
BAS Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bahnselbstanschlussanlage f (BASA) mach. techn.
automatic railway telephone system
Bahnfernsprechwählnetz n; Bahnselbstanschlussanlage f BASA telco.
automatic railway telephone system
basal, grundständig adj
basales Lernen
basal, fundamental
fundamental learning
basal; an der Grundfläche (liegend gelegen) adj anat. geol.
grundlegend; basal adj
basales Lernen
fundamental; basal
fundamental learning
Basalatmung f biochem.
basal respiration
Basalatmung f envir.
basal respiration
Dachbankzyklus m; basaler Feinzyklus m geol.
coarsening upward sequence
Basalhirn n anat.
brain basement
Basaliom n; Basalzellenkrebs m; Basalzellkarzinom n med.
basalioma; basal cell carcinoma BCC ; basal cell epithelioma
Basalkonglomerat n geol.
basal conglomerate; base conglomerate; basement conglomerate
Grenzmembran f; Basalmembran f (einer Zelle) biochem.
Grenzmembranen pl; Basalmembranen pl
boundary layer membrane (of a cell)
boundary layer membranes
Grenzmembran f; Basalmembran f anat.
Grenzmembranen pl; Basalmembranen pl
basal membrane; basal lamina
basal membranes; basal laminas
Basalt m min.
Basalt m min.
Alkalibasalt m
Nephelinbasalt m
Säulenbasalt m
alkali basalt
nepheline basalt
columnar basalt; palisade basalt
basaltisch adj
basaltisch adj min. geol.
basaltic; basaltine
basaltisches Gestein n geol.
Basaltsäule f min. geol.
Basaltsäulen pl
basalt column; basaltic column
basalt columns; basaltic columns
Basaltschicht f geol.
Basaltschichten pl
basaltic layer
basaltic layers
Pflasterstein m constr.
Pflastersteine pl
Großpflasterstein m (aus Granit oder Beton)
Betongroßpflasterstein m; Betonstein m
Betonpflasterstein m; Betonstein m; Gehwegplatte f aus Beton
Betonpflasterstein m ohne Verbundwirkung
Betonpflasterstein m mit Basaltsplittvorsatz; Betonstein m mit Basaltsplittvorsatz
Betonpflasterstein m mit Verschleißvorsatz; Betonschwerlastpflasterstein m
Betonpflasterstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz
Betonpflasterstein mit Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein mit Natursteinvorsatz
eingefärbter Betonpflasterstein; eingefärbter Betonstein; eingefärbte Betonplatte
Granitgroßpflasterstein m; Kopfstein m; Katzenkopf m ugs.
Kleinpflasterstein m
Mosaikpflasterstein m
Naturpflasterstein m; Pflasterstein aus Naturstein
Quaderpflasterstein m; rechteckiger Pflasterstein m (aus Sandstein oder Granit)
Verbundpflasterstein m (aus Beton); Verbundbetonstein m
Pflastersteine in Mörtel verlegen; in Mörtel pflastern; in Mörtel pflästern Schw.
Pflastersteine in Sand verlegen; in Sand pflastern; in Sand pflästern Schw.
Pflastersteine ins Gefälle verlegen
paving stone; paving block, paving unit; paving slab Br.; paviour Br.; paver Am.
paving stones; paving block, paving units; paving slabs; paviours; pavers
large-sized paving stone; Belgian block paver Am. (of granite or concrete)
large-sized concrete paving stone; large-sized concrete paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; large-sized concrete pavestone Am.; large-sized concrete paver Am.
concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt Am.
standard (non-interlocking) concrete paving block; standard (non-interlocking) concrete paver Am.
concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt Am.
concrete paving stone with hard-wearing surface layer Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with protective coating Am.
standard concrete paving block without exposed aggregate
exposed aggregate paving block; exposed aggregate paving unit; paver with exposed aggregate Am.
coloured paving stone Br.; coloured paving block Br.; tinted concrete paver Am.
large-sized natural paving stone; large-sized granite sett Br. Austr. NZ; large-sized natural pavestone Am.; large-sized cobblestone Am.; jumbo cobblestone Am.
small paving stone; small paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; cube Br. coll.; small stone paver Am.
mosaic paving stone; mosaic paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; mosaic paver Am.
natural stone sett Br. Austr. NZ; random sett Br. Austr. NZ; cobblestone Am.; cobble Am.
paving set; paving sett Br. Austr. NZ (of sandstone or granite)
interlocking (concrete) paving block; interlocking (concrete) paving unit; interlocking (concrete) paver Am.
to lay setts on mortar Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers on mortar Am.
to lay setts on sand Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers on sand Am.
to lay setts to falls Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers to slope Am.
Basaltwacke f geol.
Basaltwacken pl
basaltic wacke
basaltic wackes
Basaltwerk n geol. min.
Basaltwerke pl
basalt pit
basalt pits
Basalzement m
basal cement
Basanit m min.
Basar m
Basare pl
Suk m arabisch; Basar m
Baschkire m; Baschkirin f soc.
Baschkiren pl; Baschkirinnen pl
Baschkortostan n, Baschkirien n geogr.
Baschkortostan n; Baschkirien n geogr.
Baschkortostan n; Baschkirien n geogr.
Bashkortostan; Bashkiria
Baschkirisch n ling.
baschkirisch adj geogr.
Base f chem.
Basen pl
Cousine f, Kusine f, Base f (veraltet)
Cousinen pl, Kusinen pl, Basen pl
Schirmmütze f, Base-Cap n
baseball cap, base-cap, baseball hat
Cousine f; Kusine f; Base f (veraltet)
Cousinen pl; Kusinen pl; Basen pl
Cousine ersten Grades
Cousine zweiten Grades
Cousine dritten Grades
cousin once removed
cousin twice removed
third cousin
Schirmmütze f; Baseballmütze f; Schildkappe f BW Ös.; Dächlikappe f Schw.; Base-Cap n textil.
Schirmmützen pl; Baseballmützen pl; Schildkappen pl; Dächlikappen pl; Base-Caps pl
baseball cap; baseball hat
baseball caps; baseball hats
Cousine f; Kusine f; Base f veraltet soc.
Cousinen pl; Kusinen pl; Basen pl
Cousine ersten Grades
Cousine zweiten Grades; Großcousine f
Cousine dritten Grades
Rita und Lisa sind Cousinen.
female cousin
female first cousin; female cousin once removed
female second cousin; female cousin twice removed
female third cousin; female cousin three times removed
Rita and Lisa are cousins.
Lauge f; Laugelösung f (Lösung einer Base) chem.
Salpeterlauge f
lye; alkaline solution; caustic solution Am.
saltpetre Br. saltpeter Am. lye; saltpetre Br. saltpeter Am. lees
Mütze f; Haube f Süddt. Ös.; Kappe f Schw. textil.
Mützen pl; Hauben pl; Kappen pl
Bademütze f; Badehaube f; Badekappe f
Bommelmütze f; Bommelhaube f; Bommelkappe f; Pudelmütze f; Pudelhaube f; Plümmelmütze f; Poppelhaube f
Faltmütze f
Feldmütze f mil.
Nachtmütze f; Schlafmütze f
Narrenmütze f hist.
Pelzmütze f
Schiebermütze f; Batschkapp f Hessen ugs.
Schiffermütze f; Prinz-Heinrich-Mütze f
Schirmmütze f; Baseballmütze f; Schildkappe f BW Ös.; Dächlikappe f Schw.; Base-Cap n
Schirmmütze f; Seglermütze f
Strickmütze f
Tellermütze f; Studentenmütze f
Waschbärmütze f
Wollmütze f
Zipfelmütze f
Zopfmütze f
cap; soft hat; hat
caps; soft hats; hats
bathing cap
bobble hat Br.; bobble Br.; pom-pom hat Am.; pom-pom Am.; pom-pon Am.
folding hat
field cap
fool's cap
fur cap
flat cap
German sailor's cap
baseball cap; baseball hat
peaked cap; yachting cap
knitted hat; knit cap; beanie cap; beanie coll.
student cap
coonskin cap
wollen hat; woolly hat Br.; balaclava
stocking cap
cable hat
Säure-Base-Theorie f chem.
electron-pair theory of acids and bases
stickstoffhaltige organische Base f; Nucleobase f biochem.
nitrogen-containing organic base; nucleobase
Abwurfstelle f (im Baseball) sport
Baseball m sport
Fanghandschuh m (Baseball), Flosse f ugs.
Innenfeld n (beim Baseball) sport
Schlagmann m sport (im Baseball)
Schlagmänner pl
batter, batsman, hitter
batters, batsmen, hitters
Spielrunde f im Baseball sport
Baseball-Fanghandschuh m; Flosse f ugs. sport.
baseball mitt
Heimat f; Zuhause n (von jdm. etw.)
zweite Heimat
Richtung Heimat
Dort ist sind ... beheimatet angesiedelt
In Amerika hat der Baseball seine Heimat.
Die Rocky Mountains sind die Heimat des Berglöwen.; Der Berglöwe ist in den Rocky Mountains beheimatet.
home (of to sb. sth.)
second home; home away from home
in homeward direction
It is the home of ... It is home to ...
America is the home of baseball.
The Rockies are the home of are home to mountain lions.
Schiedsrichter m; Schiedsrichterin f (Cricket; Hockey Baseball; Badminton) sport
Schiedsrichter pl; Schiedsrichterinnen pl
umpire; ump coll.
umpires; umps
Schlagmann m sport (im Baseball)
Schlagmänner pl
batter; batsman; hitter; slugger
batters; batsmen; hitters; sluggers
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
angefeuchteter Ball m (im Baseball) sport
spitball (in baseball)
die Bande f hinter dem Schlagmal (Baseball) sport
the backstop (behind the home plate in baseball)
Baseball-Fanghandschuh m; Flosse f ugs. sport
baseball mitt
Effetball m; Ball m mit Vorwärtsdrall; angeschnittener Ball m (Baseball) sport
curve ball; curveball; curve (baseball)
Effetball m; Ball m mit Rückwärtsdrall; angeschnittener Ball m (Baseball) sport
screwball (baseball)
Fänger m (Baseball) sport
catcher; backstop coll. (baseball)
Heimat f (von jdm. etw.)
Richtung Heimat
zu jds. zweiten Heimat werden
Dort ist sind … beheimatet angesiedelt
In Amerika hat der Baseball seine Heimat.
Die Rocky Mountains sind die Heimat des Berglöwen.; Der Berglöwe ist in den Rocky Mountains beheimatet.
home (of to sb. sth.)
in homeward direction
to become sb.'s second home
It is the home of … It is home to …
America is the home of baseball.
The Rockies are the home of are home to mountain lions.
Homerun m sport (Baseball)
home run (baseball)
Schiedsrichter m; Schiedsrichterin f (Cricket; Hockey, Baseball; Badminton) sport
Schiedsrichter pl; Schiedsrichterinnen pl
umpire; ump coll.
umpires; umps
Schlagmal n (Baseball) sport
home plate (baseball)
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
den ersten Stein werfen übtr.
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
Mike warf einen Stein in den Teich.
Ken warf noch ein Scheit ins Feuer.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to cast the first stone fig.
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
Mike threw a stone into the pond.
Ken tossed another log on the fire.
Baseballplatz m; Baseballfeld n; Baseballanlage f sport
Baseballplätze pl; Baseballfelder pl; Baseballanlagen pl
baseball ground; ballpark Am.
baseball grounds; ballparks

Deutsche BAS Synonyme

Englische automatic railway telephone system Synonyme

automatic  accordant  accustomed  alike  automated  automatic device  automaton  automatous  balanced  beaten  blind  blowgun  blowpipe  casual  compulsive  conditioned  confirmed  consistent  consonant  constant  continuous  correspondent  cybernated  cyborg  equable  equal  even  firearm  flamethrower  flat  forced  frequent  gat  gun  gut  habitual  habituated  hackneyed  handgun  heater  homogeneous  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-devised  immutable  impulsive  inadvertent  indeliberate  ineluctable  inescapable  inevitable  inherent  innate  instinctive  instinctual  invariable  involuntary  level  libidinal  measured  mechanical  mechanical man  methodic  monolithic  musket  natural  of a piece  ordered  orderly  peashooter  persistent  piece  pistol  prompt  quick  ready  recurrent  recurring  reflex  reflexive  regular  repeater  repetitive  revolver  rifle  robot  robotlike  rod  routine  sawed-off shotgun  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-mover  self-operative  self-regulating  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  semiautomatic  shooting iron  shotgun  six-gun  six-shooter  smooth  snap  spontaneous  stable  steadfast  steady  stereotyped  subliminal  systematic  trite  unadvised  unavoidable  unbroken  uncalculated  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  unconscious  unconsidered  undeliberate  undeliberated  undesigned  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  uniform  unintended  unintentional  unlearned  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprompted  unruffled  unstudied  unthinking  unvaried  unvarying  unwilled  unwilling  unwitting  well-trodden  well-worn  
automatic writing  Ouija  artistry  authorcraft  authorship  automatism  blind impulse  cacoethes scribendi  composition  compulsiveness  conditioning  creative writing  drama-writing  echolalia  echopraxia  editorial-writing  essay-writing  expository writing  facility in writing  feature-writing  graphomania  graphorrhea  graphospasm  impulse  inditement  instinct  instinctiveness  involuntariness  journalism  levitation  libretto-writing  literary artistry  literary composition  literary power  literary production  literary talent  materialization  novel-writing  pen  pencraft  planchette  playwriting  poltergeist  poltergeistism  psychography  psychorrhagy  ready pen  reflex action  rewriting  sheer chemistry  short-story writing  skill with words  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  table tipping  technical writing  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  trance speaking  unwilledness  verse-writing  writing  

BAS Definition

(a.) Alt. of Automatical
Metric system
() See Metric, a.
(n.) A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or substructure.
(n.) The road, track, etc., with all the lands, buildings, rolling stock, franchises, etc., pertaining to them and constituting one property
(n.) An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific
(n.) Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole
(n.) Regular method or order
(n.) The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.
(n.) An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ
(n.) One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians.
(n.) An instrument for reproducing sounds, especially articulate speech, at a distance.
(v. t.) To convey or announce by telephone.

automatic railway telephone system Bedeutung

Underground Railroad
Underground Railway
secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War
Bertillon system a system or procedure for identifying persons
buddy system a cooperative practice of pairing two or more people together for mutual assistance or safety (especially in recreational swimming)
telephone order receiving orders via telephone
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
air transportation system a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
automatic choke a choke that automatically controls the flow of air to the carburetor
automatic firearm
automatic gun
automatic weapon
a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released
automatic pistol
a pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released
automatic rifle
automatic machine rifle
light machine gun
automatic transmission
automatic drive
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
automatic pilot
robot pilot
a navigational device that automatically keeps ships or planes or spacecraft on a steady course
backup system a computer system for making backups
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
brake system
a braking device consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
Browning automatic rifle
a portable . caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine, used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
cable railway
funicular railway
a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
car railcar
railway car
railroad car
a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad, three cars had jumped the rails
cash machine
cash dispenser
automated teller machine
automatic teller machine
automated teller
automatic teller
an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used
cellular telephone
cellular phone
cell mobile phone
a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own shortange transmitter
telephone exchange
a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
cog railway
rack railway
railway for steep mountains, a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
coolant system a cooling system that uses a fluid to transfer heat from one place to another
cooling system
a mechanism for keeping something cool, the cooling was overhead fans
cooling system engine cooling system equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
coude telescope
coude system
a reflecting telescope so constructed that the light is led to a plate holder or spectrograph
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
dial telephone dial a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for each number called
dial telephone
dial phone
a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called
drainage system a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
early warning system a network of radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them
electrical system equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
elevated railway
elevated railroad
overhead railway
a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level
exhaust system
system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
explosive detection system
a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using Xay technology and computers, designed for use in airports
extension telephone extension
extension phone
an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
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