
Bl�tenkopf Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Federgräser und Pfriemengräser pl (Stipa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Halfagras n; Espartogras n (Stipa tenacissima)
feather grasses; needle grasses; spear grasses (botanical genus)
halfah grass; esparto grass; needles grass
Tenamfetamin n chem.
Kiefern pl; Forlen pl Süddt.; Föhren pl Süddt. Ös. (Pinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Einnadelige Kiefer f; Einblättrige Kiefer f; Nusskiefer f (Pinus monophylla)
Gemeine Kiefer f; Waldkiefer f; Weißkiefer f; Rotföhre f; Forche f (Pinus sylvestris)
Italienische Steinkiefer f; Mittelmeerkiefer f; Schirmkiefer f; Pinie f (Pinus pinea)
Bergkiefer f (Pinus mugo)
Latschenkiefer f; Latsche f; Legkiefer f; Legföhre f; Krummholzkiefer f; Krüppelkiefer f (Pinus mugo subsp. mugo)
Aufrechte Bergkiefer f; Hakenkiefer f; Spirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata)
Moor-Bergkiefer f; Moorspirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. rotundata)
Gelbkiefer f; Goldkiefer f; Ponderosa-Kiefer f (Pinus ponderosa)
Grannenkiefer f (Pinus aristata)
Japanische Zwergkiefer f; Zwergkiefer f (Pinus pumila)
Küstenkiefer f; Murraykiefer f; Drehkiefer f (Pinus contorta)
Pechkiefer f (Pinus rigida)
Weymouth(s)kiefer f; Strobe f (Pinus strobus)
Zirbelkiefer f; Zirbel f; Zirbe f; Zirm f; Arbe f; Arve f (Pinus cembra)
Aleppo-Kiefer f (Pinus halepensis)
Amerikanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus resinosa)
Chinesische Rotkiefer f (Pinus tabuliformis)
Emodi-Kiefer f (Pinus roxburghii)
Huangshan-Kiefer f (Pinus hwangshanensis)
Japanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus densiflora)
Japanische Schwarzkiefer f (Pinus thunbergii)
Kanarische Kiefer f; Kanarenkiefer f (Pinus canariensis)
Masson-Kiefer f (Pinus massoniana)
Merkus-Kiefer f (Pinus merkusii)
Okinawa-Kiefer f (Pinus luchuensis)
Östliche Mittelmeerkiefer f; Kalabrische Kiefer f; Türkische Kiefer f (Pinus brutia)
Philippinenkiefer f (Pinus kesiya)
Sandkiefer f (Pinus clausa)
Schlangenhaut-Kiefer f; Panzerkiefer f; Lorica-Kiefer f (Pinus heldreichii)
Schwarzkiefer f; Schwarzföhre f (Pinus nigra)
Seestrandkiefer f; Strandkiefer f; Seekiefer f; Meerkiefer f; Bordeaux-Kiefer f; Igelkiefer f; Sternkiefer f (Pinus pinaster)
Sikang-Kiefer f (Pinus densata)
Strauchkiefer f; Banks-Kiefer f (Pinus banksiana)
Taiwanesische Rotkiefer f; Taiwankiefer f (Pinus taiwanensis)
Tenasserim-Kiefer f (Pinus latteri)
Tropenkiefer f (Pinus tropicalis)
Virginia-Kiefer f; Jersey-Kiefer f (Pinus virginiana)
Yunnan-Kiefer f (Pinus yunnanensis)
pines (botanical genus)
single-leaf pinyon
Scots pine
stone pine; pine
dwarf mountain pine; scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine; mountain pine
mugo mountain pine
uncinata mountain pine
rotundata mountain pine
Western yellow pine; blackjack pine; bullpine; ponderosa pine
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Japanese stone pine; Siberian dwarf pine; dwarf stone pine; creeping pine
lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine; twisted pine
pitch pine
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
Swiss stone pine; Swiss pine; arolla pine
Aleppo pine
red pine
Chinese red pine
chir pine
Huangshan pine
Japanese red pine
Japanese black pine, Japanese pine
Canary Island pine
Masson's pine; horsetail pine
Sumatran pine
Okinawa pine; Luchu pine
East Mediterranean pine; Calabrian pine; Turkish pine
Khasi pine
sandhill pine; sand pine
Bosnian pine
black pine
maritime pine; cluster pine
Sikang Pine
Jack pine; grey pine; scrub pine
Taiwan red pine; Formosan pine
Tenasserim pine
tropical pine
Virginia pine; Jersey pine
Yunnan Pine
Xerophyllum n (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bärengras n (Xerophyllum tenax)
Truthahnbart m (Xerophyllum asphodeloides)
xerophyllum (botanical genus)
bear grass; soap grass; Indian basket grass; quip-quip
turkey beard; mountain asphodel; bear tongue
Haftvermögen n; Haftenbleiben n; Anhaften n; Adhärenz f; Tenazitität f (eines Infektionserregers) med.
adherence; tenacity (of an infectious agent)
Lyocell n; Tencel n tm (Zellulosefaser) textil.
lyocell (cellulose fibre)
fallende Tendenz
downward drift
inflationäre Tendenz
inflationary trend
inflationistische Tendenz
inflationary trend
steigende Tendenz
Tendenz, Konjunkturentwicklung
business trend
Tendenz, Trend, Entwicklung, Richtung
Hang m, Neigung f, Tendenz f
leaning, inclination, tendency
Tendenz f, Absicht f, Neigung f
Tendenzen pl, Absichten pl, Neigungen pl
Tendenz f, Hang m, Neigung f
Tendenzen pl, Neigungen pl
Tendenz f, Absicht f, Neigung f
tendence obs.
Trend m, Tendenz f, Strömung f
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
allgemeiner Trend
sich dem Trend widersetzen, gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
to detrend (the data)
mainstream trend
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
inflationär, inflationistisch adj
antiinflationär adj
inflationäre Tendenz
inflationary trend
dazu neigen, ..., die Tendenz haben, ..., dazu tendieren, etw. zu tun
neigend, tendierend
geneigt, tendiert
neigt, tendiert
neigte, tendierte
Ich tendiere zu letzterem.
to tend to do
be sth.
I'd tend to the latter.
Im weiteren Verlauf zeichnete sich folgende Tendenz ab.
As things developed the following tendency became apparent.
Absicht, Neigung, Tendenz
eine Tendenz zu etwas haben
have a tendency to
Hang m; Neigung f; Tendenz f
leaning; inclination; tendency
Neigung f; Hang m; Tendenz f
Neigungen pl; Tendenzen pl
Tendenz f; Absicht f; Neigung f
Tendenzen pl; Absichten pl; Neigungen pl
Tendenz f; Hang m; Neigung f
Tendenzen pl; Neigungen pl
Tendenz f; Absicht f; Neigung f
tendence obs.
Trend m; Tendenz f; Strömung f
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
allgemeiner Trend
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache früher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin dass der Browser Aufgaben übernimmt die früher der Server geleistet hat.
to detrend (the data)
mainstream trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
inflationär; inflationistisch adj
antiinflationär adj
inflationäre Tendenz
inflatorische Lücke
inflationary trend
inflationary gap
zu etw. neigen; tendieren v
neigend; tendierend
geneigt; tendiert
neigt; tendiert
neigte; tendierte
dazu neigen ...; die Tendenz haben ...; dazu tendieren etw. zu tun sein
Er neigt zu Ãœbertreibungen.
Ich tendiere zu letzterem.
to tend to sth.
to tend to do be sth.
He tends to exaggerate.
I'd tend to the latter.
Trend m; Tendenz f (hin zu zu etw. weg von etw.)
Trends pl; Tendenzen pl
allgemeiner Trend
Langzeittrend m
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
… und die Tendenz ist steigend
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin, mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache früher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin, dass der Browser Aufgaben übernimmt, die früher der Server geleistet hat.
trend; tendency (towards sth. away from sth.)
trends; tendencies
mainstream trend
long-term trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
to detrend (the data)
… and the proportion is growing
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
sich abzeichnen v
sich abzeichnend
sich abgezeichnet
Im weiteren Verlauf zeichnete sich folgende Tendenz ab.
Es zeichnet sich eine Trendwende ab.
to become apparent
becoming apparent
become apparent
As things developed the following tendency became apparent.
There are clear signs The indications are that the trend is being reversed.
zu etw. neigen; tendieren v
neigend; tendierend
geneigt; tendiert
neigt; tendiert
neigte; tendierte
dazu neigen, …; die Tendenz haben, …; dazu tendieren, etw. zu tun sein
Er neigt zu Ãœbertreibungen.
Ich tendiere zu letzterem.
to tend to sth.
to tend to do be sth.
He tends to exaggerate.
I'd tend to the latter.
und steigend; Tendenz steigend
Bisher fanden sich über 10000 Nutzer - und es werden immer mehr.
... and counting
It has been used by more than 10,000 - and counting.
lasterhafte Tendenzen
immoral tendencies
rezessiv; zurückgehend; im Rückgang begriffen adj
rezessive Tendenzen
recessionary trends
antidemokratisch adj pol.
antidemokratische Tendenzen
anti-democratic tendencies
tendenziell adj
eine tendenzielle Veränderung
in direction
a change in direction
tendenziell adj
eine tendenzielle Veränderung
der tendenzielle Fall der Profitrate
tendenziell etw. sein
in direction
a change in direction
the (general) trend towards a drop
to tend to be sth.
tendenziell adv
by tendency
tendenziös adj
am tendenziösesten
more tendentious
most tendentious
tendenziös darstellen
to slant
tendenziös adv
tendenzioes, tendenzioesen
etw. tendenziös darstellen v
to slant sth.
more tendentious
most tendentious
Begehrensneurose f, Tendenzneurose f med.
Begehrensneurosen pl, Tendenzneurosen pl
compensating neurosis
compensating neuroses
Begehrensneurose f; Tendenzneurose f med.
Begehrensneurosen pl; Tendenzneurosen pl
compensating neurosis
compensating neuroses
Neurose f psych.
Neurosen pl
Abwehrneurose f
Aktualneurose f
angstbedingte Neurose; Angstneurose f
Begehrensneurose f; Tendenzneurose f
Herzneurose f
hysterische Neurose
frühkindliche Neurose; infantile Neurose
konfiktbedingte Neurose; psychogene Neurose; Psychoneurose f
lokale Neurose
narzisstische Neurose (Freud)
Profilneurose f
traumatische Neurose
Ãœbertragungsneurose f (Freud)
vegetative Neurose
Zwangsneurose f
defence neurosis Br.; defense neurosis Am.
actual neurosis
anxiety neurosis
compensating neurosis
cardiac neurosis
hysterical neurosis
infantile neurosis; childhood neurosis
psychoneurosis; psychoneurotic disorder
localized neurosis; toponeurosis
narcissistic neurosis (Freud)
neurotic need for social recognition
traumatic neurosis
transference neurosis (Freud)
vegetative neurosis
compulsion neurosis; obsessive-compulsive disorder; obsessive neurosis; obsessional neurosis
Tender m
Schlepptender m; Tender m (Bahn)
Schlepptender pl; Tender pl
trailing tender (railways)
trailing tenders
Tender m; Wagen m (in Zusammensetzungen) (Vorratswagen einer Dampflokomotive) (Bahn)
Kohlewagen m
tender (trailing vehicle coupled to a steam locomotive) (railway)
coal tender
kleines Versorgungsschiff n; Shuttleschiff n; Tender m naut.
tender (boat used to ferry people supplies to and from a ship)
Tenderlokokomotive f
tank locomotive
Tenderlokokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotiven pl
tank locomotive
tank locomotives
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
Abdrücklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
Güterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; Adhäsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
neigen, tendiere
tendieren, gerichtet sein
(sich) neigen, tendieren
neigend, tendierend
geneigt, tendiert
neigte, tendierte
to incline
tendieren, streben v (zu)
tendierend, strebend
tendiert, gestrebt
to gravitate (to, towards)

Deutsche Bl�tenkopf Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Bl�tenkopf Synonym nachschlagen

Englische feather grasses; needle grasses; spear grasses Synonyme

feather  a continental  a curse  a damn  a darn  a hoot  air  bagatelle  bank  bauble  bead  bean  bejewel  beribbon  bespangle  bibelot  bit  blood  blubber  brand  brass farthing  breed  breeze  bubble  butter  button  cast  catch a crab  ceil  cent  chaff  character  chip  clan  clay  cobweb  color  cork  covert  crab  crest  curio  cushion  cut a crab  denomination  description  designation  diamond  dip  dough  down  dust  eiderdown  engrave  ether  face  fairy  farce  farthing  feather an oar  feather bed  feathers  fig  figure  filigree  fill  fishtail  flag  fleabite  fledge  fleece  floss  flounce  flower  flue  fluff  foam  folderol  form  fribble  frippery  froth  fur  fuzz  garland  gaud  gem  genre  genus  gewgaw  gimcrack  give way  gossamer  grain  hackle  hair  halfpenny  hill of beans  ilk  illuminate  inlay  interline  jest  jewel  joke  kapok  kickshaw  kidney  kin  kind  knickknack  knickknackery  label  line  load  loop  lot  mail  make  manner  mark  minikin  mockery  mold  molehill  mote  nature  number  order  pace  pack  pad  paddle  paint  panache  peppercorn  persuasion  phylum  picayune  pillow  pin  pinch of snuff  pinion  pinprick  plow  plumage  plume  plumule  plush  ply the oar  porpoise  pudding  puff  pull  pull out  pull up  punt  push down  putty  quill  race  rap  red cent  ribbon  roll  row  row away  row dry  row of pins  rubber  rush  satin  scapular  scull  shape  ship oars  shit  shoot  sideslip  silk  skid  sky an oar  snap  sneeshing  sort  sou  spangle  species  speculum  spin  spiral  sponge  spume  stamp  strain  straw  stripe  stuff  stunt  style  swansdown  the like of  the likes of  thistledown  tinsel  topknot  toy  tribe  trifle  trinket  triviality  tuft  tuppence  two cents  twopence  type  undulate  variety  velvet  wad  wainscot  wax  whim-wham  wool  wreathe  yaw  zephyr  
feather bed  blubber  breeze  butter  clay  cushion  dough  down  eiderdown  feathers  fleece  floss  flue  fluff  foam  kapok  pillow  plush  pudding  puff  putty  rubber  satin  silk  swansdown  thistledown  velvet  wax  wool  zephyr  
featherbedding  bedizenment  duplication  duplication of effort  embellishment  expletive  extravagance  fat  filling  frill  frills  frippery  gingerbread  luxury  needlessness  ornamentation  overadornment  overlap  padding  payroll padding  pleonasm  prolixity  redundance  redundancy  superfluity  superfluousness  tautology  unnecessariness  verbosity  
featherbrained  birdbrained  birdwitted  brainless  capricious  dizzy  empty-headed  featherheaded  fickle  flighty  fluffy  fluttery  frivolous  frothy  gaga  giddy  giddy-brained  giddy-headed  giddy-pated  giddy-witted  harebrain  harebrained  impulsive  light  rattlebrained  rattleheaded  rattlepated  scatterbrained  scramblebrained  shallow  shallow-headed  shallow-minded  shallow-pated  shallow-witted  shatterbrained  silly  skittish  superficial  thoughtless  unprofound  volatile  whimsical  witless  
feathered  adorned  beaded  bedecked  bedizened  befrilled  bejeweled  beribboned  bespangled  decked out  decorated  embellished  festooned  figured  flowered  garnished  jeweled  ornamented  plumed  spangled  spangly  studded  tricked out  trimmed  wreathed  
featheredge  bank  board  border  bordure  brim  brink  brow  coast  cutting edge  edge  edge tool  flange  frame  fringe  hem  knife-edge  labellum  labium  labrum  ledge  limb  limbus  lip  list  marge  margin  ragged edge  razor-edge  rim  selvage  shore  side  sideline  skirt  verge  weapon  
feathers  apparel  array  attire  bedizenment  clothes  clothing  costume  covert  drapery  dress  dressing  duds  fashion  fatigues  feather  fig  garb  garments  gear  guise  habiliment  habit  hackle  investiture  investment  linen  mail  plumage  rags  raiment  robes  speculum  sportswear  style  threads  togs  toilette  trim  vestment  vesture  wear  wearing apparel  
featherweight  Chinese boxer  bantam  bantamweight  banty  black belt  boxer  brown belt  bruiser  button  catchweight  chit  cluck  diminutive  dimwit  dumb  fighter  fingerling  fisticuffer  flyweight  forceless  heavyweight  imponderous  impotent  ineffective  ineffectual  inefficacious  karate expert  light heavyweight  lightweight  middleweight  mini  minikin  minnow  minny  mouse  no-account  nubbin  of no account  palooka  peewee  pony  powerless  prizefighter  pug  pugilist  runt  savate expert  shrimp  slip  small fry  snip  snippet  sparrer  tit  unauthoritative  underweight  unheavy  wart  weak  weightless  welterweight  wisp  without any weight  
feathery  airy  bubbly  downy  ethereal  fleecy  flossy  fluffy  foamy  frothy  furry  fuzzy  gossamery  hirsute  imponderous  lanate  leger  light  light as air  lighter than vanity  mousse  nappy  peachy  pinnate  pubescent  souffle  unheavy  velvety  volatile  weightless  woolly  yeasty  

Bl�tenkopf Definition

Alfa grass
(n.) A plant (Macrochloa tenacissima) of North Africa
Arrow grass
(n.) An herbaceous grasslike plant (Triglochin palustre, and other species) with pods opening so as to suggest barbed arrowheads.
Bent grass
() Same as Bent, a kind of grass.
Bermuda grass
() A kind of grass (Cynodon Dactylon) esteemed for pasture in the Southern United States. It is a native of Southern Europe, but is now wide-spread in warm countries
Blue-eyed grass
() a grasslike plant (Sisyrinchium anceps), with small flowers of a delicate blue color.
Blue grass
() A species of grass (Poa compressa) with bluish green stems, valuable in thin gravelly soils
(a.) Of or pertaining to botany
Brome grass
() A genus (Bromus) of grasses, one species of which is the chess or cheat.
Bunch grass
() A grass growing in bunches and affording pasture. In California, Atropis tenuifolia, Festuca scabrella, and several kinds of Stipa are favorite bunch grasses. In Utah, Eriocoma cuspidata is a good bunch grass.
Couch grass
() See Quitch grass.
Devil's darning-needle
() A dragon fly. See Darning needle, under Darn, v. t.
Dog's-tail grass
(n.) A hardy species of British grass (Cynosurus cristatus) which abounds in grass lands, and is well suited for making straw plait
Doob grass
() A perennial, creeping grass (Cynodon dactylon), highly prized, in Hindostan, as food for cattle, and acclimated in the United States.
Doub grass
() Doob grass.
(n.) A species of Spanish grass (Macrochloa tenacissima), of which cordage, shoes, baskets, etc., are made. It is also used for making paper.
(n.) One of the peculiar dermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down.
(n.) Kind
(n.) The fringe of long hair on the legs of the setter and some other dogs.
(n.) A tuft of peculiar, long, frizzly hair on a horse.
(n.) One of the fins or wings on the shaft of an arrow.
(n.) A longitudinal strip projecting as a fin from an object, to strengthen it, or to enter a channel in another object and thereby prevent displacement sidwise but permit motion lengthwise
(n.) A thin wedge driven between the two semicylindrical parts of a divided plug in a hole bored in a stone, to rend the stone.
(n.) The angular adjustment of an oar or paddle-wheel float, with reference to a horizontal axis, as it leaves or enters the water.
(v. t.) To furnish with a feather or feathers, as an arrow or a cap.
(v. t.) To adorn, as with feathers
(v. t.) To render light as a feather
(v. t.) To enrich
(v. t.) To tread, as a cock.
(v. i.) To grow or form feathers
(v. i.) To curdle when poured into another liquid, and float about in little flakes or "feathers
(v. i.) To turn to a horizontal plane
(v. i.) To have the appearance of a feather or of feathers
(a.) Giddy
(n.) The thin, new growth around the edge of a shell, of an oyster.
(n.) Any thin, as on a board or a razor.
(a.) Having a feather-edge
(n.) Feverfew.
(n.) An aquatic plant (Hottonia palustris), having finely divided leaves.
(n.) A frivolous or featherbrained person.
(a.) Giddy
(a.) Light-heeled
(a.) Feather-headed
(a.) Having the veins (of a leaf) diverging from the two sides of a midrib.
Gama grass
() A species of grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) tall, stout, and exceedingly productive
(n.) A class of objects divided into several subordinate species
(n.) An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus
Grama grass
() The name of several kinds of pasture grasses found in the Western United States, esp. the Bouteloua oligostachya.
(n.) Popularly: Herbage
(n.) An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single.
(n.) The season of fresh grass

feather grasses; needle grasses; spear grasses (botanical genus) / halfah grass; esparto grass; needles grass Bedeutung

turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls
herbal therapy
botanical medicine
the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
form genus an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus globigii
grass bacillus
hay bacillus
a species of bacillus found in soil and decomposing organic matter, some strains produce antibiotics
genus Heliobacter
a genus of helical or curved or straight aerobic bacteria with rounded ends and multiple flagella, found in the gastric mucosa of primates (including humans)
bacteria genus a genus of bacteria
genus Aerobacter
aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature
genus Rhizobium
the type genus of Rhizobiaceae, usually occur in the root nodules of legumes, can fix atmospheric oxygen
genus Agrobacterium
small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems
genus Bacillus type genus of the Bacillaceae, includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasites
genus Clostridium anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes, nearly cosmopolitan in soil, animal intestines, and dung
genus Nostoc type genus of the family Nostocaceae: freshwater blue-green algae
genus Trichodesmium a genus of blue-green algae
genus Pseudomonas
type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceae
genus Xanthomonas
a genus of bacteria similar to Pseudomonas but producing a yellow pigment that is not soluble in water
genus Nitrobacter
rod-shaped soil bacteria
genus Nitrosomonas
ellipsoidal soil bacteria
genus Thiobacillus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirillum a genus of bacteria
genus Vibrio a genus of bacteria
genus Bacteroides
type genus of Bacteroidaceae, genus of Gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animals
genus Calymmatobacterium
a genus of bacterial rods containing only the one species that causes granuloma inguinale
genus Francisella
a genus of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria that occur as pathogens and parasite in many animals (including humans)
genus Corynebacterium the type genus of the family Corynebacteriaceae which is widely distributed in nature, the best known are parasites and pathogens of humans and domestic animals
genus Listeria a genus of aerobic motile bacteria of the family Corynebacteriaceae containing small Gram-positive rods
genus Escherichia a genus of bacteria
genus Klebsiella a genus of bacteria
genus Salmonella a genus of bacteria
genus Serratia
a genus of motile peritrichous bacteria that contain small Gram-negative rod
genus Shigella a genus of bacteria
genus Erwinia a genus of bacteria
genus Rickettsia can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans
genus Chlamydia type genus of the family Chlamydiaceae: diseaseausing parasites
genus Mycoplasma type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmataceae
genus Actinomyces type genus of the family Actinomycetaceae
genus Streptomyces type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae
genus Mycobacterium nonmotile Gram-positive aerobic bacteria
genus Polyangium
type genus of the family Polyangiaceae: myxobacteria with rounded fruiting bodies enclosed in a membrane
genus Micrococcus
type genus of the family Micrococcaceae
genus Staphylococcus includes many pathogenic species
genus Lactobacillus type genus of the family Lactobacillaceae
genus Diplococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Streptococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirochaeta
the type genus of the family Spirochaetaceae, a bacterium that is flexible, undulating, and chiefly aquatic
genus Treponema type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body, parasitic in warm-blooded animals
genus Borrelia small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spirals
genus Leptospira very slender aerobic spirochetes, free-living or parasitic in mammals
protoctist genus any genus of Protoctista
genus Amoeba protozoan inhabiting moist soils or bottom vegetation in fresh or salt water
genus Endamoeba
the type genus of the family Endamoebidae
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