
Beratungsgegenstand Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Beratungsgegenstand m; Beratungsvorlage f
item for discussion; subject under discussion; item of business
Beratungsgegenstand m; Beratungsvorlage f
item for discussion; subject under discussion; item of business
Beratung, Leitung, Führung, Lenkung
fachkundige Beratung
expert advice
Sitzung, Beratung
technische Beratung
technical advice
Beratung f
Beratungen pl
Beratung f
IT-Beratung f, EDV-Beratung f
consulting, consulting service
IT consulting
Beratung f
Beratungen pl
counsel, counselling
counsels, counsellings
Beratung f, Ratschlag m, Hinweisgabe f
Beratung f
Beratungen pl
pädagogisch adj
pädagogische Unterstützung und Beratung
pädagogische Strategien
pedagogic, pedagogical
pedagogical support
educational strategies
Agrar-Beratung f agr.
agricultural consulatation
Beratung, Ratschlag, Hinweisgabe
consulting service
nach Beratung mit
after consultation with
nach längerer Beratung
after lengthy discussion
Agrarberatung f; landwirtschaftliche Beratung f agr.
agricultural consultation
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects while similar have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
Beratung f
IT-Beratung f; EDV-Beratung f
consulting; consulting service
IT consulting
Beratung f
Beratungen pl
counsel; counselling
counsels; counsellings
interne Beratung eines Verhandlungsteams; Einzelgespräch n (zwischen Vermittler und einem Verhandungspartner)
Hilfe f; Unterstützung f; Beistand m; Mitwirkung f
Hilfen pl; Unterstützungen pl; Beistände pl
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von durch
freiwillige Hilfe
Beratung und Begleitung von Ausländern
with the friendly assistance of
voluntary assistance
advice and assistance for aliens
Kriegsrat m (informelle Beratung) humor.
Familienrat m
family powwow
Lebenshilfe f (Beratung)
counselling Br.; counseling Am.
Ratschlag m; Rat m; (fachliche) Auskunft f; Beratung f
Ratschläge pl
wissenschaftliche Beratung
ein kleiner Tipp
ein Rat
mit Rat und Tat helfen
um Rat fragen
sich bei jdm. Rat holen
ohne Rat
keinen Rat wissen
eine Rechtsauskunft einholen
pieces of advice
scientific advice
a quick word of advice
a piece of advice
to help with words and deeds
to ask for advice
to ask sb.'s advice
to be at a loss as to what to advise
to obtain legal advice
pädagogisch adj
pädagogische Unterstützung und Beratung
pädagogische Strategien
unpädagogisch adj
pedagogic; pedagogical
pedagogical support
educational strategies
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus, dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich, setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf, sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects, while similar, have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling, with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
Antrag m auf erneute Beratung (Parlament) pol.
motion to reconsider (Parliament) Am.
Beratung f
Hygieneberatung f
IT-Beratung f; EDV-Beratung f
consulting; consulting service
hygiene consulting
IT consulting
Beratung f (institutionalisiertes Hilfsangebot für einen bestimmten Lebensbereich)
Beratung nach der Bestattung
Akademikerberatung f
Alkoholberatung f
Außenwirtschaftsberatung f econ.
Steuerberatung f fin.
Berufsberatung f; Ausbildungsberatung f
Drogenberatung f med.
Eheberatung f
Erziehungsberatung f
Fachberatung f
Familienberatung f
Gesundheitsberatung f
schulbegleitende Beratung; Schulberatung f school
Sexualberatung f med.
Suchtberatung f
Trauerberatung f
Verhaltensberatung f
counselling Br.; counseling Am.; guidance; advisement Am. (institutionalized assistance for a particular sphere of life)
post-funeral counselling
graduate counselling; graduate advisement
alcohol counselling; alcohol education
foreign trade and payments counselling
tax counselling; tax counseling
vocational guidance; career counselling; career advisement
drugs counselling; drug counseling
marriage counselling; marriage guidance
educational counselling; educational counseling; educational guidance
specialist counselling; specialist counseling
family counselling; family counseling
health counselling; health counseling
school counselling; school counselling
sexual counselling; sexual counseling
addiction counselling; addiction counseling
bereavement counselling; bereavement counseling
behavioural counselling; behavioral consultation
Beratungsgespräch n; Beratung f ugs. (bei jdm.); Konsultation f (eines Fachmanns, insb. in den freien Berufen)
Beratungsgespräche pl; Beratungen pl; Konsultationen pl
consultation (meeting with an expert, esp. a professional)
bei Gericht; vor Gericht (nachgestellt) jur.
Erscheinen vor Gericht
Zeugenaussage vor Gericht
Beratungsdienst bei Gericht; Beratung bei Gericht
in-court appearance
in-court testimony
in-court advice service
Hilfe f; Unterstützung f; Beistand m; Mitwirkung f
Hilfen pl; Unterstützungen pl; Beistände pl
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von durch
freiwillige Hilfe
auf fremde Hilfe angewiesen sein
Beratung und Begleitung von Ausländern
with the friendly assistance of
voluntary assistance
to depend to be dependent on the assistence of others
advice and assistance for aliens
Kriegsrat m (informelle Beratung) humor.
Familienrat m
Kriegsrat halten; über etw. beraten
family powwow
to hold a powwow; to powwow about sth.
Rat m; Ratschlag m geh.; Ratschläge pl geh.; (fachliche) Auskunft f; Beratung f (zu etw.; in Sachen X)
ein (guter) Rat; ein Ratschlag geh., ein Tipp von mir ihm ihr ugs.
Expertenrat m
sein weiser Rat
wissenschaftliche Beratung
ein kleiner Tipp
mit Rat und Tat helfen
um Rat fragen
jdm. einen Rat Ratschläge geben erteilen geh.
von jdm. einen Rat annehmen
jds. Rat Ratschläge befolgen; jds. Rat folgen geh.
jds. Rat beherzigen
jds. Rat Ratschläge in den Wind schlagen
den Rat eines Fachmanns einholen
eine Rechtsauskunft einholen
Beratung (zu bei etw.) anbieten; (in Fragen +Gen.) beraten
jdn. besuchen, um seinen Rat einzuholen
Er braucht einen Rat zu seinem Computer.
Ich bräuchte einen Rat von Ihnen.
Wir werden sie vermissen, denn wir schätzen ihre Ratschläge.
Ich würde dir raten, deinen alten Laptop zu verkaufen und dir einen neuen anzuschaffen.
Ich kann (Dir Ihnen Euch) nur raten, dieses Lokal zu meiden.
advice; counsel formal (about on concerning sth.) (used without article)
a bit of advice; a piece of advice; a word of advice
expert advice
his wise counsel
scientific advice
a quick word of advice
to help with words and deeds
to ask for advice
to give offer provide advice counsel
to take advice counsel from sb.
to act on follow sb.'s advice counsel
to heed sb.'s advice counsel
to disregard ignore turn a deaf ear to sb.'s advice counsel
to seek expert advice; to seek expert counsel
to obtain legal advice
to give advice; to offer advice (about on sth.)
to visit sb. for advice counsel
He needs some advice about his computer.
May I ask your advice on something?
We'll miss her because we value her counsel.
My advice is to sell your old laptop and get a new one.
Take my advice and avoid this place.
jdn. beraten v (als institutionalisiertes Hilfsangebot)
der die (vorher) keine Beratung erhalten hat haben
in psychologischer Betreuung sein psych.
to counsel sb. (as part of institutionalized assistance)
counseling; counselling
counseled; counselled
counseled; counselled
to be being counselled
nochmalige Beratung f (Parlament) pol.
reconsideration (Parliament)
sich zur Beratung zusammensetzen; (im Kreis) zusammenstehen; die Köpfe zusammenstecken; Kriegsrat halten übtr. v
zusammenstehen zusammenhocken, ins Gespräch vertieft
to huddle Am.; to go into a huddle Am. (have a private discussion)
to be stand huddled in deep conversation
(als Gruppe einzeln) herausmaschieren; der Reihe nach herauskommen; (feierlich) ausziehen v (aus einem Ort)
herausmaschierend; der Reihe nach herauskommend; ausziehend
herausmaschiert; der Reihe nach herausgekommen; ausgezogen
Gegen Ladenschluss verließen die Kunden der Reihe nach das Geschäft.
Die 12 Geschworenen zogen aus dem Gerichtssaal aus, um ihre Beratungen aufzunehmen.
to file out (of a place)
filing out
filed out
The customers filed out as closing time drew near.
The 12 jurors filed out of the courtroom to begin their deliberations.
beratend; Beratungs… adj
Beratungsangebot n
Beratungsangebote pl
consulting service
consulting services
Lebenshilfe f; Lebensberatung f (Beratungsangebot)
Lebenshilfe bieten
life coaching; life counselling; life counseling Am.
to provide life coaching
Beratungsansatz m
Beratungsansätze pl
consulting approach
consulting approaches
Beirat m, Beratungsausschuss m
Beiräte pl, Beratungsausschüsse pl
wissenschaftlicher Beirat
advisory council, advisory board
advisory councils, advisory boards
scientific advisory board
Beirat m; Beratungsausschuss m
Beiräte pl; Beratungsausschüsse pl
wissenschaftlicher Beirat
advisory council; advisory board; advisory committee
advisory councils; advisory boards; advisory committees
scientific advisory board
Beirat m; Beratungsausschuss m adm.
Beiräte pl; Beratungsausschüsse pl
Projektbeirat m
ständiger Beirat
wissenschaftlicher Beirat
advisory council; advisory group; advisory committee; advisory board; advisory panel
advisory councils; advisory groups; advisory committees; advisory boards; advisory panels
project advisory group; project advisory committee
permanent advisory council
scientific advisory board
Beratungsbedarf m econ.
consulting need
advisory service
Beratungsdienst m
Beratungsdienste pl
advisory service; counseling
advisory services
Beratungsdienst m
Beratungsdienste pl
advice service; advisory service; counseling service
advice services; advisory services; counseling services
telefonischer Beratungsdienst m; Kundenberatungsdienst m
call centre service Br.; call center service Am.
Beratungsdienstleister m
Beratungsdienstleister pl
consulting service provider
consulting service providers
Beratungsdienstleistungen pl
advisory services
Beratungsfeld n
Beratungsfelder pl
consulting field
consulting fields
Beratungsfirma f
Beratungsfirmen pl
business consultancy
business consultancies
business consultancy
Beratungsschwerpunkt; Beratungsfokus m
Beratungsschwerpunkte; Beratungsfokusse pl
consulting focus
consulting focuses
advisory function
Funktion f
Funktionen pl
angewandte Funktion
automatische Funktion f
beratende Funktion, Beratungsfunktion f
in Funktion treten
applied function
automatic function
advisory function
to start to function
Funktion f
Funktionen pl
angewandte Funktion
automatische Funktion f
beratende Funktion; Beratungsfunktion f
in Funktion treten
applied function
automatic function
advisory function
to start to function
Beratungsgebiet n
Beratungsgebiete pl
consulting field
consulting fields
Beratungsgebühr f
Beratungsgebühren pl
consultancy fee
consultancy fees
Beratungsgegenstand m; Beratungsvorlage f
item for discussion; subject under discussion; item of business
Beratungsgesellschaft f
Beratungsgesellschaften pl
consultancy; consulting firm
consultancies; consulting firms
Beratungsunternehmen n; Consultingunternehmen n; Beraterunternehmen n; Beratungsgesellschaft f; Beratungshaus n; Beratungsinstitut n econ.
Beratungsunternehmen pl; Consultingunternehmen pl; Beraterunternehmen pl; Beratungsgesellschaften pl; Beratungshäuser pl; Beratungsinstitute pl
consultancy; consulting firm
consultancies; consulting firms
Beratungsgespräch n

Deutsche Beratungsgegenstand Synonyme

Englische item for discussion; subject under discussion; item of business Synonyme

item  above  additionally  adjunct  adversaria  again  aide-memoire  all included  along  also  altogether  among other things  and all  and also  and so  annotation  appurtenance  article  article of commerce  article of merchandise  as well  aspect  au reste  beside  besides  beyond  case  circumstance  citation  commodity  component  constituent  contents  contingent  count  credit  cross reference  cross section  datum  debit  demonstration  detachment  detail  division  docket  dole  double entry  drug  element  else  en plus  entity  entry  example  exemplification  extra  facet  fact  factor  farther  feature  filler  fixings  footnote  for lagniappe  fraction  further  furthermore  illustration  in addition  incidental  individual  ingredient  installment  instance  integer  integrant  inter alia  into the bargain  jotting  lead item  leader  likewise  loss leader  makings  marginal note  marginalia  matter  memo  memoir  memorandum  memorial  mention  minor detail  minute  minutes  minutia  minutiae  module  more  moreover  notation  note  notice  on the side  on top of  over  parcel  part  part and parcel  particular  percentage  person  persona  piece  plus  point  portion  product  quadrant  quarter  quota  quotation  random sample  reference  regard  register  registry  remainder  reminder  respect  sample  sampling  scholia  scholium  seconds  section  sector  segment  share  similarly  single  single entry  singleton  soul  special  specialty  standard article  staple  staple item  subdivision  subgroup  subspecies  then  therewith  thing  to boot  too  unit  vendible  ware  well  yet  
itemization  active list  analysis  anatomization  atomization  blacklist  blocking  cameo  catalog  cataloging  character  character sketch  characterization  checklist  circumstantiation  civil list  delineation  depiction  description  detailing  details  enrollment  enumeration  evocation  filing  graphic account  image  imagery  impression  indexing  individualization  inventory  items  limning  list  listing  localization  parsing  particularization  peculiarization  personalization  photograph  picture  portrait  portraiture  portrayal  profile  register  registration  registry  rendering  rendition  repertory  representation  resolution  retired list  scansion  schedule  schematization  sick list  sketch  specialization  specification  tabulation  tally  tally sheet  vignette  vivid description  word painting  
itemize  add up  adduce  anatomize  atomize  block out  book  calendar  call to mind  cast up  catalog  cipher up  circumstantiate  cite  cite a particular  count  count up  demonstrate  descend to particulars  detail  document  enroll  enter  enter into detail  enumerate  example  exemplify  figure up  file  foot up  give a for-instance  give full particulars  illustrate  impanel  index  individualize  instance  inventory  keep score  list  mention  name  number  outline  parse  particularize  peculiarize  personalize  pigeonhole  post  precise  program  quote  recap  recapitulate  recite  reckon up  record  recount  register  rehearse  relate  resolve  scan  schedule  schematize  score  score up  specialize  specify  spell out  substantiate  sum  sum up  summarize  summate  tabulate  tally  tally up  tot up  total  total up  tote up  
itemized  blow-by-blow  cadastral  cataloged  detailed  entered  enumerated  filed  full  indexed  inventorial  listed  minute  particular  particularized  programmed  scheduled  tabulated  tallied  thorough  
items  active list  blacklist  census  checklist  civil list  composition  constituents  content  contents  divisions  elements  enumeration  guts  index  ingredients  innards  insides  inventory  itemization  list  part  parts  register  registry  repertory  retired list  schedule  sick list  tally  tally sheet  whole  

Beratungsgegenstand Definition

(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(n.) The act or process of discussing by breaking up, or dispersing, as a tumor, or the like.
(n.) The act of discussing or exchanging reasons
(adv.) Also
(n.) An article
(n.) A hint
(n.) A short article in a newspaper
(v. t.) To make a note or memorandum of.
(a.) Placed or situated under
(a.) Placed under the power of another
(a.) Exposed
(a.) Obedient
(a.) That which is placed under the authority, dominion, control, or influence of something else.
(a.) Specifically: One who is under the authority of a ruler and is governed by his laws
(a.) That which is subjected, or submitted to, any physical operation or process
(a.) That which is brought under thought or examination
(a.) The person who is treated of
(a.) That of which anything is affirmed or predicated
(a.) That in which any quality, attribute, or relation, whether spiritual or material, inheres, or to which any of these appertain
(a.) Hence, that substance or being which is conscious of its own operations
(n.) The principal theme, or leading thought or phrase, on which a composition or a movement is based.
(n.) The incident, scene, figure, group, etc., which it is the aim of the artist to represent.
(v. t.) To bring under control, power, or dominion
(v. t.) To expose
(v. t.) To submit
(v. t.) To make subservient.
(v. t.) To cause to undergo
(n.) The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion

item for discussion; subject under discussion; item of business Bedeutung

business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
collector's item
piece de resistance
the outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection
item a whole individual unit, especially when included in a list or collection, they reduced the price on many items
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
depicted object
something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation, a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
subject issue
some situation or event that is thought about, he kept drifting off the topic, he had been thinking about the subject for several years, it is a matter for the police
an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole, several of the details are similar, a point of information
business a rightful concern or responsibility, it's none of your business, mind your own business
business an immediate objective, gossip was the main business of the evening
subject area
subject field
field of study
study bailiwick
a branch of knowledge, in what discipline is his doctorate?, teachers should be well trained in their subject, anthropology is the study of human beings
subject (grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence, the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
subject (logic) the first term of a proposition
nominative case
subject case
the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
assumed name fictitious name
Doing Business As
(law) a name under which a corporation conducts business that is not the legal name of the corporation as shown in its articles of incorporation
business card a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation
a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list, he noticed an item in the New York Times, she had several items on her shopping list, the main point on the agenda was taken up first
agenda item one of the items to be considered
inventory item an item listed in an inventory
line item an item in an appropriation bill, Some governors can veto line items in their state budgets
news item an item in a newspaper
order of business
a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)
subject matter
what a communication that is about something is about
the subject matter of a conversation or discussion, he didn't want to discuss that subject, it was a very sensitive topic, his letters were always on the theme of love
short subject a brief film, often shown prior to showing the feature
business letter a letter dealing with business
business index a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions, this business index is computed relative to the base year of
business news news about businesses and investments
Master in Business
Master in Business Administration
a master's degree in business
an individual instance of a type of symbol, the word`error' contains three tokens of `r'
discussion treatment
an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic, the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic, his treatment of the race question is badly biased
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