
DIN Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Dinant n geol.
Dinantian (Series; Epoch)
Dinar m (Währung) fin.
serbischer Dinar RSD
dinar (currency)
Serbian dinar RSD
Dinariden pl geogr.
Silikastein m; Silicastein m; Dinasstein m (Keramik)
Silikasteine pl; Silicasteine pl; Dinassteine pl
silica brick (ceramics)
silica bricks; silica refractories
Diner n
formal dinner, luncheon
Diner n
formal dinner; luncheon
Hauptspeise f; Hauptgericht n geh.; Hauptgang m (Diner) cook.
Als Hauptspeise Hauptgang gab es Fisch.
main course; entree Am.; entrée Am.
We had fish for the main course as an entrée Am..
Vorspeise f cook.
Vorspeisen pl
zweite Vorspeise (Diner)
starter; appetizer; antipasto
starters; appetizers; antipastos
entrée Br. (formal dinner)
Hauptspeise f; Hauptgericht n geh.; Hauptgang m (Diner) cook.
Als Hauptspeise Hauptgang gab es Fisch.
main course; entree Am.; entrée Am.
We had fish for the main course as an entrée Am..
Vorspeise f cook.
Vorspeisen pl
zweite Vorspeise (Diner)
starter; appetizer; appetiser Br.; antipasto
starters; appetizers; appetisers; antipastos
entrée Br. (formal dinner)
Ding, Sache
Recht ein Ding zu ändern
right of altering a thing
Recht ein Ding zu benutzen
right of using a thing
Recht ein Ding zu veräußern
right of disposing of a thing
Recht ein Ding zu vernichten
right of destroying a thing
Dasein n, Wesen n, Ding n, Eigenheit f
Ding n, Sache f
Dinge pl, Sachen pl, Krempel m
Dinge für sich behalten
die Dinge laufen lassen
den Dingen auf den Grund gehen
beim augenblicklichen Stand der Dinge
das Ding an sich
über solchen Dingen stehen
to keep things to oneself
to let things slide
to get to the bottom of things
as things stand now, as things are now
the thing-in-itself
to be above such things
Ding n, Geschichte f
Ding n, Kniff m, Trick m
Dingsbums n, technisches Ding
Knüller m, Renner m, Hammer m ugs., tolles Ding
Produkt n, Ding n
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
nach etw.
jdm. her sein, etw.
jdn. suchen
Was suchst du denn?
Danach ist er her., Das sit das Ding, nach dem er sucht.
Sie ist nur hinter seinem Geld her.
to be after sth.
What are you after?
This is the thing, that he is after.
She is only after his money.
Das Ding ist gelaufen. ugs.
My goose is cooked. coll.
Dasein, Wesen, Ding, Eigenheit
Das Ding ist gelaufen.
my goose is cooked.
Das Ding ist gelaufen
my goose is cooked
jemandes Ding sein
be someone's thing
(seltsamer) Apparat m; Vorrichtung f; Ungetüm n; Ding n
Was ist denn das für ein seltsames Ding das du da in der Garage hast?
Die Leute fragten sich wie diese Vorrichtung funktionierte.
Whatever is that strange contraption you've got in the garage?
The people wondered how the contraption worked.
Ding n; Sache f
Dinge pl; Sachen pl; Krempel m
Dinge für sich behalten
die Dinge laufen lassen
den Dingen auf den Grund gehen
beim augenblicklichen Stand der Dinge
das Ding an sich
über solchen Dingen stehen
Er ist der Sache nicht ganz gewachsen.
to keep things to oneself
to let things slide
to get to the bottom of things
as things stand now; as things are now
the thing-in-itself
to be above such things
He is not really on top of things.
Ding n ugs. (Produkt) techn. econ.
widget coll.
Ding n; Kniff m; Trick m
Sache f; Angelegenheit f; Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge; wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung
eine reelle Sache; ein faires Geschäft
eine brenzlige Angelegenheit ugs.
die Angelegenheiten regeln
seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
gleich zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
Es ist Sache des Gerichts die Bedingungen festzulegen.
the point is
the matter itself; the thing itself; the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand; as it is
matter of mutual interest
a matter of relative importance
a square deal
a delicate matter
to arrange matters
to put one's affairs in order; to settle one's business
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.; to connive with sb.
to go into the matter
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to the point; to get to the point
to come straight to the point
to get down to brass tacks; to get down to the nitty-gritty coll.
to send things flying
It is for the Court to fix the terms.; The terms are a matter for the Court to fix.
(Frau Herr) Soundso; Ding n
Zwerg m; Winzling m; winziges Ding n
Mini-Nadel f
minikin (old-fashioned)
minikin needle
anlaufen; sich anlassen v (Ding)
anlaufend; sich anlassend
angelaufen; sich angelassen
Die Saison lief schlecht an.
to start off (thing)
starting off
started off
This season started off badly.
etw. bewerkstelligen; etw. zustande bringen; etw. zuwege bringen; etw. fertig bringen; etw. fertig bekommen ugs. v
bewerkstelligend; zustande bringend; zuwege bringend; fertig bringend; fertig bekommend
bewerkstelligt; zustande gebracht; zuwege gebracht; fertig gebracht; fertig bekommen
ein Ding drehen
die Sache schaukeln übtr.
Sie hat die Veranstaltung glänzend über die Bühne gebracht.
Es ist eine schwierige Rolle aber sie hat sie wunderbar gemeistert.
Sie kamen über ein 0:0 nicht hinaus. sport
to manage sth.; to bring sth. off
managing; bringing off
managed; brought off
to bring off a coup
to manage matters
She has managed to bring off the event brilliantly.
It's a difficult role to play but she brought it off beautifully.
They could only manage a 0-0 draw.
die Sache das Ding deichseln ugs. v
to wangle it coll.
junges Ding n; Fratz m pej.
chit (of a girl) (old-fashioned)
nach etw. jdm. her sein; etw. jdn. suchen
Was suchst du denn?
Danach ist er her.; Das ist das Ding nach dem er sucht.
Sie ist nur hinter seinem Geld her.
to be after sth. sb.
What are you after?
This is the thing that he is after.
She is only after his money.
durch etw. schneiden v (Ding)
durch Holz Metall schneiden
to cut through sth.; to knife through sth. (thing)
to cut knife through wood metal
Dingsbums n ugs.; (technisches) Ding n
gizmo; gismo coll.
(seltsamer) Apparat m; Vorrichtung f; Ungetüm n; Ding n
Was ist denn das für ein seltsames Ding, das du da in der Garage hast?
Die Leute fragten sich, wie diese Vorrichtung funktionierte.
Whatever is that strange contraption you've got in the garage?
The people wondered how the contraption worked.
Ding n; Sache f; Coup m slang (Einbruch, Ãœberfall)
job slang (burglary, robbery)
nicht jds. Fall sein, nicht jds. Stärke sein; nicht jds. Ding sein ugs.
Kampfspiele auf einem Mobilgerät sind nicht mein Fall.
Rechtschreibung war noch nie meine Stärke.
Sport ist einfach nicht mein Ding.
not to be sb.'s cup of tea; not to be sb.'s shtick Am.
Fighting games on a handheld are not my cup of tea my shtick.
Spelling has never been my cup of tea.
Sports are just not my schtick.
Sache f; Angelegenheit f; Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge; wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung
eine reelle Sache; ein faires Geschäft
eine brenzlige Angelegenheit ugs.
die Angelegenheiten regeln
seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen; sich gut halten
zur Sache kommen
gleich zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
Es ist Sache des Gerichts, die Bedingungen festzulegen.
the point is
the matter itself; the thing itself; the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand; as it is
matter of mutual interest
a matter of relative importance
a square deal
a delicate matter
to arrange matters
to put one's affairs in order; to settle one's business
to make common cause with sb.; to connive with sb.
to go into the matter
to do a good job
to acquit yourself well
to come to the point; to get to the point; to cut to the chase Am.
to come straight to the point; to cut right to the chase Am.
to get down to brass tacks; to get down to the nitty-gritty coll.
to send things flying
It is for the Court to fix the terms.; The terms are a matter for the Court to fix.
Zwerg m; Winzling m; winziges Ding n
Mini-Nadel f
minikin dated
minikin needle
anlaufen; sich anlassen v (Ding)
anlaufend; sich anlassend
angelaufen; sich angelassen
Die Saison lief schlecht an.
to start off (of a thing)
starting off
started off
This season started off badly.
etw. bedecken v (eine Decke bilden) (Ding)
Blätter bedeckten den Boden.
to cover sth.; to strew sth. poet. (of a thing)
covering; strewing
covered; strewn
Leaves strewed the ground.
etw. bewerkstelligen; etw. zustande bringen; etw. zuwege bringen; etw. fertig bringen; etw. fertig bekommen ugs. v
bewerkstelligend; zustande bringend; zuwege bringend; fertig bringend; fertig bekommend
bewerkstelligt; zustande gebracht; zuwege gebracht; fertig gebracht; fertig bekommen
ein Ding drehen
die Sache schaukeln übtr.
Sie hat die Veranstaltung glänzend über die Bühne gebracht.
Es ist eine schwierige Rolle, aber sie hat sie wunderbar gemeistert.
Sie kamen über ein 0:0 nicht hinaus. sport
to manage sth.; to bring sth. off
managing; bringing off
managed; brought off
to bring off a coup
to manage matters
She has managed to bring off the event brilliantly.
It's a difficult role to play, but she brought it off beautifully.
They could only manage a 0-0 draw.
junges Ding n; Fratz m pej.
chit (of a girl) dated
nach etw. jdm. her sein; etw. jdn. suchen v
Was suchst du denn?
Danach ist er her.; Das ist das Ding, nach dem er sucht.
Sie ist nur hinter seinem Geld her.
to be after sth. sb.
What are you after?
This is the thing, that he is after.
She is only after his money.
Dingbat n (typografisches Symbol)
Idiot m
dingbat slang
Stand der Dinge
stage of affairs
tatsächliche Lage, Stand der Dinge
actual state of affairs
Bedarf m
den Bedarf decken
den Bedarf decken von
bei Bedarf
bei dringendem Bedarf
Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs
einem Bedarf abhelfen
to supply the need
to satisfy the needs of
if needed, when required, as required, on request
in cases of urgent need
everyday necessities, basic necessities
to meet a need
der normale Gang der Dinge
the ordinary run of things
Maß n
Maße pl
Maße und Gewichte
nach Maß
das Maß aller Dinge übtr.
über alle Maßen
weights and measures
made to measure
the measure of all things
exceedingly, beyond all measure
Stand m
der (neueste) Stand der Technik
der Stand der Dinge
the state of the art, state-of-the-art
the state of affairs
Verdienst n, Leistung f
Verdienste pl, Leistungen pl
nach Leistung beurteilt
nach Lage der Dinge
judged on merit
on the merits of the case
derzeitig, gegenwärtig adj
der gegenwärtige Stand der Dinge
the actual situation
zu eine Entscheidung gedrängt werden
Dinge vorantreiben, Dinge beschleunigen
to hustle
to be hustled into a decision
to hustle things on, to hustle things along
geschehene Dinge
past events, things done
sich treiben lassen
die Dinge treiben lassen
to drift
to let things drift
unvergleichbare Dinge
unverrichteter Dinge
empty-handed, without having achieved anything
die Dinge auf sich zukommen lassen übtr.
to take things as they come

Deutsche DIN Synonyme

Englische Dinantian Synonyme

DIN Definition

Chazy epoch
() An epoch at the close of the Canadian period of the American Lower Silurian system
Cincinnati epoch
() An epoch at the close of the American lower Silurian system. The rocks are well developed near Cincinnati, Ohio. The group includes the Hudson River and Lorraine shales of New York.
(n.) A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event
(n.) A period of time, longer or shorter, remarkable for events of great subsequent influence
(n.) A division of time characterized by the prevalence of similar conditions of the earth
(n.) The date at which a planet or comet has a longitude or position.
(n.) An arbitrary fixed date, for which the elements used in computing the place of a planet, or other heavenly body, at any other date, are given
Genesee epoch
() The closing subdivision of the Hamilton period in the American Devonian system
Medina epoch
() A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.
(n.) A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order, and connected by a like relation
(n.) Any comprehensive group of animals or plants including several subordinate related groups.
(n.) An indefinite number of terms succeeding one another, each of which is derived from one or more of the preceding by a fixed law, called the law of the series

Dinantian (Series; Epoch) Bedeutung

series circuit a circuit having its parts connected serially
GI series diagnostic tests of the alimentary canal, usually involves inserting a contrast medium (such as barium sulfate) and taking an Xay
series (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions
power series the sum of terms containing successively higher integral powers of a variable
geometric series a geometric progression written as a sum
Fourier series the sum of a series of trigonometric expressions, used in the analysis of periodic functions
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
serial serial publication
a periodical that appears at scheduled times
a serialized set of programs, a comedy series, the Masterworks concert series
series (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams, the visiting team swept the series
World Series series that constitutes the playoff for the baseball championship, we watched the World Series on TV
electromotive series
electromotive force series
electrochemical series
a serial arrangement of metallic elements or ions according to their electrode potentials determined under specified conditions, the order shows the tendency of one metal to reduce the ions of any other metal below it in the series
series similar things placed in order or happening one after another, they were investigating a series of bank robberies
series a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection, the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers, his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies
exponential series a series derived from the expansion of an exponential expression
series (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other, the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors
scale scale of measurement
graduated table
ordered series
an ordered reference standard, judging on a scale of to
actinide series (chemistry) a series of radioactive elements with increasing atomic numbers from actinium to lawrencium
lanthanide series the rare-earth elements with atomic numbers through , having properties similar to lanthanum
methane series
alkane series
paraffin series
a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH(n)
Holocene epoch
Recent epoch
approximately the last , years
Pleistocene epoch
Glacial epoch
from two million to thousand years ago, extensive glaciation of the northern hemisphere, the time of human evolution
Pliocene epoch
from million to million years ago, growth of mountains, cooling of climate, more and larger mammals
Miocene epoch
from million to million years ago, appearance of grazing mammals
Oligocene epoch
frommillion to million years ago, appearance of sabertoothed cats
Eocene epoch
from million tomillion years ago, presence of modern mammals
Paleocene epoch
from million to million years ago, appearance of birds and earliest mammals
epoch a unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself divided into ages
a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
ice age
glacial period
glacial epoch
any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface, the most recent ice age was during the Pleistocene
epoch date of reference (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded
highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era, epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill, an epoch-making discovery
in series(p)
of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations, serial processing
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