
Beckham Welle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Beckham-Welle f (Herrenfrisur)
faux hawk (men's hairstyle)
Achse f, Welle f
Achsen pl
feste Achse
fixed axle
Achse f, Welle f
Achsen pl
Begeisterung f, Enthusiasmus m, Begeisterungsfähigkeit f, Eifer m, Verve f
Welle der Begeisterung
enthusiasm, verve
wave of enthusiasm
Kriminalität f
organisierte Kriminalität f
Welle der Kriminalität, Welle von Verbrechen
organized crime
crime wave
La-Ola-Welle f
La-Ola-Wellen pl
Mexican wave
Mexican waves
Welle f, Woge f
Wellen pl, Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
stehende Welle
decaying wave
dynamic wave
standing wave, stationary wave
Welle f techn.
gehärtete Welle f
hardened shaft
Welle f
Wellen pl
kleine Welle f, sanftes Wogen
Woge f, Welle f
beschaufelt adj
beschaufelte Welle
beschaufeltes Gehäuse
bladed shaft
bladed casing
biegsame Welle f
flexion wave
grüne Welle f
phased traffic lights
Achse, Welle
biegsame Welle
flexion wave
flattern, Welle, wehen, Woge
kleine Welle
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl
feste Achse
fixed axle
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl
Beckham-Welle f (Herrenfrisur)
faux hawk (men's hairstyle)
Begeisterung f; Schwung m; Eifer m; Enthusiasmus m; Verve f geh. psych.
Welle der Begeisterung
mit neuem Schwung
mit großem Elan
enthusiasm; verve; gusto
wave of enthusiasm
with renewed enthusiasm
with great verve gusto
Erdbebenwelle f; seismische Welle f geogr. phys.
Erdbebenwellen pl; seismische Wellen pl
Primärwellen pl; P-Wellen pl (Longitudinalwellen)
Sekundärwellen pl; S-Wellen pl (Transversalwellen)
kurzperiodische langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
Ankunftsvektor seismischer Wellen
earthquake wave; seismic wave
earthquake waves; seismic waves
primary waves; P-waves (longitudinal waves)
secondary waves; S-waves (transverse waves)
short-period long-period waves
arrival vector of seismic waves
Haarwelle f; Welle f
Haarwellen pl; Wellen pl
strenge Welle; Fingerwelle f
hair wave; wave
hair waves; waves
severe wave
eine Häufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine Häufung von Waldbränden
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
Oberflächenwelle f; Bodenwelle f phys.
Oberflächenwellen pl; Bodenwellen pl
Rayleigh-Welle (Teil einer Erdebenwelle)
surface wave; ground wave
surface waves; ground waves
Rayleigh wave; ground roll (part of a seismic wave)
Raumwelle f (von der Ionosphäre reflektierte Welle) geogr. phys.
Raumwellen pl
sky wave; skywave; ionospheric wave; indirect wave
sky waves; skywaves; ionospheric waves; indirect waves
Raum-Zeit-Welle f phys.
Raum-Zeit-Wellen pl
space-time wave
space-time waves
Schaumkronenbrecher m (Welle)
white capping
Schwingwelle f; schwingende Welle f techn.
Schwingwellen pl; schwingende Wellen pl
rock shaft; rockshaft
rock shafts; rockshafts
Spitze und Welle (im EEG) med.
spike and wave (on an EEG)
Steilheitsfaktor m (Welle)
wave steepness factor
Trommelfeuer n; Hagel m; Bombardement n (von etw.) übtr.
eine Flut ein Schwall von Fragen
Beschwerdeflut f
mit Beschwerden Fragen bombardiert werden
Es hagelte nur so an Kritik.
Er wurde mit Fragen bombardiert. übtr.
Die Regierung sah sich einer Welle der Kritik gegenüber. übtr.
barrage (of sth.) fig.
a barrage of questions
barrage of complaints
to be barraged with complaints questions
They received a barrage of criticism.
He was attacked with a barrage of questions.
The Government found itself at on the receiving end of a barrage of criticism.
Welle f; Woge f
Wellen pl; Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle; einlaufende Welle
fortschreitende Welle
gedämpfte Welle
gesteuerte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle
sich überschlagende Welle
gruppengebundene lange Wellen
zykloidale Welle
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
wavelet; ripplet
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
progressive wave; travelling wave; swashing wave
damped wave
sustained wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
combing wave; comber
group-bounded long waves
cycloidal wave
to breast the waves
heftige Welle f; Brecher m; Sturzwelle f; Sturzsee f
kollabierender Brecher
eine Protestwelle übtr.
surge; breaker
collapsing breaker
a surge of protest
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
kleine Welle f; sanftes Wogen
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Winde f mit senkrechter Welle; Spill n (Bahn Technik)
Ankerspill n (Schiff)
whim capstan; capstan; cat head (railway engineering)
anchor capstan (ship)
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
to remain stationary
Welle-Nabe Verbindung f techn.
shaft-hub connection
Welle-Nabe Verbindung f techn.
shaft-to-collar connection
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl; Wellen pl
feste Achse
Radsatzwelle f
fixed axle
wheelset axle
Begeisterung f; Schwung m; Eifer m; Enthusiasmus m; Verve f geh. psych.
Fußballbegeisterung f
Welle der Begeisterung
mit neuem Schwung
mit großem Elan
enthusiasm; verve; gusto
football enthusiasm
wave of enthusiasm
with renewed enthusiasm
with great verve gusto
Brechpunkt m der Welle
plunge line
Erdbebenwelle f; seismische Welle f geogr. phys.
Erdbebenwellen pl; seismische Wellen pl
Primärwellen pl; P-Wellen pl (Longitudinalwellen)
Sekundärwellen pl; S-Wellen pl (Transversalwellen)
kurzperiodische langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
Ankunftsvektor seismischer Wellen
Ausbreitungszeit Laufzeit einer seismischen Welle
earthquake wave; seismic wave
earthquake waves; seismic waves
primary waves; P-waves (longitudinal waves)
secondary waves; S-waves (transverse waves)
short-period long-period waves
arrival vector of seismic waves
travel time of a seismic wave
eine Häufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine Häufung von Waldbränden
große Summen
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
Hereinbrechen n; Einströmen n (von etw.)
das Hereinbrechen des Berufsverkehrs
die Flut neuer Techniken
ein Schwall von Tränen
eine Welle von Erinnerungen auslösen
onrush (of sth.)
the onrush of traffic
the onrush of new technologies
an onrush of tears
to trigger an onrush of memories
Keilverbindung f (zwischen Nabe und Welle) mach.
feste Keilverbindung
lose Keilverbindung
key fitting; keying
firm keying
loose keying
Nocken m (oft fälschlich: Nocke) (Ausbuchtung auf einer Welle oder rotierenden Scheibe) techn.
Nocken pl
Schaltnocken m
cam (projection on a shaft or rotating disc)
switch cam
Oberflächenwelle f; Bodenwelle f (Teil einer Erdebenwelle) phys.
Oberflächenwellen pl; Bodenwellen pl
Love-Welle f
Rayleigh-Welle f
surface wave; ground wave (part of a seismic wave)
surface waves; ground waves
Love wave; L wave
Rayleigh wave; R wave; ground roll
Sekundärwelle f; Scherungswelle f; S-Welle f; Transversalwelle f (Teil einer Erdebenwelle) phys.
Sekundärwellen pl; Scherungswellen pl; S-Wellen pl; Transversalwellen pl
secondary wave; S wave; shear wave; transverse wave; transversal wave (part of a seismic wave)
secondary waves; S waves; shear waves; transverse waves; transversal waves
Wanderwelle f; fortschreitende Welle f electr. med. phys.
Wanderwellen pl; fortschreitende Wellen pl
leitungsgebundene Wanderwelle
travelling wave; progressive wave; surge
travelling waves; progressive waves; surges
transient wave
Wasserwelle f; Welle f envir.
Wasserwellen f; Wellen pl
Brandungswelle f; Brandungswoge f geh.
hohe Welle; Woge f poet.
kleine Welle
fortschreitende Welle
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
water wave; water
water waves; waters
surging wave; surging billow poet.
heavy wave; billow poet.
wavelet; ripplet
progressive wave; travelling wave; swashing wave
to breast the waves
Welle f phys. telco.
Wellen pl
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle telco.
elektromagnetische Welle
gedämpfte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle; Stehwelle
Unstetigkeitswelle f
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
electromagnetic wave
damped wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
discontinuity wave
Welle f techn.
Wellen pl
gehärtete Welle f
Keilwelle f; Nutenwelle f
schwingende Welle; Schwingwelle f
hardened shaft
splined shaft; spline shaft
rock shaft; rockshaft
Welle f; Schwall m +Gen. übtr.
eine Welle der Furcht
der erste Schwall der Aufregung
ripple (of sth.) fig.
a ripple of fear
the initial ripple of exitement
Welle f (Orgel) mus.
roller; trundle (organ)
breite, sich kräuselnde Welle f
Strandwelle f
combing wave; comber
brechende Welle f; Brecher m; Sturzwelle f; Sturzwoge f geh.; Sturzsee f envir.
Hochseebrecher m
Reflexionsbrecher m
Schwallbrecher m
Sturzbrecher m
partieller Sturzbrecher
breaking wave; breaker
deep-water breaker
surging breaker
spilling breaker
plunging breaker
collapsing breaker
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist, dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Welle f der Anteilnahme soc.
wave of sympathy
kontinentaler Wellenweg m (einer seismischen Welle) geogr. phys.
continental path (of a seismic wave)
die grüne Welle f auto
(die) grüne Welle haben
green (traffic) lights all the way
to meet get hit green lights all the way
die rote Welle f auto
(die) rote Welle haben
red (traffic) lights all the way
to meet get hit red lights all the way; to have the lights against you all the way
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
im Stand
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
Drehen Sie im Stand den Motor ab. auto
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
when stationary
to remain stationary
Turn off your engine when stationary.
tropische Welle f meteo.
tropische Wellen pl
tropical wave; (tropical) easterly wave
tropical waves; easterly waves

Deutsche Beckham Welle Synonyme

Deutsche  Welle  ÂDW  
Welle  ÂWoge  
Achse  ÂDrehstange  ÂWelle  
Deutsche Welle  DW  
Welle  Woge  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Beckham Synonym nachschlagen

Englische faux hawk Synonyme

faux pas  blooper  blunder  boner  boo-boo  botch  break  bungle  gaffe  howler  impropriety  indecorum  indiscretion  misjudgment  misstep  oversight  pratfall  screamer  solecism  stumble  stupidity  

Beckham Welle Definition

(n.) See Fauces.
faux pas
() A false step
(n.) One of numerous species and genera of rapacious birds of the family Falconidae. They differ from the true falcons in lacking the prominent tooth and notch of the bill, and in having shorter and less pointed wings. Many are of large size and grade into the eagles. Some, as the goshawk, were formerly trained like falcons. In a more general sense the word is not infrequently applied, also, to true falcons, as the sparrow hawk, pigeon hawk, duck hawk, and prairie hawk.
(v. i.) To catch, or attempt to catch, birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose, and let loose on the prey
(v. i.) To make an attack while on the wing
(v. i.) To clear the throat with an audible sound by forcing an expiratory current of air through the narrow passage between the depressed soft palate and the root of the tongue, thus aiding in the removal of foreign substances.
(v. t.) To raise by hawking, as phlegm.
(n.) An effort to force up phlegm from the throat, accompanied with noise.
(v. t.) To offer for sale by outcry in the street
(n.) A small board, with a handle on the under side, to hold mortar.
(a.) Having a keen eye
Hawk moth
() Any moth of the family Sphingidae, of which there are numerous genera and species. They are large, handsome moths, which fly mostly at twilight and hover about flowers like a humming bird, sucking the honey by means of a long, slender proboscis. The larvae are large, hairless caterpillars ornamented with green and other bright colors, and often with a caudal spine. See Sphinx, also Tobacco worm, and Tomato worm.
(n.) The kestrel.
Sea hawk
() A jager gull.
Vanner hawk
() The kestrel.
(n.) A rectangular rent made in cloth

faux hawk (mens hairstyle) Bedeutung

faux pas
slip gaucherie
a socially awkward or tactless act
hawk diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail
sparrow hawk Accipiter nisus small hawk of Eurasia and northern Africa
Cooper's hawk
blue darter
Accipiter cooperii
bluish-grey North American hawk having a darting flight
chicken hawk
hen hawk
nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
redtail red-tailed hawk
Buteo jamaicensis
dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail
rough-legged hawk
Buteo lagopus
large hawk of the northern hemisphere that feeds chiefly on small rodents and is beneficial to farmers
red-shouldered hawk
Buteo lineatus
North American hawk with reddish brown shoulders
swallow-tailed kite
swallow-tailed hawk
Elanoides forficatus
graceful North American black-and-white kite
marsh hawk
northern harrier
hen harrier
Circus cyaneus
common harrier of North America and Europe, nests in marshes and open land
sparrow hawk American kestrel
kestrel Falco sparverius
small North American falcon
pigeon hawk
Falco columbarius
small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail, used in falconry
fish hawk
fish eagle
sea eagle Pandion haliaetus
large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
hawk owl
Surnia ulula
grey-and-white diurnal hawk-like owl of northern parts of the northern hemisphere
mosquito hawk
mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker
darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
hawk moth
sphinx moth
hummingbird moth
any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed
clothing store
haberdashery haberdashery store
mens store
a store where men's clothes are sold
mortarboard hawk a square board with a handle underneath, used by masons to hold or carry mortar
hair style
the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
hawk nose a nose curved downward like the beak of a hawk
mens rea
malice aforethought
(law) criminal intent, the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal), often at issue in murder trials
ball hawk a team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball
war hawk
an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations
Black Hawk
Sauk leader who in led Fox and Sauk warriors against the United States (-)
any of various plants of the genus Crepis having loose heads of yellow flowers on top of a long branched leafy stem, northern hemisphere
clear the throat
clear mucus or food from one's throat, he cleared his throat before he started to speak
hawk hunt with hawks, the tribes like to hawk in the desert
sell or offer for sale from place to place
imitation simulated
not genuine or real, being an imitation of the genuine article, it isn't fake anything, it's real synthetic fur, faux pearls, false teeth, decorated with imitation palm leaves, a purse of simulated alligator hide
having very keen vision, quick-sighted as a cat
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