
Bildungssackgasse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bildungssackgasse f
Bildungssackgassen pl
educational blind alley
educational blind alleys
Bildungssackgasse f
Bildungssackgassen pl
educational blind alley
educational blind alleys
Bildungs..., erzieherisch adj
Bildungs-, erzieherisch
Bildungs...; erzieherisch adj
akademisch; wissenschaftlich adj; Bildungs...
scholastic; scholastical
Bildungs… adj school stud.
Lebensweg m
Lebenswege pl
unterschiedliche Lebenswege pl
verschiedene Bildungs- und Lebenswege
life; life journey; course of life; life path; journey through life
lives; life journeys; courses of life; life paths; journeys through life
different lives
various educational and life courses
akademisch; wissenschaftlich adj; Bildungs…
scholastic; scholastical
Bildungsabbrecher, Ausbildungsabbrecher
drop out
Bildungsabbrecher m school stud.
Bildungsabbrecher pl
educational dropout
educational dropouts
educational attainment
Bildungsabschluss, Bildungsniveau
educational achievement
(höchster) Bildungsabschluss m; Bildungsabschluß m alt school
educational attainment
educational requirement
Anmeldung f; Einschreibung f (für ein Bildungsangebot an einer Bildungseinrichtung) adm. school
Einschreibung als außerordentlicher Schüler
enrolment Br.; enrollment Am. (for in a educational course in an educational institution)
non-award enrolment
Bildungsangebot n school
Bildungsangebote pl
educational course; educational courses
educational courses
Bildungsanstalt f
educational establishment
Bildungsanstalt f
Bildungsanstalten pl
höhere Bildungsanstalt (allgemein)
educational establishment
Bildungsanstalt f school
Bildungsanstalten pl
educational establishment
educational establishments
höhere Bildungsanstalt f (allgemein)
höhere Bildungsanstalt f; weiterführende Schule f Ös. school
post-secondary education institute
Erziehungsarbeit f; Bildungsarbeit f soc.
educational work
Attaché m; Attache m pol.
Attachés pl; Attaches pl
Bildungsattaché m
Handelsattaché m pol. econ.
Kulturattaché m
Militärattaché m; Militärattache m pol.
Presseattaché m
attaché; attache
attachés; attaches
education attaché
commercial attaché; trade commissioner
cultural attaché
military attaché; military attache
press attaché
Bildungsauftrag m school
der Bildungsauftrag einer Institution
educational mission; mission to educate
an institution's mission to educate; the educational mission of an institution
Bildungsauftrag m; Erziehungsauftrag m school
der Bildungsauftrag einer Institution
educational mission; mission to educate
an institution's mission to educate; the educational mission of an institution
cost of education
Bildungsaufwand, Bildungskosten
cost of education
Bildungsbedingung f
source aspect
etw. ansiedeln; situieren v übtr.
Der Roman spielt in ...
Diese Zahlen sind vor dem Hintergrund drastischer Budgetkürzungen zu sehen.
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit steht im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich.
to set sth. {set; set}
The novel is set in ...
These figures are set against a backdrop of severe budget cuts.
This diploma thesis is set in the context of recent developments in education.
etw. ansiedeln; situieren v übtr.
Der Roman spielt in …
Diese Zahlen sind vor dem Hintergrund drastischer Budgetkürzungen zu sehen.
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit steht im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich.
to set sth. {set; set}
The novel is set in …
These figures are set against a backdrop of severe budget cuts.
This diploma thesis is set in the context of recent developments in education.
Bildungsbeteiligung f
participation in education
Bildungsbürger m; Bildungsbürgerin f soc.
member of the educated classes
Bildungsbürgertum n soc.
educated middle-class
educational opportunity
Bildungschance f
Bildungschancen pl
educational opportunity
educational opportunities
Bildungschance f school
Bildungschancen pl
educational opportunity
educational opportunities
gleiche Bildungschancen
equality of educational opportunity
Ministerium n für Bildung (und Kultur); Bildungsministerium n; Kultusministerium n Dt.; Unterrichtsministerium n Ös.; Bildungsdirektion f Schw.; Erziehungsdirektion f Schw.; Erziehungsdepartement n Schw. adm.
ministry of education (and arts)
Minister m für Bildung (und Kultur); Bildungsminister m; Kultusminister m Dt.; Unterrichtsminister m Ös.; Bildungsdirektor m Schw.; Erziehungsdirektor m Schw. adm. pol.
minister of education (and arts)
institution of education
Bildungseinrichtung, Bildungsstätte
educational establishment
Bildungseinrichtung, Bildungsstätte
educational institution
Bildungseinrichtung f, Bildungsstätte f
Bildungseinrichtungen pl, Bildungsstätten pl
educational institution
educational institutions
Bildungseinrichtung f; Bildungsstätte f school
Bildungseinrichtungen pl; Bildungsstätten pl
educational institution
educational institutions
Einrichtung f; Institution f; Anstalt f adm.
Einrichtungen pl; Institutionen pl; Anstalten pl
Bildungseinrichtung f
Forschungeinrichtung f
establishment; institution
establishments; institutions
educational establishment
research establishment
Absolvent m (einer Bildungseinrichtung eines Lehrgangs) school stud.
graduate Am. (student who has completed a course of study or training)
Einrichtung f; Institution f; Anstalt f; Haus n adm.
Einrichtungen pl; Institutionen pl; Anstalten pl; Häuser pl
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Bildungseinrichtung f; Bildungsstätte f; Bildungsinstitution f school
Forschungseinrichtung f
establishment; institution
establishments; institutions
public agency
educational institution; education institution; educational establishment
research establishment
schulintern; universitätsintern; schulspezifisch; universitätsspezifisch (auf die jeweilige Bildungseinrichtung beschränkt) adj school stud.
intramural Am.
Formans n (grammatikalisches Bildungselement) ling.
Bildungsenthalpie f
enthalpy of formation
educational expansion
Bildungsfachmann m; Bildungsexperte m
Bildungsfachmänner pl; Bildungsexperten pl
educationalist; educationist Am.
educationalists; educationists
bildungsfähig, kultivierbar adj
bildungsfaehig, kultivierbar
bildungsfähig; kultivierbar adj
bildungsfern adj
aus bildungsfernen Familien
educationally disadvantaged
from educationally disadvantaged families
bildungsfern adj soc.
aus bildungsfernen Familien
educationally disadvantaged
from educationally disadvantaged families
Bildungsfernsehen n, Schulfernsehen n
educational television (ETV)
Bildungsfernsehen n; Schulfernsehen n
educational television ETV
Bildungsfernsehen n; Schulfernsehen n
educational television ETV
Bildungsform f school stud.
educational form; form of education
Bildungsform f
Bildungsformen pl
educational form; form of education
educational forms; forms of education
educational research
Bildungsforschung f
educational research
Bildungsgang m; Bildungsweg m school
Bildungsgänge pl; Bildungswege pl
course of education
courses of education
Bildungsgang m, Bildungsweg m
course of education
Bildungsgang m; Bildungsweg m school
course of education

Bildungssackgasse Definition

(pl. ) of Alley
(n.) A narrow passage
(n.) A narrow passage or way in a city, as distinct from a public street.
(n.) A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
(n.) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
(n.) The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.
(pl. ) of Alley
(n.) A choice taw or marble.
(a.) Destitute of the sense of seeing, either by natural defect or by deprivation
(a.) Not having the faculty of discernment
(a.) Undiscerning
(a.) Having such a state or condition as a thing would have to a person who is blind
(a.) Involved
(a.) Having no openings for light or passage
(a.) Unintelligible, or not easily intelligible
(a.) Abortive
(v. t.) To make blind
(v. t.) To deprive partially of vision
(v. t.) To darken
(v. t.) To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel
(n.) Something to hinder sight or keep out light
(n.) Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design
(n.) A blindage. See Blindage.
(n.) A halting place.
(n.) Alt. of Blinde
(a.) Affected with color blindness. See Color blindness, under Color, n.
(a.) Of or pertaining to education.
(n.) An old term for blindman's buff.
(a.) Having defective sight
(a.) Affected with blindness by the brilliancy of snow.
(a.) Half blind.
(a.) Blind as a stock
(a.) As blind as a stone

educational blind alley / educational blind alleys Bedeutung

blind alley (figurative) a course of action that is unproductive and offers no hope of improvement, all the clues led the police into blind alleys, so far every road that we've been down has turned out to be a blind alley
double-blind procedure
double-blind experiment
double-blind study
an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment, a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects
blind flying
blind landing
using only instruments for flying an aircraft because you cannot see through clouds or mists etc.
blind stitching stitching that is not easily seen or noticed
double blind a test procedure in which the identity of those receiving the intervention is concealed from both the administrators and the subjects until after the test is completed, designed to reduce or eliminate bias in the results
instruction teaching pedagogy didactics
educational activity
the activities of educating or instructing, activities that impart knowledge or skill, he received no formal education, our instruction was carefully programmed, good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
congo snake
congo eel
blind eel
aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet, of still muddy waters in the southern United States
blind snake
worm snake
wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes
western blind snake
Leptotyphlops humilis
burrows among roots of shrubs and beneath rocks in desert and rocky hillside areas and beach sand of western United States
alley cat a homeless cat
back street
a narrow street with walls on both sides
a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight, they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet
blind a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters), he waited impatiently in the blind
blind alley
cul de sac
dead-end street
a street with only one way in or out
blind corner a street corner that you cannot see around as you are driving
blind curve
blind bend
a curve or bend in the road that you cannot see around as you are driving
bowling alley
alley skittle alley
a lane down which a bowling ball is rolled toward pins
bowling alley a building that contains several alleys for bowling
roller blind a window shade that rolls up out of the way
Venetian blind a window blind made of horizontal strips that overlap when closed
window blind a blind for privacy or to keep out light
blind spot
optic disc
optic disk
the point where the optic nerve enters the retina, not sensitive to light
blind gut
the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens, the appendix is an offshoot of the cecum
blind spot a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to exercise good judgment, golf is one of his blind spots and he's proud of it
educational program a program for providing education
something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity, he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge, the holding company was just a blind
blind people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group, he spent hours reading to the blind
educational institution an institution dedicated to education
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts
blind date a date with a stranger, she never goes on blind dates
Tin Pan Alley a city district (originally in New York) where composers and publishers of popular music do business
blind side the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
color-blind person a person unable to distinguish differences in hue
blind date a participant in a blind date (someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them)
blind person a person with a severe visual impairment
closed gentian blind gentian bottle gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all
closed gentian blind gentian Gentiana clausa similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
blind trust a trust that enables a person to avoid possible conflict of interest by transferring assets to a fiduciary, the person establishing the trust gives up the right to information about the assets
blind staggers
a disease of the central nervous system affecting especially horses and cattle, characterized by an unsteady swaying gait and frequent falling
blind dim make dim by comparison or conceal
turn a blind eye refuse to acknowledge, He turns a blind eye to the injustices in his office
fly blind fly an airplane solely by relying on instruments
blind make blind by putting the eyes out, The criminals were punished and blinded
blind render unable to see
snow-blind affect with snow blindness, the glare of the sun snow-blinded her
unprejudiced about race
s besotted
blind drunk blotto
very drunk
educational providing knowledge, an educational film
blind unable or unwilling to perceive or understand, blind to a lover's faults, blind to the consequences of their actions
not based on reason or evidence, blind hatred, blind faith, unreasoning panic
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