
Betreuungsstelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Betreuungsstelle f; Betreuungseinrichtung f; Betreuungszentrum n adm.
Betreuungsstellen pl; Betreuungseinrichtungen pl; Betreuungszentren pl
support centre Br.; support center Am.
support centres; support centers
Betreuungsstelle f; Betreuungseinrichtung f; Betreuungszentrum n adm.
Betreuungsstellen pl; Betreuungseinrichtungen pl; Betreuungszentren pl
support centre Br.; support center Am.
support centres; support centers
ärztliche Betreuung
medical care
Betreuung f (von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten)
Betreuung f von Kunden
support service, support
Betreuung f
medizinische Betreuung
betriebsärztliche Betreuung
medical care
occupational-medical care
Sozialarbeit f
sozialarbeiterische Betreuung
social work
social work care
psychologisch, seelisch adj
psychologische Betreuung f
psychological care
Betreuung von Kunden
support service
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects while similar have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
Betreuung f von Kunden
support service; support
Betreuung f durch Pflegepersonal zu Hause oder im Krankenhaus
nursing care at home or in hospital
Gästebetreuung f
guest assistance; looking after guests
andauernd; dauernd; fortwährend; ständig; anhaltend; stetig; konstant; beständig adj
am beständigsten
Seither lebt sie in ständiger Angst überfallen zu werden.
mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit von 80 km h fahren
Säuglinge brauchen ständige Betreuung.
Wir halten laufend Kontakt mit seinen Angehörigen und halten sie über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden.
Stetiges Lüften verhindert Schimmelbildung.
more constant
most constant; constantest
Ever since she has lived in constant fear of being attacked.
to travel at a constant speed of 50 mph.
Babies need constant attention.
We are in constant contact with his family and will be keeping them informed of any developments.
Constant ventilation prevents mold from building up.
psychologisch; seelisch adj
psychologische Betreuung f
psychologische Betreuung im Kampfeinsatz mil.
psychological; psychologic
psychological care
battlemind training; battlemind briefing; resilience training
rechtliche Betreuung f jur.
legal guardianship
wohnortnah; in der Nähe des eigenen Wohnorts; vor der eigenen Haustür adj geogr.
wohnortnahe Betreuung
ein Krieg der vor der eigenen Haustür stattfindet
close to home
care close to home CCH
a war close to home
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus, dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich, setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf, sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects, while similar, have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling, with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
(firmeninterne) Anwenderbetreuung f; EDV-Betreuung f; Helpdesk m adm. comp.
Anwenderbetreuungen pl; EDV-Betreuungen pl; Helpdesks pl
support help desk; helpdesk
support help desks; helpdesks
Betreuung f von Geschäftskunden Großkunden econ.
Großkunden-Außendienst m
account management
key account management
Gästebetreuung f
Betreuung von Firmengästen
guest services; hospitality
corporate hospitality
Hinterbliebenenbetreuung f; Betreuung f der Hinterbliebenen psych. soc.
bereavement care
externe Kundenbetreuung f; externe Betreuung f von Kunden econ.
externe EDV-Betreuung
(externe) EDV-Betreuung auf Aufwandsbasis
support service; support
IT support
break fix IT support; break fix support
gesetzliche Vertretung f; gesetzliche Betreuung f Dt.; Erwachsenenvertretung f Ös. Schw.; Sachwalterschaft f Ös. veraltet (für einen schutzbedürftigen Erwachsenen) jur.
adult guardianship; legal guardianship (for a vulnerable adult)
die Schwachen pl; die Gebrechlichen pl
Betreuung für die Alten und Gebrechlichen
the infirm
care for the elderly and the infirm
Sozialarbeit f; soziale Arbeit f
sozialarbeiterische Betreuung
social work
social work care
jdn. beraten v (als institutionalisiertes Hilfsangebot)
der die (vorher) keine Beratung erhalten hat haben
in psychologischer Betreuung sein psych.
to counsel sb. (as part of institutionalized assistance)
counseling; counselling
counseled; counselled
counseled; counselled
to be being counselled
eine Veranstaltung kulinarisch betreuen v; bei einer Veranstaltung für Essen und Trinken sorgen; das Catering übernehmen machen ugs. v cook.
Meine Mutter half mir, die Gäste kulinarisch zu versorgen.
Wir übernehmen oft die kulinarische Betreuung bei lokalen Veranstaltungen.
Der Empfang wurde von einem Restaurant in der Umgebung kulinarisch betreut.
Bei der Preisverleihung ist wird auch für Essen und Trinken gesorgt.
to cater for an event; to cater at an event; to cater an event Am.
My mother helped to cater for the party.
We often cater at local events.
A local restaurant catered the reception. Am.
The awards ceremony will be a catered event affair.
medizinische Versorgung f; Gesundheitsversorgung f med.
betriebliche Gesundheitsversorgung; arbeitsmedizinische Betreuung
primäre Gesundheitsversorgung
Gesundheitsversorgung im psychiatrischen Bereich
Krankenversorgung f
medizinische Versorgung für Mutter und Kind
Versorgung im zahnärztlichen Bereich; zahnärztliche Versorgung
zahnärztliche Versorgung von Kindern
medical care; health care; healthcare
occupational health care
primary health care
mental health care
care of the sick; nosotrophy rare
mother and child health care
dental health care
child dental health care
psychologisch; seelisch adj psych.
psychologische Betreuung f
psychologisches Belastbarkeitstraining für den Kampfeinsatz mil.
psychological care
battlemind training; battlemind briefing; deployment resilience training
stetig; stet; beständig; ununterbrochen; gleichbleibend; konstant adj
ein beständiger Besucherstrom
mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit von 80 km h fahren
Säuglinge brauchen ständige Betreuung.
Wir halten laufend Kontakt mit seinen Angehörigen und halten sie über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden.
Stetiges Lüften verhindert Schimmelbildung.
a constant stream of visitors
to travel at a constant speed of 50 mph.
Babies need constant attention.
We are in constant contact with his family and will be keeping them informed of any developments.
Constant ventilation prevents mold from building up.
wohnortnah; in der Nähe des eigenen Wohnorts; vor der eigenen Haustür adj geogr.
wohnortnahe Betreuung
ein Krieg, der vor der eigenen Haustür stattfindet
close to home
care close to home CCH
a war close to home
soziale Betreuung f (einer einzelnen Person oder Familie) soc.
Betreuungen, Sorgen
Betreuungsangebot n school
learning support scheme
Betreuungsstelle f; Betreuungseinrichtung f; Betreuungszentrum n adm.
Betreuungsstellen pl; Betreuungseinrichtungen pl; Betreuungszentren pl
support centre Br.; support center Am.
support centres; support centers
Sitzungsgeld n, Betreuungsgebühr f
Sitzungsgelder pl, Betreuungsgebühren pl
attendance fee
attendance fees
Sitzungsgeld, Betreuungsgebuehr
attendance fee
Sitzungsgeld n; Betreuungsgebühr f
Sitzungsgelder pl; Betreuungsgebühren pl
attendance fee
attendance fees
Betreuungsgeld n
childcare subsidy
Tutorium n; Betreuungstreffen n; Betreuungsgespräch n stud.
Tutorien pl; Betreuungstreffen pl; Betreuungsgespräche pl
Ich habe jede Woche ein Betreuungstreffen.
tutorial session; tutorial; supervision
tutorial sessions; tutorials; supervisions
I have weekly supervisions.
Aufsicht f (über jdn. etw.); Beaufsichtigung f (von jdm.) adm. soc.
Supervision f; psychologische Betreuungsgespräche pl
Finanzmarktaufsicht f
Gruppenaufsicht f; Gruppensupervision f
Überwachung (von Geldinstituten Versicherungsgesellschaften) durch Aufsichtsbehörden
unter ärztlicher Aufsicht
unter der Aufsicht eines Lehrers
unter Beaufsichtigung stehen
Kleinkinder müssen ständig beaufsichtigt werden.
supervision (of sb. sth.)
clinical supervision
supervision of financial markets; financial market supervision
group supervision
prudential supervision (of financial institutions insurance companies)
under medical supervision; under a doctor's supervision; under the supervision of a doctor
under the supervision of a teacher
to be kept under supervision
Young children need constant supervision.
Pflegekraft f, Betreuungsperson f
Pflegekräfte pl, Betreuungspersonen pl
Pflegekraft f; Pfleger m; Pflegerin f; Pflegehelfer m; Pflegehelferin f; medizinische Betreuungsperson f med.
Pflegekräfte pl; Pfleger pl; Pflegerinnen pl; Pflegehelfer pl; Pflegehelferinnen pl; medizinische Betreuungspersonen pl
nurse; carer Br.; caregiver Am.
nurses; carers; caregivers
Kinderbetreuungsplatz m; Betreuungsplatz m für Kinder
Kinderbetreuungsplätze pl; Betreuungsplätze pl für Kinder
childcare place
childcare places
Betreuungsrecht n Dt.; Erwachsenenschutzrecht n Ös. Schw.; Vormundschaftsrecht n veraltet; Sachwalterschaftsrecht n Ös. veraltet jur.
adult guardianship law
Betreuungszusage f stud.
Betreuungszusagen pl
confirmation of (academic) supervision
confirmations of supervision

Deutsche Betreuungsstelle Synonyme

Englische support centre ; support center Synonyme

support  A-frame  Maecenas  OK  TLC  abettor  abide  abide with  accept  acceptance  accession  accommodate  accredit  acquiescence  act a part  act out  admirer  advance  advocate  affirm  affirmation  afford  afford hope  afford support  aficionado  agreement  agreement in principle  aid  aid and comfort  aliment  alimentation  alimony  allege in support  allotment  allowance  alpenstock  amen  angel  annuity  answer  anvil  apologist  applaud  approve  argue for  arm  assent  assentation  assert  assist  assistance  assurance  assure  athletic supporter  attend to  attest  attestation  augur well  authenticate  authentication  authorize  autograph  auxiliaries  baby-sit  back  back rest  back up  backbone  backer  backing  backing up  backstop  backup  bandage  bandeau  bankroll  base  beam  bear  bear out  bear up  bear with  bearer  bearing out  beef up  benefit  bid fair  bide  bit player  block  blow to  bolster  bolster up  bolstering  boost  bounty  bra  brace  brace up  bracer  bracket  brassiere  brave  bread  brook  buck up  buff  buoy up  buttress  buttressing  cane  capitalization  capitalize  care  care for  carrier  carry  case harden  certification  certify  cervix  champion  chaperon  cheer  cherish  circumstantiate  circumstantiation  clothe  column  comfort  commend  compliance  concurrence  condolence  confirm  confirmation  consent  conservancy  conservation  conservationism  conserve  consolation  contend for  contribute  copyright  corroborate  corroboration  corroboratory evidence  corset  cosign  countenance  counter  countersign  cradle  create a role  crook  crosstree  crutch  cry up  cue rest  cushion  daily bread  defend  defender  deficit financing  dependence  depict  depletion allowance  document  documentation  dole  donate  ease  easel  easement  economic support  elect  embolden  enact  encourage  encouragement  encourager  endorse  endorser  endow  endowment  endure  environmental conservation  espouse  exponent  extra  face  fan  
supportable  acceptable  apodictic  attestable  authenticatable  bearable  believable  checkable  confirmable  defensible  demonstrable  demonstratable  endurable  evincible  livable  provable  substantiatable  sufferable  sustainable  tenable  tolerable  validatable  verifiable  
supporter  Maecenas  Santa Claus  abettor  acquaintance  adherent  admirer  advocate  aficionado  aid  almoner  almsgiver  alpenstock  alter ego  angel  apologist  appendage  arm  assignor  assistant  athletic supporter  attendant  awarder  back  backbone  backer  backing  bandeau  bearer  best friend  bestower  bosom friend  bra  brace  bracer  braces  bracket  brassiere  brother  buff  buttress  cane  carrier  casual acquaintance  cavaliere servente  cervix  champion  cheerful giver  close acquaintance  close friend  cohort  conferrer  confidant  confidante  consignor  contributor  corset  courtier  crook  crutch  dangler  defender  dependence  dependent  devotee  disciple  donator  donor  encourager  endorser  enthusiast  exponent  expounder  fairy godmother  familiar  fan  favorer  fellow  fellow creature  fellowman  feoffor  financer  flunky  follower  following  foundation garment  friend  friend at court  fulcrum  funder  galluses  girdle  giver  grantor  grubstaker  guard  guy  guywire  hanger  hanger-on  helper  henchman  homme de cour  imparter  inseparable friend  intimate  jock  jockstrap  lady bountiful  lover  mainstay  maintainer  mast  meal ticket  neck  neighbor  other self  pair of suspenders  paladin  paranymph  parasite  partisan  patron  patroness  philanthropist  pickup  presenter  promoter  prop  proponent  protagonist  protector  public  pursuer  pursuivant  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  reliance  repository  rest  resting place  rigging  satellite  second  seconder  sectary  settler  shadow  shoulder  shroud  sider  spine  sponsor  sprit  staff  staker  stalwart  standby  standing rigging  stave  stay  stick  stiffener  stooge  strengthener  subscriber  successor  sugar daddy  support  suspender  suspenders  sustainer  sympathizer  tagtail  tail  testate  testator  testatrix  trainbearer  upholder  vindicator  votary  vouchsafer  walking stick  ward heeler  well-wisher  
supporting  advocating  approving  back of  backing  bearing  behind  bolstering  bracing  burdened  buttressing  carrying  confirmative  confirmatory  confirming  corroborating  corroborative  corroboratory  favorable  favoring  holding  in support of  maintaining  pro  propping  shoring  substantiating  supportive  suspensory  sustaining  sustentative  upholding  verificative  verifying  well-disposed  well-inclined  
supportive  assuring  auspicious  bearing  bolstering  bracing  bright with promise  burdened  buttressing  carrying  cheering  comforting  condolatory  condolent  condoling  confirmative  confirmatory  confirming  consolatory  consoling  corroborating  corroborative  corroboratory  encouraging  favorable  full of promise  heartening  helpful  holding  hospitable  inspiring  inspiriting  looking up  maintaining  of good comfort  of promise  pregnant of good  promising  propitious  propping  reassuring  relieving  shoring  substantiating  supporting  suspensory  sustaining  sustentative  sympathetic  understanding  upholding  verificative  verifying  

Betreuungsstelle Definition

(n.) A point equally distant from the extremities of a line, figure, or body, or from all parts of the circumference of a circle
(n.) The middle or central portion of anything.
(n.) A principal or important point of concentration
(n.) The earth.
(n.) Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who support the existing government. They sit in the middle of the legislative chamber, opposite the presiding officer, between the conservatives or monarchists, who sit on the right of the speaker, and the radicals or advanced republicans who occupy the seats on his left, See Right, and Left.
(n.) A temporary structure upon which the materials of a vault or arch are supported in position until the work becomes self-supporting.
(n.) One of the two conical steel pins, in a lathe, etc., upon which the work is held, and about which it revolves.
(n.) A conical recess, or indentation, in the end of a shaft or other work, to receive the point of a center, on which the work can turn, as in a lathe.
(v. i.) Alt. of Centre
(v. i.) To be placed in a center
(v. i.) To be collected to a point
(v. t.) Alt. of Centre
(v. t.) To place or fix in the center or on a central point.
(v. t.) To collect to a point
(v. t.) To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.
(n. & v.) See Center.
(v. t.) To bear by being under
(v. t.) To endure without being overcome, exhausted, or changed in character
(v. t.) To keep from failing or sinking
(v. t.) To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor
(v. t.) To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood
(v. t.) To carry on
(v. t.) To verify
(v. t.) To vindicate
(v. t.) To uphold by aid or countenance
(v. t.) A attend as an honorary assistant
(n.) The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining.
(n.) That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind.
(n.) That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like

support centre [Br.]; support center [Am.] / support centres; support centers Bedeutung

documentary validation, his documentation of the results was excellent, the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones
center field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield
center a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game
center (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play, it is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback
center the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game
support reinforcement reenforcement a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission, they called for artillery support
close support close-in firing by one unit against an enemy engaged by another unit
direct support a mission requiring one force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force's request for assistance
electronic warfare-support measures
electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operational commander to locate sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition
support supporting the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening, he leaned against the wall for support
support aiding the cause or policy or interests of, the president no longer has the support of his own party, they developed a scheme of mutual support
support the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities, his support kept the family together, they gave him emotional support during difficult times
logistic support
logistic assistance
assistance between and within military commands
integrated logistic support the pooling of specific resources by subscribing nations for the support of some joint operation
mutual aid
international logistic support
arrangements made between nations to assist each other
interdepartmental support
interagency support
provision of logistic (or administrative) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the United States government
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
arch support a support for the arch of the foot
Army High Performance Computing Research Center
a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defense technology applications, a partnership of government and university and industry
detention cell
detention centre
a large cell where prisoners (people awaiting trial or sentence or refugees or illegal immigrants) are confined together temporarily
burn center a center where patients with severe burns can be treated
call center
call centre
a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
a building dedicated to a particular activity, they were raising money to build a new center for research
center bit
centre bit
a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters
center field
the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher, he hit the ball to deep center
center punch a tool with a conical point that is used to make indentations in metal (especially to mark points for drilling)
community center
civic center
a center where the members of a community can gather for social or cultural activities
conference center
conference house
a center where conferences can be conducted
control center the operational center for a group of related activities, the general in command never left the control center
day nursery
day care center
a nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work
entertainment center a wall unit containing sound and television systems
life-support system
life support
medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive, the patient is on life support
life-support system life support equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions, the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
plaza mall center shopping mall
shopping center
shopping centre
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers, usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area, a modern version of the traditional marketplace, a good plaza should have a movie house, they spent their weekends at the local malls
research center
research facility
a center where research is done
student center a center for student activities at a college or university
support any device that bears the weight of another thing, there was no place to attach supports for a shelf
support supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation, the statue stood on a marble support
support column a column that supports a heavy weight
support hose
support stocking
elasticized stocking intended to reduce pressure on the veins of the leg (as in case of varicose veins)
World Trade Center
twin towers
twin skyscrapersstories high in New York City, built feet tall into , destroyed by a terrorist attack on September ,
dead center
dead centre
the position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque
center of curvature
centre of curvature
the center of the circle of curvature
nerve center
nerve centre
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process, in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
auditory center the part of the brain (in a fold of the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe on both sides of the brain) that receives impulses from the ear by way of the auditory nerve
Broca's area
Broca's center
Broca's gyrus
Broca's convolution
convolution of Broca
the motor speech center in the left hemisphere of the brain in most people
Wernicke's area
Wernicke's center
the auditory word center, located in the posterior part of the superior temporal convolution in most people
respiratory center the center in the medulla oblongata and pons that integrates sensory information about the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and determines the signals to be sent to the respiratory muscles
support something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest, the policy found little public support, his faith was all the support he needed, the team enjoyed the support of their fans
center centre center of attention
centre of attention
the object upon which interest and attention focuses, his stories made him the center of the party
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