
Bakterienzahl Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bakterienzahl f (im Wasser)
bacterial count (in the water)
Bakterienzahl f (im Wasser)
bacterial count (in the water)
Bakterie f, Bakterium n, Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl
bacteria, bacteriums
Bakterie, Spaltpilz
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl (veraltet) (biologische Domäne)
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl veraltet (biologische Domäne)
coliforme Bakterien pl; fäkalcoliforme Bakterien pl; thermotolerante coliforme Bakterien pl
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
coliform bacteria
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
bakteriell adj
bakteriell adv
Bakterienerkrankung f; Bakterienkrankheit f; bakterielle Krankheit f; Bakteriose f med.
Bakterienerkrankungen pl; Bakterienkrankheiten pl; bakterielle Krankheiten pl; Bakteriosen pl
bacterial disease; bacteriosis
bacterial diseases; bacterioses
Bakterienruhr f; Ruhr f; bakterielle Dysenterie f; Shigellose f med.
bacillary dysentery; aslum dysentery; shigellosis
Bakterienverseuchung f; Bakterieneinschleppung f; bakterielle Kontamination f med.
bacterial contamination
Endokarditis f; Entzündung der Herzinnenhaut med.
akute bakterielle Endokarditis
acute bacterial endocarditis
Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
Impfungen pl
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
vaccination; jab Br. coll.
vaccinations; jabs
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
Infektion f; Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl; Ansteckungen pl
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
bacterial infection
multiple infection; mixed infection
Nahrungsmittelvergiftung f med.
Nahrungsmittelvergiftungen pl
akute bakterielle Nahrungsmittelvergiftung
food poisoning; food intoxication; alimentary toxicosis
food poisonings; food intoxications; alimentary toxicoses
enterocolitis syndrome
bakterielle Herzinnenhautentzündung; Endokardentzündung; Bakterien-Endokarditis f med.
(subacute) bacterial endocarditis
Ansteckung f; Infektion f (Vorgang) med.
Ansteckungen pl; Infektionen pl
virale Infektion; Virusinfektion f
Ansteckung im Krankenhaus; nosokomiale Infektion
Ansteckung über die Luft; aerogene Ansteckung
Ansteckung über die Hände
Ansteckung durch einen Überträger
Ansteckung durch Keimzellen
Ansteckung durch Staub
Ansteckung über das Trinkwasser
aufsteigende Infektion; retrograde Infektion
äußere Infektion
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
Bissinfektion f
direkte Infektion
Doppelinfektion f; Koinfektion f
erneute Ansteckung
Kontaktansteckung f; Kontaktinfektion f
lokale Infektion; Lokalinfektion f
milde Infektion
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
schleichende Infektion
Schmierinfektion f
stille Ansteckung; subklinische Infektion
Tröpfcheninfektion f
unterschwellige Infektion; subakute Infektion
verborgene Ansteckung
zusätzliche Infektion; sekundäre Infektion
Allgemeininfektion f; systemische Infektion; Infektion des gesamten Körpers
infection (process)
viral infection; virus infection
nosocomial infection
airborne infection
hand-borne infection
vector-borne infection
germinal infection; heredo-infection
dust-borne infection
water-borne infection
ascending infection; retrograde infection
external infection; hetero-infection
bacterial infection
bite infection
direct infection; contact infection
contact infection; contagion
local infection
mild infection; subinfection
multiple infection; mixed infection
slow infection
smear infection
silent infection; subclinical infection
droplet infection
inapparent infection; low-grade infection; subacute infection
hidden infection; cryptoinfection
consecutive infection; secondary infection
general infection; systemic infection
Blutvergiftung f; Blutfäulnis f; septisches Fieber n; Sepsis f; Septikhämie f; Septhämie f; Toxämie f med.
bakterielle Sepsis; Bakteriensepsis f; Bakteriämie f
Dekubitalsepsis f
Pilzblutvergiftung f; Pilzsepsis f; Fungämie f
blood poisoning; sepsis; septicaemia Br.; septicemia Am.; toxaemia Br.; toxemia Am.; toxicaemia Br.; toxicemia Am.; ichorrhaemia Br.; ichorrhemia Br.; pyohaemia Br.; pyohemia Br.; pyaemia Br.; pyemia Am.
bacterial sepsis; bacteriaemia Br.; bacteriemia Am.
decubital sepsis
bakterielle Fehlbesiedelung f med.
Dünndarmfehlbesiedlung f
bacterial overgrowth
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth SIBO
Schutzimpfung f; Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
aktive Impfung
aktive Impfung und Serumbehandlung
Auffrischungsimpfung f; Wiederholungsimpfung f; Nachimpfung f
Basisimpfung f
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
enterale Impfung; perorale Impfung
epikutane Impfung
konjunktivale Impfung
passive Impfung
Impfung im Kindesalter
Impfung mit Rotzbakterienextrakt
vaccination; vaccinization; inoculation; vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; immunization with a vaccine; immunization shot Am. coll.; jab Br. coll.
active vaccination
active serovaccination
booster inoculation; booster
primary vaccination
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
enteric inoculation; peroral inoculation
epicutaneous vaccination
conjunctival inoculation
passive vaccination
childhood vaccination
Verlagerung f von Stoffen; Translokation f von Stoffen envir. med.
bakterielle Translokation
Bodenpartikelverlagerung f
translocation of substances
bacterial translocation
particle translocation
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown diegradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Impfstoff m; Vakzine f pharm.
Impfstoffe pl
bakterieller Impfstoff m; Bakterienvakzine f
gemischter Impfstoff; Mischimpfstoff m
bacterial vaccine; bacterin
mixed vaccine
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown degradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Impfstoff m; Vakzine f pharm.
Impfstoffe pl
abgeschwächter Lebendimpfstoff m
adjuvantierter Impfstoff
Adsorbatimpfstoff m
bakterieller Impfstoff m; Bakterienimpfstoff m; Bakterienvakzine f
Bruzellenimpfstoff m
Dreifachimpfstoff m; Tripelimpfstoff m; trivalenter Impfstoff
Eigenimpfstoff m; Autovakzine f
Einfachimpfstoff m; monovalenter Impfstoff m; Monovakzine f
fettlöslicher Impfstoff; fettlösliche Vakzine
Fluidimpfstoff m
formalininaktivierter Impfstoff
Ganzkeimimpfstoff m; Ganzzellimpfstoff m; Vollzellimpfstoff m
Gelbfieberimpfstoff m
gemischter Impfstoff; Mischimpfstoff m
Kombinationsimpfstoff m; polyvalenter Impfstoff m
konjugierter Impfstoff; Konjugatimpfstoff m
Masernimpfstoff m
Oralimpfstoff m
potentieller Impfstoff; Impfstoffkandidat m
Rötelnimpfstoff m
Rötelnlebendvirusimpfstoff m
Schluckimpfstoff m; Oralimpfstoff m
Spaltimpfstoff m
Totimpfstoff m
Toxoidimpfstoff m
Zweifachimpfstoff m; Dualimpfstoff m; bivalenter Impfstoff
Impfstoff gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln; Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfstoff
live attenuated vaccine
adjuvanted vaccine
adsorbed vaccine
bacterial vaccine; bacterin
brucella vaccine
triple vaccine; trivalent vaccine
monovalent vaccine; monovaccine
liquid vaccine
formalin-inactivated vaccine
whole cell vaccine
yellow fever vaccine
mixed vaccine
combination vaccine; multivalent vaccine; polyvalent vaccine
conjugate vaccine
measles vaccine
oral vaccine
potential vaccine; vaccine candidate
rubella vaccine
live rubella virus vaccine
oral vaccine
split vaccine
killed vaccine; inactivated vaccine
toxoid vaccine
dual vaccine; bivalent vaccine
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine
fieberauslösender Stoff m; pyrogener Stoff m; Pyrogen n pharm.
bakterielles Pyrogen; Bakterienpyrogen
bacterial pyrogen
Bakteriocholie f (Auftreten von Bakterien in der Galle) med.
Brutapparat m; Brutschrank m; Brutkasten m; Inkubator m
Brutapparate pl; Brutschränke pl; Brutkästen pl; Inkubatoren pl
sich im Inkubator entwickeln
Bakterien im Inkubator züchten
to incubate
to incubate bacteria
Stickstoffbakterien pl; stickstoffbindende stickstoffsammelnde Bakterien pl; Stickstoffmehrer pl; Nitrifikanten pl biol.
nitrobacteria; nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Wimpernschlag m (von Bakterien) biol.
ciliary movement (of bacteria)
(mit Bakterien) animpfen v biol.
to accumulate bacteria
thermophil adj (Bakterien) biol.
thermophilic (bacteria)
Coliforme Bakterien pl med.
Coliform bacteria
Ames-Test m (zur Bestimmung der Mutagenität chemischer Verbindungen anhand von Bakterien) biochem.
Ames test (for determining the mutagenic activity of chemicals, using bacteria)
jds. Auffassung f; jds. Einschätzung f
meiner Auffassung nach; meiner Einschätzung nach
unterm Strich
Nach alter Auffassung sind Bakterien Pflanzen.
sb.'s reckoning (judgement)
in my reckoning
in the final reckoning
By ancient reckoning, bacteria are plants.
Giftigkeit f; Giftwirkung f (von Bakterien) biol.
virulence (of bacteria)
Prebiotikum n; Präbiotikum n (unverdaulicher Nahrungsbestandteil, der das Wachstum probiotischer Bakterien fördert) biol. cook.
Prebiotika pl; Präbiotika pl
prebiotic (nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria)
Salpeterbakterien pl; nitrifizierende Bakterien pl biol.
nitrobacteria; nitrifying bacteria
Sexualpilus m (bei Bakterien) anat. biol.
sex pilus (in bacteria)
Verankerung f; Fixierung f; Immobilisierung f (von Enzymen Bakterien) biochem.
anchoring; immobilization; immobilisation Br. (of enzymes bacteria)
fermentativ; gärungsauslösend; gärungserregend; Gärungs… agr. chem.
Gärungsprozess m; Gärprozess m
fermentative Bakterien pl
causing fermentation; fermentative
fermentative process
fermentative bacteria
giftbildend adj (Bakterien usw.) biol.
toxin-producing; toxicogenic; toxinogenous; toxigenous (of bacteria etc.)
etw. heranzüchten v biol.
Bakterien Zellen heranzüchten
to incubate sth.
to incubate bacteria cells
heterotroph; auf organische Nährstoffe angewiesen adj biol.
heterotrophe Bakterien
heterotrophic bacteria
etw. verankern; fixieren; immobilisieren v biochem. (Enzyme, Bakterien)
verankernd; fixierend; immobilisierend
verankert; fixiert; immobilisiert
verankerter Biokatalysator; immobilisierter Biokatalysator
immobilisierter pH-Gradient
to anchor sth.; to immobilize sth.; to immobilise sth. Br. (enzymes, bacteria)
anchoring; immobilizing; immobilising
anchored; immobilized; immobilised
anchored biocatalyst; immobilized biocatalyst
immobilized pH gradient
Bakterienabstrich m med.
bacterial smear
bakterienabtötend; bakterienvernichtend; bakterienauflösend; bakteriolytisch adj med.
bacteria-killing; bacteria-destroying; antibacterial; bacteriolytic; bacteriotoxic
bakterienabtötend; bakterizid adj med. pharm.
Bakterizid n; bakterienabtötende Substanz f med. pharm.
Bakterizide pl; bakterienabtötende Substanzen pl
Bakterienvernichtung f; Bakterienabtötung f; Bakterienauflösung f; Bakteriolyse f med.
bacterial destruction; bacteriolysis; bacteriophagia
Bakterienanlagerung f; Bakterienadhäsion f med.
adhesion of bacteria
bakterienartig; bakterienähnlich adj biol.
bacteria-like; bacteroid
Bakterienagglutination f med.
bacterial agglutination
Bakterienaktivität f
bacterial activity
Bakterienallergen n med.
bacterial allergen
allergieauslösender Stoff m; Allergiestoff m; Allergen n med.
allergieauslösende Stoffe pl; Allergiestoffe pl; Allergene pl
Bakterienallergen n
Inhalationsallergen n
Nahrungsmittelallergen n
Tierallergen n; tierisches Allergen
allergy substance; allergen
allergy substances; allergens
bacterial allergen
nutritional allergen; nutritive allergen
animal allergen
Bakterienallergie f med.
bacterial allergy
Allergie f (gegen etw.); immunologische Ãœberempfindlichkeit f med.
Allergien pl
akute Allergie
Arzneimittelallergie f
Bäckerallergie f
Bakterienallergie f
Hausstauballergie f
Infektionsallergie f; Infektallergie f
Katzenhaarallergie f; Katzenallergie f
Kreuzallergie f; Kreuzreaktion f (mit etw.)
Kuhmilchallergie f
Lebensmittelallergie f; Nahrungsmittelallergie f
Pollenallergie f
provozierte Allergie
spontane Allergie
verzögerte Allergie
zellvermittelte Allergie; zellübertragene Allergie
Haben Sie Allergien – speziell eine Medikamentenallergie?
allergy (to sth.); hypersensitivity; hypersensitiveness
immediate allergy; immediate hypersensitivity (reaction)
drug allergy
flour allergy
bacterial allergy
house-dust allergy
allergy of infection
cat hair allergy; cat dander allergy
cross sensitivity; cross allergenicity; cross reactivity (with sth.)
cow's milk allergy
food allergy; alimentary allergy; nutritional allergy
allergy to pollen; pollen allergy
induced allergy; induced hypersensitivity
spontaneous allergy
delayed allergy
cell-mediated allergy; cell-mediated hypersensitivity
Do you have any allergies – particularly a drug allergy?
Bakterienangst f med.
bacteriophobia; bacillophobia
Bakterienansiedlung f biol.
Bakterienansiedlungen pl
bacterial settling
bacterial settlings
Bakterienantagonismus m biol.
bacterial antagonism
Bakterienantitoxin n pharm.
bacterial antitoxin
Streptococcus n (Bakterienart)
Bakterienart f biol.
bacterial species
Gonokokkus pl (Bakterienart)
Gonokokken pl

Deutsche Bakterienzahl Synonyme

Englische bacterial count Synonyme

Bakterienzahl Definition

Apollinaris water
() An effervescing alkaline mineral water used as a table beverage. It is obtained from a spring in Apollinarisburg, near Bonn.
(a.) Of or pertaining to bacteria.
(v. t.) To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units in a collection
(v. t.) To place to an account
(v. t.) To esteem
(v. i.) To number or be counted
(v. i.) To reckon
(v. i.) To take account or note
(v. i.) To plead orally
(v. t.) The act of numbering
(v. t.) An object of interest or account
(v. t.) A formal statement of the plaintiff's case in court
(n.) A nobleman on the continent of Europe, equal in rank to an English earl.
(n.) The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes.
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or living in, water not salt
(a.) Accustomed to sail on fresh water only
(a.) Unskilled
Napha water
() A perfume distilled from orange flowers.
Rose water
() Water tinctured with roses by distillation.
(a.) Having the odor of rose water
Selters water
() A mineral water from Sellers, in the district of Nassan, Germany, containing much free carbonic acid.
Seltzer water
() See Selters water.
(n.) A channel at the end of a deck to restrain the water.
(n.) An acid.
(n.) Distilled or ardent spirits
(n.) Water for the cure of surfeits.
(n.) Water in a tailrace.
Vichy water
() A mineral water found at Vichy, France. It is essentially an effervescent solution of sodium, calcium, and magnetism carbonates, with sodium and potassium chlorides
(n.) The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc.
(n.) A body of water, standing or flowing
(n.) Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water
(n.) A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance
(n.) The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond
(n.) A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc. See Water, v. t., 3, Damask, v. t., and Damaskeen.
(v. t.) An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or "diluted."
(v. t.) To wet or supply with water
(v. t.) To supply with water for drink
(v. t.) To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines
(n.) To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality
(v. i.) To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter
(v. i.) To get or take in water
Water adder
() The water moccasin.
Water adder
() The common, harmless American water snake (Tropidonotus sipedon). See Illust. under Water Snake.
Water agrimony
() A kind of bur marigold (Bidens tripartita) found in wet places in Europe.
Water aloe
() See Water soldier.
Water antelope
() See Water buck.
Water arum
() An aroid herb (Calla palustris) having a white spathe. It is an inhabitant of the north temperate zone.
Water back
() See under 1st Back.
Water bailiff
() An officer of the customs, whose duty it is to search vessels.
Water ballast
() Water confined in specially constructed compartments in a vessel's hold, to serve as ballast.

bacterial count (in the water) Bedeutung

water travel
travel by water
water sport
sports that involve bodies of water
water-skiing skiing on water while being towed by a motorboat
water polo a game played in a swimming pool by two teams of swimmers who try to throw an inflated ball into the opponents' goal
treading water a stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms
reckoning tally a
the act of counting, reciting numbers in ascending order, the counting continued for several hours
blood count the act of estimating the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
complete blood count
blood profile
counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in cubic millimeter of blood
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
nose count
a periodic count of the population
sperm count the act of estimating the number of spermatozoa in an ejaculate
water conservation the conservation of water resources
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
water thrush brownish North American warbler found near streams
water ouzel
small stocky diving bird without webbed feet, frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
European water ouzel
Cinclus aquaticus
a water ouzel of Europe
American water ouzel
Cinclus mexicanus
a water ouzel of western North America
water snake any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
water moccasin any of numerous North American water snakes inhabiting fresh waters
water moccasin cottonmouth
cottonmouth moccasin
Agkistrodon piscivorus
venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
water bird
freshwater aquatic bird
water shrew any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams
American water shrew
Sorex palustris
water shrew of North America
European water shrew
Neomys fodiens
widely distributed Old World water shrew
Mediterranean water shrew
Neomys anomalus
a type of water shrew
water flea
minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparent shell, moves about like a flea by means of hairy branched antennae
water flea
minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming, important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms
marsh hen water hen swamphen
any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
American coot
marsh hen mud hen
water hen Fulica americana
a coot found in North America
water turkey
Anhinga anhinga
blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions
water dog a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl
water spaniel any dog of two large curlyoated breeds used for hunting waterfowl
American water spaniel breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liverolored curly coat
Irish water spaniel breed of large spaniels developed in Ireland having a heavy coat of liverolored curls and a topknot of long curls and a nearly hairless tail
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
water beetle any of numerous aquatic beetles usually having a smooth oval body and flattened hind legs for swimming
German cockroach
Croton bug
water bug Blattella germanica
small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe, a common household pest
water bug a true bug: large aquatic bug adapted to living in or on the surface of water
giant water bug large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts, feeds on young fishes
water scorpion long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube
water boatman
boat bug
carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs
water strider
water skater
long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water
water rat any of various amphibious rats
round-tailed muskrat
Florida water rat
Neofiber alleni
of Florida wetlands
water vole Richardson vole
Microtus richardsoni
of western North America
water vole water rat Arvicola amphibius common large Eurasian vole
Count Fleet thoroughbred that won the triple crown in
water buffalo
water ox
Asiatic buffalo
Bubalus bubalis
an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal
water chevrotain
water deer
Hyemoschus aquaticus
largest chevrotain, of marshy areas of west Africa
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