
Basis Inflationsrate Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Basis-Inflationsrate f fin.
underlying rate of inflation
Basis, Grundlage
genossenschaftliche Basis
cooperative basis
genossenschaftliche Basis
mutual basis
Grundlage, Basis
grundlos, ohne Basis
rate of inflation
Basis f, Unterlage f, Unterbau m, Stützpunkt m
Basen pl, Unterbauten pl
Basis f, Grundzahl f math.
zulässige Basis
admissible basis
gemeinsame Basis f
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
Basis f pol.
the grass roots
Basis-Inflationsrate f fin.
underlying rate of inflation
Grundlage f, Basis f
Inflationsrate f fin.
rate of inflation, inflation rate
Quinärzahl f (Zahlensystem auf der Basis 5)
quinary number
Sockel m, Basis f
auf partnerschaftlicher Basis
on a joint basis, on a basis of (mutual trust and) cooperation
sedezimal adj (auf Basis 16)
zulaessige Basis
admissible basis
Basis, Unterlage, Stuetzpunkt, Grundzahl
Basis, Fuss
memory pointer
Quinaerzahl (Zahlensystem auf der Basis 5)
quinary number
sedezimal (auf Basis 16)
wissenschaftliche Basis
scientific basis
die Basis f; das Fußvolk n (einer Organisation) adm.
an der Basis; beim Fußvolk; in der Fläche
the rank and file; the grass roots (of an organisation)
on the ground; in the ranks; at grass roots (level); in the field
Basis...; an der Basis (nachgestellt) soc.
Grund...; Basis...
Grundgehalt n
basic; base Am.
basic salary; base salary Am.
Grundlage f; Basis f
Grundlinie f; Basislinie f; Basis f
Grundlinien pl; Basislinien pl
gerade Basislinie
normale Basislinie
Basislinie um einen Archipel
base line; baseline
base lines
straight baseline
normal baseline
archipelagic baseline
Grundzahl f; Basis f (eines Zahlensystems) math.
zulässige Basis
base (of a numeral system)
admissible basis
Inflationsrate f fin.
rate of inflation; inflation rate
Logarithmus m math.
natürlicher Logarithmus
Logarithmus dualis
der Logarithmus zur Basis b von a Log b von a
natural logarithm
binary logarithm
the logarithm to (the) base b of a log b of a
Quinärzahl f (Zahlensystem auf der Basis 5)
Quinärzahlen pl
quinary number
quinary numbers
gemeinsame Grundlage Basis Position f; gemeinsamer Nenner (für etw.)
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
Es ist Gemeingut dass ... geh.
Jäger und Umweltschützer haben in ihrer Ablehnung des neuen Gesetzes zu einer gemeinsamen Position gefunden.
common ground (on which to base sth.)
to find some common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
It is common ground that ...
Hunters and environmentalists found common ground in their opposition to the new law.
auf rein geschäftlicher Basis econ.
mit jdm. auf rein geschäftlicher Basis verhandeln
Verkauf zwischen rechtlich selbständigen Partnern
ein Unternehmen das rechtlich selbständig handelt
Die Niederlassung wird so behandelt als sei sie ein selbständiges Unternehmen das dem Stammhaus wie einem Dritten gegenübertritt.
at arm's length
to deal at arm's length with sb.
sale at arm's length
an enterprise dealing at arm's length
The branch is treated as if it were a separate enterprise dealing at arm's length with its home office.
auf partnerschaftlicher Basis
on a joint basis; on a basis of (mutual trust and) cooperation
schwanken; Schwankungen unterliegen; fluktuieren geh. v (Dinge) statist.
schwankend; Schwankungen unterliegend; fluktuierend
geschwankt; Schwankungen unterlegen; fluktuiert
schwankt; unterliegt Schwankungen; fluktuiert
schwankte; unterlag Schwankungen; fluktuierte
Die Temperaturen können um bis zu 10 Grad schwanken.
Die Preise unterliegen übers Jahr gesehen großen Schwankungen.
Die Inflationsrate schwankte einige Zeit lang um 4% herum.
to fluctuate; to vary (things)
fluctuating; varying
fluctuated; varied
fluctuates; varies
fluctuated; varied
Temperatures can fluctuate vary by as much as 10 degrees.
Prices fluctuate vary wildly throughout the year.
The rate of inflation has been fluctuating around 4% for some time.
Grundlage f; Basis f
die Basis f; das Fußvolk n (einer Organisation) adm.
der einfache Bürger
an der Basis; beim Fußvolk; in der Fläche
the rank and file; the grass roots (of an organisation)
rank and file citizens
on the ground; in the ranks; at grass roots (level); in the field
Basis…; an der Basis (nachgestellt) soc.
etw. auf eine breite Basis Grundlage stellen; etw. für jedermann zugänglich machen v soc.
to mainstream sth.
Grund…; Basis…
Grundmuster n
basic; base Am.
basic pattern
Logarithmus m math.
natürlicher Logarithmus
Logarithmus dualis
der Logarithmus zur Basis b von a Log b von a
natural logarithm
binary logarithm
the logarithm to (the) base b of a log b of a
Quinärzahl f (Zahl auf der Basis 5) math.
Quinärzahlen pl
quinary number
quinary numbers
Zahlensystem n; Zählsystem n math.
Zahlensysteme pl; Zählsysteme pl
binäres Zahlensystem; Binärsystem; duales Zahlensystem; Dualsystem
Dezimalzahlensystem n; Dezimalsystem n
hexadezimales Zahlensystem; Hexadezimalsystem n
oktales Zahlensystem; Oktalsystem n
quinäres Zahlensystem; Quinärsystem; Zahlensystem auf der Basis 5; Fünfersystem
polyadisches Zahlensystem; Positionssystem; Stellenwertsystem
vigesimales Zahlensystem; Vigesimalsystem; Zwanzigersystem
system of numeration; numeration; numeral system; number system; numerative system archaic
systems of numeration; numerations; numeral systems; number systems; numerative systems
binary number system; binary system
decimal numeration
hexadecimal number system; hexadecimal system
octal number system; octal system
quinary numeral system; quinary system; base 5 numeral system; base 5 system
positional numeral system; positional numeration; place-value numeration
vigesimal numeral system; vigesimal system; base 20 (numeral) system
etw. auf eine breitere Basis stellen; etw. verbreitern v
auf eine breitere Basis stellend; verbreiternd
auf eine breitere Basis gestellt; verbreitert
breit aufgestellt sein
die Wirtschaft des Landes auf eine breitere Basis stellen
Der Nachwuchsschauspieler versucht, möglichst unterschiedliche Rollen zu spielen.
to diversify sth.
to be diversified
to diversify the economy of the country
The up-and-coming actor seeks to diversify his roles.
gemeinsame Grundlage Basis Position f; gemeinsamer Nenner (für etw.)
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
Es ist Gemeingut, dass … geh.
Jäger und Umweltschützer haben in ihrer Ablehnung des neuen Gesetzes zu einer gemeinsamen Position gefunden.
common ground (on which to base sth.)
to find some common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
It is common ground that …
Hunters and environmentalists found common ground in their opposition to the new law.
gemischte Basis f comp. math.
mixed base; mixed radix
auf rein geschäftlicher Basis econ.
mit jdm. auf rein geschäftlicher Basis verhandeln
Verkauf zwischen rechtlich selbständigen Partnern
ein Unternehmen, das rechtlich selbständig handelt
Die Niederlassung wird so behandelt, als sei sie ein selbständiges Unternehmen, das dem Stammhaus wie einem Dritten gegenübertritt.
at arm's length
to deal at arm's length with sb.
sale at arm's length
an enterprise dealing at arm's length
The branch is treated as if it were a separate enterprise dealing at arm's length with its home office.
kommunikationstechnisch adj
kommunikationstechnische Basis
kommunikationstechnische Dienstleistungen
informations- und kommunikationstechnischen Unterstützung des Produktplanungsprozesses
communications; communicational
basis for communication
technical communication services
information and communication technology support of the product planning process
Tiere kommerziell auf kommerzieller Basis züchten v agr.
to farm animals (breed commercially)
Untermauerung f; Basis f (bspw. eines Arguments)

Deutsche Basis Inflationsrate Synonyme

Geldentwertungsrate  ÂInflationsrate  ÂPreissteigerungsrate  
auf  Basis  von  Âunterliegend  Âzugrundeliegend  
Basis  ÂFundament  ÂGrund  
Basis  ÂFundament  ÂSockel  
Basis  ÂLager  ÂStützpunkt  
Ausgangsebene  ÂAusgangspunkt  ÂBasis  ÂGrundlage  
2,718281828459...  ÂBasis  des  natürlichen  Logarithmus  Âe  Âeulersche  Konstante  Âeulersche  Zahl  
angesichts  Âauf  Basis  von  Âauf  Grund  Âauf  Grund  der  Tatsache  Âaufgrund  Âaufgrund  der  Tatsache  Âdank  Âdurch  Âhinsichtlich  Âim  Zuge  Âinfolge  Âob  Âvermöge  Âwegen  Âzufolge  Âzwecks  
Basis  Fundament  Sockel  
Basis  Grund  
Basis  Lager  Stützpunkt  
basis  Anschauung  a priori principle  affirmation  ambition  angle  angle of vision  antecedents  apriorism  aspiration  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Basis Synonym nachschlagen

Englische underlying rate of inflation Synonyme

underlying  ab ovo  basal  basic  basilar  between the lines  bottom  cardinal  constituent  constitutive  covert  critical  crucial  cryptic  delitescent  dormant  elemental  elementary  esoteric  essential  foundational  fundamental  gut  hibernating  hidden  indispensable  latent  lurking  material  muffled  mystic  necessary  needful  obfuscated  obscured  occult  of the essence  original  possible  potential  primal  primary  primitive  radical  rudimentary  sleeping  submerged  substantial  substantive  under the surface  unmanifested  veiled  virtual  vital  

Basis Inflationsrate Definition

(a.) Of the highest excellence
(n.) A war vessel of the highest grade or the most powerful class.
(n.) The act or process of inflating, or the state of being inflated, as with air or gas
(n.) The state of being puffed up, as with pride
(n.) Undue expansion or increase, from overissue
(v. t. & i.) To chide with vehemence
(n.) Established portion or measure
(n.) That which is established as a measure or criterion
(n.) Valuation
(n.) A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value
(n.) Order
(n.) Ratification
(n.) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time
(n.) The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.
(n.) The class of a merchant vessel for marine insurance, determined by its relative safety as a risk, as A1, A2, etc.
(v. t.) To set a certain estimate on
(v. t.) To assess for the payment of a rate or tax.
(v. t.) To settle the relative scale, rank, position, amount, value, or quality of
(v. t.) To ratify.
(v. i.) To be set or considered in a class
(v. i.) To make an estimate.
(a.) Of the second size, rank, quality, or value
(a.) Lying under or beneath
Water rate
() A rate or tax for a supply of water.

underlying rate of inflation Bedeutung

inflation the act of filling something with air
inflation therapy therapy in which water or oxygen or a drug is introduced into the respiratory tract with inhaled air
ostentation ostentatiousness
pretentiousness puffiness
lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity
pace rate the relative speed of progress or change, he lived at a fast pace, he works at a great rate, the pace of events accelerated
bargain rate
cut rate
cut price
a price below the standard price
inflation (cosmology) a brief exponential expansion of the universe (faster than the speed of light) postulated to have occurred shortly after the big bang
Postal Rate Commission an independent federal agency that recommends changes in postal rates
pay rate
rate of pay
amount of money received per unit time, women's pay rate is lower than men's
payment rate
rate of payment
repayment rate
installment rate
the amount of money paid out per unit time
tax rate rate used to calculate tax liability
interest rate
rate of interest
the percentage of a sum of money charged for its use
discount rate
discount bank discount
interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan
bank rate the discount rate fixed by a central bank
discount rate the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System
base rate the interest rate set by the Bank of England for lending to other banks
prime interest rate the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings
charge per unit
amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis, a -minute phone call at that rate would cost $
freight rate
the charge for transporting something by common carrier, we pay the freight, the freight rate is usually cheaper
rate of depreciation
depreciation rate
the rate at which the value of property is reduced, used to calculate tax deduction
rate of exchange
exchange rate
the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another
excursion rate a reduced rate for a round-trip ticket
room rate the rate charged daily for a hotel room
basal metabolic rate
the rate at which heat is produced by an individual in a resting state
cost-pull inflation inflation caused by an increase in the costs of production
demand-pull inflation inflation caused by an increase in demand or in the supply of money
rising prices
a general and progressive increase in prices, in inflation everything gets more valuable except money
baud rate
(computer science) a data transmission rate (bits
for modems
rate a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure, the literacy rate, the retention rate, the dropout rate
absentee rate the percentage of workers who do not report to work
occupancy rate the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) are occupied or rented at a given time
vacancy rate the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) that are unoccupied or not rented at a given time
unemployment rate the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date
fuel consumption rate
gasoline mileage
gas mileage
the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
employee turnover
turnover rate
the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
attrition rate
rate of attrition
the rate of shrinkage in size or number
birth rate
fertility rate
the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area, expressed per population per year
crime rate the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area, expressed per population per year
data rate the rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information
death rate
mortality rate
fatality rate
the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area, expressed per per year
dose rate the quantity of radiation absorbed per unit time
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
sedimentation rate
sed rate
the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions, a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
flow rate
rate of flow
the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
growth rate
rate of growth
the rate of increase in size per unit time
inflation rate
rate of inflation
the rate of change of prices (as indicated by a price index) calculated on a monthly or annual basis
metabolic rate rate of metabolism, the amount of energy expended in a give period
pulse rate
heart rate
the rate at which the heart beats, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
rate of return the amount returned per unit of time expressed as a percentage of the cost
respiratory rate
rate of respiration
the rate at which a person inhales and exhales, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
sampling rate (telecommunication) the frequency of sampling per unit time
Nyquist rate (telecommunication) the lowest sampling rate that will permit accurate reconstruction of a sampled analog signal
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