
Befreiungsbewegung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Befreiungsbewegung f pol.
Befreiungsbewegungen pl
liberation movement
liberation movements
Befreiungsbewegung f pol.
Befreiungsbewegungen pl
liberation movement
liberation movements
befreien, Befreiung
Ernüchterung, Befreiung von einer Illusion
Befreiung f
Befreiungen pl
Befreiung f, Errettung f, Rettung f (von)
deliverance (from)
Befreiung f, Erlösung f
Befreiung f
Befreiung f, Bergung f, Freilegung f (z.B. aus Unfallauto)
Freistellung f, Befreiung f
exemption, release
Rettungsspreizer m, Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Verzicht m (auf), Befreiung f (von)
dispensation (with)
Befreiung von Einschränkungen
Ausnahme f; Befreiung f; Freistellung f (von etw.) adm.
exemption (from)
Befreiung f (einer Person)
Befreiungen pl
liberation; setting at liberty; setting free (of a person)
Befreiung f; Errettung f; Rettung f (von etw.)
deliverance (from sth.)
Befreiung f (von einer Verpflichtung Haftung) adm.
release; discharge dispensation; exoneration
Befreiung f; Bergung f; Freilegung f (z. B. aus Unfallauto)
für etw. in Frage kommend; zu etw. berechtigt (Person); anforderungsgerecht (Sache) adj adm.
der Betrag für den die Befreiung in Anspruch genommen werden kann
qualifying for sth.
the amount qualifying for exemption
Nationale Front für die Befreiung Südvietnams; Vietcong m ugs. hist.
National Liberation Front NLF ; Viet Cong coll.; Charlie mil. coll. Am.
Quellensteuer f; Abzugsteuer f; Abgeltungssteuer f fin.
Quellensteuern pl; Abzugsteuern pl; Abgeltungssteuern pl
Abzugsteuervorschriften pl
Abzugsteuer auf Dividenden
Befreiung von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer
von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer ausgenommen sein
einer Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer unterliegen
quellensteuerpflichtiges Einkommen
Quellensteuern Abzugsteuern werden erhoben.
tax at source; tax (deducted) at the source state; withholding tax
taxes at source; taxes at the source state; withholding taxes
withholding rules
withholding tax on dividends
exemption from withholding tax
to be exempt from the withholding requirement
to be subject to withholding tax
income subject to withholding tax
rate of tax at source
Taxes are deducted at source. Withholding taxes are levied.
Rettung f; Hilfe f; (physische) Befreiung f
jdm. zu Hilfe kommen
to come to the rescue of sb.
Rettungsspreizer m; Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Unfreiheit f; Gefangensein n; Knechtschaft f geh.
die Befreiung der Israeliten aus der ägyptischen Knechtschaft
das Korsett des häuslichen Lebens
ein Volk in Unfreiheit halten
sich aus der Umklammerung der Rauschgiftsucht befreien
bondage (formal)
the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt's bondage
the bondage of domestic life
to hold keep a nation in bondage
to free oneself from the bondage of drug addiction
Verzicht m (auf); Befreiung f (von)
dispensation (with)
Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP
Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas (Terrorgruppe) pol.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP (terrorist group)
Freilassung f; Befreiung f
Befreiung f (von einer Verpflichtung, Haftung) adm.
release; discharge dispensation; exoneration
echte Befreiung f von der Mehrwertsteuer; echte Steuerbefreiung f; Steuerbefreiung f mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung (Steuerrecht) fin.
zero VAT rating Br.; zero rating Br. (fiscal law)
für etw. in Frage kommend; zu etw. berechtigt (Person); anforderungsgerecht (Sache) adj adm.
der Betrag, für den die Befreiung in Anspruch genommen werden kann
qualifying for sth.
the amount qualifying for exemption
Haltesignal-Befreiung f (Bahn)
release at red signal (railway)
Nationale Front für die Befreiung Südvietnams; Vietcong m ugs. hist.
National Liberation Front NLF ; Viet Cong coll.; Charlie mil. Am. coll.
Quellensteuer f; Abzugsteuer f; Abgeltungssteuer f; Verrechnungssteuer f Schw. fin.
Quellensteuern pl; Abzugsteuern pl; Abgeltungssteuern pl; Verrechnungssteuern pl
Dividendenquellensteuer f
Abzugsteuervorschriften pl
Abzugsteuer auf Dividenden
Befreiung von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer
von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer ausgenommen sein
einer Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer unterliegen
quellensteuerpflichtiges Einkommen
Quellensteuern Abzugsteuern werden erhoben.
tax at source; source tax; withholding tax
tax at sources; tax at the source states; withholding taxes
dividend withholding tax
withholding rules
withholding tax on dividends
exemption from withholding tax
to be exempt from the withholding requirement
to be subject to withholding tax
income subject to withholding tax
rate of tax at source
Taxes are deducted at source. Withholding taxes are levied.
Rettung f; Errettung f geh.; Bergung; Befreiung (von Personen aus einer gefährlichen schwierigen Lage)
Rettung aus Seenot
Bergrettung f
Flugrettung f
Seilbergung f
rescue (of persons from a dangerous difficult situation)
rescue at sea
mountain rescue
airborne rescue
rescue by rope; rope rescue
Unfreiheit f; Gefangensein n; Knechtschaft f geh.
die Befreiung der Israeliten aus der ägyptischen Knechtschaft
das Korsett des häuslichen Lebens
ein Volk in Unfreiheit halten
sich aus der Umklammerung der Rauschgiftsucht befreien
bondage formal
the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt's bondage
the bondage of domestic life
to hold keep a nation in bondage
to free oneself from the bondage of drug addiction
Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP
Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas (Terrorgruppe) pol.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP (terrorist group)
Vorrecht n; Vorzugsrecht n (selten); Privileg n geh. jur.
Vorrechte pl; Vorzugsrechte pl; Privilegien pl
Vorrechte des Präsidenten
persönliches Vorrecht (eines Abgeordneten etc.)
Vorrechte und Befreiungen
ein Vorrecht beanspruchen
auf ein Vorrecht verzichten
jdm. ein Vorrecht gewähren einräumen; jdn. mit einem Vorrecht ausstatten
ein Vorrecht aufheben
Vorrechte genießen
absolutes Vorrecht
privilege; preferential right benefit; prerogative (formal)
privileges; preferential rights benefits; prerogatives
presidential prerogatives
personal privilege (of a M.P. etc.)
privileges and immunities
to claim a privilege
to waive a privilege
to grant accord a privilege to sb.; to privilege sb.
to suspend a privilege
to enjoy privileges
absolute privilege
Vorrecht n; Vorzugsrecht n selten; Privileg n geh. jur.
Vorrechte pl; Vorzugsrechte pl; Privilegien pl
Vorrechte des Präsidenten
persönliches Vorrecht (eines Abgeordneten usw.)
Vorrechte und Befreiungen
ein Vorrecht beanspruchen
auf ein Vorrecht verzichten
jdm. ein Vorrecht gewähren einräumen; jdn. mit einem Vorrecht ausstatten
ein Vorrecht aufheben
Vorrechte genießen
absolutes Vorrecht
privilege; preferential right benefit; prerogative formal
privileges; preferential rights benefits; prerogatives
presidential prerogatives
personal privilege (of a M.P. etc.)
privileges and immunities
to claim a privilege
to waive a privilege
to grant accord a privilege to sb.; to privilege sb.
to suspend a privilege
to enjoy privileges
absolute privilege
Befreiungsaktion f mil.
Befreiungsaktionen pl
liberation operation
liberation operations
ELN f (Nationale Befreiungsarmee Kolumbiens)
ELN (National Liberation Army of Colombia)
Befreiungsbewegung f pol.
Befreiungsbewegungen pl
liberation movement
liberation movements
Befreiungsfront f pol.
liberation front
Befreiungskrieg m mil.
Befreiungskriege pl
war of liberation
wars of liberation
Krieg m (gegen jdn. etw.) mil.
Kriege pl
Angriffskrieg m; Aggressionskrieg m
Atomkrieg m
Befreiungskrieg m
Blitzkrieg m
Bruderkrieg m
Bürgerkrieg m
Drohnenkrieg m
Eroberungskrieg m
Gebirgskrieg m
Glaubenskrieg m; Religionskrieg m; Glaubenskampf m
Grabenkrieg m
Guerillakrieg m; Partisanenkrieg m
Krieg gegen Aufständische
Krieg gegen Guerillagruppen; Krieg gegen Partisanenverbände
Landkrieg m
Luftkrieg m
Mehrfrontenkrieg m
Präventivkrieg m
Revolutionskrieg m
schmutziger Krieg
Seekrieg m
Stellungskrieg m
Stellvertreterkrieg m
U-Boot-Krieg m
Unabhängigkeitskrieg m
Vernichtungskrieg m
Verteidigungskrieg m
Wüstenkrieg m
Zermürbungskrieg m; Abnutzungskrieg m
Zweifrontenkrieg m
der Hundertjährige Krieg hist.
im Krieg
begrenzter strategischer Krieg
durch Zufall ausgelöster Krieg
jdm. den Krieg erklären
in einem Krieg kämpfen
einen Krieg gewinnen verlieren
Krieg führen (gegen jdn. etw.)
vom Krieg betroffen
Krieg geringer Intensität
(gegen jdn.) in den Krieg ziehen
1920 waren Polen und Russland nach wie vor im Kriegszustand.
Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. (Clausewitz)
Du siehst ja ganz schön ramponiert aus.
war (on against sb. sth.)
war of aggression; aggressive war
nuclear war
war of liberation; liberation war
blitzkrieg; blitz; fast moving war
fratricidal war
civil war
drone war
war of conquest
mountain war
war of religion; religious war
trench war
guerilla war; partisan war
counterinsurgency war
counter-guerilla war; counter-partisan war
land war
aerial war
multi-front war; multiple-front war
preventive war
revolutionary war
dirty war
naval war
static war
proxy war
submarine war
war of independence
war of extermination; destructive war
defensive war
desert war
war of attrition
two-front war
the Hundred Years' War
at war
limited strategic war
accidental war
to declare war on sb.
to fight in a war
to win lose a war
to fight wage (a) war (on against sb. sth.)
low-intensity war
to go to war (with sb.)
In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. (Clausewitz)
You look like you've been in the wars. Br.
Befreiungsmechanismus m adm.
exemption mechanism
Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation f PLO pol.
Palestine Liberation Organisation Br.; Palestine Liberation Organization eAm. PLO
Befreiungsschuss m; Befreiungsschlag m (Ballsport) sport
clearance kick; clearance (ball sports)
Schlag m; Befreiungsschlag m
unerlaubter Befreiungsschuss; unerlaubter Weitschuss; Icing n sport
Befreiungstheologe m relig.
Befreiungstheologen pl
liberation theologian
liberation theologians
Befreiungstheologie f
liberation theology
Befreiungstheologie f relig.
liberation theology

Befreiungsbewegung Definition

(n.) The act of liberating or the state of being liberated.
(n.) The act of moving
(n.) Motion of the mind or feelings
(n.) Manner or style of moving
(n.) The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a piece.
(n.) One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a larger work
(n.) A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion

liberation movement / liberation movements Bedeutung

liberation release freeing the act of liberating someone or something
discharge firing liberation release sack
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
motion movement move the act of changing location from one place to another, police controlled the motion of the crowd, the movement of people from the farms to the cities, his move put him directly in my path
movement the act of changing the location of something, the movement of cargo onto the vessel
troop movement movement of military units to a new location
move motility
a change of position that does not entail a change of location, the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise, movement is a sign of life, an impatient move of his hand, gastrointestinal motility
fetal movement
foetal movement
motion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the th week of pregnancy)
eye movement the movement of the eyes
liberation the attempt to achieve equal rights or status, she worked for women's liberation
campaign cause crusade
drive movement effort
a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end, he supported populist campaigns, they worked in the cause of world peace, the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant, the movement to end slavery, contributed to the war effort
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
feminist movement
women's liberation movement
women's lib
the movement aimed at equal rights for women
gay liberation movement
gay lib
the movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression
youth movement
youth crusade
political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people
movement the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock), it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement
kinesthesia kinaesthesia kinesthetics
muscle sense
sense of movement
the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body
feeling of movement
the perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc
Romantic Movement
a movement in literature and art during the late th and early th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization, Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality
liberation theology a form of Christian theology (developed by South American Roman Catholics) that emphasizes social and political liberation as the anticipation of ultimate salvation
drift trend
a general tendency to change (as of opinion), not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book, a broad movement of the electorate to the right
Salafi movement
a militant group of extremist Sunnis who believe themselves the only correct interpreters of the Koran and consider moderate Muslims to be infidels, seek to convert all Muslims and to insure that its own fundamentalist version of Islam will dominate the world
movement a major selfontained part of a symphony or sonata, the second movement is slow and melodic
a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
crustal movement
tectonic movement
movement resulting from or causing deformation of the earth's crust
periodic motion
periodic movement
motion that recurs over and over and the period of time required for each recurrence remains the same
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
Orly Group
rd October Organization
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in , wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia, ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in killed and wounded people
Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
Former Armed Forces
a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again, in ALIR guerrillas kidnapped and killed eight foreign tourists
Black September Movement a former Palestinian terrorist organization (now merged with Fatah Revolutionary Council) that assassinated the Prime Minister of Jordan and during the Olympic Games in Munich killed Israeli athletes
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals can only be achieved by revolutionary change, in the DFLP took over a schoolhouse and massacred Israeli schoolchildren
East Turkistan Islamic Movement
East Turkestan Islamic Movement
a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang, declared by China in to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression
Islamic Resistance Movement
a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon, seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel, is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel, pioneered suicide bombing
Harkat ul-Ansar
Harkat ul-Mujahedeen
Al Faran
Movement of Holy Warriors
an Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the s, now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan
a Hizballah
Lebanese Hizballah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran, seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon, car bombs are the signature weapon
Irish National Liberation Army
People's Liberation Army
People's Republican Army
Catholic Reaction Force
a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
Lautaro Youth Movement
Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement
Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces
a violent terrorist group organized in the s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government, leaders are mainly criminals or impoverished youths
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Tamil Tigers
World Tamil Association
World Tamil Movement
a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began inas a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students, currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam, relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel, the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide bombing as a weapon of war
Moro Islamic Liberation Front a terrorist group in the southern Philippines formed in to establish an independent Islamic state for the Moros, have clashed with troops at United States bases
National Liberation Army
Nestor Paz Zamora Commission
a terrorist organization in Bolivia that acts as an umbrella for numerous small indigenous subversive groups, a revival of a group with Marxist-Leninist ideologies originally established by Che Guevara in the s
National Liberation Army ELN a Marxist terrorist group formed in by Colombian intellectuals who were inspired by the Cuban Revolution, responsible for a campaign of mass kidnappings and resistance to the government's efforts to stop the drug trade, ELN kidnappers target foreign employees of large corporations
National Liberation Front of Corsica
a terrorist group formed in to work for Corsican independence, attacks on Corsica are aimed at sabotaging public infrastructure and symbols of colonialism
Palestine Liberation Front
Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyah
a terrorist group formed in as the result of a split with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, became a satellite of al-Fatah, made terrorist attacks on Israel across the Lebanese border
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
a terrorist group of limited popularity formed in after the Six-Day War, combined Marxist-Leninist ideology with Palestinian nationalism, used terrorism to gain attention for their cause, hoped to eliminate the state of Israel
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that conducted several attacks in western Europe
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
an extreme Marxist terrorist organization in Turkey that is opposed to NATO and the United States, attacks Turkish security and military officials
Tareekh e Kasas
Movement for Revenge
an organization of Muslims in India who killed Hindus in September , believed to have ties with Muslim terrorists in Pakistan
Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Peru, was formed in to overthrow the Peruvian government and replace it with a Marxist regime, has connections with the ELN in Bolivia
Palestine Liberation Organization
a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine, when formed in it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah, in Arafat became chairman, received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in as a government in exile, has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
social movement
a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals, he was a charter member of the movement, politicians have to respect a mass movement, he led the national liberation front
artistic movement
art movement
a group of artists who agree on general principles
Civil Rights movement movement in the United States beginning in the s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens
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118 Bewertungen 5


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Als Befreiungsbewegung oder Freiheitsbewegung wird eine Gruppe bezeichnet, die einen Aufstand gegen eine Kolonial- oder Neokolonialmacht oder gegen eine diktatorische Regierung organisiert, also umgangssprachlich einen Freiheitskampf organisiert. Der Begriff wird einerseits auf nationalistische und ethnizistische, andererseits aber auch auf sozialemanzipatorische und sozialistische Bewegungen angewandt.

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