
Ausschreibungszeichnung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausschreibungszeichnung f
Ausschreibungszeichnungen pl
tender drawing
tender drawings
Ausschreibungszeichnung f
Ausschreibungszeichnungen pl
tender drawing
tender drawings
ausschreiben v
to advertise for bids
advertising for bids
advertised for bids
advertise for bids
(Stelle) ausschreiben
Fahndung f (nach jdm. etw.) adm.
eine Person zur Fahndung ausschreiben
ein Kfz einen Ausweis etc. zur Fahndung ausschreiben
law enforcement search; search (for sb. sth.)
to circulate a person as wanted
to circulate a vehicle an id-document etc. as stolen
freie unbesetzte Arbeitsstelle f; offene freie Stelle f; freigewordener Posten m; Vakanz f adm.
eine freie Stelle ausschreiben
eine Stelle besetzen
Ist die Stelle schon vergeben?
job vacancy; vacancy; unoccupied position
to advertise a vacancy
to fill a vacancy
Has the vacancy been filled already?
etw. ausschreiben (ungekürzt schreiben) v ling.
eine Zahl ausschreiben
to write out () sth. in words
writing out in words
written out in words
to write a number out in words; to write out a number in words
etw. ausschreiben v (um Angebote zu erhalten)
to invite tenders for sth.; to advertise for bids
inviting tenders; advertising for bids
invited tenders; advertised for bids
etw. ausstellen; ausfertigen adm.; ausschreiben ugs. v
ausstellend; ausfertigend; ausschreibend
ausgestellt; ausgefertigt; ausgeschrieben
einen Scheck eine Rechnung ein ärztliches Rezept ausschreiben
to issue; to make out; to write out sth.
issuing; making out; writing out
issued; made out; written out
to make out write out a cheque an invoice a prescription
(schriftlich aufgeschlüsseltes) Angebot n; Anbot n Ös.; Anerbietung f Dt.; Offerte f; Offert n Ös. (über für etw.) (Kauf, Warenlieferung, Dienstleistung) econ.
Lieferangebot n
Offerte über die Lieferung von 150 Flaschen Wein
eine Offerte für das Renovierungsvorhaben
ein Angebot über für etw. legen; machen; unterbreiten; etw. anbieten
den Auftrag an jdn. vergeben; jdm. (bei einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung) den Zuschlag erteilen v
etw. (öffentlich) ausschreiben; etw. zur Ausschreibung bringen adm.
den Auftrag bekommen; (bei einer Ausschreibung) den Zuschlag erhalten
(written) offer; tender Br.; bid Am. (for sth. to do sth.) (purchase, supply of goods; service)
offer to supply
offer to supply 150 bottles of wine
a tender for the renovation project; a bid for the renovation project
to make; put in; send in; submit a tender bid for sth.
to accept sb.'s tender; to accept sb.'s bid; to award the contract to sb.
to invite tenders bids for sth.; to call for tenders bids for sth.; to put sth. out to tender bid
to have a tender bid accepted
Fahndung f (nach jdm. etw.) adm.
eine Person zur Fahndung ausschreiben
ein Kfz einen Ausweis usw. zur Fahndung ausschreiben
law enforcement search; search (for sb. sth.)
to circulate a person as wanted
to circulate a vehicle an id-document etc. as stolen
etw. ausschreiben v (ungekürzt schreiben) ling.
eine Abkürzung ausschreiben
eine Zahl ausschreiben
to write out () sth. in words; to write out () sth. in full form
writing out in words
written out in words
to expand an abbreviation
to write a number out in words; to write out a number in words
Ausschreibeunterlagen pl techn.
tender documents
call for bids
invitation to bid
Kostenvoranschlag (öffentliche Ausschreibung)
Angebotseinholung f, Ausschreibung f
Ausschreibung f, Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots
Ausschreibungen pl
invitation to bid (ITB), invitation of tenders
invitations to bid, invitations of tenders
(öffentliche) Ausschreibung f (einer Stelle)
advertised bidding, advertising
Ausschreibung f
tender, call for tender
Ausschreibung f
call for proposal
supplementary regulations
Angebot n auf eine Ausschreibung
Vorauswahl f von Submittenten (bei einer Ausschreibung)
prequalification of tenders
oeffentliche Ausschreibung
advertised bidding
Angebotseinholung f; Ausschreibung f
Ausschreibung f; Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots
Ausschreibungen pl
invitation to bid ITB ; invitation of tenders
invitations to bid; invitations of tenders
(öffentliche) Ausschreibung f (einer Stelle)
advertised bidding; advertising
Ausschreibung f
öffentliche Ausschreibung (eines Projektes)
tender; call for tender
public tender
Ausschreibung f
supplementary regulations
Einreiseverweigerung f; Zurückweisung f an der Grenze adm. transp.
Einreiseverweigerungen pl
Schengen-Ausschreibung zur Einreiseverweigerung
refusal of entry
refusals of entry
Schengen alert refusing entry
unterbleiben v adm. jur.
wenn das unterblieben ist
die unterbliebene Veröffentlichung der Ausschreibung
Das ist offenbar unterblieben.
Die Zahlung der Versicherungsprämie ist unterblieben.
Schutzimpfungen sind selbst dort unterblieben wo sie genehmigt wurden.
Die Erhebung eines Steuerzuschlags unterbleibt in diesem Fall.
Unterbleibt die Rechtsbelehrung erlischt das Widerrufsrecht des Kunden nicht.
Eltern müssen dafür sorgen dass alles unterbleibt was die Entwicklung ihres Kindes beeinträchtigt.
not to be done; to be avoided
not being done; being avoided
not been done; been avoided
if this has not been done; if he she they have not done so
the failure to publish notice of the tendering procedure
It does not appear that this was done.
Payment of the insurance premium has been avoided.
Protective vaccination was not carried out even when it had been authorised.
Penalty tax is not applied in this case.
If a notice of rights is not given the consumer's right of cancellation shall not lapse.
Parents need to make sure that there is nothing to impede their child's development.
ein Angebot machen; ein Angebot einreichen; etw. anbieten; andienen v econ.
ein Angebot machend; ein Angebot einreichend; anbietend; andienend
ein Angebot gemacht; ein Angebot eingereicht; angeboten; angedient
sich an einer Ausschreibung für etw. beteiligen
to tender
to tender for sth.
Auftragsvergabe f; (bei einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung:) Zuschlag m econ.
acceptance of tender Br.; acceptance of bid Am.; award of contract; awarding of contract; letting of contract Br.
öffentliche Ausschreibung f; Ausschreibung f +Gen. econ.
öffentliche Ausschreibungen pl; Ausschreibungen pl
über eine Ausschreibung; auf dem Ausschreibungswege
call for tenders Br.; (open) invitation for tenders Br.; (open) invitation to tender Br.; call for bids Am.; (formal) invitation for bids Am.; invitation to bid Am. ITB (for sth.)
calls for tenders; (open) invitations for tenders; (open) invitations to tender; calls for bids; invitations for bids; invitations to bid
by tender; by bid; by contract
Bieter m; Bietender m; Submittent m (bei einer Ausschreibung) econ.
Bieter pl; Bietenden pl; Submittenten pl
bidder; tenderer
bidders; tenderers
verbotene Bieterabsprache f; verbotene Bieterabsprachen pl (bei einer Versteigerung Ausschreibung) econ.
unzulässige Bieterabsprachen bei exekutiven Versteigerungsverfahren Ös.
collusive tendering Br.; collusive bidding Am. (in an auction in a call for tender)
collusive tendering in compulsory auction proceeding
Fahndungsmeldung f; Fahndungsausschreibung f; Ausschreibung f; Fahndungsnotierung f
Fahndungsmeldungen pl; Fahndungsausschreibungen pl; Ausschreibungen pl; Fahndungsnotierungen pl
Fahndung nach einem entzogenen Kind
Fahndung zwecks Wahrnehmung des Auftretens
Fahndung zur Aufenthaltsermittlung Aufenthaltsfeststellung
SIS-Ausschreibung f
eine Fahndung nach jdm. etw. herausgeben
alert; all-points bulletin APB Am.
alerts; all-points bulletins
AMBER alert Am.
lookout alert; 'be on the look-out' alert Am.; BOLO alert Am.; 'keep a look-out for' alert Austr.; KALOF alert Austr.
'attempt to locate' alert; ATL alert
SIS alert
to put out an alert for sb. sth.; to put out an all-points bulletin on sb. sth. Am.
Zuschlagsfrist f (bei einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung) econ.
acceptance period of a tender Br. bid Am.; period for acceptance of a tender Br. bid Am.; contract awarding period
unterbleiben v adm. jur.
wenn das unterblieben ist
die unterbliebene Veröffentlichung der Ausschreibung
Das ist offenbar unterblieben.
Die Zahlung der Versicherungsprämie ist unterblieben.
Schutzimpfungen sind selbst dort unterblieben, wo sie genehmigt wurden.
Die Erhebung eines Steuerzuschlags unterbleibt in diesem Fall.
Unterbleibt die Rechtsbelehrung, erlischt das Widerrufsrecht des Kunden nicht.
Eltern müssen dafür sorgen, dass alles unterbleibt, was die Entwicklung ihres Kindes beeinträchtigt.
not to be done; to be avoided
not being done; being avoided
not been done; been avoided
if this has not been done; if he she they have not done so
the failure to publish notice of the tendering procedure
It does not appear that this was done.
Payment of the insurance premium has been avoided.
Protective vaccination was not carried out even when it had been authorised.
Penalty tax is not applied in this case.
If a notice of rights is not given, the consumer's right of cancellation shall not lapse.
Parents need to make sure that there is nothing to impede their child's development.
sich um etw. bewerben v (Ausschreibung, Dienstleistung, ...)
to bid on sth. Am.; to bid for sth.
Annahme f; Akzeptanz f; Anerkennung f
bedingte Annahme
unbedingte Annahme
Annahme eines Angebots
Annahme von Bedingungen
Annahme eines Gebots
Anerkennung der Haftung
Annahme der Zustellung
Auftragsvergabe (bei Ausschreibungen)
Annahmeverweigerung f; Nichtannahme f
bei Annahme
in Annahmeverzug sein
Hereinnahme von Einlagen
Ãœbernahme einer Garantie
Annahme einer Abfindung
qualified acceptance
absolute acceptance
acceptance of an offer
acceptance of conditions
acceptance of a bid
acceptance of liability
acceptance of service
acceptance of tender
refusal of acceptance; non-accpetance
(up)on acceptance
to be in default of acceptance
acceptance of deposits; deposit taking
acceptance of a guarantee
acceptance of a lump sum settlement
Auftragsbestätigung f (bei Ausschreibungen) econ.
Auftragsbestätigungen pl
confirmation of the contract
confirmations of the contract
Scheinangebot n
Scheinangebote pl
Scheinangebot bei öffentlichen Ausschreibungen
sham offer
sham offers
dummy tender
Ausschreibungs- und Vergabeverfahren n
tendering and award procedures
bid period
Ausschreibungsfrist f econ.
Ausschreibungsfristen pl
bidding period
bidding periods
Bieterkonsortium n; Ausschreibungskonsortium n econ.
Bieterkonsortien pl; Ausschreibungskonsortien pl
bidding syndicate; bidding group
bidding syndicates; bidding groups
Ausschreibungstext m
tender specification
Ausschreibungsunterlagen pl
tender documents
Ausschreibungsverfahren n adm.
Ausschreibungsverfahren pl
technikneutrale Ausschreibungsverfahren
tendering procedure
tendering procedures
technology-neutral tendering procedures
Ausschreibungszeichnung f
Ausschreibungszeichnungen pl
tender drawing
tender drawings
to step out
stepping out
stepped out
to stride along
to strike out
step out
ausschreiten v (große Schritte machen)
to step out; to stride
stepping out; striding
stepped out; stridden
stepping out
Ausschreitung f, Tumult m, Aufstand m
Ausschreitungen pl, Unruhen pl, Tumulte pl, Aufstände pl
Aufruhr m; Krawall m; Ausschreitung f; Tumult m soc.
Krawalle pl; Ausschreitungen pl; Tumulte pl
Rassenunruhen pl
racial riot
Aufruhr m; Krawall m; Ausschreitung f; Tumult m soc.
Krawalle pl; Ausschreitungen pl; Tumulte pl
Massenausschreitungen pl
Rassenunruhen pl
mass riots
racial riot
Ausschreitungen, Tumulte
Bekämpfung f; Eindämmung f (von etw.)
amtliche Preisregelung f
Bekämpfung der Drogenkriminalität
Bekämpfung von Ausschreitungen Unruhen
Schadnagerbekämpfung f agr.
Abrüstung f pol.
zur Verhütung von Straftaten; zur Verbrechensvorbeugung
Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Viehseuche
control (of sth.)
official price control
drug control
riot control
rodent pest control
arms control
for crime control purposes
measures to control counter combat the epizootic; action against the epizootic
Bekämpfung f; Eindämmung f (von etw.)
Bekämpfung der Drogenkriminalität
Bekämpfung von Ausschreitungen Unruhen
Eindämmung einer Infektionskrankheit
Schadnagerbekämpfung f agr.
Rüstungsbeschränkung f (oft fälschlich: Rüstungskontrolle) pol.
zur Verhütung von Straftaten; zur Verbrechensvorbeugung
Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Viehseuche
control (of sth.) (action limiting sth. undesirable)
drug control
riot control
control containment of an infectious disease
rodent pest control
arms control
for crime control purposes
measures to control counter combat the epizootic; action against the epizootic

Deutsche Ausschreibungszeichnung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Ausschreibungszeichnung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische tender drawing Synonyme

tender  Christian  Christlike  Christly  Ganymede  Hebe  Pullman  Pullman car  accepting  accord  aching  administer  adoring  advance  affectionate  afford  agonizing  ailing  airline hostess  airline stewardess  algetic  allergic  allot  allow  amatory  amorous  anaphylactic  angry  attendant  attentive  award  baggage car  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  benevolent  benign  benignant  bestow  bestow on  bid  bills  bleeding  boat  bold  bootblack  boots  boxcar  brotherly  budding  burning  cabin boy  caboose  caddie  callow  car  careful  caring  carriage  cash  cautious  chafed  chair car  charitable  chewable  chore boy  circumspect  clement  coach  coal car  commiserative  communicate  compassionate  compensate  compensation  complaisant  condolent  confer  conjugal  considerate  copyboy  covered waggon  creamy  cupbearer  curious  currency  dainty  dangerous  day coach  deal  deal out  decent  delicate  demonstrative  devoted  dewy  difficult  diner  dinghy  dining car  dish out  dispense  dole  dole out  donate  drawing room  easy  easygoing  eatable  edible  eggshell  emotionable  emotional  empathetic  empathic  errand boy  errand girl  extend  faithful  fee  feeble  feeling  festering  fiery  filial  fit for sea  flat  flatcar  fond  footboy  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  fork out  fragile  frail  fraternal  galled  gentle  gift  gift with  gig  give  give freely  give out  gloss  gofer  gondola  good  good-natured  goosy  gracious  grant  green  growing  guerdon  hand out  heap  heartfelt  heedful  help to  hold forth  hold out  hostess  human  humane  hurting  husbandly  hyperesthetic  hyperpathic  hypersensitive  immature  impart  impassioned  impressionable  impubic  indemnify  inexperienced  infirm  inflamed  ingenuous  innocent  intact  iridescent  irritable  irritated  issue  itchy  juicy  juvenile  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  languishing  launch  lavish  lax  lenient  let have  light  local  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  l  
tender age  bloom  budtime  early years  florescence  flowering time  jeunesse  juvenescence  juvenility  my burning youth  my green age  prime of life  salad days  seedtime of life  springtime of life  tenderness  young blood  youngness  youth  youthfulness  youthhead  youthhood  youthiness  
tender loving care  TLC  anticipation  attention  bread  care  carefulness  caution  circumspection  circumspectness  concern  consideration  daily bread  economic support  endowment  forethought  heed  heedfulness  keep  livelihood  living  loving care  maintenance  manna  meat  mindfulness  mothering  nourishment  nurture  preparedness  price support  provision  regard  regardfulness  solicitude  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  support  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  thoughtfulness  upkeep  
tender spot  ache  aching  affront  apple of discord  blow  bone of contention  bone to pick  casus belli  cramp  crow to pick  crow to pluck  cut  distress  dolor  exposed nerve  grief  grounds for war  hurt  injury  lesion  nasty blow  nerve ending  offense  pain  pang  passion  provocation  raw  raw nerve  red rag  rub  shock  soft spot  sore  sore point  sore spot  spasm  stress  stress of life  stroke  suffering  the quick  throes  ticklish issue  wound  wrench  
tenderfoot  abecedarian  alphabetarian  apprentice  arriviste  articled clerk  baby  beginner  boot  catechumen  colt  conscript  dabbler  deb  debutant  dilettante  draft  drafted man  draftee  dunce  emigrant  enlistee  enrollee  entrant  fledgling  fool  freshman  gate-crasher  greenhorn  greeny  ignoramus  illiterate  illiterati  immigrant  inductee  infant  initiate  intruder  know-nothing  learner  levy  lowbrow  middlebrow  neophyte  nestling  new arrival  new boy  newcomer  no scholar  novice  novitiate  novus homo  parvenu  postulant  probationer  probationist  puddinghead  raw recruit  recruit  rookie  selectee  settler  squatter  stowaway  trainee  tyro  unintelligentsia  upstart  
tenderhearted  Christian  Christlike  Christly  affectionate  benign  benignant  bleeding  brotherly  charitable  clement  commiserative  compassionate  condolent  decent  delicate  emotionable  forbearant  fraternal  gentle  good  gracious  human  humane  impressionable  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lenient  loving  melting  merciful  nice  passible  pitying  receptive  responsive  ruthful  sensible  sensitive  soft  softhearted  susceptible  sympathetic  sympathizing  tender  understanding  warm  warmhearted  
tenderize  cushion  ease  fluff  gentle  knead  laxate  limber  limber up  loosen  mash  massage  mellow  milden  mollify  plump  pulp  relax  shake up  smash  soften  soften up  squash  subdue  supple  tone down  tune down  
tenderloin  Bowery  Chateaubriand  Chinatown  East End  East Side  Little Hungary  Little Italy  West End  West Side  bagnio  barrio  bawdyhouse  black ghetto  blade roast  blighted area  bordello  breast  brisket  brothel  business district  cathouse  central city  chuck  chuck roast  city center  clod  cold cuts  core  crib  den  den of vice  disorderly house  dive  downtown  filet mignon  flank  ghetto  greenbelt  house of assignation  house of joy  house of prostitution  inner city  joint  knuckle  loin  midtown  outskirts  panel den  panel house  plate  plate piece  pot roast  rack  red-light district  residential district  rib roast  ribs  roast  rolled roast  round  rump  rump roast  run-down neighborhood  saddle  shank  shopping center  short ribs  shoulder  shoulder clod  sink of iniquity  sirloin  skid road  skid row  slum  slums  sporting house  stew  stews  suburbia  suburbs  tenement district  uptown  urban blight  whorehouse  
tenderly  adoringly  affectionately  amorously  ardently  assiduously  carefully  cautiously  circumspectly  compliantly  considerately  dearly  delicately  devotedly  diligently  easily  fondly  gently  heedfully  industriously  lovingly  mindfully  painstakingly  passionately  regardfully  sedulously  softly  solicitously  submissively  thoroughgoingly  thoroughly  thoughtfully  with affection  with care  with great care  with love  
tenderness  acceptance  airiness  algesia  allergy  anaphylaxis  ascent  bleeding heart  bloom  bowels of compassion  bubbliness  budtime  buoyancy  clemency  clementness  compassion  compassionateness  considerateness  daintiness  delicacy  downiness  early years  easiness  easygoingness  empathy  ethereality  exquisiteness  featheriness  festering  fineness  floatability  florescence  flossiness  flowering time  fluffiness  foaminess  fondness  forbearance  forbearing  frothiness  gentleness  gossameriness  humaneness  humanity  hyperesthesia  hyperpathia  hypersensitivity  identification  inflammation  insolidity  irritability  irritation  jeunesse  juvenescence  juvenility  lack of weight  laxness  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  levitation  levity  lightness  mellowness  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  moderateness  morbidezza  my burning youth  my green age  nervousness  nonresistiveness  nonrigidity  oversensibility  oversensitiveness  overtenderness  passibility  patience  perceptiveness  perceptivity  photophobia  pity  plushiness  prickliness  prime of life  pulpiness  rankling  responsiveness  ruthfulness  salad days  satininess  seedtime of life  sensitiveness  sensitivity  sensitization  silkiness  softheartedness  softness  sore  sore spot  soreness  sponginess  springtime of life  supersensitivity  sympathy  tact  tactfulness  tender age  tender feeling  tenderheartedness  tetchiness  thin skin  ticklishness  tolerance  touchiness  unheaviness  unsolidity  velvetiness  volatility  warm heart  warmheartedness  weakness  weightlessness  yeastiness  young blood  youngness  youth  youthfulness  youthhead  youthhood  youthiness  

Ausschreibungszeichnung Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Draw
(n.) The act of pulling, or attracting.
(n.) The act or the art of representing any object by means of lines and shades
(n.) The process of stretching or spreading metals as by hammering, or, as in forming wire from rods or tubes and cups from sheet metal, by pulling them through dies.
(n.) The process of pulling out and elongating the sliver from the carding machine, by revolving rollers, to prepare it for spinning.
(n.) The distribution of prizes and blanks in a lottery.
Drawing knife
(n.) Alt. of Drawknife
(n.) A room appropriated for the reception of company
(n.) The company assembled in such a room
(n.) One who tends
(n.) A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like.
(n.) A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water.
(v. t.) To offer in payment or satisfaction of a demand, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture
(v. t.) To offer in words
(n.) An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance
(n.) Any offer or proposal made for acceptance
(n.) The thing offered
(superl.) Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured
(superl.) Sensible to impression and pain
(superl.) Physically weak
(superl.) Susceptible of the softer passions, as love, compassion, kindness
(superl.) Exciting kind concern
(superl.) Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure
(superl.) Unwilling to cause pain
(superl.) Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy
(superl.) Apt to give pain
(superl.) Heeling over too easily when under sail
(n.) Regard
(v. t.) To have a care of
(a.) Having great sensibility
(a.) Having great tenderness

tender drawing / tender drawings Bedeutung

the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
casting lots
drawing lots
making a chance decision by using lots (straws or pebbles etc.) that are thrown or drawn
drawing drawing off act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source, the drawing of water from the well
players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots
drafting mechanical drawing the craft of drawing blueprints
tender loving care
considerate and solicitous care, young children need lots of TLC
drawing draftsmanship
the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams, he learned drawing from his father
cutaway cutaway drawing
cutaway model
a representation (drawing or model) of something in which the outside is omitted to reveal the inner parts
line drawing
a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
draft rough drawing a preliminary sketch of a design or picture
drafting board
drawing board
a smooth board on which paper is placed for making drawings
drafting table
drawing table
a worktable with adjustable top
drawing a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines, drawings of abstract forms, he did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures
drawing card
loss leader
a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
drawing chalk colored chalks used by artists
drawing room
withdrawing room
a formal room where visitors can be received and entertained
drawing room a private compartment on a sleeping car with three bunks and a toilet
drawing string
a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening, he pulled the drawstring and closed the bag
mechanical drawing scale drawing of a machine or architectural plan etc,
schematic drawing
diagram of an electrical or mechanical system
supply ship
ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
tender ship's boat
a boat for communication between ship and shore
tender car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water
drawing pin
a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board
wash wash drawing a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other
drawing power the capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters)
drawing an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book, magazine, or newspaper, it is shown by the drawing in Fig.
a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
tender offer an offer to buy shares in a corporation (usually above the market price) for cash or securities or both
someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
drawing card
an entertainer who attracts large audiences, he was the biggest drawing card they had
special drawing rights
paper gold
reserve assets in the International Monetary Fund, designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market
legal tender
something that can be used as an official medium of payment
drawing paper paper that is specially prepared for use in drafting
India ink
drawing ink
a black liquid ink used for printing or writing or drawing
make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer, tenderize meat
tender make a tender of, in legal settlements
tender offer or present for acceptance
offer bid
propose a payment, The Swiss dealer offered million for the painting
tender (of plants) not hardy, easily killed by adverse growing condition, tender green shoots
fond lovesome
having or displaying warmth or affection, affectionate children, a fond embrace, fond of his nephew, a tender glance, a warm embrace
tender young and immature, at a tender age
hurting, the tender spot on his jaw
(used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail
tender easy to cut or chew, tender beef
tender untoughened physically untoughened, tender feet
tender given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality, a tender heart, a tender smile, tender loving care, tender memories, a tender mother
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