
Bildschirm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

television screen
Bildschirm m
Bildschirm rollen
Bildschirm, Raster
matter Bildschirm m
non-glare display; matte display
Hintergrund Bildschirm
background screen
verschob den Bildschirm
Filmleinwand, Bildschirm
crt controller
Schwarz Weiss Bildschirm
monochrome terminal
Flimmern n (Bildschirm)
flickering; flicker (screen)
Hintergrund-Bildschirm m
background screen
Augenabstand vom Bildschirm
viewing distance
Mehrfachbild (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Blinkeinrichtung (im Bildschirm)
Mehrfachbild n (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
gitterartige Störung am Bildschirm
Bildschirm m comp.
Monitor m
VDU (abbr. for visual display unit )
Bildschirm m; Überwachungsgerät n
Blinkeinrichtung f (im Bildschirm)
Bildschirm m, Überwachungsgerät n
gitterartige Störung f am Bildschirm
flimmerfrei adj (Bildschirm) techn.
flicker-free; flickerfree
den Bildschirm aktualisieren v comp.
to refresh the screen
Anzeige, Bildschirm, Ausstellung, Ansicht
geteilter Bildschirm, Bildschirmaufteilung
split screen
Bildschirm m mit Bildwiederholung comp.
refresh display
Bildschirm, ueberwachen, Ueberwachungsgeraet
Augenabstand m
Augenabstand vom Bildschirm
interocular distance
viewing distance
stupid adv
Er starrte stupid auf den Bildschirm.
He stared stupidly at the screen.
Schwarz-Weiß-Bildschirm m; Schwarzweißbildschirm m
monochrome terminal
(über den Bildschirm) zeilenweise gleiten v techn.
to scan across (the screen)
Schwarz-Weiß-Bildschirm m, Schwarzweißbildschirm m
monochrome terminal
Bildschirm…; auf dem Bildschirm (nachgestellt) techn.
on-screen; onscreen
Bildschirm m; Wandschirm m; Leinwand f; Tarnung f
Bildschirm...; auf dem Bildschirm (nachgestellt) techn.
on-screen; onscreen
Sensorbildschirm m, berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm
touch screen
Bildschirm m, Wandschirm m, Leinwand f, Tarnung f
flimmern v (Bildschirm) techn.
to flicker (screen)
Bilddurchlaufmodus m; Rollmodus m (für den Bildschirm) comp.
scroll mode; roll mode
in der Größe veränderlich adj (Fenster am Bildschirm usw.) comp.
resizable (window on the screen etc.)
Anzeige f, Bildschirm m, Ausstellung f, Ansicht f
grafische Anzeige
graphic display
Informationsterminal n (interaktiver Bildschirm im öffentlichen Raum) comp.
kiosk (interactive screen in a public area) Br.
Leuchtzeichen n; Leuchtzacken m; Aufleuchten n (auf einem Bildschirm) techn.
blip (on a screen)
berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm m; Sensor-Bildschirm m; Touchscreen m comp.
touch-sensitive screen; touch-sensitive display; touch-screen, touch-panel
berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm m; Sensor-Bildschirm m; Touchscreen m comp.
touch-sensitive screen; touch-sensitive display; touch-screen touch-panel
Bildschirm m comp.
Bildschirme pl
geteilter Bildschirm, Bildschirmaufteilung
split screen
Taktimpuls m (regelmäßig wiederholter Abtastimpuls) (Bildschirm, TV)
Taktimpulse pl
strobe pulse; strobe (screen, TV)
strobe pulses; strobes
nachleuchtend adj electr.
nachleuchtender Bildschirm; Bildschirm mit langer Nachleuchtdauer
persistent screen; long persistence screen
Aktivierungsbereich m am Bildschirm (für Mausklicks) comp.
Aktivierungsbereiche pl am Bildschirm
screen hotspot; hotspot; hot spot
screen hotspots; hotspots; hot spots
(ein Fenster am Bildschirm usw.) in der Größe verändern v comp.
Größe verändernd
Größe verändert
to resize (a window on the screen etc.)
(Text auf) Bildschirm rollen, scrollen comp.
Bildschirm rollend, scrollend
Bildschirm gerollt, gescrollt
to scroll
Anzeigefeld n; Display n; Bildschirm m ugs. comp. electr.
Anzeigefelder pl; Displays pl; Bildschirme pl
Bildschirm m comp.
Bildschirme pl
geteilter Bildschirm; Bildschirmaufteilung
Diese Bilder flimmern ständig über die Bildschirme.
split screen
These images constantly fill our screens.
etw. verschieben v comp.
den Zeiger auf dem Bildschirm verschieben
ein Programm verschieben (und neu adressieren)
to relocate sth.
to relocate the cursor on-screen
to relocate a program
statt; anstatt prp; +Gen.
statt einer Feier
statt … zu tun
Mit diesem Befehl wird die Datenausgabe an eine Datei statt an den Bildschirm gesendet.
instead of
instead of celebrating
instead of doing
Use this command to send the output to a file instead of to the screen.
statt; anstatt prp; +Gen.
statt einer Feier
statt ... zu tun
Mit diesem Befehl wird die Datenausgabe an eine Datei statt an den Bildschirm gesendet.
instead of
instead of celebrating
instead of doing
Use this command to send the output to a file instead of to the screen.
(eine Eingabe Anforderung) zurückgeben v comp.
einen Text auf dem Bildschirm wiedergeben
Das Kennwort wird nicht an den Bildschirm zurückgegeben.
Der Server gibt die Download-Anforderungen zurück.
to echo (an input a request)
to echo a text on the screen
The password will not be echoed to the screen.
The server echoes the download requests.
für etw. sprechen (ein positiver Aspekt sein) v
Was spricht dafür?
Was spricht für eine Gesundheitsreform?
Es spricht vieles für dieses Notebook-Modell es hat aber leider einen spiegelnden Bildschirm.
to argue for sth.; to militate for in favour of sth.
What can might be said for it?
What's the upside of a healthcare reform?
This notebook model has a lot going for it but alas it has a glossy screen.
für etw. sprechen (ein positiver Aspekt sein) v
Was spricht dafür?
Was spricht für eine Gesundheitsreform?
Es spricht vieles für dieses Notebook-Modell, es hat aber leider einen spiegelnden Bildschirm.
to argue for sth.; to militate for in favour of sth.
What can might be said for it?
What's the upside of a healthcare reform?
This notebook model has a lot going for it, but, alas, it has a glossy screen.
Anzeigefeld n; Anzeige f; Display n (kleiner Bildschirm) comp. electr.
Anzeigefelder pl; Anzeigen pl; Displays pl
das Anzeigefeld Display eines Taschenrechners
beleuchtetes Display; Leuchtanzeige f
(small) display screen; (small) display
(small) display screens; displays
a calculator's display screen
illuminated display
Computermonitor m; Monitor m; Computerbildschirm m; Bildschirm m comp.
Computermonitore pl; Monitore pl; Computerbildschirme pl; Bildschirme pl
Flachbildmonitor m; Flachbildschirm m
Röhrenbildschirm m
computer monitor; monitor
computer monitors; monitors
flat-screen monitor
CRT monitor
streichen; wischen v (auf einem Berührungsbildschirm) comp.
streichend; wischend
gestrichen; gewischt
(mit dem Finger) über das Display streichen; wischen
auf dem Bildschirm hinaufstreichen hinunterstreichen
nach links rechts streichen; wischen
to swipe (on a touchscreen)
to swipe (a finger) across the display screen
to swipe up down on the screen
to swipe (to the) left right
Touchscreen m; Tastschirm m; Berührungsbildschirm m; Sensorbildschirm m; berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm
Touchscreens pl; Tastschirme pl; Berührungsbildschirme pl; Sensorbildschirme pl; berührungsempfindliche Bildschirme
Stift für Touchscreens
touch screen
touch screens
touch screen pen
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen v comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
Bildschirm m (als Einzelbauteil) comp. techn.
Bildschirme pl
Berührungsbildschirm m; Berührbildschirm m; berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm; Sensorbildschirm m; Tastschirm m; Touchscreen m
Computerbildschirm m
Fernsehbildschirm m; TV-Bildschirm m
Großbildschirm m
Sperrbildschirm m (auf Mobilgeräten)
geteilter Bildschirm; Bildschirmaufteilung
Diese Bilder flimmern ständig über die Bildschirme.
touch screen
computer screen
television screen; TV screen
lock screen (on mobile devices)
split screen
These images constantly fill our screens.
eigentlich eigtl. , von Rechts wegen (Verweis auf einen Ordnungsrahmen, von dem abgewichen wird) adv
Eigentlich ist das mein Platz.
Eigentlich sollte ich jetzt drankommen.
Eigentlich müsstest du jetzt eine Bestätigungsmeldung auf den Bildschirm bekommen.
Eigentlich darf man hier nicht rauchen, aber sie nehmen's nicht so genau.
Ich darf eigentlich nicht darüber sprechen, aber ich tu's trotzdem.
Eigentlich dürfte ich jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
Er sollte ja eigentlich auf meiner Seite stehen, oder?
Eigentlich sollten sie längst da sein.
Das müsstest du eigentlich besser wissen als ich.
actually; by rights; ought to
Actually this is my seat.; This is actually my seat.
By rights, it should be my turn next.
By rights, you should get a confirmation screen now.
Actually By rights, you're not supposed to smoke here, but they are not so strict about it.
I'm not supposed to talk about it, but I'm going to.
By rights, I shouldn't be sitting here.
He is supposed to be on my side, isn't he?
They ought to be here by now.
You should actually know that better than me.
eigentlich eigtl. von Rechts wegen (Verweis auf einen Ordnungsrahmen von dem abgewichen wird) adv
Eigentlich ist das mein Platz.
Eigentlich sollte ich jetzt drankommen.
Eigentlich müsstest du jetzt eine Bestätigungsmeldung auf den Bildschirm bekommen.
Eigentlich darf man hier nicht rauchen aber sie nehmen's nicht so genau.
Ich darf eigentlich nicht darüber spechen aber ich tu's trotzdem.
Eigentlich dürfte ich jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
Er sollte ja eigentlich auf meiner Seite stehen oder?
Eigentlich sollten sie längst da sein.
Das müsstest du eigentlich besser wissen als ich.
actually; by rights; ought to
Actually this is my seat.; This is actually my seat.
By rights it should be my turn next.
By rights you should get a confirmation screen now.
Actually By rights you're not supposed to smoke here but they are not so strict about it.
I'm not supposed to talk about it but I'm going to.
By rights I shouldn't be sitting here.
He is supposed to be on my side isn't he?
They ought to be here by now.
You should actually know that better than me.

Deutsche Bildschirm Synonyme

berührungsempfindlicher  Bildschirm  ÂSensorbildschirm  ÂTouchscreen  
Anzeige  ÂAnzeigegerät  ÂBildschirm  ÂDisplay  ÂMonitor  ÂSchirm  (umgangssprachlich)  
Bildschirm  ÂFernsehapparat  ÂFernseher  ÂFernsehgerät  ÂFlimmerkiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGlotze  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMattscheibe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTV  ÂTV-Gerät  
Bildschirm  Fernsehapparat  Fernseher  Fernsehgerät  Flimmerkiste (umgangssprachlich)  Glotze (umgangssprachlich)  Mattscheibe (umgangssprachlich)  TV  TV-Gerät  
berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm  Sensorbildschirm  Touchscreen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Bildschirm Synonym nachschlagen

Englische television screen Synonyme

television  TV  advice  adviser  announcer  annunciator  authority  automation  avionics  box  broadcast journalism  channel  communicant  communicator  electron microscopy  electron optics  electron physics  electronic engineering  electronics  electrophysics  enlightener  expert witness  gossipmonger  grapevine  informant  information  information center  information medium  informer  intelligence  interviewee  journalism  line radio  monitor  mouthpiece  news  news agency  news medium  news service  newsiness  newsletter  newsmagazine  newsmonger  newspaper  newsworthiness  notifier  photoelectricity  press  press association  public relations officer  publisher  radar  radio  radionics  radiophotography  radiotelegraphy  radiotelephony  reportage  reporter  source  spokesman  telegraph agency  teller  telly  the fourth estate  the press  tidings  tipster  tout  transistor physics  tube  wire service  wire wave communication  wired radio  wired wireless  wireless  wireless telegraphy  wireless telephony  witness  word  

Bildschirm Definition

(n.) Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury, or danger
(n.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like.
(n.) A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall, etc., upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a magic lantern, solar microscope, etc.
(n.) A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like.
(v. t.) To provide with a shelter or means of concealment
(v. t.) To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc., through a screen in order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the worthless from the valuable

television screen Bedeutung

screen pass a short forward pass in which the receiver is protected by a screen of blockers
screen test a filmed audition of an actor or actress
smoke screen
an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure, requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures
active matrix screen a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers, there is a separate circuit for each pixel
background desktop
screen background
(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight, they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
channel television channel
TV channel
a television station and its programs, a satellite TV channel, surfing through the channels, they offer more than one hundred channels
closedircuit television a television system that is not used for broadcasting but is connected by cables to designated monitors (as in a factory or theater)
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
color tube
colour tube
color television tube
colour television tube
color TV tube
colour TV tube
a television tube that displays images in full color
computer screen
computer display
a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
fire screen
a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks)
picture tube
television tube
a cathodeay tube in a television receiver, translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
light filter
diffusing screen
a transparent filter that reduces the light (or some wavelengths of the light) passing through it
rood screen a screen in a church, separates the nave from the choir or chancel
satellite television
satellite TV
a television system in which the signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that receives the signal and amplifies it and transmits it back to earth
screen a protective covering consisting of netting, can be mounted in a frame, they put screens in the windows for protection against insects, a metal screen protected the observers
screen cover covert
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something, a screen of trees afforded privacy, under cover of darkness, the brush provided a covert for game, the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
screen partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
screen CRT screen the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathodeay tube
screen silver screen
projection screen
a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
screen door
a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting, used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door, he heard the screen slam as she left
screen saver (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time, screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long
a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
silk screen print
a print made using a stencil process in which an image or design is superimposed on a very fine mesh screen and printing ink is squeegeed onto the printing surface through the area of the screen that is not covered by the stencil
smoke screen
(military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
television system
a telecommunication system that transmits images of objects (stationary or moving) between distant points
television antenna
an omnidirectional antenna tuned to the broadcast frequencies assigned to television
television camera
tv camera
television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam
televisionamera tube
television pickup tube
a tube that rapidly scans an optical image and converts it into electronic signals
television equipment
video equipment
electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound
television monitor
tv monitor
monitor used in a studio for monitoring the program being broadcast
television receiver
television television set
tv set
idiot box
boob tube
goggle box
an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen, the British call a tv set a telly
television room
tv room
a room set aside for viewing television
television station
TV station
station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts
television transmitter transmitter that is part of a television system
touch screen
a computer display that enables the user to interact with the computer by touching areas on the screen
tricolor television tube
tricolour television tube
tricolor tube
tricolour tube
a color television tube in which three primary colors are combined to give the full range of colors
wide screen a projection screen that is much wider than it is high
window screen screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open window
screen memory an imagined memory of a childhood experience, hides another memory of distressing significance
silver screen the film industry
broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects, she is a star of screen and video, Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done - Ernie Kovacs
cable television
television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver
high-definition television
a television system that has more than the usual number of lines per frame so its pictures show more detail
television program
TV program
television show
TV show
a program broadcast by television
television news a television broadcast of news
screen font
raster font
the font that is displayed on a computer screen, when the screen font resembles a printed font a document may look approximately the same on the screen as it will when printed
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Ein Bildschirm ist eine elektrisch angesteuerte Anzeige ohne bewegliche Teile zur optischen Signalisierung von veränderlichen Informationen wie Bildern oder Zeichen. Der Bildschirm kann dabei ein eigenständiges Gerät oder Teil eines Gerätes sein.