
Brennstoffanalyse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Brennstoffanalyse f mach.
Brennstoffanalysen pl
fuel analysis
fuel analyses
Brennstoffanalyse f mach.
Brennstoffanalysen pl
fuel analysis
fuel analyses
Brennstoff, Treibstoff
Brennstoff m, Brennmaterial n, Treibstoff m, Kraftstoff m
Brennstoffe pl, Brennmaterialien pl, Treibstoffe pl, Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff, konventioneller Brennstoff
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fossil fuel
solid fuel
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Brennstoff-Luftverhältnis-Regelung f mach.
fuel-air ration control
Quellstärke f (im Brennstoff)
volumetric heat generation rate
Wäsche f (Brennstoff-Aufbereitung) techn.
Brennmaterial, Brennstoff, Treibstoff
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n; Treibstoff m; Kraftstoff m; Sprit m ugs.
Brennstoffe pl; Brennmaterialien pl; Treibstoffe pl; Kraftstoffe pl
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff
gasförmiger Brennstoff
schwieriger Brennstoff
mit Brennstoff versorgen
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
problem fuel
to fuel
refuse-derived fuel
Kloben m; unbearbeiteter Holzklotz (als Brennstoff)
log (for fuel)
Brennstoff m; Brennmaterial n (für Heizungen, Kraftwerke)
Brennstoffe pl
Abfallbrennstoff m
Biomassebrennstoff m; biogener Brennstoff m; Biobrennstoff m; Brennstoff aus Biomasse; Brennstoff aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Flüssigbrennstoff m
fossiler Brennstoff; konventioneller Brennstoff; Fossilbrennstoff m
fester Brennstoff; Festbrennstoff m
gasförmiger Brennstoff; Brenngas n
rückgeführter Brennstoff (Kerntechnik)
schwieriger Brennstoff
ohne Treibstoff
mit zwei verschiedenen Brennstoffen
Brennstoff aus Müll
fuel (for heatings, power stations)
hog fuel; waste fuel
biomass fuel; biological fuel; bio-based fuel; biofuel; agrofuel
liquid fuel
fossil fuel
solid fuel; combustible
gaseous fuel
thermal recycle fuel (nuclear engineering)
problem fuel
refuse-derived fuel
mit einem bestimmten Brennstoff befeuert, betrieben werden v (Industrieofen, Dampfmaschine, Kraftwerk usw.)
mit Kohle befeuert werden; mit Kohle betrieben werden
to be fuelled; to be fired by a specific power source (furnace, steam engine, power station etc.)
to be fuelled by coal; to be fired by coal
Kraftstoffbrenner m techn.
Kraftstoffbrenner pl
Brenner für flüssigen Brennstoff
Brenner für mehrere Brennstoffe; Mehrstoffbrenner m
Brennstaubbrenner m
Kohlenstaubbrenner m
Kombinationsbrenner m
Zweistoffbrenner m
fuel burner
fuel burners
liquid-fuel burner
multi-fuel type burner; multi-fuel burner
pulverized-fuel burner; PF burner
pulverized-coal burner
combined fuel burner
dual-fuel burner
Sprengstoff m; Explosivstoff m; Sprengmittel n; Explosivmittel n; explosives Kampfmittel pl mil.
Sprengstoffe pl; Explosivstoffe pl; Sprengmittel pl; Explosivmittel pl; explosive Kampfmittel pl
hochexplosiver Sprengstoff
Plastiksprengstoff m
explosive substance; explosive material; explosive; blasting material; blasting agent
explosive substances; explosive materials; explosives; blasting materials; blasting agents
high explosive HE
fuel-air explosive FAX
plastic explosive
Wiederaufbereitung f; Wiederaufarbeitung f (von Altmaterial) envir.
Wiederaufbereitung von Brennstoff; Brennstoffaufbereitung f
reprocessing (of used materials)
reprocessing of fuel; fuel processing
flüchtig; unbeständig adj chem. comp.
nichtflüchtig; permanent adj
flüchtiger Speicher comp.
flüchtige organische Verbindungen chem.
leichtflüchtige Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe LCKW
leichtflüchtiger halogenierter Kohlenwasserstoff
schwerflüchtiger Brennstoff; schwach flüchtiger Brennstoff
Kohle mit niedrigem Gehalt an flüchtigen Bestandteilen chem.
volatile storage
volatile organic compound VOC
volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons; volatile CHCs VCHCs
highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbon HVHC
low volatile fuel; non easily volatized fuel; least volatile fuel Am.
low-volatile steam coal Br.; low-volatile coal Am.
Brennstoffanalyse f mach.
Brennstoffanalysen pl
fuel analysis
fuel analyses
Treibstoffanzeige f; Brennstoffanzeige f; Brennstoffvorratsanzeige f aviat.
Treibstoffanzeigen pl; Brennstoffanzeigen pl; Brennstoffvorratsanzeigen pl
refuelling indicator Br.; refueling indicator Am.
refuelling indicators; refueling indicators
Brennstoffasche f mach.
fuel ash
Brennstoffaufbereitung f mach.
fuel preperation, fuel treatment
Brennstoffaufbereitung f mach.
fuel preperation; fuel treatment
Endreinigung f (Brennstoffaufbereitung) (Kerntechnik) techn.
tail end reprocessing; tail end (nuclear engineering)
Brennstoffaufbereitung f techn.
fuel preparation; fuel treatment
Brennstoffaufgabe f mach.
fuel feed
Brennstoffballastgehalt m mach.
fuel inerts content
Brennstoffbedarf m
fuel requirement
fuel requirement
Brennstoffbelastung f
fuel loading
Brennstoffe pl
Brennstoffeigenschaft f mach.
Brennstoffeigenschaften pl
fuel property
fuel properties
Brennstoffentmischung f mach.
fuel size segregation
Brennstofffilter m
Brennstofffilter pl
fuel filter
fuel filters
Brennstoffknappheit f
fuel shortage
Brennstoffkreislauf m; Brennstoffzyklus m (Kerntechnik) techn.
fuel cycle (nuclear engineering)
Brennstoffpellet n (aus Abfällen) envir.
Brennstoffpellets pl
fuel pellet (from waste)
fuel pellets
Kernbrennstofftablette f; Brennstofftablette f; Brennstoffpellet n; Uranpellet n (Kerntechnik) techn.
Kernbrennstofftabletten pl; Brennstofftabletten pl; Brennstoffpellets pl; Uranpellets pl
fuel pellet (nuclear engineering)
fuel pellets
Brennstoffplatte f
fuel plate
Brennstoffpumpe f mach.
Brennstoffpumpen pl
fuel feed pump
fuel feed pumps
Brennstoffquelle f
Brennstoffquellen pl
fuel source
fuel sources
Treibgas n (zum Austreiben des Brennstoffs in der Raumfahrt)
driving gas (astronautics)
Brennstoffschicht f mach.
fuel bed
Brennstoffschichthöhe f mach.
fuel bed depth
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator, coal gate
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator; coal gate
Brennstoffsorte f mach.
fuel grade
Wechselwirkung f zwischen Brennstofftabletten und Hüllrohr (Kerntechnik) techn.
pellet-cladding interaction (nuclear engineering)
Brennstoffteilchen n mach.
Brennstoffteilchen pl
fuel particle
fuel particles
Brennstoffverbrauch m mach.
fuel consumption
Brennstoffverhalten n mach.
fuel behaviour Br., fuel behavior Am., fuel performance
Brennstoffverhalten n mach.
fuel behaviour Br.; fuel behavior Am.; fuel performance
Brennstoffverriegelung f mach.
fuel feed interlock
Brennstoffvorschub m mach.
fuel feeding
Brennstoffwähler m mach.
Brennstoffwähler pl
fuel selector
fuel selectors
Brennstoffwärme f mach.
eingebrachte Brennstoffwärme
spezifischer Brennstoffwärmeverbrauch
fuel heat
fuel heat input
fuel heat rate
Brennstoffwurfeintrag m mach.
spreader feeding
Brennstoffzelle f
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell (AFC)
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC)
solid polymer fuel cell (SPFC)
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)
proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)
molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)
Brennstoffzelle f chem. electr.
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell AFC
direct methanol fuel cell DMFC
solid polymer fuel cell SPFC
solid oxide fuel cell SOFC
carbon fuel cell
phosphoric acid fuel cell PAFC
proton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC
molten carbonate fuel cell MCFC
Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzelle f chem. electr.
Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen pl
hydrogen fuel cell
hydrogen fuel cells
Brennstoffzelle f chem. electr.
Brennstoffzellen pl
alkalische Brennstoffzelle
phosphorsaure Brennstoffzelle
fuel cell
fuel cells
alkaline fuel cell AFC
direct methanol fuel cell DMFC
solid polymer fuel cell SPFC
solid oxide fuel cell SOFC
carbon fuel cell
phosphoric acid fuel cell PAFC
proton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC
molten carbonate fuel cell MCFC
Ameisensäure-Brennstoffzelle f (FAFC) techn.
formic acid fuel cell (FAFC)
Dreiphasengrenze f (Brennstoffzelle) chem.
triple phase boundary TPB
Direkt-Ethanol-Brennstoffzelle f techn.
direct-ethanol fuel cell (DEFC)
Direkt-Hydrazin-Brennstoffzelle f (DHFC) techn.
direct hydrazine fuel cell (DHFC)
Luftelektrode f; Sauerstoffelektrode f (in Brennstoffzellen) chem. electr.
oxygen air electrode (in fuel cells)
Brennstoffzellenantrieb m techn.
fuel cell power plant
Brennstoffzellenantrieb m auto
fuel cell drive
Antriebsmaschine f; Antriebsmotor m; Antrieb m auto mach.
Antriebsmaschinen pl; Antriebsmotoren pl; Antriebe pl
Brennstoffzellenantrieb m
umrichtergespeister Antrieb
elektrische Antriebe
drive motor; drive; power unit
drive motors; drives; power units
fuel-cell drive; fuel-cell power unit
inverter-fed drive
electrical drives
Brennstoffzellenauto n auto
fuel cell car
Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug n auto
fuel cell vehicle

Brennstoffanalyse Definition

(pl. ) of Analysis
(n.) A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements
(n.) The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis.
(n.) The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles.
(n.) The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations.
(n.) A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order.
(n.) A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.
(n.) The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
(n.) Any matter used to produce heat by burning
(n.) Anything that serves to feed or increase passion or excitement.
(v. t.) To feed with fuel.
(v. t.) To store or furnish with fuel or firing.

fuel analysis / fuel analyses Bedeutung

analysis an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
market analysis marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
colorimetric analysis
quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
volumetric analysis quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
volumetric analysis determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
gravimetric analysis quantitative analysis by weight
cost analysis breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
fundamental analysis
fundamentals analysis
(stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
spectroscopic analysis
spectrum analysis
spectrographic analysis
the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra
analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
self-analysis the application of psychotherapeutic principles to the analysis of your own personality
fuel-air explosive
a device consisting of a container of fuel and two explosive charges, the first charge bursts open the fuel container at a predetermined height and spreads the fuel in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen, the second charge detonates the cloud which creates an enormous blast wave and incinerates whatever is below
fuel cell cell that produces electricity by oxidation of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen or zinc and air), often used in electric cars
fuel filter a filter in the fuel line that screens out dirt and rust particles from the fuel
fuel gauge
fuel indicator
an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
fuel injection
fuel injection system
mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internalombustion engine, avoids the need for a carburetor
fuel line
gas line petrol line
a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine, the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line
fuel system equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
fuel pod
a detachable container of fuel on an airplane
thermobaric bomb
fuel-air bomb
vacuum bomb
volume-detonation bomb
aerosol bomb
a bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive, a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures equal to an atomic bomb
critical appraisal
critical analysis
an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
analytic thinking
the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
cost-benefit analysis an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
systems analysis analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
trend analysis analysis of changes over time
a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives
numerical analysis (mathematics) the branch of mathematics that studies algorithms for approximating solutions to problems in the infinitesimal calculus
analysis a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits, sequences and series and integration and differentiation
Fourier analysis
harmonic analysis
analysis of a periodic function into a sum of simple sinusoidal components
analysis situs
the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
multivariate analysis a generic term for any statistical technique used to analyze data from more than one variable
regression analysis the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another
correlational analysis the use of statistical correlation to evaluate the strength of the relations between variables
factor analysis any of several methods for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions or factors, beginning with a correlation matrix a small number of components or factors are extracted that are regarded as the basic variables that account for the interrelations observed in the data
analysis of variance
a statistical method for making simultaneous comparisons between two or more means, a statistical method that yields values that can be tested to determine whether a significant relation exists between variables
cladistic analysis
a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct cladograms summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms
methodology methodological analysis the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular discipline
analysis a form of literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
analysis the use of closedlass words instead of inflections: e.g., `the father of the bride' instead of `the bride's father'
fuel level the amount of fuel remaining
fuel consumption rate
gasoline mileage
gas mileage
the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
diesel oil
diesel fuel
a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel engines
fossil fuel fuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content
fuel oil
heating oil
a petroleum product used for fuel
nuclear fuel fuel (such as uranium) that can be used in nuclear reactors as a source of electricity
rocket fuel
rocket propellant
rocket propellent
an explosive charge that propels a rocket
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