  
pitch  AF  French pitch  abuse  acme  address  after-dinner speech  allocution  amount  angularity  apex  apogee  ascend  asphalt  assail  assault  assist  attack  audio frequency  ballyhoo  bank  base  belabor  belly buster  belly flop  belly whopper  bevel  bezel  bitumen  bivouac  blunder  bob  bobble  bowl  brow  buck off  build  build in  bung  caliber  camp  camp out  cannonball  cant  cap  capsize  careen  career  cascade  cast  cast up  catapult  cataract  chalk talk  change of pace  change-up  charcoal  chip in  choose  chuck  chunk  chute  classical pitch  climax  climb  cloud nine  coal  coggle  collapse  come a cropper  come down  compass  contribute  cooperate  crash  crash dive  crest  crow  crown  culmen  culmination  curve  cut  dangle  dart  dash  debate  declamation  decline  degree  depth  descend  determine  diatribe  dip  dip down  dive  down  downcurve  drive stakes  drop  drop down  drop off  easy slope  ebon  ebony  edge  elect  elevate  encamp  erect  establish  eulogy  exhortation  extent  extreme limit  extremity  fall  fall away  fall down  fall flat  fall headlong  fall off  fall over  fall prostrate  falter  fastball  filibuster  fire  fix  fleam  fling  flip  flounce  flounder  fluctuate  flutter  forensic  forensic address  fork  formal speech  forward pass  found  frequency  fundamental  fundamental tone  funeral oration  gainer  gentle slope  get a cropper  glacis  go camping  go down  go downhill  go uphill  grade  gradient  gravitate  ground  hanging gardens  harangue  harmonic  header  heave  heaven  heavens  height  helicline  help  high noon  high pitch  highest pitch  highest point  hillside  hobbyhorse  hoist  hortatory address  hurl  hurtle  inaugural  inaugural address  inclination  incline  inclined plane  incurve  inflection  ink  install  interval  intonation  intonation pattern  invective  invest  jackknife  jeremiad  jerk  jet  jump on  keel  key  knuckleball  labor  lance  lash out at  lateral  lateral pass  launch  l  
pitch black  atramentous  beamless  black  black as coal  black as ebony  black as ink  black as midnight  black as night  caliginous  coal-black  coaly  dark  dark as night  dark as pitch  darkling  darksome  deep black  ebon  ebony  eclipsed  ink-black  inky  jet  jetty  midnight  night-black  night-clad  night-cloaked  night-dark  night-enshrouded  night-filled  night-mantled  night-veiled  nigrous  obfuscated  obscure  obscured  occulted  pitch-dark  pitchy  raven  raven-black  rayless  sable  sloe  sloe-black  sloe-colored  starless  sunless  tar-black  tarry  tenebrious  tenebrose  tenebrous  unilluminated  unlighted  unlit  
pitch in  attack  begin  blast away  blast off  break bread  buckle down  commence  count calories  diet  dive in  dive into  eat  enter on  enter upon  fall to  fare  feed  get busy  get cracking  get going  get to  get with it  go ahead  go to it  head into  hop to it  hunger  jump in  jump off  jump to it  kick off  launch  launch into  light into  partake  partake of  pitch into  plunge into  relish  sail into  savor  send off  set about  set at  set in  set out  set sail  set to  set to work  start  start in  start off  start out  subscribe  tackle  take  take off  take on  taste  turn to  undertake  wade into  
pitch into  accept  ambush  assail  assault  assume  attack  attempt  blitz  buckle to  bushwhack  come at  come down on  crack down on  descend on  descend upon  dive into  draw first blood  embark in  embark upon  endeavor  engage in  enter on  enter upon  fall into  fall on  fall to  fall upon  gang up on  get busy  get cracking  get going  get under way  get with it  go about  go at  go for  go in for  go into  go to it  go upon  harry  have at  hit  hit like lightning  hop to it  jump  jump to it  land on  launch forth  launch into  lay about  lay about one  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  lay on  light into  make war on  move into  mug  pitch in  plunge into  pounce upon  pound  proceed to  sail into  set about  set at  set forward  set going  set on  set to  set to work  set upon  square up  start in  strike  surprise  swoop down on  tackle  take on  take the offensive  take up  turn to  undertake  venture upon  wade into  
pitched  accented  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  arranged  articulated  aslant  aslope  assimilated  atilt  back  barytone  bevel  beveled  bias  biased  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  canting  careening  central  cerebral  checked  close  consonant  consonantal  continuant  coordinated  deliberate  dental  dissimilated  dorsal  flat  front  glide  glossal  glottal  guttural  hard  heavy  high  inclinational  inclinatory  inclined  inclining  intonated  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  leaning  light  lingual  liquid  listing  low  mid  monophthongal  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  oblique  occlusive  open  organized  out of plumb  out of square  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  pitch  pitching  planned  posttonic  raking  recumbent  retroflex  rounded  semivowel  shelving  shelvy  sideling  sidelong  slant  slanted  slanting  slantways  slantwise  sloped  sloping  soft  sonant  stopped  stressed  strong  surd  syllabic  systematized  tense  thick  throaty  tilted  tilting  tipped  tipping  tipsy  tonal  tonic  twangy  unaccented  unrounded  unstressed  velar  vocalic  vocoid  voiced  voiceless  vowel  vowellike  weak  wide  
pitching  archery  careening  casting  chucking  dangling  firing  flinging  gunnery  heaving  hurling  inclining  jaculation  leaning  lobbing  lurching  musketry  oblique  pitched  projection  reeling  rocking  rolling  shooting  skeet  skeet shooting  slinging  sloped  sloping  swaying  swinging  throwing  tilted  tilting  tipped  tossing  trajection  trapshooting  
pitchman  ballyhoo man  ballyhooer  barker  bunco artist  bunco steerer  canvasser  cardsharp  cardsharper  carpetbagger  con artist  con man  confidence man  crimp  horse coper  horse trader  jackleg  land pirate  land shark  land-grabber  mortgage shark  pettifogger  shark  sharp  sharper  sharpie  shortchanger  shyster  slicker  solicitor  spieler  tout  touter  
pitchy  atramentous  beamless  black  black as coal  black as ebony  black as ink  black as midnight  black as night  caliginous  coal-black  coaly  dark  dark as night  dark as pitch  darkling  darksome  deep black  ebon  ebony  eclipsed  gumlike  gummous  gummy  ink-black  inky  jet  jetty  midnight  night-black  night-clad  night-cloaked  night-dark  night-enshrouded  night-filled  night-mantled  night-veiled  nigrous  obfuscated  obscure  obscured  occulted  onyx  pitch-black  pitch-dark  raven  raven-black  rayless  resinic  resinoid  resinous  resiny  sable  sloe  sloe-black  sloe-colored  starless  sunless  tar-black  tarry  tenebrious  tenebrose  tenebrous  unilluminated  unlighted  unlit  
piteous  affecting  afflictive  beseeching  bitter  bleak  cheerless  comfortless  deplorable  depressing  depressive  discomforting  dismal  dismaying  distressful  distressing  doleful  dolorific  dolorogenic  dolorous  dreary  emotional  entreating  grievous  heartrending  imploring  joyless  lamentable  melancholy  miserable  mournful  moving  painful  pathetic  pitiable  pitiful  plaintive  poignant  poor  regrettable  rueful  ruined  sad  saddening  sharp  sore  sorrowful  supplicating  tearful  touching  uncomfortable  woebegone  woeful  wretched  
pitfall  Dionaea  bait  baited trap  booby trap  catch  cobweb  coral heads  danger  deadfall  deathtrap  decoy  difficulty  entanglement  firetrap  flytrap  gin  hazard  ironbound coast  ledges  lee shore  lure  meshes  mine  mole trap  mousetrap  peril  pit  quicksands  rattrap  risk  rockbound coast  rocks  sandbank  sandbar  sands  set gun  shallows  shoals  snag  snare  spring gun  springe  toils  trap  trapfall  undercurrent  undertow  web  
pith  affective meaning  axiom  axis  backbone  bearing  bench mark  bottom  burden  butter  cardinal point  cataplasm  center  center of action  center of gravity  centroid  centrum  chief thing  chutzpah  climax  coloring  connotation  consequence  core  cornerstone  courage  crisis  critical point  crush  crux  dead center  denotation  dental pulp  depth  distillate  distillation  drift  effect  elixir  epicenter  essence  essential  essential matter  essentiality  extension  fabric  flower  focal point  focus  force  fulcrum  fundamental  gameness  gist  grammatical meaning  gravamen  gravity  great point  grit  guts  gutsiness  guttiness  heart  heart of oak  high point  hub  hypostasis  idea  impact  implication  import  importance  important thing  inner essence  intension  intestinal fortitude  issue  kernel  keystone  landmark  lexical meaning  literal meaning  magnitude  main point  main thing  marrow  mash  material  material point  matter  meaning  meaningfulness  meat  medium  medulla  metacenter  mettle  mettlesomeness  middle  milestone  moment  momentousness  moxie  mush  nave  navel  nerve  nub  nucleus  nuts and bolts  omphalos  overtone  paper pulp  paste  pertinence  pivot  plaster  pluck  pluckiness  point  porridge  postulate  poultice  practical consequence  principle  pudding  pulp  pulp lead  pulpwood  purport  quick  quid  quiddity  quintessence  quintessential  rag pulp  range of meaning  real issue  real meaning  recap  recapitulation  reference  referent  relation  relevance  resume  rock bottom  root  run-through  rundown  salient point  sap  sauce  scope  semantic cluster  semantic field  sense  short  significance  signification  significatum  signifie  sine qua non  smash  soul  span of meaning  spirit  sponge  spunk  spunkiness  squash  stamina  storm center  stout heart  structural meaning  stuff  substance  substantive point  sulfate pulp  sulfite pulp  sum  sum and substance  summary  summation  symbolic meaning  tenor  the botto  
pithy  Spartan  abbreviated  abridged  allegorical  aphoristic  aposiopestic  associational  axiomatic  baccate  brief  brusque  clipped  close  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  connotational  connotative  contracted  crisp  curt  cut  definable  denotational  denotative  docked  doughy  edematous  effective  elliptic  epigrammatic  expressive  extended  extensional  figurative  flabby  fleshy  forceful  formulaic  formulistic  full of meaning  full of point  full of substance  gnomic  indicative  intelligible  intensional  interpretable  laconic  lean  macerated  masticated  meaning  meaningful  meaty  medullary  metaphorical  mushy  pasty  platitudinous  pointed  pregnant  proverbial  pruned  pulpal  pulpar  pulped  pulplike  pulpy  pungent  readable  referential  reserved  sententious  short  short and sweet  shortened  significant  significative  soft  spongy  squashy  squelchy  squishy  substantial  succinct  succulent  suggestive  summary  symbolic  synopsized  taciturn  terse  tight  to the point  transferred  truncated  
pitiful  abominable  affecting  arrant  atrocious  awful  base  beastly  beggarly  beneath contempt  beneath one  blameworthy  brutal  cheap  cheesy  common  contemptible  crummy  debasing  degrading  demeaning  deplorable  despicable  detestable  dire  disgraceful  disgusting  doleful  dreadful  egregious  enormous  fetid  filthy  flagrant  foul  fulsome  gaudy  gimcracky  grievous  gross  gutter  hateful  heartrending  heinous  horrible  horrid  humiliating  humiliative  infamous  infra dig  infra indignitatem  insignificant  lamentable  little  loathsome  lousy  mean  meretricious  miserable  monstrous  moving  nasty  nefarious  noisome  notorious  obnoxious  odious  offensive  opprobrious  outrageous  paltry  pathetic  piteous  pitiable  poor  rank  regrettable  reprehensible  repulsive  rotten  rubbishy  rueful  sad  scandalous  schlock  scrubby  scruffy  scummy  scurvy  scuzzy  shabby  shameful  shocking  shoddy  small  sordid  sorry  squalid  terrible  too bad  touching  trashy  trifling  trumpery  two-for-a-cent  two-for-a-penny  twopenny  twopenny-halfpenny  unbecoming  unclean  unimportant  unworthy of one  valueless  vile  villainous  woeful  worst  worthless  wretched  
pitiless  atrocious  barbaric  barbarous  bestial  bloody  bowelless  brutal  brutish  coldhearted  cruel  cutthroat  dog-eat-dog  feral  ferine  ferocious  fierce  flinty  hard  hardhearted  harsh  heartless  inclement  inexorable  inhuman  inhumane  ironhearted  kill-crazy  malign  malignant  marblehearted  merciless  murderous  noncivilized  relentless  remorseless  ruthless  sanguinary  savage  stony  tameless  uncivilized  uncompassionate  uncompassioned  unfeeling  unforgiving  ungentle  unmerciful  unpitiful  unpitying  unremorseful  unsympathetic  unsympathizing  untamed  unyielding  vicious  wild  without mercy  
pitilessness  acuteness  animality  atrocity  barbarity  bloodlust  brutality  callosity  callousness  coldbloodedness  coldheartedness  coldness  destructiveness  extremity  ferociousness  fierceness  force  furiousness  hardheartedness  hardness  hardness of heart  harshness  heart of stone  heartlessness  impetuosity  inclemency  inhumanity  insensitivity  intensity  malignity  mercilessness  mindlessness  murderousness  obduracy  rigor  roughness  savagery  severity  sharpness  terrorism  unfeeling  ungentleness  unmercifulness  unnaturalness  unresponsiveness  vandalism  vehemence  venom  viciousness  violence  virulence  
pittance  ace  alms  alms fee  atom  bit  charity  collection  contribution  dab  dole  donation  donative  dot  dram  dribble  driblet  dwarf  farthing  fleck  flyspeck  fragment  gobbet  grain  granule  groat  hair  half rations  handful  handout  inadequacy  insufficiency  iota  jot  little  little bit  mere subsistence  minim  minimum  minutiae  mite  modicum  molecule  mote  nutshell  offering  offertory  ounce  particle  peanuts  pebble  pinch  point  scrap  scrimption  scruple  shoestring  short allowance  short commons  small potatoes  smidgen  smitch  speck  spoonful  spot  starvation wages  subscription  thimbleful  tiny bit  tithe  tittle  trace  trifling amount  trivia  votive offering  whit  
pitted  alveolar  alveolate  broken  bumpy  choppy  coarse  coarse-grained  corroded  corrugated  cross-grained  defaced  dented  depressed  dimpled  engraved  eroded  faveolate  grainy  granulated  homespun  honeycombed  horripilant  indented  inequal  irregular  jolty  knobbed  linsey-woolsey  marred  nappy  notched  nubbly  nubby  perforated  pierced  pily  pimply  pocked  pockmarked  pocky  potholed  rank  ripply  rough  rough-cast  rough-grained  rough-hewn  ruffled  rutted  rutty  shagged  shaggy  studded  textured  uneven  unkempt  unlevel  unpolished  unrefined  unsmooth  ununiform  wimpled  

Ausgleichtiefofen Definition

Almond furnace
() A kind of furnace used in refining, to separate the metal from cinders and other foreign matter.
(n.) Alt. of Ash-oven
(n.) The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action, by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as in electroplating and electrotyping
(a.) Foolishly liberal.
(n.) An inclosed place in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, as for reducing ores or melting metals, for warming a house, for baking pottery, etc.
(n.) A place or time of punishment, affiction, or great trial
(n.) To throw out, or exhale, as from a furnace
(superl.) Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk, capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of constituent units
(superl.) Abundant
(superl.) Full in statement
(superl.) Having more than usual power or capacity
(superl.) Free
(superl.) Unrestrained by decorum
(superl.) Prodigal in expending
(superl.) Crossing the line of a ship's course in a favorable direction
(adv.) Freely
(n.) A musical note, formerly in use, equal to two longs, four breves, or eight semibreves.
(a.) Possessing much land.
(a.) Having large hands, Fig.: Taking, or giving, in large quantities
(a.) Having a large or generous heart or disposition
(n.) The art of working metals, comprehending the whole process of separating them from other matters in the ore, smelting, refining, and parting them
Pernot furnace
() A reverberatory furnace with a circular revolving hearth, -- used in making steel.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Soak
(a.) Wetting thoroughly
(n.) Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain
(n.) Place, having more or less extension
(n.) A quantity or portion of extension
(n.) Quantity of time
(n.) A short time
(n.) Walk
(n.) A small piece of metal cast lower than a face type, so as not to receive the ink in printing, -- used to separate words or letters.
(n.) The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books.
(n.) One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff.
(n.) To walk
(n.) To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between

pit furnace; soaking pit (metallurgy) / large-space soaking pit Bedeutung

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located, they tested his ability to locate objects in space, the boundless regions of the infinite
absolute space physical space independent of what occupies it
phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
soak soaking washing something by allowing it to soak
soaking souse
the act of making something completely wet, he gave it a good drenching
space walk any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew
space travel
a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere
tall order
large order
a formidable task or requirement, finishing in time was a tall order but we did it
large poodle the largest breed of poodle
large civet
Viverra zibetha
common civet of India and southeast Asia
large white
Pieris brassicae
Old World form of cabbage butterfly
blast furnace a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores, combustion is intensified by a blast of air
dead-air space an unventilated area where no air circulates
electric furnace any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current
furnace an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
furnace lining
lining consisting of material with a high melting point, used to line the inside walls of a furnace
furnace room a room (usually in the basement of a building) that contains a furnace for heating the building
gas furnace a furnace that burns gas
hair space (printing) the narrowest of the spaces used to separate words or letters
oil burner
oil furnace
a furnace that burns oil
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
quad space (printing) a block of type without a raised letter, used for spacing between words or sentences
reverberatory furnace a furnace in which the material that is being treated is heated indirectly by flames that are directed at the roof and walls of the furnace
solar dish
solar collector
solar furnace
a concave mirror that concentrates the rays of the sun, can produce high temperatures
space bar the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
space capsule
a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
ballistic capsule
space vehicle
a craft capable of traveling in outer space, technically, a satellite around the sun
space heater heater consisting of a selfontained (usually portable) unit to warm a room
space helmet a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
Space Needle a towerfeet tall in Seattle, a tourist attraction
space probe a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere, makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation
space rocket a rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space
space shuttle a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
Stassano furnace
electric-arc furnace
an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
tank furnace furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
extra large a garment size for a very large person
large a garment size for a large person
pleural space the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
pericardial cavity
pericardial space
the space between the layers of the pericardium that contains fluid that lubricates the membrane surfaces and allows easy heart movement
subarachnoid space a space in the meninges beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater that contains the cerebrospinal fluid
large intestine beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum, includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum, extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
visual space the visual perception of space
space lattice
crystal lattice
Bravais lattice
a -dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
Bernoulli's law
law of large numbers
(statistics) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statistics
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
space medicine the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings
space biology
the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
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