
Bahn Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bahn, Kurs
Zug (Bahn)
S-Bahn f
suburban railway; suburban train; city train
S-Bahn f
suburban railway, suburban train, city train
U-Bahn f
underground Br., subway Am., tube (London)
PVC-Bahn f
PVC sheet
mit der Bahn
per rail
Bahn brechen
to break fresh ground
Bahn, Eisenbahn
U-Bahn (London)
Bahn, Papierrolle
sich Bahn brechen
to forge
U-Bahn-Zeitung f
Tube newspaper
Fahrzeit f (Bahn)
time for one run (railway)
Bahn f, Kurs m
Geleise pl (Bahn)
line of rails (railway)
DB : Deutsche Bahn
German Railways
mit der Bahn fahren
to go by train
Ringbahn f (Bahn)
circular railway Br.; circle railway Br.; belt line Am. (railway)
Bremsart f (Bahn)
brake operating conditions (railway)
Teerwagen m (Bahn)
tar tank wagon; tar tank waggon Br. (railway)
Hauptbahn f (Bahn)
main-line railway Br. railroad Am.
Kalkwagen m (Bahn)
lime wagon (railway)
Breitspur f (Bahn)
broad gauge (railway)
Faltenbalg m (Bahn)
gangway bellows; communication bellows; concertina walls (railway)
mit der U-Bahn fahren
go by tube
Klappboden m (Bahn)
hinged bottom; tilting bottom
Ablaufberg m (Bahn)
marshaling hump; hump (railway)
Gleiswaage f (Bahn)
railway track scales Br.; railroad track scale Am. (railway)
Durchstich m (Bahn)
pilot cut (railway)
Spitzkehre f (Bahn)
switchback; setting-back; backshunt (railway)
Untergrundbahn, U-Bahn
underground railroad
Berg-und-Tal-Bahn f
roller coaster Am., switchback
Zahnradbahn f (Bahn)
rack-and-pinion railway Br.; rack railway Br.; rack-and-pinion railroad Am.; rack railroad Am.
Gasse, Weg, Pfad, Bahn
Anfangtafel f (Bahn)
begin signal (railway)
Anfangsfeld m (Bahn)
entrance block instrument (railway)
Blocksignal n (Bahn)
block signal (railway)
sich Bahn brechen v
to forge
Schienenfuß m (Bahn)
patten of the rail (railway)
Bahntechnik f (Bahn)
rail technology (railway)
Schwenkdach n (Bahn)
lateral sliding roof (railway)
Bremsstange f (Bahn)
truss bar of the brake (railway)
Bahn f
Bahnen pl
Flachschiene f (Bahn)
flat-headed rail; trap rail (railways)
Ablaufanlage f (Bahn)
gravity hump yard (railway)
Nachbeeisung f (Bahn)
re-icing (railways)
Anlaufwinkel m (Bahn)
striking angle (railway)
Bremsdreieck n (Bahn)
triangular braking beam; brake triangle (railway)
Rollmaterial n (Bahn)
rolling stock (railway)
Rollschranke f (Bahn)
rolling gate; crossing gate on wheels (railways)
Bahnanlagen pl (Bahn)
railway facilities Br.; railroad facilities Am. (railway)
Blockabstand m (Bahn)
block headway; train spacing (railway)
Schotterflug m (Bahn)
ballast pick-up
Bahn f, Eisenbahn f
mehrgleisig adj (Bahn)
multiple-track … (railway)
breitspurig adj (Bahn)
broad-gauge; wide-gauge (railway)
Weichenradius m (Bahn)
turnout radius (railway)
Gefällstrecke f (Bahn)
line on a falling gradient Br. grade Am. (railway)
Schottergabel f (Bahn)
ballast fork (railway)
U-Bahn : Untergrundbahn
underground, subway
Langholzwagen m (Bahn)
timber wagon Br.; lumber car Am. (railway)
Personenwagen m (Bahn)
passenger coach; passenger car Am. (railway)
Einfahrweiche f (Bahn)
entry points (railway)
Riffelbildung f (Bahn)
rail corrugation (railway)
Riffelschiene f (Bahn)
corrugated rail; roaring rail (railway)
Ausfahrgruppe f (Bahn)
set of departure sidings (railway)
Ausfahrsignal n (Bahn)
exit signal (railway)
Einfahrgruppe f (Bahn)
set of reception sidings (railway)
Bahnmeisterei f (Bahn)
temporary way and structures district (railway)
Bahnhofskasse f (Bahn)
station cashier's office (railway)
Schwenkwinkel m (Bahn)
pivoting angle (railway)
Abteilservice n (Bahn)
at-seat service (railway)
Weichenneigung f (Bahn)
turnout angle (railway)
Güterwagenpark m (Bahn)
stock of goods wagons Br. freight cars Am. (railway)
Kilometerpunkt m (Bahn)
mileage point (railway)
Pollagemessung f (Bahn)
pole position measurement (railway)
Güterzugbremse f (Bahn)
brake for goods trains Br.; brake for freight trains Am.; brake type G (railway)
Güterwagenpark m (Bahn)
stock of goods wagons Br. freight cars Am. (railway)
Gleisanordnung f (Bahn)
track layout (railway)
Ganzzugverkehr m (Bahn)
block-train traffic; unit-train traffic Am. (railway)
Einfahrstrecke f (Bahn)
entry distance (railway)
Bahn f; Papierrolle f
Blocksicherung f (Bahn)
block check (railway)
Blockendstelle f (Bahn)
box at end of block section (railway)
Betriebsdienst m (Bahn)
Operations Department; Operating Department (railway)
Bahnautomation f (Bahn)
rail automation (railway)
Bahn f, Papierrolle f
Rillenfahrdraht m (Bahn)
grooved contact wire (railway)
Reibungsantrieb m (Bahn)
adhesion traction (railway)
Lokomotivrahmen m (Bahn)
locomotive underframe (railway)
Hilfsmaschinen pl (Bahn)
auxiliary equipment (railway)
Gleisbaugeräte pl (Bahn)
railway track machinery Br.; railroad track machinery Am. (railway)
Bremsartwechsel m (Bahn)
brake changeover (railway)
Beharrungsfahrt f (Bahn)
normal-scheduled running; normal running (railway)
Schotteroberbau m (Bahn)
ballasted track (railway)
Bogenläufigkeit f (Bahn)
compliance with curves (railway)
Böschungswinkel m (Bahn)
gradient of slope (railway)
Betriebsgewicht n (Bahn)
weight in working order (railway)
U-Bahn-Linie f transp.
underground line Br.; tube line (London) Br.; subway line Am.
Stückgutverkehr m (Bahn)
sundries (railway)
frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
free on rail f.o.r.; FOR
Fahrstraßengeber m (Bahn)
route controller; track controller (railway)
Gefällausrundung f (Bahn)
transition from one gradient Br. grade Am. to another (railway)
Schlafwagenplatz m (Bahn)
sleeper berth (railway)
Seilrangierwinde f (Bahn)
capstan (railway)
Streckenpersonal n (Bahn)
temporary-way staff (railway)
frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
free on rail f.o.r.; FOR
Abteileinteilung f (Bahn)
distribution of compartments (railway)
Zugschlusssignal n (Bahn)
end-of-train device ETD , EOT device; flashing rear-end device FRED ; sense-and-braking unit SBU (railway)
Altmateriallager n (Bahn)
used material depot (railway)
Bauzug-Wohnwagen m (Bahn)
living van (railway)
Haltegenauigkeit f (Bahn)
stoppage accuracy (railway)
Bremsabsperrhahn m (Bahn)
isolating brake cock; isolating cock (railway)
Gleisbettabfälle pl (Bahn)
ballast spoil (railway)
Fahrstraßenraster m (Bahn)
routing diagram (railway)
Weichenherzspitze f (Bahn)
frog point (railway)
frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
f.o.r. : free on rail
Hohmann-Bahn f (Raumfahrt)
direct orbit (astronautics)
Lokomotivpersonal n (Bahn)
locomotive crew (railway)
hintere Laufachse f (Bahn)
trailing axle (railways)
Pendelzugsverkehr m (Bahn)
shuttle-train service (railway)
Haltepunktabstand m (Bahn)
distance between stations (railway)
Bremsauslösepedal n (Bahn)
brake release pedal (railway)
Ausstellungswagen m (Bahn)
exhibition coach (railway)
Bremsanlegesignal n (Bahn)
apply brake board (railway)
Streckenabschnitt m (Bahn)
piece portion of a rail line (railway)
Liegeplatzzuschlag m (Bahn)
couchette supplement; reclining-berth supplement (railway)
Gleisverschlingung f (Bahn)
gountlet; crossover of tracks; interlacing of lines (railway)
Holst du ihn an der Bahn ab?
Will you meet him at the train?
elektrische Sperre f (Bahn)
forced-drop lock (railway)
Wageneinsatzstelle f (Bahn)
rolling stock control office (railway)
Achslastverhältnis n (Bahn)
ratio for weight per axle (railway)
Entgleisungsschutz m (Bahn)
derailment guard (railway)
Pollage-Fehlwinkel m (Bahn)
angular displacement (railway)
Fahrdienstleitung f (Bahn)
station master (railway)
Bahnsteigvorsprung m (Bahn)
platform edge coping (railway)
Schienenverbindung f (Bahn)
rail bonding (railway)
Fahrstraßenwechsel m (Bahn)
change of line (railway)
Blockanfangsstelle f (Bahn)
box at entry to block section (railway)
Fahrzeuglagewinkel m (Bahn)
angular position of vehicle (railway)
Entgleisungsgrenze f (Bahn)
derailment limit (railway)
grafischer Ist-Fahrplan (Bahn)
actual graph of train running (railway)
zweispuriges Fahren n (Bahn)
double-tracked running; mixed-gauge running (railway)
Fahrstraßenspeicher m (Bahn)
route storage arrangement (railway)
Triebfahrzeugmagnet m (Bahn)
on-board receiver (railway)

Deutsche Bahn Synonyme

DB  ÂDeutsche  Bahn  ÂDie  Bahn  
Metro  ÂU-Bahn  ÂUntergrundbahn  
S-Bahn  ÂSchnellbahn  ÂStadtschnellbahn  
Bahn  des  Nervensystems  ÂTractus  (fachsprachlich)  
Bahn  ÂEisenbahn  ÂLok  ÂLokomotive  ÂTriebfahrzeug  ÂZug  
Bahn  ÂFahrbahn  ÂGasse  ÂPfad  ÂStraße  ÂWeg  
Landebahn  ÂPiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRollbahn  ÂStart-und-Lande-Bahn  ÂStartbahn  
Bahn  fahren  ÂZug  fahren  ÂZug  reisen  
Bahn des Nervensystems  Tractus (fachsprachlich)  
Bahn fahren  Zug fahren  Zug reisen  
Bahn  Eisenbahn  Lok  Lokomotive  Triebfahrzeug  Zug  
Bahn  Fahrbahn  Gasse  Pfad  Straße  Weg  
S-Bahn  Schnellbahn  Stadtschnellbahn  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Bahn Synonym nachschlagen

Englische course Synonyme

course  Brownian movement  Indian file  MO  Zeitgeist  academic specialty  act  adit  advance  advancement  advancing  affluence  afflux  affluxion  agora  aim  air lane  algorithm  ambit  amphitheater  angular motion  antepast  approach  aqueduct  archery ground  area  arena  array  arsis  articulation  ascending  ascent  assuredly  athletic field  attack  auditorium  axial motion  azimuth  backflowing  background  backing  backward motion  badminton court  band  bank  baseball field  basketball court  bear garden  bearing  beat  bed  bedding  belt  bent  billiard parlor  boil  bout  bowl  bowling alley  bowling green  boxing ring  broil  bull ring  buzz  by all means  campaign  campus  canal  canvas  career  casserole  catena  catenation  certainly  chain  chain reaction  chaining  channel  chase  circle  circuit  circus  class  classical education  climbing  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  commutation  commute  compass direction  concatenation  concourse  condensation trail  conduct  conduit  confluence  conflux  connection  consecution  continuum  contrail  core curriculum  couche  course of action  course of study  court  cover  cover ground  creed  cricket ground  croquet ground  croquet lawn  crosscurrent  crossing  cruise  culinary masterpiece  culinary preparation  current  curriculum  cycle  dart  dash  deck  definitely  defluxion  descending  descent  design  dessert  diamond  diastole  direction  direction line  discipline  dish  dispatch  ditch  do  dog  downbeat  downflow  downpour  downward motion  drift  driftage  drive  drone  duct  ebb  ebbing  egress  elective  endless belt  endless round  entrance  entree  entremets  excursion  execution  exit  expedition  fairway  falcon  fare  fare forth  fashion  fetch  field  file  filiation  flight  flight path  flit  flood  floor  flow  flow back  flow in  flow out  flowing  fluency  flush  flux  follow the hounds  football field  form  forum  forward motion  forwardal  forwarding  fowl  fry  furtherance  fur  
course of action  action  ad hoc measure  answer  artifice  contrivance  countermove  coup  demarche  device  dodge  effort  expedient  gimmick  improvisation  jury-rig  jury-rigged expedient  last expedient  last resort  last shift  makeshift  maneuver  means  measure  move  pis aller  resort  resource  shake-up  shift  solution  step  stopgap  stratagem  stroke  stroke of policy  tactic  temporary expedient  trick  trump  working hypothesis  working proposition  
courser  Houyhnhnm  Nimrod  antelope  arrow  beater  big game hunter  blue darter  blue streak  brood mare  cannonball  charger  colt  critter  dart  dobbin  eagle  electricity  entire  entire horse  equine  express train  filly  flash  foal  gazelle  gelding  greased lightning  greyhound  hare  horse  hunter  huntress  huntsman  jacker  jacklighter  jet plane  light  lightning  mare  mercury  mount  nag  prancer  quicksilver  rocket  scared rabbit  shikari  shot  sportsman  sportswoman  stalker  stallion  steed  streak  streak of lightning  striped snake  stud  studhorse  swallow  tarpan  thought  thunderbolt  top horse  torrent  trapper  trooper  war-horse  white hunter  wild horse  wind  

Bahn Definition

course Bedeutung

Ergebnisse der Bewertung:
101 Bewertungen 3


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Bahn bezeichnet im Allgemeinen die fest vorgegebene Wegstrecke, die ein Gegenstand zurücklegt.