
Batteriewerk Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Batteriewerk n electr.
Batteriewerke pl
battery movement
battery movements
Batteriewerk n electr.
Batteriewerke pl
battery movement
battery movements
Batterie f
Batterien pl
entladene Batterie
wiederaufladbare Batterie
discharged battery
rechargeable battery
Batterie f mil.
Batterien pl
Batterie-EmpfÀnger m
Batterie-EmpfÀnger pl
battery receiver
battery receivers
Ladungsstand m (Batterie)
Zink-Kohle-Batterie f electr.
zinc-carbon battery
Der Motor wird von einer Batterie betrieben.
The engine runs by a battery.
Batterie gepuffert
battery backed
battery receiver
Der Motor wird von einer Batterie betrieben.
the engin runs by a battery.
Der Motor wird von einer Batterie betrieben
the engine runs by a battery
eine Batterie aufladen
charge a battery
A-Batterie f electr.
AA-Batterie f
AAA-Batterie f
AAAA-Batterie f
A battery
AA battery
AAA battery
AAAA battery
Batterie f electr.
Batterien pl
Gruppenbatterie f
entladene Batterie
wiederaufladbare Batterie
group battery
discharged battery
rechargeable battery
Batterie-ZĂŒndanlage f
battery ignition system
Ladezustand m electr.
LadezustÀnde pl
Batterie-Ladezustand m
state of charge SOC ; charge condition
states of charge; charge conditions
battery charge condition
Minuspol m electr.
Batterie-Minuspol m
negative pole; negative terminal
battery negative terminal
Pluspol m electr.
Batterie-Pluspol m
positive pole; positive terminal
battery positive terminal
Separator m (in einer Batterie) electr.
Separatoren pl
separator (in a storage battery)
ganze Serie f; ganze Batterie f von etw.; ganze Armada f von jdm. etw. (große Zahl von Gleichartigem)
eine ganze Serie von Tests
eine ganze Latte von Fragen
eine ganze Armada von Reportern
battery of sb. sth.
a battery of tests
a battery of questions
a battery of reporters
stationÀr; ortsfest; ortsgebungen; feststehend; fest adj
feste Antenne
fester Kontakt auto
feststehende Achse
ortsfeste Batterie
ortsfester Motor; Standmotor
ortsfester Überladekran
ortsfeste Dampfmaschine
stationÀre Umlaufbahn (Satellit)
stationÀrer Punkt astron.
stationÀres Potential (Korrosion)
stationÀre Wirtschaft
stationÀrer Zustand (Vibrationen)
stationÀrer Zustand chem. math. phys.
stationary; fixed
stationary aerial antenna
stationary contact
stationary axle
stationary battery
stationary engine
stationary revolving crane
stationary steam engine
stationary orbit (sastellite)
stationary point
stationary potential (corrosion)
stationary economy
stationary process (vibrations)
stationary state
in der Regel; ĂŒblicherweise; normalerweise; typischerweise adv
Die KapazitĂ€t einer Batterie wird ĂŒblicherweise in Milliamperestunden ausgedrĂŒckt.
The capacity of a battery is typically expressed in milliamp-hours.
wartungsarm adj
wartungsarme Batterie
low-maintenance battery
wartungsfrei adj
wartungsfreie Batterie
maintenance-free battery
Lithium-Polymer-Batterie f electr.
lithium polymer battery
Batterie f electr.
Batterien pl
Gruppenbatterie f
HörgerÀtebatterie f
entladene Batterie
wiederaufladbare Batterie
Batterie mit gebundenem Elektrolyten
group battery
hearing aid battery
discharged battery
rechargeable battery
recombination battery
Batterie f mil.
Batterien pl
KĂŒstenbatterie f
coastal battery
Kfz-Batterie f; Autobatterie f; Starterbatterie f auto
Kfz-Batterien pl; Autobatterien pl; Starterbatterien pl
car battery; starter battery; storage battery
car batteries; starter batteries; storage batteries
Ladezustand m electr.
LadezustÀnde pl
Batterie-Ladezustand m
state of charge SOC ; charge condition
states of charge; charge conditions
battery charge condition
ganze Serie f; ganze Batterie f von etw.; ganze Armada f von jdm. etw. (große Zahl von Gleichartigem)
eine ganze Serie von Tests
eine ganze Latte von Fragen; eine Unmenge an Fragen
eine ganze Armada von Reportern
eine Flut von Kritik
battery of sb. sth.
a battery of tests
a battery of questions
a battery of reporters
a battery of criticism
Wirkleistungsabgabe f; Leistungsabgabe f; (abgegebene) Leistung f; Ausgangsleistung f electr.
hohe Leistung
normale Leistung
sehr hohe Leistung
Entladeleistung einer Batterie
power output; output power; output
high output HO
normal output NO
very high output VHO
output of a battery
stationÀr; ortsfest; ortsgebunden; feststehend; fest adj
feste Antenne
fester Kontakt auto
feststehende Achse
ortsfeste Batterie
ortsfester Motor; Standmotor
ortsfester Überladekran
ortsfeste Dampfmaschine
stationÀre Umlaufbahn (Satellit)
stationÀrer Punkt astron.
stationÀres Potential (Korrosion)
stationÀre Wirtschaft
stationÀrer Zustand (Vibrationen)
stationÀrer Zustand chem. math. phys.
stationary; fixed
stationary aerial antenna
stationary contact
stationary axle
stationary battery
stationary engine
stationary revolving crane
stationary steam engine
stationary orbit (sastellite)
stationary point
stationary potential (corrosion)
stationary economy
stationary process (vibrations)
stationary state
Batterieanlage f
battery system
Batterieaufladezeit f
battery recharge time
batteriebetrieben adj; in Batteriebetrieb
battery-operated; battery-powered; battery-driven
Batteriebetrieb m electr.
battery operation
batteriebetrieben adj
battery-operated, battery-powered
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f mach.
Batterielokomotiven pl; batteriebetriebene Lokomotiven pl
battery-operated locomotive; battery operated locomotive
battery-operated locomotive; battery operated locomotives
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
AbdrĂŒcklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer KraftĂŒbertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer KraftĂŒbertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer KraftĂŒbertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer KraftĂŒbertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer KraftĂŒbertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
GĂŒterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive fĂŒr gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; AdhÀsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
Elektrofahrzeug n
Elektrofahrzeuge pl
batteriebetriebens Elektrofahrzeug
electric vehicle EV
electric vehicles
battery electric vehicle BEV
Elektrofahrzeug n
Elektrofahrzeuge pl
batteriebetriebens Elektrofahrzeug
electric vehicle EV
electric vehicles
battery electric vehicle BEV
Batteriedeckel m
Batteriedeckel pl
battery cover
battery covers
Batterieentladeanzeiger m electr.
Batterieentladeanzeiger pl
battery discharge indicator
battery discharge indicators
Batteriefahrbetrieb m
accumulator traction
accumulator traction
Batteriefeder f electr.
Batteriefedern pl
battery spring
battery springs
Kompaniefeldwebel m; Staffelfeldwebel m; Batteriefeldwebel m; Inspektionsfeldwebel m; Hauptfeldwebel m; Spieß m ugs. mil.
warrant officer class I Br.; first sergeant Am.; Company Sergeant Major CSM ; first shirt coll. Am.
Kompaniefeldwebel m; Staffelfeldwebel m; Batteriefeldwebel m; Inspektionsfeldwebel m; Hauptfeldwebel m; Spieß m ugs. mil.
warrant officer class I Br.; first sergeant Am.; Company Sergeant Major CSM ; first shirt Am. coll.
Batterieform f electr.
Batterieformen pl
battery mould
battery moulds
batteriegepuffert adj
BatteriegerÀt n
BatteriegerÀte pl
battery set
battery sets
batteriegespeist adj electr.
battery powered
Batteriehalter m electr.
Batteriehalter pl
battery holder
battery holders
Batteriehandel m econ.
battery trade
Batteriehandleuchte f electr.
Batteriehandleuchten pl
battery-operated hand lamp
battery-operated hand lamps
Batteriehauptschalter m
Batteriehauptschalter pl
battery switch
battery switches
Batterieheizung f electr.
Batterieheizungen pl
battery heating
battery heatings
BatteriekĂ€fig m (GeflĂŒgelhaltung) agr.
BatteriekÀfige pl
battery cage (poultry rearing)
battery cages
Batteriekasten m
BatteriekÀsten pl
battery box
battery boxes
Batterieklemme f
Batterieklemmen pl
battery terminal
battery terminals
Batterieklemme f (fĂŒr mehrzellige Batterien) electr.
Batterieklemmen pl
battery terminal
battery terminals
Batterieklemme f (fĂŒr Einzelzellen) electr.
Batterieklemmen pl
cell terminal
cell terminals
Batteriekontakt m electr.
Batteriekontakte pl
battery contact
battery contacts
Batteriekontrolle f
Batteriekontrollen pl
battery check
battery checks
Batterieladeeinrichtung f mach.
Batterieladeeinrichtungen pl
accumulator charger
accumulator chargers
LadegerÀt n, BatterieladegerÀt n
charger, charging device, battery charger, charging set
battery charger
LadegerÀt n; BatterieladegerÀt n
LadegerÀte pl; BatterieladegerÀte pl
charger; charging device; battery charger; charging set
chargers; charging devices; battery chargers; charging sets
BatterieladegerÀt n; AkkuladegerÀt n; LadegerÀt n electr.
BatterieladegerÀte pl; AkkuladegerÀte pl; LadegerÀte pl
battery charger; charging device; charger
battery chargers; charging devices; chargers

Deutsche Batteriewerk Synonyme

Englische battery movement Synonyme

battery  KP  Leyden jar  accumulator  amateur athlete  archer  army  army group  array  artillery  athlete  atomic battery  ballplayer  baseballer  baseman  bastinado  basting  batch  battalion  batter  battle group  beating  bells  belting  block  blocking back  body  bones  bowman  brigade  buffeting  bunch  bundle  cadre  caning  cannon  cannonry  castanets  catcher  celesta  cell  center  chime  chimes  clappers  clot  clubbing  clump  cluster  coach  coast artillery  cohort  column  combat command  combat team  company  competitor  corporal punishment  corps  cowhiding  crash cymbal  cricketer  cudgeling  cymbals  defensive lineman  detachment  detail  division  drubbing  dry cell  electronic battery  end  field army  field artillery  field train  file  finger cymbals  flagellation  flailing  flak  flogging  flying column  footballer  fuel cell  fustigation  gamelan  games-player  gamester  garrison  glockenspiel  gong  guard  handbells  heavy field artillery  horsewhipping  idiophone  infielder  jock  jumper  kit  kitchen police  lacing  lashing  legion  lineman  lot  lyra  maniple  maraca  marimba  metallophone  offensive lineman  orchestral bells  ordnance  organization  outfield  outfielder  outfit  pack  percussion  percussion instrument  percussions  percussive  phalanx  pistol-whipping  platoon  player  poloist  posse  professional athlete  pugilist  quarterback  racer  rank  rattle  rattlebones  rawhiding  regiment  scourging  section  series  set  siege artillery  siege engine  sizzler  skater  snappers  solar battery  spanking  sport  sportsman  squad  squadron  storage battery  storage cell  strapping  stripes  suit  suite  swingeing  switching  tackle  tactical unit  tailback  tam-tam  task force  thrashing  tintinnabula  tonitruone  toxophilite  train  trench artillery  triangle  troop  trouncing  truncheoning  tubular bells  unit  vibes  vibraphone  wet cell  whipping  wing  wingback  wrestler  xylophone  
battery powered  dynamoelectric  electric  electric-powered  electrified  electrifying  electrochemical  electrodynamic  electrokinetic  electromechanical  electrometric  electromotive  electropneumatic  electrostatic  electrothermal  galvanic  galvanometric  hydroelectric  photoelectric  piezoelectric  static  voltaic  

Batteriewerk Definition

(v. t.) The act of battering or beating.
(v. t.) The unlawful beating of another. It includes every willful, angry and violent, or negligent touching of another's person or clothes, or anything attached to his person or held by him.
(v. t.) Any place where cannon or mortars are mounted, for attack or defense.
(v. t.) Two or more pieces of artillery in the field.
(v. t.) A company or division of artillery, including the gunners, guns, horses, and all equipments. In the United States, a battery of flying artillery consists usually of six guns.
(v. t.) A number of coated jars (Leyden jars) so connected that they may be charged and discharged simultaneously.
(v. t.) An apparatus for generating voltaic electricity.
(v. t.) A number of similar machines or devices in position
(v. t.) A series of stamps operated by one motive power, for crushing ores containing the precious metals.
(v. t.) The box in which the stamps for crushing ore play up and down.
(v. t.) The pitcher and catcher together.
Bunsen's battery
() Alt. of Bunsen's burner
(n.) The act of moving
(n.) Motion of the mind or feelings
(n.) Manner or style of moving
(n.) The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a piece.
(n.) One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a larger work
(n.) A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion
Water battery
() A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water.
Water battery
() A battery nearly on a level with the water.

battery movement / battery movements Bedeutung

motion movement move the act of changing location from one place to another, police controlled the motion of the crowd, the movement of people from the farms to the cities, his move put him directly in my path
movement the act of changing the location of something, the movement of cargo onto the vessel
troop movement movement of military units to a new location
move motility
a change of position that does not entail a change of location, the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise, movement is a sign of life, an impatient move of his hand, gastrointestinal motility
fetal movement
foetal movement
motion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the th week of pregnancy)
eye movement the movement of the eyes
assault and battery
an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact
campaign cause crusade
drive movement effort
a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end, he supported populist campaigns, they worked in the cause of world peace, the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant, the movement to end slavery, contributed to the war effort
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
feminist movement
women's liberation movement
women's lib
the movement aimed at equal rights for women
gay liberation movement
gay lib
the movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression
youth movement
youth crusade
political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people
barrage fire
battery bombardment
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target, they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops, the shelling went on for hours without pausing
A battery the battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
electric battery
a device that produces electricity, may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series
battery stamp battery a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores
B battery battery for supplying a constant positive voltage to the plate of a vacuum tube
car battery
automobile battery
a lead-acid storage battery in a motor vehicle, usually a -volt battery of six cells, the heart of the car's electrical system
C battery battery used to maintain the grid potential in a vacuum tube
battery charger
a device for charging or recharging batteries
dry battery a voltaic battery consisting of two or more dry cells
flashlight battery a small dry battery containing dry cells, used to power flashlights
grid storage-battery grid a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
lead-acid battery
lead-acid accumulator
a battery with lead electrodes with dilute sulphuric acid as the electrolyte, each cell generates about volts
movement the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock), it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement
nickel-iron battery
nickel-iron accumulator
a storage battery having a nickel oxide cathode and an iron anode with an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide, each cell gives about . volts
quartz battery
quartz mill
a stamp mill for stamping quartz
solar array
solar battery
solar panel
electrical device consisting of a large array of connected solar cells
storage battery
a voltaic battery that stores electric charge
voltaic battery
galvanic battery
battery consisting of a number of voltaic cells arranged in series or parallel
kinesthesia kinaesthesia kinesthetics
muscle sense
sense of movement
the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body
feeling of movement
the perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc
Romantic Movement
a movement in literature and art during the late th and early th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization, Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality
drift trend
a general tendency to change (as of opinion), not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book, a broad movement of the electorate to the right
Salafi movement
a militant group of extremist Sunnis who believe themselves the only correct interpreters of the Koran and consider moderate Muslims to be infidels, seek to convert all Muslims and to insure that its own fundamentalist version of Islam will dominate the world
movement a major selfontained part of a symphony or sonata, the second movement is slow and melodic
a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
crustal movement
tectonic movement
movement resulting from or causing deformation of the earth's crust
periodic motion
periodic movement
motion that recurs over and over and the period of time required for each recurrence remains the same
battery a collection of related things intended for use together, took a battery of achievement tests
Black September Movement a former Palestinian terrorist organization (now merged with Fatah Revolutionary Council) that assassinated the Prime Minister of Jordan and during the Olympic Games in Munich killed Israeli athletes
East Turkistan Islamic Movement
East Turkestan Islamic Movement
a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang, declared by China in to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression
Islamic Resistance Movement
a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon, seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel, is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel, pioneered suicide bombing
Harkat ul-Ansar
Harkat ul-Mujahedeen
Al Faran
Movement of Holy Warriors
an Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the s, now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan
Lautaro Youth Movement
Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement
Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces
a violent terrorist group organized in the s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government, leaders are mainly criminals or impoverished youths
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Tamil Tigers
World Tamil Association
World Tamil Movement
a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began inas a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students, currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam, relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel, the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide bombing as a weapon of war
Tareekh e Kasas
Movement for Revenge
an organization of Muslims in India who killed Hindus in September , believed to have ties with Muslim terrorists in Pakistan
Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Peru, was formed in to overthrow the Peruvian government and replace it with a Marxist regime, has connections with the ELN in Bolivia
battery a unit composed of the pitcher and catcher
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129 Bewertungen 5


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