
Ausstellungsgel�nde Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

auf den Inhaber ausstellen
make out to bearer
aussetzen, ausstellen
write out
ausstellen, Schaufensterdekoration
eine Rechnung ausstellen
make out an invoice
eine Urkunde ausstellen
draw up a document
eine Versicherungspolice ausstellen
issue a policy
einen Scheck ausstellen
make out a cheque
einen Scheck ausstellen
write out a cheque
einen Wechsel ausstellen
make out a bill
entlassen, kündigen, ausstellen
Police ausstellen
effect a policy
wir werden Ware auf der Messe ausstellen
we will exhibit goods ate the fair
zeigen, ausstellen, Ausstellung
Auflegen n (einer Anleihe), Ausstellen n
sich ein Armutszeugnis ausstellen
to shame oneself
Rechnung f, Faktur f, Faktura f Ös.
Rechnungen pl, Fakturen pl
eine Rechnung ausstellen (über)
eine Rechnung begleichen, eine Rechnung bezahlen
to issue an invoice (for)
to settle an invoice
in Rechnung stellen, berechnen, fakturieren, Fakturen ausstellen
in Rechnung stellend, berechnend, fakturierend, Fakturen ausstellend
in Rechnung gestellt, berechnet, fakturiert, Fakturen ausgestellt
stellt in Rechnung, berechnet
stellte in Rechnung, berechnete
to invoice
Schau f
etw. zur Schau stellen, etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
to put sth. on show, to show sth.
to show off, to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show from sb.
to put on airs
ausgeben (Banknoten), in Umlauf setzen, auflegen, ausstellen
ausgebend, in Umlauf setzend, auflegend, ausstellend
ausgeben, in Umlauf gesetzt, aufgelegt, ausgestellt
to issue
auslöschen, ausmachen, ausstellen v
auslöschend, ausmachend, ausstellend
ausgelöscht, ausgemacht, ausgestellt
to put out
putting out
put out
ausstellen, ausfertigen
ausstellend, ausfertigend
ausgestellt, ausgefertigt
to draw up, to issue, to make out
drawing up, issuing, making out
drawn up, issued, made out
ausstellen (auf einer Messe)
to exhibit, to show
exhibiting, showing
exhibited, showed
(Waren) ausstellen zum Verkauf
to expose for sale
to display
berechnen, Rechnung ausstellen, Rechnung senden
to bill
bescheinigen, beurkunden, eine Bescheinigung ausstellen, zertifizieren
bescheinigend, beurkundend, zertifizierend
bescheinigt, beurkundet, zertifiziert
to certificate
(Medizin) verordnen, verabreichen, verschreiben, ein Rezept ausstellen v
verordnend, verabreichend, verschreibend, ein Rezept ausstellend
verordnet, verabreicht, verschrieben
to prescribe
Ausstellung, Vorstellung, Schau, zeigen, ausstellen
ausstellen, zur Schau stellen
eine richtiggestellte Abrechnung ausstellen
to issue a corrected statement
Auflegen n; Auflegung f (einer Anleihe); Ausstellen n fin.
öffentliche Auflegung
public offering
Armutszeugnis n
sich ein Armutszeugnis ausstellen
Er hat sich ein Armutszeugnis ausgestellt.
evidence of incapacity
to shame oneself
He made a fool of himself.
Ausfertigung f adm.
Ausfertigungen pl
Ausfertigung eines Urteils; Urteilsausfertigung f
Ausfertigung einer Urkunde
einen Wechsel in mehreren Ausfertigungen ausstellen
in zweifacher dreifacher vierfacher fünffacher Ausfertigung
official copy; office copy; executed copy
official copies; office copies; executed copies
official office copy of a judgement
executed copy execution of a deed
to make out a bill of exchange in a set
in duplicate triplicate quadruplicate quintuplicate; in two three four five copies
Ausstellen n; Ausstellung f (von etw.) (Vorgang)
im Museum ausgestellt sein
Künstler fördern indem man ihre Werke ausstellt
Sie hat ihre Schätze nie für Ausstellungszwecke verltooehen.
exhibition (of sth.)
to be on exhibition at the museum
to promote artists by exhibition of their works
She never lent her treasures out for exhibition.
Ausstellen n; Ausstellung f (von etw.) econ.
Ausstellung von Waren zum Verkauf
exposure (of sth.)
exposure of goods for sale
Messe f; Schau f econ.
Messen pl; Schauen pl
eine Messe besuchen
eine Messe eröffnen
eine Messe organisieren
auf einer Messe ausstellen; an einer Messe teilnehmen
fair; trade show; exhibition
fairs; trade shows; exhibitions
to visit a fair
to open a fair
to organize a fair eAm.; to organise a fair Br.
to participate in a fair
Rechnung f; Faktur f; Faktura f Ös. (über einen Betrag) (schriftlicher Beleg über Warenkauf Dienstleistung) econ.
Rechnungen pl; Fakturen pl
Originalrechnung f
detaillierte Rechnung
endgültige Rechnung f
offene unbezahlte Rechnung
Bevorschussung von Rechnungen
eine Rechnung über den vollen Betrag ausstellen
eine Rechnung begleichen; eine Rechnung bezahlen
eine Rechnung nicht anerkennen
eine Rechnung prüfen
eine Rechnung quittieren
invoice (for an amount)
original invoice
detailed invoice
final invoice
unpaid invoice
invoice discounting
to issue an invoice for the full amount
to settle an invoice
to disallow an invoice
to verify an invoice
to receipt an invoice
über etw. Rechnung legen; eine Faktura ausstellen; etw. fakturieren v econ. adm.
Rechnung legend; eine Faktura ausstellend; fakturierend
Rechnung gelegt; eine Faktura ausgestellt; fakturiert
stellt in Rechnung; stellt eine Faktura aus; fakturiert
stellte in Rechnung; stellte eine Faktura aus; fakturierte
to invoice sth.
Schau f
etw. zur Schau stellen; etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
to put sth. on show; to show sth.
to show off; to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show limelight scene from sb.
to put on air
Scheck m fin.
Schecks pl
ein Scheck über 100 Euro
mit Scheck bezahlen; per Scheck zahlen
einen Scheck einlösen
einen Scheck fälschen
gedeckter Scheck
ungedeckter Scheck; geplatzer Scheck
abgelaufener Scheck
vordatierter Scheck
einen Scheck ohne Deckung ausstellen
cheque Br.; check Am.
cheques Br.; checks Am.
a cheque for Euro 100
to pay by cheque Br.; to pay by check Am.
to cash a cheque Br. check Am.
to forge a cheque Br.; to forge a check Am.
covered cheque
bounced cheque Br.; rubber check Am.; kite
stale check Am.
memorandum cheque Br.; memorandum check Am.
to kite
Verschreibung f; ärztliche Verordnung f; Rezept n; Rezeptur f; Präskription f med.
Verschreibungen pl; ärztliche Verordnungen pl; Rezepte pl; Rezepturen pl; Präskriptionen pl
ohne Rezept
ein Rezept ausstellen
(medical) prescription; recipe; formula
prescriptions; medications; recipes
without prescription
to write (out) a prescription
ausgeben (Banknoten); in Umlauf setzen; auflegen; ausstellen v
ausgebend; in Umlauf setzend; auflegend; ausstellend
ausgeben; in Umlauf gesetzt; aufgelegt; ausgestellt
ausgestellt in drei Originalen
to issue
issued in three originals
auslöschen; ausmachen; ausstellen v
auslöschend; ausmachend; ausstellend
ausgelöscht; ausgemacht; ausgestellt
to put out
putting out
put out
etw. ausstellen; ausfertigen adm.; ausschreiben ugs. v
ausstellend; ausfertigend; ausschreibend
ausgestellt; ausgefertigt; ausgeschrieben
einen Scheck eine Rechnung ein ärztliches Rezept ausschreiben
to issue; to make out; to write out sth.
issuing; making out; writing out
issued; made out; written out
to make out write out a cheque an invoice a prescription
ausstellen (auf einer Messe)
to exhibit; to show
exhibiting; showing
exhibited; showed
to display
etw. ausstellen; etw. präsentieren; etw. vorführen; etw. demonstrieren; etw. zur Schau stellen v
ausstellend; präsentierend; vorführend; demonstrierend; zur Schau stellend
ausgestellt; präsentiert; vorgeführt; demonstriert; zur Schau gestellt
to showcase sth.
etw. bescheinigen; beurkunden; zertifizieren; eine Bescheinigung für etw. ausstellen v adm.
bescheinigend; beurkundend; zertifizierend; eine Bescheinigung ausstellend
bescheinigt; beurkundet; zertifiziert; eine Bescheinigung ausgestellt
to certificate sth. Br.
blanko adv
einen Scheck blanko ausstellen
in blank
to issue a blank cheque check
jdn. etw. ansässig machen; domizilieren; (Urkunde) auf einen bestimmten Ort ausstellen v
ansässig machend; domizilierend; auf einen bestimmten Ort ausstellend
ansässig gemacht; domiziliert; auf einen bestimmten Ort ausgestellt
einen Wechsel bei einer Bank domizilieren zahlbar stellen
to domicile sb. sth.
to domicile domicililate a bill at a bank
erneut eine Rechnung ausstellen econ.
to reinvoice
ärztliches Attest med.
ein ärztliches Attest ausstellen
jdm. ein ärztliches Attest für den Arbeitgeber ausstellen
sich ein ärztliches Attest für die Zeit seiner Abwesenheit ausstellen lassen
medical certificate
to issue a medical certificate
to give sb. a medical certificate for their employer
to obtain a medical certificate for the time you would be away
Ausstellen n; Ausstellung f (von etw.) (Vorgang)
im Museum ausgestellt sein
Künstler fördern, indem man ihre Werke ausstellt
Sie hat ihre Schätze nie für Ausstellungszwecke verliehen.
exhibition (of sth.)
to be on exhibition at the museum
to promote artists by exhibition of their works
She never lent her treasures out for exhibition.
Ausstellen n; Vorstellen n; Präsentieren n
jdm. einen entsprechenden Bescheid ausstellen; jdn. bescheiden v adm. jur.
to serve sb. a pertinent notice
Frachtbrief m; Warenbegleitschein m transp. adm.
Frachtbriefe pl; Warenbegleitscheine pl
Frachtbriefduplikat n; Frachtbriefdoppel m
Frachtbrieforiginal n
Frachtbrief in drei Ausfertigungen
internationaler Frachtbrief
Frachtbrief des Spediteurs
Frachtbrief für Transportbehälter; Containerfrachtbrief
Eilgutfrachtbrief m; Eilfrachtbrief m
Eisenbahnfrachtbrief m; Bahnfrachtbrief m
Warenbegleitschein für den Interzonenhandel Dt. hist.
einen Frachtbrief ausstellen
consignment note C N ; waybill W.B. Am.; bill of lading B L Am.
consignment notes; waybills; bills of lading
duplicate (of) consignment note; duplicate waybill Am.; counterfoil waybill Am.
original consignment note; original waybill Am.
consignment note in triplicate; waybill in triplicate Am.
international consignment note; international waybill
forwarding agent's certificate of transport; forarder's
container consignment note; container waybill Am.
consignment note for express freight Br.; bill of lading for fast freight Am.
railway consignment note Br.; railroad bill of lading Am.
interzonal trade permit
to make out a consignment note
Kreditkarte f fin.
Kreditkarten pl
Zahlung mit Kreditkarte; Zahlung per Kreditkarte
eine Kreditkarte ausstellen
eine Kreditkarte (für einen Zahlungsvorgang) akzeptieren; nehmen ugs.
einen Kauf auf jds. Kreditkarte buchen
eine Kreditkarte sperren
eine Kreditkarte (bankseitig) kündigen
die Sperre der Kreditkarte aufheben
Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?
Der Betrag kann auch von Ihrer Visa- oder Mastercard abgebucht werden.
Ihre Kreditkarte ist nicht mehr gültig. Sie ist vor drei Wochen abgelaufen.
credit card
credit cards
payment by credit card
to issue a credit card
to accept a credit card (for a payment transaction)
to put a purchase on sb.'s credit card
to block a credit card
to cancel a credit card
to unblock the credit card
Can I pay with a credit card?
The amount payable may also be paid with Visa- or Mastercard.
Your credit card is no longer valid. It expired three weeks ago.
Messe f; Schau f (meist in Zusammensetzungen) econ.
Messen pl; Schauen pl
Auslandsmesse f
Fachmesse f
Handelsmesse f; Warenmesse f
Karrieremesse f; Firmenkontaktmesse f
Musikmesse f
Mustermesse f
Publikumsmesse f; Verbrauchermesse f
Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse f
eine Messe besuchen
eine Messe eröffnen
eine Messe organisieren
auf einer Messe ausstellen; an einer Messe teilnehmen
fair; trade show; show; exhibition
fairs; trade shows; shows; exhibitions
foreign fair
specialized fair
trade fair; trade show; trade exhibition
career fair
music fair
samples fair; samples exhibition
consumer fair
Nuremberg International Toy Fair
to visit a fair
to open a fair
to organize a fair eAm.; to organise a fair Br.
to participate in a fair
Rechnung f; Faktur f; Faktura f Ös. (über einen Betrag) (schriftlicher Beleg über Warenkauf Dienstleistung) econ.
Rechnungen pl; Fakturen pl
Dienstleistungsrechnung f
Eingangsrechnung f
Korrekturrechnung f
Originalrechnung f
Verkaufsrechnung f
detaillierte Rechnung
endgültige Rechnung f
offene unbezahlte Rechnung
Bevorschussung von Rechnungen
eine Rechnung über den vollen Betrag ausstellen
eine Rechnung begleichen; eine Rechnung bezahlen
eine Rechnung nicht anerkennen
eine Rechnung prüfen
eine Rechnung quittieren
invoice (for an amount)
service invoice
purchase invoice
corrective invoice; corrected invoice
original invoice
sales invoice
detailed invoice
final invoice
unpaid invoice
invoice discounting
to issue an invoice for the full amount
to settle an invoice
to disallow an invoice
to verify an invoice
to receipt an invoice
über etw. Rechnung legen; eine Faktura ausstellen; etw. fakturieren v econ. adm.
Rechnung legend; eine Faktura ausstellend; fakturierend
Rechnung gelegt; eine Faktura ausgestellt; fakturiert
stellt in Rechnung; stellt eine Faktura aus; fakturiert
stellte in Rechnung; stellte eine Faktura aus; fakturierte
erneut eine Rechnung ausstellen
Die Ware wurde in Dollar fakturiert.
to invoice sth.; to bill sth.
invoicing; billing
invoiced; billed
invoices; bills
invoiced; billed
to reinvoice
The goods were invoiced billed in dollars.
Schau f; Zurschaustellen n
etw. zur Schau stellen; etw. ausstellen
zur Schau stellen
etw. zur Schau tragen
jdm. die Schau stehlen
einen auf Schau machen
show (display)
to put sth. on show; to show sth.
to show off; to parade
to display sth.
to steal the show limelight scene from sb.; to steal sb.'s thunder
to put on air
Scheck m fin.
Schecks pl
Auslandsscheck m
Barscheck m; Kassenscheck m Dt. selten fin.
Blankoscheck m
Gehaltsscheck m; Lohnscheck m
Inhaberscheck m; Ãœberbringerscheck m
Namensscheck m; persönlicher Scheck
Postbarscheck m Dt.
Reisescheck m
Verrechnungsscheck m
ein Scheck über 100 Euro
mit Scheck bezahlen; per Scheck zahlen
einen Scheck einlösen
einen Scheck fälschen
gedeckter Scheck
abgelaufener Scheck
ungedeckter Scheck; geplatzer Scheck
unvollständig ausgefüllter Scheck
vordatierter Scheck
einen Scheck ohne Deckung ausstellen
cheque Br.; check Am.
cheques Br.; checks Am.
foreign cheque Br.; foreign check Am.
open cheque Br. check Am.; uncrossed cheque Br. check Am.; cash cheque Br. coll. rare; cash check Am. coll. rare
blank cheque Br.; blank check Am.
pay cheque Br.; pay packet Br.; paycheck Am.; payroll check Am.
bearer cheque Br.; bearer check Am.; cheque Br. check Am. (payable) to bearer
personal cheque Br. check Am.; order cheque Br. check Am.; non-negotiable cheque Br. check Am.
giro cheque Br.
traveller's cheque Br.; traveler's check Am.
crossed cheque Br.; crossed check Am.; check for deposit (only) Am.
a cheque for Euro 100
to pay by cheque Br.; to pay by check Am.
to cash a cheque Br. check Am.
to forge a cheque Br.; to forge a check Am.
covered cheque
stale check Am.
bounced cheque Br.; rubber check Am.; kite
inchoate cheque; inchoate check
memorandum cheque Br.; memorandum check Am.
to kite
Seefrachtbrief m; Schiffsfrachtbrief m; Konnossement n transp. adm.
Seefrachtbriefe pl; Schiffsfrachtbriefe pl; Konnossemente pl
Seefrachtbrief in doppelter Ausfertigung
Binnenkonnossement; Flussladeschein; Ladeschein
Durchfrachtkonnossement; Durchkonnossement; durchgehendes Konnossement; Transitkonnossement
reiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossment ohne einschränkenden Vermerk
unreiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossement mit Vorbehalten
laut Schiffsfrachtbrief
einen Seefrachtbrief ausstellen
bill of lading B L
bills of lading
bill of lading drawn in two copies
inland waterway bill of lading
on-board bill of lading; shipped bill of lading
through bill of lading
port bill of lading
bill of lading to bearer
custody bill of lading
straight bill of lading Am.
order bill of lading; bill of lading (made out) to order
marine bill of lading; ocean bill of lading
received for shipment bill of lading
transhipment bill of lading; transshipment bill of lading
clean bill of lading
dirty foul claused bill of lading
as per bill of lading
to make out a bill of lading
Vollmacht f jur.
befristete Vollmacht
beschränkte Vollmacht
Dauervollmacht f
Einzelvollmacht f; Sondervollmacht f
Gattungsvollmacht f; Artvollmacht f
Generalvollmacht f
Gesamtvollmacht f
Sammelvollmacht f
Vollmacht, die auch bei Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers gilt
Sondervollmacht für den Fall der Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers
widerrufliche unwiderrufliche Vollmacht
nach Erlöschen der Vollmacht
Umfang einer Vollmacht
Vorlegen einer Vollmacht
Widerruf der Vollmacht
Zurückziehen der Vollmacht
eine Vollmacht ausstellen
jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen
eine Vollmacht haben; über eine Vollmacht verfügen
eine Vollmacht vorlegen
die Vollmacht widerrufen
die Vollmacht zurückziehen
Die Vollmacht erlischt mit dem Tode des Vollmachtgebers.
power of attorney
temporary power of attorney
limited power of attorney
permanent power of attorney
special power of attorney
power of attorney limited to a specific class of transactions
general power of attorney; full power of attorney
joint power of attorney
collective power of attorney
enduring power of attorney; durable power of attorney Am.; power of attorney with durable provisions Am.
springing power of attorney Am.
substitute power of attorney
revocable irrevocable power of attorney
after the expiration of the power of attorney
extent scope of a power of attorney
presentation of a power of attorney
revocation of the power of attorney
withdrawal of the power of attorney
to execute a power of attorney
to give sb. power of attorney; to grant sb. power of attorney
to hold a power of attorney
to present a power of attorney
to revoke the power of attorney
to cancel withdraw the power of attorney
The power of attorney shall become extinct at the moment of death of the empowering person.
gerichtliche Vorladung f; Ladung f (von Personen) unter Strafandrohung jur.
Vorladung zur Zeugenaussage
Anordnung an einen Zeugen, Urkunden als Beweismittel vorzulegen
Zeuge, die nicht unter Strafandrohung vorgeladen sind, sondern freiwillig vor Gericht aussagen
Eine gerichtliche Vorladung Anordnung zur Beweisvorlage unter Strafandrohung ausstellen
einer gerichtlichen Vorladung nachkommen
eine gerichtliche Zeugenladung Anordnung zur Vorlage von Urkunden erwirken
Sie müssen alle unter Strafandrohung vor Gericht erscheinen.
subpoena to give evidence; subpoena ad testificandum
subpoena duces tecum
witnesses who are not under subpoena and attend voluntarily to give evidence
to issue a subpoena
to comply with a subpoena
to obtain a subpoena
They are all under subpoena to appear.
etw. ausstellen v (auf einer Messe; in einem Museum)
to exhibit; to show sth.
exhibiting; showing
exhibited; showed
to co-exhibit

Deutsche Ausstellungsgel�nde Synonyme

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Englische make out to bearer Synonyme

make  Platonic form  Platonic idea  abide by  abscond  accomplish  achieve  acquire  act  add up to  adhere to  administer  aesthetic form  affect  affirm  aftermath  aggressive  agree to  alter  amount to  anatomy  animus  announce  appear  appoint  approach  approach anchorage  approve  aptitude  archetype  architectonics  architecture  arrange  arrangement  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  art form  assail  assault  assemblage  assemble  assembly  assertive  assign  assimilate to  atone  attack  attain  attain to  author  authorize  avails  baby  bag  batch  be  be received  be seized of  bear  bear down on  bear down upon  bear up for  bear up to  bearing  beat it  become  beget  behave  bent  bias  bind  blood  blow in  blow up  bob up  boost  borrow  box office  brand  breed  brew  bring about  bring forth  bring off  bring to  bring to effect  bring to pass  build  build up  building  buildup  bumper crop  bury the hatchet  butter up  cajole  calculate  capture  carry out  carry through  cast  catch  cause  cause to  certify  change  change into  change over  character  charge  check in  choose  clan  clear  clear out  clear the way  clip off  clock in  close with  coddle  coerce  coin  color  combination  combine  come  come by  come in  come in for  come into  come to  come to hand  come to terms  command  commission  commissions  commit  communicate  compass  compel  compensate  compensate for  complete  compose  composition  compound  comprehend  conceive  concoct  conduct  configuration  confirm  conformation  consist of  constitute  constitution  constrain  construct  construction  consummate  contract  contribute to  contrive  convert  convey  cook  cook up  cope  cope with  corral  correct  cosset  course  cover  create  creation  credit  credits  crop  cut  cut and run  cut out  deal with  decamp  decide upon  decipher  declare  decoct  delegate  deliver  demonstrate  denomination  depute  deputize  derive  description  descry  designate  designation  d  
make a deal  accommodate  adjust  agree  agree to  bargain  bargain for  be a bargain  be a deal  be a go  be on  buy  buy back  buy in  buy into  buy off  buy on credit  buy up  come to terms  compact  complete a purchase  compose  compound  compromise  contract  cop out  corner  covenant  do a deal  duck responsibility  engage  engross  evade responsibility  give and take  give way  go fifty-fifty  make a bargain  make a buy  make a dicker  make an adjustment  make concessions  meet halfway  monopolize  play politics  procure  promise  purchase  reach a compromise  rebuy  regrate  repurchase  settle  shake hands  shake on it  split the difference  stipulate  strike a balance  strike a bargain  surrender  take the mean  undertake  yield  
make a federal case  accent  accentuate  belabor  dwell on  emphasize  follow out  follow up  give emphasis to  go all lengths  go all out  go the limit  harp on  highlight  italicize  leave nothing undone  overaccentuate  overemphasize  overstress  place emphasis on  point up  punctuate  rub in  see it through  spotlight  star  stress  underline  underscore  
make a killing  be caught short  be short  bear the palm  belong  break the bank  bucket  bucketshop  capitalize on  capture  carry  carry away  carry it  carry off  carry the day  cash in on  clean up  clear  coin money  come out first  commercialize  deposit margin  finish in front  fluke  gain  gain by  gain the day  go long  gross  hit it  hit the jackpot  hit the mark  hold on  make a scoop  make money  make money by  margin up  miss the market  net  operate  overstay the market  play the market  plunge  profit  pyramid  realize  realize on  ring the bell  scalp  scoop the market  score  score a success  speculate  stag  stag the market  take a flier  take the cake  trade on margin  turn a penny  turn to account  turn to profit  turn up trumps  venture  win  win out  win the battle  win the laurels  win the palm  win the prize  win through  
make a point of  attach a condition  conclude  condition  contend for  decide  determine  fight for  fix  have a catch  have a joker  insist upon  make conditional  make contingent  purpose  resolve  seal  settle  stickle for  stipulate  stipulate for  strive for  struggle for  take a resolution  vie for  will  
make a show of  act  act a part  affect  assume  betoken  bluff  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  counterfeit  cover up  cut a dash  cut a figure  cut a swath  dangle  dazzle  demonstrate  develop  disclose  display  dissemble  dissimulate  divulge  do a bit  dramatize  embody  enact  evidence  evince  exhibit  expose to view  express  fake  feign  flaunt  flourish  four-flush  gammon  give sign  give token  glare  glitter  highlight  histrionize  illuminate  incarnate  indicate  let on  let on like  make a figure  make a pretense  make a show  make a splash  make as if  make believe  make clear  make like  make out like  make plain  manifest  materialize  mean  overact  parade  perform  play  play a part  play a scene  play possum  playact  present  pretend  produce  profess  put on  put on airs  represent  reveal  roll out  set forth  sham  shine  show  show forth  simulate  splash  splurge  spotlight  token  trot out  tug the heartstrings  unfold  wave  wear  
make advances  act on  answer  approach  bear upon  break the ice  communicate with  contact  correspond  court  cultivate  draw  draw on  establish connection  exert influence  get cozy with  get to  importune  interrogate  lead on  lobby  lobby through  magnetize  maintain connection  make a pass  make an overture  make contact with  make overtures  make up to  overture  pay addresses to  pay court to  play up to  proposition  pull strings  question  raise  reach  relate to  reply to  respond to  run after  shine up to  solicit  suck up to  throw a pass  wire-pull  work on  
make allowance for  admit  admit exceptions  allow  allow for  bear with  blink at  color  concede  condone  connive at  consider  consider the circumstances  consider the source  diminish  discount  disregard  ease  endure  extenuate  gloss over  grant  ignore  leave unavenged  lessen  let it go  lift temporarily  make allowances for  mince  mitigate  overlook  palliate  pass over  pocket the affront  provide for  regard with indulgence  relax  relax the condition  set aside  slur over  soft-pedal  soften  take  take account of  take into account  take into consideration  varnish  waive  whitewash  wink at  
make amends  atone  atone for  compensate  cover  do penance  expiate  fill up  get satisfaction  give and take  give satisfaction  indemnify  kick back  live down  make compensation  make good  make matters up  make reparation  make requital  make restitution  make retribution  make right  make up for  make up to  pay  pay back  pay damages  pay in kind  pay off  pay the forfeit  pay the penalty  propitiate  quit  recompense  recoup  rectify  redeem  redress  refund  reimburse  repair  repay  requite  retaliate  reward  satisfy  set right  square  square it  square things  
make an example of  bring to account  bring to book  call to account  castigate  chasten  chastise  correct  deal with  discipline  inflict upon  masthead  penalize  pillory  punish  settle with  square accounts  take to task  visit upon  
make an impression  affect  arrest the thoughts  assail the ear  be heard  be remembered  caress the ear  catch the thoughts  come home to  contact  gain a hearing  get across  get through to  get to  grab  hit  hit the mark  impress  impress forcibly  make oneself heard  never be forgotten  obsess  penetrate  rankle  reach  reach the ear  register  rock  sink in  smite  strike  strike hard  strike home  tell  traumatize  
make believe  act  act a part  affect  affected  apocryphal  apparition  artificial  assume  assumed  bastard  bluff  bogus  brainchild  brummagem  bubble  charade  chimera  colorable  colored  counterfeit  counterfeited  cover up  delirium  disguise  dissemble  dissimulate  distorted  dressed up  dummy  eidolon  embellished  embroidered  ersatz  fabulous  factitious  fake  faked  falsified  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  feign  feigned  fiction  fictional  fictitious  fictive  figment  figmental  four-flush  gammon  garbled  hallucination  idle fancy  illegitimate  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  imitation  insubstantial image  invention  junky  legendary  let on  let on like  maggot  make a pretense  make as if  make like  man-made  mock  myth  mythic  mythicized  mythified  mythological  nonactual  nonfactual  nonrealistic  pageant  perverted  phantasm  phantom  phony  pinchbeck  play  play a part  play possum  playact  pretend  pretended  pretension  pretentiousness  profess  pseudo  put on  put-on  quasi  queer  romance  self-styled  sham  shoddy  sick fancy  simulate  simulated  so-called  soi-disant  spurious  supposititious  synthetic  thick-coming fancies  tin  tinsel  titivated  trip  twisted  unauthentic  ungenuine  unnatural  unreal  vapor  vision  warped  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  
make clear  account for  affect  aid  allegorize  betoken  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  clarify  clear the way  clear up  crack  dangle  decipher  demonstrate  demythologize  develop  disclose  display  divulge  dramatize  ease  elucidate  embody  enact  enlighten  euhemerize  evidence  evince  exemplify  exhibit  expedite  explain  explain away  explicate  expose to view  exposit  expound  express  facilitate  flaunt  flourish  get across  get over  give reason for  give sign  give the meaning  give token  grease  grease the ways  grease the wheels  hasten  help along  highlight  illuminate  illustrate  incarnate  indicate  loose  lubricate  make it clear  make plain  make way for  manifest  materialize  mean  oil  open the way  open up  parade  pave the way  perform  popularize  prepare the way  present  produce  put across  put over  quicken  rationalize  remove friction  represent  reveal  roll out  run interference for  set forth  shed light upon  show  show forth  show how  show the way  simplify  smooth  smooth the way  soap the ways  solve  speed  spell out  spotlight  throw light upon  token  trot out  unbar  unblock  unclog  unfold  unjam  unlock  unravel  vulgarize  wave  
make do  beget  breed  bring forth  bring into being  call into being  change  change for  coin  commute  compound for  conceive  concoct  contrive  cook up  cope  design  develop  devise  discover  do with  dream up  dub in  engender  evolve  exchange  fabricate  frame  generate  get along on  get by on  give being to  give place to  give rise to  hatch  improvise  invent  make do with  make out  make up  make way for  makeshift  manage  manage with  mature  mint  offer in exchange  originate  plan  procreate  put up with  redeem  ring in  shift with  spawn  strike out  substitute  switch  take in exchange  think out  think up  
make ends meet  cope  economize  eke out  enforce economies  get by  husband  keep afloat  keep within compass  make out  manage  put something aside  save  scrape  scrape along  scrape and save  scrimp  skimp  subsist  survive  
make fun of  be merry with  crack a joke  crack wise  deride  fleer at  fun  gibe at  grin at  hold in derision  jape  jest  joke  josh  kid  kid around  laugh at  laugh to scorn  make a funny  make fun  make game of  make merry with  mock  pan  pillory  play on words  point at  poke fun at  pun  put one on  quip  rag  razz  ride  ridicule  roast  scintillate  scoff at  smile at  snicker at  snigger at  sparkle  utter a mot  wisecrack  
make good  abide by  accomplish  achieve success  act up to  adhere to  advance  afford proof of  amend  arrive  ascertain  atone  atone for  attend to  be a success  be faithful to  break through  bring home to  bring to completion  bring to fruition  cinch  clinch  coin money  come into money  come on  come through  compensate  complete  comply with  conform to  correct  cover  cut a swath  demonstrate  determine  do justice to  do penance  eke out  emend  establish  expiate  fill  fill in  fill out  fill up  fix  follow  follow from  fulfill  get ahead  get on  get rich  get there  give and take  give satisfaction  go far  go places  grow rich  have a case  have it made  heed  hold by  hold good  hold water  indemnify  keep  keep faith  keep faith with  keep troth  kick back  live down  live up to  make a breakthrough  make a fortune  make a success  make all square  make amends  make compensation  make headway  make it  make matters up  make money  make out  make reparation  make restitution  make right  make the scene  make up  make up for  make up to  mature  meet  meet an obligation  nail down  not fail  observe  pay back  pay damages  pay in kind  pay reparations  pay the forfeit  pay the penalty  piece out  progress  propitiate  prove  prove to be  prove true  put right  put straight  put to rights  quit  recompense  recoup  rectify  redeem  redress  refill  refund  regard  reimburse  remedy  remove all doubt  remunerate  repair  repay  replenish  requite  respect  retaliate  right  rise  round out  satisfy  set at rest  set right  set straight  set to rights  set up  settle  settle the matter  show  square  square it  square things  stand up to  strike it rich  top off  
make haste  bolt  bundle  bustle  career  chase  crowd  dart  dash  dash off  dash on  double-time  festinate  fling  get going  get moving  haste  hasten  hie  hump  hump it  hurry  hurry on  hurry through  hurry up  hurry-scurry  hurtle  hustle  leap  lose no time  move quickly  plunge  post  press on  push on  race  run  rush  rush through  scamper  scoot  scour  scramble  scud  scurry  scuttle  shoot  skedaddle  spurt  step on it  tear  
make headway  achieve success  advance  ameliorate  amend  arrive  be a success  break through  come along  come on  come through  cover ground  cut a swath  develop  do well  enjoy prosperity  farewell  foot  gain  gain ground  gather head  gather way  get ahead  get along  get on  get on swimmingly  get on well  get there  go  go ahead  go along  go far  go fast  go forward  go on  go places  go well  graduate  grow better  have it made  improve  look up  make a breakthrough  make a success  make good  make good time  make head against  make it  make knots  make progress  make progress against  make sternway  make strides  make the scene  make up leeway  make way  meliorate  mend  move  move forward  pass along  pass on  perk up  pick up  proceed  progress  prosper  rise  roll  shape up  show improvement  skyrocket  stem  step forward  succeed  take off  travel  turn out well  
make it  accomplish  achieve  achieve success  advance  approach  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  attain  attain to  be a success  be able  be received  be up to  blow in  bob up  break through  can  can do  check in  clear  clear the hurdle  clock in  come  come along  come in  come on  come through  come to  come to hand  contrive  cut a swath  cut it  cut the mustard  engineer  fetch  fetch up at  find  gain  get ahead  get along  get by  get in  get on  get there  get to  go far  go on  go places  hack it  have it made  hit  hit town  make  make a breakthrough  make a success  make good  make headway  make out  make the grade  make the scene  manage  manage somehow  may  muddle through  negotiate  pop up  possess authority  progress  pull in  punch in  put over  put through  reach  ring in  rise  roll in  scrape along  show up  sign in  succeed in  swing  swing the deal  take charge  time in  turn up  worry along  

Ausstellungsgel�nde Definition

(n.) One who carries the armor or arms of another
(n.) One who, or that which, bears, sustains, or carries.
(n.) Specifically: One who assists in carrying a body to the grave
(n.) A palanquin carrier
(n.) A tree or plant yielding fruit
(n.) One who holds a check, note, draft, or other order for the payment of money
(n.) A strip of reglet or other furniture to bear off the impression from a blank page
Bell bearer
() A Brazilian leaf hopper (Bocydium tintinnabuliferum), remarkable for the four bell-shaped appendages of its thorax.
(n.) A subdeacon who bears a cross before an archbishop or primate on solemn occasions.
(n.) A companion
(v. t.) To cause to exist
(v. t.) To form of materials
(v. t.) To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false
(v. t.) To bring about
(v. t.) To execute with the requisite formalities
(v. t.) To gain, as the result of one's efforts
(v. t.) To find, as the result of calculation or computation
(v. t.) To put a desired or desirable condition
(v. t.) To cause to be or become
(v. t.) To cause to appear to be
(v. t.) To require
(v. t.) To become
(v. t.) To compose, as parts, ingredients, or materials
(v. t.) To be engaged or concerned in.
(v. t.) To reach
(v. i.) To act in a certain manner
(v. i.) To proceed
(v. i.) To tend
(v. i.) To increase
(v. i.) To compose verses
(n.) Structure, texture, constitution of parts
(n.) A feigning to believe
(n.) A feigning to believe, as in the play of children
(a.) Feigned
(n.) An object of ridicule
(n.) A peacemaker.
(n.) The way in which the parts of anything are put together
(n.) One who, or that which, carries a shield.
(n.) Any small moth of the genus Aspidisca, whose larva makes a shieldlike covering for itself out of bits of leaves.
(n.) The constellation Aquarius.

make out to bearer Bedeutung

something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
the act of mixing cards haphazardly
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
the enactment of a pretense, it was just pretend
topminnow poeciliid fish
small usually brightlyolored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters, often used in mosquito control
war paint
cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance
composition physical composition
the way in which someone or something is composed
pretense pretence
imaginative intellectual play
a recognizable kind, there's a new brand of hero in the movies now, what make of car is that?
an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event, he missed the test and had to take a makeup, the two teams played a makeup one week later
Abu Sayyaf
Bearer of the Sword
a small gang of terrorist thugs claiming to seek a separate Islamic state for the Muslim minority in the Philippines, uses bombing and assassination and extortion and kidnapping, In Abu Sayyaf kidnapped twenty people and beheaded one of the American captives
Aquarius the Water Bearer
Water Bearer
the eleventh sign of the zodiac, the sun is in this sign from about Januaryto February
Water Bearer
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aquarius
armiger armor-bearer a squire carrying the armor of a knight
carrier bearer toter someone whose employment involves carrying something, the bonds were transmitted by carrier
color bearer
the soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle
someone who tries to bring peace
the person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it, the bond was marked `payable to bearer'
bearer a messenger who bears or presents, a bearer of good tidings
office-bearer the person who holds an office
one of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral
standard-bearer an outstanding leader of a political movement
one who helps carry a stretcher
coupon bond
bearer bond
a bond issued with detachable coupons that must be presented to the issuer for interest payments
make act in a certain way so as to acquire, make friends, make enemies
relax unstrain
unlax loosen up unwind make relaxed
cause to feel relaxed, A hot bath always relaxes me
make a face
pull a face
contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state, He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do
make up apply make-up or cosmetics to one's face to appear prettier, She makes herself up every morning
f make urinate
make water
relieve oneself
take a leak
spend a penny
pass water
eliminate urine, Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug
take a shit
take a crap
have a bowel movement, The dog had made in the flower beds
make behave in a certain way, make merry
make as if begin or appear to begin an action, He made as if to shake my hand
give certain properties to something, get someone mad, She made us look silly, He made a fool of himself at the meeting, Don't make this into a big deal, This invention will make you a millionaire, Make yourself clear
develop make grow cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development, The perfect climate here develops the grain, He developed a new kind of apple
make make up put in order or neaten, make the bed, make up a room
fill fill up
make full
make full, also in a metaphorical sense, fill a container, fill the child with pride
sublimate make pure
remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation, purify the water
make c develop into, He will make a splendid father!
make unnecessary
make unnecessary an expenditure or effort, This will save money, I'll save you the trouble, This will save you a lot of time
make f change from one form into another, make water into wine, make lead into gold, make clay into bricks
make e favor the development of, Practice makes the winner
make cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable, make my day
make out comprehend, I cannot make out what this politician is saying
lay down
establish make d
institute, enact, or establish, make laws
make up one's mind
reach, make, or come to a decision about something, We finally decided after lengthy deliberations
make c calculate as being, I make the height aboutfeet
make consider as being, It wasn't the problem some people made it
make, formulate, or derive in the mind, I draw a line here, draw a conclusion, draw parallels, make an estimate, What do you make of his remarks?
make out try to establish, She made out that she know nothing about the crime
patch up
make up
come to terms, After some discussion we finally made up
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