
Britische Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Britische Norm
BS : British Standard
britische Fachhochschule
britische Münzeinheit f
Britische Kriminalpolizei
CID : Criminal Investigation Department
britische Rundfunkanstalt
BBC : British Broadcasting Company
der Britische Staatenbund
The British Commonwealth of Nations
britische Regierung f pol.
No 10 coll.; 10 Downing Street (headquarters of the Brit. Government) Br.
Britische Normungsorganisation
BSI : British Standards Institution
Union Jack m; britische Fahne
Union Jack
britische Schulabschlussprüfung
GCSE : General Certificate of Secondary Education Br.
Britische Fremdenverkehrsbehörde
British Tourist Authority BTA
Britische Fremdenverkehrsbehörde
British Tourist Authority BTA
britische Schulabschlussprüfung
GCE : General Certificate of Education Br.
Union Jack m, britische Fahne
Union Jack
Britische Fremdenverkehrsbehörde
BTA : British Tourist Authority
britische Luftfahrtsgesellschaft
BA : British Airways
Britische Jungferninseln geogr.
Virgin Islands (British) (vg)
britische Schulabschlussprüfung school
General Certificate of Education GCE ; General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE Br.
britische Schulabschlussprüfung school
General Certificate of Education GCE ; General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE Br.
britische Zeitschrift im Gesundheitswesen
Health Service Journal HSJ Br.
britische Zeitschrift im Gesundheitswesen
Health Service Journal HSJ Br.
Britische Jungferninseln pl VG geogr.
British Virgin Islands
britische Zeitschrift im Gesundheitswesen
Health Service Journal (HSJ) Br.
Britische Jungferninseln pl VG geogr.
British Virgin Islands
Sozialversicherung f
britische Sozialversicherung
social security; social insurance
National Insurance NI
Staatspapiere pl
britische Staatspapiere; britische Staatstitel
Privatschule f
Privatschulen pl
britische Privatschule f
private school Am.
private schools
public school Br.
Marine f mil.
Britische Marine
die Deutsche Marine
US Navy
Royal Navy (RN)
the German Navy
Steuerbehörde f adm. fin.
britische Steuer- und Zollbehörde adm.
tax fiscal authority; Inland Revenue Br.; Internal Revenue Am.; Internal Revenue Service IRS Am.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs HMRC
britische Identität f; britische Wesensart f; das Britische n soc.
Privatschule f school
Privatschulen pl
britische Privatschule f
private school Am.
private schools
public school Br.
Luftwaffe f mil.
Deutsche Luftwaffe
Britische Luftwaffe
air force
German Air Force
US Air Force USAF ; United States Air Force
Royal Air Force RAF
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps USMC
Royal Marines
Grenzschutz m; Grenzpolizei f; Grenzwache f
britische Grenzpolizei f
border police; border guard; frontier police
United Kingdom Border Agency UKBA
Luftwaffe f mil.
Deutsche Luftwaffe
Britische Luftwaffe
air force
German Air Force
US Air Force USAF ; United States Air Force
Royal Air Force RAF
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps USMC
Royal Marines
Luftwaffe f mil.
Deutsche Luftwaffe
Britische Luftwaffe
Air Force
German Air Force
US Air Force (USAF), United States Air Force
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Marineinfanterie f mil.
Britische Marineinfanterie
US Marine Corps (USMC)
Royal Marines
(als Ersatz für Goldmünzen ausgegebene) britische Schatzanweisungen pl fin. hist.
currency notes Br.; Treasury notes Br.
Britische Rheinarmee f; Rheinarmee f (Besatzungstruppe in Deutschland) mil. hist.
British Army of the Rhine BAOR ; Army of the Rhine (occupation force in Germany)
britische Regierung f (Bezeichnung aufgrund des Sitzes eines Regierungsteils in der Straße Whitehall)
Marine f mil.
Hochseemarine f
Britische Marine
die Deutsche Marine
zur Marine gehen
blue-water navy
US Navy
Royal Navy RN
the German Navy
to join the navy
Marine f mil.
Hochseemarine f
Britische Marine
die Deutsche Marine
zur Marine gehen
blue-water navy
US Navy
Royal Navy RN
the German Navy
to join the navy
Grenzpolizei f; Grenzwache f; Grenzschutz m
Bundesgrenzschutz Dt. hist.
britische Grenzpolizei f
border police; border guard
(German) Federal Border Police
United Kingdom Border Agency UKBA
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Anpassung von Normen
britische Norm
common standards
international standards
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS
Crannóg, Crannog, künstliche Inseln aus Steinen oder Stämmen (britische Inseln), Pfahlbauten vergleichbar hist.
crannóg, crannog, crannoge
Luftfahrtgesellschaft f; Luftfahrtsgesellschaft f
Luftfahrtgesellschaften pl; Luftfahrtsgesellschaften pl
britische Luftfahrtsgesellschaft
aeronautical company
aeronautical companies
British Airways BA
Steuerbehörde f; Abgabenbehörde f; Finanzbehörde f; die Steuer ugs. adm. fin.
britische Steuer- und Zollbehörde adm.
etw. vor der Steuer verbergen
tax authority; fiscal authority; revenue and customs service Br. HMRC ; revenue service Br.; internal revenue service IRS Am.; internal revenue Am.; the taxman coll.
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs HMRC
to keep sth. a secret from the taxman
Bahn f; Eisenbahn f
Deutsche Bahn f DB
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB
Britische Eisenbahnen
Königlich-Bayerische Staatsbahn K.Bay.Sts.B. hist.
German Railways
Swiss Federal Railways
British Rail BR
Royal Bavarian State Railways
Luftfahrtgesellschaft f; Luftfahrtsgesellschaft f; Luftfahrtunternehmen n
Luftfahrtgesellschaften pl; Luftfahrtsgesellschaften pl; Luftfahrtunternehmen pl
britische Luftfahrtsgesellschaft
aeronautical company; airline
aeronautical companies; airlines
British Airways BA
Rundfunkanstalt f
Rundfunkanstalten pl
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ARD
britische Rundfunkanstalt
amerikanische Rundfunkanstalt
broadcasting corporation; radio station
broadcasting corporations; radio stations
Working Pool of the Broadcasting Corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany
British Broadcasting Company BBC
National Broadcasting Company NBC
Rundfunkanstalt f
Rundfunkanstalten pl
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ARD
britische Rundfunkanstalt
amerikanische Rundfunkanstalt
broadcasting corporation; radio station
broadcasting corporations; radio stations
Working Pool of the Broadcasting Corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany
British Broadcasting Company BBC
National Broadcasting Company NBC
Staatsschutzbehörde f; Staatssicherheitsbehörde f; Bundesamt n für Verfassungsschutz Dt. Ös.; Verfassungsschutz m Dt. Ös. ugs.
britische Staatsschutzbehörde
Staatssicherheitsbehörde der USA
national security service Br.; national security agency Am.
Security Service; MI5 coll.
National Security Agency NSA
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Mindestnormen pl
Norm für die Akkreditierung von Prüflaboratorien
Angleichung von Normen
britische Norm; Norm des britischen Normungsinstituts
common standards
international standards
minimum standards
test laboratories accreditation standard
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS ; standard of the British Standards Institution
Zentralbank f; Zentralnotenbank f; zentrale Notenbank f; Nationalbank f fin.
Zentralbanken pl; Zentralnotenbanken pl; zentrale Notenbanken pl; Nationalbanken pl
britische Zentralbank
innerstaatliche Zentralbanken
Europäische Zentralbank f EZB
central bank; reserve bank; monetary authority
central banks; reserve banks; monetary authorities
Bank of England; Old Lady of Threadneedle Street coll. humor.
domestic central banks
European Central Bank ECB
allgemein; verbreitet; gängig; vorherrschend; landläufig adj soc.
die vorherrschende Meinung
Nach gängiger Auffassung …
die gängige vorherrschende Lehrmeinung übernehmen
die britische Standardaussprache des Englischen
der überlieferte Text des Neuen Testaments
received (prepositive) formal
the received opinion
The received opinion is that …
to accept the received wisdom
the received pronunciation of British English
the received text of the New Testament
allgemein; verbreitet; gängig; vorherrschend; landläufig adj soc.
die vorherrschende Meinung
Nach gängiger Auffassung ...
die gängige vorherrschende Lehrmeinung übernehmen
die britische Standardaussprache des Englischen
der überlieferte Text des Neuen Testaments
received (prepositive) (formal)
the received opinion
The received opinion is that ...
to accept the received wisdom
the received pronunciation of British English
the received text of the New Testament
das Gesetz n (Rechtsvorschriften in ihrer Gesamtheit) jur.
gesetzlich verboten sein
etwas Ungesetzliches tun
im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen
gesetzlich vorgesehen sein
Vor dem Gesetz sind alle Menschen gleich.
Sie glauben, dass sie über dem Gesetz stehen.
In Schweden ist es ungesetzlich, ein Kind zu schlagen.
Der Verbraucherschutz ist gesetzlich verankert.
Britische Schulen sind gesetzlich verpflichtet, ihre Prüfungsergebnisse öffentlich zu machen.
Pyramidenspiele wurden 2010 gesetzlich verboten.
Er ist in den letzten Jahren immer wieder mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt gekommen.
the law (the body of accumulated legislation)
by law; by statute
to be against the law
to break the law
within the law
to be prescribed by law; to be provided for by statute
All persons shall be equal before the law.
They think they are above the law.
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.
Protection for the consumer is established by law laid down by statute.
British schools are required by law statute to publish their exam results.
Ponzi schemes were banned by statute in 2010.
He's been in and out of trouble with the law for the last few years.; He's fallen run afoul of the law in the past few years. Am.
Gesetz n Ges. (als Kategorie) jur.
etwas Ungesetzliches tun
im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen
kodizifiertes Recht; gesetztes Recht
strenge Waffengesetze
gesetzlich vorgesehen sein
Vor dem Gesetz sind alle Menschen gleich.
Sie glauben dass sie über dem Gesetz stehen.
In Schweden ist es ungesetzlich ein Kind zu schlagen.
Das Suizidgesetz wurde 1961 verabschiedet.
Die Regierung hat mehrere Gesetze zur Lebensmittelhygiene eingebracht.
Der Verbraucherschutz ist gesetzlich verankert.
Britische Schulen sind gesetzlich verpflichtet ihre Prüfungsergebnisse offentlich zu machen.
Pyramidenspiele wurden 2010 gesetzlich verboten.
law; statute
to break the law
within the law
statute law; statutory law
strict gun laws
to be prescribed by law; to be provided for by law
All persons shall be equal before the law.
They think they are above the law.
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.
The Suicide Act became law in 1961.
The government has introduced several laws on food hygiene.
Protection for the consumer is established by law laid down by statute.
British schools are required by law statute to publish their exam results.
Ponzi schemes were banned by statute in 2010.
Eisenbahngesellschaft f; Bahngesellschaft f; Eisenbahn f; Bahnen pl (in Zusammensetzungen); Bahn f ugs. (Beförderungsunternehmen) transp.
Eisenbahngesellschaften pl; Bahngesellschaften pl; Eisenbahnen pl; Bahnen pl
Deutsche Bahn f DB
Österreichische Bundesbahnen ÖBB
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB
Britische Eisenbahnen
Königlich-Bayerische Staatsbahn K. Bay. Sts.B. hist.
abtretende übergebende Bahngesellschaft; abtretende übergebende Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
übernehmende Bahngesellschaft; übernehmende Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
geschäftsführende Bahngesellschaft; geschäftsführende Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
verantwortliche Bahngesellschaft; verantwortliche Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
fordernde Bahngesellschaft; fordernde Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
vorsitzende Bahngesellschaft; vorsitzende Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
anschließende Bahngesellschaft; anschließende Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
regelnde Bahngesellschaft; regelnde Bahn (im internationalen Verkehr)
bei der Bahn arbeiten
railway company Br.; railroad company Am.; railways; rail (in compounds); railway Br. coll.; railroad Am. coll. (transport company)
railway companies; railroad companies; railways; rails; railroads
German Railways
Austrian Federal Railways; Austrian Railways
Swiss Federal Railways
British Rail BR
Royal Bavarian State Railways
transferor railway company Br.; transferor railway Br.; transferor railroad company Am.; transferor railroad (in international traffic)
transferee railway company Br.; transferee railway Br.; transferee railroad company Am.; transferee railroad (in international traffic)
managing railway company Br.; managing railway Br.; managing railroad company Am.; managing railroad (in international traffic)
responsible railway company Br.; responsible railway Br.; responsible railroad company Am.; responsible railroad (in international traffic)
claiming railway company Br.; claiming railway Br.; claiming railroad company Am.; claiming railroad (in international traffic)
chairman railway company Br.; chairman railway Br.; chairman railroad company Am.; chairman railroad (in international traffic)
following railway company Br.; following railway Br.; following railroad company Am.; following railroad (in international traffic)
railway company Br. railway Br. responsible for settlement; railroad company Am. railroad Am. responsible for settlement (in international traffic)
to work on the railways Br.; to work on the railroad Am.

Deutsche Britische Synonyme


Englische BS : British Standard Synonyme

Britische Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Great Britain or to its inhabitants
(n. pl.) People of Great Britain.
(n.) A flag
(n.) That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, extent, value, or quality
(n.) That which is established as a rule or model by authority, custom, or general consent
(n.) The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority.
(n.) A tree of natural size supported by its own stem, and not dwarfed by grafting on the stock of a smaller species nor trained upon a wall or trellis.
(n.) The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla.
(n.) An upright support, as one of the poles of a scaffold
(n.) An inverted knee timber placed upon the deck instead of beneath it, with its vertical branch turned upward from that which lies horizontally.
(n.) The sheth of a plow.
(n.) A large drinking cup.
(a.) Being, affording, or according with, a standard for comparison and judgment
(a.) Hence: Having a recognized and permanent value
(a.) Not supported by, or fastened to, a wall
(a.) Not of the dwarf kind
(a.) Bred in conformity to a standard. Specif., applied to a registered trotting horse which comes up to the standard adopted by the National Association of Trotting-horse Breeders.
(n.) A curious paradise bird (Semioptera Wallacii) which has two long special feathers standing erect on each wing.

BS : British Standard Bedeutung

standing operating procedure
standard operating procedure
standard procedure
a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely, rote memorization has been the educator's standard operating procedure for centuries
standard schnauzer a medium-sized schnauzer
standard poodle a breed or medium-sized poodles
Clark cell
Clark standard cell
a form of voltaic cell once used as a standard for electromotive force
standard banner any distinctive flag
standard an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support), distance was marked by standards every mile, lamps supported on standards provided illumination
standard cell a primary cell used as a standard of electromotive force
standard gauge railroad track having the standard width of . inches
standard transmission
stick shift
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
gold standard a paragon of excellence, academic education is the gold standard against which other educational activity is pejoratively judged
the ideal in terms of which something can be judged, they live by the standards of their community
accounting principle
accounting standard
a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions
British empiricism the predominant philosophical tradition in Great Britain since the th century
standard deviation the square root of the variance
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(computer science) a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies, a string of binary digits represents each character, used in most microcomputers
American Standard Version
American Revised Version
a revised version of the King James Version
Revised Standard Version a revision of the American Standard Version
Standard and Poor's
Standard and Poor's Index
a broadly based stock market index
double standard an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another
double standard of sexual behavior a code that permits greater sexual freedom for men than for women (associated with the subordination of women)
standard generalized markup language
(computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents, a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted
British Crown the symbol of the power of the British monarchy, members of the British Commonwealth owe allegiance to the British Crown
non-standard speech speech that differs from the usual accepted, easily recognizable speech of native adult members of a speech community
measure touchstone
a basis for comparison, a reference point against which other things can be evaluated, the schools comply with federal standards, they set the measure for all subsequent work
procrustean standard
procrustean rule
procrustean bed
a standard that is enforced uniformly without regard to individuality
British Commonwealth
Commonwealth of Nations
an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and several former British colonies that are now sovereign states but still pay allegiance to the British Crown
House of Commons
British House of Commons
the lower house of the British parliament
House of Lords
British House of Lords
the upper house of the British parliament
British Labour Party
Labour Party Labour Labor
a political party formed in Great Britain in , characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries
British Parliament the British legislative body
British Cabinet the senior ministers of the British government
British Honduras
a country on the northeastern coast of Central America on the Caribbean, formerly under British control
British West Indies the islands in the West Indies that were formerly under British control, including the Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Antigua, Grenada, Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad
British Virgin Islands more thannortheastern Virgin Islands ( inhabited), a dependent territory of the United Kingdom
British Columbia a province in western Canada
British Empire a former empire consisting of Great Britain and all the territories under its control, reached its greatest extent at the end of World War I, it included the British Isles, British West Indies, Canada, British Guiana, British West Africa, British East Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, the sun never sets on the British Empire
British Isles Great Britain and Ireland and adjacent islands in the north Atlantic
British East Africa the former British territories of eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Zanzibar
British West Africa the former British territories of western Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Togo, Sierra Leone, and the Gold Coast
Greater London
British capital
capital of the United Kingdom
the capital and largest city of England, located on the Thames in southeastern England, financial and industrial and cultural center
Co-operative Republic of Guyana
British Guiana
a republic in northeastern South America, formerly part of the British Empire, but it achieved independence from the United Kingdom in
British people
the people of Great Britain
color bearer
the soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle
standard-bearer an outstanding leader of a political movement
monetary standard
the value behind the money in a monetary system
gold standard a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of gold
silver standard a monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined by a stated quantity of silver
British Imperial System
English system
British system
a system of weights and measures based on the foot and pound and second and pint
British capacity unit
Imperial capacity unit
a unit of measure for capacity officially adopted in the British Imperial System, British units are both dry and wet
standard a board measure board feet
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129 Bewertungen 4


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