
Betreiberkonto Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Betreiberkonto n fin.
Betreiberkonten pl
operator holding account
operator holding accounts
Betreiberkonto n fin.
Betreiberkonten pl
operator holding account
operator holding accounts
carry on
seine Studien betreiben
pursue one's studies
Bergbau m
(in einem Gebiet) Bergbau betreiben
mining, mining industry
to mine (an area)
auf Betreiben von, auf Ersuchen von, auf Veranlassung von
at the instigation of
elektrischer Eigenbedarf zum Betreiben einer Anlage electr.
on-site power
Einzelhandel betreiben, im Einzelhandel verkaufen
to retail, to sell by retail
durch Inzucht züchten, Inzucht betreiben
to inbreed {inbred, inbred}
Landwirtschaft betreiben, eine Farm betreiben
to farm
Spionage betreiben, spionieren, herumspionieren
Spionage betreibend, spionierend, herumspionierend
Spionage betrieben, spioniert, herumspioniert
to spy
(Geschäft) betreiben v
to carry on
carrying on
carried on
carries on
carried on
(Geschäft) betreiben v
eine Drogerie betreiben
to run
to run a drugstore
betreiben v
to prosecute
betreiben, ausüben v (Gewerbe)
to ply
betreiben v
to practise Br., to practice
practising, practicing
practised, practiced
energisch betreiben, intensiv betreiben
energisch betreibend, intensiv betreibend
energisch betrieben, intensiv betrieben
to push
to practise
den Anstoß zu etw. geben; etw. anstoßen; etw. betreiben; etw. in die Wege leiten v
den Anstoß gebend; anstoßend; betreibend; in die Wege leitend
den Anstoß gegeben; angestoßen; betrieben; in die Wege geleitet
ein Reformprogramm anstoßen
Eine Untersuchung wurde bereits in die Wege geleitet.
Ich werde einen Prozess anstrengen.
to instigate sth.
to instigate a programme of reforms
An investigation has already been instigated.
I will be instigating legal proceedings.
Bergbau m; Bergbauindustrie f min.
Bergbau über Tage
Bergbau unter Tage
(in einem Gebiet) Bergbau betreiben
Bergbau und Forsteinsatz
mining; mining industry
opencast mining; open-pit mining; open-cut mining
underground mining; deep mining
to mine (an area)
mining and logging
Betreiben n; Einleiten n (von etw.); Anstoß (zu etw.)
auf Betreiben auf Veranlassung von jdm.
die Einleitung eines Scheidungsverfahrens
Er sie es erfolgte auf ihre Veranlassung.
instigation of sth.
at the instigation instance of sb.; at sb.'s instigation instance
the instigation of divorce proceedings
It was done at her instigation.
etw. in Betrieb nehmen v (langfristig betreiben) (Anlage Kraftwerk Verkehrsmittel)
in Betrieb nehmend
in Betrieb genommen
to put sth. into service; to commission sth. (plant power station public transport)
putting into service; commissioning
put into service; commissioned
Depotgeschäft n fin.
das Depotgeschäft betreiben
portfolio management; investment management; custody business; custodianship business Am.
to be (engaged) in portfolio management
Einzelhandel betreiben; im Einzelhandel verkaufen
to retail; to sell by retail
Gewerbe n econ.
Handel und Gewerbe
Gewerbe und Handwerk
ein Gewerbe anmelden
ein Gewerbe betreiben ausüben
einem Gewerbe nachgehen
seinem Gewerbe nachgehen
Drogendealer gehen an den Straßenecken ganz offen ihrem Gewerbe nach.
trade; business; small-scale industry
trade and industry
trade and skilled labour
to register a trade business
to carry on follow a trade
to pursue a trade
to ply one's trade
Drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
(legales) Glückspiel n (als Kategorie)
öffentliches Glückspiel betreiben
to engage in public gaming activities
seine Hardware (auf etw.) aufrüsten v comp.
Du musst deinen Arbeitsspeicher auf 8 Gb aufrüsten bevor du diese Software betreiben kannst.
to upgrade your hardware to sth.
You'll need to upgrade your main memory to 8Gb before running this software.
Hobby n; Steckenpferd n
Hobbys pl; Steckenpferde pl
als Hobby
etw. als Hobby betreiben
fad; hobby
fads; hobbies
as a hobby
to pursue sth. as a hobby
Hotline f; Kundentelefon n; heißer Draht m
Buchungstelefon n; Buchungshotline f
eine Hotline betreiben
reservation hotline
to run a hotline
sich durch Inzucht vermehren; Inzucht betreiben v biol.
to inbreed {inbred; inbred}
Tiere durch Inzucht vermehren; mit Tieren Inzucht betreiben v biol.
to inbreed animals
Konterbande f; Schmuggel Schleichhandel m auf dem Seeweg naut.
Schmuggelhandel m
Kriegskonterbande f
Quasi-Konterbande f
Schleichhandel (auf dem Seeweg) betreiben
Transport der der Konterbande gleichzusetzen ist
contraband trade
contraband of war
to run contraband
contraband by analogy
Küstenschifffahrt f; Küstenschiffahrt f alt
Küstenschifffahrt betreiben
coasting (trade); coastal traffic; coastwise trading; cabotage Am.
to coast
Landwirtschaft betreiben; eine Farm betreiben
to farm
Lobbying betreiben; auf Entscheidungsträger Einfluss nehmen; (bei jdm.) antichambrieren geh.
to lobby
Meeresforschung f
wissenschaftliche Meeresforschung betreiben
marine research; ocean research
to conduct marine scientific research
Raubbau m min.
Raubbau betreiben
robbing of a mine; overexploitation
to overexploit rob a mine
Realitätsverweigerung psych. übtr. f
Realitätsverweigerung betreiben übtr.
es nicht wahrhaben wollen; Realitätsverweigerung betreiben (hinsichtlich einer Sache)
refusal to accept reality
to refuse to accept reality
to be in denial (about sth.)
Rinder pl; Vieh n; Rindvieh n; Viehzeug n
Rinder züchten; Rinderzucht betreiben
Rinder hüten
to raise breed cattle
to herd cattle
Schönfärberei f
Schönfärberei betreiben
whitewash iron.
to whitewash things; to gloss over things
Selbstbesinnung f; Gewissenserforschung f; (innere) Einkehr geh. psych.
Gewissenserforschung betreiben; Einkehr halten
self-contemplation; soul-searching
to search your soul
Spionage betreiben; spionieren; herumspionieren
Spionage betreibend; spionierend; herumspionierend
Spionage betrieben; spioniert; herumspioniert
to spy
Sport m sport
Sport betreiben treiben treiben machen; sporteln
viel Sport treiben
beim Sporteln
Betreiben Sie einen Sport?
Sport habe ich in der Schule nie gemocht.
Wieso bringen sie im Fernsehen so viel Sport?
Sie haben sich über seine Sprechweise mokiert.
sport Br.; sports Am.
to do play sport sports
to do a lot of sport; to play a lot of sports
while doing sport while playing sports
Do you play a sport?; Do you play any sports?
I always hated sport sports at school.
Why is there so much sport sports on TV?
They made sport of the way he talked. (old-fashioned)
Termingeschäft n (Börse) fin.
Termingeschäfte pl
Termingeschäfte betreiben
Termingeschäfte anhand von Aktienindizes
dealing in futures; forward transaction operation; futures transaction operation; time bargain; dealing for the account settlement Br. (stock exchange)
transactions for future forward delivery; futures
to trade in futures
stock index futures trading
Vieh züchten; Viehzucht betreiben v agr.
to raise livestock Am.
Wechselreiterei f fin.
Wechselreiterei betreiben
drawing and redrawing of bills; jobbing in bills; kite flying; kiting
to fly a kite
etw. anstreben v; sich um etw. bemühen v; etw. betreiben v
sich bemühen etw. zu tun
auf Rache sinnen
jdm. nach dem Leben trachten
Schadensersatz fordern
Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien strebt eine Wiederwahl an.
Ich habe meine derzeitige Stellung nicht angestrebt.
Diese Kontroverse geht nicht von mir aus.
Die Dissidenten suchten in der Botschaft Schutz vor Verfolgung.
Sie betreiben ganz offen seinen Rausschmiss.
Wasser strebt immer nach Ausgleich.
Sie bemühten sich die Öffentlichkeit zu beruhigen.
Die Schulen bemühen sich die Abbruchrate zu verringern.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (try to obtain or achieve)
to seek to do sth.
to seek revenge
to seek sb.'s life
to seek damages
The governor of California seeks re-election.
My present position is not of my seeking.
This controversy is not of my seeking.
The dissidents were seeking refuge from persecution in the embassy.
They are openly seeking his being sacked.
Water seeks its own level.
They sought to reassure the public.
Schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
eine Aktivität ausüben; betreiben; einer Aktivität nachgehen v
eine Aktivität ausübend; betreibend; einer Aktivität nachgehend
eine Aktivität ausgeübt; betrieben; einer Aktivität nachgegangen
to carry on an activity; to prosecute an activity (dated)
carrying on an activity; prosecuting an activity
carried on an activity; prosecuted an activity
sich betätigen v; etw. betreiben v
sich betätigend; betreibend
sich betätigt; betrieben
einer Tätigkeit nachgehen; eine Tätigkeit ausüben
Forschung betreiben
Politik machen
sich politisch betätigen
sich kriminell betätigen
Nur 15% der Erwachsenen betreiben regelmäßig Sport.
to engage in sth. in doing sth.
engaging in
engaged in
to engage in an activity
to engage in research
to engage in policy-making
to engage in politics
to engage in criminal activities
Only 15% of adults regularly engage in sports (activities).
betreiben v
to practise Br.; to practice
practising; practicing
practised; practiced
(Studien) betreiben v
to pursue
(Aktivitäten Maßnahmen) betreiben; führen; vornehmen v
betreibend; führend; vornehmend
betrieben; geführt; vorgenommen
betreibt; führt; nimmt vor
betrieb; führte; nahm vor
to conduct (activities measures)
(eine Angelegenheit) betreiben v
to push ahead
etw. betreiben; führen; ausführen v econ.
betreibend; führend; ausführend
betrieben; geführt; ausgeführt
ein Geschäft betreiben
berechtigt sein über das Bankkonto zu verfügen
to operate sth.
to operate a business
to be authorized to operate the bank account
energisch betreiben; intensiv betreiben v
energisch betreibend; intensiv betreibend
energisch betrieben; intensiv betrieben
to push
gewerbsmäßig adv
etw. gewerbsmäßig in Verkehr bringen
etw. gewerbsmäßig betreiben
Personen die gewerbsmäßig Tiere beherbergen
on a professional basis; as a regular source of income
to market sth.
to professionally engage in sth.; to engage in sth. as a regular source of income
persons who carry on the business of providing accommodation for animals
parallel adv (zu etw.) (neben etw. anderem)
Parallel dazu betreiben wir auch ein Internetforum.
in parallel (to sth.)
In parallel (to this) we also run a web forum.
wildern; unerlaubt fangen; ohne Berechtigung jagen v
wildernd; unerlaubt fangend; ohne Berechtigung jagend
gewildert; unerlaubt gefangen; ohne Berechtigung gejagt
Fische wildern; Fischwilderei betreiben
to poach
to poach fish
Mikromanagement betreiben v
etw. bedienen v; etw. betreiben v
to work sth.
mit jdm. Tauschhandel betreiben
barter (with so.)
Bergbau m; Bergbauindustrie f min.
Kalibergbau m
Bergbau durch Gipfelabsprengung
(in einem Gebiet) Bergbau betreiben
Bergbau und Forsteinsatz
mining; mining industry
potash mining
mountaintop removal mining MTR
to mine (an area)
mining and logging
Betreiben n; Einleiten n (von etw.); Anstoß (zu etw.)
auf Betreiben auf Veranlassung von jdm.
die Einleitung eines Scheidungsverfahrens
Er sie es erfolgte auf ihre Veranlassung.
instigation of sth.
at the instigation instance of sb.; at sb.'s instigation instance
the instigation of divorce proceedings
It was done at her instigation.
etw. in Betrieb nehmen v (langfristig betreiben) (Anlage, Kraftwerk, Verkehrsmittel)
in Betrieb nehmend
in Betrieb genommen
wieder in Betrieb nehmen
to put sth. into service; to place sth. in service; to commission sth. (plant, power station, public transport)
putting into service; placing in service; commissioning
put into service; placed in service; commissioned
to recommission
Datenbank f comp.
Datenbanken pl
betriebliche Datenbank
Angaben in einer Datenbank speichern
in einer Datenbank verzeichnet sein aufscheinen Ös.
eine Datenbank betreiben
database; data base
operational database
to store information on in a database
to be held on in a database
to run a database; to operate a database
der Einzelhandel m; der Kleinhandel m; der Detailhandel m Schw.; das Detailgeschäft n econ.
Einzel- und Großhandel
im Einzelhandel; im Handel
etw. im Einzelhandel verkaufen
Einzelhandel betreiben
Das Gerät kostet im Einzelhandel 150 Euro.
the retail business; the retail trade; retail; retailing
retail and wholesale
in the retail business; in the retail trade; in retail; in retailing
to sell sth. by retail Br. at retail Am.; to retail sth.
to engage in retail trade
The device retails at for 150 euros.
als Erwerbsquelle; zu Erwerbszwecken
zu Erwerbszwecken Landwirtschaft betreiben
as a livelihood source; as a livelihood
to practise farming as a livelihood
Fischfang m; Fischerei f
industrielle Fischerei; kommerzielle Fischerei
intensiver Fischfang
Fischerei in der Nordsee
Fischerei im Nordostatlantik
Fischerei in der Ostsee und den Belten
Unfälle beim Fischfang
Fischfang betreiben
Übereinkommen über das Verhalten beim Fischfang im Nordatlantik
industrial fishing; commercial fishing
intensive fishing activity
North Sea Fishing; North Sea Fisheries
North East Atlantic Fishing; North East Atlantic Fisheries
Fishing Fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
accidents during fishing operations
to engage in fishing fishery
Convention on conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
Gesichtspflege betreiben; Gesichtswäsche betreiben Ös.; ein Gesichtsbad nehmen v (sich zeigen, nur um gesehen zu werden) soc.
to (just) show your face (at an event) fig.

Betreiberkonto Definition

(n.) A reckoning
(n.) A registry of pecuniary transactions
(n.) A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event
(n.) A statement of facts or occurrences
(n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
(n.) An estimate or estimation
(n.) Importance
(v. t.) To reckon
(v. t.) To place to one's account
(v. t.) To value, estimate, or hold in opinion
(v. t.) To recount
(v. i.) To render or receive an account or relation of particulars
(v. i.) To render an account
(v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason
Account book
() A book in which accounts are kept.
Blanch holding
() A mode of tenure by the payment of a small duty in white rent (silver) or otherwise.
Blench holding
() See Blanch holding.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Hold
(n.) The act or state of sustaining, grasping, or retaining.
(n.) A tenure
(n.) That which holds, binds, or influences.
(n.) The burden or chorus of a song.
(n.) One who, or that which, operates or produces an effect.
(n.) One who performs some act upon the human body by means of the hand, or with instruments.
(n.) A dealer in stocks or any commodity for speculative purposes
(n.) The symbol that expresses the operation to be performed

operator holding account / operator holding accounts Bedeutung

keeping holding
the act of retaining something
holding cell a jail in a courthouse where accused persons can be confined during a trial
holding device a device for holding something
holding pen
holding paddock
holding yard
a pen where livestock is temporarily confined
account the quality of taking advantage, she turned her writing skills to good account
account importance or value, a person of considerable account, he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance
operator gene a gene that activates the production of messenger RNA by adjacent structural genes
theoretical account
a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process, the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
individual retirement account
a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement, taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred
existential quantifier
existential operator
a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true
written record
written account
a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
a record or narrative description of past events, a history of France, he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president, the story of exposure to lead
bill account invoice an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered, he paid his bill and left, send me an account of what I owe
open account an unpaid credit order
short account the aggregate of short sales on an open market
news report
story account write up
a short account of the news, the report of his speech, the story was on the o'clock news, the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious
a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc., the explanation was very simple, I expected a brief account
report account the act of informing by verbal report, he heard reports that they were causing trouble, by all accounts they were a happy couple
holding company a company with controlling shares in other companies
bank holding company a holding company owning or controlling one or more banks
multibank holding company a bank holding company owning several banks
holding pattern the flight path (usually circular) maintained by an aircraft that is awaiting permission to land
grounds, don't do it on my account, the paper was rejected on account of its length, he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful
account executive
account representative
registered representative
customer's broker
customer's man
someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
camera operator
a photographer who operates a movie camera
company operator an operator who works for a company
elevator operator an operator of an elevator
an idle worthless person
wheeler dealer
a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties
newsstand operator
someone who sells newspapers
an agent that operates some apparatus or machine, the operator of the switchboard
operator someone who owns or operates a business, who is the operator of this franchise?
operator a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets
radio operator someone who operates a radio transmitter
sewing-machine operator someone who sews by operating a sewing machine
telegraph operator
someone who transmits messages by telegraph
telephone operator
switchboard operator
someone who helps callers get the person they are calling
something owned, any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone, that hat is my property, he is a man of property,
brokerage account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a securities brokerage, you can't get a brokerage account unless you have $,
cash account an account with a securities brokerage whose transactions are settled on a cash basis
custodial account a brokerage firm account that parents have created for a minor
margin account an account with a securities brokerage in which the broker extends credit
account accounting
account statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance, they send me an accounting every month
capital account (finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date
capital account (economics) that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's outflow and inflow of financial securities
bank account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals, he moved his bank account to a new bank
giro account an account at a post office that can be used in similar ways to an account at a bank
savings account trust
savings bank trust
trust account
trustee account
Totten trust
a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime, afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary
checking account
chequing account
current account
a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
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