
Auslandsschuld Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

external debt
external debt
ausländisch, Auslands-
foreign department
Auslandsabteilung f
foreign department
Auslandsabteilung f
Auslandsabteilungen pl
foreign department
foreign departments
Referat n; Abteilung f (kleinere Organisationseinheit, die ein bestimmtes Sachgebiet bearbeitet) adm.
Referate pl; Abteilungen pl
die Auslandsabteilung
die Betrugsabteilung
die Sportredaktion der Zeitung
die Derivateabteilung; der Derivatehandel (in einer Bank)
desk (smaller organizational unit dealing with a particular subject)
the foreign desk
the fraud desk
the newspaper's sports desk
the derivatives trading desk; the derivatives unit; the derivatives sales (at a bank)
Akademisches Auslandsamt (Universität)
international students' (academic) registry, International Office
Akademisches Auslandsamt (Universität) stud.
international students' (academic) registry; International Office
investments abroad
Auslandsanlagen pl
investments abroad
external loan
foreign loan
Auslandsaufenthalt m
stay abroad
stay abroad
wollen Auslandsaufträge hereinbringen
we intend to secure orders from abroad
foreign order
order from foreign customers
Auslandsauftrag über Exporthaus (Br.)
Aval n (Oberbegriff für Bürgschaften und Garantien) fin.
Anzahlungsaval n; Anzahlungsgarantie f
Auslandsaval n
Bankaval n; Avalkredit m
bargedecktes Aval
Bietungsaval n; Bietungsgarantie f
Direktaval n
Frachtenaval n
Leistungsaval n
Mietsicherheit f; Mietaval n; Mietkaution f
Steueraval n
Wechselaval n
Zollaval n; Zollbürgschaft f
per Aval; als Bürge (Vermerk bei der Unterschrift)
guarantee of a bill; guaranty of a bill
advance payment guarantee, downpayment guarantee
foreign aval
credit by way of bank guarantee; guarantee credit; guarantee line; guarantee facility; surety credit
cash-supported guarantee
tender guarantee Br.; tender bond Br.; bid bond Am.
direct guarantee; guarantee directly provided by the bank
freight guarantee
performance guarantee
rent deposit guarantee; rental payment guarantee; lease security deposit
tax payment guarantee; tax bond
guarantee guaranty of a bill of exchange; bill of exchange guarantee; bill of exchange endorsement
guarantee for the amount due to the customs; customs guaranty; customs bond
guaranteed by; pour aval (note next to the signature)
Auslandsbeteiligung f
associated company abroad
associated company abroad
foreign connections
Auslandsbeziehungen pl
international relations
Auslandsbeziehungen pl pol.
foreign relations
Auslandsbezug m adm.
Fälle mit Auslandsbezug
foreign connections
cases with foreign connections
Natur f; Charakter m; Eigenart f; Art f; Wesen n (von Dingen)
von Natur aus
die menschliche Natur
die internationale Ausrichtung der Schifffahrt
der Auslandsbezug von Ermittlungen
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache.; Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge.
Seine Rede hatte den Charakter einer Entschuldigung.
Es ist ganz natürlich dass Jugendliche oft gegen ihre Eltern rebellieren.
nature (of things)
by nature
human nature
the international nature of the shipping industry
the international nature of investigations
It is in the nature of things.
His speech was in the nature of an apology.
In the nature of things young people often rebel against their parents.
Natur f; Charakter m; Eigenart f; Art f; Wesen n (von Dingen)
die menschliche Natur
die internationale Ausrichtung der Schifffahrt
der Auslandsbezug von Ermittlungen
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass …
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache.; Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge.
Seine Rede hatte den Charakter einer Entschuldigung.
Es ist ganz natürlich, dass Jugendliche oft gegen ihre Eltern rebellieren.
nature (of things)
human nature
the international nature of the shipping industry
the international nature of investigations
By the very nature of things, …
It is in the nature of things.
His speech was in the nature of an apology.
In the nature of things, young people often rebel against their parents.
Auslandsbürger m; im Ausland lebender Bürger m adm.
Auslandsbürger pl; im Ausland lebende Bürger pl
Auslandsdeutsche Auslandsfranzosen
expatriate; expat coll.; citizen abroad
expatriates; expats; citizens abroad
German expatriates French expatriates
Auslandsbürger m; im Ausland lebender Bürger m adm.
Auslandsbürger pl; im Ausland lebende Bürger pl
Auslandsdeutsche Auslandsfranzosen
expatriate; expat coll.; citizen abroad
expatriates; expats; citizens abroad
German expatriates French expatriates
foreign debts
Auslandsschulden pl, Auslandschulden pl
foreign debts, debts in foreign countries
Auslandsschulden pl; Auslandschulden pl
foreign debts; debts in foreign countries
Mitarbeiter m im Auslandsdienst econ.
expatriate; expat coll.
direkte Investition f; Direktinvestition f (zwecks Einflussnahme) econ.
direkte Investitionen pl; Direktinvestitionen pl
aktive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen im Ausland; inländische Direktinvestitionen im Ausland; Direktinvestitionsexporte; Direktinvestitionsabflüsse; Abflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen
passive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Direktinvestitionen im Inland; Direktinvestitionsimporte; Direktinvestitionszuflüsse; Zuflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen (oft ungenau: Auslandsdirektinvestitionen; Direktauslandsinvestitionen)
direct investment
direct investments
direct outward investments; foreign direct investment outflows
inward direct investments; direct inward investments; foreign direct investment inflows; foreign direct investments FDI
Auslandseinsatz m
Auslandseinsätze pl
overseas assignment
overseas assignments
Rückkehrer m; Rückkehrerin f soc.
Rückkehrer pl; Rückkehrerinnen pl
Afghanistan-Rückkehrer; zurückgekehrter Afghanistan-Veteran mil.
Auslandsrückkehrer; Rückkehrer vom Auslandseinsatz
Fluchtrückkehrer; zurückgekehrter Flüchtling
Spätheimkehrer mil.
returnee soldier from Afghanistan
overseas returnee; retureen from overseas
refugee returnee
late returnee
terrorist returnee; terror returnee
Auslandserfahrung f
experience abroad, international experience
Auslandserfahrung f
foreign experience
Auslandserfahrung f
experience abroad; international experience
Auslandserfahrung f; Auslandserfahrungen pl
Interessierte Studenten sollten über gute Englisch-Kenntnisse verfügen und bereits Auslandserfahrungen gesammelt haben.
experience acquired abroad; experience abroad
Prospective students should have good English skills and experience abroad.
Auslandstournee f; Auslandsgastspielreise f
Auslandstourneen pl; Auslandsgastspielreisen pl
foreign tour; international tour; tour abroad
foreign tours; international tours; tour abroads
Auslandsnachrichtendienst m; Auslandsgeheimdienst m
Auslandsnachrichtendienste pl; Auslandsgeheimdienste pl
Auslandsgeheimdienst der USA
australischer Auslandsgeheimdienst
britischer Auslandsgeheimdienst
deutscher Auslandsgeheimdienst; Bundesnachrichtendienst BND
österreichischer Auslandsgeheimdienst; Heeresnachrichtenamt HNaA
foreign intelligence service Br.; foreign intelligence agency Am.; foreign secret service
foreign intelligence services; foreign intelligence agencies; foreign secret services
Central Intelligence Agency CIA
Australian Secret Intelligence Service ASIS
Secret Intelligence Service SIS ; MI6 coll.
German foreign intelligence service
Austrian foreign intelligence service
Inlandsnachrichtendienst m; Inlandsgeheimdienst m
Inlandsnachrichtendienste pl; Inlandsgeheimdienste pl
australischer Inlandsgeheimdienst
britischer Inlandsgeheimdienst
deutscher Inlandsgeheimdienst; Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz BfV ; Bundesverfassungsschutz
kanadischer Inlands- und Auslandsgeheimdienst
österreichischer Inlandsgeheimdienst; Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung BVT
Schweizer Inlands- und Auslandsgeheimdienst; Nachrichtendienst des Bundes NDB
domestic intelligence service Br.; domestic intelligence agency Am.; domestic secret service
domestic intelligence services; domestic intelligence agencies; domestic secret services
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ASIO
Security Service; MI5 coll.
German domestic intelligence service
Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS
Austrian domestic intelligence service
Swiss domestic and foreign intelligence service
business transacted overseas
foreign business
foreign transaction
Auslandsgeschäft n
foreign business; business transacted overseas
foreign call
Auslandsgespräch n, Auslandsverbindung f (Telefon)
international call
Auslandsgespräch n; Auslandsverbindung f telco.
Auslandsgespräche pl; Auslandsverbindungen pl
international call
international calls
Auslandsguthaben, Auslandsvermögen
foreign assets
external aid
foreign aid
foreign assistance
Auslandshilfe f
external aid, foreign aid
Auslandshilfe f
external aid; foreign aid
foreign investment
investment abroad
Auslandsinvestition f econ.
Auslandsinvestitionen pl
foreign investment; investment abroad
investment in foreign countries
investment in foreign countries
investments in foreign securities
Auslandsinvestitionen pl
investment in foreign countries
Auslandsjahr n (vor dem Berufseinstieg) stud.
wanderjahr Am. (before practicing a profession)
Auslandsjahr n
year abroad
foreign competition
Auslandskonkurrenz f econ.
foreign competition
externes Konto, Auslandskonto
external account
Auslandskorrespondent m, Auslandskorrespondentin f
Auslandkorrespondenten pl
foreign correspondent
foreign correspondents
foreign correspondent
Auslandskorrespondent m; Auslandskorrespondentin f
Auslandkorrespondenten pl
foreign correspondent
foreign correspondents
Krankenversicherung f; Krankenkasse f
Krankenversicherungen pl; Krankenkassen pl
Auslandskrankenversicherung f
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung GKV
private Krankenversicherung
soziale Krankenversicherung
gegliederte Krankenversicherung
health insurance; health insurance scheme; medical insurance
health insurances; health insurance schemes; medical insurances
overseas health insurance; international health insurance
statutory health insurance SHI
private health insurance
national health insurance; state health insurance
multiple-payer health insurance system

Auslandsschuld Definition

(n.) That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods, or services
(n.) A duty neglected or violated
(n.) An action at law to recover a certain specified sum of money alleged to be due.
(a.) Outward
(a.) Outside of or separate from ourselves
(a.) Outwardly perceptible
(a.) Not intrinsic nor essential
(a.) Foreign
(a.) Away from the mesial plane of the body
(n.) Something external or without

external debt Bedeutung

external respiration
respiration ventilation
the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation, the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation
external gill occurs in some mollusks and in tadpoles and other immature amphibians
auxiliary storage
external storage
secondary storage
a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer
external drive a drive with its own power supply and fan mounted outside the computer system enclosure and connected to the computer by a cable
external body part any body part visible externally
auditory meatus
acoustic meatus
ear canal
auditory canal
external auditory canal
either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membrane
external organ an organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body
external ear
outer ear
the part of the ear visible externally
external carotid artery
external carotid
the branch of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the face and tongue and external parts of the head
facial artery
arteria facialis
external maxillary artery
an artery that originates in the external carotid and gives off branches that supply the neck and face
external iliac artery the outer branch of the common iliac artery on either side of the body, becomes the femoral artery
external nasal vein
vena nasalis externa
one of the veins that drain the external nose and empty into the angular or facial vein
external iliac vein a continuation of the femoral vein, unites with the internal iliac vein to form the common iliac vein
external jugular vein formed by the junction of the posterior auricular and the retromandibular veins, empties into the subclavian vein
urethral orifice
external orifice
the orifice through which urine is discharged
external oblique muscle
musculus obliquus externus abdominis
abdominal external oblique muscle
a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso
external outward features, he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion
debt an obligation to pay or do something
debt money or goods or services owed by one person to another
national debt the debt of the national government (as distinguished from the debts of individuals and businesses and political subdivisions)
public debt the total of the nation's debts: debts of local and state and national governments, an indicator of how much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation
debt limit
debt ceiling
the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity
national debt ceiling a limit set by Congress beyond which the national debt cannot rise, periodically raised by Congress
debt instrument
certificate of indebtedness
a written promise to repay a debt
bad debt a debt that is unlikely to be repaid
installment debt debt to be paid by installments
exterior angle
external angle
the supplement of an interior angle of a polygon
oxygen debt a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise, the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
debt the state of owing something (especially money), he is badly in debt
external happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface, the external auditory canal, external pressures
external purely outward or superficial, external composure, an external concern for reputation- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
from or between other countries, external commerce, international trade, developing nations need outside help
extraneous outside
coming from the outside, extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph, relying upon an extraneous income, disdaining outside pressure groups
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