
Beanspruchungsgruppe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Beanspruchungsgruppe f
stress group
Beanspruchungsgruppe f
stress group
Hochleistungs…; hoch belastbar; hoch beanspruchbar
heavy-duty {adj}
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
plug connector, circuit connector, male connector
plug connectors, circuit connectors, male connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector, plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC, Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
kontaktgeschützter Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
electrical connector; plug-and-socket connector; pin-and-socket connector
electrical connectors; plug-and-socket connectors; pin-and-socket connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector; plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
scoop-proof connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC; Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
kontaktgeschützter Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
Kreuzverbau von Steckverbindern
electrical connector; plug-and-socket connector; pin-and-socket connector
electrical connectors; plug-and-socket connectors; pin-and-socket connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector; plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
scoop-proof connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC; Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
cross-mating of connectors
beanspruchen, behaupten
Hilfe f, Aushilfe f
zusätzliche Hilfe f
um Hilfe rufen
jds. Hilfe beanspruchen
Jede Hilfe kam zu spät.
additional help
to call for help
to ask for so.'s help
It was too late to help.
Priorität f
Prioritäten pl
höchste Priorität
niedrigste Priorität
Priorität beanspruchen
top priority
lowest priority
to claim a priority
sich aneignen, in Beschlag nehmen, sich schnappen, unter den Nagel reißen ugs.
alle Aufmerksamkeit für sich beanspruchen
to hog coll.
to hog the limelight
beanspruchen, fordern, einklagen v (Recht)
beanspruchend, fordernd, einklagend
beansprucht, gefordert, eingeklagt
beansprucht, fordert, klagt ein
beanspruchte, forderte, klagte ein
etw. beanspruchen
to claim
to lay claim to sth.
beanspruchen, erfordern v
beanspruchend, erfordernd
beansprucht, erfordert
to take
beanspruchen v (Aufmerksamkeit)
to demand
beanspruchen v
to engross
belasten, beanspruchen v
belastend, beanspruchend
belastet, beansprucht
belastet, beansprucht
belastete, beanspruchte
to stress
benötigen, erfordern, beanspruchen, fordern v
benötigend, erfordernd, beanspruchend, fordernd
benötigt, erfordert, beansprucht, gefordert
to call for
calling for
called for
dauern, beanspruchen
dauernd, beanspruchend
gedauert, beansprucht
lange dauern
Dauert das noch lange?
Das dauert (mir) zu lange.
Es dauert nicht mehr lange.
to take
to take long
Will it take much longer?
It takes too long.
It won't take much longer
zu beanspruchen
lay claim to
to claim
behaupten, beanspruchen
to claim
etwas beanspruchen
to lay claim to something
to take up
Anstrengung f (für jdn.); Strapaze f (für jdn.); Überanstrengung f +Gen.; (nervliche finanzielle) Belastung f (für jdn.); Last f übtr.
jdn. Nerven kosten
jdn. etw. stark beanspruchen belasten
mitgenommen sein; mit den Nerven fertig sein
Das nimmt einen ganz schön mit.
Durch Schwangerschaft und Geburt wird der Beckenboden stark beansprucht belastet.
Max spürt langsam die Last der Verantwortung.
strain (on sb.)
to be a strain on sb.'s nerves
to put place a great strain on sb. sth.
to be under strain
It's a big huge strain.
Pregnancy and childbirth places a great strain on the pelvic floor.
Max begins to feel the strain of responsibility.
Hilfe f; Aushilfe f
zusätzliche Hilfe f
um Hilfe rufen
jds. Hilfe beanspruchen
Hilfe holen
Jede Hilfe kam zu spät.
additional help
to call for help
to ask for sb.'s help
to summon help
It was too late to help.
Meines!; Ich ...! (Kindersprache um etw. zu beanspruchen)
Meines!; Das gehört mir!
Ich als erste erster!
Ich sitz vorne!
Bags (I ...)! Br.; Bagsie! Br.; Dibs (on sth.) Am. (childrens' speech for claiming sth.)
Bags! Br.; Dibs! Am.
Bags I go first. Br.; Dibs on first go! Am.
Bags I sit in the front seat! Br.; Dibs on the front seat! Am.
Platz beanspruchen; Platz brauchen ugs. v print
to require space; to space
Vorrecht n; Vorzugsrecht n (selten); Privileg n geh. jur.
Vorrechte pl; Vorzugsrechte pl; Privilegien pl
Vorrechte des Präsidenten
persönliches Vorrecht (eines Abgeordneten etc.)
Vorrechte und Befreiungen
ein Vorrecht beanspruchen
auf ein Vorrecht verzichten
jdm. ein Vorrecht gewähren einräumen; jdn. mit einem Vorrecht ausstatten
ein Vorrecht aufheben
Vorrechte genießen
absolutes Vorrecht
privilege; preferential right benefit; prerogative (formal)
privileges; preferential rights benefits; prerogatives
presidential prerogatives
personal privilege (of a M.P. etc.)
privileges and immunities
to claim a privilege
to waive a privilege
to grant accord a privilege to sb.; to privilege sb.
to suspend a privilege
to enjoy privileges
absolute privilege
sich aneignen; in Beschlag nehmen; sich schnappen; unter den Nagel reißen ugs.
alle Aufmerksamkeit für sich beanspruchen
die ganze Straße (für sich) beanspruchen
to hog coll.
to hog the limelight
to hog the road
beanspruchen; fordern; einklagen v (Recht)
beanspruchend; fordernd; einklagend
beansprucht; gefordert; eingeklagt
beansprucht; fordert; klagt ein
beanspruchte; forderte; klagte ein
etw. beanspruchen
nicht beansprucht; unbeansprucht adj
Mehrere Länder beanspruchen die Souveränität über das Gebiet.
to claim
to lay claim to sth.
Multiple countries claim sovereignty over the territory.
beanspruchen v; erfordern v; gehören v
to take
etw. stark beanspruchen v
stark beanspruchend
stark beansprucht
Es hat sein ganze diplomatisches Geschick erfordert den Staatsbesuch sicher über die Bühne zu bringen.
to task sth.
It tasked his diplomatic skill to effect the state visit in safety.
belasten; beanspruchen v
belastend; beanspruchend
belastet; beansprucht
belastet; beansprucht
belastete; beanspruchte
to load; to stress
loading; stressing
loaded; stressed
loads; stresses
loaded; stressed
dauern v; beanspruchen v
dauernd; beanspruchend
gedauert; beansprucht
lange dauern
Dauert das noch lange?
Das dauert (mir) zu lange.
Es dauert nicht mehr lange.
Das es kann aber bis zu einer Woche dauern.
to take
to take long
Will it take much longer?
It takes too long.
It won't take much longer
However this may take up to a week.
(Nerven) strapazieren; beanspruchen v
strapazierend; beanspruchend
strapaziert; beansprucht
to strain
nach der moralisch besseren Position streben; moralische Ãœberlegenheit beanspruchen
to claim seize take moral the high ground
jdn. etw. strapazieren; jdn. etw. (stark) beanspruchen; jdn. anstrengen
to tax so. sth.
Anstrengung f (für jdn.); Strapaze f (für jdn.); Überanstrengung f +Gen.; (nervliche, finanzielle) Belastung f (für jdn.); Last f übtr.
für jdn. eine Belastung sein darstellen
jdn. Nerven kosten
jdn. etw. stark beanspruchen belasten
mitgenommen sein; mit den Nerven fertig sein
Das nimmt einen ganz schön mit.
Durch Schwangerschaft und Geburt wird der Beckenboden stark beansprucht belastet.
Max spürt langsam die Last der Verantwortung.
strain (on sb.) fig.
to put place a strain on sb.
to be a strain on sb.'s nerves
to put place a great strain on sb. sth.
to be under strain
It's a big huge strain.
Pregnancy and childbirth places a great strain on the pelvic floor.
Max begins to feel the strain of responsibility.
Hilfe f; Hilfeleistung f
zusätzliche Hilfe f
(sich) Hilfe holen
um Hilfe rufen schreien
jds. Hilfe beanspruchen
Hilfe holen
Jede Hilfe kam zu spät.
help (action of helping)
additional help
to get help
to shout yell for help
to ask for sb.'s help
to summon help
It was too late to help.
Meines!; Ich …! (Kindersprache, um etw. zu beanspruchen)
Meines!; Das gehört mir!
Ich als erste erster!
Ich sitz vorne!
Bags (I …)! Br.; Bagsie! Br.; Dibs (on sth.) Am. (children's speech for claiming sth.)
Bags! Br.; Dibs! Am.
Bags I go first. Br.; Dibs on first go! Am.
Bags I sit in the front seat! Br.; Dibs on the front seat! Am.
die bessere (strategische) Position übtr.; die besseren Argumente
bei einer Konfrontation in der besseren Position sein
für sich beanspruchen, in einer Debatte die besseren Argumente zu haben
die Moral auf seiner Seite haben
moralische Autorität für sich beanspruchen
ins Theoretische abgleiten; mit theoretischen Argumenten kommen ugs.
ins Moralische abgleiten; mit der Moralkeule arbeiten kommen ugs.
sich jdm. gegenüber moralisch überlegen fühlen (können)
So konnte er sich moralisch im Recht fühlen, uns in dieser Weise zu behandeln.
the high ground fig.
to have the high ground in a confrontation
to claim the high ground in a debate
to occupy the moral high ground
to proclaim ownership of the moral high ground
to take claim seize assume the intellectual high ground
to take claim seize assume the moral high ground
to hold the moral high ground over sb.
This gave him the moral high ground to treat us in this way.
Priorität f
Prioritäten pl
höchste Priorität
niedrigste Priorität
Priorität beanspruchen
Prioritäten setzen (bei etw.)
die richtigen Prioritäten setzen
top priority
lowest priority
to claim a priority
to set priorities; to establish priorities (for sth.)
to set the right priorities
Vorrecht n; Vorzugsrecht n selten; Privileg n geh. jur.
Vorrechte pl; Vorzugsrechte pl; Privilegien pl
Vorrechte des Präsidenten
persönliches Vorrecht (eines Abgeordneten usw.)
Vorrechte und Befreiungen
ein Vorrecht beanspruchen
auf ein Vorrecht verzichten
jdm. ein Vorrecht gewähren einräumen; jdn. mit einem Vorrecht ausstatten
ein Vorrecht aufheben
Vorrechte genießen
absolutes Vorrecht
privilege; preferential right benefit; prerogative formal
privileges; preferential rights benefits; prerogatives
presidential prerogatives
personal privilege (of a M.P. etc.)
privileges and immunities
to claim a privilege
to waive a privilege
to grant accord a privilege to sb.; to privilege sb.
to suspend a privilege
to enjoy privileges
absolute privilege
etw. beanspruchen; Anspruch auf etw. erheben (bei jdm. wegen. etw.); etw. fordern v (von jdm. wegen etw.) jur.
beanspruchend; Anspruch erhebend; fordernd
beansprucht; Anspruch erhoben; gefordert
beansprucht; erhebt Anspruch; fordert
beanspruchte; erhob Anspruch; forderte
etw. beanspruchen
den Sieg für sich in Anspruch nehmen
nicht beansprucht; unbeansprucht adj
etw. aufgrund eines Vertrags beanspruchen
einen Anteil am Gewinn beanspruchen
Vorrang beanspruchen; Priorität beanspruchen (Patentrecht)
für den Fall der Entlassung eine Abfindung fordern
Mehrere Länder beanspruchen die Souveränität über das Gebiet.
Das Produkt erhebt den Anspruch, ohne Diät schlank zu machen.
to claim sth. (from sb. for sth.)
to lay claim to sth.
to claim victory
to claim sth. under a contract
to claim a share in the profits
to claim priority (patent law)
to claim compensation in case of dismissal
Multiple countries claim sovereignty over the territory.
The product claims to make you thin without dieting.
etw. stark beanspruchen v
stark beanspruchend
stark beansprucht
Es hat sein ganze diplomatisches Geschick erfordert, den Staatsbesuch sicher über die Bühne zu bringen.
to task sth.
It tasked his diplomatic skill to effect the state visit in safety.
dauern v; beanspruchen v
dauernd; beanspruchend
gedauert; beansprucht
lange dauern
Dauert das noch lange?
Das dauert (mir) zu lange.
Es dauert nicht mehr lange.
Das es kann aber bis zu einer Woche dauern.
to take
to take long
Will it take much longer?
It takes too long.
It won't take much longer.
However, this may take up to a week.
etw. (für sich) vereinnahmen; etw. in Beschlag nehmen; sich etw. schnappen; sich etw. unter den Nagel reißen ugs.; sich (an einem Ort) breitmachen v
das Interesse auf sich ziehen; die ganze Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen
die ganze Straße (für sich) beanspruchen
Strandplätze besetzen; Strandplätze mit Beschlag belegen
to hog sth. coll.
to hog the limelight; to steal the limelight
to hog the road
to hog beach spots
jdn. etw. strapazieren; jdn. etw. (stark) beanspruchen; jdn. anstrengen v
to tax sb. sth.
beanspruchend, forderte
beanspruchende, fordernd
nicht beansprucht
beansprucht adj
hoch beansprucht
highly stressed
Unsere Mittel sind maximal beansprucht.
Our resources are spread very thin.
Temperaturwechsel m
Temperaturwechsel pl
durch Temperaturwechsel beansprucht werden
temperature change
temperature changes
to be subjected to changing temperatures
Zugspannung f; Zug m (Mechanik)
auf Zug beansprucht
tension (mechanics)
under tension
jdm. anheimfallen adm. (in den Besitz übergehen)
Aufgefundene Waffen fallen ein halbes Jahr nach Meldung des Fundes dem Staat anheim wenn sie vom Eigentümer nicht beansprucht werden.
to pass fall to sb.; to become property of sb.
Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported unless they are claimed by their owner.
Grenze f der Belastbarkeit; Belastbarkeitsgrenze f; Belastungsgrenze f med. psych.
bis zur Grenze der Belastbarkeit
bis die Grenze der Belastbarkeit erreicht ist
an der Grenze seiner Belastbarkeit sein
bis zur Grenze der Belastbarkeit beansprucht werden
der Punkt, an dem die Leute die Geduld verlieren
psychologischer Höchstbelastungssatz (Steuersatz)
Ich habe meine Belastungsgrenze erreicht.
Seine Nerven waren bis zum Zerreißen gespannt.
breaking point
to breaking point
until a breaking point is reached
to be at breaking point
to be strained to breaking point
the breaking point at which people lose their patience
psychological breaking point (tax rate)
I have reached the breaking point.; I can't take any more.
His nerves were stretched to breaking point.
jdm. anheimfallen v adm. (in den Besitz übergehen)
Aufgefundene Waffen fallen ein halbes Jahr nach Meldung des Fundes dem Staat anheim, wenn sie vom Eigentümer nicht beansprucht werden.
to pass fall to sb.; to become property of sb.
Found weapons become State property six months after the find has been reported, unless they are claimed by their owner.
Beanspruchte n, Beanspruchtes
matter claimed
Beanspruchte n; Beanspruchtes
matter claimed
körperliche Beanspruchung
physical strain
Beanspruchung f
mechanische Beanspruchung
mechanical stress
Beanspruchung f, Spannung f, Zug m
Beanspruchung f

Deutsche Beanspruchungsgruppe Synonyme

Englische stress group Synonyme

stress  Alexandrine  accent  accentuate  accentuation  ache  aching  adverse circumstances  adversity  affliction  aggravation  ambivalence  ambivalence of impulse  amphibrach  amphimacer  anacrusis  anapest  anguish  annoyance  antispast  anxiety  arsis  assault  bacchius  bear  bear upon  bearing  beat  belabor  blight  blow  boost  buck  bull  bulldoze  bummer  bump  bump against  bunt  burden  butt  butt against  cadence  caesura  care  catalexis  chloriamb  chloriambus  clutch  colon  compulsion  concern  concernment  conflict  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  constraint  counterpoint  cram  cramp  cretic  crisis  cross  crowd  crunch  curse  cut  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  decompensation  diaeresis  difficulties  difficulty  dig  dimeter  dipody  distress  disturb  dochmiac  dolor  downer  drive  dwell on  elbow  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  emergency  emotional shock  emphasis  emphasize  epitrite  excellence  exigency  external frustration  feature  feminine caesura  focus on  foot  force  forcefulness  frustration  give emphasis to  goad  grief  harass  hard knocks  hard life  hard lot  hardcase  hardship  harp on  haul  head  heave  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  high order  high pressure  high rank  highlight  hurt  hurtle  hustle  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  imperativeness  import  importance  impulse  impulsion  injury  insistence  interest  ionic  irk  irritation  italicize  jab  jam  jingle  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  lesion  level of stress  lilt  mark  masculine caesura  materiality  measure  mental shock  mental strain  merit  meter  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical unit  metrics  metron  molossus  moment  mora  movement  nasty blow  nervous strain  nervous tension  note  nudge  numbers  overaccentuate  overemphasize  overexert  overexertion  overextend  overextension  overstrain  overstress  overtax  overtaxing  paeon  pain  pang  paramountcy  passion    
stressed  accented  accentuated  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulated  assimilated  back  barytone  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  central  cerebral  checked  close  consonant  consonantal  continuant  decided  dental  dissimilated  dorsal  emphasized  emphatic  flat  forceful  forcible  front  glide  glossal  glottal  guttural  hard  heavy  high  in red letters  intonated  italicized  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  light  lingual  liquid  low  mid  monophthongal  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  occlusive  open  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  pitch  pitched  pointed  positive  posttonic  punctuated  retroflex  rounded  semivowel  soft  sonant  starred  stopped  strong  surd  syllabic  tense  thick  throaty  tonal  tonic  twangy  unaccented  underlined  underscored  unrounded  unstressed  velar  vocalic  vocoid  voiced  voiceless  vowel  vowellike  weak  wide  
stressful  adverse  antagonistic  conflicting  contrary  counter  counteractive  detrimental  difficult  draining  exhausting  fatiguesome  fatiguing  grueling  hard  harmful  hostile  in opposition  inimical  killing  miserable  not easy  opposed  opposing  opposite  punishing  rigorous  sinister  straining  tiresome  tiring  toilsome  troublesome  troublous  trying  unfavorable  untoward  weariful  wearing  wearisome  wearying  wretched  

Beanspruchungsgruppe Definition

Colorado group
() A subdivision of the cretaceous formation of western North America, especially developed in Colorado and the upper Missouri region.
Dakota group
() A subdivision at the base of the cretaceous formation in Western North America
(n.) A cluster, crowd, or throng
(n.) An assemblage of objects in a certain order or relation, or having some resemblance or common characteristic
(n.) A variously limited assemblage of animals or plants, having some resemblance, or common characteristics in form or structure. The term has different uses, and may be made to include certain species of a genus, or a whole genus, or certain genera, or even several orders.
(n.) A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems
(n.) To form a group of
Harlech group
() A minor subdivision at the base of the Cambrian system in Wales.
Laramie group
() An extensive series of strata, principally developed in the Rocky Mountain region, as in the Laramie Mountains, and formerly supposed to be of the Tertiary age, but now generally regarded as Cretaceous, or of intermediate and transitional character. It contains beds of lignite, often valuable for coal, and is hence also called the lignitic group. See Chart of Geology.
Llandeilo group
() A series of strata in the lower Silurian formations of Great Britain
Ludlow group
() A subdivision of the British Upper Silurian lying below the Old Red Sandstone
Portage group
() A subdivision of the Chemung period in American geology. See Chart of Geology.
Potsdam group
() A subdivision of the Primordial or Cambrian period in American geology
Quebec group
() The middle of the three groups into which the rocks of the Canadian period have been divided in the American Lower Silurian system. See the Chart of Geology.
(n.) Distress.
(n.) Pressure, strain
(n.) The force, or combination of forces, which produces a strain
(n.) Force of utterance expended upon words or syllables. Stress is in English the chief element in accent and is one of the most important in emphasis. See Guide to pronunciation, // 31-35.
(n.) Distress
(v. t.) To press
(v. t.) To subject to stress, pressure, or strain.
Wenlock group
() The middle subdivision of the Upper Silurian in Great Britain

stress group Bedeutung

any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
group practice (medicine) the practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources
group therapy
group psychotherapy
psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist, interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
group action action taken by a group of people
group participation participation by all members of a group
Adapid group
extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit, abundant in North America and Europetomillion years ago, their descendents probably include the lemurs, some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
Omomyid group
extinct tiny nocturnal lower primates that fed on fruit and insects, abundant in North America and Europetomillion years ago, probably gave rise to the tarsiers, some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
blood group
blood type
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
type A
group A
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
type B
group B
the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen
type AB
group AB
the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
type O
group O
the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens, people with type O blood are universal donors
linkage group
linked genes
any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together, the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups
ABO blood group system
ABO system
ABO group
a classification system for the antigens of human blood, used in blood transfusion therapy, four groups are A and B and AB and O
stress test a test measuring how a system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress
mathematical group
a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
group theory the branch of mathematics dealing with groups
Abelian group
commutative group
a group that satisfies the commutative law
group dynamics the branch of social psychology that studies the psychodynamics of interaction in social groups
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
stress mark a mark indicating the stress on a syllable
stress emphasis
the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch), he put the stress on the wrong syllable
word stress
word accent
the distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word
sentence stress the distribution of stresses within a sentence
group discussion
a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
biological group a group of plants or animals
age group
age bracket
a group of people having approximately the same age
social group people sharing some social relation
ethnic group
people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture
interest group
(usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims, the iron interests stepped up production
kin group
kinship group
group of people related by blood or marriage
taxonomic group
taxonomic category
animal or plant group having natural relations
animal group a group of animals
al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya
Islamic Group
a terrorist organization of militant Islamists organized into tiny cells of extreme fundamentalists, emerged during the s mainly in Egyptian jails, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya uses force to push Egyptian society toward Islamic rule
Armed Islamic Group
a terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violent activities began in , aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state, the GIA has embarked on a terrorist campaign of civilian massacres
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
Orly Group
rd October Organization
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in , wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia, ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in killed and wounded people
First of October Antifascist Resistance Group
an armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain, seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime, GRAPO is vehemently opposed to the United States
Islamic Group of Uzbekistan
Islamic Party of Turkestan
a terrorist group of Islamic militants formed in , opposes Uzbekistan's secular regime and wants to establish an Islamic state in central Asia, is a conduit for drugs from Afghanistan to central Asian countries
Jemaah Islamiyah
Islamic Group Islamic Community
Malaysian Mujahidin Group
Malaysia Militant Group
a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in and trained by al-Qaeda, supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
Kaplan Group
Association of Islamic Groups and Communities
Caliphate State
a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany, seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya
Libyan Fighting Group
Libyan Islamic Group
a Libyan terrorist group organized in and aligned with al-Qaeda, seeks to radicalize the Libyan government, attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
Orange Group
a terrorist group of Protestants who oppose any political settlement with Irish nationalists, a paramilitary group that attacks Catholic interests in Northern Ireland
Salafist Group
Salafast Group for Call and Combat
an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group, now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government, a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
United Self-Defense Force of Colombia
United Self-Defense Group of Colombia
Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia
a terrorist organization in Colombia formed in as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups, is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members, the AUC conducted over assassinations in one year
military unit
military force
military group
a unit that is part of some military service, he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
battle group an army unit usually consisting of five companies
air group a unit of the United States Air Force larger than a squadron and smaller than a wing
Bloomsbury Group an inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around Bloomsbury early in the th century and were noted for their unconventional lifestyles
core group
a small group of indispensable persons or things, five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program
musical organization
musical organisation
musical group
an organization of musicians who perform together
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